I agree with O-Dub in general that when protesting you’ll be more effective if you, “Get a haircut. Wear a nice shirt. Carry a sign with a message that makes some kind of sense to an average American.” I’m sort of proud of the fact that every piece of B-roll I’ve ever seen myself in at a protest, it’s been in a coat and tie. Sometimes, especially if you’re marching, it gets hot.
Still, I don’t think that if the occupy Wall Street people were dressed to the nines, that they’d be taken particularly seriously. I mean, the Tea Party dress pretty silly, and still manage to mostly get glowing coverage since they’re protesting for the pro-wealthy, pro-corporate position. No, I’m afraid that as long as you’re pointing out that power maybe shouldn’t be concentrated in a few hands, the rest of your message is going to mostly be ignored, obscured, and fought.
So while I say, dress with a seriousness equal to your cause, also, try not to blame people for protesting differently. Especially when they’re generally right.
I don’t know how to change minds on Wall Street — I’m not sure you can — but if you want to spring someone from a jail in Iran, get Sean Penn and Hugo Chavez working on your behalf.
“U.S. actor Sean Penn engaged in attempts to secure the release of two Americans freed by Iran this week, flying to Venezuela to ask President Hugo Chavez to intervene with Iran’s leader, a source close to the release process said Friday.
“Since Tehran freed Josh Fattal and Shane Bauer on Wednesday details have emerged about the efforts to win their freedom, which involved the United Nations, Iraq and Oman — as well as Chavez, who is a fiery critic of the United States.
“Venezuela’s deputy foreign minister told Reuters on Thursday that Chavez brought up the case with his Iranian ally Mahmoud Ahmadinejad after being alerted to the Americans’ plight by friends in U.S. ‘intellectual circles.’
“‘The American “intellectual” who took up the case with him was Sean Penn,’ the source told Reuters.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Well, you know what’ll happen now. The wingnuts will say the Iranians should have shot those hikers. If you take help from the likes of Penn and Chavez, that makes you an enemy of America.
“Penn was very committed to the case … He flew to Caracas several months ago to raise it with Chavez and he kept on it,” the source said.
I don’t know how to change minds on Wall Street — I’m not sure you can — but if you want to spring someone from a jail in Iran, get Sean Penn and Hugo Chavez working on your behalf.
“U.S. actor Sean Penn engaged in attempts to secure the release of two Americans freed by Iran this week, flying to Venezuela to ask President Hugo Chavez to intervene with Iran’s leader, a source close to the release process said Friday.
“Since Tehran freed Josh Fattal and Shane Bauer on Wednesday details have emerged about the efforts to win their freedom, which involved the United Nations, Iraq and Oman — as well as Chavez, who is a fiery critic of the United States.
“Venezuela’s deputy foreign minister told Reuters on Thursday that Chavez brought up the case with his Iranian ally Mahmoud Ahmadinejad after being alerted to the Americans’ plight by friends in U.S. ‘intellectual circles.’
“‘The American “intellectual” who took up the case with him was Sean Penn,’ the source told Reuters. ‘Penn was very committed to the case … He flew to Caracas several months ago to raise it with Chavez and he kept on it,’ the source said.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Well, you know what’ll happen now. The wingnuts will say the Iranians should have shot those hikers. If you take help from the likes of Penn and Chavez, that makes you an enemy of America.
Perfect example of degenerate right wing thinking. Some right wing moron, somewhere (most likely at Free Republic) will almost certainly come to that conclusion.
The babblings of two leftist morons.
No where will anything like that be found!
It’d be a hoot if dopey teahadist men took rally dressing tips from Rudy Giuliani.
Paying special attention of course to Rudy’s makeup and hosiery strategm.
@4 “No where will anything like that be found!”
“Should have chopped their heads off, anyone dumb enough to go ‘hiking’ in Iran should be killed.”
“by CaughtaLiteSneeze
Posted Wed, 09/21/2011 – 9:38am”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Took me about 30 seconds to find one.
“they should have got shot for being stupid.”
There are more comments like these out there, but I’ve made my point. And once again, puddydope comes off looking, well, like a dope.
Good old Freepers.
@8 Oman paid the bail, and as I remember, it was 500G’s apiece, so Iran got $1 million. Which got me thinking. Oman is a tiny country of 3.6 million people on the tip of the Arabian Peninsula “with limited oil reserves. Other sources of income … are small in comparison and count for less than 1% of the country’s exports ….” (Wikipedia)
So why would Oman pay $1 million to bail a couple of American tourists out of an Iranian jail? The answer may lie here:
“Oman … has long-standing military and political ties with the United Kingdom and United States ….” (Wikipedia)
It isn’t hard to imagine Oman funneling American money to Iran? But if the families don’t have that kind of money, who does? Well, the CIA for one, and if these guys were working for the U.S. government the CIA wouldn’t hesitate to buy them back from the Iranians. I’m not saying they weren’t tourists on a hike, I’m merely thinking that a couple of rookie agents who bungled a mission are worth a lot more to our government than a couple of hippie hikers.
In which case the Freepers REALLY look stupid, because they’re saying the CIA shouldn’t retrieve our agents when they fall into enemy hands.
So let’s say those guys are incredibly brave spies who risked their lives to get some HUMINT on, say, Iran’s uranium enrichment program. And Freepers are calling them girlie-men and pansies and so on. Which is a pretty nasty way to talk about our spies from the well-fed warmth and safety of their living room computer console. What does that make the Freepers?
Of course, we never hear about CIA missions that are successful, so we can safely assume that if these guys were working for the U.S. government they didn’t get the information they were looking for. Maybe we’ll find out what it was when a mushroom cloud goes up above the San Diego container docks.
13 The ghost rider in the sky.
According to a reader poll conducted by The Economist, a conservative U.K.-based pro-business news/opinion publication, 81% of respondents think Rick Perry’s presidential campaign is in decline.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Almost from the beginning my gut instinct was that Perry won’t be the nominee. He was positively lame in last night’s debate. He’s in deep shit with senior voters and his backpedaling from positions he took in a recently-published book will make him look like a weasel to thoughtful independents. It’s painfully obvious Perry wasn’t endowed with brains; and Romney clearly is the more polished and skilled candidate. I think the GOP’s poobahs want to win badly enough that they’ll stick with the safer choice, Mittens.
Not long ago, the Troll With No Name (see #13) made fun of climate change by harping on an allegedly concocted scientific report about some polar bears. Then along comes this:
“ON SEPTEMBER 9th, at the height of its summertime shrinkage, … there is probably less ice floating on the Arctic Ocean now than at any time since … the last ice age.”
“That Arctic sea ice is disappearing has been known for decades. The underlying cause is believed by all but a handful of climatologists to be global warming brought about by greenhouse-gas emissions.
“Yet the rate the ice is vanishing confounds these climatologists’ models. These predict that if the level of carbon dioxide, methane and so on in the atmosphere continues to rise, then the Arctic Ocean will be free of floating summer ice by the end of the century. At current rates of shrinkage, by contrast, this looks likely to happen some time between 2020 and 2050.”
Note: There’s a nice photo of a polar bear in this article.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Now it’s my turn to mock willfully ignorant hacks who make sport of serious science. These ghost riders make flat-earthers look reasonable. I don’t care what they choose to believe, but I don’t want them taking the rest of us down with them. They should go find their own planet to fuck up and leave ours alone.
Okay, so we may be only 9 years away from an ice-free summertime Arctic Ocean. (Wanna guess where all that ice will go? And what that will do to the sea level?) Let’s see the anti-science freaks deny global warming when satellite photos show open water all the way from Alaska to Siberia.
The disappearance of the ice is child’s play compared to what will happen when the permafrost melts and the Artic’s frozen methane is released into the atmosphere.
@6&7 Roger DOPEY Rabbit found two fools who made stupid comments on leftist blog sites.
His DOPEY problem is there is no proof these people are conservatives. In fact the commentators speak things leftists despise.
or this one
All from Roger DOPEY Rabbit sourced material above!
EPIC FAYLE Roger DOPEY Rabbit! You should have went to bed early!
PuddyCommentary: Lately the DOPEY Rabbit has stopped doing the basic things he would have done 12 months ago, like FACT CHECK his sources. This demonstrates his need for medical help as his mind is a terrible thing.
Oh really Roger DOPEY Rabbit. So by extension, this was a bungled CIA activity under Barack ObamAA+’s sadministration!
Thanks for clarifying how Barack ObamAA+’s sadministration used Oman as the intermediary. Sometimes Roger DOPEY Rabbit is lucid and Roger DOPEY Rabbit writes the truth about Barack ObamAA+’s sadministration actions even as a DUMMOCRAPTIC hack!
@17, 18
The amount of water in the Arctic cap is small compared to either Antarctica or Greenland, both of which are melting as well. When those go – that’s when the shit hits the fan.
From here, I learned that the Arctic sea ice is on average 2-3 meters thick, though in places 4-5 meters, while Antarctic sea ice is only 1-2 meters thick.
However, Greenland is 1-2 kilometers thick and the Antarctic Ice sheet (over land, as opposed to sea ice) is similarly thick, or thicker. The Greenland sheet contains about 3 million cubic kilometers of water, and the Antarctic 30 million. Melting the entirety of Greenland will yield a 7 meter rise, and the Antarctic 70 meters.
I’ll be living on Queen Anne Island – check this out:
.Zoom in to Seattle and set the rise to 60m (the maximum). Lakes Washington and Sammamish are now part of Puget Sound, and fjords runs all the way inland to Gold Bar, and Snoqualmie and Orting!!
Wow, idiotpud is spinning furiously.
No way there can be any hate or stupidity from the right about the ‘failure of personal responsibility’ on the part of the hikers – it’s all obviously Obama’s fault.
So tiresome, so transparent.
Once a gain another dirrheal stain is left by Lib UNScientist
Where did you pull this from? YOUR ASS?I would concede Roger DOPEY Rabbit’s point if he went to a right leaning site and submitted items. He went to two left sites and proffered these as “evidence”.
He was rejected just like you are now!So Stupid all the time!
The latest in serial arschloch plagiarizer attempts at “look at me look at me”!
16 times you placed feckless material on this blog from the crazed HA databaze.
16 times you FAYLED!
Also Lib UnScientist,
This blog has a long history of blaming it on Boooooosh! Michael tried with Solyndra. So if they were CIA operatives and they were there in JUly 2009, it’s of course Booooooooooosh’s fault!
More REAL leftist hate in action Lib UNScientist… This can be found anywhere any day at any time!
Sounds like a minor arthropod.. Long extinct of course.
27 – Got it!
It’s this:
A lower form of that anyway…
I read pud’s links, so the community at large doesn’t have to…
The source of his apoplectic, self-righteous horror? Somebody identified Sarah Palin accurately, to her grifting daughter:
A patron at a West Hollywood bar, laughing at Palin after she fell off the mechanical bull…
Palin the Younger retorts with great class and poise:
[Ed: Remember, this is a cowboy-themed bar in West Hollywood – might young Bristol be invading this guys turf?]
This next:
Bristol has functioning Gaydar!!
At this point the patron makes another of what appears to be an accurate assessment:
Sounds about right.
See the hate from Lib UnScientist @29? It’s not conservatives that hate. We have our own example right here, front and center!
Do I loath Sarah Palin and all she stands for?
Damn right.
Is Bristol, too, an object of scorn?
(Pud, I don’t think that you are scoring the points that you think you are with this.)
Similarly, I detest Republicans and the wanton destruction they’ve perpetrated on our country and the world.
I could go on…