Good morning. Starbucks is closing several locations. They are claiming that it’s because of crime, because that’s the catchall excuse for anyone in this town deciding to act shitty. It seems more likely that it’s in response to their recent unionization.
Many in the local media are taking Starbucks at their word. This morning, KUOW did a piece on the closure of the 23rd and Jackson location. They mention crime specifically, so it’s not just a general it’s closing story. But nothing about union busting. Sad, guys.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now and get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
When you see Clark and Eastman being sent up for indictment understand that Trump would be next.
Starbucks needs to close a bunch of locations. They’ve been overbuilt with dining space for years.
But in addition to the business reasons for trimming their sails, and the anti-union reasons the choices of locations for closure and/or reduction will also be driven by future business model. Starbucks is moving to a drive through and co-location experience. They’ll continue to promote the “real coffee, Starbucks branded experience” of their stores, building/rebuilding marquee locations with extra fancy highly designed spaces and feature locations in places like Times Square, etc. But the profit centers for the company are the stores with big drive through operations and the stores located inside stadiums, grocery stores, and airports.
Starbucks is fast food. See them that way and you’ll see the reasons for closing stores more clearly.
We found the real ANTIFA!!!!!!!!!
Of course it was an #OWNGOAL
I just realized the reason the greedy racist incel is so livid. It’s costing him money he doesn’t have to spare and he can blame Liberals.
Last week when the Albuquerque Police roasted a sleeping teen alive by burning down a home they lied when they told the media they were executing a felony search warrant.
They killed a kid…
…while seeking to apprehend a parole violation, not a dangerous armed felon.
Fancy Feast is up 20%. He’s running on empty.
Eric Swalwell owns Gym Jordan.
Starbucks is making a good decision because Seattle has deteriorated markedly over the past 20 years.
Ohh, yes. Indeed. You are so wise and bursting with useful insights. Well done.
@9 Stupid much?
9 By what benchmarks? Maybe you meant its suffering from being too successful. Hard to buy a house there.
Arthur speaks in bumper sticker slogans
Seattle must have frightened him out of his wits at some point.
He has yet to recover them.
Gonna ride this pony for the next four months.
@ 3
The only thing missing was a noose.
Gonna ride this pony for the next four months.
False statement. It’s the horse that rides you.
The only thing missing was a noose.
This blog could use more King Arthur and less Dumbfuck Traitor. The average troll IQ would go up by at least 10 points.
Get to work preparing your abject apology you piece of shit.
@4 Not only that, but his gas money is going into Roger Rabbit’s dividend deposits account.
@5 Just another $5 million taxpayer check. Nobody spends taxpayer money like cops spend taxpayer money.
Speaking of taxpayer money, Arizona doesn’t spend any on schools. Faced with the predictable results of paying the lowest teacher salaries in the country, the Republicans who run the state decided to solve the problem, not by paying teachers more, but by allowing high school graduates to teach in public schools while handing out more vouchers to parents who can afford private schools.
In preparation for the violent mob attack on the joint session of Congress Roger Stone created an encrypted group chat named “Friends of Stone” or “FOS” that had 47 members including Oath Keepers and Proud Boy leadership, Republican media figures, and Trump Stop the Steal insiders like Ali Alexander.
Tuesday we learned that the House committee has obtained the chats.
@11 The real King Arthur would be embarrassed by this imposter using his name.
@13 He’s been watching too much KOMO.
@14 Probably met one of my relatives in the park.
@15 And Trump’s Fed appointments had nothing to do with it, amirite?
@23 He should’ve named it Pals of Stone. “Friends” is too formal.
As expected, the Forced Births Party is throwing Forced Families under the bus.
Conservative’s and old people don’t need education for the kids.
@16 The noose was there; you just don’t know where to look for it.
It was in a model train display at a July 4th fair for families and kids.
@28 As I said at Handbill.US, “Arizona may be an okay place to retire if you can’t afford taxes for public services because you’re playing golf on a fixed income, but it’s no place for kids.”
As expected, the Forced Births Party is throwing Forced Families under the bus.
As long as women suffer, the low IQ traitor is good with it. For him it’s payback because no woman he ever met would fuck him.
The Raw Story headline says, “Alex Jones’ former wife offers Jan. 6 committee ‘relevant insider info’ after Tuesday hearing.” To wit:
“Hours after the House select committee investigating the Jan 6th insurrection completed their Tuesday nationally televised hearing, the former wife of Infowars founder Alex Jones took to Twitter and alerted the committee that she can help with their investigation on the uprising.”
In non-journalistic circles, this is known as “squealing,” and the ex-wife is called a “rat,” “fink,” or “canary.”
We need more of them.
Oh my.
They fucked a kid.
“David Blair, of Clarksburg, [Maryland,] brought a a knife and a lacrosse stick with a Confederate flag attached to the U.S. Capitol and struck a police officer with the improvised flagpole while shouting encouragement to other rioters to keep fighting … police found a knife and tape in his bag ….
“Blair told police he came to the Capitol to protest the removal of Confederate monuments, which he complained was the ‘erasing of history.'”
This dumbass got a hell of a plea bargain: Only 5 months in prison. Personally, I think some prosecutors and judges are too soft on crime.
Didn’t he know that if a black reporter takes pictures of a white artist’s work, it’s “stealing”?
They fucked a kid.
They get off on it. It gives creeps like our low IQ traitor a tingle.
Degen and other violent Republicans would argue that the 10-year-old girl consented.
They’d argue she deserved it because of the way she was dressed.
That’s even false He rides the horse. And I’m not talking about on the saddle. He bounces all right.
@ 34
RawStory’s headline is that he was “Knife Wielding”, Steve.
The knife was in his duffel bag.
Steve doesn’t know the difference between brandishing and concealed-carrying. But I’ll bet his Nazi biological father does.
@ 32
In non-journalistic circles, this is known as “squealing,” and the ex-wife is called a “rat,” “fink,” or “canary.”
We need more of them.
The two of them have been divorced for more than five years, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. In circles this is known as “bullshit”.
On it’s known as “Breaking News!”
Steve doesn’t know the difference between brandishing and concealed-carrying.
I could demonstrate the difference to you.
Nicholas Roske is charged with attempted murder.
When he arrived by cab on the street where Associate Justice Drunken GangBang lives he immediately walked 2 blocks away and called local police to his location. His weapons also remained inside his bag.
Steve got it right.
Degen, who fucked a kid, really is stupider than King Arthur.
They’d argue she deserved it because of the way she was dressed.
They’d also speculate about whether she was going to give birth to a turtle or a breakfast taco.
Heh. My “Nazi father” killed real Nazis during WWII. He must have felt quite conflicted by it.
Of course, the closest we have to an actual Nazi posting on this blog is the low IQ fascist traitor. I haven’t been one call call the POS a Nazi yet, but given how shits like our low IQ fascist traitor can’t help but project what’s worst about themselves onto others, I probably should reconsider this.
Hice is a coup plotter rejected by Georgia voters and soon will face criminal indictment.
Low IQ Nazi traitor
Just testing.
Hice is a coup plotter rejected by Georgia voters and soon will face criminal indictment.
Then I’ll hope that Hice will have the opportunity to continue discussing turtles, tacos and procreation with his fellow inmates in Cell Block D.
Just released school security camera video shows Texas hero-cops getting bored and fucking around on their iPhones waiting for the school shooter to finish slaughtering little kids.
Blue Lives Matter…
…more, apparently.
No driver’s license needed with this White Privilege Card.
@39 “the difference between brandishing and concealed-carrying”
Does that “difference” apply to guns, pipe bombs, and molotov cocktails, too? (My educated guess is you’re a dumbfuck.)
Ron Johnson (of “tourist” fame) says a woman’s job is to populate the Earth with humans.
Lives in Florida.
Forged election certificates and tried to threaten the Vice President.
Eleven! point! three!
Bitches, First Vegetable Joe Biden’s already put y’all in recession.
Seven straight months of double-digit PPI increases, bitches.
We’re in recession. Interest rates are sky-high. Getting from point A to point B costs a ton and is gonna cost even more.
Gee, what a great time to buy a second house at the peak of the real estate market, just before the bubble bursts, eh, G-clown?
This sounds like Evergreen Railfan on LSD:
It’s not. It’s straight outta the mouth of my unlikable, incompetent vice president.
Democrats have a much, much bigger problem than just getting rid of First Vegetable Joe Biden. They also need to get rid of Momala, and to do it in a way that still brings black voters to the voting booths in 2024.
It’s not going to be with that fat cow Abrams. It’s gonna have to be with Val Demings, who unfortunately will get her clock cleaned by Marco Rubio in the Fall.
Q: What do Momala and YLB have in common?
A: They both did their best work on their knees, and no time recently.
It’s nice that the public realizes that what the AFT and its cronies did during the pandemic was enrich themselves and harm children, isn’t it?
It shouldn’t come as a surprise that the public expects schools to focus on the three Rs. It shouldn’t, but it apparently comes as a surprise to liberals:
Hey, but there’s a bright side, libbies! It’s not a nationwide survey; it only polled a few states:
Nothing special about those few states, amirite?
Degen fucked a kid.
Trump has informed his inner circle he intends to announce in September. Many Republican House candidates led by a guy named Kevin are begging him to hold off until after November.
I don’t see why.
After all, more than four in ten of the voters they are depending on are Trump first/party second..
They should welcome the announcement.
When Trump begins dismantling Fat Midget this fall, who will Degen turn to?
A better question might be, when Mike Pence is the last violent Republican dwarf left standing will Degen take the escape?
Or will he build a scaffold?
Just like Degen, FOX News also fucked a kid.
Not content with that horror, and having been revealed for the violent, blood-soaked ghouls that they are, FOX News is now publishing the name, photograph, and other identifying details of the Indiana doctor who helped the 10-year-old Ohio girl that FOX and Degen fucked.
Republicans are pieces of shit. Fundamentally.
Eradicate “bipartisanship” from all your thinking and framing. The idea of seeking compromise with these ghoulish monsters is certainly immoral. But perhaps more importantly it is impractical.
They basically oppose every single decent thing. So how on earth can good, honest, patriotic Americans find any common ground with them?
We have to face the fact that things won’t get much better until Republicans are driven out of politics and civic life.
Given the economy this should have been a slam dunk for trump’s party but then the extreme court went and threatened almost American who is not trunper.
Republican AG says he’ll investigate Indiana doctor who provided care to 10-year-old rape victim
We’re in recession.
What’s missing from this thread so far?
Heh. keepads for deathsatanist from lord kreepshit…
c’mon kreepshit.. give it up.. don’t be afraid now..
“kiss it”.. lmao…
what else?? oh Val Demings.. stand up lady.. ‘cept she has some issues:
“A body hip check … slammed him on his head and broke his neck,” Sean Douglas Hill, a bartender at The Caboose, who knew Daley well, said in a deposition. “And it cracked like a watermelon . . . You just heard a pop. I had never heard anything so horrific.”
The Orlando police chief defended the officer, 26-year-old Travis Lamont. She told a local newspaper, “After a review of the defensive tactic form by the training staff and Officer Lamont’s chain of command, it appears the officer performed the technique within department guidelines.”
Oh who was the “perp”? An 84 year old WWII veteran.. classy of that kop…
Demings was considered for veep.. she was passed over for stuff like this. But excusing violent kops makes her palatable to lord kreepshit.
yawwwn… next..
Degen fucked a kid.
Yeah, but the low IQ Nazi traitor won’t admit it. Just like the low IQ Nazi traitor won’t admit that he tried to end our democracy with a violent resurrection at our Capitol.
He won’t admit it, but now the low IQ Nazi traitor is trying to get a doctor in Indiana killed.
I say our low IQ Nazi traitor deserves death for his sins.
Interest rates are sky-high.
30 year fixed right now.. 5.51 percent…
we refied back in feb/mar got 4.5 percent.. that was down from a 5.375 rate we got in early 2000’s.. when we shopping for a refi, agents told us we were paying a “high rate”.. heh.. yeah right..
The thing is.. home prices are freaking stupid.. fed loose munee is at fault for that… keeping munee tight during the pandemic would be even more stupid.. but remember..
drumpf bashed the fed for modest tightening and threatening his re-election pre-pandemic:
and when “teh black guy” was prez, drumpf bashed the Fed for loose munee.. what a surprise..
@ 60
When I was 17. Merely a kid myself.
@ 68
Maybe those guys thought inflation was a brief spike like you claimed, girlfriend.
A better question is why you spent an entire post-Great Recession decade paying 5.375%, YLB.
You overpaid by at least 2% for a decade. Ya dumb cunt.
How many times have I warned y’all about oversharing?
@69 it liked it then.. it likes it now.. kids getting fucked..
it’ll even lend a helping hand on a loong amtrak ride to who the fuck knows where these days..
Leave it to YLB to overpay by several thousand per year for a decade, and then brag about saving a couple hundred a month since March.
That’s the kind of stupid shit usually done by G-clown, who has late-stage AIDS as an excuse.
The new investment and consumer spending advisor to is YLB.
You overpaid by at least 2%
yawwwnnn.. we handled it just fine kreepshit.. our very first mortgage was just below 10… 5 and change was low for us.. historically.
plenty of folks paid way more – for a spell anyways and on the watch of repukes you voted for..
YLB likely couldn’t qualify for the decent rate mortgages. Either underwater or shitty income
Or both!
Her kids are SO fucked.
by several thousand per year for a decade, and then brag about saving a couple hundred a month
year – month.. apple meet oranges…
when are we going to see kneepads for deathsatanist?
And guess what, we can now itemize like we did every year before drumpf..
Either underwater or shitty income
30 year fixed just under the wire.. our timing was just fine kreepshit.. we fill the tank (every other month), make the payment.. kids have both graduated college and both have good paying jobs.
life is good for us.. you come to HA and babble shit.. you suck!
Had YLB refinanced in 2012, she could paid 3.66%. Instead she paid 5.375%.
@78 rule of thumb for refis is 2 percent.. or 3.375..
the payment was affordable as it was.. before drumpf we itemized every year..
we had other priorities.. life was always good for us kreepshit..
you ok little fella? you have enough munee?
You didn’t follow the rule earlier this year, YLB.
Took you more than a decade to realize it’s a stupid rule if you’re staying put.
How many stupid rules did you teach your kids to live by, mommy?
YLB’s kids are SO fucked.
Under bonzo raygun in Oct 1981 a 30 year fixed was over 18 percent..
wtf was that? “sky low”???
When Nixon was re-elected in a landslide in 1972 a 30 year fixed was 7.43 percent. Was that “sky lower”?
And the lord kreepshit of widbee bloviates about 5.375 percent rate and calls a 5.52 rate “sky high”…
it’s why we have trolls..
Mortgage rates are due to the monetary actions of the Federal Reserve, which is an independent corporation owned by the US government. When the Federal Reserve came into being, the intent was to keep self-serving politicians from screwing with the money supply. That intent has only been partially successful.
M’nooch wasn’t just serving himself and Daddy Twump.
Let’s say YLB and her husband had a $250,000 residence and owed $200,000 on it in 2012
In 2012 the average mortgage rate was 3.66%. They could have paid $7,320 in interest on their loan balance had they refinanced that year. ‘cept “rule of thumb” to the dumb twat and her husband.
So rather than dropping their rate from 5.375 to 3.66, ’cause it wasn’t a full two percent lower, they kept paying $10,750 in interest on their loan balance, and stayed put in their shithole next door to Highlands Community College.
YLB and her hubby over paid by $10,750 – $7,320 = $3,430 each year. Excluding the decrease owing to the amount going to principal, they overpaid by more than $34,000 in the ensuing decade.
After which they decide that the “rule of thumb” should be abandoned so they can realize a whole friggin’ 0.875% decrease in their loan balance. Because to YLB, an interest rate decrease of 0.875% in 2022 is better than a decrease of 1.715% in 2012. That’s the YLB math that goes along with YLBonics, apparently.
Anybody still question why I refer to YLB as HA’s dumbest twat? Didn’t think so.
Right now The Even Bigger Fucking Moron is shaking his head at YLB’s decision-making and thinkig to himself, “Man, what a dumb fuckin’ twat.”.
@ 81
Under bonzo raygun in Oct 1981 a 30 year fixed was over 18 percent..
YLB’s explanation for her monetary stupidity in the last decade is that in the 9 months from the time he was inaugurated and in the 7 months since he took a bullet to the lung, 40 years ago Ronald Reagan hadn’t reversed four years of Carter’s stagflation. Which is, of course, the exact reason Reagan took 49 states three years later.
What a dumb cunt is YLB.
@ 81
it’s why we have trolls..
The reason we have trolls is that it’s the only way YLB will ever learn that costing her family $34,000+ over a decade didn’t do her kids any favors.
YLB’s kids are SO fucked.
YLB’s kids are SO fucked.
If they’re ever so unlucky to be near enough to lord kreepshit and drop a dime on the floor…
they will still be safe…
Because they’re grown up.. kreepshit only takes advantage of kids under the age of consent..
but it’ll pop for an amtrak ticket no sweat.. maybe..
@ 84
HighlandsHighlineWhen I was 17. Merely a kid myself.
As though the low IQ Nazi traitor ever fucked a woman who wasn’t a cadaver. And even the cadaver told him to fuck himself.
After which they decide that the “rule of thumb” should be abandoned so they can realize a whole friggin’ 0.875% decrease in their loan
Wrong… took out cash to make improvements kreepshit.. it’s good bidness.. got a great rate.. we can itemize now.. and we make the payment just fine just like before.
wrong again kreepshit.. we live walking distance from two 4 year colleges.. well one is pretty much a jc that offers a couple 4 year programs. No, not Highline..
you’re wrong about so much shit.. not a good “look”..
@ 91
got a great rate.. we can itemize now.
Will somebody please explain to YLB that
1. The great rate was the one she passed on in 2012, not the one nearly a point higher in 2022.
2. Itemizing just means she loses the “standard deduction” because she’s now paying more than what the government thinks is “standard”, rather than benefitting from the “standard” because she’s actually paying less. It’s nothing to be proud of.
a $250,000 residence and owed $200,000 on it in 2012
Nope, lower… your bullshit implies a principal payment higher than we’ve ever made..
We got in earlier kreepshit.. keep trying..
My original point is that housing prices are too fucking high for new entrants to the market.. All of us who started early, interest rates were fine as long as they weren’t double digits and the housing price wasn’t out of reach.
kreepshit looks like an idiot babbling about people who got in as early as we did.
It’s a harsh world for young people because of greedee racist incels like kreepshit.
It’s nothing to be proud of.
And why silly repukes like Steve Forbes went down in flames with their silly flax tax on one hand and killing the mortgage interest deduction with the other…
In the past year, according to Pew, First Vegetable Joe Biden’s approval has fallen from 55% to 37%.
37% is what YLB refers to as a “great rate“.
@56 “We’re in recession. Interest rates are sky-high. Getting from point A to point B costs a ton and is gonna cost even more.”
Some consequences had to be expected from the GOP’s irresponsible management of America’s financial and physical health, beginning with the GOP deregulation that caused the housing crash and near-collapse of the financial system in 2007 onward, and continuing with the GOP’s grossly negligent response to the pandemic that shut down the economy and ultimately took a million-plus Americans’ lives, and now the fallout from a GOP president’s Federal Reserve appointments resulting in monetary policy management that somehow was both too extravagant and too timid at the same time. No one really knew, at first, which parts of the economy would snap, or when, or where. Now we know. And how most of this could’ve been avoided, too: Should’ve elected Democrats in 2000, 2004, and 2016. A simple rule of thumb is: Never put Republicans in charge of anything.
paying more than what the government thinks is “standard”,
uhhh.. someone tell kreepshit when intuit does your taxes, it decides which is better: standard deduction or itemizing..
It chooses whichever results in a lower tax bill. It was itemizing for us until drumpf..
I’d like to congratulate The Even Bigger Fucking Moron on his promotion from the role of HA’s stupidest commenter.
YLB thinks the crown bestowed with that distinction makes her look cute.
@59 “Republicans had a 39% to 38% advantage on which party voters trust more on education.”
A truly remarkable finding, considering how much Republicans hate teachers and textbooks, worship fantasies and conspiracy theories, and fall for every cheap demagogue who crawls out of the rightwing swamp of lies and disinformation.
Probably the best way to explain this is by starting with the proposition that people who attended schools run by Republicans are those most likely to trust Republicans on education, because having attended those schools, they don’t know any better.
@ 100
A truly remarkable finding…
An entirely predictable finding, for a different set of reasons, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Youngkin was not a one-off. Ignore it at your peril.
a principal payment higher than we’ve ever made..
Correction: a higher principal payment than we’d ever made to that point.
It’s much higher now but still well within our means. Good bidness..
@63 “FOX News is now publishing the name, photograph, and other identifying details of the Indiana doctor who helped the 10-year-old Ohio girl that FOX and Degen fucked.”
And Indiana’s AG is promising to investigate her and go after her license. Because it’s great publicity to distract attention from denying abortion to a raped 10-year-old.
And, oh yeah, Fox’s Jesse Watters is taking credit for catching the rapist, and rightwing tabloids are plastering his Mexican face all over the place. Twofer.
$34,000+ over a decade didn’t do her kids any favors.
They’re both college graduates with no debt… both have jobs, prospects.. bright futures ahead..
they’re even safe if they drop a dime near a certain kreepshit in widbee…
kreepshit looks forward to babbling horseshit on HA.. it’s life is practically over.
@66 That by-the-manual takedown cost Orlando PD’s insurers $880,000 in 2012 dollars.
@68 Trump probably modeled his monetary policy preferences on those of Turkey’s Erdogan, who he admires in all respects.
If you think our inflation is bad, you should see Turkey’s. Erdogan, you may recall, possessed by his autocrat mentality believed he could banish inflation by decree.
@69 Somewhere along Aurora Avenue North, no doubt.
It’s nothing to be proud of.
we now know lord kreepshit of widbee every year PROUDLY takes drumpf’s standard deduction cuz’
it “benefits all levels”…
or… “corporations can now bring their overseas profits home”.. to increase the net worth of the Carly Fiorina’s of the world..
or.. “Bill Gates can better endow his foundation”.. after retreats at Eppie’s pad..
Did I miss anything?
Didn’t think so.
In these exchanges between YLB and the low IQ Nazi traitor, only one of them comes across as being confident in their manhood.
It’s the one who calls the other “girlfriend” and “twat” who doesn’t come off as possessing such confidence.
Anyone here disagree with me? Didn’t think so.
@72, 73 You haven’t asked what my mortgage rate is. Aren’t you even a little bit curious? If you asked, I’d tell you.
Not one mention of deathsatanist yet in this thread.. heh…
That Uvalde cop who was checking his cell phone? It’s ’cause his teacher wife was in the classroom and she had been shot.
She died while being transported to the hospital.
Hey, but at least libbies got to make fun of a cop checking his cell phone during a crisis.
Of course, this just makes it worse-looking for every other LEO who was on-site. The guy ready to go in was forcibly disarmed by his superiors.
@ 109
You haven’t asked what my mortgage rate is.
It’s the same as mine, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. You’re nothing special.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit chose to lose money by making stupid investment decisions. YLB and her family chose to lose money by overpaying for their mortgage. In each case there was a beneficiary at the other end of the transaction.
I did quite well on my financial companies investments while YLB was overpaying in service of her mortgage debt, and I’ve done quite well selling intermediate-dated naked puts with strike prices 20% below what Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit paid for his shares.
There’s always a beneficiary at the other end of the transaction, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, and if you don’t know who the mark is, you’re the mark.
You’ve demonstrated that, repeatedly, on these electronic pages.
in the 9 months from the time he was inaugurated and in the 7 months since he took a bullet to the lung, 40 years ago Ronald Reagan hadn’t reversed four years of Carter’s stagflation.
hmmm.. In Jan 81′ a 30 year fixed was at
14.9 percent…
In Jan 89′ after 8 years of schedule on astrology and then its grey matter drifting off to death valley days..
10.73 percent..
“sky lower…”
and according to kreepshit a 5.52 percent 30 year fixed is
“sky high”..
Bill Gates
Until they sold their waterfront estate, I used to golf with his father, who I found to be a very humble, down to earth man. One day we were out on the course and the father of who was then the richest person on the planet couldn’t stop yapping about the lot he’d recently bought on the course for $2,500 and what a great deal that was.
Bill Sr. was the only golfer I’ve known who used a driving iron off the tee and the fucker could hit that thing a mile. After that, the closer to the hole Bill got, the worse his game got. But he truly loved to play the game no matter how bad he was at it. I liked that about him.
@82 “Mortgage rates are due to the monetary actions of the Federal Reserve, which is an independent corporation owned by the US government. ”
The Fed doesn’t set mortgage rates, it only indirectly influences them, and probably not the way you think. The Fed sets the federal funds target rate, which is not linked to mortgage rates.
The latter are market-set rates, and the Fed’s most direct influence over them is the MBS component of QE, which the Fed has discontinued but hasn’t begun reversing.
At this point, with the Fed no longer scarfing up mortgages, home lending rates are being driven higher by inflation. If you’re a private investor you’re not going to lend your money at 3% to a stranger to buy a house if inflation is 8% and houses are inflating at over 10%; you’re going to use that money to buy houses yourself as investment properties.
Oil prices plunged early on Thursday amid expectations of a large Fed rate hike at the end of the month and signs of weakening U.S. gasoline demand as prices remain elevated…
On top of the expected large rate hike, oil prices were weighed down on Thursday by Wednesday’s EIA weekly inventory report, which showed crude and gasoline builds for the week to July 8.
“The large build in gasoline inventories was driven by a steep decline in implied demand over the week, which fell by 1.35MMbbls/d. This resulted in implied gasoline demand averaging 8.06MMbbls/d, which is the lowest level seen for this stage of the year in at least a decade,” Warren Patterson, Head of Commodities Strategy at ING, said on Thursday.
Want to make ends meet – do like we do.. Don’t drive around the block to get a fucking almond snickers.. Walk instead.. Top off the tank every other month if you can.. we’re lucky that way.
Looks like a lot of folks have gotten the price signals. Fuck Vlad Putin. Fuck the oil companies.
“sky high”
The unmanly low IQ Nazi traitor doesn’t like to talk about that shit.
The unmanly low IQ Nazi traitor also doesn’t like to talk about the fucked up mess Biden inherited, including a civil war, all of which is our unmanly low IQ Nazi traitor and the GQP’s fault, and which is even worse than the fucked up messes that Obama and Clinton each inherited.
@86 “Ronald Reagan hadn’t reversed four years of Carter’s stagflation.”
Carter’s? Really? Nixon’s policies had nothing to do with it? And did stagflation start with him? Then what about Ford’s silly “WIN” (Whip Inflation Now) program? What was that for? Carter inherited eight years of Republican economic policies and got more than his fair share of just plain bad luck abroad (Middle East war and revolution, oil embargoes, etc.).
@87 No, the reason we have trolls is because you and your faux-royal pal have too much time on your hands and nothing better to do with it than entertain us with your inanities.
@100 “Youngkin was not a one-off. Ignore it at your peril.”
Looks to me like his 2021 election will be the one-off, if his popularity keeps trending the way it is, now that Virginians realize he isn’t the “moderate” Republican he pretended to be.
Ivana (not Ivanka) Trump has died.
“The US Secret Service erased text messages from January 5 and 6, 2021, shortly after they were requested by oversight officials investigating the agency’s response to the US Capitol riot.”
Wonder if Ornato had his fingers in that?
Yours truly is very proud now and in times just past to have been able to afford a “sky high” mortgage rate of..
5.375 percent.. for a 30 year fixed
All you raygun fanbois who paid over 18 percent in Oct ’81 or Nixon fascists who paid in the mid 7’s.. in fall of ’72..
you all suck..
Mandatory vocabulary revision is now in effect:
“’Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it.”
The mother of Ivanka, Don Jr., and Eric passed earlier today.
Oh. And it’s Bastille Day.
@125 She fell down the stairs, possibly due to cardiac arrest, although being The Donald’s ex, you have to wonder if she was pushed.
She lost her balance while trying to kick a servant.
Her interview at the Pearly Gates might go something like this:
SAINT PETER: Now, about the spawn you left behind …
IVANA (interrupting): They’re Donald’s. I was only the vessel.
Hey, YLB, what’s the “rule of thumb” on yer kids getting fucked by Biden’s disastrous performance as president?
@ 127
And #CrookedHillary lost hers trying to kick a Secret Service agent.
@129 Awwww… there it goes again.. fantasizing about kids getting “fucked”… isn’t that speshul…
earth to kreepshit: they’re a bit old for you now… aren’t 10 year olds and “legitimate rape shutting that whole thing down” more your action?
now be a good always wrong wing degenerate and lay down your kneepads for klown deathsatanist for our entertainment.
@130 I’m sure a treasonous, stupid Nazi fuck like yourself is thrilled to see your raging orange man-baby is keeping it classy by trying to raise money off an ex-wife’s death.
aren’t 10 year olds and “legitimate rape shutting that whole thing down” more your action?
The low IQ Nazi traitor has a horse, poor thing.
I’m looking through my county voter guide.. looking at all the candidates for various offices..
Our degenerate troll likes to spew the word “coward” a lot..
It likes to babble “cheerleader” too. Too funny it voted for cheerleaders. It failed to vote 4 times for a cheerleader for President unlike most of its klownservabros.
It also voted for cowards…
As I look through my voters guide.. I’m not seeing much of any “prefers G.O.P party” unlike more than one candidate of days past that degen lord kreepshit happily voted for.. And I bet all these repukes know better not to ban the word “Republican” from just about everywhere on their campaign websites. We saw or didn’t see rather a lot of “that” in 2008.
think.. dino 4-times lossi..
I do see some “prefers Trump Republican Party” or “prefers GOP [Abe Lincoln] Party” or even “prefers JFK Republican Party”.. but none of those guys strike me as a coward. Not like guys kreepshit voted for back in the day.
I guess all these latter day repukes learned their lesson: let your freak flag fly.
@134 “I guess all these latter day repukes learned their lesson: let your freak flag fly.”
They’re cowards, all right, and this is all about self-preservation. They don’t want to go to a Trump rally and be misidentified as a Democrat.
Big political forecast time.
Trump engineers the nomination out of fiercely split GOP convention featuring fist fights on the floor between Proud Boys, TPUSA and The Real Housewives of the Supreme Court while Groypers and Qanon riot in the street outside. As part of his brokered deal with the Evango/ChristoFascist party wing he names Marge as his bottom. Then he suffers a massive rage stroke just days later and winds up drooling into a pan.
Near the end of October that year, in the quiet darkness of a very early morning Degen, who fucked a kid, sits down with a pistol. a bottle of Jim Beam, and his mail in ballot…
134 – It’s not the vote that counts. It’s who counts the votes that count, and King County Elections is the group that rigged the 2004 governor’s election. They are effectively Washington’s Deep State.
Peter Zeihan on inflation:
Fertilizer shortages: China restricting phosphate fertilizer exports due to its own food insecurity. Russia being unable to ship potash because of sanctions pressures. Higher natural gas prices in Europe shutting down nitrogen fertilizer production (thanks Vlad).
Food shortages: #1 wheat exporter Russia has fubared the #4 wheat exporter Ukraine turning Ukraine into a net food importer for at least the next several years.
Demographics: baby boomers are retiring resulting in a shortage in the U.S. of 400,000 workers increasing yearly till at least 2034 when it will peak at a shortage of 900,000.
U.S. Consumers have at least 2 trillion in savings as a result of the pandemic and show no willingness to stop spending no matter what the prices are. Still damaged supply chains can’t keep up. China keeps locking down because its vaccine is shit, they’d rather buy russian oil on the black market than import vaccines that work. So China can only regulate highly contagious Omicron with lockdowns.
As bad as these inflationary pressures are, their effects are moderate on the U.S. compared to Europe..
Europe has no millenial generation to speak of.. Rising interest rates won’t dampen a consumption profile that is weak compared to the U.S. which has a millennial generation that consumes like there’s no tomorrow.
So while higher interest rates from the Fed might dampen demand and moderate inflation in the U.S, Euro Central Bank interest rate hikes won’t do a damn thing for Europe. Their problem is supply and a collapsing currency.. The Euro today has dropped below parity against the dollar..
Yeah that dollar in which ever major commodity from oil, bauxite, iron ore, foodstuffs, fertilizers to finished metals – they are all denominated in U.S. Dollars.
Prediction: a kreepshit degenerate troll who fantasizes Bob Menendez and kids “fucking” will blame world-wide inflation on Joe Biden.
@137 As my always wrong wing bro YO would say:
A LOOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSEEEEEERRRRR with a delusional persecution complex…
Gathering in Dealey Plaza, jittering, and praying solemnly for THE STORM!
OMG.. This is so cool…
Monday klown day… A dwindling vaxxphobic klown base… too awesome… Too bad for every krazy that kroaks, more flood in to take their place.. That’s FL..
@137 Still the sore loser? I was in the building every day of both recounts. Never saw you there. I’m an eyewitness to the counting of the 2004 votes. You’re a jaw flapper.
You guys don’t know shit. A couple of your business owner friends “volunteered” their minimum wage employees for observer duty. Some were from a recycling company as I recall. Know what they did all day? Knitted and read magazines. Easiest $7.16 an hour they ever made.
Republican Implosion # … um, what number are we up to?
“(CNN) Indiana’s Republican attorney general said Thursday that authorities in his state are investigating — for potential failure to report the procedure and child abuse — a doctor who said she recently helped a 10-year-old rape victim from Ohio obtain an abortion in Indiana, even as the attack already had been reported by the girl’s mother and Ohio police were investigating.
“Dr. Caitlin Bernard, an Indianapolis-based Ob-Gyn, reported the abortion procedure to the Indiana Department of Health on July 2, three days after the abortion was performed, as required by the department, according to documents obtained from the agency by CNN.”
126)Loved her cameo in First Wives Club.
Looks like Republicans with presidential ambitions aren’t in a big hurry to piss off women voters any more than they already are.
My advice is don’t believe them and don’t trust them.
Apparently a war against women wasn’t enough for the low IQ NAZI traitor and his GQP. So now they have also declared war against little girls.
Yes indeed it’s another shockingly humiliating #OwnGoal by violent Republicans. But with a big difference.
This time they all fucked a kid (not just Gaetz and Jordan).
And in addition to fucking a kid they might have fucked themselves. Looks like some of the published statements about the Indiana doctor meet the standard definition for defamation. The Indiana AG might have an out if their state has a speech and debate clause exception. But that exception would not immunize media or random drunken assholes like Degen, who fucked a kid.
“For this Report, we examined every count of every case brought in these six battleground states. We conclude that Donald Trump and his supporters had their day in court and failed to produce substantive evidence to make their case.”
Violent Republicans won’t even believe themselves.
Any Republican like Manchin who opposes higher taxes on the wealthy should be hammered mercilessly for it.
Proof that MTG is a troll.
@150 What Biden and the Democrats need is not needing his vote.
A D.C. police officer in Trump’s Jan. 6 motorcade has confirmed Cassidy Hutchinson’s testimony.
God Bless President Joe Biden!
Thank You Mr. President! I voted for you!
Orange-tinted con-man, serial sex predator, twice impeached, dear death kult leader and insurrectionist mob boss is running..
deathsatanist and its twitter troll rasputin have little choice to but to knife orange julius.. et tu klown??
Now will the pos misogynist lord kreepshit of widbee lay down its kneepads for the dishonest power-mad harvard/yale fat midget today? We need to keep the entertainment rolling around here.
And the Dumbfucks will go all Susan Collins comatose. Bunch of sick freaks.
@156 At some point voters need to stop believing Republicans. That point was reached long ago. Wake up, voters!
@ 153
…has confirmed Cassidy Hutchinson’s testimony.
“…a source familiar with the matter tells CNN.”
This is how you describe the source when you know you’ll be laughed out of town if you describe the source as Rep. Adam Schiff.
Nothingburger here, so far.
Now has it as a tattoo.
Still not denying that Trump attempted to accompany an armed mob that he sent to attack the joint session of Congress and assassinate his own vice president.
Not denying it. And not a “nothingburger”.
The odor of Trump failure is now overpowering. They could have had Pence. Could have rid themselves of Trump and had Pence by early 2020. Democrats handed that to them. And “smart investors” like Degen spit on the offer.
Now that he can’t nail the abortion doctor for failing to report, Indiana’s GOP attorney general will try to nail her for violating HIPAA privacy laws for reporting it.
Meanwhile, Ohio’s GOP attorney general is lying by claiming Ohio’s “medical exception” would have covered the girl’s abortion.
The girl’s doctor is planning to sue the AG for defamation.
Not denying it
A dozen cosplaying grandmothers strikes me as something a lot worse than denial.
To give credit when due, the low IQ Nazi traitor has come a long ways since then. From a only a few weeks ago.
Two dozen chubby guys following a nearly nude dude wearing a faux fur hat were not, ever, going to topple the government.
It’s not denial, Elijah. It’s the lies of a fucking traitor who deserves a fucking rope or a firing squad.
@158 I suggest you lay in a box of ready-pop popcorn and a six-pack of beer in preparation for the day when the cop testifies in public before the Jan. 6 committee.
3M, Anheuser-Busch, GM, Johnson and Johnson, Lowes, Tik Tok, Walmart, Comcast, and many, many more.
Let the boycott begin!
Should be fun.
Cancel your Comcast. Do it right now.
The girl’s doctor is planning to sue the AG for defamation.
My understanding is that Indiana state law would provide a speech and debate immunity to an elected state official who talks trash like this, provided that trash talk was related to their ministerial duties of office, etc.
But I do think the lawsuit is worthy and serves a useful purpose.
And that purpose is to show to the people of Indiana and elsewhere just how rabidly and aggressively Republicans are going to go after doctors in order to intimidate and silence them.
Science and the truth are not on their side. And obviously neither is human decency. They want to force pre-adolescent children to risk their lives carrying rape-babies to full term and then compel them to co-parent those babies with their rapists.
So they need to punish and intimidate as many doctors, and professionals who care for abused kids as they possibly can.