Maybe I’m doing something wrong, but there’s no video displaying on my browser.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Let ‘Em Eat Field Goals Dep’t
The U.W. doesn’t have that problem. They’re gonna spend $250 million to rebuild Husky Stadium!
The Seattle Times told us today the state faces another $1.2 billion shortfall in the latest revenue forecast (as Washington residents continue to give themselves multibillion-dollar tax cuts by not buying anything).
Just below that story, the Times tells us the U.W. Regents unanimously approved a $250 million stadium plan from “private donations and increased ticket prices.” If you dig down into the story only $14.5 million comes from “private donations” and most of it will be paid for by borrowing against the U’s credit line.
Oh, and they’re moving the students from the 50-yard line to the end zone. Connect the dots — this surely has something to do with “increased ticket prices.” That is, henceforth the premium seats will go to the community’s moneybags, not the students for whom the University presumably exists.
To paraphrase Leona Helmsley, only the little people sit in the end zone. But hey, they can catch the field goal balls there. If the Dawgs ever make any FGs.
Seattle, for all its vaunted progressivism, has never been reticent about throwing money at expensive sports facilities while laying off cops, not buying textbooks for schools, and slashing basic health care for the poor. The rednecks gotta have their blood sports!
Shit, I don’t know what to say about all this. Give Raygun Dunn his cops. Get the money by sending county employees in ski masks out to hold up the Meals On Wheels trucks and fence the food in Chinatown alleys. It’s the Seattle Way.
Roger Rabbitspews:
And, oh yeah, the Republican Times ran a sharply worded editorial demanding that Gov. Gregoire call a special session RIGHT NOW to slash state spending — just as Republican legislators have been demanding.
But not one word in the Republican Times about, well you know, how horrible a public relations move it is for the U.W. Regents to spend $250 million, most of it borrowed money and the rest of it from putting the squeeze on student ticket buyers, for yet another hyperexpensive SPORTS STADIUM.
At least they gave up on making a grab for the King County hotel tax.
Roger, qwest statium is minutes away and hardly used. Last I checked 250 mil was a good chunk of chabge (except in obama land where trillions in debt flow freely).
That’s where the Huskies are headed already. I would suggest making that move permanent and just tear down the Montlake Mistake. People died the last time they added on to that piece of shit, remember?
Odie Colognespews:
Well, when the shit hits the fan, I’ll be behind the fan.
Many of the dunces, however, who vote Republican, will be in front.
Sorry, guys. We told ya so.
proud leftistspews:
Reagan Dunn–yet one more Republican who believes that grandstanding counts as governing.
proud leftistspews:
OC @ 7
There is plenty of room behind the fan; I’ll be back there with you.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch!spews:
Most would agree that police services are one of the primary functions of County government. Last year King County commissioned an extensive citizen survey to assist in constructing their strategic plan. When asked: “What are the most important local services provided by King County,” the number one priority, by a wide margin, was police protection. Yet, King County only spends about 1.35% of their overall budget on the Sheriff’s Office. That leaves 98.65% for them to spend on everything else. They spend tens of millions of dollars on arts, foot ferries and buying gravel pits, but cannot properly fund public safety.
But here’s the hammer to all of it…
Recently, there has been a lot of media coverage over what has been termed as our refusal to give up our cost of living allowance or COLA. The pay increases that were negotiated and agreed to in our contract were not cost of living adjustments. The increases were based, almost entirely, on the County giving economic consideration to the Guild for giving up our medical plan and making major concessions in the area of civilian oversight, as well as a number of other items the County insisted were “must haves” in the agreement. The County had the option of seeking a shorter term agreement and waiting to negotiate their list of “must haves” until the economy improved. However, with full knowledge of what the economy looked like in outlying years, they chose not to do that. We were repeatedly told, by the County, that the economics were worth the trade off for what the County felt they had to have in our agreement.
Another leftist overreaction and pile on from the frenzied moronic ones before the facts are known! What do you leftist read all day? Seems like it’s the SLOG comics.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch!spews:
Hey Roger@2 since you brought it up in this thread for some reason,
Why can’t UW use Quest field and save the money? Wouldn’t that be the progressive thing to do? Wait a minute… the Hated Arizonans (70% love their illegal immigrant law) utilize their football stadiums much more efficiently…
Before the 1988 NFL season, the team moved to Tempe, Arizona, a Southern, college town suburb of Phoenix, and played their home games for the next 18 years at Arizona State University’s Sun Devil Stadium. In 2006 the club began playing all home games at the newly constructed University of Phoenix Stadium in the northwestern suburb of Glendale. – WikiPedia
Wait, there’s more… that’s the state’s money instead of King County money and oh well …the latest projection as you related the [Republican?] Seattle Times (Goldy despised) article is almost $6 Billion in the hole for the next biennium.
@5 – id:
qwest statium is minutes away and hardly used.
Actually, Qwest Field is well used, between Football, Soccer, Motocross, concerts, etc…
Huskies need a venue for 6 games a year.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 By way of correction and clarification, it was in Bushland that trillions in red ink flowed to pay for a military adventure in Iraq, unrestrained earmark spending by GOP congressmen, tax cuts for billionaires, handouts to well-connected government contractors, a prescription drug benefit for pharmaceutical manufacturers, and … well … should I go on?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 That pretty much sums it up. Republicans can’t govern. So why do people keep electing them? Only stupid people vote Republican.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 “Yet, King County only spends about 1.35% of their overall budget on the Sheriff’s Office. That leaves 98.65% for them to spend on everything else. They spend tens of millions of dollars on arts, foot ferries and buying gravel pits, but cannot properly fund public safety.”
Yeah, well, Dunn’s argument does look better when you bolster it with Fantasy Facts, pudnutz.
Instead of quoting from a Police Guild propaganda flyer, why don’t you try reading something objective, such as the county budget itself?
“The $5.1 billion budget includes a $621 million general fund budget, of which 76 percent is directed toward public safety and criminal justice programs.”
The anti-worker, anti-union Seattle Slimes also had a guest columnist on the op-ed page today who called for slashing the minium wage.
How’s that for racing to the bottom?
Rujax! Reminding Puddy That a Black Person Voting Republican is Like a Chicken Voting for Col. Sanders Since 2004spews:
p’dumbski v. Rabbit…
Rabbit! Don’t you know that it’s not CRICKET to have a battle of wits with an unarmed man?ought to be registered
Your logic capacity ought to be registered as a dangerous weapon.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch!spews:
While the moronic like rujax follow Roger Rabbit like the slovenly idiot he is, Roger still hasn’t identified the amount spent on King County Sheriff’s Department. So Puddy will help you poor poor Roger
From Roger’s link:
The maximum number of FTEs for sheriff shall be: 995.80
Section Section Name Expenditures FTEs
0200.1938 911 Communications 1 0,192,708 97.50
0200.1943 Sheriff Administration 3 5,921,216 140.00
0200.1954 Field Operations Unincorporated 3 1,211,760 245.00
0200.8331 Field Operations Contract Services 2 8,279,034 212.80
0200.8340 Special Operations Contract Services 1 5,462,319 121.00
0200.8341 Special Operations Critical Incident Response 1,653,074 10.00
0200.8342 Special Operations Patrol Support 4,597,532 25.00
0200.8350 Criminal Investigations Major Investigations 6,228,556 46.00
0200.8360 Court Security and Special Investigations 5,031,930 98.50
Sheriff Total 138,578,129 995.80
$138,578,129 – King County Sheriff Budget
$5,100,00,000 – King County Budget
= 2.71 percent MAXIMUM So it’s doubled. Whoop dee doo. The emphasis is there!
So much for rujax following someone “smart” eh moron? Once again the dumb brick just takes someone else word and runs with it.
Whatadunce rujax is AGAIN!
It looks like Dunn’s argument works with the facts eh Roger Rabbit?
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch!spews:
dumb brick should be dumb cinder block. Apologies to ylb for making the wrong equation!
So much for that 76% of the $621 Million expenditure right Roger? Deflect with the wrong value as you love to do!
Yeah Roger’s logic should be registered as a limp weapon!
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch!spews:
Now how much of that total expenditure are road deputies Roger?
Come on Roger, rujax claims you are the logic genius! Tough to tell from your argument above! rujax is really illiterate.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch!spews:
So Roger, why did you “doubt” the Sheriff’s union? You claim to love unions, except when you need to trash them!
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch!spews:
Bet the 1.35% is right. Probably half the budget is the patrol officers!
constitutionality of this clearly unconstitutional provision.
goldberg, i dont understand, i thought you were in agreement with the chimp-in-chief that the constitution was bullshit that was written by old white christian men?
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch!spews:
Now where did Roger Rabbit disappear to now that the facts are front and center? We all know rujax slithered away like the garter snake he is!
Rujax! Reminding Puddy That a Black Person Voting Republican is Like a Chicken Voting for Col. Sanders Since 2004spews:
p’dumbski happily carries water for the overlord.
Hail comrade p’dumbski.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch!spews:
Wow rujax, Puddy delivers facts and you deliver useless smelly farts then slither away like the garter snake you are. Prove Puddy’s numbers wrong fool.
Be a man for a change and actually post something useful.
Poor Puddy – you claim to deliver facts but you don’t even understand your own links. Your health care knowledge is like that of a three- yer old and you lied about the cost of health care and did not even link to what you thought you were linking to.
We just laugh at your ignorance.
As far as King County:
Is the rest of the money already going top places where it is required? Is the general fund the money the county is able to actually spend on something OTHER than the already allocated monies?
the point of this is that Reagan Dunn came in at the end of the process and refused to do the hard work of budget cutting. Like a typical republican, he has no idea how to govern and to manage money – but is good at lobbing bombs from the sidelines.
Just as the tea party and republicans nationally myopically talk about the budget deficit without addressing the two most salient features of the deficit: the Bush tax cuts and the defense budget – Dunn opposes increased taxes and then compalins when public safety has to be cut.
Hypocrites – what did they think was going to happen?
Of course, Puddy is too simplistic to ask these questions and is already celebrating his “victory”. When you are too stoopid to see the complexities – you win every argument in your own mind.
Puddy – we laugh at you precisely BECAUSE you are a shallow thinker and incapable of really analyzing data and information.
Puddy says:
Be a man for a change and actually post something useful.
Still waiting for you to do that Puddy. Real men also admit when they are wrong and lying – I have yet to see you do that. Real Christians also do not LIE like you do. I hope you are doing a lot of asking for forgiveness for all of your sins.
Rujax! Reminding Puddy That a Black Person Voting Republican is Like a Chicken Voting for Col. Sanders Since 2004spews:
26. Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch! spews:
Wow rujax, Puddy delivers facts and you deliver useless smelly farts then slither away like the garter snake you are. Prove Puddy’s numbers wrong fool.
Be a man for a change and actually post something useful.
11/21/2010 at 3:08 pm
Someday…and I’m not holding my breath…p’dumbski will actually present a reasoned intelligent case for his wingnut bullshit…wait a minute, what AM I saying…there IS no intelligent case for p’dumbski’s wingnut bullshit.
I gave up taking that asshole seriously years ago.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool!spews:
Still waiting for the dumb cinder block rujax to actually post something useful.
When the trogs start up on govt waste, I ask what they’d cut. Haven’t received an answer yet.
Aside: I’m always humored by the “run govt like a biz” battle cry. There’s plenty of waste and destruction in biz. I’d wager way more than govt.
The reason is because, despite it’s faults, govt still has oversight, public review, open records, etc.
Capitalists, especially shareholders, should be demanding the biz works more like govt.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool!spews:
puddy @ 10
Hello Jason
I’m still stuck on your claim that Richard Armitage is a lefty. Your thesis rests on Sean Penn not including Armitage in a movie. So cunning!
Nope… not at all. That’s not Puddy’s thesis so try again…
Prior to that, I’m was marveling over how you think Christians should be arrested for feeding and housing poor people.
Sadly you are mistaken like always. Did you drink Steve’s Stupid Solution yesterday?
Why Goldy continues to give you a soapbox remains a mystery to me.
Maybe because Puddy is one of the few right thinking people who gives Goldy financial support so Puddy can continue to kick liberal ASS here!
I’m told that you’re a software developer. I can’t imagine. Small wonder why you remain an anonymous coward.
What a DIPSHIT. First Puddy does many more things than just write software. Puddy also builds data centers. Puddy dispenses PERFECT debugging information to other HA liberals when they have networking questions on this blog. Butt don’t let that confuse you Jason. Puddy has been at 5, that’s right 5 separate Drinking Liberally events. Puddy walked up to David Goldstein the first time and you should have seen his face before and then after Puddy identified himself. Darryl gave Puddy a great reference on bass guitar amp. SeattleJew and Puddy eat together when Puddy shows up. Yet… ylb was a no show. left turn was a no show. Dragged PacMan to an event. Met most of the liberal nuts who attend. Where have you been fool? Oh yeah imbibing on Steve’s Stupid Solution.
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool!spews:
Oh my Puddy missed correctnotright and his continual lies on health care costs. Why do you search for the twig in Puddy’s eye while there is a Sequoia in your eye?
Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch and zotz as a fool!spews:
There this BIG LIAR correctnotright goes at it agaon
Poor Puddy – you claim to deliver facts but you don’t even understand your own links. Your health care knowledge is like that of a three- yer old and you lied about the cost of health care and did not even link to what you thought you were linking to.
You won’t answer why there are now 111 health care waivers for companies and unions on this wonderful cost rising OdumbaCare bill? When you were caught using old numbers you come out saying Puddy doesn’t understand. IT’S YOU WHO DOESN’T UNDERSTAND. It’s you who can’t figger out ODUMBA AND GANG are double accounting as the Medicare Actuary person identified.
Now when Puddy uses the King County budget to demonstrate the King County Sheriff’s Guild being close to right in their budget percentages YOU GO NUTS. It was Roger Rabbit who tried to make an insipid point on the total budget and then “hopped” away and hasn’t returned yet. His white ASS was kicked BIG TIME. Is it true they buy gravel pits and spend millions on art correctnotright? Well?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
You’ve got alwayswrong nailed on this one.
The exemptions are piling up.
The entire ObamaCare Bill is built on a Balsa Wood foundation which is collapsing because it was rushed thru without vetting.
The Democrats relied on the 30 year-old Ivy Leaguers to write this…and now it is collapsing, as we predicted.
Republicans will refuse to modify the original bill and it will eventually disappear into the vast left-wing cesspool of stupid, ill-conceived ideas.
You’ve got him Puddy.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and Mrs. P
Maybe I’m doing something wrong, but there’s no video displaying on my browser.
Let ‘Em Eat Field Goals Dep’t
The U.W. doesn’t have that problem. They’re gonna spend $250 million to rebuild Husky Stadium!
The Seattle Times told us today the state faces another $1.2 billion shortfall in the latest revenue forecast (as Washington residents continue to give themselves multibillion-dollar tax cuts by not buying anything).
Just below that story, the Times tells us the U.W. Regents unanimously approved a $250 million stadium plan from “private donations and increased ticket prices.” If you dig down into the story only $14.5 million comes from “private donations” and most of it will be paid for by borrowing against the U’s credit line.
Oh, and they’re moving the students from the 50-yard line to the end zone. Connect the dots — this surely has something to do with “increased ticket prices.” That is, henceforth the premium seats will go to the community’s moneybags, not the students for whom the University presumably exists.
To paraphrase Leona Helmsley, only the little people sit in the end zone. But hey, they can catch the field goal balls there. If the Dawgs ever make any FGs.
Seattle, for all its vaunted progressivism, has never been reticent about throwing money at expensive sports facilities while laying off cops, not buying textbooks for schools, and slashing basic health care for the poor. The rednecks gotta have their blood sports!
Shit, I don’t know what to say about all this. Give Raygun Dunn his cops. Get the money by sending county employees in ski masks out to hold up the Meals On Wheels trucks and fence the food in Chinatown alleys. It’s the Seattle Way.
And, oh yeah, the Republican Times ran a sharply worded editorial demanding that Gov. Gregoire call a special session RIGHT NOW to slash state spending — just as Republican legislators have been demanding.
But not one word in the Republican Times about, well you know, how horrible a public relations move it is for the U.W. Regents to spend $250 million, most of it borrowed money and the rest of it from putting the squeeze on student ticket buyers, for yet another hyperexpensive SPORTS STADIUM.
Ya, well, let ’em eat field goals.
At least they gave up on making a grab for the King County hotel tax.
Roger, qwest statium is minutes away and hardly used. Last I checked 250 mil was a good chunk of chabge (except in obama land where trillions in debt flow freely).
That’s where the Huskies are headed already. I would suggest making that move permanent and just tear down the Montlake Mistake. People died the last time they added on to that piece of shit, remember?
Well, when the shit hits the fan, I’ll be behind the fan.
Many of the dunces, however, who vote Republican, will be in front.
Sorry, guys. We told ya so.
Reagan Dunn–yet one more Republican who believes that grandstanding counts as governing.
OC @ 7
There is plenty of room behind the fan; I’ll be back there with you.
Maybe Reagan Dunn left because the facts are the facts?
But here’s the hammer to all of it…
Another leftist overreaction and pile on from the frenzied moronic ones before the facts are known! What do you leftist read all day? Seems like it’s the SLOG comics.
Hey Roger@2 since you brought it up in this thread for some reason,
Why can’t UW use Quest field and save the money? Wouldn’t that be the progressive thing to do? Wait a minute… the Hated Arizonans (70% love their illegal immigrant law) utilize their football stadiums much more efficiently…
Wait, there’s more… that’s the state’s money instead of King County money and oh well …the latest projection as you related the [Republican?] Seattle Times (Goldy despised) article is almost $6 Billion in the hole for the next biennium.
@5 – id:
Actually, Qwest Field is well used, between Football, Soccer, Motocross, concerts, etc…
Huskies need a venue for 6 games a year.
@5 By way of correction and clarification, it was in Bushland that trillions in red ink flowed to pay for a military adventure in Iraq, unrestrained earmark spending by GOP congressmen, tax cuts for billionaires, handouts to well-connected government contractors, a prescription drug benefit for pharmaceutical manufacturers, and … well … should I go on?
@8 That pretty much sums it up. Republicans can’t govern. So why do people keep electing them? Only stupid people vote Republican.
@10 “Yet, King County only spends about 1.35% of their overall budget on the Sheriff’s Office. That leaves 98.65% for them to spend on everything else. They spend tens of millions of dollars on arts, foot ferries and buying gravel pits, but cannot properly fund public safety.”
Yeah, well, Dunn’s argument does look better when you bolster it with Fantasy Facts, pudnutz.
Instead of quoting from a Police Guild propaganda flyer, why don’t you try reading something objective, such as the county budget itself?
“The $5.1 billion budget includes a $621 million general fund budget, of which 76 percent is directed toward public safety and criminal justice programs.”
The anti-worker, anti-union Seattle Slimes also had a guest columnist on the op-ed page today who called for slashing the minium wage.
How’s that for racing to the bottom?
p’dumbski v. Rabbit…
Rabbit! Don’t you know that it’s not CRICKET to have a battle of wits with an unarmed man?ought to be registered
Your logic capacity ought to be registered as a dangerous weapon.
While the moronic like rujax follow Roger Rabbit like the slovenly idiot he is, Roger still hasn’t identified the amount spent on King County Sheriff’s Department. So Puddy will help you poor poor Roger
From Roger’s link:
The maximum number of FTEs for sheriff shall be: 995.80
Section Section Name Expenditures FTEs
0200.1938 911 Communications 1 0,192,708 97.50
0200.1943 Sheriff Administration 3 5,921,216 140.00
0200.1954 Field Operations Unincorporated 3 1,211,760 245.00
0200.8331 Field Operations Contract Services 2 8,279,034 212.80
0200.8340 Special Operations Contract Services 1 5,462,319 121.00
0200.8341 Special Operations Critical Incident Response 1,653,074 10.00
0200.8342 Special Operations Patrol Support 4,597,532 25.00
0200.8350 Criminal Investigations Major Investigations 6,228,556 46.00
0200.8360 Court Security and Special Investigations 5,031,930 98.50
Sheriff Total 138,578,129 995.80
$138,578,129 – King County Sheriff Budget
$5,100,00,000 – King County Budget
= 2.71 percent MAXIMUM So it’s doubled. Whoop dee doo. The emphasis is there!
So much for rujax following someone “smart” eh moron? Once again the dumb brick just takes someone else word and runs with it.
Whatadunce rujax is AGAIN!
It looks like Dunn’s argument works with the facts eh Roger Rabbit?
dumb brick should be dumb cinder block. Apologies to ylb for making the wrong equation!
So much for that 76% of the $621 Million expenditure right Roger? Deflect with the wrong value as you love to do!
Yeah Roger’s logic should be registered as a limp weapon!
Now how much of that total expenditure are road deputies Roger?
Come on Roger, rujax claims you are the logic genius! Tough to tell from your argument above! rujax is really illiterate.
So Roger, why did you “doubt” the Sheriff’s union? You claim to love unions, except when you need to trash them!
Bet the 1.35% is right. Probably half the budget is the patrol officers!
constitutionality of this clearly unconstitutional provision.
goldberg, i dont understand, i thought you were in agreement with the chimp-in-chief that the constitution was bullshit that was written by old white christian men?
Now where did Roger Rabbit disappear to now that the facts are front and center? We all know rujax slithered away like the garter snake he is!
p’dumbski happily carries water for the overlord.
Hail comrade p’dumbski.
Wow rujax, Puddy delivers facts and you deliver useless smelly farts then slither away like the garter snake you are. Prove Puddy’s numbers wrong fool.
Be a man for a change and actually post something useful.
Poor Puddy – you claim to deliver facts but you don’t even understand your own links. Your health care knowledge is like that of a three- yer old and you lied about the cost of health care and did not even link to what you thought you were linking to.
We just laugh at your ignorance.
As far as King County:
Is the rest of the money already going top places where it is required? Is the general fund the money the county is able to actually spend on something OTHER than the already allocated monies?
the point of this is that Reagan Dunn came in at the end of the process and refused to do the hard work of budget cutting. Like a typical republican, he has no idea how to govern and to manage money – but is good at lobbing bombs from the sidelines.
Just as the tea party and republicans nationally myopically talk about the budget deficit without addressing the two most salient features of the deficit: the Bush tax cuts and the defense budget – Dunn opposes increased taxes and then compalins when public safety has to be cut.
Hypocrites – what did they think was going to happen?
Of course, Puddy is too simplistic to ask these questions and is already celebrating his “victory”. When you are too stoopid to see the complexities – you win every argument in your own mind.
Puddy – we laugh at you precisely BECAUSE you are a shallow thinker and incapable of really analyzing data and information.
Puddy says:
Still waiting for you to do that Puddy. Real men also admit when they are wrong and lying – I have yet to see you do that. Real Christians also do not LIE like you do. I hope you are doing a lot of asking for forgiveness for all of your sins.
26. Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 and identifying rujax as an arschloch! spews:
Someday…and I’m not holding my breath…p’dumbski will actually present a reasoned intelligent case for his wingnut bullshit…wait a minute, what AM I saying…there IS no intelligent case for p’dumbski’s wingnut bullshit.
I gave up taking that asshole seriously years ago.
Still waiting for the dumb cinder block rujax to actually post something useful.
puddy @ 10
I’m still stuck on your claim that Richard Armitage is a lefty. Your thesis rests on Sean Penn not including Armitage in a movie. So cunning!
Prior to that, I’m was marveling over how you think Christians should be arrested for feeding and housing poor people.
Why Goldy continues to give you a soapbox remains a mystery to me.
I’m told that you’re a software developer. I can’t imagine. Small wonder why you remain an anonymous coward.
rabbit @ 15
When the trogs start up on govt waste, I ask what they’d cut. Haven’t received an answer yet.
Aside: I’m always humored by the “run govt like a biz” battle cry. There’s plenty of waste and destruction in biz. I’d wager way more than govt.
The reason is because, despite it’s faults, govt still has oversight, public review, open records, etc.
Capitalists, especially shareholders, should be demanding the biz works more like govt.
Hello Jason
Nope… not at all. That’s not Puddy’s thesis so try again…
Sadly you are mistaken like always. Did you drink Steve’s Stupid Solution yesterday?
Maybe because Puddy is one of the few right thinking people who gives Goldy financial support so Puddy can continue to kick liberal ASS here!
What a DIPSHIT. First Puddy does many more things than just write software. Puddy also builds data centers. Puddy dispenses PERFECT debugging information to other HA liberals when they have networking questions on this blog. Butt don’t let that confuse you Jason. Puddy has been at 5, that’s right 5 separate Drinking Liberally events. Puddy walked up to David Goldstein the first time and you should have seen his face before and then after Puddy identified himself. Darryl gave Puddy a great reference on bass guitar amp. SeattleJew and Puddy eat together when Puddy shows up. Yet… ylb was a no show. left turn was a no show. Dragged PacMan to an event. Met most of the liberal nuts who attend. Where have you been fool? Oh yeah imbibing on Steve’s Stupid Solution.
Oh my Puddy missed correctnotright and his continual lies on health care costs. Why do you search for the twig in Puddy’s eye while there is a Sequoia in your eye?
There this BIG LIAR correctnotright goes at it agaon
You won’t answer why there are now 111 health care waivers for companies and unions on this wonderful cost rising OdumbaCare bill? When you were caught using old numbers you come out saying Puddy doesn’t understand. IT’S YOU WHO DOESN’T UNDERSTAND. It’s you who can’t figger out ODUMBA AND GANG are double accounting as the Medicare Actuary person identified.
Now when Puddy uses the King County budget to demonstrate the King County Sheriff’s Guild being close to right in their budget percentages YOU GO NUTS. It was Roger Rabbit who tried to make an insipid point on the total budget and then “hopped” away and hasn’t returned yet. His white ASS was kicked BIG TIME. Is it true they buy gravel pits and spend millions on art correctnotright? Well?
You’ve got alwayswrong nailed on this one.
The exemptions are piling up.
The entire ObamaCare Bill is built on a Balsa Wood foundation which is collapsing because it was rushed thru without vetting.
The Democrats relied on the 30 year-old Ivy Leaguers to write this…and now it is collapsing, as we predicted.
Republicans will refuse to modify the original bill and it will eventually disappear into the vast left-wing cesspool of stupid, ill-conceived ideas.
You’ve got him Puddy.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and Mrs. P