Let’s finally move away from Carl rides the bus in Tacoma to something different indeed. Today in Carl takes the train in Seattle: Fare ambassadors.
I don’t take the train regularly, and I guess fare ambassadors have been around for a bit. But they were on the train checking people’s cards yesterday. It was the first time since the pandemic that I had seen them.
I guess this is more of a heads up to, um, fare dodgers than anything else. But it is another thing returning to pre pandemic ways.
And one thing that isn’t pre pandemic is that you really need to get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
Momala holds onto her 1 1/2 point RCP Favorability Rating lead over DeSantis, who will never, ever be the other unserious twat’s president.
Momala Harris 36.8
Ron DeSantis 35.3
IRS “whistleblower” now caught twice lying under oath.
Prediction: Shapley will never appear to testify in public.
He’s too troubled, too unreliable, and too vulnerable.
Daily reminder that no White House and no executive agency has ever responded to a House subpoena attendant to an impeachment unless, and until a vote of the full House had authorized the subpoenas.
Never. In all recorded history.
Because that’s what the law and the Constitution require.
The White House should follow the law and instruct every agency to do likewise.
Repeat this at every opportunity until Brave Kevin holds a vote.
Good Dog Carl.
@ 3
Daily reminder that no White House and no executive agency has ever responded to a House subpoena attendant to an impeachment unless, and until a vote of the full House had authorized the subpoenas.
Never. In all recorded history.
Not-yet-daily reminder that Trump was impeached in 2019 after an inquiry that did not involve a full vote of the House. Pelosi alone authorized it.
Trump was impeached a second time, in 2021, without an inquiry.
So let Biden obfuscate. The House has plenty on him already.
Democrats, can you come up with someone for 2024 other than Biden/Harris? Those two dolts are embarrassing!
This is the way:
WaPo op-ed by David Ignatius:
Opinion President Biden should not run again in 2024
He mentions two liabilities: Biden’s age and Biden’s VP. Apparently he does not see The Biden Crime Family as a liability.
He will, soon enough.
No need.
They are both undeniably far better, far more capable, and far more competent than YOUR nominee, Donald Trump.
What’s truly embarrassing is that a once capable and patriotic Republican political party has degraded itself to such an extent that it can find no other way to vindicate its aims than to once again nominate a twice impeached, avowed rapist facing 94 criminal indictments who lives in exile in a Florida sex club.
How on earth do you people face yourselves in the mirror?
@ 7
A lot weird about that situation. Also weird is the city boundaries. I’ve never seen anything like it.
Caught lying again.
How sad. How truly humiliating.
Full House vote to authorize impeachment took place in October of that year. It passed 232 to 196.
Republicans wouldn’t have to lie if they weren’t so terribly weak and wrong.
“Pennsylvania State Police credited K-9 officers with preventing the use of lethal force in the arrest Wednesday of Danelo Cavalcante, a convicted murderer who had been on the run since escaping prison Aug. 31.”
Darn that dog. Now we have to feed this guy for 50 years, or until his next escape, whichever occurs first.
@ 11
Caught lying again.
No. Pelosi alone authorized the initiation of the inquiry September 24, 2019. It was five weeks into the inquiry before the House voted on it – your link is dated October 31.
An awful lot of subpoenas were issued between those two dates.
Also, on October 15, NBC News published this:
If you’d like, you can peruse the impeachment timeline, here.
Oh. And fuck you.
“Fare ambassadors?” Is that what they call ticket checkers now?
@5 Why is an inquiry needed when the offenses are committed in the open and the offender brags about committing them?
Lost in the big (no real national coverage) story of SPD yukking it up over a no real value dead civilian, Daniel Auderer was speaking to Mike Solan. Austerer is VP of SPOG.
“So?” You say?
Auderer is the Officer running investigations regarding possible wrongdoing by SPD personnel?
“Why is that relevant?” -Brandi Kruse
So how long has the chief and other leadership at SPD looked the other way while the person charged with personnel investigations os the second in Command of the organization which has the primary mission of shielding it’s members (SPD Personnel) from charges of misconduct?
Auderer’s first action before even arriving at the scene of the investigation is to call Mike Solan and crack jokes about how this is clearly not important and they can just pay to get rid of it. Then he resumed his other highly paid job of determining if any misconduct or negligence by an officer led to a pedestrian death.
@5 “The House has plenty on him already.”
In this case, “plenty” refers to (a) the triple-hearsay alleged statements of a dead guy, (b) the contents of a laptop that has passed through multiple hands, and (c) he’s guilty because we say so.
In other words, “dumbfuck evidence.” It’s called that because only a dumbfuck GOP special prosecutor would run with it, only a dumbfuck grand jury would indict with it, only a Trump-appointed dumbfuck judge would allow it in evidence, and only a dumbfuck jury would believe it.
@6 Given what the GOP is offering, they’re good enough for this election cycle.
And not a single one of those subpoenas got a response from the White House.
Because that is the law.
Only after a full House vote on Oct. 31 of 2019 did the Republican White House begin to respond.
Because that is the law.
From his own linked timeline:
Caught lying now twice in a single morning.
The downhill slide is accelerating for this sad, humiliated, degenerate troll. At this point literally nothing it posts can be granted any credibility. So Republican. So on-brand.
@7 The police department wasn’t only Coffee City’s largest employer, it was the only employer. Every able-bodied adult in that town was a cop writing traffic tickets. I guess they thought the way to eliminate crime was by monopolizing the supply of thieves.
@ 15
@5 Why is an inquiry needed when the offenses are committed in the open and the offender brags about committing them?
Clearly Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is referring to Biden’s on-camera brag that he forced the firing of Viktor Shokin, who was investigating the company Burisma. The same Burisma that paid POS Hunter a million dollars for involving his father in the firing of Shokin.
Sorry, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. An inquiry is still needed. Who knows? The full House might even vote on it in the next five weeks, at which point McCarthy’s GOP would be following the same timeline as did Pelosi’s Democrats.
@8 Trump shouldn’t run again, either. His liabilities include an age similar to Biden’s, mental incapacity far worse than Biden’s, and a propensity for fascist authoritarianism.
@10 “I’ve never seen anything like it.”
I have. Republican redistricting maps.
@19 Shorter version: A House subpoena in furtherance of an impeachment inquiry isn’t valid or enforceable until the inquiry is approved by a full House vote. Until then, it’s just sandwich wrapper.
In the case of the first of Trump’s two impeachments, the initial inquiry into “the perfect phone call” and the corrupt events preceding it and surrounding it, there were literally dozens of direct, first person witnesses eager to give testimony to the House committees investigating Trump’s failed attempt to extort the Ukrainian President at the behest of his shirtless Tiger-Beat crush, Vladimir Putin.
They had plenty to do even without any real subpoena authority.
Perhaps Brave Kevin can organize a choral performance by Rep. Boebert?
@21 No, I wasn’t referring to a U.S. vice president acting through diplomatic channels to promote an official U.S. policy, joined in by our NATO allies, because that’s his job.
You’re really grasping at desperate half-baked straws this morning.
Of course, Doctor Dumbfuck has been lectured about this before, but he simply chooses to keep parroting Republican lies about it, because he’s too fucking lazy to invent his own smears against Biden.
Maybe the SPOG needs the Coffee City treatment?
This is essentially the binding opinion generated by the DOJ in January of 2020, in response to the subpoenas issued by the House prior to the October 31, 2019 full House vote passing HR 660. It’s a pretty well supported opinion citing dozens preceding court opinions defining the non-legislative authorities of the House to compel production of documents or testimony.
And other than two cases involving federal judges, no House subpoena relating to impeachment has ever been recognized prior to a full vote of the House.
It’s the law.
This really puts Brave Kevin, and of course by extension all Republicans, in a very terrible spot. Whether they intend to or not, they will be pinning their 2024 election identities on this effort. And it seems very unlikely that Brave Kevin can ever get a full House to authorize this farcical stunt. The evidence just isn’t there.
That will leave Republicans going into 2024 with nothing much to run on except a handful of disgruntled partisan kooks who break down in tears under cross. Arranging and conducting a parade of liars telling impossible tales and presenting forgeries as “evidence” will only serve to discredit all Republicans in the view of voters.
And perhaps worse, the faint thread of hope that has kept alive the ardent support of Dumbfucks like the Shit-Lord Crybaby (liar) will be imperiled by this. Once none of the “plenty on him already” fails to materialize they’ll have only the Bourbon and racism to sustain themselves into November of next year.
What it boils down to is Shapley is lying and making shit up to help advance a highly partisan agenda to which he is personally partial.
@29 Do Republicans need any further discrediting?
Sure, there’s a certain hefty percentage of the population who will continue to believe their bullshit no matter what. And they get to vote like the rest of us. So we will always have MTGs and Tommy Tubervilles in Congress.
But they’re manageable, as long as half plus one of each House belongs to a rational, reputable, responsible party capable of governing. We have only one such party. Our resident dumbfuck shit-Lord medical-profession-reject doesn’t vote for it. I wouldn’t expect him to. He’s part of that irrational, unreasonable, and unpersuadable dog-turd mass.
Romney just announced he won’t seek re-election in 2024. There goes Utah’s only halfway rational voice in the Senate.
Although he cited his age as the reason, his willingness to hold Trump accountable probably made him unelectable in the deep-red state he represents. After all, this is the same state that elected Mike Lee.
That’s going to confront the Shit-Lord Crybaby (liar) with another complex dilemma.
Does he climb back onto the
JEB!EVAN! bandwagon, if by doing so he may depriveMITCH!John Thune of a majority?EVAN! for UTAH! 24!
He’s back.
Stroke is devastating to any person’s core being. It’s a deeply personal struggle in recovery that hardly anyone outside of it can relate to. Core traits and features of who a person is and who they conceive themselves to be are damaged. For a public personality it’s potentially overwhelming. And many stroke victims from all walks of life face severe depression during their recovery.
It’s great to see Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman regain his sense of humor and his ability to laugh at Republican clowns. His bravery in openly confronting his stroke and his subsequent depression are an inspiration. He deserves to laugh.
This is actually funny:
Watching “conservatives” grapple with the loss of their party to a mob of porn-addicted, gun-hugging illiterate, racist, beer-drunk, violent stooges is just about my favorite thing.
I wonder what makes this idiot think any of them are even listening? Even our own Shit-Lord Crybaby (liar) troll is gone over and passed beyond Teh Orange Event Horizon. Years ago, really. Almost his entire persona nowadays is culture wars bullshit. Where’s the “fun” in ponderous concern trolling about limited government when you can humiliate at 12-year-old trans kid or laugh at Guatemalan Toddler Torture?
These country club prescriptions will get about as far as Mike Pence in the primary.
@ 34
It’s great to see Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman regain his sense of humor and his ability to laugh at Republican clowns. His bravery in openly confronting his stroke and his subsequent depression are an inspiration. He deserves to laugh.
And there’s the comparison to Al Franken, whereby Franken comes off as mature and reasoned.
It does seem that Fetterman is enunciating better now. Would be easier to make that determination if he would enunciate something other than baby talk.
Ted Stevens could not be reached for comment.
Not the only Heterosexual Neanderthal that is being fed and housed because of The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus. The STD that keeps on taking. Taking lives of the groomed womenz and their children and pets. Taking away all the taxpayer’s money.
But taking the money is just ok, fine an dandy.
Scumbag POS Mums for Fascism are nothing more than groomed twats of the sheep. But they do want all the jock straps to know that their babies tits are rippening and you can grab’em by tthe Pussy!
“… porn-addicted, gun-hugging illiterate, racist, beer-drunk, violent stooges is just about my favorite thing.”
Yeah, and they’ll soon be coming you, you arrogant piece of shit.
Yes, we know who you are. Being an asshole in Congress doesn’t give you license to be an asshole in a theater, too. You’re outta here.
@35 I didn’t read the whole thing. Did he mention Trump? Talk of “cival war”? Jan. 6? I’d say the GOP has more than an image problem; it has a supporter problem. And Brandon’s problem is that it isn’t a conservative/libertarian party anymore.
@37 We’re waiting for you to slap your knee and laugh because her husband was killed. We know you want to.
@36 I suspect if you had a stroke like his, albeit with a totally different outcome, we’d get quite a show in these comment threads. Puddy all over again, i.e. nonstop incoherent babbling.
Hey, when you come try not to taze yourself in the nuts.
I could die laughing.
Reel News has no imagination, he/she/it had to sponge of of my moniker.
Please read carefully, Reel News is not Real News. Reel News is Fake News!
The thesis of this pasty, fat bowl of warm mayonnaise and piss (once you wade through the infantile Art of War references) is that the GOP golden path to glory passes through affluent suburbia where diverse, better educated voters are still trying to figure out who the fuck invited MTG to the back yard barbecue.
It bears pointing out that this fat fuck is the guy who actually led Freedom Works shift over the last decade from being a libertardian TeaPublican group to today’s full blown, ultra-MAGA pipe-bomb workshop. For all of those ten years (inspired by Newt Gingrich and repeated viewings of Kick Ass) that shift was accompanied by growth, money, and influence for the shop. But they just dumped about half of their staff because of a huge collapse of donor funding.
So yes. You are absolutely correct as usual, Roger.
Freedom Works is facing a supporter problem.
Personally I see it as just the usual Republican cowardice.
Most of them, other than Trump, just don’t have what it takes to cut it in this new modern Republican party.
Brandon might do a whole lot betterfinancially by launching a “western chauvanist” YouTube channel tossing around racial slurs, performing fake FBI arrest stunts, and tasting his own semen. But success in that venue would probably require that he stop eating a box of doughnuts every single morning.
Sweet home Alabama:
Every recruit in America is going to see this.
@ 47
That video will be forgotten with The Tide’s first win.
This video, OTOH, will live in infamy.
Another nail in the coffin of #MeToo, courtesy of a certain Democrat candidate for state office in VA.
Nothing gets Steve wooden like a woman who willingly lets him beat the shit out of her. His mom is too old and frail for that now.
What would anyone expect from low life POS Heterosexual Neanderthals who enwrap themselves in hate and violence.
They probably went home that night and got no pussy and slapped their groomed woman.
They truly are a bunch of POS assholes to be laughed at.
How to get Railfan to send a campaign donation:
This is a new term for me. I had to go way down the list on Urban Dictionary to find it:
Dumb twat NM governor fucked around and found out:
Update: Judge Issues Temporary Restraining Order Blocking NM Gov. Grisham’s ‘Emergency’ Carry Ban
Soft on crime isn’t going to be hard to prove next time a GOP candidate gets a crack at her. Law enforcement endorsements are gonna be harder to come by next time around, too.
Romney just announced he won’t seek re-election in 2024. There goes Utah’s only halfway rational voice in the Senate.
Heh. yep, there goes “the man who understands [vulture] kapitalism…
kount ur munee.. outside the Church bean counters even your own kind didn’t care for ya much..
@51 et al.: Watching how excited Bob gets over a small serving of raunchiness, if I didn’t know differently, I’d assume he was a horny high school sophomore.
This is a new term for me.
Where kreepshit pretends to not know what “pulling a train” meant back in the day…
teh kreepee frat house daze.. world of the jungle punch and “20 minutes of action”…
yeah right shit-stain, shuuuuure…
Look on the bright side. Now that he’s discovered Chaturbate we won’t be seeing as many of his other self-humiliating posts.
More proof Tuberville is the dumbest senator we’ve seen in a long time.
The missus asked me why Republicans keep smearing Obama even though he’s not president anymore. I replied, “He’s still black.”
58 – No, Obama is half black, half white.
@56 You can wish.
@25 & 40
This story just keeps on giving. The Gentleman with BoBo at the performance is Quinn Ghalagher. He’s a divorced co-owner of Hooch Craft Cocktails in Aspen.
Hooch Craft Cocktails. Just this year his bar hosted a ‘Winter Wonderland’ Burlesque and DRAG REVIEW.
Fuck off Vicious Troll you sorry dumbfuck. The GOP plays you for a fool. They don’t actually give a fuck about any of the culture wars stuff they just know stupid people in small islands or rural farms will lap the stuff up and keep voting like their Grandchildren won’t hate them for their votes.
Have a good sleep in the barn, asshole.
93 years old. Never too old to be afflicted with The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus, the STD that keeps on killing.
Ladies, not sure how many times you have to be told, but you are being GROOMED by the men. They don’t respect you. You are their property to be trampled on, if you are lucky to not be killed by the Neanderthal.
The worst Neanderthal is that one that wastes it’s hours away at a sports stadium thinking that they are important or have a purpose in life. They are nothing but scum, like Scummy Mums for Fascism. A bunch of POS indviduals that have no respect for Freedom, Democracy, Justice, Equality, and Peace.
They are the leaders that bring us to war.
They are the ones that think they are so superior because they Pro Create, like it’s some special feat.
Any gay man can Pro Create, if they wanted to.
The Special Pro Creators think breeding will save them. Breeding will not save them. They are the evil fuckers that are destroying this world. And you ladies, your just a vagina. You are not even needed anymore, that is apparent by the fact that The Heterosexual Neanderthal will just kill you.
Scummy Mums for Fascism want you to know that their babies tits are rippening and ready for you to groope and grab, along with their pussies. If you the Jock Strap needs help they can always call the Head Pig Fucker The FuckHump himself; he can demonstrate on Ivanka on how you snatch them by the pussy.
Here is your breeding and Pro Creation by The Heterosexual Neanderthal.
Go Alabama, Go Alabama!
Read and Weep…….Booooo Hooooo Hoooo.
It’s small time White Honkey News
Definition of Pro Create.
Kill your fucking whore wife.
Praise the Lord Jesus. Amen
This one probably was a loud mouth bitch….looking like Ann Coulter.
Go Alabama, Go Alabama! Where them cheerleader bitches at? I need to rape and GROOM one – Heterosexual Neanderthal, the Downfall Pro Creator.
Why wait till 93 to kill them. Start early!
The Heterosexual Pro Creator Neanderthal breeds unsuccesfully.
Heterosexual Pro Creation
More Heterosexual Pro Creation – Gangum Neanderthal Hetero Style.
Heterosexual majority needs to be singled out as the accountable and irresponsible individuals. You want credit, then you have to take the blame too.
Republicans: “Impeach Biden!”
Democrats: “For what?”
Republicans: “Stuff.”
Democrats: “What stuff?”
Republicans: “Impeachable stuff.”
Democrats: “Such as?”
Republicans: “You know. Things.”
Republicans: “Look, the evidence proving President Biden committed impeachable offenses is the emails deleted by Hillary Clinton that were on Hunter’s laptop, duh!”
How can President Biden be a senile old man, while at the same time be a brilliant criminal capable of running a crime family so effectively that republicans can find not hard evidence after years and years of looking?
Pro Creators no more.
Call the Heterosexuals Con Creators for now on.
Cop-beating MAGA rioter seen frothing at the mouth gets 6.5 years in prison
@ 54
… if I didn’t know differently, I’d assume he was a horny high school sophomore.
It would make more sense to you, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, if you had been able to achieve an erection at least once over the last 15 years.
Spoken as one who has achieved a few dozen pointless erections in just the last 24 hours.
His “Golden years” brought to us by Chaturbate and Pfizer.
We don’t have the votes to impeach a Supreme Court a Justice for the high crime of being elected because at least ONE of us isn’t batshit crazy.
So how ‘bout this. We propose having a group of people entirely chosen by us produce new “non partisan” maps and we’ll use those for ‘24.
It’ll be perfectly fair. Swear.
Another year of Jill leading my corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president around the stage by the hand and these numbers will look far worse for The Biden Crime Family.
A POS addict son under indictment for three federal felonies won’t help, either.
Some asswipe @ 1 is doing his level best to make us believe that Kamala is not widely disliked. For instance, he does not share that her unfavorable rating is 54.7%.
People like Nancy Pelosi are more likely to shed some honesty about the incompetence of Momala:
“Look at these Bama fans being all racist!”
Troll Response, “No one is gonna care but look at this video I fap to when the horse needs a rest that shows the all-white girls clubs they have at ‘bama. Nothing wrong with keeping out the darkies.”
Let’s set the wayback machine to oh, last month when America’s least qualified Senator weighed in:
And then come back…
Yet another data release from the federal government confirming that inflation is increasing once again.
Second straight month of an inflation spike.
Bidenflation touches all.
In only 22 days we get to see another downward revision in the previous months’ job creation numbers.
Bidenflation touches all. What was worse, handing out all that free money and spiking inflation? Or taking away the free money once people had grown used to the outlays?
In a profile excerpted from an authorized memoir due to be published later this year, Willard admits that one reason driving him out of the Senate is his fear of being assassinated by other Republicans.
Well, Republicans drink too much. That makes a successful head shot unlikely. So the police escort is there to get you to Walter Reed before you bleed out.
My $600,000 CD’s are making 5.25%!
@79 – Black people, brown people, and white people are among the ranks of the racists in the world. Racism is not limited to whites being the “racists.” If you don’t think black people can be racist, then you’re ignoring reality.
Oops! Hunter just got indicted! Maybe Hunter, Joe and Trump will all get assigned to the same federal prison.
@70 Unfortunately, this is all it takes to convince low-information voters. And all Republican voters are low-information voters.
@71 Don’t confuse them with logic.
@77 Biden’s mental and physical condition is nothing like you depict, but even if it was, he could be dead and still defeat your frontrunner.
Face it, your party is going to be in the toilet until it dumps Trump, MAGA, and its current twin platforms of forcing births and replacing our democracy with a fascist dictatorship.
@78 “Kamala is widely disliked”
Your party’s frontrunner and presumptive nominee is even more widely disliked, so where does that leave you?
As I stated in #89, in the toilet.
It’s very telling that you simultaneously seem to agree that racism is a harmful cultural trait associated with many or most human cultures, but that at the same time you regard combating racism as somehow being zero-sum, with “winners” and “losers”.
Racism should be stamped out for its harmful effects, no?
And so, if racism should be stamped out, and if doing so is beneficial, would it not stand to reason that all racism should be stamped out?
Now go back and review the comment at 79. There’s no mention in that comment about the race or ethnicity of the shitty racist ‘Bama fans. Then go back further and review the source video. We viewers are unable to ascertain from the video source what the race or ethnicity of the shitty ‘Bama fans is.
So with that in mind, why do you suppose the comment at 79 made you feel angry the way it did, and prompted you to demand that the commenter recognize that non-whites can be racist?
Did the Texas players dancing on the sidelines in celebration of their victory over Alabama somehow feel “racist” to you?
Or is it perhaps more accurate that two young, strong, athletic, handsome, highly accomplished, and joyful Black athletes dancing in front of racists in celebration of their victory over racists felt hostile to you or to your interests?
If that’s the case, then shouldn’t you be examining your interests instead of boring all of us with dull aphorisms?
@80 Too bad Tommy “Wave the White Flag” Tuberville wasn’t the Confederate commanding general at Gettysburg.
The entire battle could’ve been avoided, and the Civil War would’ve been over that afternoon.
@81 Is there some reason why you aren’t calling it “Saudinflation”?
Trump is their MOJO. They will dump him and MAGA eventually. At some point the cost of further sustaining and nurturing the violent MAGA mobs will surpass even the fund raising benefits.
But that may be a long ways off still.
And when that day finally does come they will still be in the toilet.
Because they will have repudiated their party’s invigorating MOJO with absolutely nothing to replace it. They will be in an even deeper hole. A hole of their own making.
Hunter Biden has just been indicted for violating a gun law a federal appeals court ruled unconstitutional. Run with it, Repukes.*
* I have no doubt the irony is totally lost on them.
Oops! Hunter just got indicted!
Oh noes! Teh DOJ is tryin’ to GRAB Hunter’s GUUUUUUNNNNNSSSS….
We await teh repuke protest: “FREE HUNTER!”… (rolls eyes)…
At HA Hunter’s dick pics “touch” HA trolls (widbee shitstain in particular) only…
Of course, even if the gun possession charge falls, there’s still the two lying counts, and it’s fine with me if he’s locked up on those.
I want to see the Republicans accuse him of funneling money to his dad from prison.
I also don’t mind seeing a Trump-appointed federal prosecutor establish a precedent for sending political figures to prison for lying to federal authorities.
Wisconsin apparently doesn’t have an 1849 law prohibiting abortions, only an 1849 law making it a crime to kill a fetus by attacking the mother, so whether that law is still in effect is a moot issue.
“‘This pre-Roe statute says nothing about abortion—there is no such thing as an “1849 Abortion Ban” in Wisconsin,’ Dane County Circuit Court Judge Diane Schlipper wrote in her July ruling ….”
Planned Parenthood is resuming abortions in Wisconsin next week.
Republicans can, of course, appeal her ruling to the state supreme court.
POS Hunter’s booking photo on a coffee mug sells to Biden supporter for $625,000.
Ooops! Don’t let yourself get too disappointed.
There is non-binding dicta from the same year that holds this statute to be unconstitutional. And your most very favorite SCOTUS justices all support that view of the 2nd Amendment. Moreover, there is a presumably binding diversion agreement that Weiss previously signed in place and on file in which Weiss agrees not to indict on this statute.
So at the very least there will be a very difficult series of motion hearings in order for Weiss to bring these charges to pre-trial stage. It’s probably fair to say that most federal prosecutors would not bring this charge under these circumstances. Because in case you didn’t know it, federal criminal courts don’t really work the way state criminal courts work. And federal prosecutors tend to lean in to slam dunk winners and plead down or turn away more complex criminal prosecutions. But Weiss as we now know is under overwhelming pressure and duress to make a bigger show of this case. So he’s pressing ahead in the face of a very substantial chance of failure.
And owing to the now well known existence of so much political pressure and duress, and the voluntary separation of Hunter Biden’s previous defense counsel, that same counsel can now be called to testify about both that binding diversion agreement as well as the political pressure being born by the prosecutors he was in negotiations with. Those motion hearings could turn into a real circus. And some of the clowns sharing the center ring could be House and Senate Republicans. Oops indeed.
@82 “In only 22 days we get to see another downward revision in the previous months’ job creation numbers.”
That’s what the Federal Reserve wants. And if the Fed gets what it wants to stop raising interest rates, I imagine my stock portfolio will do pretty well. Yours too, doc.
@83 Romney isn’t telling us anything we don’t already know.
The Constitution is a social contract. It ceases to have any meaning if a critical number of citizens stop abiding by it. Republicans keep reminding us they’re arming themselves to the teeth for that very purpose, and on Jan. 6, 2021, attacked police and trashed the Capitol to demonstrate their resolve.
America could become the next Somalia. Or, the U.S. Army could crush their revolt in a few days, with high casualties on their side. I wonder which alternative a democratically-elected commander-in-chief whom they vow to hang from a makeshift gallows erected in Lafayette Square would choose?
@87 Where’s the Joe indictment? Well, two out of three ain’t bad.
I’m anticipating that the Romney book will get plenty of media play before it hits newsstands, given the salacious details Romney shares about his fellow Senate Republicans and the violent shit-show they unleashed on Jan. 6th.
Let’s just say it’s probably a blessing that McConnell is now in a vegetative state.
I’m just hoping I get to see the rest of the soiled Republican linen without having to buy a copy.
@99 Democrats have that kind of money to throw around?
I recall an expression, “We’re Democrats so someday we can live like Republicans.”
But I would modify that somewhat. My version is, “I’m a capitalist so I can live like the capitalists live.”
Inexplicably, Willard retains some kind of credibility among a certain set of perhaps more trad Republicans.
When he comes right out and describes, not just the rank and file, but his own party’s Senate leadership and caucus as being a degenerate team of “morons” who value their own re-election more highly than the survival of the republic, there will be some Republican voters who respond.
His perspectives are unlikely to be persuasive to any Democrat or even to any independent. But those aren’t the people who will buy his book anyway.
@ 100
Those motion hearings could turn into a real circus.
A circus under the very big tent of privilege extended to the POS son of the president, an influence peddler, a tax cheat, and generally now acknowledged white collar criminal.
As far as the difficulty of proving a crime, he was an admitted addict at the time he falsely claimed on a federal form, under penalty of perjury, not to be an addict. Not that difficult.
“My son has done nothing wrong.” Bullshit. Joe Biden’s son is a felon.
What happens to black male support for Biden in 2024 when his son uses a technicality to escape guilt, and prison, while so many of them end up incarcerated in the same year?
QoS McHillbilly cheers the prospect of the POS son of the president getting off with a wrist slap through an agreement that, as admitted by the DOJ prosecution, was without precedent.
I’ll admit that it’s a lot for a bumper sticker.
Fuck Joe and Hunter Biden is not.
Well, at minimum he’s gonna have to come up with something more persuasive than “My son has done nothing wrong.”
Joe Scarborough Reveals Every Single Democrat He Speaks to Off Air Admits Biden is ‘Too Old to Run’
That’s a circus for which for which House Republicans have a tissue thin tent wall patched up with provably forged documents and a thin film of jizz, Matt Gaetz’s hair grease, and Lauren Boebert’s used condoms.
But no tent pole.
Good luck trying to introduce any of it in sworn proceedings before a neutral magistrate.
But in contrast something happened very suddenly in late July to cause the plea arrangement to collapse and Biden’s attorneys to resign and make themselves available to testify. And that something will come out in motions ahead of this trial, unless Weiss concedes to his earlier agreement.
@ 111
But in contrast something happened very suddenly in late July to cause the plea arrangement to collapse and Biden’s attorneys to resign and make themselves available to testify. And that something will come out in motions ahead of this trial, unless Weiss concedes to his earlier agreement.
People who commit tax fraud at the level that POS Hunter Biden did typically go to prison upon conviction.
People who lie under threat of perjury to the ATF typically go to prison upon conviction.
If a very public rehashing of all of this permits POS Hunter Biden to skate, I’m OK with that. It’s the public rehashing at a time when Ignatius and Morning Joe are already bringing out the long knives for the Don of The Biden Crime Family that counts.
Oh. That “something very suddenly” in late July? It was the unveiling of a prosecutorial giveaway – one without precedent – to the POS son of a sitting president.
It’s the first I’m hearing of such an admission by Weiss. And it would shock me to hear of it, as any such statement by a direct prosecutor about an unindicted person would be major professional misconduct according to the United States Justice Manual (JM formerly USAM).
Show us where Weiss describes his office’s diversion agreement as “without precedent”.
Because now he can be removed and dismissed for misconduct. And the motion hearing is a slam dunk.
A federal prosecutor’s job is not what dumbshits like Farmer Jim, MTG, or the Shit-Lord Crybaby (liar) think it is.
“Congressional Republicans, who have made Hunter Biden one of their top targets, signaled they’re not satisfied with the new indictment brought against him.”
Seems to me they don’t get to decide. Where does the Constitution empower Congress to throw people in jail for being a relative of a political opponent?
I can already visualize Hunter’s next money-raising venture: Suing Republicans for harassment and defamation.
@107 How does being harassed, persecuted, and indicted by a partisan prosecutor reneging on a plea deal make someone “privileged”?
@107 “As far as the difficulty of proving a crime, he was an admitted addict at the time he falsely claimed on a federal form, under penalty of perjury, not to be an addict. Not that difficult.”
True. Should be a slam-dunk case. Especially since he won’t enjoy the privileged immunity from prosecution that Republicans want to extend to the defendant who lied about having stolen classified documents of the highest sensitivity in his possession and then tried to hide them when the FBI came calling.
Neither you nor any other Republican is in a position to moralize about this, doc.
There are countless statistical analyses of the Delaware District out in the media this afternoon that prove this is a lie.
Looks like 3%.
And that’s 3% of those charged. The office has no data to determine what percentage of known violators are never charged. So we have to rely instead on academic studies.
But given the known historic rates of prescription opioid misuse, prescription stimulant misuse, and prescription diversion in Delaware compared to the FFL records it would appear that more than 99% of those answering falsely on this form are never prosecuted by the Delaware US Attorney.
So fewer than 1% of all violators are ever charged. And fewer than 3% of those are given a custodial sentence.
Day two. Still lying his ass off.
@108 They still won’t vote for Trump or any other nominee of the racist party. And they’ll probably still turn out in droves to make sure Trump or some other racist doesn’t get elected.
@109 “was without precedent”
Unprecedentedly harsh. Most ordinary folks don’t even get prosecuted for this “crime.”
Here’s an idea: Maybe the ATF should start going through the millions of gun purchase applications by MAGAites and match them against state DUI arrest records.
I’ll bet we’d need more than a few FEMA camps.
@109 Getting fucked is not a crime unless you’re underage, which they are not.
@110 Just as a friendly reminder: Trump is only 3 years younger than Joe, and in a lot worse shape physically, mentally, and morally.
So what’s your suggestion? Mayor Pete vs. Nikki? or Tim?
@112 “People who commit tax fraud at the level that POS Hunter Biden did typically go to prison upon conviction.”
Unless I missed something, the indictment doesn’t say anything about tax fraud.
Prison for lying to the ATF on a gun purchase form? Sure, I’ll go along with that. I’d even expand that approach, see #119 for details. We do want equal justice for all, don’t we? Isn’t that your party’s position?
I don’t see how you can maintain that position unless every MAGAite gun purchaser with a DUI record or popping opioids also goes to prison for lying to the ATF on the same form. Starting with Donny Trump Jr., opioid user and big game hunter.
I think he and Abbe Lowell have to wait until his criminal cases are settled.
But I won’t be surprised if Lowell manages to put Weiss on trial before then because of this kind of direct political interference against his client’s constitutional rights.
The assigned judge has no authority to restrain rabidly partisan House Republicans. But they can compel Weiss to respond to a show cause motion. And they can dismiss without prejudice if they conclude that Republican political interference in Weiss’s office would deprive Hunter Biden of a fair trial.
@ 113
…an agreement that, as admitted by the DOJ prosecution, was without precedent.
It’s the first I’m hearing of such an admission by Weiss. And it would shock me to hear of it
Here’s the hearing transcript:
Q: What’s POS Hunter Biden’s fave song?
A: Damn It Feels Good To Be A Gangsta (Official Video) [Explicit]
The Biden Crime Family has always been allowed to skate.
“The Republican-controlled Wisconsin Senate voted Thursday to fire the battleground state’s nonpartisan top elections official ahead of the 2024 presidential election. … Wolfe has been the subject of conspiracy theories and threats from election skeptics who falsely claim she was part of a plan to rig the 2020 vote in Wisconsin, and GOP leaders cited concerns from those skeptics in justifying Thursday’s 22-11 vote along party lines.” [Italics added by me.]
It’s important to understand exactly what this means. Republicans are passing so-called “election integrity” laws and firing election officials with no evidence of voting fraud or official misconduct, but because some people believe their lies. And they tacitly admit this.
@124 So as I understand it, there was a verbal reference to possible tax charges in the courtroom colliquy about the diversion agreement, and following nullification of that agreement, the prosecutor did not indict on tax charges. They’re simply gone.
@ 126
“The Republican-controlled Wisconsin Senate voted Thursday to fire the battleground state’s nonpartisan top elections official…
Surprised you left yourself open to that obvious comeback, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. Unserious twats like Queen YLB cheered this recent news item.
Perhaps you find Queen YLB unworthy of reading, which is true, but if I don’t push back on the little twat, who will?
Hunter should just plead guilty to the charges and hope he only gets probation and a fine. Of course, he will have a felony conviction, and that will mean he will be Biden’s son and a convicted felon who cannot vote or own a firearm ever again.
What a family!
Wouldn’t it be ironic if Hunter Biden became the defendant who persuaded the Supreme Court to expand gun rights for drunks and drug users?
@ 127
So as I understand it, there was a verbal reference to possible tax charges…
Perhaps take the time to do your fucking job and learn something about what you are spewing about, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
There was explicit admission to the tax crimes within the scope of the agreement. It wasn’t a verbal reference. It was a willingness to plead guilty assuming the Get Out Of Jail Free concept applied to all of the felonies – those still within the respective statutes of limitations – that POS Hunter Biden has committed.
What a bloviating, useless fuck is Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. He’s the perpetually unsuccessful applicant with a 120 LSAT score when stacked against the likes of QoS McHillbilly.
@ 130
Wouldn’t it be ironic if Hunter Biden became the defendant who persuaded the Supreme Court to expand gun rights for drunks and drug users?
Wouldn’t it be ironic if my corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president pardoned POS Hunter Biden after declining to run for re-election, thereby poisoning any chance that another Democrat might have to win the White House in 2024?
We’re told that Biden took part in business meetings and calls because he loves his son. What greater expression of love than to protect your POS addict son from justice by fucking over the rest of your party?
It wouldn’t be unprecedented. Naw, not Jerry Ford. I’m talking about Donna Brazile, protecting #CrookedHillary from the likes of Bernie Sanders in 2015-16.
Meanwhile, DeSantis is going forward with his plan to turn Florida into a senior community where everyone is over 65, although the possibility of some under-65 survivors can’t be entirely ruled out.
Following on @ 132, it’s possible Biden could wait until after the 2024 election to pardon POS Hunter. The thing is, he may not be alive that long, and if he is, he may not still be in office that long.
Remember Kim Davis, the Kentucky county clerk who transformed her personal religious beliefs into official government policy? She has to pay $100,000 to a gay couple she refused to issue a marriage license to, although I suspect taxpayers or the county’s insurer will ultimately get stuck with the bill for her official misconduct.
Just imagine if Hunter were gay. The thrill that they could have had.
Well, he’s not. He’s a Heterosexual Neanderthal and exemplifies the traits of other Heterosexual Neanderthals……that is the true, Irony. Hunter is them. And they are Hunter!
Heterosexual are crime ridden and cost the taxpayers tons, and tons, and tons of money. The deficit would be fixed if it weren’t for Hetersexual Neanderthals.
Want to know what “shameless” is?
Look no farther than Alex Jones, who is spending other people’s money and asking strangers to pay his legal bills “because I’ve earned it.”
DeSantis weighs in on Trump’s November 2024 chances. Spoiler alert: He uses the lowest temperature recorded in outer space as a reference point.
If the GOP’s ideological center depends on one aging, tired senator not retiring, it doesn’t have an ideological center.
You are talking about a completely different issue, outside of the agreement .
That fact of a term of the agreement, as understood and as described by the defense (which understanding is the only issue of any relevance in a plea hearing) to lie entirely outside of the agreement at hand is what triggered the judge’s interrogation. There is no precedent for a plea agreement being entered into in a federal court of limited jurisdiction wherein a term of the agreement lies outside the jurisdiction of that court and the authority of that prosecutor serving in that jurisdiction. The judge was concerned first that the agreement would be invalidated.
So you understand, the FRCP dictates that where ambiguity exists in the terms or conditions of any such agreement, the ambiguity must be decided in a way most favorable to the defendant. By engaging in this interrogation the judge was issuing a warning to the government that the jurisdictional ambiguity they were introducing might invalidate the agreement.
But beyond that was the judge’s greater concern that this ambiguity with regard to jurisdiction could conceal misconduct on the part of the prosecutor. It is the contention of the now resigned defense attorney that his negotiations with the government included representations and assurances from the government that support this conclusion of misconduct.
So nothing about the included plea terms was unprecedented or without authority. And an ambiguous government assurance understood by the defense to be integral to the agreement relating to potential offenses lying outside the jurisdiction was both potentially invalid and might indicate an effort by the prosecutor to mislead the defense.
What Boebert was really kicked out of the theater for: “she was asked to leave after she refused to quit vaping near a pregnant woman.”
Right to life, my ass. She doesn’t care a hoot about the unborn.
P.S., I wonder what was really in that pipe?
@ 140
By engaging in this interrogation the judge was issuing a warning to the government that the jurisdictional ambiguity they were introducing might invalidate the agreement.
Read the transcript. Was there a reference to ambiguity? Or did the judge specifically express concern about separation of powers violations, which are wholly different? I recall the latter. I don’t recall the former.
@128 Want a comeback? Roggensack.
I suspect we can play this game all day long. There’s some apples-and-oranges in this instance, though. Wisconsin’s supreme court is nakedly partisan. Koschnick was a partisan court administrator (and before that, a partisan judge) under that system. The Wisconsin Election Commission is supposed to be non-partisan, and there’s no evidence that Meagan Wolfe played favorites in her role as state elections administrator.
But your attempt at a snappy rebuttal, if that’s what it was, completely sidesteps the point of my comment, which is that Republicans are making voting more restrictive and firing election officials like Wolfe, and justifying that on the grounds that their followers believe their election lies. The tit-for-tat going on in the background is a sideshow.
Roger is saying in brief terms what I was painstakingly MDsplaining at 140.
We appear to be on precisely the same page as supported by the court record.
Weiss was either fucking up or he was trying to pull a fast one.
Chris Clark so far as I know is a very highly regarded litigator who has handled a ton of very high profile, and complex civil and criminal clients. But a lot of his practice has focused on securities and financial litigation. And I’m not sure if he was the ideal person to represent Biden in a plea negotiation with a government prosecutor enduring the kind of political pressure that Weiss is under. And I would not be surprised if he did not fully appreciate the jurisdictional conflicts involved in the agreement as it was being proposed by Weiss. But fortunately Judge Noreika did.
I also would not say that the tax charges are “simply gone”. At least not yet.
But if they are never charged, it might be because Weiss can’t afford to face the defense to those charges at this point.
@129 “What a family!”
What does his family have to do with it? These are Hunter’s crimes. If convicted, he can’t vote or own a gun, he will likely pay a fine, and he may do jail time.
Oh wait, I get it now. The conservative obsession with associated. As in, if black people are allowed to swim in the same pool as me, some of their blackness might rub off and stick to me.
I have a question for you. Did you trace your last blood transfusion back to its source?
@131 So what you’re saying is Special Counsel Weiss traded a guilty plea to tax offenses for an indictment that says nothing about tax crimes.
Hotshot prosecutor you’ve got there.
It’s a sign of the crumbling white hegemony that a black person could be president.
“When your whole life has been privilege, equality feels like oppression”
They don’t WANT to see black people as equal. They don’t WANT to see queer people as equal.
What they WANT is a return to the “Good ol’ days” when being white was the norm, 99% of media was white, and if a white person committed crimes against minorities, they got a slap on the wrist, if that.
They want a return to institutions being able to discriminate freely against minorities, so they get the first bite at all things, loans, college, etc.
They don’t like that being white doesn’t automatically mean being better than others. It means they have to stand on their own merits, and god does it infuriate them seeing minorities acting like their equals.
Any step the world takes towards equality is a step away from their privilege. And yeah, to poor, white people with no remarkable abilities or traits, that’s scary.
@132 “Wouldn’t it be ironic if my corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president pardoned POS Hunter Biden after declining to run for re-election, thereby poisoning any chance that another Democrat might have to win the White House in 2024?”
Yes it would, were any of those highly improbably scenarios come to pass. Keep daydreaming if it amuses you, doc.
And you should pay attention more in class and try harder to keep up.
Biden and his former lawyer spent six months earlier this year trying to plead guilty. For most of those months the prosecutor who Trump appointed to investigate the case delayed and dithered in response to pressure from Congressional Republicans. Then he blew up the deal at the last minute when the judge called him on his bullshit.
@142 I think you’re out of your league here, doc. You’re embarrassing yourself now, in the same way as if I lectured Tommy Tuberville about football strategy, or Tuberville lectured General Milley about military preparedness.
Well actually
People who hired tax preparers and have repaid the outstanding taxes with penalties and interest are rarely charged with any kind of crime at all.
It’s always the little details our troll pretends don’t exist.
@ 146
So what you’re saying is Special Counsel Weiss traded a guilty plea to tax offenses for an indictment that says nothing about tax crimes.
A guilty plea to tax offenses classified as misdemeanors was dismissed without prejudice.
Three indictments alleging felonious behavior have been handed down.
The tax offenses are still out there.
Was just reading the University of Washington Magazine, put out by the UW Alumni Association, and a reader letter jumped out at me:
“I was saddened to read of the passing of Professor Charles Frey. I was in Professor Frey’s Shakespeare course in 1994. In a required seminar with 50 students, Professor Frey had the magical ability to transform the room into a creative and intimate space. The encouragement he gave me shaped my writing and teaching. He taught us that the study of literature makes us all better human beings.”
(September 2023 issue, p. 10)
It immediately occurred to me that this letter succinctly sums up the great purpose behind what Doctor Dumbfuck calls “worthless degrees” (e.g., any program in humanities). Of course he doesn’t understand it, because it’s safe to say he never took a class that made him a better human being.
@152 “The tax offenses are still out there.”
I stand corrected. What you’re actually saying is Special Counsel Weiss traded a bird in hand for birds in the bush.
The hands-down front runner for the nomination of the repuke party..
Sorry, too late.
In this case they are the same. The diversion agreement references the plea agreement and makes specific promises to the defendant with respect to the plea agreement lying outside of the plea agreement.
Those promises included in the diversion agreement to decline to prosecute for any federal offenses stipulated to in the information included in the plea agreement were relied upon by the defendant in order to gain his willingness to accept the plea agreement.
The ambiguity lay in whether or not the terms of the plea were to fall under rule 11(c)(1)(A) or rule 11(c)(1)(B) which by extension would dictate whether the court applied the analysis dictated in 11(c)(3)(A) or 11(c)(3)(B). That difference is driven in part by the separation of powers clause as referenced by the judge in the tscrpt. In an 11(c)(1)(A) plea the judge has federal judicial discretion to review and accept, reject, or defer to act on the agreement. And 11(c)(1)(B) plea denies the judge that independent authority in order to preserve the separation of powers but then requires the judge to advise the defendant they in entering into the agreement they are waiving their right to withdraw, object, or even appeal should the judge depart from the recommendation. The parties held the position that the agreement was an 11(c)(1)(B) plea. The judge’s interrogation was intended to express to the parties her view that this was not clear. And part of that ambiguity hinged on the reference of the plea agreement by promises made in the diversion agreement.
Because the promise to decline to bring charges lay outside of the plea agreement is what made the plea agreement an 11(c)(1)(B) plea. So the judge was obligated to inquire if the defendant was relying on that promise in order to enter in to the 11(c)(1)(B) agreement. If that were so then the plea would not qualify for the analysis under 11(c)(1)(B) restricting the court’s jurisdiction. And if the court were to accept the 11(c)(1)(B) plea and enter it knowing that it was bound to an outside agreement to defer to prosecute that might be unconstitutional.
I specifically chose the term ambiguity in the apparently vain hope of avoiding an analysis of Rule 11 as it applies in this case. I’m no expert on plea deals. And perhaps neither is Clark. I think they are an immoral and asymmetrical weapon used by government to compel obedience to authority and punish the innocent for attempting to vindicate their rights.
But Biden is not innocent. Not by a long shot. So at least it is to his credit that he has attempted with great effort and expense to reach an agreement with the government to plead guilty and take responsibility. Since you read the tscrpt maybe reread Clark’s response to the judge. I sincerely doubt he’s lying when he describes five years worth of long days painstakingly going over every line of Hunter Biden’s tax filings.
She’s getting new internal polling numbers.
@ 154
… Special Counsel Weiss traded a bird in hand for birds in the bush.
He traded two misdemeanors that could immediately dismissed by Democrats as “old news” for three felony indictments that we’ll get to spend all of the next year talking about, as Biden’s DOJ tries to slow-walk and soft-pedal the charges in order to allow Biden’s POS son to skate.
That’s all of the next year.
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—In an irate letter to the White House, Kevin McCarthy and other congressional Republicans have demanded that President Biden reveal why they are impeaching him.
The letter claims that, after Republicans announced their impeachment inquiry, “the White House has stubbornly refused to provide us with any reasons for our doing so.”
The Republicans go on to demand that Biden reveal the rationale for his ouster “immediately, or face the consequences.”
“The American people are waiting, Mr. President, for you to explain to us why we are impeaching you,” the letter concludes. “Your silence will not be forgiven.”
The firearms indictments are the only crimes that POS Hunter has committed that don’t implicate POS Daddy Joe or other family members.
POS Hunter might face the music on a felony or three, but no one gets to include the president in discovery or on the witness stand.
It’s Jamie Raskin’s turn to shiv Momala.
Raskin’s got his hair back. His son, not so much.
@ 162
Raskin actually suggests that for all he knows Jake Tapper would make for a better VP candidate than Momala – watch the short video.
The trashing of the corrupt Joe Biden and the simply awful Kamala Harris should accelerate quickly from here, now that the POS Hunter is under felony indictment.
Although not really fixed.
Because you can’t fix stupid.
You see the Shit-Lord Crybaby (liar) has this almost perfectly reversed in a weird way.
The firearms misdemeanors were contained in the still viable diversion agreement. That agreement is still alive for now. So it is not traded away yet.
What he withdrew were the misdemeanor tax charges that Biden had spent five years working out with the Delaware US Attorney. And what Biden and Clark believed he was trading away for that misdemeanor plea was any subsequent felony prosecution for tax offenses or FARA violations relating to the same tax filings and the same income. Which as I understand it is a very common settlement where a defendant fully cooperates and agrees to pay fines, make restitution, and turns everything over to investigators.
Weiss has already agreed to defer all felony gun charges in return for the agreements that he withdrew from.
So Weiss will be compelled to show that Clark/Biden acted in bad faith when they responded to Judge Noreika’s interrogation of the plea agreement by testifying under oath in direct response to her questions that there was no meeting of the minds between the opposing parties in support of the plea. Without that showing of bad faith then it will not matter if Weiss depended upon the plea agreement in order to fulfill the diversion agreement. That at least is my understanding of how FRCP and the JM are supposed to be interpreted in a failed deal like this one.
@ 164
That at least is my understanding of how FRCP and the JM are supposed to be interpreted in a failed deal like this one.
GLWT, too.
@159 “three felony indictments that we’ll get to spend all of the next year talking about”
That’s quite a bird, all right, if you catch it.
You’re now waiting for the “the Eagle has landed” transmission.
@160 “In an irate letter to the White House, Kevin McCarthy and other congressional Republicans have demanded that President Biden reveal why they are impeaching him.”
I can’t stop laughing.
@161 “no one gets to include the president in discovery or on the witness stand”
Now why is that? After all, you have your handpicked Republican prosecutor. All you need is evidence of a crime.
@162 Sorry doc, Biden’s running mate will not be his surviving son.
@163 “the corrupt Joe Biden and the simply awful Kamala Harris”
Maybe so, but they beat the pants off your candidate, so what does that say about your party?
@165 I wouldn’t be telling Elijah “GWLT” when he explains legal matters in which he obviously has experience, but in your case it doesn’t matter, because you already look like a fool.
Republicans only seem to care about enforcing gun laws if they apply to Hunter
So if THAT happens it has almost nothing to do with luck. And moreover, any ruling to the contrary would form the basis for an appeal.
So given a change of defense counsel, the change in status of the prosecution, and the complex nature of the pretrial issues at stake, even if this were set for trial it might happen too late to have any of the negative impacts the Shit-Lord Crybaby (liar) so desperately prays for in order to save Daddy Twump.
But in the alternative, if it gets contested and tossed, it will be for very complex reasons owing to the mistakes made by Twump’s hand-picked prosecutor. The media will report that badly of course. So Farmer Jim and the Shit-Lord Crybaby (liar) will be free to run wild shrieking about miscarriages of justice, and judicial corruption.
And that can matter in an election.
But probably a whole fuckuvalot less in an election where the other party’s nominee is simultaneously facing down 94 felonies and ceaselessly shrieking WEEEECH HUUUUUNT!!!!
@173 I dunno. We can’t assume a rational electorate, when 45% of the electorate has already been demonstrated in poll after poll to be bereft of intelligence, logical reasoning ability, moral compass, or even a fleeting scintilla of impulse control.
“ bereft of intelligence”
An exact description of Kamala Harris.
Speaking of Momala, here’s yet another:
The Case for Biden to Drop Kamala Harris
Her presence is a cancer on the DNC ticket. Her absence means blacks stay home.
This is not without precedence. In the 1944 election, RDR maneuvered to remove Henry Wallace as his Vic-President, and th rest of the Democrat Establishment went along with his plans. That’s why Harry Truman was on the ticket for 1944.
Truman was a good choice for VP in 1944. JFK was a good choice for 1960, but, unfortunately, the CIA assassinated him in 1963. John Kennedy was the last decent Democrat. LBJ, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama and Joe Biden have all been horrible pieces of shit.
Ah the once every four years cycle stories of why the VP Nom must be changed.
The very same outlet…
Ford…incompetent and corrupt
Reagan….Still the most felony convictions of an administration (Trump’s gonna take this one) Selling arms to Iran to fund the Contras to overthrow a democratically elected government, kept the Hostages locked up for an extra few months, AIDS….well as long as it’s killing gays I love it…created the budget deficit almost single handedly…openly racist.
Bush…LITERALLY carried the bag of money to Spirew Agnew in the White House
Bush 2…Didn’t read, “Bin Laden Determined…” couldn’t get Bin Laden, lied us into a pair of wars with WMD, “We know exactly where they are.
But do go on…
Little-noticed news item: The U.S. may have the world’s largest lithium deposit. But not without strings attached.
Today marks the 60th anniversary of the Birmingham church bombing that killed four black girls. The link below describes the two black boys who were also killed in Birmingham that day.
Why would anyone say anything nice about Josh Hawley?
It’s like there’s a toddler in the house telling mom she didn’t take the cookie off the counter while chewing on a cookie.
“I wasn’t vaping it was fog machines” Security video clearly shows me vaping.
Reckless use of a firearm resulting in death should result in murder charges.
P.S., Vivek Ramaswamy argues people shouldn’t be allowed to vote until age 25. He’d be far more constructive if he argued people shouldn’t be allowed to have guns until age 25.
Willard had worse things to say about Vance.
Should make a great Christmas gift for Every Republican You Know.
UAW went out this morning against Ford, GM, and Stellantis in MI, OH, and MO.
Fascist family values.
EXCLUSIVE: Married South Dakota governor Kristi Noem and Trump advisor Corey Lewandowski have been having a years-long clandestine affair
DailyMail.com uncovered evidence of Lewandowski and Noem’s fling: Dozens of trips that mixed business with pleasure, private flights and luxury resort stays
The pair met up Friday for a Trump campaign rally in Rapid City, South Dakota, but were careful to have no public interaction – despite being close for years
The two were first suspected of being romantically involved in 2021, but Noem scornfully dismissed the story as ‘total garbage and a disgusting lie’ at the time