Really… can any of our state’s newspapers be trusted to report objectively on I-920, the initiative to repeal WA’s estate tax, now that it has been revealed that our state’s newspaper industry is one of the primary movers and shakers behind the campaign?
Recently it was revealed that the Columbian, the Skagit Valley Herald and the Ellensburg Record had all made substantial financial contributions to the Yes campaign, and todays latest PDC filings show a $25,000 contribution from the Wenatchee World. And despite the fact that Seattle Times publisher Frank Blethen made a show of swearing off a financial role, it was recently revealed that Jill Mackie, the Times‘ VP of External Affairs, and Blethen’s full-time lobbyist for estate tax repeal, has been making in-kind contributions to the campaign.
A lot of questions remain to be asked, and our state’s reporters simply aren’t asking them. Would you want to ask these questions if you knew the guy who signs your paycheck is so heavily invested in this issue?
I really can care less who give what to whom, as long as it is public. However, let these people waste their children’s inheritance on a foolish initiative. If they have that much money to throw around, the inheritance tax shouldn’t bother them.
It’s a free country.
Goldy, could you include a link to where you found this information? Thanks.
PHOENIX-The state will ask a justice of the nation’s high court to let county election officials require voters to produce identification for next month’s general election. Attorney General Terry Goddard said Tuesday legal papers will be given to Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, possibly by the end of the week, asking him to void an order by the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals barring the state from enforcing the voter ID provisions of Proposition 200 while a legal challenge to them works its way through federal court. [………Voter ID: Democrats lose. It’s that simple. Plus……….Border Patrol and Homeland Security at every poll.]
Thanks for pointing that out. Let’s keep all them foriegners and dark skinned people from voting. [If we exclude anyone who is not white from voting, we Republicans stand a chance, hehe!]
Come ON….Blethen’s done a thoroughgoing job of explaining his family’s predicament with respect to ownership of the Times. You can’t tell me, though, that the estate tax poses a similar threat to every dollar-a-holler small-town rag in the country. To begin with, not every publisher is fortunate enough to have kids who share his passion for running a newspaper. If the East Bumfuck Gazette-Picayune’s going to get sold to Gannett or some such when Harry the Ink-Stained Wretch kicks off, I could give a shit if his kids won’t get quite as much dough to go play in the South of France.
Voter ID: Unconstitutional. It’s that simple.
Thanks for pointing that out. Let’s keep all them “foriegners” and dark skinned people from voting.
Commentby Doctor Maf54 Kennedy, ESQ.— […………………………….Spell much, Maf54? Another public school “minority pass” student?]
How much phucking money do they want before they die? They can’t take it with them.
The Yakima daily fishwrap endorsed scrapping the estate tax too. Take a guess who owns the Yakima fishwrap.
I-920 = Washington State’s version of the Paris Hilton Relief Act.
Or, if you prefer, the Anna Nicole Smith Trophy Wives’ Ultimate Payout Guarantee Act.
Geneva – Hollywood star Angelina Jolie on Tuesday accused the West of cold-heartedness and hypocrisy in trying to shut out migrants, including refugees, from Africa and other hotspots. More than 7,000 people have died trying to get into Europe over the past decade, according to Jolie, whose comments appeared in the magazine ”Refugees,” published by the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), for whom she is a goodwill ambassador. [……….Could they all come and live with Angelina and Brad?…………..hehe, JCH]
We’ll fill Rhode Island with the first billion refugees, then start filling Connecticut with the next billiion.
And AJ can adopt a few thousand more third-world babies, one for each country in Africa, S. America and Asia. Hey collect the whole set!
What’s the beef boys? Oh I get it.
You losers won’t ever amount to much of anything anyway, so you have to grab at the success of others. The fact is that much of these estates has been taxed already while accumulating.
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