Now that Obama supports gay marriage, it will presumably be much easier to get a marriage equality plank into the platform. Still, I haven’t seen him support plank in the national platform (I haven’t seen one way or the other, but I’ve only done a cursory Google search). So hopefully he lends his support to it, and it’s not a fight. But for now, I’m still going to push people who support that plank at the next levels.
Any support by the national party will lead to losses in the house and senate. They won’t do any more than the bare minimum to keep the LGBT community quiet.
@1: What @2 said.
Meanwhile, I wonder if Dwight Pelz still thinks a marriage equality plank would “embarrass the President”? Prick. Didn’t Dr. King say something like that? “Civil rights are all well and good, so long as it’s politically convenient for the Dear Leader.”
Will the “platform” explain how 324,000 wimens in March and April dropped out of the US labor force?
Will the platform explain how 53,321,000+ wimens are now not in the workforce in the US by the BLS?
Hey Carl,
It’s a bit east of us, but you might want to look into this.
And maybe shoot John Waite, who’s running as a Democrat for a house seat in WA-03 an email.
Seriously, how long has it been since a party platform plank has meant anything – especially in Presidential politices?
I’m thinking of McClellan’s bid against Lincoln for the Presidency in 1864, when the party plank called for an end to the Civil War, but McClellan promptly repudiated it when it was clear he would mean losing the soldier’s vote.
There’s is a rock-n-roll dude who is gonna have a sex-change operation to become a woman. He is currrently married and has a kid with his wife. They plan to stay married.
Question: Once this dude (gal) becomes a woman, and he’s (she’s) still married to his (her) wife, is this in fact a de facto gay marriage?
I’ll bet the far right Christianists are having strokes over this!