The days of me working from home and forgetting to put one of these up are almost back but not quite!
So, please wash your hands right now. And if you aren’t vaccinated, please get vaccinated. If you aren’t boosted, please get boosted.
by Carl Ballard — ,
When you watch Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee questioning KBJ, just remember that 1 in 8 men polled at random believe they could score a point against Serena Williams in a game of tennis.
Biggest payoff from the Trump smear machine so far:
Since last June McKenzie Scott has given away $3.9 billion to non-profits including a record $275 million to Planned Parenthood.
You can buy a fucking truckload of Mifepristone with $275 million.
1)At least the ones questioning her about being a public defender, they don’t seem to understand, if she had defended clients the way they wanted, it’s a good way to not be a lawyer anymore. Bet they won’t like Bridge of Spies and American Traitor.Definitely wouldn’t like John Adams.
If thomas dies I am expecting republicans to pull a terry shivo and keep his corpse on life support until there is a Republican president.
I don’t really think it’s a question of how Republicans “want” to see the criminally accused defended.
This is merely about a nakedly performative attempt to score political points against the opposing political party and the President. The Republican’s partisan shots are little more than mean tweets filled with lies and distortions and dressed up with a fake veneer of respectability they don’t deserve.
It’s a circus. They are clowns.
They’d have to keep his corpse on machines until they next control the Senate, which could be a long ways off if they are holding open a court seat. Otherwise Dems in control of the Senate would simply refuse to take up a Republican nomination.
That’s the key impact of what Mitch McConnell did by refusing to consider Gorsuch and then pushing through ACB. He taught voters the principle that the party who controls the Senate majority chooses the federal judiciary – not the President. It’s why they lost Arizona and Georgia.
It could be a long wait.
Not only that but I think a lot of them simply like seeing themselves on the teevee.
Reports are that the entire passenger cabin erupted in applause.
@6 You mean Garland, don’t you? Not Gorsuch?
The timeline for Thomas’ release from hospital is starting to look like Putin’s timeline for capitulation of Kyiv. In both cases, the original “day or two” has been revised to “TBA.”
Sorry. My bad.
Yes, Garland of course.
Obviously wrath of God:
Heh.. Just watched hee hawley split fine legal hairs over sentencing of kiddie porn offenders.. uhhh.. I’m being generous, the asshole was playing gotcha.. something it said it wouldn’t do.
kbj: uhhh.. hee hawley, I’ve answered the same fucking question to each klownservatic on this committee… look at the fucking transcript dumbass…
After teh buzzer rang on hee hawley, kankun khruzz tried to sneak in a letter from 10 klownservatics…
out of order kankun ted.. rules are rules.. go fuck yourself…
Shooting self in foot: “Russian President Vladimir Putin said Wednesday that Russia will insist that ‘unfriendly countries’ pay for Russian natural gas exports only in rubles going forward ….”
uhhhh. these klownservatics on the judiciary committee are drilling kbj on kiddie porn and gitmo detainees..
didn’t dimfuk bleat something about immigration??
watching kotton.. ends its bs questioning w/ a cheap shot.. what a slime..
When your eyes finally connect with the other Black employee after a racist tirade during a work meeting.
@16 hahaha. Corey Booker!!!!
What she should have said….
Senator Republican M Butthurt: “You called them war criminals. ”
Honorable Judge Jackson. “I said they did war crimes.”
Senator Republican M Butthurt: “Same thing.”
Honorable Judge Jackson. “No, it’s the difference between saying “You are a stupid person” and “You have done stupid things.”
@18 Dubya and his minions did commit war crimes, so she might as well come right out and say it. None of those Republican hypocrites will vote for her anyway.
The Russians’ casualty report probably is accurate, as far as it goes. They can’t count the ones they leave on the battlefield.
@18 wow, good for her. Fucking stupid Tepukes. Put them in their place, bunch of POS assholes.
I’m sure we all heard about the couple that dropped off their dog at a local shelter because they thought the dog was gay.
Well I hope Bob isn’t having the same troubles with the horse or vice versa maybe the horse is having the same troubles with Bob.
Got a good chuckle out of deathfrog bragging about making $65k a year.
@22 If your dog is trying to hump your leg, it means he loves you.
@24 Thanks for posting.
Mo Brooks says Trump asked him to ‘immediately’ remove Biden from office and illegally hold a new presidential election
Why are they not in prison yet? Why does half the country still support republicans?
@23 restrict your popping off…
to your popgun.. in AZ little maxwhipple…
Jalisco NG will find something more humiliating for you than a shithouse window. heh..
I’m pretty sure the male in the couple was probably having sex with the dog, so naturally the dog just wanted to hump everything. The female of the couple probably got suspicious and the male of the couple probably realized his mate caught on, so they both for their own reasons wanted to get rid of it.
@28 A randy dog I could handle, but we’d better stay the hell away from Doctor Dumbfuck’s horse.
Still incommunicado: “The Supreme Court declined to say Wednesday whether 73-year-old Justice Clarence Thomas remains in the hospital, though he had been expected to be released by Tuesday evening.”
Today’s Darwin honoree is …
“The 48-year-old man [who] was attempting to parachute from the 23-story Palisade UTC luxury apartment complex, near the UTC mall ….”
@ 1
…just remember that 1 in 8 men polled at random believe they could score a point against Serena Williams in a game of tennis.
While you’re deciding whether or not QoS McHillbilly is full of shit, just remember that the poll he cited was one of British men.
Attorneys, you see, are born as fucking assholes, and as such it’s quite natural that they gravitate to the dishonesty of the legal profession.
For the record:
Probs about the time the poll was taken.
A bloke (see what I did there?) might win as many as two points in a match with Serena Williams, if she were to serve with similar accuracy. Doesn’t mean the bloke earned those points. It’s a concept similar to YLB’s monthly income, really, in that it’s money in her purse, but it doesn’t mean she earned it.
About what Dan Price makes.
He seems to manage.
Glad to see I was able to send the Degen off to bed in a fury last night.
Here’s something infuriating he can wake up to:
Updated this morning, Gini Thomas continues to direct the Court to maintain silence out of respect to her gravely ill husband. There has been no further information from the Court since last Sunday night. And on Wednesday the Court refused to give any further information on Thomas’ condition. As of this morning it appears that Thomas continues to be hospitalized at Sibley Memorial Hospital. And Thomas will be unable to take part in a fourth straight day of oral arguments.
@ 35
Updated this morning, Gini Thomas continues to direct the Court to maintain silence out of respect to her gravely ill husband. There has been no further information from the Court since last Sunday night. And on Wednesday the Court refused to give any further information on Thomas’ condition. As of this morning it appears that Thomas continues to be hospitalized at Sibley Memorial Hospital. And Thomas will be unable to take part in a fourth straight day of oral arguments.
Nothing about this is incorrect. Snark aside, I think what you think.
More than a couple of Trumpaloompa members of Senate Judiciary seem to think so as well.
If no word by today’s session then Senator Raphael Cancun might have to leap across the dais to get the adjournment and delay he was seeking yesterday. I’m expecting the Chair will issue some words of warning at the start of today’s proceedings.
Violent gun criminal Herschel Walker and discredited vaccine denier and peddler of dangerous quack cures Mehmet Oz have both been removed from the President’s Council on Sports Fitness and Nutrition this morning.
White House spokespersons indicated the dangerous and potentially criminal histories behind both Republicans were not the motivating consideration in their removal from the council. Instead, it is White House policy not to allow candidates for federal elected office to serve on presidential boards.
Each of the two dangerous and highly controversial Republicans is running for a different U.S. Senate seat, and is expected to lose very badly.
Well, he’s done I guess:
Knowing what I know about prosecutors, and entirely irrespective of their partisan ideologies, the fact that a Manhattan DA prosecutor quit, and then apparently leaked a letter saying that the reason he quit is because “Trump is guilty AF”, is not nearly enough to convince me that Trump should be indicted for fraud in N.Y.
Dude is a prosecutor.
Prosecutors be like this. All the time.
Does this then mean that Trump may be receiving special treatment, and careful handling, and an excessive attention to nailing down the facts? Absolutely. Setting aside the fact that, like it or not, he’s a former POTUS, it’s actually really normal for rich and powerful white men to get this kind of special treatment from police and prosecutors.
But that would not justify indicting Trump on flimsy or inadequate evidence. Rather, it argues that we should probably restrict local prosecutor’s power to bring criminal indictments against the rest of us by reforming the grand jury system. I’d like everybody in America to enjoy the same official presumption of innocence and careful attention to evidence that influential white men like Trump enjoy.
YLB’s monthly income
Heh.. So many unearned freebies in life –
like white privilege..
like my kids “getting benes” from “stupid drumpfers” “doing their own research”…
According to the deranged babbling of teh kreepshit troll of widbee…
“North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson, a hard-line conservative who has long spoken out against abortion, said in Facebook comments in 2012 that he paid for the mother of his “unborn child” to have an abortion in 1989.”
“it’s wrong cause God says so,”
PP made ya do it… just ask teh widbee kreepshit..
s’ok Mark. teh babblin’ butthole would vote for Clinton in ’92..
widbee kreepshit voted for Carter after teh REAL miracle on ice.
we all sin..
Ain’t capitalism great? Would jeebus smile?
widbee kreepshit: did MacKenzie “earn” it?
Got a good chuckle out of deathfrog bragging about making $65k a year.
This guy made barely 40k at one time…
Heh.. teh widbee kreepshit babbled about “marrying up”.. little maxwhipple prolly did the same.. eat Dan’s dust kreepshit trolls… heh.
Any else find it amusing the greedy racist incel felt triggered enough to fact check the Williams tennis poll.
42. Republicans do not believe the rules they want to force on others apply to them.
Amusing and telling.
Degen does not challenge the analogy – that KBJ swatting down Raphael Cancun dumb questions about coloring books is like Serena Williams returning serve against the 2024 Republican nominee.
Instead he challenges the poll.
This is entirely in keeping with a modern “conservative” theme:
their complaint that objective reality has a “liberal” bias.
They’re not wrong.
There’s just nothing “liberals” can do about that.
Except point and laugh.
I guess she/her/they/them/it YLB and her ilk are impressed by a 58 year old bragging about making $65k a year…
she/her/they/them/it YLB can purchase mucho quantities of tampons and vaginal cream with $65k
On the plus side, it appears that after a decade of being unemployed, Froggy finally has job! Winning!
I know a guy who lost his job.
It happened just a little over a year ago and he’s been out of work ever since.
He and his family didn’t take the news very well.
Associate Justice Thomas, who anchors the conservative wing of the Supreme Court, has missed a fourth straight day of crucial oral arguments, with still absolutely no word from the Court about his illness, his potential for recovery, or whether he will ever be discharged from the hospital where he has been since last Friday.
Look on the bright side:
if things continue this way Lindsey Graham can have an entirely new opportunity to express his impotent frustration when Judge Childs is passed over again.
And Degen can have an entirely new opportunity to express his impotent frustration when Judge Srinavasan is passed over again.
Sort of a win-win.
Poor Trump. can’t win at the polls, can’t win by begging/harassing people to “reinstate” him as president, so what does he do? That’s right, he goes to court and plays the victim card.
What a schmuck. And to think people still want this guy to be POTUS.
Remember when Trump wanted Russia back in the G7?
I for one am glad that never happened.
Again, this is the kind of misguided leadership the Trumpaloes think will benefit the world. Just ask Ukraine how Russia is treating them now. Think they would be better off if Russia was part of the G7? Naw.
Oh little maxwhipple @47 is triggered about yours truly guessing (correctly) that it “married up”…
And “married up” poor compared to school teacher Dan Jewett making 40k teaching rich people’s kids.. oops.. forgot to address that little maxwhipple.. that’s a tell.
watch out for jalisco ng little maxwipe… keep your ignorant, bigoted, racist shit to yourself (heh.. like that’s possible) unless ya wanna end up in WORSE than a shithouse window…
filled up teh tonka toy lately with “iranian oil”? heh.
Poor little jealous she/her/they/them/it YLB…she’s a mess.
Dan Jewett won the lottery, good for him.
And my Model X plugs in… Iranian oil me.
You get them needles and human shit picked up from your front yard yet?
50, 51,
The internal contradiction is practically incandescent.
His own lawyers file a lawsuit declaring as one of it’s fact premises that the Russian Federation is a hostile sovereign.
LMAO @ 53.. liddle maxwhipple went all “no greenhouse gas”… did your rich old lady make ya? heh.. little maxwhipple be whipped!
I get it.. The ev’s go from 0-60 just as fast as a lambo.. cost less even.. little maxwhipple likes to go fast while strokin’ its little popgun..
I laugh at ya, little maxwhipple.. ya eco friendly hippie..
go fast when jalisco ng comes for you after you pop off.. heh… racist freek…
Dan Jewett won the lottery, good for him.
And was makin’ 40k before he hit..
Bigoted little maxwhipple, doin’ its best to compensate for its rich wifey, looked down at schoolteachers…
looks down on everyone who’s “less than” to compensate for being one of the dorki monsons of the world.. angry, bigoted, chronically unhappy with its lot in the world, blaming everyone but itself.
sux to be you liddle maxwhipple..
Lmfao….try harder YLB, try harder.
Your desperation is comical. We mock you.
@35, 36 – Biden has an already-vetted list of candidates ready to go on a moment’s notice, should need arise.
We mock you.
You and the 50 voices in your pin head eh liddle maxwhipple???
gettin’ crowded in teh ev…
keep strokin’ your popgun.. oops.. you told us you don’t carry..
ya love your pasty ass too much..
sux to be you, poohbutt..
@39 I dunno, Republicans are very forgiving, because the Bible says they should be. True, they only forgive Republicans’ transgressions, but they forgive a lot of those.
@57 “We”? There’s two of you? Or do you see double when looking in a mirror?
Ginni Thomas and her dying husband both thoroughly corrupt.
Both lying their asses off for more than a year about being neck deep in the big lie and the terrorist attack.
The 29 text messages displaying Thomas’ direct involvement in Stop the Steal, The Big Lie, and the GOP Terror attack on Congress are only the tip of the iceberg. This is what Meadows and his lawyer agreed to turn over last year before he was referred for criminal prosecution for contempt.
This is the insurrection ongoing in real time being coordinated between a Supreme Court Justice and the White House COS.
These people are criminals.
Recall now that Associate Justice Ginni Thomas was the only vote on the entire court to protect Trump’s White House communications and schedules from investigators.
Just a coincidence./s
Pigs. They are pigs. Un-American, disgraceful, lawless, and entirely lacking in any moral or ethical principle. Bent on destroying democracy.
Senate Republicans went after KBJ with their bullshit smears because they knew this was out there are that it was going to drop. Pigs. All the way down. Pigs.
Poor she/her/they/them/it YLB…. Still thrashing about like an 8 year old at the deep end the pool.
Just living the life of a shut-in desperately seeking attention….as well someone to come clean up the needles and shit in his yard. Have you said hello to your “neighbors” parked in front of your house in their derelict RV. Ahhhh, that urban lifestyle…
@65 Poor little max whipple running like a frightened cur from people it hates its entire life..
classic “white flight” case… still fleeing…
sux to be frightened liddle max whipple.. strokin’ its pop gun..
If you don’t think C.J. Roberts or A.J. Alito, as well as the three retired Justices soon to be joined by a fourth are not paying any attention to Ginni Thomas’ completely unhinged and catastrophically improper sedition texts to Mark Meadows you misunderstand the Court.
Roberts in particular is going to have a big problem with this shit. And while there may be absolutely nothing he can do to prevent Thomas from sitting on cases involving all of these Trump sedition conspiracy and fraud crimes, he’s going to want to prevent the Court’s credibility from sufffering any further damage.
Thomas has probably written his last opinion for the majority.
And he may find himself increasingly isolated.
He should think about resigning. But he won’t.
Heh. little maxwhipple used to babble about life in teh’ burbs..
most mass shootings happen there..
Dumas, AR pop 4001…
lives of quiet desperation… until the bullets start flying.. sux to be you little maxpile and all your fellow flightees w/ their pop guns… going off in their pants, at their kids… or at each other…
Alex Jones is about a hot minute from getting a frog march to a Connecticut jail cell. And his lawyer has a tough choice for anyone dumb enough to accept a human shit stain like Jones for a client. He can either throw Jones under the bus, or he can accept judicial and state bar sanctions that may include disbarment.
Jones skipped a court ordered deposition today and instead went to his recording studio in Austin and taped a 4 hr radio show. Jones was in fact taping the show at the precise time that his lawyer was arguing in front of a Connecticut judge that Jones was too sick to attend the deposition.
Both of those things can’t actually be true at the same time.
And since there is recorded tape of one of those things happening, we know which one is the perjury. It’s only a question of whose perjury.
Bob must be working on his math. What’s my AGI Bob?
Lock the fuckers up!
Pulling is 4×4 out of the mud after he used it to pull out his tractor. That has to be more fun than the deep shit he has stepped into here over the last few weeks.
“Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son.” said Dean Wormer. I think it applies to Bob.
@72 “Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son.”
It works for a lot of people, at least compared to their other choices.
Fat is life-shortening.
Drunk is more life-shortening.
Stupid is the most life-shortening of all.
Combine all three and no wonder the Trumper base is depleting.
Cherry on top: Jones submitted a fake doctor’s note.
The court: “But I have never seen one as bare bones as this one. This one did not have any letterhead. It had no address on it. It just has no indication of whether the doctor is a sole practitioner. Whether he’s in a group. It doesn’t indicate what kind of doctor it is. There’s absolutely no description of his practice. The court has no information besides a name.”
I think his lawyer is in trouble regardless. On his end the lawyer’s being given a chance to cure this by determining what happened and then disclosing fully to the court. And though it seems he was caught by surprise here, he had some obligation to investigate and validate Jones’ claims of illness before requesting the emergency hearing to explain his absence. The timing of how this fell together will be important.
But Jones is fucked. It’s established that he lied about all of it to the court. He lied about being too sick to appear. He fabricated a doctor and then fabricated a fake document purporting to be from the fake doctor. And then there’s the simple fact that he defied the order to appear to be deposed.
He can be deposed from jail.
He certainly would not be the first.
That’ll cure his contempt and allow discovery to proceed. But he’s going to be charged with perjury at a minimum. And he’ll have to present himself for arraignment and eventually for criminal trial in Connecticut where he would also serve any custodial sentence. Idiot.
Next up: Ginni Thomas
@75 They wouldn’t be what they are if they had any brains.
Reuters reports that 60% of Russia’s missiles are duds. That’s Russian industry for you. They must be using Ukrainian POW labor to make them. Also, I suspect that at least some of what Western media and governments are calling “war crimes” is just lousy shooting by 18-year-old conscripts. One of the things we’re learning from this war is the Russian army can’t hit a city let alone a barn door.
I realize that statute of limitations arguments can get quite technical, and specifically arguments over when the statute begins to run, but given a 4-year statute of limitations on federal racketeering civil claims, how exactly do Trump’s lawyers plan to extend the outrages inflict on him by the pernicious efforts of Hillary and her fellow racketeers in the 2016 election campaign into 2018? Is the best answer to this question that his lawyers don’t know WTF they’re doing?
Wait. What?
They’re claiming civil RICO?
They can’t be that stupid. That’s almost a certain guarantee of an early dismissal. This is not a good legal framework in which to build a grifting, performative stunt-suit. There are too many early and substantial barriers. I would think the idea would be to prolong the process as much as possible while using it to whip up the mouth breathers for $10 clicks.
This won’t even pay for itself.
Oh, I see … “The Defendants’ Malicious Conspiracy Remains Active to This Day” (p. 58 of the complaint here).
Vanity Fair describes the lawsuit (here) as “a fully unhinged lawsuit in which the former president accused his one-time opponent of spending the last seven years trying to ‘destroy his life.’ Yes, the allegation most typically lobbed by hormonal teenagers against their parents while shrieking in high pitches and slamming doors.”
Sounds about right.
I believe the answer lies in the statue of limitations.
Civil RICO has a “separate accrual” rule that operates somewhat similarly to the “overt act in furtherance” rule in simple conspiracy. But it’s much more limited. As I understand it (admittedly not well) it can only be applied to an existing civil injury allowing for the accrual of additional civil damages.
Maybe this gets their foot in the door initially. But it gets slammed soon after.
Alex Jones still on the mike yesterday, after having been caught red handed perpetrating criminal fraud against plaintiffs and the court, still claiming to be “too ill” to make himself available for criminal discovery. Yesterday he claims the court is treating him “worse than somebody on death row”, while also claiming he has “long COVID” and that his heart is failing.
Still showing up for live production of his radio program. Still shouting furiously for his audience at 120 words per minute.
When you learn the truth about Alex Jones (and sooner rather than later his audience is going to) this stuff more or less fits. He’s been a fraud his whole life, and part of that has been tirelessly sticking to the fake story no matter what, and refusing to apologize. This time, however, it’s not only going to cause him to lose this lawsuit, it’s going to put him in jail.
Maryland State Police responded to a gun battle at the Ram Ranch Clownvoy encampment last night.
They have gone to war with each other over the muneeeee.
This was entirely foreseeable. And foreseen.
The money will go to the lawyers. It always does with people like this.
@77. Seems that the Kleptocracy doesn’t lead to a strong military. Putin’s got to be furious.
@82 “his heart is failing”
Maybe there’s a God after all, because this would answer a lot of prayers.