I am glad that the Federal agents are out of Seattle. And credit where it’s due to state and local officials who made it happen.
That said, the Feds are not the ones who were out of control over the weekend. So this doesn’t mean defund and reform of the police is any less important.
Also, wash your hands right now.
Hey, relax you guys.
Diamond and Silk say this isn’t worth worrying about.
I wonder if Carl realizes that the reason feds aren’t in Seattle is Durkan and Best demonstrated over the weekend that the SPD has stopped fucking around with the rioters.
Durkan got the message that Barr sent to Wheeler.
I’m glad the Feds are out of Seattle, too. SPD should continue to drop the hammer to maintain control.
“An investigation into an allegation that a tampon was put in a police officer’s Starbucks drink … concluded that the item was possibly a cleaning cloth and that no malicious intent by the worker was found. … The Starbucks is in a Target store … and a Target spokesperson said at the time that it … reviewed video but found no suspicious behavior.”
What’s more, those “explosives” hurled by protesters were only firecrackers.
@ 1
I should think that it looks very much like this.
I share Ms. Arculeo’s hopes. I think we all do.
Look, I get that riot duty is tough. Especially with all those rightwing provocateurs disguised as protesters out there setting fires and shooting people.
@4 Boy, I’ll bet doc wishes he could get his hands on an F-16 loaded for bear. I can see him salivating into his morning cup of coffee just thinking about it.
I’ve had encounters with those, except back in the day, they were F4s and A4s. One flew 200 feet directly over my head with a rack of 500-lb. bombs. The afterburner heat took off my eyebrows. Then there was a big bang and smoke on the other side of the hill. This was nothing like the firecrackers the protesters are using. The B52s would bounce you out of bed, if you were lucky enough to sleep in a bed; just lift you up off the cot and deposit you on the floor. Then the grunts would go up on those hills and ridges to check out what was left and get shot at.
You know the funny thing is, doc, every time we blow up another of those compounds there’s always more Taliban, more attacks, and more flag-draped caskets. It never ends.
So we hit 150,000 dead.
Anyone want to go back a couple months and see Dumbfuck calling it “The Flu” and comparing it to “Eboloa”.
From an alleged medical professional? Have you tried the #demonsperm ?
@ 3
Let’s recap, shall we?
• Starbucks. Supposedly dedicated to quality in order to preserve the integrity of its brand.
• Drink paid for by a police credit union debit card.
• Here’s the item found in the cup.
Not being able to prove malicious intent is not an exoneration. The article does not state that it’s not a tampon.
Everyone enjoy their Starbucks hand-crafted drink today. It was created especially for you.
Corporate media gaslighting on parade:
I defy anyone to identify any point in time when Trump’s “tone” changed or when there was ever any “pivot”. It has always been exactly as combative, derogatory, complaining, and desultory as it is today and as it was four years ago. He has never been the least bit “Presidential”, much less inclusive, measured, or inspiring.
No finer example of this crippling disability exists than his consistent approach to speaking to the nation about the global pandemic. Six month into a terrifying public health crisis that has killed 150,000 Americans and destroyed the robust economy he inherited he has never once expressed even the tiniest hint of sympathy, condolence, or support for a nation struggling to survive. And in his unguarded moments of vulnerability and candor all he reveals is self-pity. Because that’s all that is there.
What he does have is a coms team and a willing corporate media constantly standing by at the ready to command their audience to believe that he is something other than what he always appears.
They need to sustain the belief because so much of the daily and weekly cycle of people sheepishly tuning in depends on that belief in “national leadership”.
You don’t.
You lie. It’s a dismal pattern in your case.
Don’t much give a fuck if now, after all this time, you finally have a chance to regret your support for a Commander in Chief who mocking sacrifices service members for greed or political advantage. It’s too late. They’re dead. Your laser guided missile strike won’t restore them to their families. Your arm chair chest thumping and hip thrusting won’t relieve the anguish of those families who must now live with the knowledge that their son’s sacrifice was to a mob of preening tribalists who casually discarded their patriotism and honor for a moment of political sunshine and for “pwning the libs”.
Delete your account.
I here I was thinking it could never get worse than “butt flashlights” and “Clorox injections”.
It’s an entire political party of dangerously crazed Cat Ladies, 63 million strong.
@ 11
What he does have is a coms team and a willing corporate media constantly standing by at the ready to command their audience to believe that he is something other than what he always appears.
Y’know, I saw just a willing corporate media yesterday.
The list was the names of reporters he then proceeded to call on.
@10 “The article does not state that it’s not a tampon.”
The article does not state that it is, and if you want to persist with that theory, then the burden is on you to prove it is.
The article states it’s “possibly a cleaning cloth.” And the investigation positively determined that it didn’t get into the drink maliciously.
Intent matters.
If a cop farts on his way out of a Starbucks, that doesn’t mean he criminally assaulted the baristas with noxious suspended gaseous molecules, even though an assault it was.
Accidents happen. Negligence is tortious. But accidents are not crimes.
Sorta like shootings in inner city Chicago, then.
Except for the funny part.
I refer you, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, to Aaron Sorkin:
So bail.
@11 It was precious listening to Trump whining “nobody likes me” yesterday. Muggers have that problem, too, but they don’t expect to be popular.
Still trying….
Drink paid for by a police credit union debit card.
First off the person taking orders and the person making drinks are not the same. So for this bit to work the cashier would have to put “add a nasty thing to the cup, cop” to the computer or actually tell the barista to tamper with it.
Second, Starbucks cashiers no longer handle customer cards (more in a bit) they are swiped or inserted into the chip reader by the customer. So the cashier would have needed to in a very very very short period of time got a good look at the card, known what the acronym or symbol on the card meant AND the payment is made after the order is in the system, circle back to step one, did the officer hear or see the cashier go tell the barista to fuck with the drink?
2.5 The only time a cashier handles a customer card is at a drive through, not applicable to an in Target location. But suppose it is. Drive through cashier takes order, puts it in system…barista makes drink…cashier gets card handed to them through window…drink is already finished…processes payment and hands drink through window.
Dumbfuck will go to any length to believe the vast conspiracy against off duty police out of uniform. Maybe the officer was secretly investigating the basement for signs of a dungeon. They should have just put some #demonsperm in the drink. No way to tell until the Vaginal problems set it.
It’s not much of a surprise that, having performed to expectations in the “Character Defining” phase of the campaign season, Every Rapepublican You Know is now desperate to move on to the “Issues” phase as quickly as possible.
What is surprising is that the challenging campaign is in control of the dance card and the band.
@13 “63 million strong”
Actually, I think there’s been some shrinkage. Even with a projected growth of 14 million voters since 2016, he could be under 59 million this time. His votes seem to disappear over the Orange Event Horizon from which no return is possible.
@16 You got it all wrong. My bailing days are over. All I do now is collect the VA benefits.
Get it?
Forty eight straight months of singing along with the Hitler Youth choir has irreversible effects. The Q Clearance Cat Lady is here to stay. Whatever fucked up, physically impossible lunatic Pizza Dungeon conspiracy is served up to him on any given day, he will sup it down and come back for more.
But the important thing to note is that it isn’t just The Q Clearance Cat Lady. Perhaps some tiny percentage of very independent thinking conservatives have escaped this fate. But the overwhelming majority of conservatives in the country are now mentally ill. Dangerously so. With potential and capability for violence and mayhem.
We have a long road ahead repairing the damage they have wrought in the last four years. But the biggest challenge will be to immunize democracy against the very real existential danger of conservative politics, which has now become essentially toxic.
First true thing he’s said in years.
So yesterday Donald talked about Joe and the Demycrats wanting to kill yer bootiful suburbs.
Talked about how they’ll move all these low income (brown) people in with lending policies and fine respectable people may no longer bet your neighbor and Corey Booker has been tapped to run the program.
Again, not a single bit of it has more than a toenail in The reality pool but why Booker? Booker has a job. He and Joe aren’t particularly close.
Oh, I know why. Black man gonna make you live next to scary blacks. But Donald isn’t a racist at all.
@22 “But the overwhelming majority of conservatives in the country are now mentally ill.”
I guess things changed somewhere along the way. Back when I stopped being a Goldwaterite, I believed I’d merely been ill-informed and given to one-dimensional thinking. I simply became better educated, acquired critical thinking skills, saw the world more as it actually is — and became a Democrat. Been one ever since.
Sure, looking back on it, those were the red-baiting times, and some of the conservatives of those days crawled out of sewers, just like today. They were conspiracy nuts. They were crazy. They were homicidal psychopaths who talked about preemptive first strikes.
But as best I remember, they only wanted to blow up the world, and weren’t perverts scheming to rape the bodies of the dead children lying in the smoking rubble.
@23 You’d almost be tempted to feel sorry for the guy if he wasn’t such a sociopath. It’s gotta be hard to fall asleep every night knowing even your wife and kids hope you won’t wake up the next morning.
@ 21
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, the VA’s benefits to you are:
• reproductive impotence
• urinary incontinence
• fecal incontinence
On the bright side, you didn’t have to pay for any of it.
The younger generations would not be considering socialism if the greed boomers and capitalism had not fucked them over so badly.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron @ 28
The younger generations would not be considering socialism if they were better educated about the eventual outcomes in historical socialist societies.
I bet you’re a big supporter of National Public Radio, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
Perhaps you were listening yesterday:
Venezuela’s Maduro Holds Firmly To Power — And Squeezes The Opposition
Feels the same about Jews too.
Nicely done.
You really can’t help yourself, can you?
“There is no socialism except Venezuela! NONE!”
Same tired claim, different day from Dumbfuck.
Another win for Putin.
US to move 11,900 troops out from Germany: Pentagon
These days Putin gets lots of those courtesy of the traitor Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron.
Gohmert went to an in person all staff meeting to announce his positive Covid test and told them all, in person, they needed to be tested before resuming work.
In person.
@27 “Heh.”
“Bill Barr will be tested after COVID-19 positive Louie Gohmert was ‘within arms length’”
@27 “Heh.”
Jake, thank you for letting our office know Louie tested positive for the Coronavirus. When you write your story, can you include the fact that Louie requires full staff to be in the office, including three interns, so that ‘we could be an example to America on how to open up safely.’ When probing the office, you might want to ask how often were people berated for wearing masks.
@23 Well, as NYC landlords, Fred and he did their bit to keep the coloreds in their place. And now he’s preznutz, he’s nationalizing the family redlining practices, in the same way he’s privatizing the national treasury. He believes in thinking big, and then bigger. It’s all of a piece.
@26 “you didn’t have to pay for any of it”
Doctor Dumbfuck thinks I don’t pay taxes.
Doctor Dumbfuck thinks I didn’t pay blood, sweat, and tears.
Doctor Dumbfuck thinks I don’t continue to pay every day in various ways for the war I fought in.
Doctor Dumbfuck is a dumbfuck. He keeps proving it. Every day.
What he’s not, I’d bet, is a U.S. Army war veteran.
Wondering if The Q Clearance Cat Lady knows Trump pulled out of Portland too.
I guess the TV images were not as “sexy” as Stephen Miller had promised.
Diamond and Silk are here to remind you that Vietnam’s dead and wounded are not worth worrying about.
For the record, and fwiw, a Vietnam veteran with a 100% VA disability rating gets for himself and spouse:
$3,279.22 per month, tax free, with COLAs (no income limit)
Free medical, dental, and vision care
Free burial plot and headstone
Widow’s pension benefit
Free vehicle license tabs
Handicapped parking placard
Free admission to national parks
Free admission, camping, and boat launch at state parks
I’ve heard that something like 3/4ths of surviving Vietnam vets are on VA disability now. Don’t know how accurate that is. I know at least one who isn’t. I know many who are through local veterans organizations. The numbers tend to balloon as they age, get sicker, and become unemployable.
We were treated like shit when we came home, but I have no complaints about how this country treats us now. We’re finally getting the recognition and respect we deserve. Long overdue, but better late than never.
Unfortunately, some people still don’t respect our veterans, and I guess never will; it doesn’t look like they’re ever going to come around. There’s always gonna be dumbfucks.
@38 The Invasion of Portland © was never intended to be more than a video shoot for forthcoming campaign ads. Mission accomplished.
@28 I’m a greedy capitalist, but I only steal from other boomers. The younger generations don’t have anything to steal.
@29 “The younger generations would not be considering socialism if they were better educated about the eventual outcomes in historical socialist societies.”
That may or may not be true, but they’re learning fast about the outcomes of greedy old farts like you electing Republicans.
@32 He has to forgive loans to get it, though.
Trading Europe’s security for dollars in his own pocket. They won’t be erecting statues of him on the other side of the pond.
@39 I didn’t know D & S were into that, but how would I know, when I pay no attention to them and barely know who they are? I guess that’s something I should be aware of, though, so I won’t get blindsided. Not that it makes any difference to who I’ll vote for in November, if there’s still a functioning post office to deliver my ballot then.
Biden will announce his veep pick next week, and I’ll be surprised if it isn’t Harris; no one else checks as many boxes.
But if she isn’t for some reason, then Duckworth and Bottoms appear to me the most expedient choices, although I don’t view either as a probable Biden successor.
Warren might move to a cabinet position next year, although I think she should stay in the Senate if Biden wins.
@ 40
I’ve heard that something like 3/4ths of surviving Vietnam vets are on VA disability now. Don’t know how accurate that is.
Bullshit. You know it’s a falsehood.
You might be conflating it with 3/4 of surviving Vietnam vets now receive care at the VA. Because they’re eligible. I don’t know how accurate that is, but I’d absolutely believe it, because it fits with their ages.
In this report from the National Veterans Foundation the percent of Vietnam veterans who applied for disability is less than 21%.
You are off by more than a factor of three, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
When you wrote the fraction 3/4, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, perhaps you were thinking instead that nearly 3/4 of GE’s share value has evaporated since you recommended the stock in October of 2017. Was that it?
@ 46
Imagine the HA reaction if I had written that sentence.
@ 42
Neither do you, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. You’ve told us.
@ 38
Wondering if The Q Clearance Cat Lady knows Trump pulled out of Portland too.
Tear gas will continue until behavior improves is how I interpret this. No idea why you interpret it to mean that the federal law enforcement forces have already departed.
What seems more likely is that the Oregon state police AND the DHS forces will be there for at least a couple of days, before the DHS forces begin to withdraw.
We’ll see.
The DHS Acting Director’s statement about Portland includes this;
Pretty clear that law enforcement will be expanded in Portland first, and when things improve, then there will be a federal drawdown of forces.
Biggest loser: QoS McHillbilly @ 38
Lemme guess. There won’t be a substantial release until after November 3rd.
Judicial Watch: FBI Capitulates on Andrew McCabe Text Messages After Adverse Federal Court Ruling
Missing from both Kate Brown’s announcement and Chad Wolf’s announcement:
Ted Wheeler.
Kate came closest with
This is what happens when a mayor makes himself irrelevant.
In Portland, OR the community leaders are not the elected officials.
Whatever the percentage, Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron don’t give a fuck about them. Nor do they give a fuck about those who are presently serving.
Exclusive: Trump never raised Russia’s Taliban bounties with Putin
I reckon there were more important things to talk about.
U.S. to pull 12,000 troops from Germany after Trump calls country ‘delinquent’
@47 “You know it’s a falsehood.”
No, I don’t know. Truth is, I can’t find a definitive number on the internet.
While you’ve linked to a reputable source, the VA report it’s based on is dated 2015, which means the data it’s based on is even older.
Moreover, it gives no numbers of how many Vietnam veterans have filed claims or were approved. What little it does say is ambiguous and unclear. For example:
“During the Gulf War in the 1990s, 21 percent of veterans who served filed disability claims, the number for Vietnam War veterans falls even lower.”
What does “During the Gulf War” mean? Does that refer to those who filed claims upon discharge, or include all who’ve filed claims to date? Does the “number for Vietnam War veterans” refers to those who filed claims upon discharge, or include the flood of recent claims in recent years as Congress and the VA added more compensable conditions (e.g., Agent Orange) and expanded eligibility?
Look up, sometime, what “I’ve heard” means. It doesn’t mean I’m vouching for the accuracy of the figure I threw out, which comes in part from anecdotal sources. I’m reasonably well-connected in the veteran community, so my sources include VA employees, veterans organizations and their service officers, and other veterans.
It could be off, but you’ve really offered nothing to counter it. The article you linked to suggests, at most, that Vietnam veterans didn’t apply for benefits in large numbers when they returned home from the war, which is consistent with everything I know. They didn’t trust the VA or government, horror stories about the VA (many of which were well founded) abounded, and they wanted only to get on with their lives. By and large, except for those severely injured in the war and disabled at the outset, Vietnam veterans have entered the VA disability system in increasing numbers in recent years as they’ve aged and partly as a result of Congress and the VA expanding eligibility and recognizing more compensable conditions. You can get a VA rating from having type 2 diabetes, and how many people in that age group don’t? PTSD, a compensable condition, is very prevalent among Vietnam veterans. For many, the benefits are now there for the asking. Virtually every active member of Seattle’s local Disabled American Veterans group is a Vietnam-era veteran.
If you have some inside information from your experiences as a doctor or other experiences, please feel free to share. Not limited to what you know; you can say what you’ve “heard” (if I can, you can; that’s only fair).
@48 I would’ve wondered where the sudden burst of sanity came from.
But you didn’t write that, and never would have, because you’re temperamentally incapable of posting an observation without heaping a trainload of intemperate editorializing baggage on it.
No surprise here that traitors like Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron piss on our Constitution.
New Pentagon training refers to protesters, journalists as ‘adversaries’
@49 “Neither do you, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.”
I’ve got more than a horse, and I don’t need to fuck it.
@50 “Tear gas will continue until behavior improves is how I interpret this.”
That’s always the conservative response when the victims of their racism and brutality rebel.
It’s that way in the sweatshops they run, too: “The whippings will continue until morale improves.”
@55 The last recipient of VA benefits based on Civil War service died a couple months ago, and there were around 2,000 World War 1 service widows as of 2014. These taxpayer obligations last a long time.
@58 I can remember when serving in the U.S. military was considered to be defending rights like free speech and press. Seems long ago.
@48 even a broken clock is right twice a day.
What about Amy? You forgot Amy? How about Hillary? Hillary for President!
Bob can thank Portland for taking his nose away from all the stench of 150,000 dead.
“I’ve got more than a horse, and I don’t need to fuck it.”
@59 you’re going to trigger him Rog.
He had his tail between his legs….but it now curled into his asshole like a corkscrew.
Al Roker talks racism, new book and Black Lives Matter
Hey look, one of Bob’s horses.
GOP Group Argues ‘Trump Stooge’ Susan Collins Must Leave Office In Searing Spot
@65 It’s not possible for me to trigger him, because he’s already permanently triggered. He’s a bump stock.
Chad’s been lying from the start, caught red handed, doubled down, and hasn’t looked back.
You two must be soul mates.
BORTAC has been removed entirely. The remaining militarized detachments that are part of LEGEND have been removed from downtown and are ginning it up poolside at the Marriot on the river. “Antifa” even know what rooms.*
Go back and read carefully. It’s true, they haven’t left Portland. But the secret van renditioning stopped almost as soon as the Gov and the state AG filed. And now the FPS are standing down as instructed. State Police have moved in to begin patrolling the area around the court (something BORTAC and the FPS were too afraid to do, what with all those moms and bare naked ladies).
Chad’s not even a good con artist and you fell for it.
Just like you fell for Trump.
*Publishing locations of hotels where federal officers are renting rooms does not violate 18 U.S.C. 119 because their hotel is not a “home address.”
I hope you “peaceful protest” people watched KOMO’s 4 pm news. Chief Best just blew some major holes in the peaceful protests meme. It seems some people bought some really big “firecrackers” to the “party.”
It’s what happens when it becomes undeniably clear that the PPB is neither capable nor willing to operate with normal civilian oversight.
SPD has probably escaped this debacle without too much budget shredding. Voters in Portland appear ready to start over from scratch. Doesn’t help that the incumbent Mayor is fighting for re-election, falling short of a majority only a week before George Floyd was sport-murdered by nihilistic white supremacist cops. Now the PPB may have to answer to a Socialist.
Molon labe? Don’t mind if I do!
Cat Lady, I know you keep telling yourself every time another DS like Tlaib or AOC moves up into power over you and other “diehard Trump supporters” that it’s “certain overreach” and that a huge reckoning is certain to come down the line in a voter backlash. But it’s those voters sending them to Congress and electing major city mayors.
The sad truth is it’s just you and your receding hairline losing more and more ground every day. You really have Trump to thank for that.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Race War & Make Crime Great Again Bombshell News – Demorat Hate Whites Project 1619 Report.
The 1619 Project’s fabrications commit a horrific injustice on American history. The project perpetuates dangerous myths about the country’s founding, and by painting its roots as structurally racist and oppressive, it stokes racial tensions.
Myth 1: The Revolution Was Fought to Uphold Slavery. On the contrary, objections to slavery featured prominently in colonial America.
Myth 2: Slavery Made America Rich. Economist Deirdre McCloskey has convincingly explained that it isn’t slavery that explains modern American economic growth rates, but innovation.
Myth 3: All White Americans Benefited (sic) Equally from Slavery. Less than 25 percent of Southerners owned slaves, with the majority possessing fewer than five.
Myth 4: Slavery Is a Uniquely American Sin. The Greeks, Romans, Arabs, and Africans all pioneered slavery long before Americans participated in it.
Myth 5: African Americans Fought Racism on Their Own. Innumerable white Americans were partners with black Americans in the war to topple slavery and, later, end Jim Crow and protect equal rights for all Americans. In the 18th century, for example, Dr. Benjamin Rush emerged as a forceful critic of slavery.
Myth 6: Systemic Racism Keeps Black Americans Down. The mantra of systemic racism is invoked to create enmity between blacks and whites. Indeed, leftist activists rarely refer to inequalities among black Americans or publicly ponder how the median annual income of Asian American adults is higher than that of their white contemporaries if the United States is a white supremacist society.
Myth 7: Slavery was a brutal institution that monetized unspeakable cruelty, torture, starvation, sickness, rape, and perversion. In truth most slaves were happy, well adjusted, volunteers and willing participants who regarded their servitude with gratitude and pride, more than willing to trade their labor for the opportunity to live a better life than any they could have had otherwise.
The captain who pushed for an investigation, John Whitney, would soon be out of a job. A former SWAT team commander with two master’s degrees, Whitney says he was forced out of the department after raising concerns about the badge-bending tradition and other misconduct.
Can you “reform” that?
I don’t think so.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Race War & Make Crime Great Again Bombshell News – Demorats Always Defend Blacks, Unless They Leave The Demorat Plantation, Then They Are Lying Crooks.
A Democratic lawyer is challenging Kanye West’s presidential petition signatures, threatening his place as an independent candidate on New Jersey’s ballot.
Scott Salmon, who ran for Congress in 2018, said that although West filed at least 500 signatures more than needed to get on the ballot, those signatures are “egregiously bad, almost to a degree insulting.” The signatures, he said, are missing required information and many appear to be written in the same hand.
Salmon said West’s petition signatures include dozens of people in a row whose handwriting looks similar, down to little circles over the letter I in their names.
“The odds that 30 people in a row from all over the state would have a little circle about the Is is a little hard to believe,” he said.
Salmon’s most high-profile client is Rep. Tom Malinowski (D-7th Dist.). He said he has nothing to do with the West petition challenge.
Anyone who has seen the original petition sheets turned in by West to New Jersey would be at least suspicious.
Entire pages with the same pen, same exact pen hand and style right down to the regrettable “circle dots” over the lowercase letter “i”.
Mr. West suffers pretty severe bi-polar disease and refuses his medication. It’s a tragedy, really. Because undoubtedly part of his creative inspiration as an artist comes from episodes of soaring ideation brought on by his disease. So it’s hard to say if he’d be better of medicated. But it’s not hard to say that America would be better off with a president who isn’t suffering from a debilitating mental illness.
Looks like the cancel culture is failing on stopping MyPillow. Just like CNN claimed the boycott against Goya Foods CEO Robert Unanue was hurting bidness, just the opposite occurred. His bidness is now BOOMING!
It’s time for another episode of Name That Party!
To be fair, if you watch the video segment, you’ll learn by catching a brief caption that she’s a Democrat.
We’ll see how much of an eagle-eye @ 77 QoS McHillbilly possesses when the falsified mail-in ballots supporting Democrats are challenged.
So far it seems he’s doin’ real good when it comes to disrespecting a black man who might take votes from Biden.
Dion Boyd, former 2nd District police commander, is dead at 57
I wonder if Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit is happier when a cop dies by suicide than he is if the cop is killed in the line of duty by a criminal.
And still I can’t see the Cat Lady’s invisible baby-cannibal dungeon.
@79 Yes, you can find a crooked Democrat if you turn over enough rocks, but it’s hard to walk in Washington D.C. without tripping over crooked Republicans at every step, with the biggest grifter of them all squatting in the big white house with porches and pillars at the end of Pennsylvania Avenue.
@80 The state where you live has had mail voting for 15 years, so you’ve had ample opportunity to hunt for “falsified mail-in ballots supporting Democrat” candidates.
What’ve you got? Let’s see ’em.
@81 You’re confusing me with someone else. I’m not the ghoul around here who celebrates deaths and dances on graves.
My sincere condolences to the community and his family while you salivate. Try to keep your spittle from dripping on the flag draped over the casket, please.
@82 It might be tough matching those fake signatures to his handwriting if he can’t spell “it”.
How about that Hump Stock market! Hump virus doing wonders for the GDP!
4 more years! 4 more years! 4 more year! USA! USA! USA!
But, buy, buy – Cramer the flamer.
Bob is a Doink. Forgets to post anything from the Party of Fuckwads and Criminals, better know as the GOPPERS.
Puddy’s relatives live in NYC, living in sin.
Let’s just say I Told You So!
Virus – how about that stock market
George Floyd morphed into Donovan La Bella so quickly I barely noticed.
To be fair, the entire Democrat party, not just a buncha waddling white liberals who have squeezed out a kid one or more times, has used George Floyd’s death to further agendas unrelated to #BLM.
Safe to go to school but not to vote.
My god Repukes are dumber than a bag of Bobs for putting up with this fuck.
Puddy is the Bag.
Justice RBG is back in the hospital. Last time it was to clean out the bile duct stent. This time it’s to replace it.
I haven’t seen a report describing the specific pancreatic location of her malignancy. The bile duct runs through the pancreas before emptying into the duodenum. There are any number of reasons that her stent could be problematic, but proximity to a growing tumor certainly is one of them.
I do not think she is very comfortable these days. Medications that would provide her comfort will not allow her to continue to serve.
Why let reality intrude on really good death-fapping session.
And speaking of conservative death-fapping, TrumPlague BEACH WEEK!!! reached a new milestone of a death per minute!
It’s incredible. Nobody’s ever seen anything like it before. It’s the greatest flu in the history of our country. We broke all the records. Everyone is amazed. They say it’s never been done before like this. It could have been small, really tiny. Not like it is. And we started in a hole because of the terrible job by Obama. They left us in a terrible place. But we surged back. It was the greatest deal ever. Thanks to me.
Trump suggests that due to the pandemic we really can’t get together to vote in person.
In response, Team Biden states that due to the pandemic we really can’t get together to debate.
Conservative media cockroaches in April:
“Biden’s unfounded accusation Thursday that President Trump wants to delay November’s election was not only clearly over the line but also unmasks how low the supposedly moderate Biden will go to win.”
“It is a conspiracy theory, and passing around the tinfoil hats is hardly a recommendation for vice president. The same is true for Democrats who ignore bizarre or untrue statements like this one from their presumptive nominee.”
“In the middle of a pandemic and a presidential campaign, no claim about President Trump’s use or potential abuse of power is too outlandish to print…”
Trump today:
“With Universal Mail-In Voting (not Absentee Voting, which is good), 2020 will be the most INACCURATE & FRAUDULENT Election in history. It will be a great embarrassment to the USA. Delay the Election until people can properly, securely and safely vote???”
Was it the Chad?
“I haven’t seen the tweet” might get them through today.
It won’t get them through Sunday.
And another weekend goes into the bag with Trump having done nothing to pull his party out of this nosedive but to make it worse.
Let us now recall with fondness that it was Republicans who named the Special Counsel and launched a formal independent criminal investigation into their own president’s election campaign.
The Q Clearance Cat Lady’s motto for the last four years: Hold my beer…
Portland Commissioner Chloe Eudaly said Tuesday the city is fining the federal government $500 every 15 minutes
Trump administration officials did not demand any concessions or pledges from Brown before they agreed officers would depart,
dummocretins will be dummocretins!
Great to see I live free in that small one celled mind!
Great to see I live free in that small one celled mind!
Yesterday we learned about the Badge of Honor in Vallejo.
Today it’s LAPD’s Swat Mafia:
We have a well established system already in place in order to produce “reforms” in people like these.
We call it prison.
That would be the yellowishleakingbuttspigot when it danced on Mike Webb’s grave long ago!
Can we also point out that House Democrats completed their stimulus homework waaaay back in May and sent a legislative package over to Moscow Mitch two months ago.
Third quarter growth that The Q Clearance Cat Lady was counting on? See ya!
Herman Cain has succumbed to
a hoaxCovid-19.Condolences to his family and friends.
According to the JAMA Cardiology study, nearly 80 percent of COVID patients have heart damage.
Herman Cain dead at 74 following a long battle with “comorbidities”.
It’s BEACH WEEK!!! Move along.
DC Circuit will hear Flynn En Banc Aug 11th.
A friend of assesHorse philosophy was caught at the Federal Courthouse stabbing a black man in Portland.
AssesHorse fools have no comment of a white man stabbing a black man of course.
AZ-06 News…
@109 Photo of Herman Cain and friends at Trump’s June 20 Tulsa rally. No masks, social distancing, worries or cares. All smiles, all good:
No photo yet of Herman Cain in open casket, but public viewing will be held shortly. Post condolences here:
I didn’t want this, and don’t wish it on anyone. What I wish is they would dig the wax out of their ears and listen to doctors and experts instead of Trump.
But that’s the real tragedy. They are all of them pouring out their lives for a worthless, incompetent, con artist. All any of us can do is warn them. And for many it is already too late. Like Trump himself, this all could have been avoided.
DC Circuit’s order on Flynn instructed the parties to be prepared to address whether there are not other adequate means to attain the relief desired,
Rao’s panel ruling ignored that question entirely.
Mandamus is supposed to be a writ of last resort. But however Sullivan might have ruled on DOJ’s motion, there were and still are other remedies available to both Flynn and DOJ. The order is routine. But the instruction can be seen as a direct rebuke to Rao for attempting to create a massive expansion of mandamus.
In the end, I honestly expect Sullivan to grant the motion. But even if he doesn’t, or if in doing so he issues orders Flynn or the govt are troubled by they can still appeal. This was grandstanding and Rao played right into it.
@102/103 if I didn’t live rent free in your mind then you’ll ignore me….but you can’t.
How are the gay relatives doing?
Strict constructionist and Constitutional Scholar Sen. Rand Paul R-NoGuidingPricipals
@117. He probably had to go find his brain that is stuck in his ass
@118 What do you expect from asking a doctor a legal question?
Kentucky needs to send Rand Paul packing. He’s an embarrassment.
You have got to admit it did the job of distracting everyone from the GDP and the complete collapse of GOP negotiations on stimulus.
As foreseen, we are moving into the middle of the third quarter with rapidly growing unemployment, eviction crisis looming, employers all forecasting more layoffs, and no recovery in sight before the election. The only thing left to decide is who will voters blame. Trump wants them to blame Moscow Mitch. And Rand Paul is a glibertardian deer caught in the headlights. Which is always what happens with glibertardians. They waive a copy of a contract to use the road even as they are bouncing off the grill of the truck that runs them down.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Race War & Make Crime Great Again Bombshell News – Demorats Predictably Attack Trump & Defend Their #1 Ally China In Senate Hearing.
China’s greatest defenders can be found in our own capitol. [E.g., Looney Joe Biden-Einstein;
You can always count on Democrats to embrace our enemies if the name of political convenience and power. Even if that enemy is a tyrannical nation guilty of attempting to subvert the United States and steal from its producers.
More specifically, these were California Senator Diane Feinstein’s words during a Senate Judiciary Committee meeting. See for yourself.
“We hold China as a potential trading partner, as a country that has pulled tens of millions of people out of poverty in a short period of time, and as a country growing into a respectable nation amongst other nations. I deeply believe that,” said Feinstein.
.@SenFeinstein: China is “growing into a respectable nation.”
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) July 30, 2020
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Race War & Make Crime Great Again Bombshell News – China Predictably Joins In Demorat Attacks On Trump.
Source: Global Times
The US Commerce Department announced on Thursday that the country’s GDP fell at an annual rate of 32.9 percent in the second quarter. In 2019, the GDP rose by 2.1 percent in the second quarter. On Wednesday, the US surpassed 150,000 recorded COVID-19 deaths.
The US’ problem is that it refuses to seek truth from facts. The Trump administration has been deceiving itself and others on two issues. First, it blames China for US failure in the COVID-19 fight, and believes that the Trump administration has done a good job and does not need to adjust its measures. Second, it believes restarting the economy can succeed without controlling the epidemic. It believes it can safeguard the country’s economy and stock market as long as it is determined.
The Trump administration always takes pride in things that it should feel ashamed of. People are wondering how it is going to boast about the 32.9 percent drop this time.
@122, 123 “China”, “China”, “China”, “China”…
I bet Putin fucks you in the ass every night after you’ve finished blowing him.
Fess up, fucktard. We all know it’s true.
@124 Putin’s horse has got to be in the middle of it too. We should ask Bob, he probably would know.
Acting Homeland Sec. Chad Wolf now caught red handed conducting surveillance and collecting intelligence on Trump’s domestic political opposition.
New low. Will not be surprised to see that foolish monstrosity of a department dissolved in the next four years.
But there will have to be some very uncomfortable investigations first. The corruption extends to the rank and file who have grown disturbingly accustomed to breaking the law with administrative approval. Good Germans I guess.
One good example: ICE has recently been caught operating black sites within the US for indefinite detainment without access to family/counsel/outside help of any kind for persons suspected of immigration violations. Literally secret administrative prisons with no habeas and no due process. At this point I’m not going to be shocked if we discover mass graves.
Like plague rats abandoning a burning ship.
Smart thing would be to call the exterminator.
He’d blow, heh, a gasket if he knew about Pork Sauce and Putin.
We kept quiet until we got the judges but….
Every Republican you know.
Former Texas state trooper Harvey Updike, 71, avid Alabama football fan to the end, has died after paying only $6,900 of the $800,000 restitution he owed for poisoning stately oak trees on the Auburn University campus because he was upset about the outcome of a football game.
We live in a country where cops kill stately oak trees for getting beaten in a football game, and people who kill stately oak trees over losing a football game get hired as cops.
We’ve all heard of the expression, “A one trick Pony”, right. I mean you’ve typically heard it come out from the hypocritical mouth of a Troll.
Well then, there are also Trolls that are “A Horse’s One Trick” – no need to remind everyone who is the biggest offender and horse lover around here. Some even have handfuls of gay relatives in NYC.
What do you expect from a descendant of a Neanderthal.
The Western Journal, previously known as Western Journalism, is an American conservative news and political website based in Phoenix, Arizona.
“We don’t know the details of why Blake David Hampe allegedly stabbed Drew Duncomb”
“If the allegations against Blake David Hampe are accurate, ”
“However, nothing has come out yet to definitively tie Hampe to an antifa group — or really, to give him any sort of motive.”
“Are we to assume….”|
That’s waffling weasel words at a trump level.
And let me go on the record for puddy. People should not be stabbed as a general rule, yet I think it’s justified in self defense.
Good morning Bob
Himmler tried to negotiate a surrender too.
Pretty typical Rapepublican move.
Welched out still owing $793,100. They should take it from the estate. Pull his fillings if they have to.
Triggered again!
Did the whitey stab the black man?
Why did other people who supposedly witnessed the attack held him down for authorities to deal with him?
Why did GAY guy Andy Ngo, known to be hated by antifa, attacked earlier this spring by antifa, film thearrest unrestricted by antifa thugs?
Why was he booked into jail with $250,000 bond?
Why didn’t his antifa brothers come to his aid if it was “self-defense”?
Why was there no stop his arrest demonstration?
Redreformed – TRIGGERED!
If you mean calling out a Karen on telling half-truths and fabrications and weasel words, okay triggered.
But to quote Princess Bride I don’t think triggered means what you think it means
Milkshake! Oh the humanity!
The truth about Ngo:
In short, he’s a professional troll seeking to monetize a YouTube channel and a twitter account by embedding himself with violent terrorist groups and helping them plan and coordinate riots and other violent attacks.
The group Ngo documents most closely and with whom he has worked for the last few years is Patriot Prayer, an ultra-nationalist right wing paramilitary that plans riots and attacks in the Portland area.
Here’s more on one of the cofounders:
Here’s the local law memo where we learned that the White Pride group Adams helped form and with whom Ngo works closely is monitored by the FBI as a local violent extremist group with ties to the larger US white nationalism movement:
Very fine people, etc.
Putty if you were a normal person you’d feel kind of embarrassed right now for posting a biased article from these grifters in fools
That assumes Puddy didn’t already know all these things about Ngo, and Patriot Prayer.
I’m pretty confident Puddy knew exactly what he was doing. And so did “God”.
Neither one is much concerned about “truth” or “justice”.
Just vengeance.
Another bomb from dot bombed.
Google “andy ngo brain damage youtube”
You may become
enlightened. Just realized from the filth you post that will never occur!raw story?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! No triggering here. Just as bad as Salon! Nope, that’s dummocretin propaganda. Years ago it was pretty good reading. Now it puts out dummocretin filth. Now Puddy sees where dot bombed gets its ideas from!
Puddy likes his websites better than the garbage you put forth!