A guy didn’t like his drive-through order, so he pulled a gun on the McDonalds employee; and when the cops arrived and pulled him out of his car because he wouldn’t comply with their orders, his 4-year-old son opened fire on the cops.
This idiot is one of yours, Doc: “On his Facebook page, Johnson regularly posts memes showing his opposition to the Black Lives Matter movement, abortion, Covid-19 lockdown protocols and Vice President Kamala Harris. ”
“they have plans to paint a really striking picture of how some of Trump’s greatest enablers of his coup plot were — no matter what they’re saying today — quaking in their boots and doing everything shy of crying out for their moms.”
…using photos and footage to slap down MAGA lawmakers’ claims of a ‘tourist visit’ from ‘peaceful patriots’ is part of a broader effort to bring reality to bear on a fictitious, pro-Trump reimagining of Jan. 6.”
Speaking of fictitious, pro-Trump reimagining of Jan. 6,
a dozen cosplaying grandmothers
Two dozen chubby guys following a nearly nude dude wearing a faux fur hat were not, ever, going to topple the government.
I foresee the low IQ Nazi traitor posting pro-Putin hashtags #9,003 through 9,019 tomorrow, what with pro-Putin hashtags being the dumbfuck’s safe space.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Red counties were bad for human health even before Covid-19.
Seattle always opts for the costliest possible solution to every transportation problem. Light rail and the SR-520 bridge aren’t the only expensive white elephants around here. For example, instead of replacing the waterfront viaduct with another viaduct, which would have preserved drivers’ views, SR-99 was buried at a cost of billions, in order to preserve downtown landowners’ views. That was back when the Chamber of Commerce ran this city (and made it hard to argue that socialist government is worse).
Well, guess what, the Highway 99 tunnel is a white elephant, too. Who wudda thunk that people wouldn’t pay the tolls?
” … Jason Richter, deputy treasurer for debt management with the Office of the State Treasurer, told the state’s Transportation Commission on Wednesday … there has been a ‘permanent shift’ in the use of the corridor, which have ‘substantial effect’ on the state’s revenues. There have been insufficient revenues every year …. It only continues to decline into the future. ‘As you can see we have a sea of red,’ he said.”
Because nobody is using the damn thing. Maybe the state should pay off the bonds, raise car tab fees to cover it, and drop the tolls.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Wait until they have to replace the I-5 elevated roadway and bridge. Then you’ll have to pay $3 tolls each way, every day, on both routes. Drivers will pile into city arterials and side streets to avoid the tolls.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Meanwhile, the West Seattle Bridge isn’t that old, and it’s already falling apart. But if you think that’s bad, you should see the undersides of the hulls of the rustbucket ferries Doctor Dumbfuck trusts with his life. I hope he can swim in 55-degree water.
4)They also turned Alaskan Way into a surface highway, not what was promised, Also, there is a public transportation gap for game day crowds at the CPA. The Monorail drops the crowd off at Westlake for a connection to LINK, but no connection for the CPA and the Waterfront, specifically Colman Dock. Always wondered what the maximum grade a Melbourne W-class tram could tackle. The old Seattle systems maximum unassisted grade was 12% on the East Madison segment.
As for the Ballard LINK segment, I was against any further tunnels unless absolutely necessary, but with the Coast Guard requiring a clearance higher than the Aurora and Freeway bridges, tunnel is better. Somebody in Magnolia or Queen Anne will complain about a 200ft high bridge blocking their view.
I’ve also seen some people do vision maps that range from doable like Seattle Subway’s proposal, to this guys fantasy map. If you look closely, especially on the city version, there are routings that are literally impossible. Washington Park to Laurelhurst, too costly for very little demand and lots of NIMBY opposition. A subway line through Seward Park and tunneling through the landfill that is Genessee Park, not worth it. 23rd Aves S, I would settle for tge already planned conversion of the 48 bus to a trolleybus line. Been taking advantage of using the 48 to escape overcrowding on LINK because of the work at CCS, to see the current wire gaps for myself. Toughest part will be siting a new rectifier traction power substation in the E Jefferson to E Johnngap. Could probably site tge one in the Rainier Ave to Dearborn gap at the Judkins Park LINK station. A RapidRide route on Lake Washington Boulevard, definitely not possible. https://www.housecosmopolitan.com/blog/stsst-2040-a-green-new-deal-proposal-for-seattle-and-the-puget-sound
Vicious Trollspews:
Clearly the DA dropped these charges to avoid judicial bias at trial.
DA Alvin Bragg drops murder charge against bodega worker Jose Alba
The DA’s office said it had filed a motion in Manhattan Criminal Court to dismiss the case against the 61-year-old bodega worker after a investigation found they couldn’t prove the “defendant was not justified in his use of deadly physical force.”
Bragg and his office had faced widespread backlash after Alba was swiftly charged with fatally stabbing 35-year-old violent ex-con, Austin Simon, who had attacked him inside the bodega on July 1.
Isn’t that right, QoS McHillbilly? It’s not that the charges were excessive and explicitly disproven by available video. It’s that a “biased judge” might conclude that the charges were excessive and explicitly disproven by available video.
Two-thirds of Iowans disapprove of how Joe Biden has handled his job as president
Iowans have been polled six times since March 2021 about whether they approve or disapprove of the way Joe Biden has handled his job as president. In July 2022, 27% of Iowans approve, while 67% disapprove.
The other third are on video with Hunter Biden, smoking crack and fucking whores paid for by The Big Guy.
Vicious Trollspews:
Democrats will have to endure at least 3 1/2 more months of taunting and derision until First Vegetable Joe Biden is finally forced to announce that his first term has been such an abject failure and disappointment to all that it would be silly for him to even consider running again.
I’ll make the most of that time, doncha worry.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 7
Hey, if California can throw hundreds of billions of tax dollars into a transit project that does nothing to improve transit, why can’t Seattle?
’cause I hear that YLB’s fuckin’ kids have plenty of money to plow into city coffers to do stupid shit, while their mommy tells us how healthy it is to walk 10 miles each way for some prune juice and Massengill.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
President has tested positive again.
No symptoms. Working from isolation and testing until clear.
Second or third time I think.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 12
You might be thinking of his predecessor.
And let’s be honest. First Vegetable Joe Biden has been isolated from reality since inauguration.
Vicious Trollspews:
OK, who else shuddered involuntarily when a brief thought of “President Harris” flitted through their cerebral cortex?
Be honest.
Vicious Trollspews:
If Biden gets “COVID brain” his presidency will improve.
So this is how Degen “reads 2020”. His Daddy Twump decoder ring tells him that “The Storm” is still coming for all us “libbies”. Whatever. Great fun to watch.
Crazy Uncle Liberty Shouting at Cloudsspews:
@ 13,
Second or third for sure. He kept all the other infections secret. He refused to isolate. He ordered an entire wing of Walter Reed emptied out and set aside for his personal use. He demanded horse liver parasite medicine. He forced his doctors to lie about his condition. He exposed his staff and protective detail. And he refused to wear a mask.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Now that Record Breaking Election Winner President Biden has tested positive looks like Degen finally has to admit that COVID is real and that it’s dangerous.
But the question remains, when Record Breaking Election Winner President Biden fully recovers while working from home with few or no symptoms, will Degen admit that vaccines are safe and highly effective?
Or instead will he be forced admit that Record Breaking Election Winner President Biden is simply much fitter and healthier than Orange Fat Bastard?
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 16
Future of the GOP right here:
Indistinguishable from AntifaPDX on your average 2021 summer evening.
One way I might offer to make the distinction would be to check to see if the current president has any of them on speed dial or will be hosting them at his hospitality suite after the planned riot.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 That’s not surprising considering 53% of them voted for a corrupt, senile, imbecilic, incompetent would-be monarch.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 That means he won’t get equine STD from you.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Looks like Bannon Dirty Hobo won’t be taking the stand and the case will go to the jury this afternoon without hearing a single def witness.
This is notable insofar as Bannon’s previous criminal defense attorney, Robert Costello, had left the case when it became possible that he might be called as a defense witness.
Costello had undertaken the initial negotiations with the House committee over Dirty Hobo’s subpoena. And Costello was said to be extra, double-bad angry that Trump’s lawyers played his client for a fool during those negotiations. But lawyers for the committee were extremely clear, as we learned during the prosecution’s presentation, that Trump had never formally or informally invoked privilege over Dirty Hobo’s testimony. And in pre-trial the judge doubled down and refused to allow Dirty Hobo’s new lawyers to argue that as a defense.
Biggest Loser: Peter Navarro.
Second Biggest Losers: All the mouth breathing Dirty Hobo fan-girls who were promised KRAKEN and HUHRDUHR and LOCK HER UP.
Count on the jury instructions to be lengthy and belabored. But they will not stay out for the weekend. It’s summer. And it’s supposed to rain all next week in DC.
Vicious Trollspews:
Alternative headline: #MeToo took down far too many Democrats.
I Was Wrong About Al Franken
Opinion column at NYT. Instead of harming the GOP, the #MeToo movement harmed Democrat men. So many that the hypocrisy became overwhelming and, hence, the movement must be cancelled.
’cause canceling Matt Lauer and Mario Cuomo is simply unacceptable to the left.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@16 They bear more than slight resemblance to raw trainees on the very first day of Army boot camp.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@18 “Now that Record Breaking Election Winner President Biden has tested positive”
Probably got it from MBS, along with little or no oil.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@19 “Indistinguishable from AntifaPDX” except less competent.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@24 “And it’s supposed to rain all next week in DC.”
We could use some of that here. Lettuce needs moisture to ripen.
Vicious Trollspews:
Not sure I believe this, but AT&T claims its quarterly cash flow was down by $1B because on average their customers were paying bills two days later than usual.
I suppose that’s one way to look at it. Another way is 7% of its customers are a month behind due to the Bidencession. we’re already experiencing. If the other 93% are current, that’s an average of 2 days later to pay, spread over the entire customer base.
AT&T shares are down 8%.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is an investor in AT&T.
Gggeeee Moneyspews:
Dumbfuck be Dumbfucking. At least the horse is safe for the time being.
Roger Rabbitspews:
If I were a pharmacy chain HR guy interviewing applicants for sales associate positions in the company’s retail outlets, one of the questions I might ask would go, “Do you have any objection to selling any of the products our company offers its customers?” This is a pass-fail question.
A retailer making it optional for its employees to ring up customer purchases based on the employees’ personal preferences doesn’t make any sense to me.
What makes more sense is if they don’t want to sell the employer’s product line, they should pursue some other line of work.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Not surprisingly, evangelicals are splintering like a nuked asteroid from the gravity of Trumpism.
I didn’t see how anyone with an IQ over 75 could reconcile supporting Trump with the basic precepts of Christianity. It just took a while for the kettle to boil, that’s all.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“A Texas law intended to benefit gun manufacturers has reportedly backfired and is costing taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars in the form of higher interest payments.
“The Houston Chronicle reports that Texas Republicans in recent years passed legislation that required banks to certify that they do not ‘discriminate’ in their dealings with gun manufacturers as a precondition of doing business with Texas municipalities.”
Looks like Texas municipalities are now subprime borrowers who have to finance their projects with payday lenders and pawnbrokers.
Needless to say, I don’t feel sorry for Texas taxpayers. After all, they elected these legislators. They wanted this.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“A Kansas man who allegedly tried to break into Nancy Pelosi’s office during the Jan. 6 Capitol riot has fired his attorney and wants to represent himself, The Kansas City Star reports.”
He absolutely should be allowed to represent himself! This is a free country!
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
I refuse to pay the tolls for both 520 and the 99 tunnel. Not having 99 causes me a longer travel to places I need to go, but it ain’t worth the toll to use it. Paying the toll is like rewarding bad government behavior.
Yep,, oldest has two years of living expenses in the bank, both have retirement savings and are gainfully employed.
Neither owns a car by the way… live in Seattle, take the transit.. running a car is a stupid extravagance..
they walk a lot too…
A silly lord kreepshit from widbee has as much impact on their lives as a fart in a wind tunnel.. and on “that certain day”???
less than zero…
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 34
It’s aimed at banks that discriminate against oil and gas companies, and firearms manufacturers, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
IOW about 99.9% of it doesn’t involve the firearms manufacturing industry. Although you never let facts stand in the way of your dumbfuckery, so there’s no reason you should make an exception here.
Roger Rabbitspews:
To watch these cops kick in the door of a house, then swarm inside with guns drawn and batons swinging, you’d think the suspect had robbed a bank and shot the teller, not merely run a stop sign.
Paying the toll is like rewarding bad government behavior.
Paying taxes is like that, too, Newt. It’s nice to see you engage in liberal behavior like driving further and spewing more vehicle exhaust in the atmosphere because you don’t wish to support the cost of municipal projects intended to
… wait for it
… reduce the amount of vehicle exhaust in the atmosphere.
What a proud liberal you must be, Newt. How proud of you your fellow liberals must be.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
TBH, Common Dreams takes an clear trend and rather deliberately attaches motivations behind it that are more in keeping with their own ideology. But I’m skeptical that there is anything beyond the anecdotal evidence they offer.
Yes, significant numbers of evangelicals are growing uncomfortable and dissatisfied with the GOP. And the more open embrace of extremism under Trump is part of it.
But some of the Pew research would indicate that this does not represent a shift to the left, but is more accurately described as a shift away from grievance, hatred, and bigotry.
These are evangelicals who remain deeply troubled by “social drift” and general social change. So while they might be open to an examination of policing in America following the sport-murder of George Floyd by a team of violent cops, that doesn’t mean they support “Defund” or even BLM. Simultaneously it also means that while they may remain very apprehensive and personally opposed to regendering and marriage equality, they are horrified by Republican led school board Karens beating up children to score political points.
These are not allies, nor are large numbers of them becoming allies. It’s probably safer to say that these evangelicals remain “conservative”, but they prefer the soft bigotry of school inequality, and country club “conservatism”. They still want the police to stop-and-frisk the black male newspaper delivery person in “the wrong neighborhood”. They simply prefer that police stop short of summoning an “All Agency Emergency Response” that ends in neck kneeling death followed by mocking laughter.
Our goal with these voters is not that they would ever vote for a Democrat. They won’t. Our goal is to further encourage them to “walk away” from the violent, extreme, Trump-led Republican Party forever.
God = love/kindness/mercy.
Trump = hate/cruelty/revenge.
Republican = Trump.
God ≠ Republican.
Family of teen shot, killed in CHOP zone files claim against Seattle
The tort claim comes a month after the City of Seattle paid $500,000 to the father of Horace Lorenzo Anderson, a 19-year-old man who was shot and killed in CHOP.
The lawsuit accused first-responders of being unable or unwilling to enter the CHOP zone. It also claimed Anderson wouldn’t have died if he received immediate medical attention.
Mays is wondering the same thing about his son.
“I need answers. And I need justice. That’s what has not been coming forward. This isn’t about money,” he said.
One of the most influential climate deniers in American history has died.
Patrick J. Michaels, who died Saturday at 72, created the modern concept of “lukewarmism,” which holds that humans are warming the planet but rejects the notion it will have severe consequences. That idea has become dominant in today’s Republican Party, which rejects significant restrictions on fossil fuels and has ignored the warnings of climate scientists who have said that unabated warming will be devastating for humanity…
“Pat was a cherry-picker, searching for bits of data in which the facts, for a limited period, seemed to contradict the community’s view on human-caused climate change,” he said. “Overall, he was selling bullshit, and perhaps he knew that, but he thought that climate scientists were exaggerating, so he continued even as facts piled up against him. If only he had been right.”..
Good riddance.. A troll is a cherry picker, always selling bullshit.. the fewer of them, the better.. World is burning up this summer… TexASS has many more days of 100 plus degree heat these days than the average and deniers are expiring in the heat like they do from “teh wuhan”…
And.. OLD GUY.. SS check? no more…
It logically follows from the insane, inane, deranged, degenerate babblings of teh kreepshit of widbee…
GOOD.. for my kids..
Roger Rabbitspews:
@41 “But some of the Pew research would indicate that this does not represent a shift to the left, but is more accurately described as a shift away from grievance, hatred, and bigotry.”
If that’s not a shift to the left, it’s certainly a shift away from the right, because the right is all about grievance, hatred, and bigotry.
Vicious Trollspews:
Bitch be runnin’.
Stephen L. Miller
Finds out Biden has covid. Posts campaign photo.
Quote Tweet
Hillary Clinton
· 5h
On the move, 1992.
📸 Robert McNeely
8:59 AM · Jul 21, 2022
Rep. Liz Fucking Cheney will soon lower the boom on the low IQ Nazi traitor and his raging orange man-baby. Little wonder that he’s searching for a safe space. So how’s he doing so far?
YLB’s fuckin’ kids
The Durkan Kill Zone
Paying taxes is like that, too,
AT&T claims its quarterly cash flow was down
I Was Wrong About Al Franken
Bitch be runnin’.
That’s what the safe space for our low IQ Nazi traitor presently looks like. Needs more work.
The Durkan drumpf, hee-hawley, khruzz, brooks, chisum gym, mtg, blah, blah.. Kill Zone
will be on prime time tonight..
Anderson raised his son in a rough neighborhood, gang territory.. Son pissed off the wrong people and got shot.. Where was dad to get between his son and an open air drug market?
No problem with granting the dad 500k cuz’ mistakes were made. But it’s sure as shit disingenuous to shake down the taxpayers for more.
But of course, a degenerate kreep from widbee knows better.. as in doesn’t know jack shit.. asswipe..
He can’t avoid trouble either.. Now he’s got medical bills..
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
DHS probe into deleted USSS text messages during the Trump/GOP coup attack is now, officially a criminal probe according to documents filed Wednesday with the DOJ and the USSS by the DHS IG.
USSS is instructed to halt all ongoing and any new internal administrative investigations into the deletions and retain all related records and documents. USSS Dir Murray is forbidden to carry out any further interviews with agency employees or contractors or to collect or in other way interfere with any physical evidence including devices, data, and physical or electronic records.
Murray is on his way out anyway, heading to a “spoils” job at Snap.
But this means that beginning Wednesday he is on vacay until his last day. And his successor (for as long as that guy lasts) will be strictly hands off. Still means that Murray had more than six months of unfettered opportunity to tamper with evidence after he was informed by the IG to stop doing so.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@49 I’m for locking up the perps until their hair falls out.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
Hey Fuckface Von Clownstick, boy, you make some assumptions.
Rather than make couple of trips because 99 was free and easy, and put more pollution in the air, I now I wait until I can make a single trip, group my activities so I actually, wait for it, drive less and pollute less.
Bad government behavior actually helped alter my driving habits, thus reducing my expenses.
All this from a horse fucker that chooses to live on an island and uses the State ferry system. Talk about a massive polluter you are.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
Next up, Dr. Dumbfuck will claim that since I drive less because I don’t want to pay tolls, I contribute to the failing highway infrastructure because I’m not contributing to the gas tax revenue stream needed pay for said infrastructure upgrades.
At least I’m not a freeloader like he is when he drives his Prius.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@53 Driving a Prius on Whidbey Island probably gets him coal-rolled by the local armed revolutionaries.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 53
I’m not contributing to the gas tax revenue stream needed pay for said infrastructure upgrades.
Check your vehicle’s annual registration cost breakdown. There’s a hybrid tax component. Compensates somewhat for the smaller gas tax revenue stream.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 52
Rather than make couple of trips because 99 was free and easy, and put more pollution in the air, I now I wait until I can make a single trip, group my activities so I actually, wait for it, drive less and pollute less.
Newt, you make it sound as if it’s otherwise not possible to batch your errands into a single trip if you drive less and pay a toll to do so. You can batch your errands AND drive a shorter distance, Fuckwad.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 49
He can’t avoid trouble either..
What’s your point, girlfriend?
And what would have been the HA response if I had pointed out that inability to avoid trouble seemingly runs in that family?
Dems don’t have the votes to pass a new assault weapons ban in the House — unless Republicans help
The bill could come up for a floor vote as early as next week. Yet as of now, Democratic leaders don’t have the votes to pass it. We have covered the issue extensively the last few days. Pelosi and her leadership team can only lose four votes on the floor, and they can’t count on any GOP support, especially for the rule laying out the floor debate. Currently, Democrats don’t even have enough votes for that rule.
There’s already four Democrats expected to vote against the bill: Reps. Jared Golden (Maine), Henry Cuellar (Texas), Kurt Schrader (Oregon) and Ron Kind (Wis.). And several other Democrats, including O’Halleran and Rep. Vicente Gonzalez (Texas), remain undecided or non-committal.
And then there are the Democrats who won’t support it because it doesn’t go far enough.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 57
YLB, when multiple children from the same inner city family are shot in separate incidents, is it your custom to blame the family first? Or do your save that insinuation for the times it happens to black families in your hometown, Princess?
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
I only pay a scale fee for my truck, there is no other fee there for any Prius-loving charity.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
Clownstick,before the toll on 99, gas was cheap, roads were free and if I didn’t batch my trips, no big deal, only the Prius lovers would complain.
Now the tolls are in place, gas (and in your case, diesel), ain’t so cheap so my driving habits have changed as a result. Turns out I’m saving money and the environment as a result of the tolls (and inflation). I still get my stuff done, albeit slightly more efficient than before.
I’m not too overly concerned about my carbon footprint, but by back of the napkin calculations, I’m waayyyy better than you.
Feel around for it on the top of your pin head, asswipe..
Oh. it slowly dawns on kreepshit…
is it your custom to blame the family first
when the hatfields and mccoys make war on each other, is it your custom to blame the local mayor??
And when hatfield or mccoy sue the mayor and the townspeople have to pick up the tab , is it your custom to babble like an idiot from widbee?
you’re too funee kreepshit..
Roger Rabbitspews:
@58 “Dems don’t have the votes to pass a new assault weapons ban in the House — unless Republicans help.”
Which they won’t. Is that something to brag about?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Today 96% of House violent extremist Republicans voted to oppose keeping safe effective contraception available nationwide.
When violent extremist Republicans tell you exactly who they are, believe them.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@64 Doctor Dumbfuck was with them in spirit.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Today’s Republicans make yesterday’s GOP extremists look moderate by comparison.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Today we heard testimony that Secret Service agents guarding Pence on Jan. 6, 2021, called family members to say goodbye.
Video of Sen. Jeff Hawley, he of the raised fist, running for his life down the hall to escape the violent mob he had just stoked? Fucking priceless.
Um, Jeff, it’s women and children first.
Forget Hillary. Josh is Running!
Brave Sir Hawley ran away.
Bravely ran away away.
When danger reared it’s ugly head,
He bravely turned his tail and fled.
Yes, brave Sir Hawley turned about
And gallantly he chickened out.
Swiftly taking to his feet,
He beat a very brave retreat.
Bravest of the brave, Sir Hawley ! https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1550287795557728257?s=21&t=JfvUIR1gXCKv8rtAnQcVUQ
Roger Rabbitspews:
@68 It’s more nuanced. If you listened carefully, what you heard in the testimony was that Hawley was in a “safe space,” surrounded and protected by police, when he gave his raised fist salute to the rioters. Inside the Capitol, where he didn’t have that protection, he ran for his life.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Case #1: Dawn Bancroft
“A Jan. 6 Capitol rioter who recorded herself saying that they were looking for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ‘to shoot her in the frickin’ brain’ was sentenced Thursday to 60 days in prison, according to officials.”
“When prosecutors confronted him with a text he sent to his wife, saying it was ‘good’ that someone planted bombs near the Capitol, Bledsoe said he really didn’t mean ‘good.’ He also claimed he didn’t really mean it when he wrote that he ‘stormed the Capitol.”‘ (The jury found him guilty.)
An awful lot of respect here for Rep. Adam “The Man” Kinzinger, Rep. Liz Fucking Cheney, and the two witnesses who testified this evening, Matthew Pottinger and Sarah Matthews.
What they and the previous witnesses have done requires courage. It also requires love for both our country and our democracy.
God bless them all and God bless America.
Hawley was in a “safe space”
I wonder if the low IQ Nazi traitor found one. Eh, he’s probably been out in the barn with the horse, poor thing.
When courage and love of country and democracy are required to do a job , the low IQ Nazi traitor and his dozen cosplaying grandmothers need not apply.
America needed this clip of Hawley running down the Capitol hall over and over again to music, including the Rocky theme and the Benny Hill Show theme song.
Gggeeee Moneyspews:
Amazing that Bob likes to compare Biden disapproval rating to a man who should be, and hopefully will be, in jail, as if in approval of the FuckHump Swamp Monster.
It the same ideology of Neanderthal hetero coming violent acts of rape and murder.
Truly a pathetic POS.
Gggeeee Moneyspews:
Amazing that Bob likes to compare Biden disapproval rating to a man who should be, and hopefully will be, in jail, as if in approval of the FuckHump Swamp Monster.
It the same ideology of Neanderthal hetero coming violent acts of rape and murder.
Indistinguishable from AntifaPDX on your average 2021 summer evening.
False equivalency by the treason fuck POS.
35)His client is a fool.
75)Chariots of Fire, too.
Vicious Trollspews:
One of y’all went after NY gubernatorial GOP candidate Lee Zeldin with one of these earlier today.
I’m sure there’s a simple explanation. He got locked out of his car and his key fell off the ring, or some such.
Apparently the Dem gov, Kathy Hochul, encouraged supporters to follow Zeldin. Imagine if this had happened to, say, AOC after, say, Ted Cruz had told his supporters to hang out at her rallies.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 82
Here’s the purported link between the assailant and Hochul. Can’t find anything else so far:
Chad Pergram
C) Langworthy: It’s not a coincidence that just hours earlier, Kathy Hochul fanned the flames of hate by directing her supporters to his rally schedule. This is unacceptable conduct for anyone, let alone a sitting governor.
Vicious Trollspews:
Tried to delete @ 83 because it’s bullshit – a press release mentioned his bus tour and times of stops but no locations. Can’t target without knowing the location.
Gggeeee Moneyspews:
Bob wants to talk about what is unacceptable snd what is acceptable, how cute of the Vapid Troll.
Hang The FuckHump. Hang the Vapid Troll.
Let us not forget their bigotry, racism, and fascism.
too much good news on the economy. when is that recession coming, God damn it!
Fuck democracy and freedom! Revolt! Charge! Toss a J6 spear at LEO.
Vicious Trollspews:
Polio is back, in First Vegetable Joe Biden’s America.
Change everything went a bit too far there.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Cry more now.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
They deliberately wiped the president’s White House call logs, office diary, and USSS text messages.
They didn’t get all of it. But they got a lot.
But that’s always the big problem with obstruction.
They never get all of it. And they always leave fingerprints.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Violent Republican President Trump was informed by senior advisers at least by 2pm on Jan 6 that the armed rally mob he sent to the Capitol had turned violent, was assaulting and injuring police, and was endangering the Vice President and the Congress.
For more than two full hours, while senior White House staff begged him to take action, while members of his own party in Congress called and begged him to protect them, and while people were dying violent Republican President Trump adamantly refused their pleas and did nothing to stop the violence.
America knows all this now.
When violent Republicans tell you exactly who they are, believe them.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Closing arguments are under way in the Dirty Hobo contempt of Congress trial. Dirty Hobo’s principle defense consists of convincing the jury that the committee chairman’s signature was forged on the subpoena.
Lack of effective counsel appeal in three… two… one…
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I should point out that as part of the jury instruction given by the judge in the Dirty Hobo contempt of Congress trial, the jury was instructed that they may not consider executive privilege nor any other claim about the law as a valid defense.
And since the defense never put on any case that leaves only the case presented by the government. So while it may not be a very powerful defense claim, suggesting that the subpoena was forged is probably worth a shot. Right?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I expect we are going to be forced to endure a litany of claims and complaints from Team Violent Republican that Dirty Hobo did not get a fair trial.
The prosecution case was direct, limited, efficient, and strictly confined to the facts relevant to the charge of defying a lawful subpoena. They called only two witnesses. Both witnesses testified exclusively to the facts surrounding the production and presentation of the subpoena to the defendant.
The judge bent over backwards to accommodate the defense within the limits of the law. For very good reasons, in any criminal trial, a defendant is not allowed to present whatever defense claims they might like. There must exist evidence to support the claims. And there must exist some legal basis for the claim to be exonerating. “She was dressed like a whore” is not and should not be permitted as a defense claim against a rape charge.
The judge permitted Dirty Hobo’s defense to openly and directly question the ethics and professionalism of the House committee, it’s staff, the government witnesses, and even the prosecutors. There was no evidence presented to support those claims. Allowing that is unprecedented to the point of being shocking. And in closing just now, the judge allowed the defense to introduce for the first time at trial, a handful of letters from the committee, signed by the chairman, asking the jury to compare the signatures with the signature on the subpoena.
It is fundamental that new evidence and new claims may never be introduced during arguments at close. The sudden presentation of this new claim and this new evidence during defense closing naturally evoked an objection from the prosecution. Following a sidebar the defense closing was allowed to continue. But no instruction was given to the jury to disregard.
For anyone familiar with criminal procedure this should amply serve as confirmation that this judge cut these assholes every inch of slack and more. Dirty Hobo knowingly chose to defy a subpoena. Dirty Hobo knowingly chose to refuse to appear as the law required, despite a catalog of letters from the committee informing him of these requirements. Dirty Hobo chose not to take the stand at trial in his own defense. Dirty Hobo chose not to present a defense at trial.
There’s just nothing to any claim that Dirty Hobo was tried unfairly, prosecuted unfairly, or deprived of due process in any way. Dirty Hobo is an arrogant, cocaine addicted fool. None of these are qualities that would disqualify someone from a successful media career. But they also do little to immunize someone from self-destruction.
A guy didn’t like his drive-through order, so he pulled a gun on the McDonalds employee; and when the cops arrived and pulled him out of his car because he wouldn’t comply with their orders, his 4-year-old son opened fire on the cops.
This idiot is one of yours, Doc: “On his Facebook page, Johnson regularly posts memes showing his opposition to the Black Lives Matter movement, abortion, Covid-19 lockdown protocols and Vice President Kamala Harris. ”
P.S., he got only 120 days in jail for that.
This will make for excellent prime-time viewing.
MAGA lawmakers who trembled during J6 attack will be ‘humiliated’ at Thursday hearing: report
“they have plans to paint a really striking picture of how some of Trump’s greatest enablers of his coup plot were — no matter what they’re saying today — quaking in their boots and doing everything shy of crying out for their moms.”
…using photos and footage to slap down MAGA lawmakers’ claims of a ‘tourist visit’ from ‘peaceful patriots’ is part of a broader effort to bring reality to bear on a fictitious, pro-Trump reimagining of Jan. 6.”
Speaking of fictitious, pro-Trump reimagining of Jan. 6,
I foresee the low IQ Nazi traitor posting pro-Putin hashtags #9,003 through 9,019 tomorrow, what with pro-Putin hashtags being the dumbfuck’s safe space.
Red counties were bad for human health even before Covid-19.
Now they’re worse.
Seattle always opts for the costliest possible solution to every transportation problem. Light rail and the SR-520 bridge aren’t the only expensive white elephants around here. For example, instead of replacing the waterfront viaduct with another viaduct, which would have preserved drivers’ views, SR-99 was buried at a cost of billions, in order to preserve downtown landowners’ views. That was back when the Chamber of Commerce ran this city (and made it hard to argue that socialist government is worse).
Well, guess what, the Highway 99 tunnel is a white elephant, too. Who wudda thunk that people wouldn’t pay the tolls?
” … Jason Richter, deputy treasurer for debt management with the Office of the State Treasurer, told the state’s Transportation Commission on Wednesday … there has been a ‘permanent shift’ in the use of the corridor, which have ‘substantial effect’ on the state’s revenues. There have been insufficient revenues every year …. It only continues to decline into the future. ‘As you can see we have a sea of red,’ he said.”
Because nobody is using the damn thing. Maybe the state should pay off the bonds, raise car tab fees to cover it, and drop the tolls.
Wait until they have to replace the I-5 elevated roadway and bridge. Then you’ll have to pay $3 tolls each way, every day, on both routes. Drivers will pile into city arterials and side streets to avoid the tolls.
Meanwhile, the West Seattle Bridge isn’t that old, and it’s already falling apart. But if you think that’s bad, you should see the undersides of the hulls of the rustbucket ferries Doctor Dumbfuck trusts with his life. I hope he can swim in 55-degree water.
4)They also turned Alaskan Way into a surface highway, not what was promised, Also, there is a public transportation gap for game day crowds at the CPA. The Monorail drops the crowd off at Westlake for a connection to LINK, but no connection for the CPA and the Waterfront, specifically Colman Dock. Always wondered what the maximum grade a Melbourne W-class tram could tackle. The old Seattle systems maximum unassisted grade was 12% on the East Madison segment.
As for the Ballard LINK segment, I was against any further tunnels unless absolutely necessary, but with the Coast Guard requiring a clearance higher than the Aurora and Freeway bridges, tunnel is better. Somebody in Magnolia or Queen Anne will complain about a 200ft high bridge blocking their view.
I’ve also seen some people do vision maps that range from doable like Seattle Subway’s proposal, to this guys fantasy map. If you look closely, especially on the city version, there are routings that are literally impossible. Washington Park to Laurelhurst, too costly for very little demand and lots of NIMBY opposition. A subway line through Seward Park and tunneling through the landfill that is Genessee Park, not worth it. 23rd Aves S, I would settle for tge already planned conversion of the 48 bus to a trolleybus line. Been taking advantage of using the 48 to escape overcrowding on LINK because of the work at CCS, to see the current wire gaps for myself. Toughest part will be siting a new rectifier traction power substation in the E Jefferson to E Johnngap. Could probably site tge one in the Rainier Ave to Dearborn gap at the Judkins Park LINK station. A RapidRide route on Lake Washington Boulevard, definitely not possible.
Clearly the DA dropped these charges to avoid judicial bias at trial.
DA Alvin Bragg drops murder charge against bodega worker Jose Alba
Isn’t that right, QoS McHillbilly? It’s not that the charges were excessive and explicitly disproven by available video. It’s that a “biased judge” might conclude that the charges were excessive and explicitly disproven by available video.
As happened in PDX.
Two-thirds of Iowans disapprove of my corrupt, senile, imbecilic, incompetent president.
Two-thirds of Iowans disapprove of how Joe Biden has handled his job as president
The other third are on video with Hunter Biden, smoking crack and fucking whores paid for by The Big Guy.
Democrats will have to endure at least 3 1/2 more months of taunting and derision until First Vegetable Joe Biden is finally forced to announce that his first term has been such an abject failure and disappointment to all that it would be silly for him to even consider running again.
I’ll make the most of that time, doncha worry.
@ 7
Hey, if California can throw hundreds of billions of tax dollars into a transit project that does nothing to improve transit, why can’t Seattle?
’cause I hear that YLB’s fuckin’ kids have plenty of money to plow into city coffers to do stupid shit, while their mommy tells us how healthy it is to walk 10 miles each way for some prune juice and Massengill.
President has tested positive again.
No symptoms. Working from isolation and testing until clear.
Second or third time I think.
@ 12
You might be thinking of his predecessor.
And let’s be honest. First Vegetable Joe Biden has been isolated from reality since inauguration.
OK, who else shuddered involuntarily when a brief thought of “President Harris” flitted through their cerebral cortex?
Be honest.
If Biden gets “COVID brain” his presidency will improve.
Future of the GOP right here:
So this is how Degen “reads 2020”. His Daddy Twump decoder ring tells him that “The Storm” is still coming for all us “libbies”. Whatever. Great fun to watch.
@ 13,
Second or third for sure. He kept all the other infections secret. He refused to isolate. He ordered an entire wing of Walter Reed emptied out and set aside for his personal use. He demanded horse liver parasite medicine. He forced his doctors to lie about his condition. He exposed his staff and protective detail. And he refused to wear a mask.
Now that Record Breaking Election Winner President Biden has tested positive looks like Degen finally has to admit that COVID is real and that it’s dangerous.
But the question remains, when Record Breaking Election Winner President Biden fully recovers while working from home with few or no symptoms, will Degen admit that vaccines are safe and highly effective?
Or instead will he be forced admit that Record Breaking Election Winner President Biden is simply much fitter and healthier than Orange Fat Bastard?
@ 16
Future of the GOP right here:
Indistinguishable from AntifaPDX on your average 2021 summer evening.
11)California is doing something not done in the US Before. Building true HSR. Meanwhile, tge upgrade to the Peninsula Corridor is coming along well. First clearance tests of EMUs that will be replacing commute trains between San Francisco and San Jose are underway.
One way I might offer to make the distinction would be to check to see if the current president has any of them on speed dial or will be hosting them at his hospitality suite after the planned riot.
@9 That’s not surprising considering 53% of them voted for a corrupt, senile, imbecilic, incompetent would-be monarch.
@13 That means he won’t get equine STD from you.
Looks like
BannonDirty Hobo won’t be taking the stand and the case will go to the jury this afternoon without hearing a single def witness.This is notable insofar as Bannon’s previous criminal defense attorney, Robert Costello, had left the case when it became possible that he might be called as a defense witness.
Costello had undertaken the initial negotiations with the House committee over Dirty Hobo’s subpoena. And Costello was said to be extra, double-bad angry that Trump’s lawyers played his client for a fool during those negotiations. But lawyers for the committee were extremely clear, as we learned during the prosecution’s presentation, that Trump had never formally or informally invoked privilege over Dirty Hobo’s testimony. And in pre-trial the judge doubled down and refused to allow Dirty Hobo’s new lawyers to argue that as a defense.
Biggest Loser: Peter Navarro.
Second Biggest Losers: All the mouth breathing Dirty Hobo fan-girls who were promised KRAKEN and HUHRDUHR and LOCK HER UP.
Count on the jury instructions to be lengthy and belabored. But they will not stay out for the weekend. It’s summer. And it’s supposed to rain all next week in DC.
Alternative headline: #MeToo took down far too many Democrats.
I Was Wrong About Al Franken
Opinion column at NYT. Instead of harming the GOP, the #MeToo movement harmed Democrat men. So many that the hypocrisy became overwhelming and, hence, the movement must be cancelled.
’cause canceling Matt Lauer and Mario Cuomo is simply unacceptable to the left.
@16 They bear more than slight resemblance to raw trainees on the very first day of Army boot camp.
@18 “Now that Record Breaking Election Winner President Biden has tested positive”
Probably got it from MBS, along with little or no oil.
@19 “Indistinguishable from AntifaPDX” except less competent.
@24 “And it’s supposed to rain all next week in DC.”
We could use some of that here. Lettuce needs moisture to ripen.
Not sure I believe this, but AT&T claims its quarterly cash flow was down by $1B because on average their customers were paying bills two days later than usual.
I suppose that’s one way to look at it. Another way is 7% of its customers are a month behind due to the Bidencession. we’re already experiencing. If the other 93% are current, that’s an average of 2 days later to pay, spread over the entire customer base.
AT&T shares are down 8%.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is an investor in AT&T.
Dumbfuck be Dumbfucking. At least the horse is safe for the time being.
If I were a pharmacy chain HR guy interviewing applicants for sales associate positions in the company’s retail outlets, one of the questions I might ask would go, “Do you have any objection to selling any of the products our company offers its customers?” This is a pass-fail question.
A retailer making it optional for its employees to ring up customer purchases based on the employees’ personal preferences doesn’t make any sense to me.
What makes more sense is if they don’t want to sell the employer’s product line, they should pursue some other line of work.
Not surprisingly, evangelicals are splintering like a nuked asteroid from the gravity of Trumpism.
I didn’t see how anyone with an IQ over 75 could reconcile supporting Trump with the basic precepts of Christianity. It just took a while for the kettle to boil, that’s all.
“A Texas law intended to benefit gun manufacturers has reportedly backfired and is costing taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars in the form of higher interest payments.
“The Houston Chronicle reports that Texas Republicans in recent years passed legislation that required banks to certify that they do not ‘discriminate’ in their dealings with gun manufacturers as a precondition of doing business with Texas municipalities.”
Looks like Texas municipalities are now subprime borrowers who have to finance their projects with payday lenders and pawnbrokers.
Needless to say, I don’t feel sorry for Texas taxpayers. After all, they elected these legislators. They wanted this.
“A Kansas man who allegedly tried to break into Nancy Pelosi’s office during the Jan. 6 Capitol riot has fired his attorney and wants to represent himself, The Kansas City Star reports.”
He absolutely should be allowed to represent himself! This is a free country!
I refuse to pay the tolls for both 520 and the 99 tunnel. Not having 99 causes me a longer travel to places I need to go, but it ain’t worth the toll to use it. Paying the toll is like rewarding bad government behavior.
kids have plenty of money
Yep,, oldest has two years of living expenses in the bank, both have retirement savings and are gainfully employed.
Neither owns a car by the way… live in Seattle, take the transit.. running a car is a stupid extravagance..
they walk a lot too…
A silly lord kreepshit from widbee has as much impact on their lives as a fart in a wind tunnel.. and on “that certain day”???
less than zero…
@ 34
It’s aimed at banks that discriminate against oil and gas companies, and firearms manufacturers, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
IOW about 99.9% of it doesn’t involve the firearms manufacturing industry. Although you never let facts stand in the way of your dumbfuckery, so there’s no reason you should make an exception here.
To watch these cops kick in the door of a house, then swarm inside with guns drawn and batons swinging, you’d think the suspect had robbed a bank and shot the teller, not merely run a stop sign.
@ 36
Paying the toll is like rewarding bad government behavior.
Paying taxes is like that, too, Newt. It’s nice to see you engage in liberal behavior like driving further and spewing more vehicle exhaust in the atmosphere because you don’t wish to support the cost of municipal projects intended to
… wait for it
… reduce the amount of vehicle exhaust in the atmosphere.
What a proud liberal you must be, Newt. How proud of you your fellow liberals must be.
TBH, Common Dreams takes an clear trend and rather deliberately attaches motivations behind it that are more in keeping with their own ideology. But I’m skeptical that there is anything beyond the anecdotal evidence they offer.
Yes, significant numbers of evangelicals are growing uncomfortable and dissatisfied with the GOP. And the more open embrace of extremism under Trump is part of it.
But some of the Pew research would indicate that this does not represent a shift to the left, but is more accurately described as a shift away from grievance, hatred, and bigotry.
These are evangelicals who remain deeply troubled by “social drift” and general social change. So while they might be open to an examination of policing in America following the sport-murder of George Floyd by a team of violent cops, that doesn’t mean they support “Defund” or even BLM. Simultaneously it also means that while they may remain very apprehensive and personally opposed to regendering and marriage equality, they are horrified by Republican led school board Karens beating up children to score political points.
These are not allies, nor are large numbers of them becoming allies. It’s probably safer to say that these evangelicals remain “conservative”, but they prefer the soft bigotry of school inequality, and country club “conservatism”. They still want the police to stop-and-frisk the black male newspaper delivery person in “the wrong neighborhood”. They simply prefer that police stop short of summoning an “All Agency Emergency Response” that ends in neck kneeling death followed by mocking laughter.
Our goal with these voters is not that they would ever vote for a Democrat. They won’t. Our goal is to further encourage them to “walk away” from the violent, extreme, Trump-led Republican Party forever.
God = love/kindness/mercy.
Trump = hate/cruelty/revenge.
Republican = Trump.
God ≠ Republican.
The Durkan Kill Zone leaves an invoice on the table.
Family of teen shot, killed in CHOP zone files claim against Seattle
But I suppose the money will have to do.
One of the most influential climate deniers in American history has died.
Patrick J. Michaels, who died Saturday at 72, created the modern concept of “lukewarmism,” which holds that humans are warming the planet but rejects the notion it will have severe consequences. That idea has become dominant in today’s Republican Party, which rejects significant restrictions on fossil fuels and has ignored the warnings of climate scientists who have said that unabated warming will be devastating for humanity…
“Pat was a cherry-picker, searching for bits of data in which the facts, for a limited period, seemed to contradict the community’s view on human-caused climate change,” he said. “Overall, he was selling bullshit, and perhaps he knew that, but he thought that climate scientists were exaggerating, so he continued even as facts piled up against him. If only he had been right.”..
Good riddance.. A troll is a cherry picker, always selling bullshit.. the fewer of them, the better.. World is burning up this summer… TexASS has many more days of 100 plus degree heat these days than the average and deniers are expiring in the heat like they do from “teh wuhan”…
And.. OLD GUY.. SS check? no more…
It logically follows from the insane, inane, deranged, degenerate babblings of teh kreepshit of widbee…
GOOD.. for my kids..
@41 “But some of the Pew research would indicate that this does not represent a shift to the left, but is more accurately described as a shift away from grievance, hatred, and bigotry.”
If that’s not a shift to the left, it’s certainly a shift away from the right, because the right is all about grievance, hatred, and bigotry.
Bitch be runnin’.
Rep. Liz Fucking Cheney will soon lower the boom on the low IQ Nazi traitor and his raging orange man-baby. Little wonder that he’s searching for a safe space. So how’s he doing so far?
YLB’s fuckin’ kids
The Durkan Kill Zone
Paying taxes is like that, too,
AT&T claims its quarterly cash flow was down
I Was Wrong About Al Franken
Bitch be runnin’.
That’s what the safe space for our low IQ Nazi traitor presently looks like. Needs more work.
Durkandrumpf, hee-hawley, khruzz, brooks, chisum gym, mtg, blah, blah.. Kill Zonewill be on prime time tonight..
Anderson raised his son in a rough neighborhood, gang territory.. Son pissed off the wrong people and got shot.. Where was dad to get between his son and an open air drug market?
No problem with granting the dad 500k cuz’ mistakes were made. But it’s sure as shit disingenuous to shake down the taxpayers for more.
But of course, a degenerate kreep from widbee knows better.. as in doesn’t know jack shit.. asswipe..
Heh… Stories about Anderson and his shooter are interesting.. Sez they had a running feud going on a year…
See if it was a Hatfield and McCoy teh racist pos from widbee would be silent..
But it’s on “librul” ground, the mayor and the police are supposed to enact some miraculous intervention.. zzzZZzzzz…
Oh here’s the dad…
He can’t avoid trouble either.. Now he’s got medical bills..
DHS probe into deleted USSS text messages during the Trump/GOP coup attack is now, officially a criminal probe according to documents filed Wednesday with the DOJ and the USSS by the DHS IG.
USSS is instructed to halt all ongoing and any new internal administrative investigations into the deletions and retain all related records and documents. USSS Dir Murray is forbidden to carry out any further interviews with agency employees or contractors or to collect or in other way interfere with any physical evidence including devices, data, and physical or electronic records.
Murray is on his way out anyway, heading to a “spoils” job at Snap.
But this means that beginning Wednesday he is on vacay until his last day. And his successor (for as long as that guy lasts) will be strictly hands off. Still means that Murray had more than six months of unfettered opportunity to tamper with evidence after he was informed by the IG to stop doing so.
@49 I’m for locking up the perps until their hair falls out.
Hey Fuckface Von Clownstick, boy, you make some assumptions.
Rather than make couple of trips because 99 was free and easy, and put more pollution in the air, I now I wait until I can make a single trip, group my activities so I actually, wait for it, drive less and pollute less.
Bad government behavior actually helped alter my driving habits, thus reducing my expenses.
All this from a horse fucker that chooses to live on an island and uses the State ferry system. Talk about a massive polluter you are.
Next up, Dr. Dumbfuck will claim that since I drive less because I don’t want to pay tolls, I contribute to the failing highway infrastructure because I’m not contributing to the gas tax revenue stream needed pay for said infrastructure upgrades.
At least I’m not a freeloader like he is when he drives his Prius.
@53 Driving a Prius on Whidbey Island probably gets him coal-rolled by the local armed revolutionaries.
@ 53
I’m not contributing to the gas tax revenue stream needed pay for said infrastructure upgrades.
Check your vehicle’s annual registration cost breakdown. There’s a hybrid tax component. Compensates somewhat for the smaller gas tax revenue stream.
@ 52
Rather than make couple of trips because 99 was free and easy, and put more pollution in the air, I now I wait until I can make a single trip, group my activities so I actually, wait for it, drive less and pollute less.
Newt, you make it sound as if it’s otherwise not possible to batch your errands into a single trip if you drive less and pay a toll to do so. You can batch your errands AND drive a shorter distance, Fuckwad.
@ 49
He can’t avoid trouble either..
What’s your point, girlfriend?
And what would have been the HA response if I had pointed out that inability to avoid trouble seemingly runs in that family?
Pelosi should have left the House at the end of 2020.
Dems don’t have the votes to pass a new assault weapons ban in the House — unless Republicans help
And then there are the Democrats who won’t support it because it doesn’t go far enough.
@ 57
YLB, when multiple children from the same inner city family are shot in separate incidents, is it your custom to blame the family first? Or do your save that insinuation for the times it happens to black families in your hometown, Princess?
I only pay a scale fee for my truck, there is no other fee there for any Prius-loving charity.
Clownstick,before the toll on 99, gas was cheap, roads were free and if I didn’t batch my trips, no big deal, only the Prius lovers would complain.
Now the tolls are in place, gas (and in your case, diesel), ain’t so cheap so my driving habits have changed as a result. Turns out I’m saving money and the environment as a result of the tolls (and inflation). I still get my stuff done, albeit slightly more efficient than before.
I’m not too overly concerned about my carbon footprint, but by back of the napkin calculations, I’m waayyyy better than you.
your point
Feel around for it on the top of your pin head, asswipe..
Oh. it slowly dawns on kreepshit…
is it your custom to blame the family first
when the hatfields and mccoys make war on each other, is it your custom to blame the local mayor??
And when hatfield or mccoy sue the mayor and the townspeople have to pick up the tab , is it your custom to babble like an idiot from widbee?
you’re too funee kreepshit..
@58 “Dems don’t have the votes to pass a new assault weapons ban in the House — unless Republicans help.”
Which they won’t. Is that something to brag about?
Today 96% of House violent extremist Republicans voted to oppose keeping safe effective contraception available nationwide.
When violent extremist Republicans tell you exactly who they are, believe them.
@64 Doctor Dumbfuck was with them in spirit.
Today’s Republicans make yesterday’s GOP extremists look moderate by comparison.
Today we heard testimony that Secret Service agents guarding Pence on Jan. 6, 2021, called family members to say goodbye.
Video of Sen. Jeff Hawley, he of the raised fist, running for his life down the hall to escape the violent mob he had just stoked? Fucking priceless.
Um, Jeff, it’s women and children first.
Forget Hillary. Josh is Running!
Brave Sir Hawley ran away.
Bravely ran away away.
When danger reared it’s ugly head,
He bravely turned his tail and fled.
Yes, brave Sir Hawley turned about
And gallantly he chickened out.
Swiftly taking to his feet,
He beat a very brave retreat.
Bravest of the brave, Sir Hawley !
@68 It’s more nuanced. If you listened carefully, what you heard in the testimony was that Hawley was in a “safe space,” surrounded and protected by police, when he gave his raised fist salute to the rioters. Inside the Capitol, where he didn’t have that protection, he ran for his life.
Case #1: Dawn Bancroft
“A Jan. 6 Capitol rioter who recorded herself saying that they were looking for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ‘to shoot her in the frickin’ brain’ was sentenced Thursday to 60 days in prison, according to officials.”
Case #2: Matthew Bledsoe
“When prosecutors confronted him with a text he sent to his wife, saying it was ‘good’ that someone planted bombs near the Capitol, Bledsoe said he really didn’t mean ‘good.’ He also claimed he didn’t really mean it when he wrote that he ‘stormed the Capitol.”‘ (The jury found him guilty.)
An awful lot of respect here for Rep. Adam “The Man” Kinzinger, Rep. Liz Fucking Cheney, and the two witnesses who testified this evening, Matthew Pottinger and Sarah Matthews.
What they and the previous witnesses have done requires courage. It also requires love for both our country and our democracy.
God bless them all and God bless America.
Hawley was in a “safe space”
I wonder if the low IQ Nazi traitor found one. Eh, he’s probably been out in the barn with the horse, poor thing.
When courage and love of country and democracy are required to do a job , the low IQ Nazi traitor and his dozen cosplaying grandmothers need not apply.
America needed this clip of Hawley running down the Capitol hall over and over again to music, including the Rocky theme and the Benny Hill Show theme song.
Amazing that Bob likes to compare Biden disapproval rating to a man who should be, and hopefully will be, in jail, as if in approval of the FuckHump Swamp Monster.
It the same ideology of Neanderthal hetero coming violent acts of rape and murder.
Truly a pathetic POS.
Amazing that Bob likes to compare Biden disapproval rating to a man who should be, and hopefully will be, in jail, as if in approval of the FuckHump Swamp Monster.
It the same ideology of Neanderthal hetero coming violent acts of rape and murder.
Truly a pathetic POS.
Oops! Wrong link @75.
Jeff with theme music,
False equivalency by the treason fuck POS.
35)His client is a fool.
75)Chariots of Fire, too.
One of y’all went after NY gubernatorial GOP candidate Lee Zeldin with one of these earlier today.
I’m sure there’s a simple explanation. He got locked out of his car and his key fell off the ring, or some such.
Apparently the Dem gov, Kathy Hochul, encouraged supporters to follow Zeldin. Imagine if this had happened to, say, AOC after, say, Ted Cruz had told his supporters to hang out at her rallies.
@ 82
Here’s the purported link between the assailant and Hochul. Can’t find anything else so far:
Tried to delete @ 83 because it’s bullshit – a press release mentioned his bus tour and times of stops but no locations. Can’t target without knowing the location.
Bob wants to talk about what is unacceptable snd what is acceptable, how cute of the Vapid Troll.
Hang The FuckHump. Hang the Vapid Troll.
Let us not forget their bigotry, racism, and fascism.
Hetero Neanderthal!
The recession is coming, the recession is coming!!
must be because of all those millionaires that left CT 5-10 years ago!
too much good news on the economy. when is that recession coming, God damn it!
Fuck democracy and freedom! Revolt! Charge! Toss a J6 spear at LEO.
Polio is back, in First Vegetable Joe Biden’s America.
Change everything went a bit too far there.
Cry more now.
They deliberately wiped the president’s White House call logs, office diary, and USSS text messages.
They didn’t get all of it. But they got a lot.
But that’s always the big problem with obstruction.
They never get all of it. And they always leave fingerprints.
Violent Republican President Trump was informed by senior advisers at least by 2pm on Jan 6 that the armed rally mob he sent to the Capitol had turned violent, was assaulting and injuring police, and was endangering the Vice President and the Congress.
For more than two full hours, while senior White House staff begged him to take action, while members of his own party in Congress called and begged him to protect them, and while people were dying violent Republican President Trump adamantly refused their pleas and did nothing to stop the violence.
America knows all this now.
When violent Republicans tell you exactly who they are, believe them.
Closing arguments are under way in the Dirty Hobo contempt of Congress trial. Dirty Hobo’s principle defense consists of convincing the jury that the committee chairman’s signature was forged on the subpoena.
Lack of effective counsel appeal in three… two… one…
I should point out that as part of the jury instruction given by the judge in the Dirty Hobo contempt of Congress trial, the jury was instructed that they may not consider executive privilege nor any other claim about the law as a valid defense.
And since the defense never put on any case that leaves only the case presented by the government. So while it may not be a very powerful defense claim, suggesting that the subpoena was forged is probably worth a shot. Right?
I expect we are going to be forced to endure a litany of claims and complaints from Team Violent Republican that Dirty Hobo did not get a fair trial.
The prosecution case was direct, limited, efficient, and strictly confined to the facts relevant to the charge of defying a lawful subpoena. They called only two witnesses. Both witnesses testified exclusively to the facts surrounding the production and presentation of the subpoena to the defendant.
The judge bent over backwards to accommodate the defense within the limits of the law. For very good reasons, in any criminal trial, a defendant is not allowed to present whatever defense claims they might like. There must exist evidence to support the claims. And there must exist some legal basis for the claim to be exonerating. “She was dressed like a whore” is not and should not be permitted as a defense claim against a rape charge.
The judge permitted Dirty Hobo’s defense to openly and directly question the ethics and professionalism of the House committee, it’s staff, the government witnesses, and even the prosecutors. There was no evidence presented to support those claims. Allowing that is unprecedented to the point of being shocking. And in closing just now, the judge allowed the defense to introduce for the first time at trial, a handful of letters from the committee, signed by the chairman, asking the jury to compare the signatures with the signature on the subpoena.
It is fundamental that new evidence and new claims may never be introduced during arguments at close. The sudden presentation of this new claim and this new evidence during defense closing naturally evoked an objection from the prosecution. Following a sidebar the defense closing was allowed to continue. But no instruction was given to the jury to disregard.
For anyone familiar with criminal procedure this should amply serve as confirmation that this judge cut these assholes every inch of slack and more. Dirty Hobo knowingly chose to defy a subpoena. Dirty Hobo knowingly chose to refuse to appear as the law required, despite a catalog of letters from the committee informing him of these requirements. Dirty Hobo chose not to take the stand at trial in his own defense. Dirty Hobo chose not to present a defense at trial.
There’s just nothing to any claim that Dirty Hobo was tried unfairly, prosecuted unfairly, or deprived of due process in any way. Dirty Hobo is an arrogant, cocaine addicted fool. None of these are qualities that would disqualify someone from a successful media career. But they also do little to immunize someone from self-destruction.