I have negative sympathy for everyone fired for not getting the COVID-19 vaccine. I mean if you’re exempt, great. But if you didn’t have a medical exemption, man fuck off. Fuck off if you have a good government job. Fuck off of it’s a private sector job. We’re talking about a miracle drug with minor side effects. It means that you are much less likely to pass a major disease to vulnerable people.
Honestly, it’s better that you aren’t out spreading the disease on the public dime. It stinks that you didn’t get vaccinated; Not that you were fired. I think of all of the people who did so much work to get to the place where you can get vaccinated easily and for free.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And honestly, get vaccinated so I don’t have to make fun of your dumb ass.
I think of all of the people who did so much work to get to the place where you can get vaccinated easily and for free.
I think of all of the effort Democrats put into making people fearful of a vaccine created while Trump was president. Kamala Harris, in particular, should take a bow for her contribution to the lower vaccination rates among black Americans.
I don’t remember libbies referring to it as a “miracle drug” back them.
I must say, it has been enjoyable watching Jayapal’s climbdown. Biggest winner is AOC, who avoids having to say the stupid shit coming out of Jayapal’s mouth as she chews her crap sandwich.
I especially liked Jayapal describing a conversation as “conversational”.
A year ago libbies were petrified that the “miracle drug”, a vaccine against the COVID-19 virus, would come out before Election Day.
And that it would work.
The time to stop supporting a failed president and start getting shit done is when you find yourself on a path to writing “Communism isn’t so bad when you think about it.” pieces.
I think of all of the effort always wrong wing hate media put into making people fearful of a vaccine…
ftfy.. Does anyone see anything wrong with this?
drumpf’s vaccine.. that’s funny… So popular, it gets booed when it urges its sheep to use it.
…really pales in comparison to the effort Desperately Poor Bobby put into fabricating “FB friends from CO” for that exact purpose.
It’s a real thing he really did in order to kill people for lulz.
And it worked, too.
Not even a million copy-pasta posts will ever make that fact go away.
The time to stop supporting a failed president
After the 1,000th outright falsehood or piece of horseshit…
The 59% of Democrats who
don’t thinkaren’t willing to admit First Vegetable Joe Biden’s policies are feeding inflation spend their time spewing on HA. And pretending that higher prices for everything are nbd.4,
I don’t know who Carl Beijer is.
But I do know about famine in the Soviet Union.
It was a big deal.
And it was not caused by agricultural collectivism or “SOOOWSHUUUULISMS!!!!!!!”.
Ironically it was caused by authoritarianism and by inculcated denial of basic science and an understanding of the world derived from the study of facts and evidence.
Stalin single handedly placed a Lamarckian lunatic in charge of first all Soviet agriculture, and eventually all Soviet bio-sciences. And they purged the entire system of scientists, technocrats, agronomists, and bureaucrats who refused to go along. Scientists of whatever discipline who published or expressed support for natural selection were violently purged and imprisoned. The bizarre policies that resulted produced a series of collapsed wheat harvests and set back crop research by decades.
It was a very big deal. Millions starved.
And it had everything to do with the sort of “Nuke the hurricanes” leadership the GQP stands for.
A State Department that YLB can understand.
Blinken’s got your back, girlfriend. You be you.
yawn @ 8
Team transitory for the win..
Everything else is fud spun by feckless out to pasture retirees…
After months of asking the GOP, “What would you have us cut?”, Democrats realize that they need to ask that question to each other.
https://www.politico.com/playbook. Oct 20, since the link probably refreshes daily.
Bernie thinks it’s more important for old people to get new choppers than for poor kids to have child care.
Free college is gone. Come to think of it, so is the college Bernie’s wife used to run. Ba dup bup.
lmao @ 10 when its ass is being kicked – it falls back on “gender” taunts..
fuck dude, being out to pasture must suck for you.
“Early evidence suggests enhanced jobless benefits played at most a small role in keeping people from work.”
Republicans were wrong again. But then, they’re never right about anything. Just another reason to vote for Democrats, even though they’re not perfect. And that would be true even if Republicans weren’t violent, armed, fascists attacking school boards, legislators, journalists, and the seat of our national government.
“Not that you were fired.”
As far as I’m concerned, they all quit.
In this state, they won’t get UI, either. If they lost their job because they refused to comply with an employer policy, they’re ineligible. So I hope they set aside some savings for the rainy day they knew was coming months ago.
@3 Just because you think like a Republican, and have the morals of a Republican, doesn’t mean we’re like you. We’re not.
@4 “writing “Communism isn’t so bad when you think about it.” pieces”
Actually, it was a nutjob Republican who reposted that piece, written by some obscure bigger rightwing nutjob. Nobody on our side said anything about “Communism.”
On our side, we try to refrain from using the “N” word (the one ending in “i”), although I admit sometimes it’s hard. But it’s your side that has no verbal discipline whatsoever. Republicans bandy the words “socialism” and “communism” so much the terms have lost all meaning.
And now you’re leaping onto that bandwagon, too (eye roll). However, it had to be expected. You’re a dumbfuck, and dumbfucks don’t know any better.
@6 It’s not just laughable, it’s grotesque, for him to blame vaccine fear on Democrats. I don’t think I need to explain why.
@8 I can’t think of a nicer guy for inflation to happen to. You deserve it. The frosting on the cake is that your entire social security COLA will go for higher Medicare premiums and higher prices for horse feed. Keep fucking that chicken, doc. You can’t afford the horse anymore.
@9 You don’t need scientists when you’re using famine and starvation as a deliberate mass murder policy. There’s no ambiguity about what Stalin was up to. He ordered his henchmen to take the planting seeds, too. And take away anyone who objected.
I remember reading in Timothy Snyder’s “Bloodlands” about a starving boy eating his own leg while it was still attached to his body.
That wasn’t about communism as a social or economic model. It was about a sociopathic dictator using genocide as a method of political control.
When Republicans talk about “civil war,” “rounding up liberals,” and putting liberals in “concentration camps,” they remind me of Stalin and Hitler. (It has occurred to me they don’t need to do any of that; all they have to do is station their armed private militias at grocery stores.)
And that makes perfectly clear the absolute necessity of keeping them out of power, no matter how inept, unsuccessful, or bungling the Democrats may be at a given moment. I’ll take a hundred bungled Afghanistan withdrawals over 4 years of a Proud Boy Stalin any day.
@ 19
… higher prices for horse feed.
Tell me about it. But it’s not just horse feed. Cattle feed, pig feed, chicken feed.
That stuff has to be trucked, after all.
Just don’t worry about me, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. Worry about your fellow Democrat voters, who increasingly assign the blame where it belongs. They are 41% of your party at present @ 8, and their numbers are growing..
It sounds to me like Rolovich’s attorney is working on contingent fee basis. Since his claim appears to be largely without merit, at least it won’t cost him anything.
But honestly, he’s not in the worst possible legal position. And unless he really poisoned his relationship with his AD (and it sounds like he may have) he stood an okay chance of walking away with a small but reasonable out-of-court and out-of-the-media settlement. Given the public statements his attorney is now making, that’s probably gone.
Which reduces this to a publicity stunt. And I’m lost for examples of Div. 1 ADs who are going to be impressed by that.
Well, nobody ever said you had to be intellectually sophisticated to coach football.
Shorter YLB @ 11
Core inflation excludes food and energy price spikes, y’all. When the necessities of life are stripped out so that a libbie can make a point, the truth is that the libbie has no point to make.
And the only HA libbie more pointless than The Unserious YLB is The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
@12 “After months of asking the GOP, ‘What would you have us cut?’, Democrats realize that they need to ask that question to each other.”
We know what Republicans want to cut: Billionaires’ taxes, Medicaid, and food stamps.
@15 I’ve been busy with chores this morning, and haven’t seen the complaint, but as you know lawsuits aren’t typically thrown together overnight. Rolovich was fired two days ago. If a lawsuit is already filed, it has very likely been in the works for quite some time. Maybe since July, when Rolovich announced he wouldn’t get vaccinated. Which would suggest he expected to lose his job and was planning all along to sue. From which it follows that he was lying when he told the media he would “comply” with the governor’s mandate. Add dishonesty to the reasons for terminating him.
@ 15, 22
Prediction: There will be a settlement, terms undisclosed.
This will take awhile.
“WSU Athletic Director Pat Chun directed campus police to escort Rolovich to his car after he was fired.”
That’s SOP when terminating employees for cause. Employers don’t want disgruntled ex-employees erasing computer drives and smashing office equipment on their way out.
Mother Jones is wrong a lot of the time.
SCOOP: Manchin Tells Associates He’s Considering Leaving the Democratic Party and Has an Exit Plan
That having been said, Democrats need to stop being assholes. Murkowski and Lieberman were re-elected as independents. Manchin’s more popular in his state than either of those two.
You left out Medicare, Social Security, Head Start, school lunch programs, educational spending, clean water, National Parks, Amtrak, USPS, CDC, FDA, UN, DOJ, FBI, and Toys for Tots.
Hey, remember when this kinda stuff about “conservatives” was a cynical joke?
@ 27
Employers don’t want disgruntled ex-employees erasing computer drives and smashing office equipment on their way out.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, did your wrist ever heal from that?
Rolovich’s lawyer is Brian Fahling, admitted 1989, has a solo practice in Kenmore. Website here. His office address is a private residence in Kenmore.
According to his LinkedIn profile, he was a deputy pros in Snohomish County for 4 years, then worked 13 years for the American Family Association, which the Southern Poverty Law Center lists as an anti-gay “extremist group.” Then solo practice since 2008.
Sometimes you can learn a lot about a guy from who his lawyer is, and his claim by who his lawyer isn’t. You’d think a guy just terminated from a $3-million-a-year employment contract by a deep-pocketed employer would be represented by a big firm with an employment department and its team of employment specialists who came from top-drawer law schools and edited law reviews. Not some guy who cut his teeth representing hate groups and now works from his home, answering the phones himself.
And then there’s the little matter of what suing his last employer, and calling his report names, does to his future employability. It’s awful to watch someone burn at the stake. It’s worse when he lights the match himself.
@ 28
Manchin calls BS.
This has always been his plan, I’m assuming in direct consultation with Cocaine Mitch.
There’s really no other reason for most of the lines he’s drawn.
Consider his Hyde Amendment demand.
Nothing in the reconciliation bill would change the current status of the Hyde Amendment. Demanding that Democrats in the House and Senate vote in favor of it in order to preserve their spending priorities is a purely political stunt. “Reauthorization” of the Hyde Amendment is a political cudgel wielded in times like these by Republicans (when they can) to force Democrats to take a politically harmful vote. He’s already begun doing the day to day work of a Republican lawmaker. The only question that remains is the timing of when will he change the letter after his name.
Nothing Democrats say or do will change that. It has nothing to do with them. Manchin wants to remain in the Senate. Trump and McConnell have promised repeatedly to eject him if they can. His state has continued it’s drift into extremism. He wouldn’t hold out much longer with a D after his name under those circumstances.
Pretending that Manchin has a future as a Democrat is pointless.
Manchin himself stopped doing that in 2018. And Democrats are making the best of a bad situation by continuing to work with him. But at least this can finally put to rest and put the lie to the ridiculous claims that Manchin’s obstructionism represents “moderate” Democrats. Manchin represents the GQP. That’s been manifestly the case for at least three years.
@32 I assume his exit plan is a Senate pension and spending more time with his family, because if he leaves the Democratic Party, not only won’t Republicans vote for him, but Democrats won’t vote for him either.
Manchin apparently doesn’t plan to switch to the GOP. Rather, he’ll style himself as an independent. For now, the working title of his new iteration is “American Independent.” What he really plans to do is form a third party, and call it the “American Coal Party.”
@33 He wants to write Biden’s package himself, on his terms, and to hell with the 220 Democrats in the House and the other 49 Democratic and Democratic-leaning independent senators who might not agree. Pretty fucking arrogant.
I’ve no dog in this hunt. The pope might.
The Sovereign Pontiff Francis, at the Audience granted to the undersigned Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, on 17 December 2020, examined the present Note and ordered its publication.
Rome, from the Offices of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, on 21 December 2020, Liturgical Memorial of Saint Peter Canisius.
There will be a settlement of some sort. It would help if the dude can prove he goes to church and chokes down communion on a semi-regular basis.
@ 36
Pretty fucking
arrogantindependent.It’s Manchin’s version of an executive order. It’s not his fault if First Vegetable Joe Biden has to play the role of lapdog.
Next time elect a stronger president. Or at least one who is competent and lucid.
@ 34
… if he leaves the Democratic Party, not only won’t Republicans vote for him, but Democrats won’t vote for him either.
Ask Ned Lamont and Joe Miller how that proclamation worked out for each of them.
Always a bloviating fool is our Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Honestly people, if Democrats were rigging elections, we would have single payer health care, no fox news, solar cars and green energy by now.
“Did we say cost-free? What we meant was…”
More about Fahling here.
@37 “It would help if the dude can prove he goes to church and chokes down communion on a semi-regular basis.”
Lacking any present knowledge of Rolovich’s church-going happens, I’ll limit myself to positing it’ll look better if he didn’t start attending church for the first time this last Sunday.
Krugman is desperate to get y’all to believe there’s no inflation. The reason is that with Sinema refusing to vote for tax hikes and Manchin open to $1.75 trillion in new spending (on top of around $567 billion in new spending in the BIL), there’s gonna be more inflation. Quite a bit more inflation.
And it’s no longer possible to hide the effects that inflation is having on Americans.
So Democrats are left with tellin’ y’all not to believe yer lyin’ eyes.
@38 “It’s Manchin’s version of an executive order.”
Senators don’t issue executive orders. Plenty of senators fantasize about being president.
There will be no settlement. The dude knew what was expected of him well in advance of the target date of his last day. As a public employee, and at a major land-grant university, he had an obligation to follow any and all mandates put forth by the Gov and the school. He declined to follow that and also failed as a leader and educator. He wasn’t fired for just “cause”, he was fired for “damn good cause.”
The best he will do is be some martyr for a hate group and idiot WSU fans (you know the type, they still have Culp signs up on their barns and stables so they can get really revved up when they go out to fuck their horses and goats).
Yesterday McAuliffe walked out of an interview recorded for television, halfway through. It’s how sore losers behave.
Youngkin (46%) and McAuliffe (46%) hold identical levels of support among all registered voters.
Monmouth, y’all.
@44 And the Fed’s determined efforts to boost inflation have nothing to do with it. Neither does $120 billion a month of Fed money-printing, nor negative real interest rates. Inflation is everywhere and always a Democratic phenomenon. At least, that’s how dumbfucks see it.
@4 The time to stop supporting a failed president and start getting shit done is when you find yourself on a path to writing “Communism isn’t so bad when you think about it.” pieces.
Biden hasn’t failed, but your guy did, bigly; yet you still support him.
Have you ever read Das Kapital? I seriously doubt it. Go read it, you might learn something.
Fahling’s law degree is from Regent University College of Law in Virginia, part of Regent University, founded by Pat Robertson.
@ 45
Plenty of senators fantasize about being president.
And in his increasingly few lucid moments First Vegetable Joe Biden fantasizes about being remembered as an FDR or a LBJ.
He’ll be remembered instead as a POS who gave Jimmy Carter a get-out-of-jail-free card from Worst President In My Lifetime.
Core inflation excludes food and energy price spikes, y’all.
LMAO it does an own goal with “spikes”.. Spikes go up and then they come down.. By definition: transitory.
And why did economists invent core inflation to like…
measure inflation???
And if the core inflation is trending down what exactly does that say about a President’s “policies”?
If a repuke was in the oval office – asswipes like dimfuk would babble what?
I see that Anthony Weiner‘s new comeback gig as a TV weekend weatherman has ended rather quickly.
Pornographic video shown on KREM’s evening newscast; police investigating
The last name’s not just a joke. It’s a warning.
Shorter YLB @ 52
By definition: transitory.
“The Great Depression was transitory.”
Just before he died Colin Powell “spiked a fever”.
Which soon reached room temperature.
It was, by definition, a transitory fever spike.
Stagflation under Jimmy Carter was transitory.
It ended soon after Carter’s presidency.
@ 50
Fahling’s law degree is from Regent University College of Law
Left unsaid is that Fahling passed the Washington Bar exam in fewer attempts than Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
New to Twitter: Another dude more lucid than First Vegetable Joe Biden.
Hinckley’s incarceration was transitory.
First Vegetable Joe Biden’s mental acuity was transitory.
RBG’s Supreme Court tenure was transitory.
John Hinckley sings Both Sides Now, in honor of the differing states of Gabby Giffords’ cerebral hemispheres.
Breeding will not save the Neanderthals.
@51 Jimmy Carter is a decent man. You voted for a scumbag. What does that say about your values? It says you don’t have any.
@57 “Left unsaid is that Fahling passed the Washington Bar exam in fewer attempts than Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.”
That’s mathematically impossible.
What does seem plausible, though, is you passed the medical boards under an affirmative action waiver. Until you came along, the profession didn’t have any M.D.s who fuck horses.
Nor has it had any since.
If they issued you a D.V.M., they’d have to call it fucking patients. By giving you an M.D. instead, they can get away with calling it a proclivity.
@62 No, but while they’re still around, we’re getting a good look at Neanderthal humor.
Brian Laundrie has been found dead in the Florida preserve.
If a repuke was in the oval office – asswipes like dimfuk would babble what?
@54,55,56,58,59,60 – thanks for answering my question above.
babbling about everything from a presidential or scotus term in office to a pathetic jailbird, all signifying NOTHING..
i.e. shorter dimfuk: NOTHING about a President’s “policies”.. No cause, no effect, nothing.. Maybe I’d mention correlation or causation but perhaps those words are too big for a failing, flailing troll.
2012 – gas was pricey, black guy got re-elected.. NEXT!
Heh. In this thread and others we witness the mental breakdown of a troll.. Part and parcel of its ilk losing its shit everywhere you look it seems:
Republicans have reacted to the state’s leftward drift by stocking the 2022 ballot with conspiracy theorists and extremists…
“The goalposts keep moving,” said Bill Gates, a Republican Maricopa County supervisor. “It used to be that we got into genuine debates about whether you’re more of a conservative or a moderate. We used to debate over ideology. And now it is how far you can go down the rabbit hole of conspiracy theories. And if you’re unwilling to do it, it doesn’t matter if you’re pro-life, if you’ve never voted for a tax increase. It doesn’t matter. It’s all about going deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole, unfortunately.”
Fair point.
@ 63
Jimmy Carter is a decent man
I voted for him in 1980. Grew up in a Democrat household. It was my first time voting and I had just registered for the Selective Service. Didn’t want my president sending me off to fight the Soviets and getting me killed, so I voted for a relative coward instead.
What can I say? You do stupid shit when you’re young.
I voted for him in 1980.
After “the miracle on ice” even… shame.. shame…
“that certain day” (heh, death valley daze) came for bonzo raygun, it came for gerry ford, it came for papa bush, it came for flush limpbone..
Jimmy Carter is around to see it all..
“In this thread and others we witness the mental breakdown of a troll.”
What delights me more than anything is despite his incredible decline and decomposition, that troll still behaves as if we are somehow obliged to take it seriously. It’s not even necessary at this point to catalog the humiliating record of inane falsehoods, loony conspiracies, and wild-assed genuflecting to worn out “conservative” pieties, all of which have been abandoned years ago.
We are free to simply relax, study the bleating with casual detachment, and look for the best opportunities to share a good laugh at his expense.
These are the good times.
@69 Dimfucks never discuss policies, because they can’t, because theirs suck. And often kill innocent people.
@72 “You do stupid shit when you’re young.”
Sounds like you did. Cowardly shit, too.
Not me. I enlisted and served. So did the decent man you are calling a coward. Navy, nuclear subs. As for you, all you did with your miserable life is vote Republican.
I’m sure the Army could’ve used another doctor sometime during your adult life. It’s only three years, automatic commission as a captain (no ROTC or OCS), no ground-pounding, probably don’t have to live on field rations, either. Where I was, doctors had it good, compared to the rest of us, but it sounds like that wasn’t good enough for you.
I take pride in my military service. You boast about getting out of it. We’re not on the same level.
@74 He’s more decomposed than Brian Laundrie, and he hasn’t even been rotting in a swamp for a month, except the swamp of his mind.
“The Virginia State Police confirmed on Wednesday they are investigating a death threat made Tuesday against gubernatorial candidate and former Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D) … which read, ‘If I get the opportunity I will shoot Terry! MAGA.'”
Just a routine communication from a typical Republican.
I’ll offer to help him out again.
Bob, on your next approval poll bring us party crosstabs and show us an n >/= 700 and I might bother to look. You’ve gotta do more than pretend to be a doctor and make up fake friends if you want to be taken at all seriously. Anybody can do those things.
See? I’m not always a “smarmy fucking asshole”.
a get-out-of-jail-free card
Heh.. Repukes Hunter and Collins got those from drumpf..
repuke Fortenberry will not be so lucky.
Ok.. Innocent until proven guilty. Being kicked from committee assignments is a big deal though Takes being indicted for a felony requiring two years or more in the slammer.
@79 “See? I’m not always a ‘smarmy fucking asshole’.”
But it’s an accolade when he says you are.
Was wondering if the State Patrol still has Commercial Vehicle Enforcement division posted at weigh stations. Could assign troopers that want an exemption from the requirement to that division. Although I believe they are going to weigh in motion. Some might change their mind if the alternative is being posted to a weigh station in Omar.
Middle Age Riot
Middle Age Riot
The security failure at EPIK is beginning to reveal some disturbing patterns. The publication at the end of September of Oath Keepers data,
is turning up frankly terrifying links between the extremist, pro-fascism, ultra-white-nationalist paramilitary organization and hundreds of Republican lawmakers throughout the U.S.
The ties between Oathkeepers and law enforcement and the military were already pretty well understood before this data release. But the extent of membership in the violent domestic terror network by Republican elected office holders was not as well known until now. While journalists and data scientists studying the release have linked to hundreds of elected officials, only a few dozen have been willing to confirm their membership and are being named at this time.
Oathkeepers were the paramilitary teams participating in the violent domestic terror attack on Congress on Jan 6th who were were organized into tactical squads and specifically assigned to attack and overcome police strong points permitting the mob of violent irregulars to advance to breach points and gain entry to the secure building.
The teams researching the data are now turning their attention to discovering links between the domestic terror network and U.S. Congressional staff.
Tweet Tweet
“Calling Sinema an Obstacle to Progress, 5 Veterans Quit Her Advisory Council”
Chuck Schumer didn’t want you to know that the repeal of the SALT limitation is in the reconciliation boondoggle. He wants his rich blue-state donors to know, but not you.
Where are we?
Sinema: No tax hikes.
Manchin: You think I’m not serious? Try me.
Schumer: Yeah, that $10K SALT limitation is scrapped.
September 27September30Hallowe’en or bust.McAuliffe: PASS ANYTHING AND DO IT NOOOOOWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!
First Vegetable Joe Biden: Mommy, I made wee-wee on my chair again.
Vicious Troll: It’s looking like my tax bill might go down with all of this.
Here’s a link to one of the media groups willing to publicize the deep ties between the violent terrorist paramilitary group and the mainstream Republican Party:
At this point it’s no big secret. It’s just that modern “access” journalism is reluctant to look at it because of how it might sour their hard won “relationships” with… the terrorists.
Journalists who cover the Israel-Palestine conflict can totally relate.
AOC’s response to the newly emerging reconciliation boondoggle.
It’s’ a crap sandwich and we all get to watch her chew and swallow.
Bet y’all didn’t think this reconciliation bill would come with a tax break for people like me. It’s what happens when y’all go all-in on something not yet written.
Among the Republican lawmakers belonging to the violent paramilitary terror network is Arizona state Rep. Mark Finchem.
Finchem, who sponsored the fake election audit at Arizona taxpayer expense, also assembled a fake “not-for-profit” 501(c)4 to channel money to a campaign donor’s security guard business to provide “security” for the auditors and billed almost half a million dollars. Finchem is now running for Arizona Secretary of State and has won the endorsement of Trump and the national GOP.
In this century there have been five successful primary challenges to incumbent US Senators. Four of those successful nominees lost in the general.
Who was the sole primary challenger who flipped the Senate seat?
We’re soon gonna see another pissing match between Rand Paul and Fauci.
’cause it turns out the NIH did fund research that included gain-of-function work.
In admitting this, the NIH took pains to point out that this research was not what caused The Wuhan. I don’t doubt that. What caused The Wuhan is still being hidden.
In a year, just weeks removed from a shellacking that will make 1994 and 2010 look like mere bumps in the road, Democrats will be desperate to blame China for causing The Wuhan.
Here’s the letter from the NIH:
FWIW, here’s a comment from an endowed chair professor at Rutgers:
Got that, libbies? Fauci lied.
Hey YLB, do you think Chuck Schumer is shitting his pants out of anxiety over how the Virginia state legislative races will turn out?
Virginia delegate races could reflect national anti-Democratic mood
’cause I don’t. District gerrymandering doesn’t affect statewide races.. Didn’t affect them in 2019, either, ya dumb twat.
A plurality of respondents in the CNBC poll see a recession next year.
The Biden Recession.
Oh. One more thing. A Democrat pollster for CNBC found First Vegetable Joe Biden’s support was only 41%.
Steve, wherever you are, I hope you’re OK. ’cause I want you to see this, eat shit, and die.
Who cares? Breeding will not save you and that’s what you should be concerned with.
But as a Russian Troll, you do an exceptional job in that rocking chair.
Chris Sununu still leads Maggie Hassan, this time by 3 points.
Now, three points isn’t much. But look at this favorability tally:
That chick is toast.
@ 94
…you do an exceptional job in that rocking chair.
Quite the compliment, G-clown. Thank you.
In 2014 I reduced YLB to a quivering mass of blubbering Massengill. Why are you here? she wailed. So spineless.
I made Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit stop giving us his daily stock market winnings, because in doing so he proved he lies about being a millionaire.
Just last week I nearly made Railfan use profanity.
And I back-calculated yer AGI, which is embarrassingly small for a NY state resident. I hope y’all stay healthy, G-clown, ’cause yer gonna have to work for a long, long time in order to be able to feed yerself as a retiree.
How’s it look?
In admitting this, the NIH took pains to point out that this research was not what caused The Wuhan. I don’t doubt that.
Fauci lied.
And nobody died..
a “stupid drumpfer” said “this will all go away”… crap about snake oil like hydroxy, bleach, a black light in the ass..
Always wrong wing hate media spews vaccine disinformation and other horseshit to attack Biden.
including you..
many died… many continue to die..
Let’s compare Hassan and Sinema, shall we?
Hassan has reliably schmooched Schumer’s hairy backside for four-plus years and hails from a purplish state. Her approval @ 95 is 33%.
Sinema has been somewhat of a thorn in Schumer’s hairy backside for a couple of years, and hails from a purplish-to-red state. Her approval is 56%.
Kyrsten Sinema Isn’t Hitting the Panic Button
Personally, I see nothing wrong with an independent senator from Arizona who caucuses with the Democrats most of the time, and occasionally really annoys them. She’ll win re-election by 5 points, and that is Democrats’ best-case scenario.
Democrats don’t want to see her successfully primaried, and then run as an independent. Democrats don’t want another Joe Lieberman, a self-described Independent Democrat for the last six years he served. Democrats really don’t want their vote split between Sinema and the Arizona version of Ned Lamont, and see the seat flip back to the GOP.
Sinema’s got a spine and she looks marginally better in a dress than YLB. Libbies hate that.
she looks marginally better in a dress
vacuous troll wanna watch..
He was paid to lobby the Biden White House.
Blacklisted Chinese tech giant Huawei paid Tony Podesta $500,000 to lobby the White House
Recall it was Manafort who was indicted, while Podesta was given the quiet heads-up to register so that he would avoid the same fate.
You should check the party crosstabs.
“That chick” is 94% with reg Dems. Sununu is only 79% with reg Republicans. At the last election there were 324,593 registered Democrats, which is 31.8 percent of the total, and 306,542 registered Republicans, which is 30%. On party line only Hasan comes out ahead. So to draw any conclusions other than that requires you to examine the undeclared voters.
In the presidential primary election last year 170,443 undeclared voters cast ballots. A total of 130,758 undeclared voters took Democratic ballots, while 39,685 undeclared voters took ballots for the Republican primary.
Your panel poll splits the responses down the middle between the party registrations, then plugs in more than 40% more undeclared voters. It skews disproportionately older and less educated than the most recent statewide general election. There are lots of other problems with using a poll like this as a forecasting indicator. All them really come down to it being a panel poll.
Longitudinal panels polls like this one are very good at one thing: tracking shifts in voting attitude over time. The real good data in that publication lies in the comparisons from July 2015 through October 2021 and looking at how the numbers move over time.
But you do you. I’d say Hasan should be aware and concerned. But given that her favorability numbers, though they have slipped since spring, nevertheless remain very steady, I’d think her reelection will depend upon pandemic recovery and obviously tying her opponent to Donald Trump, Qanon, the Republican Terror Attack, and Nuke the Hurricanes. It’s a pretty strong hand for any incumbent in a booming economic recovery. It’s just made that much stronger by Stop the Steal mobs breaking up PTA meetings and making bomb threats.
@ 103
In the presidential primary election last year 170,443 undeclared voters cast ballots. A total of 130,758 undeclared voters took Democratic ballots, while 39,685 undeclared voters took ballots for the Republican primary.
Not on the ballot in 2022: Donald Trump.
And I assume you caught that Hassan’s net favorability among independents, who probably are the same as last year’s undeclared voters, is minus 47.
And then there’s the popularity of the Sununu name in NH…
More on the status of next year’s Senate races in battleground states from Politico:
Those “persuadable” camp voters are the voters QoS McHillbilly is desperate to believe will split 3:1 in favor of Democrats in NH next year. Riiiiiiggggghhhhhtttt.
As we speak, McAuliffe is desperately trying to tie Youngkin to Trump. He’s got nothing else going for him, so trying to make 2021 about Trump is what he’s decided to try. Next year Trump will be one more year separated from reality, and if libbies be believed Trump will also be under indictment for everything from pissing on whores to murdering Seth Rich.
2022 won’t be about Trump. It will be about First Vegetable Joe Biden.
Dyin’ time’s nearly here.
Yesterday, Senate Democrats behind closed doors:
Divorced. from. reality.
Mr. McAuliffe could not be reached for comment. He’s changing his shorts.
There won’t be.
See @ 91.
Bernie makes me laugh sometimes.
Confidential to QoS McHillbilly.
@86 Democracy is messy. It’s still better than Benito Trump.
@91 “What caused The Wuhan is still being hidden” by China’s government.
They’re not real transparent about Chinese investments, either, but you probably invest in them anyway.
@92 Nobody’s saying our elections aren’t competitive, even though the competition is between people who care about things like planetary survival, livable wages, health care, education, child care, food security, etc., and a militant terrorist group (see @87 above). This simply reflects the fact that only half of us can have IQs that are average or higher, and the other half are stupid as hell but get to vote anyway, and the stupid half sometimes wins.
@105 “Dyin’ time’s nearly here.”
Coming from a Proud Boy, that would be a threat.
Coming from you, it’s a fart.
Bad as Peter von Reichbauer is, her opponent is worse.
Wants a garbage incinerator. Wants to give business more tax breaks. Wants to address homelessness by having “a forced rehabilitation program.”
Sad measurement being not successful at saying what that AGI is. You’re just trying to get me to say what it is….and you’ll never know, nor will you ever be able to figure it out, otherwise you’d probably let everyone know what it is.
Average Salary for construction scheduler: $78k
Not on the ballot in 2022: Donald Trump.
Not on the ballot in 2020: Hunter Biden.. But oh did we put up with a shitload of feckless noise from a silly troll.
Thanks for showing how stupid you are.
@118 are you one of Bob’s Facebook freinds from Colorado?
@118 you can’t be more than 19 years old. @118 has to be one of the most supid comments ever made in HA history.
And it’s prbably coming from someone that can’t be making much money. Nobody could be making much money with a stupid comment like that. You are a complete Dumbfuck.
Let’s just say I blow away the Top Earners rate.
Figure that into your figuring of your AGI calculation.
@117 We should put him to work figuring out what Trump’s AGI is. The Manhattan D.A. knows. Bet it’s less than mine.
Boomers retiring early
Of course, Boomers being Boomers….
Survey: 75% of Retirees Are Not Leaving a Nest Egg, Would Rather Spend Golden Years ‘Living It Up’
What’s the AGI of someone who doesn’t work, doesn’t collect dividends, and sells stocks into a declining market? Why, his wife’s social security, of course.
Further comment.
When I first googled Manhattan Mean Average Salary I got what is stated in @123. I knew that Manahattan and NYC would be different. But the result of the search of @123 was all that came up and factors in all of NYC.
After further google search the results of Manhattan are
That’s more in line. Tweet Tweet. First in the Nation, I quess that is living in squalor and gonna be tough getting by in life. @118 get back to Mom’s basement.
Bob’s hero blinks. But she’s proably not trustworthy….she’s a politcal whore.
@120,121 Gman, that’s little maxpile monsonite @ 118..
Dude isn’t even fit to be a troll.
Bob is rocking in his chair.
Meanwhile I added $100,000 in material and finish upgrades to the house being built in Delaware. You can’t take the money with you. Helping out the economy.
@131 I once found myself behind a huge bus-sized RV with a bumper sticker that read, “We’re traveling on our kids’ inheritance.”
Looks like Alec Baldwin’s insurance premiums will go up. Bob probably isn’t insurable.
Alec Baldwin shot more people today than were shot at the Capitol on January 6.
The Cuomosexual G-clown is going to an awful lot of effort to convince the HA community that he makes six figures.
An awful lot of effort.
The truth is that the Cuomosexual G-clown earns more than twice the figure mentioned @ 118. I’ve calculated his AGI. Yup. It’s true. He does.
But in NYC, that’s just not much. Triple taxation, for one thing. A cost of living 30+% higher than in Seattle, which itself ain’t cheap, for another.
And then there are the co-pays on the double-dose of PrEP that he takes.
I do have to hand it to the Cuomosexual G-clown on his entertainment expenses, tho. By going to all those baseball games by himself and just about everywhere else by himself, because he’s such a psychotic fuck that nobody will go with him, he saves some serious money. Of course he needs that money to get the strangers he meets in a bar drunk enough so that they’ll, well…
You know.
At the bottom of this article is a photo of Alec Baldwin.
He’s a Class A putz, but this one is gonna stay with him forever.
I think Donald Trump should be asked to play Alec Baldwin in the SNL skit this week.
Fair is fair.
Not The Onion.
Link @ 136. It works better if you read it in her TV voice. Or maybe in Alec Baldwin’s Donald Trump voice.
They’re checking the deceased for the projectile. What they should be doing is checking her answering machine for voice mail messages.
Word is just before she died she was on-set mocking Hilaria’s fake Spanish accent.
Shit you can’t make up.
That was fast. The NRA is out with a new ad calling for a complete ban on movies.
Meanwhile, Trudeau still runs Canada and Northam still runs Virginia.
Seriously, this isn’t so bad. I mean, it’s not like she used the wrong pronoun on somebody or did something else serious.
Shit you just can’t make up.
Now you know, motherfucker.
Have to admit Bob, that was pretty funny. Yet it displayed you ignorance an anger towards a gay man accomplishing more than you (no not necessarily monetarily speaking). You still can’t tell me what my AGI is. And nothing to convince anyone about, although it is just shy of the amount stated in @118.
Breeding is expensive too and it will not save you. If you save most of your money you don’t have to worry or cry about the difference in the taxation. Keep paying for the horse
So do the unvaccinated.
Hehehehe. Them hypocritical mother fuckers. Hehehe
Heroin doesn’t kill people….legalize heroin!!!!
Number of attempts to violently overthrow the democratically elected government by Alex Baldwin, 0
Number of attempts to violently overthrow the democratically elected government by republicans, 1
Focus on what’s important.
An observation about the Biden Townhall
Biden: *coughs
Fox News: “Biden only has 2 days to live.”
Biden: *stutters
Fox News: “Biden is brain dead.”