– The group Patients Against New Approach Washington sent the New Approach Washington campaign a letter outlining their concerns over the DUI provisions in Initiative 502. Earlier this week, I discussed why these limits aren’t just unscientific, but could lead to unnecessarily overburdening a system that’s already not very good at keeping dangerous drivers off the roads.
– The RAND Corporation released a study from Los Angeles that showed that when medical marijuana dispensaries are closed, the amount of crime in the immediate area increases. The study looked at the 10 day windows before and after Los Angeles shut down over 70% of its dispensaries. They found that crime around the closed dispensaries was 60% greater than around the dispensaries that continued to operate. This is just another reminder that anyone who calls medical marijuana dispensaries “magnets for crime” is either unaware of how magnets work, or is completely full of shit.
– The White House is once again using the internet to find out what issues “We the People” want the government to deal with. And once again, a petition to end marijuana prohibition is winning by a lot. Even Mexican President Felipe Calderon is starting to come around on this, but it’s still pretty clear no one in the White House is willing to listen. Same for Canada.
– This past Wednesday, I went to an event sponsored by MAPS. They continue to do a lot of great work on finding PTSD treatments, but continue to run into roadblocks from the drug war. Despite that, the evidence continues to pile up that they’re on to something.
– New York is finally cracking down on the very cynical way that they trick people (read: minorities) into more serious drug offenses by having them show their drugs to them.
– It’s good to be reminded that police officers don’t always tell the truth.
– Some Texas cops had a fun night.
This is an open thread…
“Some Texas cops had a fun night.” Viz.,
“Three Houston police officers are under investigation after claims they got high while on duty.”
“It was the only time I ever went into combat stoned,” Peter C. Lemon told reporters after receiving the Medal of Honor. “All the guys were heads. We’d sit around smoking grass and getting stoned.”
Grass enhances performance. Just ask any rabbit. A rabbit will tell you he feels hoppier after eating grass. It gives you energy.
Wow, the GOP is in serious trouble if that crazyperson is still contending.
Two Tacoma cops were convicted of perjury yesterday. I haven’t paid much attention to the case, but from what I’ve heard it sounded more like a technical thing than anything truly evil.
44 – Heh. 996 votes. Cain 3 short of his “master plan” for “leading our country”..
Sorry Herman, it’s not in the cards for you.
Is there some reason the NYC police commissioner spells it “marihuana”?
@8 The H spelling is the old time spelling. Sometimes laws are written with H spelling to keep consistency.
Also, those studies show that dispensaries are magnets for crime. They are lying when they say that, its just magnets with the same polarity that they are referring to.
Guns Don’t Kill People Dep’t
An Issaquah high school football game was interrupted this afternoon when armed cops swarmed the field and hustled players, coaches, and spectators under bleachers while a SWAT team surrounded, and then killed, a crazy man firing a rifle and handgun. Fortunately, nobody was killed except the shooter. This obviously could have been real bad — a deranged gunman with a high-powered bolt-action rifle and a handgun in a crowded high school football stadium …
But hey, Wisconsin GOP legislators think anyone should be able to get a gun without a background check and carry it anywhere without a permit, including high school stadiums.
Guns may make America great, but they don’t make America good.
Hey, if Republicans can have guns, then so can I, and believe, I do — so if that Breitbart guy wants to start a civil war, then let it begin at my burrow, after dark, over by the big tree on the east side of the park … heh, just kidding, wingnut joke! Everyone knows we liberals won’t defend ourselves, we’ll just let the wingnuts mow us down, like the Nazis did to the Jews, gypsies, and socialists.
If Nazis were leftists, as some righties assert, how come they exterminated socialists, communists, and other leftists? Just wondering.
Gun nuts, racists, adulterers, draft dodgers, book burners, global warming deniers, birthers, etc. — it seems like the GOP has become a collection point for society’s most obnoxious people.
I wonder if the GOP is a bus stop for the rapture.
You forgot the gays. Nazi’s went after them as well.
I’m glad Wes Clark Jr’s on our side.
Here’s a good article about how global warming deniers are poisoning the atmosphere with irresponsible rhetoric.
Pretty much. There was this loud-mouthed, far right, Mil. blogger Bill something or other that lived a little south of Spokane that just loved to talk about right and wrong and all this moral crap. Well, it turns out that good old Bill was fooling around on his wife. You could pretty much tell when he’d been “out on the town” cause the next day he’d post some longwinded blather about right and wrong and how the liberals are evil. I guess us liberals forced him to cheat on his wife.
Last I heard his wife had left him & he’d married the other woman. He seems to have taken his blog down.
“In the face of years of scientific findings and growing impacts, the doubters persist.
“They ignore long-term trends and seize on insignificant year-to-year blips in data to claim all is well. They focus on minor mistakes in thousands of pages of peer-reviewed studies to claim all is wrong. And they carom from one explanation to another for today’s warming Earth: jet contrails, sunspots, cosmic rays, natural cycles.
“‘Ninety-eight percent of the world’s climate scientists say it’s for real, and yet you still have deniers,’ observed former U.S. Rep. Sherwood Boehlert, a New York Republican who chaired the House’s science committee.”
Yeah, and one of those deniers is our friend puddydope, who must be getting paid by somebody to pollute HA’s comment threads with some of the most senseless tripe every posted anywhere.
ever not every
Recently our friend puddydope posted a comment about a federal scientist being investigated for allegedly faking a report of drowned polar bears. This, puddydope believes, proves anthropomorphic climate change is a hoax. So this must mean all the satellites photos of shrinking glaciers and icecaps were photoshopped. Yup, them evul scientists are out to hoodwink us all into believing in climate changes so we’ll stop driving our cars, because they want the streets to ride their bicycles on.
Who???? Never heard of him..
Prior to The Night Of The Long Knives there were socialists in the Nazi Party. After the Night Of The Long Knives all the socialist were either dead or in hiding. Mr. Krupp and a couple other rich industrialists who were bankrolling the Nazi’s didn’t like the socialists and said they were going to stop funding the Nazi’s if good old Adolph couldn’t make them disappear.
More shootings.
Wait, I’m not done yet.
Published September 24, 2011, 01:30 PM
Shooting outside Golden Valley still under investigation
Minnesota News
— Authorities are still investigating the officer-involved shooting on Interstate 394 in Minnetonka that left a woman dead Thursday.
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Oops, hit submit too soon.
Wait, there’s more.
Yeah, that was interesting. Chris is likely right that the laws in NY use that spelling, so they followed suit. I could look that up, but I want to watch the rest of this Sounders game… :)
Well, this is interesting.
Just got my NRA magazine the other day – “The American Rifleman.” Had a little story about a petite litle lady blowing away some guy who was just about to kill her. Cops ruled it a suicide – the criminal picked the wrong lady to attack and attempt to murder.
More guns = less crime
@30 Little old ladies don’t seem to be the problem. How often do you read in the papers about a little old lady rampaging through a high school or IHOP? If we take guns away from angry white men, that’ll solve 97% of the problem.
It’s no secret that Obama is in serious trouble with his supporters, and this news article confirms it:
Obama’s problem is he’s trying to negotiate with people who have non-negotiable demands. To illustrate why Obama’s presidency is falling apart, let’s pretend that Obama and Boehner are two lawyers trying to settle an accident case:
OBAMA: My client suffered serious injuries because of your client’s negligence and needs $100,000 for her medical expenses and loss of earnings.
BOEHNER: The insurance company I represent, without conceding any fault by their insured, has authorized me to settle for $500 in the interest of avoiding litigation.
OBAMA: Look, why don’t we split the baby and settle for $50,000?
BOEHNER: I can go $500.
OBAMA: Okay, now that we’re down to $50,000, how about if we split the baby again and settle for $25,000?
BOEHNER: We’ll pay $500.
OBAMA: $12,500?
BOEHNER: $500.
OBAMA: Okay, I’ll take the $500.
Now, what kind of lawyer is that? If you were hurt in an accident and the other driver was blatantly at fault, would you want a lawyer like this representing you? Or you would feel motivated to fire him and get somebody who will do a better job of protecting your interests? If you read the article I linked to above, what you will see — over and over — is people who supported Obama in 2008 complaining that he has been too conciliatory toward Republicans who take every concession Obama offers them and give him nothing in return.
That isn’t negotiating, it’s rolling over, and when Obama started signaling that he would make concessions on core entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicare to Republicans who were presenting those concessions as non-negotiable demands and clearly signaliing they would give nothing in return, millions of grassroots Democratic voters began to feel their vital interests are in grave danger because there is no leader in charge of their party.
As bad as things are, they’re about to get worse. A European recession is certain, and it’ll drag down U.S. banks exposed to European debt and American corporations selling to European markets. Here, in a nutshell, is how Europe is unraveling:
“Two years after the world emerged from the worst financial collapse since the 1930s, a repeat is looming. European Union officials have been unable to forge a political consensus among the union’s 17 members to head off a debt default by Greece. Some of Europe’s banks won’t have the capital to withstand the expected losses on their holdings of Greek debt. …
“Though they’ve cobbled together a fund to backstop Greece’s $500 billion debt, it’s not enough to cope with a possible default four times as big by Italy, which is in the early stages of the downward spiral that sank Greece. ‘Greece is gone, the markets know that,’ Allen Sinai, chief economist at Decision Economics. ‘We’re now looking at … the potential for Italy going.’ …
“Sean Egan, an analyst following the debt crisis at Egan-Jones Ratings Co., told CNBC [e]ven … it’s more than the stronger European countries can manage. ‘Germany, which is held up normally as a savior, has total debt in the area of 1.5 trillion euros ($2 trillion),’ he said. ‘It’s unlikely they’re going to be willing to double their debt to bail out the periphery countries. That is the basic problem.’ …
“Compared to their European counterparts, U.S. banks are relatively well capitalized to withstand another financial crisis. And despite recent attacks by Republican members of congress and presidential candidates, the Federal Reserve remains … ready to backstop the U.S. financial system if another meltdown were to happen. American companies, having paid down debts and raised mountains of cash since the Panic of 2008, are also better positioned to weather another financial shock.
“But with a housing market mired in a four-year recession, unemployment at 9.1 percent and governments around the world slashing spending, the global economy would enter a new recession in much worse shape than when the last one hit in 2007.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Here’s an example of how Europe is affecting a U.S. company. You’ve heard of Aflac, the insurance company that runs the duck commercials, right? Aflac was almost completely protected from the Great Recession because it does three-fourths of its business in Japan. But Aflac’s investment portfolio is top-heavy with vulnerable European bonds. Aflac is writing off nearly $1 billion of those investments this year, and is expected to lose another $1.2 billion in Europe next year. (If you’re wondering why Aflac’s stock is so cheap right now, that’s why.) And Aflac’s situation isn’t unique. Europe now faces defaults that could total in the trillions, bank runs and bank collapses, the breakup of the European Union, and the collapse of the euro currency. And politically hamstrung governments throughout the world, including ours, are nearly powerless to stop it — even though it could be stopped by timely action.
I don’t know what possessed Obama to think he could negotiate with a political party whose supporters hope this is the end times, would welcome the death of civilization, and are looking forward to a mass rapture of souls to the afterlife. How the fuck do you negotiate with suicidal maniacs? A rational leader would put the SWAT team and Delta Force on standby before trying to talk the GOP into putting down their bombs and stepping back.
PI, I will defend everyone’s right to own a gun for self-defense, but there’s no evidence anywhere that says that more guns leads to less crime. That’s a fantasy.
See? The Rich DO Create Jobs!!!
“The wealthy are still skiing, and that helps Vail Resorts’ bottom line, Chief Executive Robert Katz told CNBC Thursday.
“‘Upper-income consumers are actually doing much better,’ he said. ‘We have an average household income of about $200,000 amongst our guests, which we think is a pretty good place to be right now.’
“Business has been so good, in fact, that Vail Resorts has posted double-digit growth in earnings … over the past couple of years despite the choppy economy, Katz said.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: So, if you need a job, pack up your camper and head for Vail to apply for a ski-lift operator job at $6.50 an hour. Ooops, there are already 10 million applicants in line ahead of you!
Guns Don’t Kill People Dep’t
Police found 5 dead bodies in southeastern Indiana today. Initial reports indicate the victims had been shot.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: We all know guns don’t kill people — it’s homicidal maniacs holding guns and pulling triggers that kills people! We obviously shouldn’t let homicidal maniacs get guns. But Wisconsin’s GOP legislators think anyone should be able to get a gun without a background check, and anyone should be able to carry a gun anywhere without a permit. Why would anyone vote for those asswipes?
It’s no longer possible to get through a weekend without a mass killing somewhere in the United States.
Overall, crimes down. But yeah, the mass shooting are starting to pile up. We’ve got a lot of stressed out folks with a lot of fire power.
Puddy Commentary: We all know guns don’t kill people — it’s homicidal maniacs holding guns and pulling triggers that kills people! We obviously shouldn’t let homicidal maniacs get guns. But California’s DUMMOCRAPTIC legislators think anyone should be able to get a gun without a background check, and anyone should be able to carry a gun anywhere without a permit. Look at all those killings in California cities since DUMMOCRAPTS run the CA Legislature. Why would anyone vote for those ASSwipes?
Somehow this is always ignored because HA libtard people like czechsaaz love the Palestinians and applaud these actions!
Out of their own mouths they say:
Finally they are comparing themselves correctly!
You can find that in the Politico!
So Barack ObamAA+ criticizes Perry over his stance on climate change while Barack ObamAA+’s Forest Service does what?
PuddyCommentary: It’s always create a crisis then use it for political hay with DUMMOCRAPTS
So Mr Racist FatASS admits what Puddy has been saying all along… HealthCare Rationing is acoming!
Oh my more
anarchistser… DUMMOCRAPTS in action@46
How predictable…though I suppose a piece of code should be predictable.
What the ‘Pud’ algorithm refers to is police brutality, which ‘he’ appears to celebrate and use to jeer at people he finds ‘other’, like the simpleton ‘he’ is.
Peaceful protesters in NYC, gathering Wall Street to highlight the gulf between the rich Masters of the Universe and the rest of us, particularly those without jobs/homes/hope/food, were rounded up in a confined space and were assaulted by cops with pepper spray.
Per pudiot’s own link:
Brownshirts in action. And this is what pudiot celebrates – what a fucktard.