1. relentlessly prosecutes whistleblowers that presume to try to hold MOTU accountable
2. handed the health insurance companies our collective heads on a silver platter (hello individual mandate – and yes he could have included a public option but didn’t want to cause that would upset big money corporate interests)
3. extended the Bush tax cuts for the super wealthy (should now be called the Obama tax cuts for the super wealthy)
4. continued the Bush warrantless wire-tapping polices (hello Big Brother)
5. Working hard to start the process of dismantling Social Security (appointing Bowles and Simpson to a deficit reduction committee, inserts social security ‘reforms’ into any budget negotiation at every opportunity)
6. signed off on legislation that strengthens and codifies limits to abortion access (thank you health care ‘reform’)
7. Working hard to start dismantling Medicare (lets raise the eligibility age to 67 even though it will cost the program more money)
8. started war in Libya (and don’t go bragging about how we ‘won’ the war. We won in Irag too, remember? This war was all about taking care of big oil.
8. Continues to work hard at preventing any of the banksters from being held responsible for their criminal acts and destruction of millions of people’s financial lives.
9. Made sure that no member of the Bush administration were held accountable for any of their blatantly illegal and immoral acts.
9. Didn’t close Quantanmo
10. Gave away trillions of dollars of national wealth to banksters, watered down financial reform legislation that would work prevent them from future plundering of the nation
11. supports right wing economic sabotage by pursuing and repeating right wing talking points about how deficit are the biggest ecnomic priority, blah blah blah despite mass unemployment and a stagnating economy
12. done nothing to support unions
13. Hired Larry (wrong about everything) Summers and Tim (tax-cheat) Geitner. ‘Nuff said on that.
14 – ad infintum. Etc.
(this list is just off the top of my head…)
The guy is a corporatist hack. Its all about taking care of major donors. To the rest of the little people, he tell us to stfu and eat cake.
Hey I’m trying to find any way I can to NOT vote for Obama but the opposition is making it too hard.
I know, we are screwed. But I get frustrated with all the Obama rationalizers and excuse makers. I don’t want a republican president but I fear we have one in BO (circa 1980s republicanism). If 2012 goes republican, maybe the dems will at least feel an obligation to defend popular liberal programs, like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, instead of being conflicted about whether to oppose the president or not when he goes after these programs.
It is unfortunate that history is simultaneously linear and circular. As we enter a new feudal age, the ruling elite have access to extremely advanced technology for tracking each and every individual who might be problematical to them.
The success of Iraqi and Afgani resisters (whatever you may think of them) may be the universal blueprint for the common man’s worldwide future struggle for freedom from the corporate borg.
What is best in life? To crush your enemies -- See them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their womenspews:
15. Added $4 trillion more to the debt(in only 2 1/2 years even)
What is best in life? To crush your enemies -- See them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their womenspews:
dump all the corporate hacks and hire Ron Paul…he’s about the only guy hated by both parties, and that in itself is a strong reason to vote his way.
Gee, a lot of Democrats stayed home in the 2010 elections because they wanted to register their dissapointment that Obama wasn’t being more liberal.
How did that work out for them? Republican control of the House allowed them to block all economic stimulus measures and take active steps to de-rail the American economy for pure partison advantage. It allowed them to continue tax cuts for the rich beyond their planned expiration date. It forced punitive budget cuts to be incurred by the poorest members of society in exchange for an empty promise not to ruin America’s credit rating.
I think Obama should be less the celbreal professor, and more of the “Give ’em Hell, Harry!” type of president right now. But in all fairness, he can’t do much if we don’t give him the backing he needs.
What is best in life? To crush your enemies -- See them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their womenspews:
and your excuse for first two years of obama and the D’s in complete control would be?
Here’s an example of why I’m finding it hard to support Obama (while at the same time the batshit insane right wing 99 percent of the time makes it too damn easy):
Well gay activists like him have been a hell of lot more successful getting in the face of the Obama administration and Obama HIMSELF to make him do something about their issues.
Progressives would do themselves a lot of favors if they did the same. Maybe this protest over the tar sands pipeline is a beginning of sorts that the Obama administration is determined to block before it gains momentum and distracts from the re-election campaign.
and your excuse for first two years of obama and the D’s in complete control would be?
** Mistakenly believing that the Congressional GOP was interested in working together to resolve the nation’s problems
** Mistakenly believing that the Congressional GOP loved America and would prefer to get out of the ditch than to obsessively attack the President
** Mistakenly believing that, for Republicans in Congress and statehouses and the media, patriotism outweighs racism. That keeping the USA strong outweighs trying to make the current government fail.
Yes, Obama is/was naive in holding out the possibility that Republicans care in the slightest about America. I wish he hadn’t continued to try to deal with the GOP as adult human beings.
Puddybud, traveling again visiting great American citiesspews:
Gee, a lot of Democrats stayed home in the 2010 elections because they wanted to register their dissapointment that Obama wasn’t being more liberal.
The 18-29 year olds were the group who stayed home Cass Sunstein’s faithful malleable idiot rhp6033!
No jobs
No hope
No change
No future
No truth
Obummer ran a presidential campaign full of “promises” and Obummer failed to deliver. Where are the jobs? He focused on his buds and cronies who got him erected.
Obummer promised change the atmosphere. Obummer made it worse. He said we have health care under control we don’t need Republican input. Wanna see the links again? He pushed his Porkulus bills for shovel ready jobs and then tells everyone there were no shovel ready jobs.
Obummer promised more jobs. More than half million jobs lost since the recession ended in June ’09. Encouraging numbers!
Then he takes expensive vacations. Bush may have taken vacation days but Bush’s were at his ranch, not at the ritzy expensive locations of Obummer.
So because Obama adopted republican policies (which invariably did not help the well-being of 80% of the electorate) democrats are blamed for being discouraged? Its like extortion: “Dude, vote for me and my corporate/republican agenda, or you’ll get someone elected president who is gonna do real harm to you and your family.” These are our choices? Between really really bad and even worse? Our country can’t survive much longer as a democracy when at the national level big corporate interests control both parties. At some point you got to say enough, I’m not gonna vote for the lesser of 2 evils because either way you end up with something evil. National democratic politicians seem to only listen to 2 things – fat campaign contributions and the possibility that people will get so disgusted they’ll either sit out or vote another candidate. As to the latter, they think they can manage that threat with spin and fear-mongering over republican extremism. I dunno, maybe they can. But for what it is worth, I’ve voted democratic my whole voting life, and I’ve voted in every election since turning 18 (I’m 47). This time, though I’m really considering voting for a third party, anybody to the left of Obama and the republican whack jobs. The dems didn’t get the message in 2010, if they lose in 2012, maybe they will. Probably not, but at this point I don’t know what else to do. Continuing on this corporate plutocracy path will lead to a kind of American fascism.
Puddybud, traveling again visiting great American citiesspews:
But for what it is worth, I’ve voted democratic my whole voting life, and I’ve voted in every election since turning 18 (I’m 47).
So screed you are called a yellow dog DUMMOCRAPT!
yel·low-dog dem·o·crat – Noun
A diehard Democrat, who will vote for any Democratic candidate, regardless of the candidate’s personal qualities.
MANY MANY MORE VACATION DAYS up to this point in the presidency right wing liar..
Obama’s in Martha’s Vineyard right? Clinton went there too. OH YEAH Clinton had even FEWER vacations days to this point.
You failed again you moronic right wing tool!
# 9: “and your excuse for first two years of obama and the D’s in complete control would be?”
(1) The Bush administration did far more damage to the American economy than could be cleaned up in a couple of years; and
(2) The Republican filibuster (i.e., “hold” in modern usage) required the Democrats to not only have a majority in the Senate, but two-thirds control (which they missed by one).
# 14: At this point, being a Republican candidate is reason enough not to vote for the Republican alternative. The days of “moderate Republicans” are long gone.
Heck, the current crop of Republicans is even making Ronald Reagan look like a moderate intellectual!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 Why is it necessary to make excuses? The Bush Depression didn’t turn into another Great Depression. Does that require an apology?
Let’s review the list of the primary accomplishments of Republican presidents in my lifetime:
Richard Nixon – Claimed he had a “secret plan” to end the Vietnam War, then expanded it to Cambodia and Laos (ensuring their collapse to Communism within a few years as well), then got out by signing a peace treaty which was pretty much the same terms offered by the N. Vietnamese in 1968; presided over a period of inflation and stagnant growth 1970-73; approved illegal activities against his political opponants and tried to cover them up, resulting in his resignation in the face of certain impeachment.
Gerald Ford – Oversaw a rescession which started during Nixon’s presidency, the ultimate collapse of S. Vietnam and Cambodia and Laos to the Communists; tried to counter inflation by encouring everyone to wear “WIN” buttons (“Whip Inflation Now”), pardoned his predecessor and the man who appointed him vice-president.
Ronald Reagan – Traded arms to Iran for hostages held in Lebanon while denying he did so (causing more Americans to be held hostage); sent Marines into an indefensable position of holding an airport at Beirut but not the surrounding city resulting in 200+ American casualties; conducted a secret war in Guatamala against Nicaragua; initiated tax cuts which nearly tripled the national debt after campaigning against the budget deficit.
George H. W. Bush – Encouraged the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait by sending mixed diplomatic messages hinting that the U.S. might not support Kuwait; had to be talked into intervening by Margaret Thatcher, then took credit for the victory; refused to recognize that the American economy was slipping into a deep rescession even while it was apparant to everyone else.
George W. Bush – Ignored warnings of an impending terrorist attack against America; used the disaster of 9/11 to initiate the most extreme intrusions in liberty since the Alien and Sedition Acts, including warrentless wiretaps, foreign rendition without trial or due process, indefinate detainment without trial, suspension of habeous corpus, etc.; relaxed the government’s oversight and regulatory functions of financial market resulting in the biggest economic collapse since the Great Depression; initiated an invasion of Iraq to seize WMD’s which didn’t exist, and to capture Al Quida terrorists which were never there; cut taxes in a time of war resulting in a budget surplus turning into a trillion + -dollar + deficit in only eight years.
Yep, under the circumstances, I’ll take my chances with a Democrat, even if I don’t like everything he does. What the Republicans have taught us is that it really does matter who is President of the United States.
Doesn’t mean a hill of beans for anything you care about. Doesn’t mean they’re going to start showing up in conservative churches or Tea Party rallies. They still overwhelmingly support gay marriage and don’t by the corporatist crap about global warming not existing. When 2012 comes around they’ll either sit it out or vote for Obama.
Its like extortion: “Dude, vote for me and my corporate/republican agenda, or you’ll get someone elected president who is gonna do real harm to you and your family.”
It’s not “like extortion.” It is extortion.
I’m not gonna vote for the lesser of 2 evils because either way you end up with something evil.
So screed you are called a yellow dog DUMMOCRAPT!
He’s not any more.
Puddybud, traveling again visiting great American citiesspews:
Bush may have taken vacation days but Bush’s were at his ranch, not at the ritzy expensive locations of Obummer.
You missed again you miserable twit arschloch! So much of an arschloch 24×7. I succeeded as always!
So to put into perspective because you are all arschloch from Daily Kooks:
At a bare minimum, for the flights alone, Bush’s 77 vacation trips to Crawford cost us $226,072 per trip. That’s $17,407,544 so he could ride his bicycle in the woods and clear brush for the cameras.
Yeah, Kooks that was over 8 years. Obummer gang will eclipse that at the rate they are going.
Puddybud, traveling again visiting great American citiesspews:
Puddybud, traveling again visiting great American citiesspews:
Can’t, Republican’s cut their budget so much that the home had to be closed.
Puddybud, traveling again visiting great American citiesspews:
Ahhh yes Cass Sunsteins mallable useful idiot Homer Simpson rhp6033 has made another whopper
(1) The Bush administration did far more damage to the American economy than could be cleaned up in a couple of years;
Golly rhp6033 you can sure tell them…
From 2001 – 2006 the economy was doing great. Then the DUMMOCRAPTS took over the purse strings and then things went to shit in 2007. Go to the US Gov numbas Homer!
January 2007 Pelosi screams about Big Oil. January WA State average $2.71. in WA State alone by May 2007 prices escalated by 70 cents. Again US Gov numbas.
June 2008 Obummer on campaign trail screaming about Bush debt. Well now we see Obummer has created almost the same debt in much shorter time.
June 2008 Obummer on campaign trail screaming about Bush debt. Well now we see Obummer has created almost the same debt in much shorter time.
McCain would probably done about the same, except McCain would have tried to keep as much of the money as possible “off book” like W did and the money would have gone into his buddies pockets instead of Obama’s buddies pockets.
Both choices for president in ’08 were for corporatist insiders, after all.
@7 wrote, “Ron Paul…he’s about the only guy hated by both parties, and that in itself is a strong reason to vote his way.”
If being hated by both parties is such a compelling reason to vote for someone, you could always consider a write-in for Gaddafi.I hear he may be available soon.
Puddy. It’s official. You’re a moron. Anyone who compares Bush’s going into debt and Obama going into debt is a moron. There was no reason for Bush to go into debt. None. Nada. Zip. Obama, for all I dislike him, has largely been credited with avoiding a depression by taking the actions he did. Which required going into debt.
Only a moron wouldn’t get that.
I’m pretty sure many of the corporates would love the deregulation that came with a Ron Paul presidency. Me? I like being able to breathe clean air, hike in forests that haven’t been reduced to clear cuts, and not have to worry about my toaster catching my house on fire. So, I’ll take a pass on Ron Paul.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@22 What’s wrong with government not allowing cheapskate employers to make workers sleep on the ground in open fields?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@32 I’ll take a pass on Ron Paul for the same reasons and add one of my own: The guy’s an idiot.
“Paul believes that the country could abolish the individual income tax by scaling back federal spending to its fiscal year 2000 levels; financing government operations would be primarily by the corporate income tax, excise taxes and tariffs.”
(Quoted from Wikipedia)
Oh, and don’t even get me started on the moronic “logic” of magic dates–as if the whole fucking world hits “reset” on January 20 every 4 years. Or magic numbers–as if a one-person majority of Democrats (sort of) in the Senate–who didn’t enact a single piece of controversial economic legislation– magically turned a bustling economy into a recession.
You have to be a moron to believe crap like that.
@33 – Easy for you to say. You have a nice, warm, dry hole to duck into.
Puddybud, traveling again visiting great American citiesspews:
Glad you showed up. After all, the two wars y’all screamed about since this blog began happened in Bush’s tenure. So too did the tax cuts and the Medicare Part D program the arschloch screamed with other libtardos here. So there is a lot of Bush’s debt. Also the DUMMOCRAPTS who took over the last two years holding the purse strings.
Obama, for all I dislike him, has largely been credited with avoiding a depression by taking the actions he did. Which required going into debt.
Now this depression everyone is claiming Obummer didn’t allow to happen. Maybe so. If he spent the money for real projects and not to prop up his union buddies things would have been better. But we were promised
1) Shovel ready projects – Hmmm… Oops there weren’t any shovel ready projects
2) Unemployment would not break 8% – Hmmm… Oops there too
3) We would create 100,000s of thousands jobs a month – Hmmm… until last month the average private sector job growth from the passage of Obummer care to last month was 6,500 jobs a month… pathetic.
4) In early June 2011 Obummer stops getting economic briefings? Why? They sucked!
5) He focused on ObummerCare while the economy kept tanking
6) We have chronic unemployment. People have stopped looking for jobs. Jobs by the millions promised by Obummer and BiteMe in 2009. Teen unemployment @ 24 percent and over 14 million Americans are looking for work. And you call that staving off a depression?
7) He elevates Jeffrey Immelt as his latest Jobs CZAR
Apparently nwgal, you’ve been drinking kook aid!
Now wait for it… correctnotright will call it all lies.
Cass Sunstein’s favorite Homer Simpson idiot will magically appear with something useless.
The HA arschloch will scamper about with nothing to say.
Good ol’ misogynist rujax will copy my whole comment and place a stupid sentence after it.
Roger Dumb Rabbit will go nuts from the truths!
Puddy, once again, makes up shit: “Yeah, Kooks that was over 8 years. Obummer gang will eclipse that at the rate they are going.”
Um, no. Obama’s way behind Bush in vacation days. According to Factcheck.org, Obama spent 26 days on vacation in his first year. Bush, on the other hand, spent 69 days in his first year. An updated report put Bush at 96 days in his first 1 1/2 years; while Obama lagged far behind at 36.
Which proves that you’re not just a moron, but a lying moron.
Puddybud, traveling again visiting great American citiesspews:
Um, no. Obama’s way behind Bush in vacation days. According to Factcheck.org, Obama spent 26 days on vacation in his first year. Bush, on the other hand, spent 69 days in his first year
Do you actually read nwgal?
I was comparing expensiveness of Obummer’s vacations to Bush’s.
You just proved how much of a dipshit idiot you are. Prove to me where the lies are. What I said was
Bush may have taken vacation days but Bush’s were at his ranch, not at the ritzy expensive locations of Obummer.
I then placed a link which you never read!
Expensive massages, top shelf vodka and five-star hotels: First Lady accused of spending $10m in public money on her vacations
So when you learn to read come back and we’ll discuss FACTS!
So nwgal are you the latest in headless lucy wear or a liberal unscientist doppelganger?
“If he spent the money for real projects and not to prop up his union buddies things would have been better.”
Dumbass partisan rhetoric is not the same as making a point. There’s nothing there to refute, as there isn’t a coherent claim buried in all your blather (which is true of most of your post).
“1) Shovel ready projects – Hmmm… Oops there weren’t any shovel ready projects”
Bullshit. The records beg to differ.
6. “Teen unemployment @ 24 percent and over 14 million Americans are looking for work. And you call that staving off a depression?”
No, actually, I don’t make the definitions. Economists do. And, according to economists, Obama staved off a depression–one we were headed straight toward as a result of failed dumbass Republican economic policies.
Sorry, moron. You quote an article that uses the National Enquirer as a source and you call that evidence?
Jeesus. When you quote a real article with real sources who put up real numbers comparing Bush’s and Obama’s vacations, then I’ll consider your claim. But your link, just like your rhetoric, is full of shit.
My goodness. Puddy sure had his BIG FAT ASS handed to him by nwgal tonight.
Puddybud, traveling again visiting great American citiesspews:
Sorry, moron. You quote an article that uses the National Enquirer as a source and you call that evidence?
Well first off we can see above you can’t read. Your first post claimed I was comparing Obummer vacation days to Bush vacation days. Then when caught in that deceitful web you try another train derailment. Exactly wrong again nwgal. Then if you click the link I placed in your own useless words, even the NY Times wrote: The National Enquirer Earns Some Respect
The call came into The National Enquirer’s Los Angeles tip line — the kind advertised in the supermarket tabloid with the promise “We’ll Pay Big for Your Celebrity Gossip” — in late September 2007. The message was that a woman named Rielle Hunter had been hinting at an affair with John Edwards, then a candidate for president.
Within an hour, the tip was on the desk of Barry Levine, The Enquirer’s executive editor in New York. His readers didn’t care about politics for politics’ sake, not as long as there were rocky Hollywood marriages to be covered and celebrity cellulite photos to be snapped. But Mr. Levine was intrigued when he looked up Mr. Edwards on Google and found a poll saying that the candidate and his wife, Elizabeth, had one of the most admired marriages of all the candidates.
EPIC FAIL! Even the leftists favorite loony leftist fish wrapper admits something completely missed by nwgal.
Who blew up John Edwards cheating ways? You know… the first choice for president of Roger Dumb Rabbit and the HA crazed databaze arschloch in 2008? Remember the libtardo lamestream media tried to ignore it for months. They did produce a cute baby. Now Edwards is in a legal shitstorm over it. National Enquirer
Who blew up Jesse Jackson’s cheating ways? National Enquirer Remember the libtardo lamestream media tried to ignore it for months. “Stay out of the Bushes” was the Jackson motto but he couldn’t stay out of Karen Stanford’s bush eh nwgal?
Who blew up Tiger Woods cheating ways? National Enquirer
Who blew up Al Gore cheating on Tipper? National Enquirer
Who blew up CHRIS HANSEN of NBC’s “To Catch a Predator” fame cheating ways? National Enquirer
Seems nwgal has an EPIC FAIL! It really sucks to be so wrong for so long!
– An absolutely useless response to the facts of #37 because Obummer said himself“No Such Thing as Shovel-Ready Projects” KABLAMMO
“Her” second attampt was “her” failure at #6. Problem is only the whitey house was making noise about a depression. You’ve been reading too much Daily Kooks!KABLAMMO again!
– And now this FACT filled post.
Puddy sure had his BIG FAT ASS handed to him by nwgal tonight.
And it seems perfesser Darryl forgets to research something before making another of his useless claims! Reminds me of his lack of real Friday Night News each week! I pity the poor UW kids this fall!
ROTFLMBBAO at both of them!
Puddybud, traveling again visiting great American citiesspews:
Above the HA crazed databaze arschloch wrote
we’ll discuss my right wing LIES!
First time in a long time the arschloch wrote something truthful!
Thanks for the clarity arschloch. I dedicated a lot of blog entries to your right wing LIES!
Wait for it… Pavlov predicts it. You’ll see it and know it.
Puddybud, traveling again visiting great American citiesspews:
Well Noriel Roubini did claim in 2008 “We are in a recession, and denying it is nonsense.” And it’s not over. It’s going to be the “worst since the Great Depression.”
But nwgal this was before Obummer took the whitey house and in June 2009 economists claimed the recession was OVER!
Now this year nwgal, Debbie Wasserman Schultz said this was Obummer’s economy! Unfortunately Art The Fart didn’t get the memo because he wanted to know who were Wasserman and Schultz!
Damn that was funny!
Puddybud, traveling again visiting great American citiesspews:
I forgot to address the first “claim” of the “gal”
“If he spent the money for real projects and not to prop up his union buddies things would have been better.”
Dumbass partisan rhetoric is not the same as making a point. There’s nothing there to refute, as there isn’t a coherent claim buried in all your blather (which is true of most of your post).
A new investigation by the Government Accountability Office finds taxpayers are getting ripped off to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars by companies that received tens of billions of stimulus funds.
At least 3,700 contract and grant recipients of the government’s 2009 effort to stimulate the economy owe more than $750 million in unpaid federal taxes.
Now we know from previous posts those companies were friends of DUMMOCRAPTS. You can ask the HA arschloch for the previous links from us whom think right!
Did you forget Mike McGinn bragged Seattle won $20 million in a federal grant to invest in weatherization to create 2,000 living-wage jobs in Seattle by retrofitting 2,000 homes in poorer neighborhoods?
Well as of August 14th 2011, only three homes had been retrofitted and just 14 new jobs have emerged from the program. Are those non-union jobs?
An investigation by ABC News and the Investigative Reporting Workshop found that 79 percent of the program’s money has gone to foreign companies, money that Schumer said was “federal tax dollars, the stimulus, which was sold as jobs in America.”
Were those union or non-union jobs nwgal?
So much for you cry me a river rant above. The facts just don’t match your rhetoric!
Puddybud, traveling again visiting great American citiesspews:
And lastly this morning…
nwgal didn’t have any response for Post #37, Points 2-5 & 7. We know why. “She” couldn’t find anything in the ‘Nets to use.
Well did “she” post any links above?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@36 re @33: Did you miss the word “not” in my comment? =;-O<
Roger Rabbitspews:
@37 Geez, putz, have you been taking the reality pills your shrink prescribed for you? You actually made sense for a few sentences, before you lapsed back into hallucinations.
“Roger Dumb Rabbit will go nuts”
I’m trying not to, but lucidity from you is such a rare occurrence, I can barely refrain from responding with a “Breaking News — Puddy Has A Lucid Moment!” headline — bolded, too.
Okay, so you’ve just iterated a lot of the beefs we progressives have with the fake Democrat sitting in the White House. Perhaps you’re just noticing it, puddinghead, but we’ve been aware of it for quite a while — we’re in quite a quandary: We’re going to be forced to choose next year between a fake Democrat or a real Republican. The best we can hope for is that re-electing the fake Democrat will get on your nerves enough to provide us with some visceral satisfaction, because we’re not going to get much else from this president.
What I don’t understand, putterbrain, is why you aren’t celebrating the fact Karl Rove succeeding in planting one of his moles in the White House, just when we thought we had won?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@39 “I was comparing expensiveness of Obummer’s vacations to Bush’s.”
Any idiot can cut brush, but it takes a little coordination to play a round of golf in one weekend.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@44 Last time I saw him, puddy looked so skinny I wondered if his gal friend was feedig him.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@44 Last time I saw him, puddy looked so skinny I wondered if his gal friend was feedig him.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@44 Last time I saw him, puddy looked so skinny I wondered if his gal friend was feedig him.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@44 Last time I saw him, puddy looked so skinny I wondered if his gal friend was feedig him.
I also wondered where he found the gal friend. I mean, who would have him?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@47 Listen, dumbshit, there’s a technical definition of “recession” that everybody uses. If you have issues with it, then talk to the people in charge of the definition.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The stock market continues to whipsaw investors. An hour after the opening bell the Dow is down about 120 points (it was down 172 points earlier). The $5 billion that Warren Buffet just flung at Bank of America couldn’t save the market today. And gold is off another 20 bucks today; people who rushed into $1,800 gold are getting their butts burned! Apple is down 6 bucks and change (1.65%), a rather mild response to Steve Jobs’ resignation. My guess is Jobs is short for this world.
Irv Kupcinetspews:
re 6: Except that the first year was Bush’s budget.
# 58: I think professional investors had already discounted Apple stock the minute Job’s health concerns became apparant. Today’s drop, in response to his resignation, was the departure of the amateurs.
Which is why I don’t see much benefit in trying to engage in day trading – it’s awfully hard to beat big firms at that game with their computer-generated trading. By the time I hear news, the professionals already had it by an hour or more, and their computers had executed pre-planned trades basked on that contingency.
But I like RR’s analysis of long-term trading strategy that he gave us the other day, I’m going to try to put it into effect.
Oh, and this is just a reminder that Puddy has yet to disavow Genn Beck’s comments that the teenagers killed by a right-wing extremist in Sweden were the equivilent of Hitler Youth. All he can do in response to any reasoned analysis is squawk about Carl Sundstrand, or some other such nonsense, and change the subject.
Oh, and as for the nonsense that the Democrats were in charge in 2007 when the economy slid into rescession:
That’s one of the more idiotic arguments I’ve heard. The Democrats were tied in the Senate, with only the independent Lieberman throwing control onto the Democrats, but Lieberman extracted a high price for this. More importantly, Bush promised to veto any legislation passed by the Congress, so the only things which could be passed were items where Bush wanted the legislation anyway.
In the meantime, the Bush administration was still in charge of the regulatory agencies, which were told to have a “hands-off” attitude toward regulation and enforcement of existing regulations, especially in the banking and financial markets. The FBI division devoted to white-collar crime was dismantled, ensuring that even blatant law-breaking would never be investigated or prosecuted.
So this is how the wingnuts blame the financial collapse on the Democrats????? The only thing you can blame the Democrates for is not kicking more Republicans out of office, earlier, before quite so much damage was done.
14. Puddybud, traveling again visiting great American cities spews:
But for what it is worth, I’ve voted democratic my whole voting life, and I’ve voted in every election since turning 18 (I’m 47).
So screed you are called a yellow dog DUMMOCRAPT!
yel·low-dog dem·o·crat – Noun
A diehard Democrat, who will vote for any Democratic candidate, regardless of the candidate’s personal qualities.
08/24/2011 at 4:57 pm
…and you are a stupid motherfucking tom asshole, asshole.
Any Democrat is better than ANY refuckliclunt.
Puddybud, traveling again visiting great American citiesspews:
and you are a stupid motherfucking tom asshole, asshole. Any Democrat is better than ANY refuckliclunt.
Good ol’ misogynist rujax will copy my whole comment and place a stupid sentence after it.
Called it like always!
Puddybud, traveling again visiting great American citiesspews:
Oh, and this is just a reminder that Puddy has yet to disavow Genn Beck’s comments that the teenagers killed by a right-wing extremist in Sweden were the equivilent of Hitler Youth.
Ya know Lee once said just because someone says something doesn’t necessarily mean he agreed with it. It is appropriate again.
So hope ya turn blue in da face waiting for me to comment Homer rhp6033 Simpson!
Puddybud, traveling again visiting great American citiesspews:
there’s a technical definition of “recession” that everybody uses.
And so you are upset Wasserman Schultz has been using that motto for the last few months?
She’s a DUMMOCRAPT. The official campaign mouthpiece of Obummer for 2012. If you have issues with that, talk to my hand and see Wasserman & Schultz (Art The Fart humor)!
As widely expected, the Powers That Be have declared the recession over, while cautioning that the economy still has a long way to go. And, of course, the Obama administration is crediting its stimulus packages for the good news.
Sucks to be you again Roger Dumb Rabbit!
@8. rhp6033 spews:
I think Obama should be less the celbreal (sic) professor, and more of the “Give ‘em Hell, Harry!” type of president right now. But in all fairness, he can’t do much if we don’t give him the backing he needs.
“Celbreal” professors are too busy inventing phoney studies to do anything useful;
“How Rob McKenna is like Santorum
by Darryl, 06/08/2011, 5:56 PM
For what it is worth, the American Anthropological Association—you know, the folks who study humans and their cultures, cross-culturally and historically—take exception to both Santorum’s and McKenna’s narrow, conservative view of marriage and family:
The results of more than a century of anthropological research on households, kinship relationships, and families, across cultures and through time, provide no support whatsoever for the view that either civilization or viable social orders depend upon marriage as an exclusively heterosexual institution. Rather, anthropological research supports the conclusion that a vast array of family types, including families built upon same-sex partnerships, can contribute to stable and humane societies.”
So Professor, show us those cross-cultural studies that support same-sex marriage, you must have numerous examples of Asian and African cultures where same-sex marriage is legal. It couldn’t possibly be limited to Western liberalism, could it? You wouldn’t falsify the research, would you?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@66 I actually don’t pay attention to what Wasserman-Schulz says, so you’re wasting your time quoting her to me. I’m more interested in what Warren Buffett says.
64. Puddybud, traveling again visiting great American cities spews:
and you are a stupid motherfucking tom asshole, asshole. Any Democrat is better than ANY refuckliclunt.
Good ol’ misogynist rujax will copy my whole comment and place a stupid sentence after it.
Called it like always!
08/25/2011 at 12:22 pm
So much grist for the mill from the real know-nothing shithead.
Like batting practice…going yard every fucking time.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@66 “Sucks to be you again Roger Dumb Rabbit!”
I dunno, puddybitch, it’s hard for me to get that sucking feeling, even if I work real hard at it.
You see, if my Democrat friends win I get the policies I want, and if my Republican friends win they buy lunch for me.
So why does it suck to be me?
Roger Rabbitspews:
I like numbers with % signs after them, not only because they contain a lot of useful information, but also because they’re objective. For example, here’s how the markets did today:
Dow: -1.51%
Nasdaq: -1.95%
S&P 500: -1.56%
And here’s how I did today:
Stocks I kept: -1.04%
Stocks I sold: -2.33%
Stocks I’m waiting to buy: -1.50%
Here’s how my stockbroker did today:
Broker’s recommended stock list: -1.68%
So, although everything lost money today, the best performing stocks were the ones I still own, the worst performing stocks were the ones I got rid of before the shit hit the fan, and my stockpicking was 61.5% better than my broker’s stockpicking. Not a bad day’s work.
Roger Rabbitspews:
If Republicans get their way I’ll never pay a dime of taxes on my stock market winnings. While that would be bad for the country, I’ll figure out a way to live with it.
Puddybud, traveling again visiting great American citiesspews:
Like batting practice…going yard every fucking time.
Ummm misogynist rujax, you aren’t even in the stadium!
Politically Incorrectspews:
Somehow, I have a feeling we’ll all survive the next presidential election no matter who wins the presidency. Obama is fine with me because, with the House and Senate more or less controled by the Republicans, Obama can’t do much. If we were to elect a Republican and have the Republicans running the House ahd Senate, too, then we’d really have the potential for disaster! No telling what those crazy Republicans would do if they got the chance!
Pat Robertson: Not To Get ‘Weird,’ But The Washington Monument Cracks Are A Sign From God
Evangelist Pat Robertson this week suggested that cracks in the Washington Monument from Tuesday’s earthquake are a sign from God. Before making his point, he had a disclaimer: he doesn’t want to “get weird” when he talks about the Monument as “a symbol of America’s power.”
Here’s more complete horseshit from the christofascists. Like this one puddybuddybitch?
Fox News Cuts Off Rove After He Calls Palin Thin-Skinned
By David
A Fox News interview with Karl Rove ended abruptly Wednesday after the conservative analyst repeatedly suggested potential Republican presidential candidate Sarah Palin had a “thin skin.”
Oh noes!!!!!!
puddybitch puddybitch!!!!
Here’s ANOTHER misogynist…another hater on clownservative wimmin’…
“Americans are plenty angry at Congress in the aftermath of the debt crisis and Republicans could pay the greatest price, a new Associated Press-GfK poll suggests.
“The poll finds the tea party has lost support, Republican House Speaker John Boehner is … unpopular and people are warming to the idea of … raising taxes … as both parties prepare for another struggle with deficit reduction.”
Marco Rubio: Medicare, Social Security ‘Weakened Us As People,’ Made Us Lazy
By Igor Volsky on Aug 24, 2011 at 1:30 pm
Potential vice president running mate Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) dismissed the importance of programs like Medicare and Social Security during a speech at the Reagan Presidential Library this afternoon, arguing that the initiatives “weakened us as people”:
Here’s another BIG THINKIN’ republiclunt.
Puddybud, traveling again visiting great American citiesspews:
Of course misogynist rujax visits all the left wrong kook aid sites. He can’t find something useful on standard libtardo MSM sites, so kook aid it is!
Wow idiot rujax, attacking minorities now! Such hateful rhetoric!
Puddybud, traveling again visiting great American citiesspews:
I guess the “person” playing nwgal put their tail between their legs and skeeeeedaddled! That was fun delivering that SMACKDOWN!
Allen West Calls Rep. Maxine Waters A ‘Plantation Overseer,’ Then Sends His Brother To Her For Help
By Jeff Spross on Aug 19, 2011 at 11:29 am
Rep. Allen West (R-FL) fomented a racial controversy with comments describing African-American voters’ tendency to support the Democratic Party as a “21st-Century plantation.” Wednesday, he carried his meme even further, telling Fox News guest host Laura Ingraham that, “I’m here as the modern-day Harriet Tubman, to kind of lead people on the Underground Railroad, away from that plantation into a sense of sensibility.” To top it off, West went on to claim that leaders such as Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Barbara Lee or Maxine Waters were the “overseers of this 21st-Century plantation,” meant to “pacify and keep the black community firmly behind [white liberals], regardless of the failures of [their] social welfare policies.”
So, naturally, Hardball host Chris Matthews brought Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) herself on his show to respond. Waters revealed that West had advised his own brother to contact Waters in his search to find a job:
83. Puddybud, traveling again visiting great American cities spews:
Of course misogynist rujax visits all the left wrong kook aid sites. He can’t find something useful on standard libtardo MSM sites, so kook aid it is!
Wow idiot rujax, attacking minorities now! Such hateful rhetoric!
08/25/2011 at 4:49
The loonytunes motherfucker can’t prove ’em wrong.
He won’t even try.
He’s back abusing himself to his secret stash of those Dr. Laura nekkids…specially the fetish ones.
The krazy is very strong in this thread.
Roger Rabbitspews:
GOP Loves Regulations Dep’t
“The Virginia Department of Health will release proposed … regulations on Friday that target abortion providers and could … shut many of them down.
“The new … regulations … will classify clinics that provide five or more abortions per month as hospitals. …
“In Kansas, a similar law passed earlier this year would have effectively shut down two of the state’s three abortion clinics … until a U.S. district judge issued a temporary injunction blocking the state from imposing the rules. …
“Pro-choice advocates call these laws ‘TRAP,’ for targeted regulations against abortion providers. ‘When states … regulate abortion facilities in a way that’s inappropriate, … the goal is to shut down the abortion clinics in the state,’ said Jordan Goldberg, state advocacy counsel for the Center for Reproductive Rights. …
“The Virginia Coalition to Protect Women’s Health … said … Thursday … it will challenge the new Virginia regulations in court ….”
Now that’s some krazy right-wing shit. In fact, that’s damn near as krazy as our own freaky loon.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Republican Pervert #11-45839001-010
“An Indiana Republican state lawmaker resisting calls to resign after becoming embroiled in a sex scandal insists, ‘I’m not gay,’ according to the The Indianapolis Star.
“The Indianapolis Star reported that emails suggest Republican Rep. Phillip Hinkle arranged to pay Kameryn Gibson up to $140 for ‘for a really good time.’ The paper published emails between Hinkle and Gibson detailing a plan for them to meet at a downtown Indianapolis hotel.
“The Star reported Hinkle didn’t contest the emails …. The Star reported earlier this month that Hinkle exposed himself when the pair met in person.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What’s this thing GOPers have for teenage boys? Thank the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit nobody would ever take me for an 18-year-old!
What is best in life? To crush your enemies -- See them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their womenspews:
damn rujaxoff is sure sounding uppity today…might time to put him in his place again soon.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The New York Yankees made baseball history today by hitting three grand-slam home runs in one game — the first MLB team to accomplish the feat. The Yankees powered to a 22-9 victory over the Oakland A’s by scoring 209 runs in four innings.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@92 Who’s gonna do that? You?
[rabbit laughter in background]
@91 I turn over rocks and wingnuts crawl out.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@96 We rabbits know better than to turn over rocks. There’s all kinds of creepy critters under ’em.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Rachel’s charity drive should go over $1.25 million in the remaining 35 days, but donations have slowed so much it’ll be tough to reach $1.5 million, unless she gets another publicity pop from the media.
What is best in life? To crush your enemies -- See them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their womenspews:
Hows Goldy’s mortgage and credit card charity doing?
any updates on that scam?
Ah, come here and I’ll give you a Christian Side Hug…
Puddybud, traveling again visiting great American citiesspews:
Puddy can’t prove ‘em wrong.
Ummm rujax, I don’t deal with crazy. Those left wrong sites are crazy. You seem to love them and this demonstrates you must be crazy. Well I give you the benefit of the doubt right now so I deal with stupid (you), idiotic (headless irv kupicet lucy, rhp, Roger Dumb Rabbit, nwgal and others) and moronic (lib unscientist, HA’s arschloch, Art The Fart, correctnotright, proud leftist, etc.). And those who I didn’t name, you are there in my heart of hearts.
Puddybud, traveling again visiting great American citiesspews:
He’s back abusing himself to his secret stash of those Dr. Laura nekkids…specially the fetish ones.
Seems you know about these misogynist rujax. So you playing one man hockey now with those pics? Sorry not into your pettiness stupido!
First it was Laura Ingraham now Dr. Laura Schlessinger.
Tell us who is next on your hateful list of conservative blonde women?
You are such a jackASS it’s pathetic!
Puddybud, traveling again visiting great American citiesspews:
Fuck the puddybitch.
You have anger management issues oh misogynist one. See deadtoad… he tells peeps to take their meds. Maybe he has some “strong medicine” for you!
who run Bartertown?spews:
Obama is proposing and doing the exact same things that Hoover did during the depression…how come the progressives refuse to tell us this?
Here is what Hoover did(see if they sound familiar from today’s administration)
– Hoover raised taxes on the wealthy from 24% to 63% – the Revenue Act of 1932…it was the largest peacetime tax increase in history – so suck on that all you tax lovers….and it also raised the taxes on corporations and doubled estate taxes.
– Hoover began a massive public works spending program(Emergency Relief and Construction Act) – Hoover Dam sound familiar? Roosevelt ended up adopting and continuing Hoover’s public works projects…of course the progressives wont tell you that.
Also sounds familiar to Obama’s plan of the last few years.
– Hoover and congress approved the Federal Home Loan Bank Act – designed to reduce foreclosures and spur home construction….and it worked somewhat.
– Hoover pressured congress to investigate the NYSE and pressured congress to implement reforms on the stock exchange….this too sounds like the popular chant of the progressives
in the election of 1932:
FDR actually actually accused Hoover of taxing and spending TOO MUCH! Saying it was “reckless”
in the 1932 election, FDR’s running mate, John Garner, accused Hoover of “leading the country down the path to socialism”!!!!!
looks obama is doing the Hoover playbook, step by step.
and in a final coup de grace:
Rexford Tugwell, one of the members of FDR’s braintrust, stated that “”practically the whole New Deal was extrapolated from programs that Hoover started.”
hmmmmmmm….three conclusions:
1. Today’s progressives are clueless about history
2. FDR gets way too much fucking credit Hoover’s programs, and Hoover gets far too much bad PR.
3. Obama is following Hoover almost step by step.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@104 I guess it was inevitable that rightwing freaks would blame Hoover on Obama, too.
Puddybud, traveling again visiting great American citiesspews:
I guess it was inevitable that rightwing freaks would blame Hoover on Obama, too.
Projecting again Roger Dumb Rabbit? Is this standard progressive speak? Where did @104 ever say that? Looks like The Villages is in your future!
Progressives are historical ignorants!
Puddybud, traveling again visiting great American citiesspews:
Allen West Calls Rep. Maxine Waters A ‘Plantation Overseer,’ Then Sends His Brother To Her For Help
Maybe Allen West’s brother lives on the Maxine Waters “Plantation” and stupid idiots like Chris Matthews and Ed Schultz can’t fathom the irony.
Of course idiotic morons like misogynist rujax will scream it’s Allen West’s fault Arlan West lost his job. Well maybe it is because who knows, Arlan’s employer took umbrage to Allen West being conservative. Or maybe Arlan was last hired first fired. That’s the standard union way.
You never will know though what the motivation is for Arlan West losing his job!
BTW didn’t Ed Schultz recently get in trouble with his BIG MOUTH?
who run Bartertown?spews:
where did I blame Hoover on obama?
perhaps you should try and read again you old bastard, maybe this time the crooked laywer can improve his reading comprehension.
Politically Incorrectspews:
I wish Obama would at least work to de-criminalize cannabis, at the national level. That is, reduce cannabis to a low-level drug, not a Schedule 1 drug. Heck, according tot he feds, marijuana is more “dangerous” than meth! What idiocy! Isn’t it about time that we finally come to the conclusion that some peole choose to enjoy cannabis, and that they are not “criminals” for doing so?
107. Puddybud, traveling again visiting great American cities spews:
Allen West Calls Rep. Maxine Waters A ‘Plantation Overseer,’ Then Sends His Brother To Her For Help
Maybe Allen West’s brother lives on the Maxine Waters “Plantation” and stupid idiots like Chris Matthews and Ed Schultz can’t fathom the irony.
Of course idiotic morons like misogynist rujax will scream it’s Allen West’s fault Arlan West lost his job. Well maybe it is because who knows, Arlan’s employer took umbrage to Allen West being conservative. Or maybe Arlan was last hired first fired. That’s the standard union way.
You never will know though what the motivation is for Arlan West losing his job!
BTW didn’t Ed Schultz recently get in trouble with his BIG MOUTH?
08/26/2011 at 4:43 am
You fucking fruitcake…how mother fucking stupid…can one asshole be??
Where’s your big plan puddybitch? Where’s you JOBS plan, big man? You got a health care plan other than “Don’t get sick”?
puudybitch…richpeoplefirst…emperor max-minidick…do you people have ANYTHING???
ANYTHING other than: protect the reallyreallyreally rich and screw the middle class and the poor?
101. Puddybud, traveling again visiting great American cities spews:
Puddy can’t prove ‘em wrong.
Ummm rujax, I don’t deal with crazy. Those left wrong sites are crazy. You seem to love them and this demonstrates you must be crazy. Well I give you the benefit of the doubt right now so I deal with stupid (you), idiotic (headless irv kupicet lucy, rhp, Roger Dumb Rabbit, nwgal and others) and moronic (lib unscientist, HA’s arschloch, Art The Fart, correctnotright, proud leftist, etc.). And those who I didn’t name, you are there in my heart of hearts.
08/25/2011 at 8:58 pm
Nice try dumb fucker.
You can not prove these people wrong…because they are well researched, and the reason why they are well researched is to stand scrutiny from stupid fucks like you.
So back yourself up if you can, motherfucker…walk the walk, buddy.
1. relentlessly prosecutes whistleblowers that presume to try to hold MOTU accountable
2. handed the health insurance companies our collective heads on a silver platter (hello individual mandate – and yes he could have included a public option but didn’t want to cause that would upset big money corporate interests)
3. extended the Bush tax cuts for the super wealthy (should now be called the Obama tax cuts for the super wealthy)
4. continued the Bush warrantless wire-tapping polices (hello Big Brother)
5. Working hard to start the process of dismantling Social Security (appointing Bowles and Simpson to a deficit reduction committee, inserts social security ‘reforms’ into any budget negotiation at every opportunity)
6. signed off on legislation that strengthens and codifies limits to abortion access (thank you health care ‘reform’)
7. Working hard to start dismantling Medicare (lets raise the eligibility age to 67 even though it will cost the program more money)
8. started war in Libya (and don’t go bragging about how we ‘won’ the war. We won in Irag too, remember? This war was all about taking care of big oil.
8. Continues to work hard at preventing any of the banksters from being held responsible for their criminal acts and destruction of millions of people’s financial lives.
9. Made sure that no member of the Bush administration were held accountable for any of their blatantly illegal and immoral acts.
9. Didn’t close Quantanmo
10. Gave away trillions of dollars of national wealth to banksters, watered down financial reform legislation that would work prevent them from future plundering of the nation
11. supports right wing economic sabotage by pursuing and repeating right wing talking points about how deficit are the biggest ecnomic priority, blah blah blah despite mass unemployment and a stagnating economy
12. done nothing to support unions
13. Hired Larry (wrong about everything) Summers and Tim (tax-cheat) Geitner. ‘Nuff said on that.
14 – ad infintum. Etc.
(this list is just off the top of my head…)
The guy is a corporatist hack. Its all about taking care of major donors. To the rest of the little people, he tell us to stfu and eat cake.
1 – So the solution is Mitt Romney?
Hey I’m trying to find any way I can to NOT vote for Obama but the opposition is making it too hard.
I know, we are screwed. But I get frustrated with all the Obama rationalizers and excuse makers. I don’t want a republican president but I fear we have one in BO (circa 1980s republicanism). If 2012 goes republican, maybe the dems will at least feel an obligation to defend popular liberal programs, like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, instead of being conflicted about whether to oppose the president or not when he goes after these programs.
I prefer this version.
It is unfortunate that history is simultaneously linear and circular. As we enter a new feudal age, the ruling elite have access to extremely advanced technology for tracking each and every individual who might be problematical to them.
The success of Iraqi and Afgani resisters (whatever you may think of them) may be the universal blueprint for the common man’s worldwide future struggle for freedom from the corporate borg.
15. Added $4 trillion more to the debt(in only 2 1/2 years even)
dump all the corporate hacks and hire Ron Paul…he’s about the only guy hated by both parties, and that in itself is a strong reason to vote his way.
Gee, a lot of Democrats stayed home in the 2010 elections because they wanted to register their dissapointment that Obama wasn’t being more liberal.
How did that work out for them? Republican control of the House allowed them to block all economic stimulus measures and take active steps to de-rail the American economy for pure partison advantage. It allowed them to continue tax cuts for the rich beyond their planned expiration date. It forced punitive budget cuts to be incurred by the poorest members of society in exchange for an empty promise not to ruin America’s credit rating.
I think Obama should be less the celbreal professor, and more of the “Give ’em Hell, Harry!” type of president right now. But in all fairness, he can’t do much if we don’t give him the backing he needs.
and your excuse for first two years of obama and the D’s in complete control would be?
Here’s an example of why I’m finding it hard to support Obama (while at the same time the batshit insane right wing 99 percent of the time makes it too damn easy):
Why is Dan Choi being singled out?
Well gay activists like him have been a hell of lot more successful getting in the face of the Obama administration and Obama HIMSELF to make him do something about their issues.
Progressives would do themselves a lot of favors if they did the same. Maybe this protest over the tar sands pipeline is a beginning of sorts that the Obama administration is determined to block before it gains momentum and distracts from the re-election campaign.
still another dumb-ass handle @9:
** Mistakenly believing that the Congressional GOP was interested in working together to resolve the nation’s problems
** Mistakenly believing that the Congressional GOP loved America and would prefer to get out of the ditch than to obsessively attack the President
** Mistakenly believing that, for Republicans in Congress and statehouses and the media, patriotism outweighs racism. That keeping the USA strong outweighs trying to make the current government fail.
Yes, Obama is/was naive in holding out the possibility that Republicans care in the slightest about America. I wish he hadn’t continued to try to deal with the GOP as adult human beings.
The 18-29 year olds were the group who stayed home Cass Sunstein’s faithful malleable idiot rhp6033!
No jobs
No hope
No change
No future
No truth
Obummer ran a presidential campaign full of “promises” and Obummer failed to deliver. Where are the jobs? He focused on his buds and cronies who got him erected.
Obummer promised change the atmosphere. Obummer made it worse. He said we have health care under control we don’t need Republican input. Wanna see the links again? He pushed his Porkulus bills for shovel ready jobs and then tells everyone there were no shovel ready jobs.
Obummer promised more jobs. More than half million jobs lost since the recession ended in June ’09. Encouraging numbers!
Then he takes expensive vacations. Bush may have taken vacation days but Bush’s were at his ranch, not at the ritzy expensive locations of Obummer.
So because Obama adopted republican policies (which invariably did not help the well-being of 80% of the electorate) democrats are blamed for being discouraged? Its like extortion: “Dude, vote for me and my corporate/republican agenda, or you’ll get someone elected president who is gonna do real harm to you and your family.” These are our choices? Between really really bad and even worse? Our country can’t survive much longer as a democracy when at the national level big corporate interests control both parties. At some point you got to say enough, I’m not gonna vote for the lesser of 2 evils because either way you end up with something evil. National democratic politicians seem to only listen to 2 things – fat campaign contributions and the possibility that people will get so disgusted they’ll either sit out or vote another candidate. As to the latter, they think they can manage that threat with spin and fear-mongering over republican extremism. I dunno, maybe they can. But for what it is worth, I’ve voted democratic my whole voting life, and I’ve voted in every election since turning 18 (I’m 47). This time, though I’m really considering voting for a third party, anybody to the left of Obama and the republican whack jobs. The dems didn’t get the message in 2010, if they lose in 2012, maybe they will. Probably not, but at this point I don’t know what else to do. Continuing on this corporate plutocracy path will lead to a kind of American fascism.
So screed you are called a yellow dog DUMMOCRAPT!
yel·low-dog dem·o·crat – Noun
A diehard Democrat, who will vote for any Democratic candidate, regardless of the candidate’s personal qualities.
MANY MANY MORE VACATION DAYS up to this point in the presidency right wing liar..
Obama’s in Martha’s Vineyard right? Clinton went there too. OH YEAH Clinton had even FEWER vacations days to this point.
You failed again you moronic right wing tool!
# 9: “and your excuse for first two years of obama and the D’s in complete control would be?”
(1) The Bush administration did far more damage to the American economy than could be cleaned up in a couple of years; and
(2) The Republican filibuster (i.e., “hold” in modern usage) required the Democrats to not only have a majority in the Senate, but two-thirds control (which they missed by one).
# 14: At this point, being a Republican candidate is reason enough not to vote for the Republican alternative. The days of “moderate Republicans” are long gone.
Heck, the current crop of Republicans is even making Ronald Reagan look like a moderate intellectual!
@9 Why is it necessary to make excuses? The Bush Depression didn’t turn into another Great Depression. Does that require an apology?
12, 14 – put on ignore list
Rachel’s campaign stands at $1,212,432.
Let’s review the list of the primary accomplishments of Republican presidents in my lifetime:
Richard Nixon – Claimed he had a “secret plan” to end the Vietnam War, then expanded it to Cambodia and Laos (ensuring their collapse to Communism within a few years as well), then got out by signing a peace treaty which was pretty much the same terms offered by the N. Vietnamese in 1968; presided over a period of inflation and stagnant growth 1970-73; approved illegal activities against his political opponants and tried to cover them up, resulting in his resignation in the face of certain impeachment.
Gerald Ford – Oversaw a rescession which started during Nixon’s presidency, the ultimate collapse of S. Vietnam and Cambodia and Laos to the Communists; tried to counter inflation by encouring everyone to wear “WIN” buttons (“Whip Inflation Now”), pardoned his predecessor and the man who appointed him vice-president.
Ronald Reagan – Traded arms to Iran for hostages held in Lebanon while denying he did so (causing more Americans to be held hostage); sent Marines into an indefensable position of holding an airport at Beirut but not the surrounding city resulting in 200+ American casualties; conducted a secret war in Guatamala against Nicaragua; initiated tax cuts which nearly tripled the national debt after campaigning against the budget deficit.
George H. W. Bush – Encouraged the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait by sending mixed diplomatic messages hinting that the U.S. might not support Kuwait; had to be talked into intervening by Margaret Thatcher, then took credit for the victory; refused to recognize that the American economy was slipping into a deep rescession even while it was apparant to everyone else.
George W. Bush – Ignored warnings of an impending terrorist attack against America; used the disaster of 9/11 to initiate the most extreme intrusions in liberty since the Alien and Sedition Acts, including warrentless wiretaps, foreign rendition without trial or due process, indefinate detainment without trial, suspension of habeous corpus, etc.; relaxed the government’s oversight and regulatory functions of financial market resulting in the biggest economic collapse since the Great Depression; initiated an invasion of Iraq to seize WMD’s which didn’t exist, and to capture Al Quida terrorists which were never there; cut taxes in a time of war resulting in a budget surplus turning into a trillion + -dollar + deficit in only eight years.
Yep, under the circumstances, I’ll take my chances with a Democrat, even if I don’t like everything he does. What the Republicans have taught us is that it really does matter who is President of the United States.
This is going to cramp Steve the goatherders
lifestyle! http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=45722
Doesn’t mean a hill of beans for anything you care about. Doesn’t mean they’re going to start showing up in conservative churches or Tea Party rallies. They still overwhelmingly support gay marriage and don’t by the corporatist crap about global warming not existing. When 2012 comes around they’ll either sit it out or vote for Obama.
It’s not “like extortion.” It is extortion.
He’s not any more.
You missed again you miserable twit arschloch! So much of an arschloch 24×7. I succeeded as always!
Evidence of how expensive Obummer vacations are…
So to put into perspective because you are all arschloch from Daily Kooks:
Yeah, Kooks that was over 8 years. Obummer gang will eclipse that at the rate they are going.
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
Can’t, Republican’s cut their budget so much that the home had to be closed.
Ahhh yes Cass Sunsteins mallable useful idiot Homer Simpson rhp6033 has made another whopper
Golly rhp6033 you can sure tell them…
From 2001 – 2006 the economy was doing great. Then the DUMMOCRAPTS took over the purse strings and then things went to shit in 2007. Go to the US Gov numbas Homer!
January 2007 Pelosi screams about Big Oil. January WA State average $2.71. in WA State alone by May 2007 prices escalated by 70 cents. Again US Gov numbas.
June 2008 Obummer on campaign trail screaming about Bush debt. Well now we see Obummer has created almost the same debt in much shorter time.
McCain would probably done about the same, except McCain would have tried to keep as much of the money as possible “off book” like W did and the money would have gone into his buddies pockets instead of Obama’s buddies pockets.
Both choices for president in ’08 were for corporatist insiders, after all.
@7 wrote, “Ron Paul…he’s about the only guy hated by both parties, and that in itself is a strong reason to vote his way.”
If being hated by both parties is such a compelling reason to vote for someone, you could always consider a write-in for Gaddafi.I hear he may be available soon.
Puddy. It’s official. You’re a moron. Anyone who compares Bush’s going into debt and Obama going into debt is a moron. There was no reason for Bush to go into debt. None. Nada. Zip. Obama, for all I dislike him, has largely been credited with avoiding a depression by taking the actions he did. Which required going into debt.
Only a moron wouldn’t get that.
I’m pretty sure many of the corporates would love the deregulation that came with a Ron Paul presidency. Me? I like being able to breathe clean air, hike in forests that haven’t been reduced to clear cuts, and not have to worry about my toaster catching my house on fire. So, I’ll take a pass on Ron Paul.
@22 What’s wrong with government not allowing cheapskate employers to make workers sleep on the ground in open fields?
@32 I’ll take a pass on Ron Paul for the same reasons and add one of my own: The guy’s an idiot.
“Paul believes that the country could abolish the individual income tax by scaling back federal spending to its fiscal year 2000 levels; financing government operations would be primarily by the corporate income tax, excise taxes and tariffs.”
(Quoted from Wikipedia)
Oh, and don’t even get me started on the moronic “logic” of magic dates–as if the whole fucking world hits “reset” on January 20 every 4 years. Or magic numbers–as if a one-person majority of Democrats (sort of) in the Senate–who didn’t enact a single piece of controversial economic legislation– magically turned a bustling economy into a recession.
You have to be a moron to believe crap like that.
@33 – Easy for you to say. You have a nice, warm, dry hole to duck into.
Glad you showed up. After all, the two wars y’all screamed about since this blog began happened in Bush’s tenure. So too did the tax cuts and the Medicare Part D program the arschloch screamed with other libtardos here. So there is a lot of Bush’s debt. Also the DUMMOCRAPTS who took over the last two years holding the purse strings.
Now this depression everyone is claiming Obummer didn’t allow to happen. Maybe so. If he spent the money for real projects and not to prop up his union buddies things would have been better. But we were promised
1) Shovel ready projects – Hmmm… Oops there weren’t any shovel ready projects
2) Unemployment would not break 8% – Hmmm… Oops there too
3) We would create 100,000s of thousands jobs a month – Hmmm… until last month the average private sector job growth from the passage of Obummer care to last month was 6,500 jobs a month… pathetic.
4) In early June 2011 Obummer stops getting economic briefings? Why? They sucked!
5) He focused on ObummerCare while the economy kept tanking
6) We have chronic unemployment. People have stopped looking for jobs. Jobs by the millions promised by Obummer and BiteMe in 2009. Teen unemployment @ 24 percent and over 14 million Americans are looking for work. And you call that staving off a depression?
7) He elevates Jeffrey Immelt as his latest Jobs CZAR
Apparently nwgal, you’ve been drinking kook aid!
Now wait for it… correctnotright will call it all lies.
Cass Sunstein’s favorite Homer Simpson idiot will magically appear with something useless.
The HA arschloch will scamper about with nothing to say.
Good ol’ misogynist rujax will copy my whole comment and place a stupid sentence after it.
Roger Dumb Rabbit will go nuts from the truths!
Puddy, once again, makes up shit: “Yeah, Kooks that was over 8 years. Obummer gang will eclipse that at the rate they are going.”
Um, no. Obama’s way behind Bush in vacation days. According to Factcheck.org, Obama spent 26 days on vacation in his first year. Bush, on the other hand, spent 69 days in his first year. An updated report put Bush at 96 days in his first 1 1/2 years; while Obama lagged far behind at 36.
Which proves that you’re not just a moron, but a lying moron.
Do you actually read nwgal?
I was comparing expensiveness of Obummer’s vacations to Bush’s.
You just proved how much of a dipshit idiot you are. Prove to me where the lies are. What I said was
I then placed a link which you never read!
So when you learn to read come back and we’ll discuss FACTS!
So nwgal are you the latest in headless lucy wear or a liberal unscientist doppelganger?
“If he spent the money for real projects and not to prop up his union buddies things would have been better.”
Dumbass partisan rhetoric is not the same as making a point. There’s nothing there to refute, as there isn’t a coherent claim buried in all your blather (which is true of most of your post).
“1) Shovel ready projects – Hmmm… Oops there weren’t any shovel ready projects”
Bullshit. The records beg to differ.
6. “Teen unemployment @ 24 percent and over 14 million Americans are looking for work. And you call that staving off a depression?”
No, actually, I don’t make the definitions. Economists do. And, according to economists, Obama staved off a depression–one we were headed straight toward as a result of failed dumbass Republican economic policies.
Sorry, moron. You quote an article that uses the National Enquirer as a source and you call that evidence?
Jeesus. When you quote a real article with real sources who put up real numbers comparing Bush’s and Obama’s vacations, then I’ll consider your claim. But your link, just like your rhetoric, is full of shit.
Hmmm. A Republican who votes for all the Republican leadership each session of Congress – Boehner, Cantor, McCarthy.
Kinda nutty – past ties to militias, goldbugging, Fed paranoia..
Awwww we have ourselves a Ron-ulan Paultard here.
It’s pretty pointless to argue with this loon.
My goodness. Puddy sure had his BIG FAT ASS handed to him by nwgal tonight.
Well first off we can see above you can’t read. Your first post claimed I was comparing Obummer vacation days to Bush vacation days. Then when caught in that deceitful web you try another train derailment. Exactly wrong again nwgal. Then if you click the link I placed in your own useless words, even the NY Times wrote: The National Enquirer Earns Some Respect
EPIC FAIL! Even the leftists favorite loony leftist fish wrapper admits something completely missed by nwgal.
Who blew up John Edwards cheating ways? You know… the first choice for president of Roger Dumb Rabbit and the HA crazed databaze arschloch in 2008? Remember the libtardo lamestream media tried to ignore it for months. They did produce a cute baby. Now Edwards is in a legal shitstorm over it. National Enquirer
Who blew up Jesse Jackson’s cheating ways? National Enquirer Remember the libtardo lamestream media tried to ignore it for months. “Stay out of the Bushes” was the Jackson motto but he couldn’t stay out of Karen Stanford’s bush eh nwgal?
Who blew up Tiger Woods cheating ways? National Enquirer
Who blew up Al Gore cheating on Tipper? National Enquirer
Who blew up CHRIS HANSEN of NBC’s “To Catch a Predator” fame cheating ways? National Enquirer
Seems nwgal has an EPIC FAIL! It really sucks to be so wrong for so long!
– An absolutely useless response to the facts of #37 because Obummer said himself“No Such Thing as Shovel-Ready Projects” KABLAMMO
“Her” second attampt was “her” failure at #6. Problem is only the whitey house was making noise about a depression. You’ve been reading too much Daily Kooks!KABLAMMO again!
– And now this FACT filled post.
And it seems perfesser Darryl forgets to research something before making another of his useless claims! Reminds me of his lack of real Friday Night News each week! I pity the poor UW kids this fall!
ROTFLMBBAO at both of them!
Above the HA crazed databaze arschloch wrote
First time in a long time the arschloch wrote something truthful!
Thanks for the clarity arschloch. I dedicated a lot of blog entries to your right wing LIES!
Wait for it… Pavlov predicts it. You’ll see it and know it.
Well Noriel Roubini did claim in 2008 “We are in a recession, and denying it is nonsense.” And it’s not over. It’s going to be the “worst since the Great Depression.”
But nwgal this was before Obummer took the whitey house and in June 2009 economists claimed the recession was OVER!
Now this year nwgal, Debbie Wasserman Schultz said this was Obummer’s economy! Unfortunately Art The Fart didn’t get the memo because he wanted to know who were Wasserman and Schultz!
Damn that was funny!
I forgot to address the first “claim” of the “gal”
Hmmm… Apparently you missed the CBS report here…
Now we know from previous posts those companies were friends of DUMMOCRAPTS. You can ask the HA arschloch for the previous links from us whom think right!
Did you forget Mike McGinn bragged Seattle won $20 million in a federal grant to invest in weatherization to create 2,000 living-wage jobs in Seattle by retrofitting 2,000 homes in poorer neighborhoods?
Well as of August 14th 2011, only three homes had been retrofitted and just 14 new jobs have emerged from the program. Are those non-union jobs?
Or how about this one where Chucky Schumer got upset at Obummer…
Were those union or non-union jobs nwgal?
So much for you cry me a river rant above. The facts just don’t match your rhetoric!
And lastly this morning…
nwgal didn’t have any response for Post #37, Points 2-5 & 7. We know why. “She” couldn’t find anything in the ‘Nets to use.
Well did “she” post any links above?
@36 re @33: Did you miss the word “not” in my comment? =;-O<
@37 Geez, putz, have you been taking the reality pills your shrink prescribed for you? You actually made sense for a few sentences, before you lapsed back into hallucinations.
“Roger Dumb Rabbit will go nuts”
I’m trying not to, but lucidity from you is such a rare occurrence, I can barely refrain from responding with a “Breaking News — Puddy Has A Lucid Moment!” headline — bolded, too.
Okay, so you’ve just iterated a lot of the beefs we progressives have with the fake Democrat sitting in the White House. Perhaps you’re just noticing it, puddinghead, but we’ve been aware of it for quite a while — we’re in quite a quandary: We’re going to be forced to choose next year between a fake Democrat or a real Republican. The best we can hope for is that re-electing the fake Democrat will get on your nerves enough to provide us with some visceral satisfaction, because we’re not going to get much else from this president.
What I don’t understand, putterbrain, is why you aren’t celebrating the fact Karl Rove succeeding in planting one of his moles in the White House, just when we thought we had won?
@39 “I was comparing expensiveness of Obummer’s vacations to Bush’s.”
Any idiot can cut brush, but it takes a little coordination to play a round of golf in one weekend.
@44 Last time I saw him, puddy looked so skinny I wondered if his gal friend was feedig him.
@44 Last time I saw him, puddy looked so skinny I wondered if his gal friend was feedig him.
@44 Last time I saw him, puddy looked so skinny I wondered if his gal friend was feedig him.
@44 Last time I saw him, puddy looked so skinny I wondered if his gal friend was feedig him.
I also wondered where he found the gal friend. I mean, who would have him?
@47 Listen, dumbshit, there’s a technical definition of “recession” that everybody uses. If you have issues with it, then talk to the people in charge of the definition.
The stock market continues to whipsaw investors. An hour after the opening bell the Dow is down about 120 points (it was down 172 points earlier). The $5 billion that Warren Buffet just flung at Bank of America couldn’t save the market today. And gold is off another 20 bucks today; people who rushed into $1,800 gold are getting their butts burned! Apple is down 6 bucks and change (1.65%), a rather mild response to Steve Jobs’ resignation. My guess is Jobs is short for this world.
re 6: Except that the first year was Bush’s budget.
# 58: I think professional investors had already discounted Apple stock the minute Job’s health concerns became apparant. Today’s drop, in response to his resignation, was the departure of the amateurs.
Which is why I don’t see much benefit in trying to engage in day trading – it’s awfully hard to beat big firms at that game with their computer-generated trading. By the time I hear news, the professionals already had it by an hour or more, and their computers had executed pre-planned trades basked on that contingency.
But I like RR’s analysis of long-term trading strategy that he gave us the other day, I’m going to try to put it into effect.
Oh, and this is just a reminder that Puddy has yet to disavow Genn Beck’s comments that the teenagers killed by a right-wing extremist in Sweden were the equivilent of Hitler Youth. All he can do in response to any reasoned analysis is squawk about Carl Sundstrand, or some other such nonsense, and change the subject.
Oh, and as for the nonsense that the Democrats were in charge in 2007 when the economy slid into rescession:
That’s one of the more idiotic arguments I’ve heard. The Democrats were tied in the Senate, with only the independent Lieberman throwing control onto the Democrats, but Lieberman extracted a high price for this. More importantly, Bush promised to veto any legislation passed by the Congress, so the only things which could be passed were items where Bush wanted the legislation anyway.
In the meantime, the Bush administration was still in charge of the regulatory agencies, which were told to have a “hands-off” attitude toward regulation and enforcement of existing regulations, especially in the banking and financial markets. The FBI division devoted to white-collar crime was dismantled, ensuring that even blatant law-breaking would never be investigated or prosecuted.
So this is how the wingnuts blame the financial collapse on the Democrats????? The only thing you can blame the Democrates for is not kicking more Republicans out of office, earlier, before quite so much damage was done.
…and you are a stupid motherfucking tom asshole, asshole.
Any Democrat is better than ANY refuckliclunt.
Good ol’ misogynist rujax will copy my whole comment and place a stupid sentence after it.
Called it like always!
Ya know Lee once said just because someone says something doesn’t necessarily mean he agreed with it. It is appropriate again.
So hope ya turn blue in da face waiting for me to comment Homer rhp6033 Simpson!
And so you are upset Wasserman Schultz has been using that motto for the last few months?
She’s a DUMMOCRAPT. The official campaign mouthpiece of Obummer for 2012. If you have issues with that, talk to my hand and see Wasserman & Schultz (Art The Fart humor)!
Obummer Said So – Roger Dumb Rabbit
Sucks to be you again Roger Dumb Rabbit!
@8. rhp6033 spews:
I think Obama should be less the celbreal (sic) professor, and more of the “Give ‘em Hell, Harry!” type of president right now. But in all fairness, he can’t do much if we don’t give him the backing he needs.
“Celbreal” professors are too busy inventing phoney studies to do anything useful;
“How Rob McKenna is like Santorum
by Darryl, 06/08/2011, 5:56 PM
For what it is worth, the American Anthropological Association—you know, the folks who study humans and their cultures, cross-culturally and historically—take exception to both Santorum’s and McKenna’s narrow, conservative view of marriage and family:
The results of more than a century of anthropological research on households, kinship relationships, and families, across cultures and through time, provide no support whatsoever for the view that either civilization or viable social orders depend upon marriage as an exclusively heterosexual institution. Rather, anthropological research supports the conclusion that a vast array of family types, including families built upon same-sex partnerships, can contribute to stable and humane societies.”
So Professor, show us those cross-cultural studies that support same-sex marriage, you must have numerous examples of Asian and African cultures where same-sex marriage is legal. It couldn’t possibly be limited to Western liberalism, could it? You wouldn’t falsify the research, would you?
@66 I actually don’t pay attention to what Wasserman-Schulz says, so you’re wasting your time quoting her to me. I’m more interested in what Warren Buffett says.
So much grist for the mill from the real know-nothing shithead.
Like batting practice…going yard every fucking time.
@66 “Sucks to be you again Roger Dumb Rabbit!”
I dunno, puddybitch, it’s hard for me to get that sucking feeling, even if I work real hard at it.
You see, if my Democrat friends win I get the policies I want, and if my Republican friends win they buy lunch for me.
So why does it suck to be me?
I like numbers with % signs after them, not only because they contain a lot of useful information, but also because they’re objective. For example, here’s how the markets did today:
Dow: -1.51%
Nasdaq: -1.95%
S&P 500: -1.56%
And here’s how I did today:
Stocks I kept: -1.04%
Stocks I sold: -2.33%
Stocks I’m waiting to buy: -1.50%
Here’s how my stockbroker did today:
Broker’s recommended stock list: -1.68%
So, although everything lost money today, the best performing stocks were the ones I still own, the worst performing stocks were the ones I got rid of before the shit hit the fan, and my stockpicking was 61.5% better than my broker’s stockpicking. Not a bad day’s work.
If Republicans get their way I’ll never pay a dime of taxes on my stock market winnings. While that would be bad for the country, I’ll figure out a way to live with it.
Ummm misogynist rujax, you aren’t even in the stadium!
Somehow, I have a feeling we’ll all survive the next presidential election no matter who wins the presidency. Obama is fine with me because, with the House and Senate more or less controled by the Republicans, Obama can’t do much. If we were to elect a Republican and have the Republicans running the House ahd Senate, too, then we’d really have the potential for disaster! No telling what those crazy Republicans would do if they got the chance!
The right wing cretin is so into his image in the mirror.
Too loony, too sad.
Here’s more complete horseshit from the christofascists. Like this one puddybuddybitch?
August 25, 2011 10:00 AM
Oh noes!!!!!!
puddybitch puddybitch!!!!
Here’s ANOTHER misogynist…another hater on clownservative wimmin’…
(who knew…)
77 – Rove isn’t much into losing is he?
Palin is an albatross around the GOP’s neck.
Reply @ 78…
He don’t cotton to Perry much either.
“Americans are plenty angry at Congress in the aftermath of the debt crisis and Republicans could pay the greatest price, a new Associated Press-GfK poll suggests.
“The poll finds the tea party has lost support, Republican House Speaker John Boehner is … unpopular and people are warming to the idea of … raising taxes … as both parties prepare for another struggle with deficit reduction.”
…oops…should be:
“He don’t cotton to Perry much neither.”
Sorry for the grammatical error…LOL.
Here’s another BIG THINKIN’ republiclunt.
Of course misogynist rujax visits all the left wrong kook aid sites. He can’t find something useful on standard libtardo MSM sites, so kook aid it is!
Wow idiot rujax, attacking minorities now! Such hateful rhetoric!
I guess the “person” playing nwgal put their tail between their legs and skeeeeedaddled! That was fun delivering that SMACKDOWN!
Fuck the puddybitch.
The loonytunes motherfucker can’t prove ’em wrong.
He won’t even try.
He’s back abusing himself to his secret stash of those Dr. Laura nekkids…specially the fetish ones.
The krazy is very strong in this thread.
GOP Loves Regulations Dep’t
“The Virginia Department of Health will release proposed … regulations on Friday that target abortion providers and could … shut many of them down.
“The new … regulations … will classify clinics that provide five or more abortions per month as hospitals. …
“In Kansas, a similar law passed earlier this year would have effectively shut down two of the state’s three abortion clinics … until a U.S. district judge issued a temporary injunction blocking the state from imposing the rules. …
“Pro-choice advocates call these laws ‘TRAP,’ for targeted regulations against abortion providers. ‘When states … regulate abortion facilities in a way that’s inappropriate, … the goal is to shut down the abortion clinics in the state,’ said Jordan Goldberg, state advocacy counsel for the Center for Reproductive Rights. …
“The Virginia Coalition to Protect Women’s Health … said … Thursday … it will challenge the new Virginia regulations in court ….”
In case you didn’t know, violence may be needed to stop “Dictator Obama” and his war on white America.
Now that’s some krazy right-wing shit. In fact, that’s damn near as krazy as our own freaky loon.
Republican Pervert #11-45839001-010
“An Indiana Republican state lawmaker resisting calls to resign after becoming embroiled in a sex scandal insists, ‘I’m not gay,’ according to the The Indianapolis Star.
“The Indianapolis Star reported that emails suggest Republican Rep. Phillip Hinkle arranged to pay Kameryn Gibson up to $140 for ‘for a really good time.’ The paper published emails between Hinkle and Gibson detailing a plan for them to meet at a downtown Indianapolis hotel.
“The Star reported Hinkle didn’t contest the emails …. The Star reported earlier this month that Hinkle exposed himself when the pair met in person.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What’s this thing GOPers have for teenage boys? Thank the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit nobody would ever take me for an 18-year-old!
@89 Where do you find these bottom feeders?
damn rujaxoff is sure sounding uppity today…might time to put him in his place again soon.
The New York Yankees made baseball history today by hitting three grand-slam home runs in one game — the first MLB team to accomplish the feat. The Yankees powered to a 22-9 victory over the Oakland A’s by scoring 209 runs in four innings.
@92 Who’s gonna do that? You?
[rabbit laughter in background]
@91 I turn over rocks and wingnuts crawl out.
@96 We rabbits know better than to turn over rocks. There’s all kinds of creepy critters under ’em.
Rachel’s charity drive should go over $1.25 million in the remaining 35 days, but donations have slowed so much it’ll be tough to reach $1.5 million, unless she gets another publicity pop from the media.
A Christian and a Buddhist Walk Into a Cartoon…
Hows Goldy’s mortgage and credit card charity doing?
any updates on that scam?
Ah, come here and I’ll give you a Christian Side Hug…
Ummm rujax, I don’t deal with crazy. Those left wrong sites are crazy. You seem to love them and this demonstrates you must be crazy. Well I give you the benefit of the doubt right now so I deal with stupid (you), idiotic (headless irv kupicet lucy, rhp, Roger Dumb Rabbit, nwgal and others) and moronic (lib unscientist, HA’s arschloch, Art The Fart, correctnotright, proud leftist, etc.). And those who I didn’t name, you are there in my heart of hearts.
Seems you know about these misogynist rujax. So you playing one man hockey now with those pics? Sorry not into your pettiness stupido!
First it was Laura Ingraham now Dr. Laura Schlessinger.
Tell us who is next on your hateful list of conservative blonde women?
You are such a jackASS it’s pathetic!
You have anger management issues oh misogynist one. See deadtoad… he tells peeps to take their meds. Maybe he has some “strong medicine” for you!
Obama is proposing and doing the exact same things that Hoover did during the depression…how come the progressives refuse to tell us this?
Here is what Hoover did(see if they sound familiar from today’s administration)
– Hoover raised taxes on the wealthy from 24% to 63% – the Revenue Act of 1932…it was the largest peacetime tax increase in history – so suck on that all you tax lovers….and it also raised the taxes on corporations and doubled estate taxes.
– Hoover began a massive public works spending program(Emergency Relief and Construction Act) – Hoover Dam sound familiar? Roosevelt ended up adopting and continuing Hoover’s public works projects…of course the progressives wont tell you that.
Also sounds familiar to Obama’s plan of the last few years.
– Hoover and congress approved the Federal Home Loan Bank Act – designed to reduce foreclosures and spur home construction….and it worked somewhat.
– Hoover pressured congress to investigate the NYSE and pressured congress to implement reforms on the stock exchange….this too sounds like the popular chant of the progressives
in the election of 1932:
FDR actually actually accused Hoover of taxing and spending TOO MUCH! Saying it was “reckless”
in the 1932 election, FDR’s running mate, John Garner, accused Hoover of “leading the country down the path to socialism”!!!!!
looks obama is doing the Hoover playbook, step by step.
and in a final coup de grace:
Rexford Tugwell, one of the members of FDR’s braintrust, stated that “”practically the whole New Deal was extrapolated from programs that Hoover started.”
hmmmmmmm….three conclusions:
1. Today’s progressives are clueless about history
2. FDR gets way too much fucking credit Hoover’s programs, and Hoover gets far too much bad PR.
3. Obama is following Hoover almost step by step.
@104 I guess it was inevitable that rightwing freaks would blame Hoover on Obama, too.
Projecting again Roger Dumb Rabbit? Is this standard progressive speak? Where did @104 ever say that? Looks like The Villages is in your future!
Progressives are historical ignorants!
Maybe Allen West’s brother lives on the Maxine Waters “Plantation” and stupid idiots like Chris Matthews and Ed Schultz can’t fathom the irony.
Of course idiotic morons like misogynist rujax will scream it’s Allen West’s fault Arlan West lost his job. Well maybe it is because who knows, Arlan’s employer took umbrage to Allen West being conservative. Or maybe Arlan was last hired first fired. That’s the standard union way.
You never will know though what the motivation is for Arlan West losing his job!
BTW didn’t Ed Schultz recently get in trouble with his BIG MOUTH?
where did I blame Hoover on obama?
perhaps you should try and read again you old bastard, maybe this time the crooked laywer can improve his reading comprehension.
I wish Obama would at least work to de-criminalize cannabis, at the national level. That is, reduce cannabis to a low-level drug, not a Schedule 1 drug. Heck, according tot he feds, marijuana is more “dangerous” than meth! What idiocy! Isn’t it about time that we finally come to the conclusion that some peole choose to enjoy cannabis, and that they are not “criminals” for doing so?
You fucking fruitcake…how mother fucking stupid…can one asshole be??
Where’s your big plan puddybitch? Where’s you JOBS plan, big man? You got a health care plan other than “Don’t get sick”?
puudybitch…richpeoplefirst…emperor max-minidick…do you people have ANYTHING???
ANYTHING other than: protect the reallyreallyreally rich and screw the middle class and the poor?
What the fuck do you have????
Nice try dumb fucker.
You can not prove these people wrong…because they are well researched, and the reason why they are well researched is to stand scrutiny from stupid fucks like you.
So back yourself up if you can, motherfucker…walk the walk, buddy.
Man the fuck up.