The Stranger’s Paul Constant highlights a statement from Joe Walsh, the freshman douchebag of a congressman from Illinois, not the former Eagle (my emphasis):
“Why was he elected? Again, it comes back to who he was. He was black, he was historic. And there’s nothing racist about this. It is what it is. If he had been a dynamic, white, state senator elected to Congress he wouldn’t have gotten in the game this fast. This is what made him different. That, combined with the fact that your profession”—another friendly tap of the bumper sticker—”not you, but your profession, was just absolutely compliant. They made up their minds early that they were in love with him. They were in love with him because they thought he was a good liberal guy and they were in love with him because he pushed that magical button: a black man who was articulate, liberal, the whole white guilt, all of that.”
A shorter Joe Walsh: Obama was elected because he’s a Magic Negro.
Paul has a salient, if too generous, take on Walsh’s statement…check it out.
Walsh is probably more right than he is wrong.
It is a well known fact that the American public has historically favored African Americans simply because of their color and their glibness.
To protect the naive public and our fledgling democracy from our tendency to blindly support African Americans over our better judgment, our Founding Fathers wrote slavery of African Americans in to our constitution to protect us from the very danger the Obama candidacy threw our way.
Clearly this danger to our nation, so perfectly stated by Joe Walsh (not of Eagles fame), can only be removed if we revert to the original intent of the Founding Fathers; only white male property owners should have the right to vote. (White women voters are especially susceptible to glib Negroes.)
@1: So that’s why the media spent so much time on Bill Ayers, Reverend Wright, and various other non-stories that took all the focus on the campaign, while ignoring Troopergate?
Darryl, how other than “Magic Negro” can you explain the Republican party selecting Michael Steele to be the chairman of the Republican National Committee?
“Magic Negroes” are bewitching!
originated by leftist David Ehrenstein – black libtardo commentator on the LA Times
Oh, and “Magic” is not unique to the African population of un-white natural born Murikans.
How other than “Magic” does one explain how Gary Locke not only defeated solidly white candidates like Ellen Craswell and John Carlson in an election for Governor, but look how much further Locke’s career has progressed compared to those two solidly white natural born Murikans.
Only one explanation for this kind of performance Darryl; unchristian unwhite “Magic”.
MBS @ 4: Because the Republicans went into a panic after their the thumping they got in the 2008 elections, and (predictably) came to the wrong conclusion: the answer to a Black President is a Black Republican! (“See, we aren’t racisists, we have blacks to! It’s only our policies and the signs held by people at our rallies that are racist!”)
They completely skipped over the part that the voters were disgusted with how Republicans had allowed the U.S. economy to collapse, even while they were shoveling even more money, tax breaks, and de-regulation to their favored corporate interests.
They would never admit that Obama won DESPITE being black, not BECAUSE he was black, because that just makes their defeat in 2008 even more pronounced.
They also added Sarah Palin as their VP nominee in 2008 not because she was qualified (she certainly isn’t), but they felt they needed a token woman which they hoped would bleed off the Hillary supporters from the Democrats. That didn’t work, either.
And another thing, how other than bewitching “Magic” can one explain how the ruinous policy of the socialist government takeover of GM and Chrysler appearing to have been a masterstroke saving 10s of thousands of jobs and restoring those 2 companies to profitability?
I say, I say it is all a “Magic” mirage! GM & Chrysler are bankrupt and out of business. You only think you are driving a Chevy Cruze! In fact, you are under a “Magic” spell!
A Republican making a racist remark? You don’t say! I’ve never seen THAT before!!
[raucous rabbit laughter in background]
In other Absurd Republican News, the other Paul (Paul Ryan) is trying to hijack Winston Churchill:
Of course, there’s nothing new about this; GOP slimebuckets have already hijacked the American Flag, God, and Apple Pie.
@1 Maybe in your peanut mind.
@7 rhp6033,
Hold on there.
If I am understanding you, and I think I am, it is not that Obama is a “Magic Negro” or anything like that, but that Republicans are idiots.
If we look at what you just said, and throw in the House Republican Party Jobs Plan with its 10 pages of hugenormous type and pretty clip art to make 2,053 words of warmed over BS appear to be something more than a puddy rant, Republicans are idiots is the most succinct explanation for what Walsh and all the others say.
Thank-you for clearing that up. For a few minutes there I thought we were all bewitched. Turns out it is only the poor fools who vote Republican who appear to be bewitched by silly superstition.
@2 You forgot to mention that, in order to effect a complete reversion to original intent, the right of white male property owners to own other human beings also must be restored.
But repealing Amendments is difficult (it’s been done only once), so Original Intenters are aiming for the next best thing: Destroy unions and eliminate minimum wage laws so greedy businessmen can make everyone else work for slave wages.
@7 As you point out, the economic disaster inflicted on America by Republicans was so great, even a black guy was able to win the White House simply by not being a Republican.
It’s amazing how fond Americans are of British royalty, as long as they don’t have to pay taxes to support them.
Obama voter cheers the fact the Obama is black.
Sorry to blow up your bubble leftist pinheads, but Obama jock straps are proud he’s black and tell the world they voted for him cuz he’s black.
@16 I didn’t vote for him because he’s black, and I wouldn’t vote for you because you’re black, either.
And it’s aaaaaaaaaaamazing how your preznit doesn’t understand British protocols.
Actually, McCain wasn’t all that terrible a candidate compared to the current crop. He might have won if he hadn’t flip-flopped on virtually everything he’s stood for during his political career in order to pacify the wingnuts and put a carnival freak on his ticket.
@18 Why the hell should he kowtow to the Redcoats? They lost.
On what type of vehicles MikeCubScout?
Selling gas guzzling mini-vans and trucks, not the Obamamobile, the Chevy Volt.
@13 Roger Rabbit, what possible better property is there than people? Property Rights = Human Rights,
get it?
That was started under the watch of the miserable Preznit Puddybud voted for twice was it not? Yeah it was!
Thank you Bush for saving UAW jobs! I don’t care what those teabagging dumbasses say about you.
@21 Fuddyfud on 05/27/2011 at 4:53 pm,
I try to avoid your trolling because it is frequently nonsensical, but I’ll make an exception here because you have so demonstrably displayed the blind hatred to fact that makes Republicans and those who vote for them IDIOTS.
Tell me, how many of the Top 10 Best-Selling Cars: April 2011 are “gas guzzling mini-vans and trucks” and how many are not?
Now, go order your God Father’s pizza.
So I saw Darrell Issa on the TeeVee the other day yammering on about how the the policies of the Obama Admin were driving up the % of oil we have to import and making us vulnerable to fuzzy-eyed-foreigners. Maybe even garlic-eaters!
Here’s what Reuters has to say on the matter:
We have those “more fuel efficient vehicles” thanks to the Obama Admin. The Republicans and the car companies fought against it. This is just like the piece Darryl linked to, the Republicans have to construct this whole different world where up is down. It’s weird.
@25 –
Dow Jones as of Jan 02, 2009 – 9035
Dow Jones as of May 27, 2011 – 12,442
Also too, reacting to Invisible Bond Vigilantes and not our sacred markets is weird.
@2 MikeBoyScout ;”Clearly this danger to our nation, so perfectly stated by Joe Walsh (not of Eagles fame), can only be removed if we revert to the original intent of the Founding Fathers; only white male property owners should have the right to vote. (White women voters are especially susceptible to glib Negroes.)”
The decline in Western Civilization began with giving voting rights to women. The inevitable result of female voting is nanny-state socialism. Empires which had survived centuries were lost within a few decades of women’s suffrage, and what remains is becoming non-Western through Third-world immigration.
hmmm. It looks like manofcrap @ 27.
That’s too good of writing for MOC/T. I’m guessing that’s actually a lefty, poking fun.
29 – Here’s two of his previous posts:
Well, guess I’m wrong on that one. The group-home must have cut down on MOC/T’s neuroleptics.
Constant is sure right, @5 makes the point clearly, in the typical way. But this is just one example of Republicans “simplifying the issue to the point of drooling idiocy.”
Who-boy! we’ve got ourselves a live one!
A deranged state representative in Maine pulled a gun on a newspaper photographer after rambling about drug dealers and dead homeless babies in a bizarre incident outside a Dunkin’ Donuts, cops said.
Frederick Ladd Wintle, 58, a Republican in the Maine House of Representatives, is facing charges of criminal threatening with a dangerous weapon and carrying a concealed weapon for Saturday’s incident.
Read more:
33 – I guess they all want everybody to carry guns for good reason. Republicans are constantly in danger – from other nutcase Republicans!
I know, I’m thinking I need something to keep myself safe from Republicans! Maybe I’ll just start packing my framing hammer around, it’s more sporting than a gun and I sure as fuck wouldn’t want to get hit with it. ;->
Just keep your wits about you. That’s all you need to protect yourself against wingnuts. They blather, but are mostly harmless. They scream and moan, but, in the long run, idiocy doesn’t last.
What did I say
What did the CUB scout say
Who was talking about a list of all automakers cub scout? Did the auto bailout go to all those automobile makers on that list cub scout? MikeTheRealCubScout, thank you for making my point. It’s so easy with you leftists. The TOP SELLING GM vehicle is the Chevy Silverado truck. The Obamamobile – Chevy Volt isn’t on the list.
That’s why you’ll always be the HA cub scout.
Thank you Michael for making my point too. GM’s top selling vehicle is…
the Chevy Silverado truck.
Did you copy and paste without reading it first?
Morons @28-30
AmericaFirst has been on this blog since 2006. The moronic HA leftist beta with his databaze knows this. AmericaFirst and MOT are two different people. Yet you two idiots are too dense to figure that out.
Michael and my beta yelling lost boy, if they can’t figure someone out blame him as someone else.
This is why I say you leftist pinheads are chronological idiots. Who made the commentary about Obummer?
Joe Biden January 31, 2007.
Next David Ehrenstein in the LA Times March 19, 2007
Rush took the “Magic Negro” term and ran with it. The “Magic Negro” term was attacked by Media Morons in their zeal to call Rush Limbaugh a racist. In fact if you actually searched something “yellow” dog you’d see how the libtardo press made hay out of it.
Now the HA cub scout joins Darryl in someone “secretly” saying what all Republicans are thinking, when it was DUMMOCRAPTS who first postulated it?
It’s your kind who think that. Witness post#16 where Walter calls up and mentions Obama is black.
So if Obummer fails as a president at least he was a black failure? Walter is priceless. I’m glad he called. Maybe he had his house mortgage paid for and his automobile gas bought by Obummer when no “white” president did this? Who knows?
It is DUMMOCRAPTS who postulated Obummer was the Magic Negro. It is DUMMOCRAPTS who continually remind us Obummer is black. They can’t remind us of his sterling record as preznit and the morons he placed in his sadministration!
So for the Slog leftist ASS to write that commentary and Darryl to drink it up proves leftist chronological lunacy, which runs rampant in this blog.
Obama won the presidency because he was a popular pop culture icon. All presidents since JFK have been pop culture icons.