Man. Fucking Edmonds, man. I don’t know what I can add to my last few posts about their homeless camping law. Except, fuck, now it’s the law. Fuck 5 of the City Council members. Fuck the cruelty. Fuck not building shelter, let alone enough housing. Man, and jail time if you don’t break up your family for an unsafe shelter in a different city. Keep shuffling people around like there isn’t a goddam pandemic still. Sorry, you have to choose between getting rid of your pet and going 30 miles away for one night’s shelter or rising 90 days in jail and a fine.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
Fuck not building shelter, let alone enough housing.
Hey, that’s what the Sounder train station is for. No trains at night, amirite?
In this photo he’s wearing Carhartt. If he also wears Ariat he gets my vote.
He’ll return as an ultra-MAGA. Come-to-Jesus moments do that to a guy.
Conor Lamb was the smart choice, libbies. Think on your sins.
When the best, most thoughtful, most well reasoned response you can muster in any argument is to threaten “flogging”* then you’ve lost.
The same goes for “Liberals must arm.”.
QoS McHillbilly at the end of the previous thread:
Polls in midterms are historically not good in all cycles.
They were pretty good in
When you have to go back two decades for evidence that your statement might have some accuracy to it, QoS McHillbilly, perhaps it’s your claim that is “not good”.
Same link as in @ 4, from QoS McHillbilly:
So what’s going on? Survey respondents are lying. And they are lying in ways that are simultaneously biased, and discomforting to researchers.
QoS McHillbilly, have you met my good friend David Goldstein?
QoS McHillbilly, what you left out from your two-item list was that it wasn’t just the party taking down one of its own with 1) oppo and 2) ad spending. Much more than that, it was blatantly juvenile and dishonest behavior by the candidate that took down said candidate.
It wasn’t the court system that took down Jussie Smollett. That POS took himself down. Same goes for Cawthorn – the POS did it to himself.
This wasn’t the Bradley Effect, QoS McHillbilly. There was a landslide of support loss as the political damage rapidly accumulated in the final two weeks. Not everything can be caught in a poll, especially when there is so much of it:
As the GOP grudgingly and nose-holdingly begins to support the winner of the GOP primary for governor in PA, and QoS McHillbilly rightfully points out that it’s a morally repugnant thing for the GOP to be doing, I’d like to remind y’all of this evergreen tweet from HA’s esteemed founder, written in 2016:
For the love god folks, please stop using the words “Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit ” and “investor” in the same sentence… unless the connecting words are “is not a competent”.
For the love god folks, please stop using the words “crypto” and “investment” in the same sentence… unless the connecting words are “is not a”.
Buying assets is not investing. 99% of what people think of as “investing” is actually speculation, rent-seeking, saving, or hoarding.
If proud liberals had continued to attack Hillary Clinton’s credibility during the period between Goldy’s @ 6 admonishment to cease doing so and the DNC convention shortly after, our nation would currently be in the second Bernie Sanders term.
Deep in recession and deep in debt with no realistic hope for recovery, but under President Sanders.
And the right to abortion would be codified.
Behold the next Donald Trump.
Texas toddler orders 31 McDonald’s cheeseburgers with mom’s phone
Self-satisfying behavior with parent’s money – Check.
McDonald’s – Check.
Photographed while wearing a diaper – Check.
Recently inserted himself into the vagina of a woman other than his wife – Check.
Misspelled simple words while texting – Probably.
Wow. That didn’t last long at all.
She was YLB’s heroine. You know how YLB is about heroes – it’s a really fuckin’ low bar she sets.
He’ll return as an ultra-MAGA.
“Expert Market Timer” speaks.
Vexed by high gasoline prices? Hey, no prob! Just spend 80 grand on an EV!
EV battery costs could spike 22% by 2026 as raw material shortages drag on
Mayor Pete will be the scapegoat for First Vegetable Joe Biden’s energy failures. Meanwhile, Cuomosexual G-clown continues to praise my imbecilic president, blind to the reality that the most widely recognized and competent gay politician in the United States is being taken down by the president’s stupidity.
I was surprised not to see a claim by Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit that “All is well!” when the market rose yesterday.
Might our resident Dumbfuck Rabbit now realize that we’re heading into a bear market and then into recession, and that he overcommitted to some stocks that have blown up in his face, and everyone knows by now that he’s a failure, and that the wisest decision he could make is to keep his fucking mouth shut for once?
Even so, the markets are tanking this morning. An analyst with JP Morgan says that the market is pricing in a 70% likelihood of near-term recession.
Change the president.
This comes in the wake of five solid years of breathless, open mouthed, Orange Throat-Yogurt gobbling while wearing a pleated orange skirt and holding aloft orange pom-poms.
Even Puddy gave up on Trump when it all became too much to hide from. Not Degen.
Never Degen.
He’ll return as an ultra-MAGA. Come-to-Jesus moments do that to a guy.
What was your come to Jesus moment that turned you into a treasonous fascist twat? Or were you always that way? I suspect the latter.
Think on your sins.
I intend to give you that opportunity before I blow your fucking head off with a .45 magnum. I’m quite generous that way.
The same goes for “Liberals must arm.”.
You keep forgetting that I’ve long owned a Detonics .45 magnum and that I believe fascist POS traitors like you deserve death, and that I know who you are and where you live. Your quite stupid that way.
@8 What a fucking idiot. If you hadn’t repeatedly voted for a raging orange wanna-be fascist dictator, your continued existence might not be in danger today. But you never thought about that, did you? And you still don’t think about it. That adds up to your being really fucking stupid.
Behold the next Donald Trump.
What, he’s going to grow up to be a wanna-be raging orange fascist dictator that you’ll vote for?
Only if you’re still alive. I don’t believe that’s going to happen and it won’t be because you died of old age.
continues to praise my imbecilic president
Says the dumbfuck clown who repeatedly voted for a raging orange wanna-be fascist dictator. Whatever, dumbfuck.
Change the president.
Like you did in 2020, you dumbfuck twat?
Had I been presented with a verified audio tape in which Hillary Clinton had bragged to a busload of complete strangers that she had gotten away with sexual assault for years I certainly would not have voted for her a few weeks later.
Had Hillary Clinton, during the campaign, ever bragged that through her election she would restore “Christianity” as the foundation of our government, called for the armed slaughter of “liberal pedophiles” conducting Satanic cannibalism rituals in an invisible pizza dungeon, or claimed that Jewish bankers had an election laser hidden behind the moon I’m pretty sure I would have quickly settled for Bernie as a write-in.
It isn’t as if Republicans don’t have alternatives to candidates like Mastriano. Republicans simply prefer candidates like Mastriano and Trump. That’s how the party has evolved.
This is who Republicans are.
RGA backs Mastriano. Sort of.
Mostly they criticized Shapiro.
Even Puddy
And Puddy is doing quite well today and has a new friend, Me.
Dumbfuck wanted me for a friend. He didn’t make the cut, but a black man did. For a racist, that must suck.
If the dumbfuck wants to suck more BBC, he can hust tell me and I’ll let Puddy know. He won’t let the dumbfuck suck his BBC because he’s married to a very beautiful woman, they’re very much in love, and he’d never let any man suck his BBC. But we’d both get a good laugh at the dumfuck’s expense.
@ 17
Your quite stupid that way.
You’re quite stupid this way, Steve.
And I don’t own a firearm made after the Civil War, which makes you oh-so-brave with your threat against my family and me, tough guy.
I bet that Buffalo shooter talked tough the same way. Steve.
Madison Cawthorn was big brother to a maga future that the degen troll strokes off to..
a future featuring the likes of violent and smirking maga teens..
the key bumps and “sexual get-togethers” are the heaven on earth to this degen fascist crowd.. heh.
pedo Gaetz plays daddy.. degen troll is limp, bald, grumpy bonzo fellating grandpa.. yawn…
To the guy who thinks China has a Hurricane Gun? Or the guy who thinks you can survive packed into an un-ventilated aircraft passenger deck filled with COVID by shoving a flashlight up your ass? Or the guy who thinks the Vice President should decide every election? Or the guy who thinks “trade wars are easy to win”? Or the guy who wants to buy Greenland? Or the guy who asked to send 10,000 US troops to silence political demonstrators outside his palace?
Smart people choose the best option. When they find themselves at the golden arches and the available options are limited (supply disruptions) and unpalatable, they smile and order water.
Degen proudly orders the all new Trump McDogShit sandwich and washes it down with the Filet-O’-Fish Milkshake™ (available for a limited time) because he has a coupon that is going to expire. Then he spends the rest of the road trip insisting that it was the finest meal he’s ever had, that he threw up because of your bad driving, and that he absolutely meant to shit his pants “because that’s what everybody does”.
This is what Republicans do.
Death to traitors.
@2 It’s much easier to evaluate candidates by how they dress. Requires less thinking by lazy minds like yours.
Trump thinks Google ‘has it out for him’ and is now blaming it for Truth Social’s own failures: report
And to think that the dumbfuck repeatedly voted for this stupid, vile, rapist POS. Why, you might ask? He was happy to sell out our country and try to end democracy in America and replace it with a authoritarian dictatorship for a fucking tax cut. Today, voting for more fascist dickwads and their suppression of minorities and turning our nation’s women into chattel is the sugar on top.
@3 If you don’t like “liberals must arm,” then how about “conservatives must disarm”? Either one works, just not at the same time.
@5 “Same goes for Cawthorn – the POS did it to himself.”
This list could be much longer than you chose to make it, except it would be largely aspirational, because most of the time being a POS doesn’t take a Republican down because Republican voters are POS, too. I could name one right now.
@6 “As the GOP grudgingly and nose-holdingly begins to support the winner of the GOP primary for governor in PA”
I didn’t see much grudging nose-holding when PA’s Republican voters voted for the worst candidate in the GOP primary field. He won the primary because they wanted him to, not for lack of less repulsive candidates to vote for. They voted for him because that’s what they are, too.
@7 “Buying assets is not investing. 99% of what people think of as ‘investing’ is actually speculation, rent-seeking, saving, or hoarding.”
Seems to me that’s what you’re doing, too.
@8 “Deep in recession and deep in debt with no realistic hope for recovery”
Sigh. After you reach your 13th birthday, and have been “investing” for longer than 6 months, you’ll realize all recessions end and the economy always recovers. The stock market does, too. It just takes a little life experience you don’t have yet for that to sink in. At your age, patience is a 5-minute timeframe. At my age, it’s a 5-year timeframe.
Dirty Dave in Pennsylvania appears to be calling for some kind of crazy, radical, socialist vote fraud here:
It’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever seen. The polls closed last night, but Dirty Dave McCormick wants the state to just keep right on counting ballots as if they can keep on voting forever (or until he wins, I guess). It’s crazy. And so corrupt, right? Seems like they just keep right on counting ballots until Dirty Dave McCormick says they can stop.
“Liberals must arm”
Roger, I believe many already have and that Republicans underestimate American liberal’s love of freedom much as their true leader Putin underestimated the courageous people of Ukraine.
Bring it on, Dumbfuck. You’ll be one of the first to die.
Same with Republicans like the dumbfuck.
Scientists have discovered that dolphins use the taste of urine to recognize their friends
They just can’t stop, can they?
Angry Kathy Barnette supporters allege the election was rigged
@13 Wow! The DJIA is back to its inflated February 2021 value. I’m devastated! (That it hasn’t gone down more. But if I’m patient, maybe I’ll get to buy cheap stocks again someday.)
Today’s decline put the finishing touches on wiping out all of my capital gains since January 1. All I’ve got to show for this year is my dividends. I assume it’s the same with you. The difference is my dividends aren’t zero.
And I still don’t have to work. I’m still a lazy, idle, unproductive millionaire capitalist living off the fat of the land. I still don’t believe this is a perfect system. I’m still unable to change it by myself, so I keep voting for people who at least want to make it a little fairer for the working classes by supporting unions, workplace safety laws, and making corporations and the rich pay more than zero taxes.
@14 I’ll take Bernie.
@16 Trump’s buddy would use an anti-aircraft gun. I’m not advocating that. I’m against all forms of political violence. I only believe in self-defense; for example, if a “Voting Integrity Agent” pulls a gun on a liberal in a voting line, the liberal is entitled to “stand his ground;” and if a “patriot” cocks his arm behind his head to throw a molotov cocktail through your window, you’re entitled to try to shoot it out of his hand.
@22 Mastriano won the primary by promising GOP voters to do at least two things that are blatantly unconstitutional: Refuse to certify legitimate electors, and erase the separation of church and state. If he wins in November, the ACLU and federal courts are going to be busy.
@24 “And I don’t own a firearm made after the Civil War”
In other words, your firearm technology is from the same era as your political ideology.
@35 Stop the count! Oh wait, that won’t work either, because he’s already ahead.
@36 This was my gun in Vietnam. Shooting it made my ears hurt. It makes a bigger hole than a Detonics .45, but isn’t as concealable. Then again, there’s no real need to hide what you’ve got, if you want to impress someone with your peaceable intentions.
A Republican Party Primary Winner:
With redistricting and the retirement of incumbent, NC-01 was rated competitive for Republicans in the current midterm cycle. With 95% of cast ballots counted the Democratic primary reports 67,267 votes cast, and the Republican primary reports 43,221 votes cast. With 42,498 votes, the Democratic primary winner Don Davis nearly wins the plurality of both party votes cast in the primary. Having won the majority in twelve of nineteen counties the Republican winner captured just 13,571 votes total. This is not what a competitive district primary race looks like.
There are others.
Primaries are poor predictors of general election results. It is understood that a number of significant confounding variables can skew turnout and expression of support. But again, this is an open seat in a district that was recently redrawn by a court with only a +5 Biden score based on how the precincts voted in the 2020 election.
Maybe Republicans are sleeping on these battleground House seats. Maybe that explains the low turnout. Maybe that explains how this crazy cat-lady won their primary. But allowing human piles of shit to win your local primaries in competitive districts is a really great way to ensure that the other team wins. I said Democrats would need help from Republicans to hold the House this year.
Don’t forget to thank them.
Thank you for doing that Roger.
I hope your ears are okay.
@36 This was my gun in Vietnam.
My best friend died there. “Friendly fire”, a 50 caliber machine gun fired from a Huey helicopter ripped his body to shreds. There never should have been an open casket service for him.
Two guys from my HS were awarded the MOH, one posthumously.
@47 My ears are not okay, but I get a disability check from the V.A. every month, and that’s okay. Here’s what a 100% disabled Vietnam veteran with spouse gets:
$3,517.84 per month, tax free, with COLAs
Free medical and dental for self and spouse
Free license tags for one vehicle (no light rail tax!)
Free use of federal and state parks
$30 monthly discount on broadband
10% discount on Home Depot and Lowes purchases
and after I kick the bucket:
Free cemetery plot and headstone
Widow’s pension of $1,742.94 per month
Free medical and dental for widow
Degen Bob rants about how I’m a poor provider. I provided for my future family when I enlisted, went to Vietnam, and incurred disabling medical conditions. I’m still alive, and will die knowing that I’ll still be providing for my family after I’m dead.
I don’t have to explain that to him. (And I’m not; I’m telling you.) I don’t go around calling myself a “patriot” to impress people. Don’t have to. I know what I did, and know what I am. I don’t have to justify myself to anyone, least of all a failed M.D. blowhard.
Elon outs himself, but we already knew.
If he goes through with buying Twitter, Democrats and liberals should close their accounts and leave.
Biggest loser: HA’s resident dumbest twat, YLB.
Yellen warns of global ‘stagflationary’ risk from gas, food prices
Bernanke used the term earlier this week and YLB scoffed. I wonder what she’ll scoff at now that First Vegetable Joe Biden’s own pick for Treasury Secretary has used it?
YLB thought that there had to be high inflation for the term to be used appropriately.
Of course, YLB, our dearest girlfriend, also thought that the election result of a state legislative race in Virginia somehow would have Cocaine Mitch quaking in his boots.
Such a dumb twat is she.
@51 Global, as in “not confined to the U.S.” … now explain why Biden is to blame for inflation in U.K., France, Germany, Japan, Australia, China.
If Tulsi cares more about inflation in Russia than Hawaii, that may help explain why she’s no longer represents Hawaii in Congress.
Rand Paul is fighting inflation by opposing sanctions on Russian oil and baby formula.
Why, this cannot be! It was such a short period of time ago that Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit claimed that the markets were just barely in correction territory and that it would be only for a brief instant before they snapped back to glorious millionaire-sustaining levels.
Dow drops 1,100 points for its biggest decline since 2020 as the sell-off this year on Wall Street intensifies
Why, that sounds like bear market talk to me.
Might our lauded Dumbfuck Rabbit have been……wrong?
@ 53
If Tulsi cares more about inflation in Russia than Hawaii, that may help explain why she’s no longer represents Hawaii in Congress.
Either that or she’s more worried about Putin’s nuclear trigger finger than she is about Maizie Hirono’s.
Less and less relevant each day is Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Is Degen predicting high unemployment again?
Because it sounds just like he’s predicting a big spike in unemployment again. And lately every time Degen predicts a big spike in unemployment he’s been wrong as fuck. Next month for sure?
Some consumers. Apparently.
$90 per pound. Hot Splurge Spring is here!
I’ll give away a little about myself. I was lucky enough to know Jon Rowley, the man who gave the world the Copper River King. And I can say with authority it’s more than mere hype. Jon defined the word intrepid. When it came to food he would go damn near anywhere in search of “the best”. But his secret sauce was also his encyclopedic and very direct personal relationship with food production, especially seafood, along with his enormous sense of value and respect for the people and places who produced it. The great quality of the Olympia oyster or the Copper River King had as much to do with Jon’s tranformative influence on the harvesting, handling, and preparation of great food as on locating the sources. If you’ve enjoyed a brilliantly fresh oyster on the half shell or a perfectly cooked wild caught salmon Jon probably had a lot to do with every part of it, even if it wasn’t Copper River or Shuksan.
I promise you, Jon would never pay $90 per pound for salmon. He wouldn’t have to, but that’s beside the point.
Not every part of this economy is explained by $90/lb fish. But for sure some of this is a demand side problem.
I know what I did, and know what I am.
You served our country well and I thank you for that.
Doctor Bozo the Bop Bag believes he should earn a medal for serving Russia by posting dumbfuck comments on a liberal blog.
Putin’s nuclear trigger finger
Looks to me like Doctor Bozo the Traitor Clown wants to suck Putin’s nuclear trigger finger. But he still wouldn’t give up sucking a black man’s BBC in a park toilet after paying the man $100 to suck on it.
Less and less relevant each day is Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
To who? Doctor Bozo, the less and less relevant Putin nuclear trigger finger sucking traitor clown?
Doctor Bozo, the less and less relevant Putin nuclear trigger finger sucking traitor clown will have a sad.
‘Pretty savvy’ DOJ just sidestepped legal battles that have slowed Jan. 6 committee’s probe: legal expert
I kind of doubt that Doctor Bozo, the less and less relevant Putin nuclear trigger finger sucking traitor clown is factoring into his dumbfuck taunts of a November end to American democracy the October imprisonment of half the Republicans in the House and Senate
I see Kevin McCarthy spent 10 minutes on the House floor today ranting against Peloton exercise bikes because “they don’t transport the user anywhere.”
Thank God for Raw Story, or we wouldn’t know about this.
@58 I remember eating Olympia oysters at Rosellini’s Four-Ten.
52)We’ll see gout effects Australia’s election, it’s in less than 48 hours. I still think the Liberal/National Coalition will pull it out, despite most polls saying otherwise. It’s the preference flows from inor parties to watch out for, especially in marginal swing seats.
The head of tge One Nation party, who opposed most anti-COVID measures, and promoted COVID conspiracy theories, has tested positive for COVID. Ironically caught in the last state to re-open borders.
Senile Vegetable George lets it slip …
Republicans Voted Against Expanding Access to Baby Formula
The republicans argues that the bills added to the problem and added undeserving low income WIC families to the babies stealing baby formula from the mouths of Real white republican American babies. Well off white babies are the real victim here. Lack of regulation caused the problem so republicans demanded even more regulations be removed to fix the problems.
Republicans are Forced Birth. Democrats are Pro Life.
They believe in democracy so much, the fucktards want make it easier for them to change state election outcomes.
Voter ‘subversion’: Trump Republicans push laws to make it easier to change elections, per report
DJIA now only 200 points higher than it was day-end January 20, 2021.
That’s an increase of about 0.7% in the 16 months of the First Vegetable Joe Biden administration.
CNBC headline right now:
S&P 500 falls again on Thursday, pushing the benchmark to the brink of a bear market
Biggest losers: Biden voters. They have nobody to blame but themselves. Although Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit will certainly try to blame others.
It’s easy enough to point out how utterly insane, and potentially criminal the Pennsylvania Republican governor nominee is.
But it’s also helpful and probably a lot more practical and useful to voters to describe precisely what he would do if elected, based upon the powers of that office.
Mastriano has said he would appoint a friend of his with no prior experience in election administration to run Pennsylvania elections. This is a friend who agrees with him still that Trump won in 2020 and who has spent the last year accompanying Mastriano in his journey through the courts losing fraudulent election challenges, and carrying out fake election “audits”.
Together the two propose to cancel all voter registrations in Pennsylvania immediately upon taking office in order to force all voters to renew their registration. They say they would do this so they can systematically challenge and prevent the registration of Black and Latino voters.
Mastriano would also use his statutory authority as governor to remove all automated voting equipment from polling places located in Black and Latino area in Pennsylvania in order to slow down voting, forcing those voters to wait in long lines at night in terrible weather to fill out manual paper ballots by hand.
Mastriano would use his authority as governor to shift state funding away from counties with high numbers of Black and Latino voters in order to force the closure of more polling places and to limit hours of operation.
Mastriano along with his hand-picked Secretary of State would intervene to withhold reporting of results from counties with large populations of Black and Latino voters until those results can be challenged in the courts and “audited” by his own hand-picked teams of election challengers.
If prevented from doing any of these things by any court or by the state legislature Mastriano would then instruct his hand-picked Secretary of State to refuse to certify the results of that election.
As governor in PA, by state statute, Mastriano would be legally empowered to do all of these things. And because he would have that power, and because he has promised to do these things, a large majority of Republican primary voters want him to be governor. It may be important in some ways to understand why and how Republican primary voters have shifted their attitudes in such overtly racist and undemocratic ways. But in the near term it is more important that they be stopped.
It can’t be overstated how important this will be to Republicans in this midterm. Given what Mastriano has promised to do, his election would represent a once-in-a-generation opportunity for older, white racists to disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of Black and Latino voters, and install their preferred candidates in every election going forward. Mastriano promises them institutional apartheid placing white voters above all other voters for as long as he could remain in power.
Sad though it may be, that promise will produce a huge turnout among those older white voters. It may also energize a bump in turnout among some younger, lower-income, less educated, white voters. Sold as “populism” this is an even more overt and blatantly racist appeal than Trump’s “Build the Wall”. Mastriano is promising to build an institutional wall between Black and Latino voters and the ballot. White voters will either rally to that promise, or recoil from it. But how much and to what extent some white voters recoil will ultimately depend on messaging and how Mastriano’s promises are conveyed and perceived.
Media will be very reluctant to describe these campaign pledges for what they are. They will bend over backwards to show “both sides”. And they will pretend credibility towards claims about “election integrity” and other code phrases used to implement bigotry into the election processes of Pennsylvania. So the burden to tell the truth will once again fall to Democrats.
It’s unlikely we will ever know the truth.
About gravity?
Flat earth?
A Republican voter speaks his mind.
Reality weeps.
72. Reminds of Alan Moore’s weeping gorilla who only speaks in bumper sticker platitudes.
Plain and simple. State control and ownership over the means of production and central committee planning. Thanks to Ron DeSantis.
DeSantis and his fellow COMMUNISTS will be going into special central committee session soon in order to fix their failing COMMUNIST enterprise, propping it back up with more funds stripped from PRODUCERS (Howard Roark?) because of their own incompetence and corruption.
Imagine a place where every family’s largest financial asset is completely underpinned by COMMUNISM. Vile, treasonous, profit stealing, COMMUNISTS!
It’s a Republican place, that’s for sure.
Interpret it as you will.
I interpret it as feigning ignorance and uncertainty to cover for malign intent.
Only the very stupid fall for it these days.
These heteros that are out gang banging and knifing each other and assaulting people are all a bunch of pussies.
Bunch of Neanderthal fucks.
This is from an old thread. I didn’t have time to comment on it before but I wanted to.
God Bless Elijah.
Elijah, I think the answer to your question is right within the question……Answer – because it is a white male hetero dominated society. White Privilege’s!! Hetero Privelage!
Racists will not overtake Us! Start the chant.
And in that same thread – there is this beauty from a link that Steve provided.
I think it’s pretty easy to see the correlation to the Straights being more violent people.
God Bless Liberals and Gays!
@ 72, 73, 76, 77
Biden truly won PA, MI, WI.
Biden is my president and I believe he truly won 270+ EVs.
Interpret it as you will.
Decades from now, there are some 2020 states that will be talked about in the way that Illinois 1960 is discussed.
Nixon made a proper choice, and made it right away.
So did Al Gore, for that matter, once he was out of time and lost 7-2 when his case was heard by SCOTUS.
@70 “DJIA now only 200 points higher than it was day-end January 20, 2021.”
How tragic. You’ve only earned dividends for the last 16 months. I can live with it. How about you?
@75 “Homeowners insurance rates in Florida are currently nearly double the national average.”
Sea Level Rise
Am I missing any?
@80 Keep that up and I’ll begin to believe you’re not a Republican anymore, because Republicans get expelled from the Party if they post stuff like that online and get found out.
Hey, y’all, remember when candidate Joe Biden promised he’d shut down the virus?
COVID cases rise in almost every state
Those would be blue states, motherfuckers.
Those are red states, motherfuckers.
As my two month-old grandson battles COVID-19 and his ill, thrice-vaxxed mother worries that her milk production will decline and that formula might not be available (thrice-vaxxed dad and toddler are recovering, thankfully), I’d just like to thank my imbecile president for all of the broken promises, his policy missteps, and most of all for his lack of concern about the consequences of his decisions. He’s everything I expect from a Democrat.
@71 I wonder how the Amish feel about the Christian Nationalism regime Mastriano would impose on Pennsylvania. Amish don’t normally vote (too worldly), but they might this time.
@85 “Hey, y’all, remember when candidate Joe Biden promised he’d shut down the virus?”
Why don’t you give us a link where he says that, if you have one?
GOP Sentencing Guidelines for White Defendants
Voting your dead mother’s ballot: $500 fine and probation
Rioting inside the U.S. Capitol: $500 fine and probation
GOP Sentencing Guidelines for Black Defendants
Voting a provisional ballot that wasn’t counted: 5 years in prison
Rioting inside the U.S. Capitol: No known defendants
I’ll save Dumbfuck the effort:
near @1:36
He said it. Now if only team R would get on board and go all in to actually make it happen.
This isn’t really about Biden failing, it is about the people that refuse to get on board and do what it takes to shut it down.
@80 Keep that up and I’ll begin to believe you’re not a Republican anymore
He’s just trying to avoid the hangman’s noose. It won’t work. He deserves to hang for his sins.
@ 87
Why don’t you give us a link where he says that, if you have one?
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, here’s your link, asshole:
Every commenter on this site knows he said it, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. By playing ignorant you gave me a reason to drop the proof.
You embarrass the memory of SeattleJew with everything you do, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Hell, I’d want to see him hung just for being a low IQ asswipe.
@ 92
And you’d want my grandson to die, just for good measure. Maybe you could use your precious .45 on him once you’re done using it on me, just in case he ends up recovering. Steve.
Headline du jour:
Biden’s Hispanic approval ratings plummets to 26% in new poll
Biden approval rating among Hispanics was at 55% last year
Illegal aliens threaten the hard-won economic gains of immigrants who did it right. Hispanic voters aren’t stupid.
At this rate Sonia Sotomayor will be wearing a DeSantis button at the start of the 2024 Fall term.
Who else has Steve threatened to murder with a handgun?
@91 “By playing ignorant you gave me a reason to drop the proof.”
Most of us provide proof when we make assertions, and don’t have to be pushed to do it.
When a blog commenter threatens to shoot another blog commenter, as Steve has done, the proper response is to:
A. Notify the police and bring receipts.
B. Notify the moderator(s) about TOS violations and request that the offender be banned, suspended, or at least called out publicly as has been done in the past for much less specific incitement to violence on this blog.
C. Mock the offender for demonstrating such obvious behavioral proof that he has been thoroughly broken by Donald Trump and is left with nothing else except to threaten violence upon people with whom he disagrees.
D. All of the above.
My bad re @ 97C. It turns out there’s no blog policy prohibiting the threat of homicide by one commenter against another.
There might be a need for some sound legal advice from QoS McHillbilly here. Or let Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit offer his advice and do the opposite of what he recommends.
his ill, thrice-vaxxed mother worries that her milk production will decline and that formula might not be available
Next we’ll hear something ’bout “eyepatch mccain”…
But that would take just a bit more effort than blaming Joe.
blue states are densely populated.. red states not so much.. wow. who’d thunk pissing kontests over who’s more klownservatic would aid in distancing? if they’re so full of hate and resentment so that they can’t stand one another, who can get sick?
I haven’t gotten sick once since this mess started. No cold. No flu.. Nothing. Neither has anyone in my family.. We mask, distance, vax, avoid crowds in enclosed places. Has worked so far.
Not perceived by any reasonable person as a credible true threat.
It is protected.
It hurts his delicate, fragile feels.
Degen can cure that injury by leaving.
For those who do not know, Steve possesses a .45 handgun and, I assume, knows how to fire it with some accuracy.
Seattle liberals, how do you feel about firearms and the threatened homicidal use thereof?
Steve’s fave actress is Sondra Locke, may she rest in peace.
Heh. Degen mocks liberals who are armed and who think all liberals should do the same..
just like… hmmm… klownservaturds perhaps???
Degen fucked around and found out..
Seattle liberals, how do you feel about firearms
Klownservaturds say we have a right to be our own regulated militia..
As long as they babble their eliminationist rhetoric, liberals had better seriously contemplate defending themselves..
You’re kidding yourself if you believe the eliminationists are not serious about acting on their fantasies.
@ 99
I haven’t gotten sick once since this mess started. No cold. No flu.. Nothing. Neither has anyone in my family.. We mask, distance, vax, avoid crowds in enclosed places. Has worked so far.
Not the same, girlfriend, as telling us you haven’t been infected. You have no fucking idea if the mask worked.
HA’s dumbest twat wishes to add the title of Queen of the Anecdote.
YLB’s spew is almost as idiotic as the claim Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit once made that one need only look out the window to see that the globe is warming.
HA has gone from I-Witness Meteorology to YLB’s I-Witness Public Health.
Silly twat.
Expression is protected.
Attention is not.
Leave. Now.
Go find some other place to perform, and seek out whatever it is you think you obtain by coming here. Or stop altogether.
It’s your choice.
It certainly seems like you’d be happier spending more of your time masturbating. These episodes of pulling your pants up, putting your soft junk away, cranking up the Colecovision, logging into your AOL account, fighting through the bombardment of ad copy, to find your way to HA nearly every day is cutting way down on your important “you” time. Take care of yourself first.
Go away.
You are not entitled to attention. You are not entitled to protected safe spaces for trolling. That isn’t how anything works. This doesn’t belong to you. It belongs to Goldy. He can do whatever the fuck he likes with it. If that makes you “uncomfortable” then go the fuck away, princess. Build your own blog. Pay the hosting fees. And make whatever fucking rules you like. Stop being a petty bitch.
You have no fucking idea if the mask worked.
Hmmm.. I remember one time when widbee shithead thought masking was a reasonable way to go about avoiding getting sick..
Care for a link?
So I’m infected huh? I’m a shedder… Wow, the wife and the two kids – who haven’t gotten sick either..
We’re 4 for 4 shedders… who haven’t gotten sick.. even with a fucking cold..
Heh.. great call there degen..
Cheap ass construction materials and standards that can’t stand up to the wind of DeFuckface’s farts.
Oh don’t forget deferment of maintenance and upkeep where your building or bridge collapses or the water leaks through the blue tarp on the roof.
I doubt anyone ever caught COVID in a Library, especially with use of a masks.
How could one ever think that Dumbfucks would refuse a vaccine or not want to be responsible and accountable and where a mask……. yeah, he should have known better that there would be saboteurs.
At least the guy didn’t go around calling it the flu.
God Bless President Biden. Thank You President Biden!
@ 108
Sea Level Rise
Am I missing any?
Why, yes. AIDS.
Times are hard.
The going gets rocky.
So what can any modern “conservative” do but turn his lonely eyes to COMMUNISM.
Why should poor Howard Roark be compelled to subsidize the South Florida real estate industry? Didn’t he give enough money to the Trump inauguration fund?
When Republicans tell you precisely who they are, believe them.
The idea that today’s COVID problem is equivalent to COVID under the fuckHomos time is Dumbfuckery.
Today, the vaccine, if you’re willing to take it, prevents severe medical adversity.
You can’t help those that don’t want to help themselves nor will the west a mask.
I personally would criticize CT democratic governor for not issuing mask mandates. Biden can’t do it all alone.
Nor is congress going to pass, because of Refucklicans oppose it, but more money to deal with it.
Besides people truly don’t give a shit about it anymore. The only person that does are political people and Dumbfuck Bob.
Bob, if Dems are in such trouble in the midterms, why are you concerned with all this shit? It’s a shoe in. And when it happens the Country will be one big fucked up place even more!
@111 hahaha, easy boy, you’ll need a straight jacket soon
And you’d want my grandson to die, just for good measure.
If he’s an adult traitor, he should hang too.
You and the rest of Republicans are on track to steal more elections, turn back the clock and make blacks slaves again, turn women into chattel, are inspiring mass shootings, and are planning to have a constitutional convention with 28 of the 34 states you need to dump all constitutional amendments except 2A.
You’ve show no contrition or acknowledgement that any of this is wrong. Until you do offer that, and do it every fucking day for the next six years along with an apology to each of us for your fucking sins, I can see no fucking reason whatsoever to grant a POS traitor like you any mercy at all. None. If your cold civil war turns hot, you will be in danger. Do you fucking understand where I’m coming from yet?
Grandson? What’s that? 1/4 horse, 3/4 dumbfuck?
Go to Hell, you fucking traitor.
Climate change – it’s a beautiful thing!
He needs attention. Bob how about a seat with me at a Yankees game?
He needs attention. Bob how about a seat with me at a Yankees game?
@111 hahaha, easy boy, you’ll need a straight jacket soon
LMFAO. You’re a very funny man, Gman. God bless you.
@101 Yes, well, Steve gets carried away sometimes, like many of your friends.
“Hang Mike Pence!”
“cival war”
What’s different is your friends mean it, and act on it.
@101 “knows how to fire it with some accuracy”
In light of the hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of MAGA revolutionaries who are armed to the teeth, and have openly stated their intention of physically exterminating liberals, if a liberal decides to arm himself for self-defense, then learning how to “fire it with some accuracy” seems like a wise move.
However, I cannot recommend a “some accuracy” level of accuracy. For a firearm to be effective for self-defense, and also to prevent collateral damage, it’s essential to fire it with precise accuracy.
@101 Yes, well, Steve gets carried away sometimes, like many of your friends.
Yes, indeed I do. Somebody’s gotta do it. Why not me?
@97 It would seem the HA TOS …
“It may be hard to believe from the vile nature of the threads, but yes, we have a commenting policy. Comments containing libel, copyright violations, spam, blatant sock puppetry, and deliberate off-topic trolling are all strictly prohibited, and may be deleted on an entirely arbitrary, sporadic, and selective basis. And repeat offenders may be banned! This is my blog. Life isn’t fair.”
… don’t cover your specific complaint.
However, you can take warm comfort from knowing these comments will not be posted on Handbill.US. In fact, no comments are posted on Handbill.US, because the editor is dead. Therefore, you don’t have to put up with it on that more civilized blog.
Jan. 6 committee says it has evidence that ‘directly contradicts’ GOP denials of ‘reconnaissance tours’
In my coffee-fueled tirade, I forgot to include the violent 1/6 insurrection by dumbfuck’s cosplaying grandmothers intended to stop the peaceful transfer of power in order to keep his raging orange man-baby in power. My bad.
Interestingly, Doctor Dumbfuck rants against the more civilized blog and says I should “sunset” it, while spending a lot of time hanging out on the less civilized one, where he’s subjected to every imaginable kind of abuse. I wonder if that’s some form of self-flagellation?
For the love god folks, please stop using the words “Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit ” and “investor” in the same sentence…
As far as dumbfuck stupidity goes, that one is really dumbfuck stupid. And to think that he believes he’s being clever. That’s dumbfuck stupidity too.
Maybe the violent Republican rhetoric is contagious? Has anyone investigated that? We know that GOP ideology contributes to violent extremism.
Maybe everybody should tone down the rhetoric. I don’t think unilateral disarmament is a good idea though, although it’s a lot safer for them than us.
@125 The only evidence of investing prowess he’s provided us is his stated hatred of dividends.
@101. I try to tolerate everyone except for the intolerant. You troll, are very intolerant.
“Greedy racist incel, fuck around and find out.”
I hope Steve scares the hell out of you.
After all, that is what you want in a society, just not aimed at you. You whine like a little bitch when you are the target. Ovary up dude.
Just in time for COVID HOT SUMMER II, coming soon to a GOP inbox near you!
Is blaming Joe for everything…
the new “that’s Bill Clinton’s fault”??
funny how things go in cycles in degenland…
Mike Lindell and his lawyers get sanctioned by a Trump judge. Heh.
“Capitol rioter who sat in Pence’s seat on Jan. 6 faces prison sentence after pleading to felony obstruction.”
DOJ is seeking 51-63 months, but Secor’s lawyers are arguing for 21-27 months.
That’s about the same as a typical Vietnam draftee had to serve, with the same lousy food, but without the veteran’s benefits after release.
Herschel Walker “forgot” to report $3.2 million of 2021 income in his candidate reports.
@133. I expect he will suffer no repercussions for cheating, because he’s republican.
We know that GOP ideology contributes to violent extremism.
I believe it to be their intent, part of their game plan to end democracy in America, and they are presently executing that plan in many arenas, including judicial.
They are winning. They play dirty and break the rules. What are we going to do about that? Play nice and accept the loss as gentlemen when what’s at stake is our democracy and our freedom, perhaps even the lives of those who yearn to live free?
They would have this man or the junior-MAGA midget from Florida installed as our dictator, our dear Fuhrer.
Michigan election chief: Trump suggested I be arrested for treason and executed
Liberals must arm.
Mike Lindell and his lawyers get sanctioned by a Trump judge. Heh.
God bless Raw Story.
The famous four “D”s of stochastic terrorism are: Demonize, Dehumanize, Desensitize, and Deny.
1.) A public figure with access to the airwaves or pulpit demonizes a person or group of persons.
2.) With repetition, the targeted person or group is gradually dehumanized, depicted as loathsome and dangerous—arousing a combustible combination of fear and moral disgust.
3.) Violent images and metaphors, jokes about violence, analogies to past “purges” against reviled groups, use of righteous religious language—all of these typically stop just short of an explicit call to arms.
4.) When violence erupts, the public figures who have incited the violence condemn it—claiming no one could possibly have foreseen the “tragedy.”
In every instance, including most recently, local and federal law enforcement had warnings that such an attack was imminent.
These aren’t petty snowflakes getting “milkshaked”. These are real terrorist attacks involving mass casualties and deaths targeted specifically in order to produce a political outcome or message and set in motion by the violent rhetoric and messaging of modern “conservatives”.
It’s not new. It’s just a lot more frequent.
As we engage in informal conversation here and I use “treason” in the colloquial sense, not the literal, it doesn’t mean that I’d mind if treasonous fascist leaders and their dumbfuck fascist supporters like our troll were all executed for their fucking treason. Whidbey, our state and the entire nation would all be better for it.
Now this doesn’t mean I wouldn’t be open to discussing less severe punishment, say like throwing all of the dumbuck traitors into Walmart FEMA camps without food or water.
Kind of like Hunger Games, only the winners go to prison for life.
Here you go Bob, just friendly conversation going on here, maybe leave if you can’t condemn this shit. Keep you mouth shut like you have done.
Your Fault. You are not a victim
Now, a stupid dumbfuck might protest to me that his raging orange man-baby only suggested that an election official be arrested for treason and executed. Before shooting him in his crotch, I’d reply it’s not difficult to imagine that as the nation’s newly installed beloved Fuhrer, as the stupid dumbfuck wants, that what were once suggestions would likely become orders. Before pulling the trigger, I would also note that there was no mention of a trial.
There will be no repercussion for the cheating (almost all of them do it), the repercussion will for being caught.
They will just pay some fine in a kangaroo court and be mocked at the next blow and hooker party and be forced to go last.
Yellen warns of global ‘stagflationary’
Biggest dumbshit: widbee degen kreepshit..
Notice the world “GLOBAL” – i.e. can’t blame it on Joe… can’t blame it on drumpf for that matter..
Well maybe one percent can divided between them with some bias towards all the fucking CARES fraud… yawwwnnn..
thanks for playing kreepshit.. send my love to Mary Kay..
So much for
Joe’sPowell’s money printing…
Like Zeihan pointed out.. it hardly fucking matters..
So much for Joe scapegoating “the fag” for the supply chain disruptions:
“Despite challenges, there are signs of progress in our goods movement chain. The total number of container ships waiting for berths at U.S. ports has dropped by 47 percent since peaking in early February, even as containerized imports increased sharply in March for most U.S. ports,” the task force said in a press release. “The Ports of Los Angeles, Long Beach, and New York/New Jersey, collectively the top 3 for container volume to the U.S., imported 260,000 more containers in March versus February—a 12 percent increase and the all-time highest month for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.”
No worries kreepshit.. your beloved SCOTUS will bring back sodomy laws..
I don’t remember if somebody already posted about this, but the viral story of the day is a pro-lifer testifying before friendly Republicans in Congress that our cities are lighted by burning aborted fetuses in power plants to produce electricity. The saddest part is there are people who believe this stupid shit.
our cities are lighted by burning aborted fetuses in power plants to produce electricity
Didn’t you know that? Out here I have a fetus fireplace and I burn fetuses all winter long. Fetuses are cheap,, especially the fresh ones which have to be dried out before they burn, so I always leave a few on top of the fireplace The fetus fireplace saves me a lot of money on electricity bills. Fetuses burning in the fireplace won’t light a bulb, but there’s certainly a nice warm glow in the living room.
I thought you were talking about some kind of fucking parody or something. I obviously fucked up and underestimated these people. She doesn’t believe that shit.
Strikes me that somebody somewhere is writing the script and she’s another person playing a role. It’s all a show to play the rubes until they….well, whatever they’re intended to do.
Spread the word. Liberals must arm.
Now for some good news! Oh. Sorry.
Bad news for the 2022 hurricane season: The Loop Current, a fueler of monster storms, is looking a lot like it did in 2005, the year of Katrina
@148 That’s not all.
“Extreme temperatures and ongoing drought could cause the power grid to buckle across vast areas of the country this summer, potentially leading to electricity shortages and blackouts, a US power grid regulator said Wednesday.”
Power grids going down, insurance rates going up, fires, tornadoes, hurricanes, drought, this is the decade where mam made climate change becomes obvious.
It has been obvious for years. Some choose to ignore it, some choose to deny it.