Okay…Rep. Weiner’s press conference wasn’t the world’s weirdest—that title still has to go to former Gov. Sanford’s “post-Appalachian hiking” trip presser.
The weirdness was at the front end. When I tuned in the live stream just before 1:00 pm local time, there was Andrew Breitbart, the person who broke the Weiner story, at the podium. And he hung out at the podium answering questions for a long time, leading one reporter to ask via Twitter whether the press had been duped into some sort of Breitbart publicity stunt. The press has developed a partial skepticism of Breitbart, something he earned by breaking previous stories that ended up being dead wrong and based on doctored or misleading videos. You know…the phony ACORN “scandal” and the “Shirley Sherrod is a racist” bullshit.
In this case however…Breitbart got the story pretty much correct.
When Breitbart finished there was a long break before Weiner took the podium.
Weiner fought back the tears as he confessed to and profusely apologized for having inappropriate tweets, emails, and a couple of phone calls with about six women over three years. He made clear that he never met any of them in person and never had sex with them. He met them on Facebook.
Weiner also admitted to lying to everyone about that initial tweet—with the photo of his inflated briefs—which he meant to PM and tweeted instead. The suggestion that his Twitter account had been hacked was a lie, he confessed. He apologized to everyone—his wife, their families, his constituents, the Seattle woman whose life was disrupted by this, his staff (meaning, I believe, his congressional staff), and The Press. Christ…he even apologized to Breitbart.
It took a follow-up question to ask if he would resign. No, he won’t. And then he answered reporter’s questions frankly and earnestly. No…his wife and he were not going to split. Yes, they love each other. Yes, she was disappointed. He admitted to lying about the tweets because he was embarrassed and didn’t want to get caught. And, over and over again, he kept “taking full responsibility” and apologizing.
He also kept pointed out that what he did was stupid. But not illegal. So that was the presser.
I have to say…I am not surprised. Even without surprise, I am a little disappointed in Weiner. That’s why I haven’t had much to say about the scandal, except for having a little fun at Dick Cheney’s expense. Seriously, I cannot get too worked up about flirting via social media. What he did doesn’t arise to much (so to speak…in another sense it raises surprisingly….).
Where I do fault Weiner is…STUPIDITY! Public figures should not flirt via social media. Not because of any legal or even ethical questions. No…because it invites scandal, precisely of the type we have here. So Weiner acted stupidly.
This is the same point I made for former Rep. Christopher Lee, who wasn’t simply engaging in flirting, exactly. Rather, he was trolling for sex via Craigslist using his real name, but claiming to be a lobbyist:
Lying, willingness to break his marriage vows…and sheer stupidity! Seriously…the dude didn’t even change his name and then sends the woman a topless photo of himself. Was he trying to create a public scandal?
Lee’s “activities” should be several orders of magnitude over Weiner’s on the sheer stupidity scale. But given that Weiner kept sending flirtatious tweets after Lee’s insta-resignation raises his stupidity level one order of magnitude below that of Lee.
Somewhere in between them is former Sen. Larry Craig, whose wide stance and toe-tapping turned into disorderly conduct. Stupid.
And then there is the stupidity of Sen. Vitter, whose sexual fantasies involved trans-infantile activities with a hooker, and former Gov. Elliot Spitzer who just liked very high price hookers. These guys were sort of stupid, and they both broke the law. They both left enough clues to get caught. And one of them is a flaming “family values” hypocrite. Oddly, he’s the one still in office.
And then there is the uber-stupidity of former Sen. Ensign and former Sen. Edwards. They had affairs whilst in the public spotlight. They were both busted as “family values” hypocrites. And they both took actions to cover up their scandals that involved large sums of money. Now they are both at risk of doing time for their alleged crimes. And that’s just super-stupid!
But almost nothing tops the stupidity of former Gov. Sanford, whose flirtations (Weiner-magnitude stupidity) via email turned into a full-blown affair (about Craig-level stupidity). So he concocted a story about hiking the Appalachian trail, ditched his security detail, left his car at the Atlanta airport, flew to Argentina, and thought nobody would notice for ten days. That’s Vitter—Spitzer stupid, at least. Oh…and he my have used state money to hook-up with his paramour, money he later reimbursed to the state (near-Ensign—Edwards stupid). It doesn’t look like Sanford is going to jail. But what puts Sanford at the top of the stupid politician stupidity scale was the interviews he gave shortly after his “hiking” trip:
In emotional interviews with the AP over two days, he said he would die “knowing that I had met my soul mate.” […]
Sanford insisted his relationship with Maria Belen Chapur, whom he met at an open air dance spot in Uruguay eight years ago, was more than just sex.
“This was a whole lot more than a simple affair, this was a love story,” Sanford said. “A forbidden one, a tragic one, but a love story at the end of the day.”
Too! Much! Information!!!!
In sum…It’s the stupidity, stupid!
So, Weiner…install some Constituent Control and Monitoring Software on your computers, and get back to work.
“phony acorn scandal”…they didnt say what we heard with our own ears? lol. daryl, you should ban yourself for idiocy.
and how many of the lemming partisans in here actually believed the “someone hacked my twitter account” lie?
we already know RHP and YLB did…suckers that they are..
cmon now everyone, lets see a show of hands.
2 – Yep I gave Weiner the benefit of the doubt.
Just like you’d do for anyone Dori Monson thinks walks on water.
Like Suzy Hutchison, Dino Rossi – people of that ilk.
So as rhp said in the other thread – celebrate! Your fixation on weiners (not on jobs, not on education, not on health care, not on anything that matters)…
Let’s see….
Former MA Attorney General (hey…that was YOUR public servant!) investigated and found the videos had been substantially edited and no evidence of criminal conduct.
The Brooklyn District Attorney’s office found the videos were heavily edited and concluded that there was no criminal wrongdoing by the ACORN staff in the Brooklyn video.
The CA Attorney General determined that the videos from Los Angeles, San Diego and San Bernardino had been heavily edited, and no evidence of criminal conduct on the part of ACORN employees.
The US Government Accountability Office investigated and found no evidence that ACORN mishandled any federal money.
Manoftruth…you should ban yourself for stupidity.
@2 I don’t have any hands, so I’ll raise a paw. I never posted a knee-jerk defense of Weiner on this board. I withheld judgment until the facts were in. The only thing I really said about the Weiner controversy is that I thought it was a sideshow and there were more important issues to discuss.
But let me make clear, right now, what the essential difference between us and Republicans is.
When GOPers controlled Congress, they appointed Doc Hastings to chair the House Ethics Committee, and his job was to sweep the endless stream of scandals involving Republican congressmen — some of which involved blatant graft and corruption, others of which revolved around inappropriate sexual advances — under the rug.
The contrast between Republican behavior and Democratic philosophy came into sharp focus when former Rep. William Jefferson was caught with illicit cash in his freezer. Far from protecting him or covering up his crimes, as Republicans invariably do for their own, the House Democrats immediately stripped Jefferson of his committee posts — the most severe sanction they could impose. Because they didn’t control the House, they couldn’t expel him. Note that Republicans, who did control the House, didn’t expel him either, even though he was a Democrat. They preferred to let him dangle and milk the scandal for all it was worth, in order to prolong the embarrassment for the Democratic Party.
When Democrats misbehave, we don’t defend them. But you never, ever see this blog’s trolls acknowledge, let alone express any remorse for, the corruption or misbehavior of Republican politicians. That would violate one of the cardinal rules of the GOP playbook, which is never admit you’re wrong. Such actions are seen, not as a principled admissions of imperfection, but as a tactical error that must never be committed.
Weiner has been a weiner about this. First he took advantage of his elected position to hit up a 21-year-old college student. Then he lied about it. You could argue that whatever his wife does to him is going to be punishment enough. He will have to live with this, and the stain it has put on their marriage, for the rest of his life. But that begs the question of whether he owes more than an apology to his constituents — the people who elected him — and the country.
You can make a persuasive argument that he doesn’t owe anything to the country. I’ve seen Republicans argue many times that House members owe loyalty only to their districts, not the country as a whole. Certainly, when GOP congressmen misbehave, they trot out the argument that it’s for their constituents, not the country as a whole, to decide what to do about it.
But I think we all feel that’s an unsatisfying answer. There’s an underlying notion that members of Congress are expected to set an example and a congressman’s misbehavior impacts all of us, not just his district, hence the argument that someone in Weiner’s position should resign “for the good of the country.” Then, if he wants to run in the next election and his district’s voters see fit to forgive him and send him back to Congress to represent them, the matter is settled and everyone moves on.
I can’t tell Weiner, or the voters of his district, what to do. But I would hate to see that district lost to the Republicans because of a stubborn refusal by Weiner to step down if that’s what the voters of his district want him to do. He has responsibilities not only to his district but also to his party and the country as a whole. He should go home to his district, talk to voters, sound them out, get a sense of what the people who sent him to Congress expect of him now. And if they want him to resign, he should honor their wishes. He is an employee, and they are his boss.
Who cares about whether or not Weiner sent lewd or suggestive photos to anyone? We’ve got far more important things to worry about. This is s distraction that will be gone in a few days.
Also, the Republicans have no room to criticize Weiner. Look at all of the shit their guys have been into for the past 10 or 20 years!
Is Weiner a dumb-ass? Most assuredly. Is it important? Definitely not!
so daryl, when i saw the acorn tapes, did they fake the black woman telling them how to avoid paying taxes?
7 – One of the few statements you’ve made that I agree with COMPLETELY. Congrats.
I haven’t watched the presser, but it seems like some serious consent issues. I mean, I don’t care if he’s having an affair, but I think the women he forwarded his picture deserve not to have that shit happen to them.
The difference is the Republicans take out their trash. The Democrats reelect theirs.
Chris Lee resigned in less than 24 hours. Weiner lied for a week plus and refuses to resign.
Good point. Also, when Republicans do these Weinereque pervy things, the Democratic leadership call for them to resign. But when one of their own do it, they don’t call for them to step down.
I’m a Democrat, and this has really opened my eyes that my party has a double standard, and has lost its moral compass.
Right. If I recall that Vitter dude from Louisiana still has “Senator” in front of his name.
And Charley Rangel and Jim McDermott have “Representative” in front of theirs.
What Rangel and McDermott did are felonies, not misdemeanors.
Any jail time/indictments for those two? hmmm.. Didn’t think so.
Guess right wing courts that hold session in all the usual places (Breitbart, (un)Soundpolitics) aren’t much for results.
I didn’t think Weiner ran on “family values” unlike those right wing hypocrites who resign under overwhelming pressure when they commit the ultimate crime:
getting caught!
I like how our “constitutionalist” friends on the right believe in little concepts like due process and the presumption of innocence.
“Chris Lee resigned in less than 24 hours.”
Try again…he resigned in about 2 hours…before anyone even knew the scandal had broken. Clearly he had no appetite for sticking around.
“Weiner lied for a week plus and refuses to resign.”
Why should he resign, exactly?
And why not Sen. Vitter broke the laws against prostitution and is still in office. Or Gov. Sanford, who refused to resign and finished out his term.
Your a fucking hypocrite!
why should he resign?
ummm, how about for lying to the public for starters. that seems reason enough in my book.
man, the partisanship lemmings sure are sticking to their guns….
partisan lemmings are exactly why this nation is fucked…period…end of story.
@2. Jethro Troll spews:
and how many of the lemming partisans in here actually believed the “someone hacked my twitter account” lie?
we already know RHP and YLB did…suckers that they are..
these nitwits should have figured it out when weenie wouldn’t let the police investigate. At least they are so loony it’s a good comedy show.
Heterosexuals doing fun stuff.
You … we … are all assholes.
What the fuck? Whys does anyone care that Anthony Weiner sent out a picture of his jockeys? At least they were clean!
Are jockeys now porn? Is e-flirting a sex crime?
I confess, I like to look at beautiful women!! Does that make me some sort of unfit person? Or do I get to that plateau if I send them admiring emails?
I have an idea …
I suggest we all send Breitbars the filthiest text and pix we can find. As an obese old guy, I volunteer to send Mr Bart a picture of my weenie in my jockeys! I guarantee that is disgusting!
Come on Horsesassholes! Join the fun!
ZzzzzzzZZZZZZZZ from the sole member of the Dori Monson party.
did the she-male tool say something?
I said, as I’ve said in almost all of these cases, that if the allegations prove to be true the person should step down.
Sorry, but Wiener doesn’t have the commonsense, self control, respect for others, or dignity to be a member of the house. I hope that he’s kicked out or recalled.
Weiner is a piker.
Any self loathing politician understands that former Senator Larry Craig (ID-R) set the bar for extra marital shenanigans while in office.
Did some asshat tool say something relevant to anything of any lasting worth?
@11 “The difference is the Republicans take out their trash.”
That’s absolutely false. When the Republicans were in power they didn’t take out any of their trash. That’s why the voters did it for them, in 2006 and 2008.
Um no. Just like you guys do, this will be hounded until the sleezball resigns. You don’t get to have a double standard anymore. I know that sucks for you, but we are going to force the left and your media sycophants to a level playing field whether you like it or not. Welcome to your new world.
Troll @12 — “I’m a Democrat”
This is so old. It’s not original at all. There isn’t a troll on this board who hasn’t claimed, at one time or another, to be a Democrat.
Whatsamatter, Troll, are you so ashamed of what you are that you won’t admit to being a Republican?
Let’s see, in recent election campaigns we’ve seen Republican candidates trying to hide their party affiliation, both on and off the ballot, through such devices as listing themselves as “prefers GOP party” or not putting a party affiliation on their yard signs. It seems a lot of Republicans are ashamed to admit they’re Republicans. Or perhaps they realize, rightly, that the only way they can get elected is by lying about who and what they are.
After all, we now live in a country, or at least a county, where cigaret smoke is more popular with voters than Republican candidates are.
@19 “how about lying to the public”
If that was the standard for staying in office, George W. Bush wouldn’t have made it through his first month.
Hey, I’m not saying we should condone lying politicians. We shouldn’t. But, as Darryl and others have pointed out, you flaming rightwing hypocrites have a double standard, one for Republicans and one for Democrats. Well, fuck you. All you’re doing is bitching because a Democrat is behaving like the Republicans behave. It’s about time someone did.
The House Democratic leadership has called for an ethics investigation into Weiner’s conduct.
Just curious. When is the last time the Republican leadership in either house call for an ethics investigation into any Republican’s conduct?
@29 “You don’t get to have a double standard anymore.”
We never had one. As I pointed out earlier in this thread, it’s Republicans — not Democrats — who cover up misbehavior and sweep it under the rug. If you don’t want a double standard then starting behaving like Democrats. Trust me, Weiner is going to get taken care of. By our party, not yours. If a Republican did this your party would be lying, denying, and obstructing.
The pious sanctimony of the trolls in this thread is unbelievable.
@32 Sometime before the Civil War, if then.
Personally, I think Weiner should be stood up against a wall and shot* for giving Republicans a golden opportunity to distract media attention away from the fact their reckless conduct in Congress is about to plunge the United States into a Treasury default and another global financial crisis.
* Just kidding! I’m merely mimicking rightwing execution jokes. See, e.g., Ann Coulter.
@30. Roger Rabbit spews:
Troll @12 — “I’m a Democrat”
This is so old. It’s not original at all. There isn’t a troll on this board who hasn’t claimed, at one time or another, to be a Democrat.
if SJ claims to be a democrat you’d better believe it, he sure sounds like the real deal;
@22. SJ spews:
I suggest we all send Breitbars the filthiest text and pix we can find. As an obese old guy, I volunteer to send Mr Bart a picture of my weenie in my jockeys! I guarantee that is disgusting!
That’s not the double standard I was referring to. It’s the media double standard whereby Rs are rightfully run out of office when they misbehave, but Ds get a pass. Buckle up, this is another Spitzer. Wait til the next photo drops.
@37 I don’t see Weiner getting a pass. The media are all over his ass. Spitzer, as I recall, resigned. (But when did you ever see a misbehaving Republican resign?) And the media didn’t spare Edwards or Gore. So, I have no idea what you’re prattling about.
Will DogDirt please step forward and explain how the Republicans took out their trash in regards to Republican Senator Ensign’s conduct? Will any troll?
Spitser? He resigned within 48 hours.
Weiner? House Democratic leadership has called for an ethics investigation the same day we find out he lied.
I definitely do not understand your “Ds get a pass” comment, unless you mean that we don’t instantly assume anything Breitbart says is automatically true. Please elucidate if you would. Can you give any examples?
Thankfully all this shit will be forgotten in a few weeks. If Weiner has anything to answer for, we’ll find out how it all turns out on November 6, 2012. His district will decide whether or not he should continue in the House of Representatives.
@38 & 39
Ensign resigned April 22nd. When is Weiner going to go? Rangel? Waters?
Edwards was covered for, until he was clearly out of the race for president. It took the National fucking Enquirer to break the story because none of the rest of the media would expose a Democrat.
I don’t think they had a single one while Doc Hastings was in charge.
Just like that old evil emmessemm covered up GWB’s bottle problem in the White House.
I read about that in the Enquirer too.
Uhh. Contradiction much??
Two short years after he was caught. My, that was quick.
Like the pass they gave Eliot Spitzer and are giving John Edwards? That pass?
The press aren’t giving the left a pass, but they are at times using two different standards to judge people and they are doing so for a very good reason. That reason being that Republicans set themselves up as standard bearers of moralism. Republicans said that it was wrong to be gay and that our society had loose sexual mores and was going to fix that. And then we found a bunch of Republicans, having sex with prostitutes, staffers, gay men and so on.
So yeah, there are two different standards at work here, one for the moralizers and one for the non-moralizers.
Personally, I think what Wiener did was creepy, classless, and wrong even by the non-moralizer standard and that he should go.
LOL… Good old Delbert declines to mention that Waters and Wrangel were investigated and found to have broken the rules while Democrats were in control of the house. When good old Doc Hastings (R) was running the ethics committee they were given a pass.
If it were up to me I would have kicked both of them out of the house.
I will admit that I gave Weiner the benefit of the doubt – but truly, I figured that a guy with the name of Weiner sending photos of his crotch was just too stupid to believe.
Obviously he somehow misunderstood all the weeny jokes from when he was a kid.
Rangel probably won’t go. While he was censured by the House he was not removed. And more to the point he was reelected by his constituents, just like that Louisiana Republican Senator who was caught committing adultery with prostitutes.
Last I checked people are innocent until proven guilty. Nothing wrong with giving the guy the benefit of the doubt.
Rangel and Waters’ egos are far to large for them to ever step down.
Weiner didn’t break any laws. He hit the wrong button on his computer, then lied about it. No money was passed. I actually kind of hope he’ll stand up and say he fucked up, but he’s not resigning. He was trying to save a new marriage. Let the voters decide. I have, more than once, hit “Reply All” when I meant to hit “Reply.” These things happen. Rs are the hypocrites, always.
@52 Oh, I’m not gonna defend the guy — it’s indefensible — but this whole thread reeks of wingnut hypocrisy. They act like this is more serious than kidnapping, torturing, and killing innocent civilians in foreign countries. Or crashing the economy by forcing the Treasury into default because they can’t get their way on stripping Medicare.
@50 Thank you for proving my point.
“The difference is the Republicans take out their trash. The Democrats reelect theirs.”
@52 You want to talk about Libya?
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Over in another thread the HA databaze ASShat yelling lost beta place some old RawStory links that are now OUT OF DATE with WeinerGate.
Hey ASShat databaze beta, you have too much time on your hands browsing the Internet finding useless out of date Internet links and other worthless materials.
Of course professors like Darryl will turn a blind eye to WeinerGate and not call for his resignation. Butt there are some problems with the professor’s reasoning…
Weiner was married on July 10, 2010. He starts sexting with this lady on August 13, 34 days later… Hmmm… short honeymoon eh professor? But I digress… here’s a liberal professor with a working brain…
Now why is that. Well let’s compare.
Chris Lee had is pants on in his Craigslist photo. Anthony WeinerGate has his pants off in his Tweet.
Chris Lee was showing off above his waist. Anthony WeinerGate was showing off below his waist.
Chris Lee was advertising for a woman. Anthony WeinerGate’s advertising was directed at a specific woman.
Chris Lee wasn’t using government resources. Anthony WeinerGate was using government resourcess.
So there you have it. Da facts are da facts. Weiner needs to go!
In another thread the ASShat rujax the misogynist dumb cinder block farted over my WeinerGate entries. Looks like my sources were correct and the misogynist was another libtardo ASShat! WeinerGate was the real thing moron!
Yep Tony DeWeiner of WeinerGate.
Then professor Darryl makes other claims of Breitbart over Sherrod. Apparently da professor hasn’t read these links. So I suppose WeinerGate was right to apologize to Andrew Breitbart because he was right again.
Regarding the professor’s claim on ACORN, he must be looking at this old report in December 2009. Funny this link was posted by Puddy in 2011. So how could they be absolved if they used money in illegal voting registration fraud schemes?
Good thing Judicial Watch is on the case…
Yes closed it down. Now if was a Halliburton investigation, Holder would be appointing a special prosecutor.
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57 – *facepalm* – more tortured false comparisons whose upshot is “fambly values” Republicans are better even when they’re caught grooming flesh, toe-tapping and having their dirty diapers changed by a prostitute.
To be expected from a torture fan.
Didn’t you read all the way through to where I mention Republican Senator Vitter, who is an admitted adulterer and “John” who seeks out services of prostitutes who none the less was reelected by his constituents? Or is this your prime example of Republicans taking out their trash?
Hey ASSfacia diagnosis receiver@62,
Nope you dope. They are superior to any of your lowly dopey thoughts 24x7x365. They are spot on comparisons. You have just a little problem with WeinerGate… When you transmit a pic of de package you are INFERRING something you idiot! Something totally different from Chris Lee. He was trolling for a partner. Weiner is a sexual predator, of young adult wimens.
Of course yelling lost bata has no problems with WeinerGate sexting 34 days after marrying a very beatuiful woman. That’s A-OK to yelling lost beta.
yelling lost beta, the no morals party guy.
64 – They are STUPID TORTURED COMPARISONS from a lover of TORTURE!
Also a BIG fan of being porno-scanned and groped by the TSA.
The Republican party – party of tools who laugh as they throw grandma and grandpa off a cliff.
men – Foley! For a change a pol gets caught misbehaving towards women.
Yes lover of being groped at airports – Weiner is a complete idiot!
So you claim that if people associated with ACORN somehow makes ACORN also guilty of the same crime?
By that logic you are guilty of seeking the services of prostitutes*. Of course we know that is patently false because you seek the services of goats.
*Vitter is a Rethug Senator so the entire Rethug party is guilty by association. The Koch brothers are highly active pulling the strings of the Rethug party so they are guilty by association. And you are a Koch whore and so you are as well.
By the way, what is the pay for being a Koch whore, anyway?
@67 correction: So you claim that if people associated with ACORN commit a crime that somehow makes ACORN also guilty of the same crime?
As is typical with cheap labor right wingers not as good as it used to be seeing as the tool is much more scarce these days.
Thank goodness for right wingers being the cheap labor jerks they are for once.
Yeah if they are on the ACORN payroll when they KNOWINGLY committed the crimes! IT was multiple instances of ACORN employees!
Non sequitor comparison of Vitter and prostitutes but keep trying ekim…
Of course the moronic of the most moronic yelling lost beta can’t see the forest or the trees. Chris Lee was a moron, but notice how yelling lost beta loses it when the correct comparison is applied against WeinerGate.
Chris Lee resigned. WeinerGate stays on and on and on after being caught in many lies on National TV.
And now onto Roger The Very Dumb Rabbit who spewed
This Very Dumb Rabbit forgot (well he is getting old and senile) he said this…8. Roger Rabbit spews:
@3 For every Democrat in jail for bribery, there’s 10 Republicans in jail for bribery.
And if I have to be represented by crooks, I still like our crooks better than your crooks.
02/08/2010 at 2:58 pm
Hey Very Dumb Rabbit, you said it more than once here on this blog. Yep, Puddy remembers vile left wing bile! And I do it without any databaze!
Makes the rest of your rant @5 very worthless hot air there Herr Dumb Rabbit.
I knew I remembered a Weiner Friday Night Comedy Link. Found it.
I wonder if Weiner was sexting when de professa decided to place DeWeinerGate on this thread?
If a politician violates the law, then prosecute.
As to violations of ethics, this gets into a gray area. Should a politician resign because of an ethics violation? How serious a violation? Should a politician resign because he is of a certain political party and not another? Should a politician resign because he privately violates the same ethical standards he publicly champions?
Should a politician soldier on if he still doing a good job representing his constituents interests and his constituency still supports him? Or should he resign, leaving his constituency without the representation they voted for and still may desire, warts and all?
Personally, I think that a given constituency should have the right to elect and re-elect who they want to represent them. Or for that matter, to throw the bum out when said individual fails to represent them.
It’s called the Randroid Ryan plan. Moron I thought you despised Rand because she was an atheist.
Ryan makes his staff read Rand’s crap! Now we’ve got his “plan” and all your beloved morons in the House save for three voted for it!
Party of so-called morals proved.
Back to Roger Very Dumb Rabbit…
He claimed above the media was all over the WeinerGate Story. Really Roger?
How about 3 days later? Only Mediaite and Fox News ran with it. BTW they got it right again!
But on June 1 MSNBC acted like they believed WeinerGate.
To the Person Playing Puddybud (@above)
The fact is, the “story” that Breitbart “broke” about ACORN was a made-up scandal based on a doctored video. Numerous prosecutors investigated and found the “shocking” video highly edited, and found no evidence of criminal conduct.
Your character’s prevarication, excuses, whinning, spindoctoring, and senseless babbling cannot change that.
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79 – The “plan” was written and your beloved pols voted for it.
Tell their constituents that it is “something that hasn’t happened”.
They are HEARING from their constituents you fool!
To the Person Playing Puddybud @ 74,
I can’t make head or tails about what you are getting at. Please have your character BOTH (1) stay on topic, and (2) make sense. That is…quit the senseless babbling.
UPDATE @79: Person Playing Puddybud…this is the last time I ask you nicely. In a non-open thread, please don’t leave off-topic or content-less comments. Seriously…make a salient point about the topic on hand or don’t comment.
Well da professa speaks.
If it was a made up story why didn’t Bertha Lewis rehire those wimens she fired? From the CA Report you referenced In #4
Once again all can see when I post any response to a personal attack on me Darryl decides to erase my posts.
You can’t make heads or tails out of post #74? Where have you been? He’s been sexting one lady 34 days after his marriage. She said he sexted her after the Health Care Vote in early March. You put WeinerGate on a Friday Night Comedy thread March 18th. I asked if he sexted the same lady after his comments you posted.
Of course you skip right over post#64. What the fuck does his last sentence have to do with this link?
To the Person Playing Puddybud,
“If it was a made up story why didn’t Bertha Lewis rehire those wimens she fired?”
By “wimens” do you mean women?? If so, at least part of the answer is that ACORN doesn’t really have ANY employees anymore. But how is that in any way relevant?
The fact is, Breitbart published a highly edited video that was intentionally misleading. The videos were doctored to make it appear as if ACORN employees were breaking the law. They weren’t.
It’s very simple…selectively editing videos to make them tell a different story is dishonest. Publishing such videos is journalistic malpractice.
Breitbart committed journalistic malpractice by publishing the video.
bottom line:
the criminal organization known as ACORN is pretty much no more.
ACORN was still in business Dec 2009 when the congressional “report” came out. She could have easily rehired the Maryland duo. She didn’t. I haven’s seen any “I was wrong to fire them” anywhere.
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Person Playing Puddybud @ 83,
“Once again all can see when I post any response to a personal attack on me Darryl decides to erase my posts.”
False. I do not delete them from open threads.
“You can’t make heads or tails out of post #74?”
You explanation doesn’t really help. The videos posted months ago are unrelated to weinergate. They were about Weiner’s sarcastic floor speech on NPR funding. The videos were widely circulated.
“if he sexted the same lady after his comments you posted”
I’m still scratching my head over this one.
“Of course you skip right over post#64. What the fuck does his last sentence have to do with this link?”
@64 is YOUR comment, dummy. You might mean @65?? I didn’t even look over that part of the thread, but it is off topic and could well be deleted. But here is the deal. You ONLY need to worry about YOUR comments. So, again:
(1) If you feel the need to post a comment that simply flings poo, take it to an open thread.
(2) If you are responding to someone who is straying unreasonably from the topic either (a) don’t respond, (b) bring the conversation back on topic in your response, or (c) take it to an open thread.
(3) Strive for comments that are better than barely acceptable. Quit being a bottom feeder. Except in open threads where you can bottom feed at will.
(4) If you don’t understand what constitutes an off-topic versus on-topic thread, abstain from submitting the comment. Take it, instead, to an open thread.
For now, do not continue commenting on this comment in this thread. If you want to respond to what I have written here, take it to an open thread unless you are damn sure it is on-topic.
Person Playing Puddybud @ 86,
“ACORN was still in business Dec 2009 when the congressional “report” came out.”
So? That has nothing to do with the fact that Breitbart committed journalistic malpractice by publishing a selectively edited, highly misleading video.