I’ve been busy this week helping out the Sensible Washington folks with their signature gathering efforts. They now have their donation page set up, so please visit and throw a few pennies their way. This is a huge statewide volunteer signature gathering effort and they could use all the help they can get.
– The arrest and prosecution of Olympia Mayor Pro-Tem Joe Hyer for somewhat petty marijuana charges has given rise to a number of questions. There are tens of thousands of transactions like the one that Hyer was busted for happening in the state of Washington every month. Why was he specifically targeted despite clearly not being a large-scale dealer? Who was the confidential informant that Thurston County Narcotics Task Force used to bust Hyer? The Cannabis Defense Coalition is now trying to find these things out – and to highlight the fact that this arrest was likely politically motivated.
– In addition to being a high ranking political official who has both enemies and a pot plant, there’s one other thing that makes you far more likely to be busted for marijuana in this state: being black.
– I recently posted on the rogue DEA agent in Colorado, Jeff Sweetin, who openly violated the Obama Administration’s policy towards medical marijuana. Colorado Congressman Jared Polis is now fighting back. Last Thursday, President Obama was met by protests in Denver.
– Amanda Knox is not the only American being fucked over by the Italian legal system.
– As bad as the Italian legal system is, Utah might be worse.
Free all political and pot prisoners!
The French Justice System is not much better. They take 10 years to bring a case to trial over the Concorde Crash, and try to shift the blame to a US Company, although the tires were Goodyear(an American corporation), they felt the damage was done by a piece of metal that allegedly fell off of a Continental Airlines flight that took off just before the Concorde. They even have those who designed and tested the Concorde charged. The Continental faces just fines, individuals charged face a few years for manslaughter if convicted, and remember, the French System is Guilty until Proven Innocent.
Chile has been hit by a powerful 8.8-magnitude earthquake that collapsed buildings in the capital city of Santiago 200 miles away and triggered Pacific Ocean tsunami warnings.
Today’s Chilean quake was far more powerful than the 7.0-magnitude quake that devastated Haiti. It was in the same area as history’s most powerful recorded earthquake, a 9.5-magnitude monster on May 22, 1960 that killed people as far away as Japan.
And to piss you off Lee.
It’s a vast right wing conspiracy perpetrated by Bush & Cheney. Blame them. You always do for everything.
Hey Lee..Here’s an idea–
Why don’t you, the Cannibis Defense Coalition and Goldy’s Northwest Division of Lunatic Moonbats go to the Thurston County Courthouse and light up for a Free Hyer Tokefest??
That ought to draw attention.
Go right to the Judge’s Chambers….or better yet, the Jail to help save Transportation costs.
Naaah..just bellyache and protect a guy who took an oath of office which he clearly violated.
Only in America ……do drugstores make the sick walk all the way to the back of the store to get their prescriptions while healthy people can buy cigarettes at the front.
Only in America …..do people order double cheeseburgers, large fries, and a diet coke.
Only in America ……do banks leave vault doors open and then chain the pens to the counters.
Only in America ……do we leave cars worth thousands of dollars in the driveway and put our useless junk in the garage.
Only in America ……….do we buy hot dogs in packages of ten and buns in packages of eight..
Only in America …..do they have drive-up ATM machines with Braille lettering.
Why the sun lightens our hair, but darkens our skin?
Why can’t women put on mascara with their mouth closed?
Why don’t you ever see the headline ‘Psychic Wins Lottery’?
Why is ‘abbreviated’ such a long word?
Why is it that doctors call what they do ‘practice’?
Why is lemon juice made with artificial flavor, and dishwashing liquid made with real lemons?
Why the man who invests all your money is called a broker?
Why is the time of day with the slowest traffic called rush hour?
Why isn’t there mouse-flavored cat food?
Why didn’t Noah swat those two mosquitoes?
Why do they sterilize the needle for lethal injections?
You know that indestructible black box that is used on airplanes? Why don’t they make the whole plane out of that stuff?!
Why don’t sheep shrink when it rains?
Why are they called apartments when they are all stuck together?
If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the opposite of progress?
If flying is so safe, why do they call the airport the terminal?
What does this have to do with Lee’s passionate thread about his favorite weed?
The better to make lovely blond ladies for Fax.
They can, but foreplay is .. foreplay.
Try Googling it.
Try abbr.
As dor buddhist monks.
Would you drink Joy?
You need to find a fincail adviser
To encourage fools to rush into the mess.
Have you ever seen a cat eat a mouse? Hve you ever easten cat food? Have you ever eaten a mouse?
He was too busyt adding salt to the salt water aquarium tank whetre he kept his sharks alive.
In case I intervene.
Sme reason they do not make plane out of lead to shioeld you from my gamma rays.
You know some sheep who wear wovwen clothing?
Is a cylinder part of an engine nloy when the engine is disassemebled?
As in why is the constitution not the prositution?
I will leave some musteries for you to solve,
@ Roger
“Chile has been hit by a powerful 8.8-magnitude earthquake that collapsed buildings in the capital city of Santiago 200 miles away and triggered Pacific Ocean tsunami warnings.”
Don’t blame Me!
Roger Rabbit since BlueJohn has issues with we who thing right calling “progressives” names like Dumb Bunny…
Paul Ryan, architect of the DUMMOCRAPTICALLY ignored “Roadmap for America’s Future Act of 2008” – Puddy placed it here for all Moonbat!s to read… said this on Friday,
“This year, doctors in Medicare are going to get cut 21 percent in their fees. Everyone is trying to fix that. That’s $371 billion. What did the Democrats do? They took it out of this legislation and are moving it as a separate piece of legislation. So they have hidden $371 billion of spending right there.”
Puddy was wrong… Puddy remembered $250,000,000,000… Nope it’s now $371,000,000,000 in a separate bill, hiding the true facts. Of course this is not in the Kaiser Poll you threw up or the CNN Poll thrown up by Daddy Love. Why the need for smoke and mirrors if this bill is so great and wonderful?
Why is OdumbaCare asking the CBO to score 10 years of tax increases and Medicare cuts to pay for six years of spending?
So under reconciliation as you threw up as a worthless attack Dumb Bunny(reconciliation is used ONLY on FEDERAL FISCAL BUDGET ITEMS), how will the House accept the Sanate bill?
With the $500 Billion in Medicare cuts it is estimated that 64% of seniors will be dumped from Medicare Advantage. Where was that in any poll from Daddy Love or the Dumb Bunny?
Where is OdumbaCare’s coverage of the $30 Trillion Medicare Unfunded Liability Dumb Bunny?
Listen to facts Dumb Bunny… Of course the arschloch will ridicule the source… Listen to the ideas rejected because they are NIH from DUMMOCRAPTS.
correctnotright was all over this blog asking where is the Republican plan…
Remember Millions of Psychics – 6 “winners”.
God, Puddy, and Roger Rabbit
Since the Supremes’ court had decided that corporations are persons, perhaps they could also recognize that God is a person?
I suggest that the Haitians and Chileans bring a suit against God for His malice. Pat Robertson should testify!
When Chile and Haiti win, the World Court and garnish all contributions to religious organizations that claim God is and that God is good. This will leave Hindus, Buddhists, and Jews out but will effectively tax Europeans, Americans, and the Vatican!
God works in mysterious ways!
In politics, you will always make enemies. Probably not a good idea to flaunt breaking the law by selling pot, even small amounts. Hell, give up all your illegal vices if you want to be a politician.
– – –
Lee, the pretty, white girl was guilty as sin. Don’ blame the Italians if our little American princesses are wacko.
I have been saying for the past year that Paul Ryan (R-WI) will be the next President of the Greatest Nation on the face of the Earth…USA!
The KLOWNS have laughed and said “WHO??”
They know now.
Check this guy’s credentials.
Born St. Louis , Missouri , August 21, 1944
Bar Admissions:
North Carolina, 1969
U.S. District Court, Eastern, Middle and Western Districts of North Carolina , 1969
U.S. Tax Court
Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals
Education: Woodford College , 1966A.B.
Mercer University, 1969J.D.
Phi Alpha Delta
Vice-Justice, District XIV, 1968 – 1969
Professional Associations and Memberships:
North Carolina and American Bar Associations (Member, Sections on: Administrative Law; General Practice; Litigation)
26th Judicial District and North Carolina State Bar
Mecklenburg County Bar Association
American Association of Justice
North Carolina Trial Lawyers Association
Captain, U.S. Army, 1969-1971, Vietnam
National Defense Medal, 1969
Republic of Viet Nam Service Medal, 1970
Bronze Star Medals (2), 1971
Assistant District Attorney, Mecklenburg County , 1971 – 1974
Charlotte Chamber of Commerce
Chairman, Board of Trustees Providence United Methodist Church
Board of Directors, Alexander Children’s Home
Board of Directors, Charlotte Culinary Institute
Wofford Alumni Executive Council
Scoutmaster, Boy Scouts of America
Board of Directors, Boy Scouts of America of Mecklenburg County
Board of Directors, Girl Scout Council
Life Member, National Eagle Scout Association
Life Member, Girl Scouts of America
Now read the letter Attorney and great American, Dennis Guthrie, wrote to Nancy Pelosi–
This guy is awesome!
Here is Obam-Mao’s Health Summit bounce…rather plunge–
Saturday, February 27, 2010
The silver-tongued orator has lost his “magic messiah” touch!
When the Democrat leaning Rasmussen Poll shows this…it’s probably even worse.
And KLOWNS…keep mocking, ridiculing and minimizing the Tea Party principles and folks who participate!!
It’s really helpin’ you…NOT!
Hey Puddy–
Where is Algore?
Why won’t the Prize Winner even answer questions?
What a moron.
Read this article Puddy..especially the part about folks at the Apple Stockholders Meeting makin’ fun of the world KLOWN!!
@4 So now Mr. Cynical, champion of every Republican president since Nixon who has violated his oath of office by treating the U.S. Constitution like toilet paper (see, e.g., Watergate, Iran-Contra, torture, detention without trial, etc.), is complaining about Olympia’s mayor smoking a joint?
Can this klown possibly get any more hilarious?
I just want to remind everyone that Mr. Cynical is a liar. A couple days ago, he tried to smear state employees by claiming a liquor store clerk made over $100,000 of “total compensation” in 2009. In fact, this was the combined incomes of two employees with the same name, neither of whom earns more than $35,000 a year. In addition, their “total compensation” was inflated by double-counting leave pay (and Lord knows what else).
@11 Enforcing a judgment about God is about as practical as getting the truth out of Cynical or Puddy.
@14 He was a Girl Scout? When did he have the operation? Did he need parental consent? What kind of parents would consent to that?
@9 Paul Ryan believes only consumers should pay taxes, so the rich can get even richer.
@8, Hell, we know it’s not your fault. It’s the fault of Obama’s socialist agenda.
Are you really impressed?
So maybe I ought to run?
Born Boston, MA , 1/1/42
Bar Mitzvah 1955, Mishkin Tefillah
Professional Societies:
AAAS, 1969, ASCB, 1969, ASIP 1973,
Faculty Positions:
Training Officer USCGA, 1961
Assistant Professor, Univ. of WA 1975
Associate Professor, Univ of WA 1980
Full Professor, Univ WA 1983
Lecturer in Photography UCLA 1973
Adjunct Professor of Cardiology and Bioengineering
Visiting Professor: Kyoto, Goteborg
Founder European Artery Club
Boston Latin School, 1959
Harvard College, 1963 A.B.
Boston University, 1967 M.D.
Alpha Omega Alpha
University of Washington, 1973 PhD
University of Goteborg, 1981 MD (hon)
Gordon Coinbfernece on Vascular biology
North American Vascular Biology Organization
Study Section member, NIH
Manpower Commission Chair, NIH
won a chevy in a lotter 1964
Lt. Commander, U.S. Navy, 1973-1974, Vietnam
National Defense Medal, 1973
Commander, USNR 1975
Numerous RO-1s
Merit Award Winner, NIH
American Heart Association Established Investigator Award
author of 300 papers and one book
NIH PI on a PPG,
NIH PI on a training grant
Sysop, Compuserve
Academy Homes Board of Trustees, Roxbury
Seattle Photography Society, Luke Award
Founding Member, Infinity Gallery
Creator and driver of world’s only Nissan/Ferrari hybrid
Costco Member
Radio Operators License FCC
Washington State Driver’s License
@13 You say a lot of silly things, none of them true. For example, earlier this week you said a state liquor state clerk made $100,000 last year. That was complete bullshit. You combined the compensation of two employees with the same name, neither of whom makes over $35,000 a year. When you make rookie mistakes like that, why should anyone believe anything else you allege? You’re an idiot.
Dumb Bunny,
You were arguing for reconciliation. That was complete bullshit (your words). Now you ignore the truth. Standard dumb bunny move!
18. Roger Rabbit spews:
Untrue about the champion of Republican nonsense…yet another mindless Rabbit drivel.
And it’s not about SMOKING A JOINT…it’s about DEALING Rog.
You certainly have a way of making the truth unrecognizable, dontcha?
Rabbit spews–
Perhaps you were sleeping or cannot read, but I checked with the website folks and was told the wage information they used came from the State OFM! Thanks again for reminding everyone that the State government is incompetent! Once again, Roger proves my point.
SeattleJew aka God @ 24–
You previously mentioned you were 68 years old.
Impressive resume.
Thank you for your service!
You should run for something.
God has a Washington State Driving Licence? Any moving violations?
Where is the ylb arschloch lately…? Ever since karen and kaitlyn questioned his “manhood” (on his ASS all day at HA) and “mind” (calling them with xuxa and DanielS as the same person) he’s been MIA.
Stupid idiot…
Now to the weekend roundup…
Interesting seeing the tsunami wave appear in Hilo Bay Hawaii. That had to be scary for the natives.
This guy looks like a stoner.
@26 If reconciliation is good enough for Republicans, it’s good enough for Democrats too.
“Since 1980, 17 of 23 reconciliation bills have been signed into law by Republican presidents …. During the administration of President George W. Bush, Congress used reconciliation to enact three major tax cuts, each of which substantially increased the deficit.”
@27 At least he wasn’t dealing arms to Iran like you guys.
@28 Tell the “website folks” to check the OFM data again, Klown. Tell them there are TWO Thomas D. Taylors working for the liquor agency.
Now let’s run a little experiment. Pull up BIAW’s iteration of the “OFM data” and run all the liquor clerks. You get ONE Thomas D. Taylor. Now run all the warehouse operators. You get no Thomas D. Taylors. Then go to the OFM data and run all Liquor Control Board employees, and county how many Thomas D. Taylors there are.
I shouldn’t have to do this, but to juveniles like Cynical, you have to spell things out:
This is from OFM’s official website, not BIAW’s fucked-up compilation.
The “15.3” is clerk Thomas’ hourly wage (“1H” means he’s an hourly employee), i.e. $15.30/hr.
The $2855) is warehouse operator Thomas’ monthly salary (“1M” means he’s a salaried or “monthly” employee), i.e. $2,855/mo.
I’m sure either of these gentlemen would be very surprised to learn he made over $100,000 last year, as alleged by Idiot Goatfucker.
One more time for the Dumb Bunny… Reconciliation is only used for Federal Budgetary items due 1 Oct each year.
Health Care is not a Federal Budgetary Item.
One time, for any idiots in the room: What does the R in COBRA stand for?
…“In fact, the way in which virtually all of health reform, with very, very limited exceptions, has happened over the past 30 years has been the reconciliation process,” says Sara Rosenbaum, who chairs the Department of Health Policy at George Washington University.
Rake handle, meet forehead. Forehead, meet rake handle.
Obam-Mao’s Health Care Summit Bounce—THUD!
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Where’s the rake? Looks like ‘side your face!
COBRA allowed one to keep their health care plan… There was no guvmint assistance given for your current health care plan as you left one job or was laid off. If you left or got laid off the guvmint didn’t pay for your health care; you did out of pocket. You had to find the cash if laid off or make it work with your new employer.
And adding CHIP without fully funding it is the reason the US has a multiple $30+ Trillion unfunded Medicare Liabilities.
A really convoluted argument from the lefties at NPR. Too bad the simpleton minds such as yours ATJ have issues with facts. So, as always, your rake met your face. AGAIN! Hope it felt good!
It should have said…
Forty percent (40%) say the President is a good or excellent reader of teleprompters. Pay special attention to the bottom right hand corner!
Oh my where is MikeBoySkunk?
Odumba’s Latest Preznit poll!
Poll Date Sample Approve Disapprove Spread
RCP Ave 2/12 – 2/27 — 47.7 47.0 +0.7
Responses like the above leave me wondering, was it the contact with the rake that caused his the brain damage, or was it his brain damage that caused the contact with the rake?
I urge everyone of you to sign the I-1068 petition to stop these insane laws against marijuana. Let people exercise individual choice and responsibility as to their personal use of marijuana. Also, please contribute to Sensible Washington: unfortunately, it still takes money to get sane laws on the books!!
the question authority generation has only 3 things you cant question
the holocaust
obamas birth place
stay tuned for additions
@46….dont forget about globull worming…
algore said its fact, so I guess it is….
lighting up a joint or a bong adds to global warming…
Really? Since you brought it up where is the “reconciliation”? Still waiting for you to prove the “$$$$” for the R in COBRA.
We’ll wait! You haven’t brought any proof to the argument.
Posts like yours prove you need to buy a clue as NPR article proves you are stupid. Ask the Dumb Bunny for a clue.
Was that a True Temper or Craftsman rake on your forehead? Let all of us know when you return from Harbor View Emergency after your rake “accident”.
Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Danny Williams decides to have operation in the US rather than in Canada
does that tell you anything about Canadian soclialized health care? hmm….
Whatever the cause, the brain damage appears beyond repair. Call in the George Soros Death Panels… of Death!!