A little over a week ago, one of my coworkers got COVID. It was probably the most prolonged time I have spent with someone who had it. And still, I have continued to test negative. So, please get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
by Carl Ballard — ,
Well I tried to apply for the Social Media Manager position at The Stranger – so far no calls back.
Plan B is to give it another shot at being an attorney. Roger, can you give me some pointers?
I’d love to hear Dave Chapell do some comedy on Hasidic Jews…..like what’s weirder dressing up as a Drag Queen or growing up with a shaved head, a beanie on your head with curly que sideburns.
Kind of monkey looking. Even ape ish. Did you know ape in the dictionary is copy
Remember people…it’s comedy!
@3. It’s not funny.
@4 that’s my point. Just my style of showing people how it’s not funny…..until they get it. Can’t let them roll over you.
Plenty of Hasidic Jews that say mean awful things about the LGBTQ ….and would like to interject their beliefs upon you. Bid difference between the two.
ya…all we need now is some Mathew Shepard jokes….did you hear the one about the gay guy tied to a tree?
its really no wonder why you are unemployable gman
I’d suggest LegalZoom but honestly you’ll make more money at Dicks.
OTOH Alina Habba is probably interviewing for associates.
Yeah, I did hear of that, as a matter of fact.
Your attack on my approach is proof that it’s effective.
You could have denounced all derogatory remarks, but no you decided to go lower….hahah. Very good while you wait in the soup kitchen
The recording industry and media industry billionaires who profit from Chappelle’s bigotry, and who ensured that he would win a Grammy, appreciate it whenever anyone draws attention to his fame and influence.
So as I see it, it’s not so much about choosing to ignore Chappelle’s bigotry, but choosing instead to notice the people who very intentionally profit from it. Maybe take a minute to look up the billionaires who run Netflix. And look at whatever else they are up to.
Guy nobody cares about your approach or your worn out Hetero disease comments…Nobody clicks on the links, nobody reads your posts.
go back to scheduling sheetrock deliveries…
@1 “Roger, can you give me some pointers?”
Glad to. It’s really simple. Be a capitalist, then bosses can’t fire you, because you don’t have to work or pay taxes. We capitalists (me and doc) have such a cushy lifestyle I’m surprised everyone isn’t like us.
I know you’re wondering, if nobody works, how will we eat? Well, we won’t starve because farmers, all of whom are non-collectivized socialists, will still work. But it doesn’t make sense for anyone else to work. For generations, Democrats did all the work and Republicans got all the mansions, yachts, private jets, and seats in Wisconsin’s legislature. So obviously there’s a very strong inverse correlation between working and wealth. In our system, you don’t get rich by working; you get rich by paying other people $2.35 an hour plus 20% of the tips to work.
Let me point out something else to you. Working for a socially conscious publication like The Stranger is a noble idea, but nobility doesn’t pay. On the other hand, there’s big money in whoring for rich capitalists. Just ask Tucker Carlson or Joe Rogan. BIG MONEY. You can’t look at yourself in the mirror, but you don’t have to when you have their bank statements. But it’s unnecessary to pimp yourself out like that; just be a capitalist, and then you get to do the fucking instead of being fucked all the time.
So to answer your question, to engage in productive activity is for saps and suckers who don’t get how our system works. You’re better off materially if — as doc describes us — you’re a useless bloviating capitalist like we are.
@5 “gay tied to a tree”
He didn’t say it. You couldn’t wait to say it.
Clearly the discussion and comment went completely over your head.
On a side note, I have a friend with a speeding ticket – perhaps you can help out with that. Seems the only level of juris you would have qualified for.
snap snap
I didn’t notice that. Do I do that?
@12 It clearly did not.
Making an educated guess about what your friends are like, my advice is plead guilty and pay the fine instead of wasting money on lawyer fees.
Until they no longer can farm because it’s no longer viable.
Breeding will not save them
Abolish the DoD….The shape of the Pentagon has 8 sides!
I wonder if any of our trolls read any of her intellectual spewed posts. She really should get a real job.
Maybe if this little baby stayed home and just Prayed that there would be no crime that he’d have an easier job.
Oh my! Hetero grooming. What about the pussy grabbing?
A teacher? Or a groomer? I wonder if this is one of the teachers that Bob hates.
“Ephebophilia refers to a sexual preference for mid-to-late adolescents.”
The day we all wept in the streets for the humiliation of our incredibly weak leadership.
George W. Bush crawled like a dog and begged China to forgive him.
Cuchhi cucchi cooo.
“ The Meriden Police Department began investigating an act of voyeurism at Platt in January after they received a complaint from Meriden Public Schools. A female student reported they saw a cell phone recording in a bathroom while she was preparing to change after practice, according to Meriden Mayor Kevin Scarpati.”
@18 Saved the trouble and expense of firing him.
In Texas, black parents have to home-school their kids, or they’ll grow up not knowing who Martin Luther King Jr. was.
Before long it’ll be illegal to say his name in Florida.
Memphis cops didn’t just beat Tyre Nichols to death, they passed around the photos.
“Hunter Biden’s legal team sent letters to Rudy Giuliani, Roger Stone, Steve Bannon and 11 others on Wednesday, asking them to preserve potential evidence for future lawsuits related to the alleged theft of personal data that may include information from his laptop, according to documents obtained by NBC News.”
I suspect there will soon be many more potential defendants after House Republicans hold public hearings to demonstrate their actual malice.
@18 Yeah, 19-year-old rookie cop quit because he didn’t feel “safe” on the streets if his superiors “didn’t have his back” while he enforced his personal bigoted beliefs on the community.
Looks like the legislature is gonna repeal Eyman’s useless advisory votes.
If his irony is as good as the “I’m never gonna get the jab viral video radio sign off’ WaState Patrol guy he’s gonna show up dead in a bathhouse in six months.
Twitter Kept Entire ‘Database’ of Republican Requests to Censor Posts
Elon Musk’s “Twitter Files” focus on Democrats, but former administration officials and Twitter employees say Trump’s team and other Republicans routinely demanded posts be taken down
I await conservative outrage against their own. Waiting. Waiting. Oh that’s right, it only matters if they can own the libs. Hypocrites.
They go on and on and on and on and on and on about dementia and on and on and on and on about not knowing where I am and on and on and on and on about not being able to walk without Dr. Jill Biden….
And then I just get out there and give a helluva speech while the dim bulb in the white coat shouts at me and….
Voters say, “will you shut up man.”
I’m an “imbecile”.
I got the GOP to release their most valuable hostages before we even send in the negotiating team.
It gets better.
Republicans want a binding agreement to balance the budget in ten years without raising any taxes. But their own budget analysis shows that can’t happen without gutting Social Security and Medicare.
So now that’s off the table too.
I just stood there and smiled at them while they shrieked and yelled and wore themselves out having their tantrum. And they gave me everything before we really even got started.
You might think I’ve been here and done this before. Because I have.
@31 Old age and treachery will overcome … etc.
The old man, having been around the block a few times, doesn’t have to kick Republican ass. He knocks them over with a feather.
The secret to my enormous wealth and success:
@33 WTF???
Tesla has doubled in little more than a month, but hey, does anybody recall that day in late January when AT&T shares climbed an incrediblt SIX PERCENT?
quote price arrow up+5.30 (+2.63%)
I’m now in an extended conflict with the branch managers of no less than three Bank of America branches who all refuse to cash my TRB Donald Trump Golden Checks.
Deep State Conspiracy is REAL!
Well we started with Marge’s premise that Twitter is the government regarding the First Amendment and then made a bunch of accusations about how the content moderation worked.
And then Democrats on the committee showed iron clad proof that the Trump administration, with a stunning amount of regularity, demanded Twitter censor the Meanies making fun of him. AOC even pointed out how a series of racist Tweets by the President about her ‘going back where she came from’ (Manhattan Adjacent as the real estate moguls would say) were allowed to stay on the platform resulting in threats of violence against her and Rep. Omar.
The best was when the President tweeted out about John Legend and his Model wife and how low talent and awful they are AND THEN the White House jumped on the phone and demanded of Twitter that the wife’s response tweet, ‘Donald Trump is a punk ass bitch’’ be censored.
He’s such a strong tough leader that a swimsuit model can make him cry.
So that went great.
“Donald Trump is a punk ass bitch” is now a part of the Congressional record.
\,,/ (>.<) \,,/
That job’s harder than it looks, right?
Get’s much harder when you actually pass legislation.
“Good luck in your Senior year!”
( https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/fullarticle/2789362 )
Clearly the new ‘Power Save’ mode on the xBox is a plot to indoctrinate your kids into being environmentalists. It’s all a plot with these woke companies getting themselves into politics. They want your gas stoves and now your entertainment.
BTW our electrical grid could never ever handle electric cars. Why would anyone want to lower their electricity use. It’s just the left now coming for your videogames. *
* Parapharse of actual coverage on Fox News
I’m just on vacation.
Condo owners must arm!
Now wait for Doctor Dumbfuck to accuse me of threatening violence against burglars.
@35 And with near-perfect timing, you shorted TSLA at $110 …
@36 So basically you pay $249.99 for a “collectible” consisting of a small piece of embossed gold-colored foil that says you’re an “ardent” Trump supporter. I know Trumpers are stupid, but this takes stupid to another level.
Today, Elon Musk’s contribution to the betterment of mankind is to cut off Ukraine’s troops from Starlink.
“OMG. I can’t wait to show you what Mama has to bring Papa.”
A federal criminal arrest warrant?
@42 So what did he do that violated their standards of conduct? Fuck a horse in broad daylight?
“House Republicans made the first official requests Thursday for documents from Hunter and James Biden regarding their foreign business dealings, further escalating a wide-ranging investigation into the president’s family.”
Unless I missed something, I think they can write back and say, “Until you have a search warrant signed by a judge, go take a flying leap.”
A Colorado gun lobbyist’s answer to the kids with guns problem is that if you get rid of black kids you won’t have a problem.
For the record, and to prevent misinterpretation by Doctor Dumbfuck, I’ve never said, “Black kids must arm!” In fact, I think that’s a terrible idea, and I fully support removing guns from the streets so black (and Hispanic, Asian, white, etc.) kids won’t be armed.
Trump’s ex-acting SecDef:
“Your question … is, why didn’t I call out President Trump for being extra-constitutional or trying to overthrow the government? Yeah … I think his activities on the 6th and … with the transfer of power were not helpful … but it’s, like, let the courts figure it out. We impeached the guy, we had the 1/6 Committee and they referred charges.”
“We”? What “we” is he talking about?
So this art gallery owner in Arizona who makes his living selling Native American souvenirs or whatnot is a racist anti-Indian MAGA freak. I can’t imagine it’s going to be real good for business to have Native Americans picketing the “Gilbert Ortega Authentic Indian Art Galleries” with “Stop Racism” signs.
You need to study it out.I’ve talked to my pastor. It’s our duty as Christians to pray for Joe Biden’s death. It’s right there in the book of Relativity.
So, we all agree that Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ SOU rebuttal was “terrible,” and she’s “not intellectually capable,” right? Finally, rightwingers and progressives get together on something.
Tulsi can’t understand why people think she’s a Russian tool.
Apparently they’re not paying her; she’s doing it for free, so she doesn’t consider herself a Russian agent.
This is why you keep churches out of public schools. (Do I need to spell it out, doc? Okay: So they don’t recruit public school students for indoctrination in their religious bigotry.)
There is much more to the investment value of the Genuine, Orignal, TRB Donald J. Trump Golden Check.
But to fully unlock the incredible investment potential there are a few additional steps that YOU, the patriotic investor, must take to reap the incredible awards that await you.
Step ONE, it is very most important that you only purchase your Genuine, Original, TRB Donald J. Trump Golden Checks from the ONLY true, authorized website authorized to sell these valuable investment instruments of wealth and patriotism. That can ONLY be found by clicking the very safe, and very secure link below:
DO NOT be fooled into buying Donald J. Trump Diamond Checks. These are not GENUINE and have no value at all. Only GENUINE, ORIGINAL, TRB Donald J. Trump Golden Checks can secure your financial future and show the world that you are a TRUE PATRIOT who is LOYAL to Donald J. Trump and truly deserving of a secure financial future.
STEP TWO, you must obtain an OFFICIAL TRB Donald J. Trump Golden Check Recording Notebook with embossed SEAL displaying the official GREAT SEAL of the Office of Donald J. Trump, finely bound in enhanced virgin cellulose. This can only be obtained by a private link to the FACEBOOK MARKETPLACE seller authorized by President Donald J. Trump himself. To obtain a link to the authorized seller’s FACEBOOK MARKETPLACE you must respond to this message with your email address with spam filter disabled along with your Social Security Number and date of birth. This step is extremely important. You must disable your spam filter on your email in order to be able to receive the important link to purchase your notebook. The WOKE LIBERAL conspiracy has BLOCKED this FACEBOOK MARKETPLACE. And in order for you to enjoy this incredible opportunity your spam filter must first be disabled. THIS IS CRUCIAL. Then when you receive the email open ALL the included file attachments in the correct order. Each of the file attachments you will receive will be identified by a number. Open each attachment in numerical order and wait 30 seconds before opening the next file attachment. Once all three file attachments are fully opened a message box will appear on your computer home screen displaying a six digit number. Record this number and keep in in a safe place. It will be very important to you.
Once each of the three file attachments has been opened in the correct order you may then AND ONLY THEN click the link in the body of the email that will connect your browser to the FACEBOOK MARKETPLACE to purchase your Genuine, Official, TRB Donald J. Trump Golden Check Recording Notebook for $19.95 plus shipping. In three to fifty two weeks you will then receive your Genuine, Official, TRB Donald J. Trump Golden Check Recording Notebook. In it you MUST record the official serial number of each of your Genuine, Orignal, TRB Donald J. Trump Golden Checks according to the instructions enclosed.
Doing this will unlock the limited time PROMO CODE entitling you to not one, but TWO Official, Genuine, Donald J. Trump Velladora Prayer Candles featuring a pleasing scent of musk. These can also be purchased from the only authorized FACEBOOK MARKETPLACE included in the email.
Precisely on the anniversary of January 6th you must turn on your computer and open the link to the FACEBOOK MARKETPLACE. The page must be open in your browser and displayed full screen with none of the background showing, and with the task bar minimized and hidden. Once that is done you must then light each candle aligned on an axis that points toward Palm Beach, Florida, with each of your Genuine, Orignal, TRB Donald J. Trump Golden Checks arrayed between the two Donald J. Trump Velladora candles. Leave your computer on, with your browser open and the page displayed as instructed for as long as the two candles burn.
Once this final step is completed you can take each of your checks IN PERSON to your own bank and present them IN PERSON at the cashier window for deposit in the amount INDICATED IN THE SIX DIGIT NUMBER YOU RECORDED IN STEP TWO.
So Republicans in Congress, and the Trump administration, including the Trump campaign, routinely, for years, issued demands to Twitter to CANCEL tweets that were critical or mocking of them, and Twitter routinely, for years, complied with those demands. Huh.
And crack INDEPENDENT journalist Matt Taibi never managed to mention any of that even one single time in all his extensive TWITTER FILES reporting that I hired him to do.
Admiral Dildo, through his attorneys, has been informed, according to policy, that he is the target of an FBI criminal investigation and that the local United States Attorney has impaneled a criminal grand jury to hear evidence against him and consider a bill.
As a result his lawyers will have informed Admiral Dildo that this is information he is legally obligated to share with the members of his board of directors representing the Donors Trust Inc. under Charles Koch, who fund his dildo shenanigans, and pay his salary and expenses. A failure to inform them would constitute a breach and entitle the board to terminate Admiral Dildo immediately with no further compensation. The Donors Trust will undoubtedly have bylaws requiring that Admiral Dildo step down from his day-to-day trust role in decision making until this is resolved.
“Who is former FBI agent Nicole Parker testifying in first House ‘weaponization’ hearing?”
Why, a disgruntled ex-employee, of course.
@59 “The Donors Trust will undoubtedly have bylaws requiring that Admiral Dildo step down from his day-to-day trust role in decision making until this is resolved.”
In other words, on administrative leave with pay while he serves his upcoming prison sentence.
I would assume that whatever contract Admiral Dildo negotiated with his board allows for him to be terminated immediately upon conviction, and possibly upon indictment.
Y’all may recall that the white Republicans who run Mississippi stole roughly $100 million of federal TANF funds from Mississippi’s poor people (many of whom are black); they gave $2 million of that to football ex-legend Brett Favre, which he returned only on the glare of bad publicity and threat of criminal investigation, and that doesn’t count the TANF funds spent to build his daughter a volleyball court.
You all may recall that Jackson, Mississippi’s water supply was unfit to drink, wash dishes, or bathe with. Biden’s infrastructure bill allocated $600 million to repair Jackson’s water system and provide its (mostly black) residents with safe water.
The white Republicans who run Mississippi are now moving to seize that federal money. They’re also taking control of Jackson’s police and courts away from the city’s (mostly black) voters.
This is starting to look like genocide.
It just gets better…
In The Villages, three Republicans run for county office to cut ruinous property tax hikes that benefit only developers and the Morse family and fuck the always wrong wingers who flock to The Villages to live the “good (always wrong wing) life” in FL during their golden years.
It’s hysterical to see greed repukes hiking taxes on their fellow always wrong wingers to avoid paying reasonable impact fees.. And the greed repukes are supported by none other than the one kreepshit kneepads for:
kon-klown deathsatanist..
The only thing at stake is ginormous campaign money. Great read.
@63. That is Republican Apartheid.
@65 Apartheid is too kind a word for it.
@64 People need to understand that Florida is a third-world banana republic, and only nominally part of the United States. You have no rights there. You can go to prison for free speech. But not for standing your ground against a black kid walking home from a candy store.
There’s a new accusation against George Santos: Stealing puppies from the Amish. I’m not making this up.