Mary Kay Letourneau and her former sixth-grade student — the father of her two youngest children — are hosting a “Hot for Teacher” night at a Seattle nightclub.
Letourneau, now 47, served 7 ½ years in prison after she was convicted of raping Vili Fualaau, now 26. They were married four years ago this week.
The bar’s owner says Letourneau has served her sentence, she’s married her former student, and it’s OK for them to have some fun on a Saturday night. … The couple first met when Fualaau was in the second grade. Their relationship became sexual when he was 12 and she was a 34-year-old married mother of four.
I started to write about 8 snarky things about this and deleted them.
Love is a strange thing sometimes. I’m rather glad they are still together. I hope they are happy.
A “pregressive” night out on the town, no doubt.
Letourneau was/is bipolar i.e. mentally ill – last I heard anyway.
How else can anyone explain such poor judgement and crazy behavior?
I mean 34 and 12? This is love? Strange indeed.
“Letourneau was/is…mentally ill”
That’s the first prerequisite for membership in the Republican Party these days, isn’t it?
Oh, yeah…it so happens her father tried to run against Nixon for the GOP nomination in ’72 because he and his pals thought Tricky Dick was a leftist. No wonder the poor girl’s got some kinks.
Humans are dumb.
Mary Kay does not appear to be a registered voter. She is not registered to vote under her maiden name of Schmitz, her former married name of Letourneau, or her current married name of Fualaau.
Vili Fualaau registered to vote when he was 18, but has apparently never voted.
Now if all Republicans could simply follow the example of this upstanding couple!
Mary Kay Fualaau seems to have some problems with traffic tickets of late:
1 Fualaau, Mary K
Defendant King County District 8Y6012621 10-23-2008
2 Fualaau, Mary K
Defendant Seatac Municipal CR48509ST 12-09-2008
3 Fualaau, Mary K
Defendant Des Moines Municipal I10560NP 09-02-2008
4 Fualaau, Mary K
Defendant Kent Municipal Court K00527704 06-13-2008
5 Fualaau, Mary K
Defendant Kent Municipal Court K00529002 07-08-2008
6 Fualaau, Mary K
Defendant Kent Municipal Court K00529219 08-27-2008
7 Fualaau, Mary Katherine
Defendant Seatac Municipal IT70837ST 09-05-2008
8 Fualaau, Mary Katherine
Defendant Kent Municipal Court K00073753 12-03-2008
9 Fualaau, Mary Kay
Defendant King County District 73-012986 05-23-2007
In 1976 I began working in a public forum where humans are required to swear to tell the truth. I was enthusiastic, naive, fresh-faced, all the bs we use to convince our young to jump on the treadmill.
Now, after 33 years in this honorable forum, I trust no one, will not be alone with a child, believe no one. The system is corrupt from the top down.
This land was stolen 200 years ago. The worst kind of genocide was practiced on the people who lived here for thousands of years before
George, Tom, Andrew, Ben came to “tame the savages.” What bullshit. Theft, pure and simple.
Face it, people are the worst kind of garbage, they will break your heart, break your trust.
And now we’ve let torture loose in our country. How long before we start torturing child molesters, domestic violence suspects.
Oh, that’s right, “trust us, we wouldn’t do that.”
Looks like bubba goldsteins been sippin from the firewater…slipping down the offtopic hillside.
I knew somebody who was a prison guard over at Purdy when Letourneau was in the joint there. According to my source, Letourneau flirted around like she was the reason the whole Washington state prison system existed. Letourneau is indeed a freaky mental specimen and a poster girl for euthanasia.
What I don’t get is the husband: can’t he see that she’s a crazy bitch? The puss must be mighty good to put up with that crazy bat shit bitch!
Letorneau was damaged goods practically from birth. An ultra-conrolling father, a neglectful party-guy husband who only seemed to want a broodmare, a dead-end job, you just had to expect something like this to happen. Sooner or later she’d find a good man that was actually good to her, but the wild card was that this good man was barely into puberty.
And as far as her driving record (kudos to the Popemeister), perhaps her being around Polynesians has rubbed off on her. Only New York and New Jersey drivers are worse than Hawai’ians (yes, there are plenty of Tongans in Hawai’i). And for the record, according to the survey, Washington is tied for 17th, Nevada was tied for 26th and California is 47th.
How “hot” can she be at 47? I mean, really, can a woman old enough to be an Arkansas great-great-grandmother keep a 26-year-old husband, you know, satisfied?
@7 Hmmm, I wonder what she was doing instead of watching the road?
@8 We wouldn’t have any of those problems if there were no humans and rabbits ran this place.
Sorry I was off topic. I was dysphoric this morning.
Nasty, nasty, nasty! Maybe we’ll get lucky and that skank will get hit by a bus.
16 Whatever happens to both of them for the rest of their lives, maybe the rest of us will be so fortunated as to be spared from hearing about it.