This falls more under the category of bizarre amusement than actual controversy, but in the Republican–on–Republican battle in Washington’s 4th Congressional District, something weird happened. And I don’t simply mean the existence of Clint Didier as a possible future Congressman from Washington state. No…this weirdly amusing thing comes from a “PAC backed by former Republican U.S. Sen. Slade Gorton” that produced this ad against Didier:
Didier: “Get your ham radio. Get it in a metal box and get it buried in the ground!”
Narrator: “The more you listen, the weirder Clint Didier sounds.”
Yep. Can’t argue with that.
So…I’m a ham radio operator. And a pretty active one, at that. Some of my ham acquaintances on a list server I belong to were outraged by their perception that the ad implied that ham radio was weird.
But what is weird is Clint Didier. I don’t know the full context of the quote, but putting a ham radio in a metal box and burring it in the ground doesn’t make for a very good radio or for bountiful farming.
It sounds to me like Clint is some kind of wackjob prepper with a dose of paranoia, and he probably doesn’t know squat about ham radio, emergency communications, or disaster readiness.
Sure enough…a search of the FCC database reveals that Clint Didier is not a licensed amateur radio operator.
At least not under his REAL name….
My husband and I live part-time in the Methow Valley and we vote over there. Come next January, Clint Didier will surely be my new Congressman. Argh.
And just think, the useless Democratic party machine (! yeah, sure, some corroded machine that is) could not defeat this asshole in the “top-two” primary. The machine did not put any effort into getting a really good and real Democrat, Estakio Beltran onto the general ballot. That pissed me off. And then, did the machine do anything after losing to Didier, leaving Cong. Dist. 4 with two damned Republicans on the ballot? Could they have at least tried to push a write-in campaign for Beltran for the general? With two Republicans hammering each other during the campaign, there would have at least been a small chance for Beltran. He could have won with 35-40%. The Democrats walked away. No imagination. They usually ignore Central and Eastern Washington anyway, but this was just the same old abandonment frustration. I hate them almost as much as I hate the Republican party. So who to vote for? Didier, of course! That’s who the people want! So good luck with him!
it’s all fun and games until he eventually gets elected.. He won’t stop until he gets that Government paycheck.
“It sounds to me like Clint is some kind of wackjob prepper”
Indeed, burying a ham radio in a metal box (Faraday cage) is the stuff of preppers. In the link below they discuss burying metal boxes in the discussion thread.
“a search of the FCC database reveals that Clint Didier is not a licensed amateur radio operator”
As it’s for use following the EMP Apocalypse, Clint Didier probably figures he won’t need no stinkin’ left-wing, commie-fascist-issued license.
What is your call sign? Do you hang out on 2 meter ever?
I be ww7d. I am frequently found on 144.2 SSB/CW during VHF contests and sprints. Occasionally I can found on 146.58 or 146.52 as ww7d/P activating a SOTA summit or ww7d/AM while buzzing around the Puget Sound region.
Bury stuff in metal boxes? Hell, I’ll betcha old Clint don’t even shovel his own manure.
Oh, by the way, the Seattle Times(!!!!) pointed out that he’s against funding for higher education because colleges promote a “liberal agenda”.
When I told my wife Didier is a former NFL player, she came up with an interesting theory: “Maybe he has brain damage.” I can’t argue with that. Sure looks like he does. Maybe a good personal injury lawyer could use this video to get him some money.
Maybe he did take too many hits with a poorly fitting helmet. Who knows? Here’s something else to think about…he played his last two NFL seasons with Green Bay;Green Bay is the only NFL team that is governmental owned! He played for an entity he supposedly hates. But then…his nemesis Barack Obama wasn’t involved so….it must be OK. Right?
Blame the bipartisan Washington Redistricting Commission for a horse trade that redrew this district so that only a Republican can win. Democrats thought the deal would make for easier wins on the west side, but it’s damn close to backfiring.