7000 is too many deaths from COVID-19. And we’re a state with relatively low deaths. Thank goodness.
We’re a state that has taken precautions and has a governor who takes the virus seriously. Honestly, could you imagine how much worse it would be if Bill Bryant was governor, or Culp in the last year?
But still, 7000 is too high. There’s a free vaccine. It’s pretty effective. We could be mostly out of the woods by now.
For the love of God, wash your hands right now. And get vaccinated if you haven’t yet.
Oh, look! One of those rules
that somehow liberals will eventually realize they need to amend so that it only applies to Republicans.
New Rule: if a party impeaches the president and fails to convict, its House managers during prosecution must resign their seats, and someone from the opposite party must be appointed, for a period of not less than six years.
Hey, Democrats would have embraced it in the ’90s.
I don’t recall Democrats dunking on the WEA after the Scott Walker recall failure the same way they’re dunking on the GOP this morning.
Act 10 is still in place in Wisconsin.
I’m reading about the $276 million spent by California taxpayers on the just-completed recall. This is 2021 and California is estimated to have 39.7 million residents.
Contrast that with Wisconsin. In 2012 Wisconsin had 5.72 million residents.
Recall Race for Governor Cost $81 Million
Now consider that …today’s prices are 1.19 times higher than average prices since 2012, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics consumer price index. A dollar today only buys 84.03% of what it could buy back then.
WEA and their Democrat funders forced a far greater per-capita expense in 2012 to recall Scott Walker than California just spent on the Gavin Newsom recall.
I don’t doubt that $276 million might have been put to better use in California. I also don’t doubt that nearly $100 million in today’s dollars could have been put to better use in much-less-populous Wisconsin back in 2012.
7000 is too many deaths from COVID-19.
And the hospitals are stuffed full of “stupid drumpfers” (dimfuk’s words for them), who bought teh am hate radio bullshit that killed even the liars behind the mic…
See the “healthcare system readiness” tab.
Does that make teh “stupid drumpfers” wake up? Not enough to make much of a difference.
#CrookedHillary spent $1.2 billion and lost. Bigly.
Act 10 is still in place in Wisconsin.
No shit sherlock.. And so is the hyper-partisan gerrymander and the repukes wanna do one of those patented shitshow “audits”
Designed to gaslight, deceive, corrupt.. It’s the repuke way these days.. krap, when hasn’t it been?
and before you babble about Hillary. Election was on Nov 8 and Hillary conceded Nov 9.. drumpf has never conceded. LOSER!
Now watch…
Over on the sidebar, Goldy’s pals have given Nate Silver some grief over something he wrote in August.
May I just respond with something that someone on HA wrote in the late afternoon of Sunday, November 6, 2016:
Live by the poll, die by the poll.
Poor Bobby addresses his loss last night as partly owing to his Wisconsin cousin’s swollen testicles.
The last time Steve had swollen testicles was 1999.
Which, not coincidentally, was the last time Steve had testicles.
If not conceding an election loss makes one a
loserLOSER! @ 7, YLB, do you think that is why Stacey Abrams was passed over for Veep nominee?@ 9
I believe you were referring to my Wisconsin cousin’s friend’s swollen testicles, QoS McHillbilly.
Advice Poor Bobby and California “conservatives” should have heeded back in July.
As I pointed out on the stale thread, the likely voter models in all those midsummer polls that had them all so giddy are obviously very flawed. As were many polls in 2016 that had Democrats giddy. There is a lot of transformation taking place in the electorate over the last five years and this appears to be continuing. Poll models, especially state level models, that hoped for either a return to the “old normal” or some “new normal” may have to be viewed more skeptically.
This means state level polling will continue to exhibit uncertainty outside the statistical error. When such polls are relied upon to forecast statewide outcomes, or aggregated to forecast national outcomes in close contests they will be wrong, as most of these polls were wrong last summer. And for the same reason. They will underestimate turnout effects.
Better campaign are going to take note of that fact.
California Democrats took what some considered a gamble by refusing to run an alternative candidate, and instead focusing their entire effort on turnout. The results speak for themselves.
13)Need to reform the process, that the recall as any other vacancy and use the Line of Succession.
Colorado redistricting: So far.
This is gonna take some time to digest – plenty of detail with which I am not familiar. Clearly CO has gone blue.
@ 13
“Obviously very flawed” polls have never been a problem for Moobs McScrote, as long as they provided him a result he found useful for his purposes.
2.3 million Republicans voted to make a black man governor of California. That’ not nuthin’.
do you think that is why Stacey Abrams was passed over for Veep
Nope.. Maybe she never was in the running..
GA going to Biden, two Dem Senators from GA and a weakened Moscow Mitch was a good enough outcome.
Do you think? (rolls eyes)
@ 14
13)Need to reform the process, that the recall as any other vacancy and use the Line of Succession.
As long as the governor and lieutenant governor are elected separately rather than on the same ticket, I agree.
IIRC this would be Newsom’s seventh recall. And this would not have made it to the ballot without intervention by a judge granting the recall campaign an additional four months to collect signatures.
California recall campaigns are now a regular feature. You will encounter signature gatherers everywhere and every year. California Republicans have reduced themselves to this role and literally nothing more. Because of the low petition signature threshold they are lured into it. But it has the effect of making the party increasingly oppositional, extremist, confrontational, and negative. The California Republican Party opposes everything and proposes nothing, other than opposition.
This virtually guarantees a future of candidates like Larry Elder who have almost no chance of winning on the ballot.
So while I agree that reform of the system might be in the interests of all Californians, I’m somewhat reluctant because of how much that reform would actually do to rescue the California Republican Party. Again, in any other year this thing would not have made it to the ballot. But like every other year it would consume all the energy of California Republicans and further contribute to their disconnect from the voters of California.
He might just have said “2.3 million Republicans voted to strangle a child”.
It really is nuthin’.
The results of the CA recall and trump referendum was Elder abuse.
@20. How come the greedy racist incel defines everything in terms of race?
Maybe it’s time to start fencing off places like Idaho and Mississippi. You can go there, but you can’t come back.
@2 Yeah, because Trump did nothing more serious than a blowjob under the desk, amirite?
There’s no hope for you. You can’t help it. You were born an idiot, are an idiot, and always will be an idiot. Scores on med school entrance tests have nothing to do with it. Even intelligent people can be idiots.
@3 They didn’t lose by a 2-to-1 margin.
@6 “#CrookedHillary spent $1.2 billion and lost. Bigly.” By getting 3 million more votes than the corrupt, racist, fascist you voted for, and then only because votes count for more in the backwater shitholes than the civilized states.
@15 “The first round of staff maps produced by the Colorado redistricting and reapportionment committees would result in permanent Republican minorities in all legislative bodies.”
Because not everybody thinks Lauren Boebert makes a good congresswoman, and gun-toting hicks in places like Rifle, Colorado (pop. 10,437) don’t outnumber the voters in places like Denver (pop. 2,963,821), Colorado Spring (pop. 755,105), and Boulder (pop. 330,758).
@16 “2.3 million Republicans voted to make a black man governor of California. That’ not nuthin’.”
It’s not enough, either.
The black man might have done better if he wasn’t a grotesque freak who advocates slaveowner reparations, calls climate change “a crock,” thinks the ideal minimum wage is zero, and argues that women “know less than men” and “exaggerate the problems of sexism.”
Manchin and Synema being summoned to meetings with the President today to discuss their “future” in opposing economic and pandemic rescue and recovery.
Meanwhile the White House has just released polling results from Patients for Affordable Drugs showing overpowering voter support in the home districts of three Democrats on Energy and Commerce trying to hold up Medicare drug price negotiation. All three voted in favor of the legislation before heading home for recess to face their voters, only to reverse themselves last night with a deadline looming.
West Virginia and Arizona polling numbers remain under wraps.
So far.
Who would’ve guessed America’s worst police department is “racially biased”?
2.3 million Republicans voted to make a
blackburnt orange man governor of California.ftfy
That’s right. We can only have violent mobs of Republican directed paramilitary muffler mechanics overturning elections.
Testing the bounds of effective gaslighting
Anyone know what Bob is talking about? It’s hard to follow his tweet repeats.
He cheated. He had to of.
“I would not, could not, get the jab,
I would not, could not in a lab
I would not, could not take a shot
I would not, could not trust a dem plot
I would not, could not breathe well last week
I would not, could not continue to speak
Not in my house. Not in my shed
Not in an Ambulance. Not in an ICU bed
I do not like your liberal lies
But now it hurts to shift my thighs”
I-am-jabbed:: “Try it, try it, you will see. This vaccine might still yet save thee.”
“I will not take it I-am-jabbed, Jebus will save me from the slab!”
“It’s with great regret that we say drumpfer’s dead,
In lieu of flowers, visit gofundme instead.”
Repukes have this same kind of thing going when they aren’t fucking goats.
They’re dropping like flies. So sad. She went so fast. And this could have been so easily avoided.
@36 Americans don’t understand the Taliban. We don’t have to kill them. If we leave them alone, they’ll kill each other.
They’re dropping like flies.
Florida GOP official who wanted to ‘end Faucism’ dies from COVID-19
Good riddance.
Leading Rapepublicans from the pro-Trump
ClaremontFlight 93 Institute, including fake Senate candidate venture capitalist J.D. “Hillbilly” have published a brief demanding that the government seize control of and nationalize Google.This is 21st century “conservatism”.
@40 Got a link? Oddly enough, it’s not showing up in a google search.
RCP says Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are still more popular than the low IQ stupe traitor’s raging orange man-baby.
Joe Biden 45.6
Kamala Harris 41.4
Donald Trump 40.7
Next week’s polls will be even worse for the low IQ stupe traitor’s raging orange man-baby if the GQP attempts to overthrow our democracy again on Saturday.
The leading cause of deaths among police officers is:
[ ] Gunshot wounds
[ ] Vehicle crashes
[ ] Heart attacks
[ ] Vaccine refusal
Wherein conservatives demand strict accountability under campaign finance laws. But only sometimes. Maybe I should say occasionally. OK, very rarely. But don’t say never.
@44. Hyprocites all.
The emoluments clause does not apply to republicans. It’s in the small print.
New Rule: if a Republican loses an election, they lie about losing and say it “was stolen.” Rather than have a recount, they start an insurrection.
Rock-ribbed “conservative” fundamentalists demanding public ownership of successful internet companies is the new Mulford Act.
And there go Republicans, struggling with all their might to overlook the fact that it’s a charity event that raises huge sums for education and the arts.
There’s absolutely nothing in Congressional rules that would prevent a member from accepting an invitation to attend a charity fund raising event. If there were, Rand Paul would have just golfed his last game.
The fact that this makes Republicans appear small, penurious, and vindictive really no longer seems to matter to them. But what I just can’t figure out is why they are so devoted to the promotion of this woman.
@ 48
And there go Republicans, struggling with all their might to overlook the fact that it’s a charity event that raises huge sums for education and the arts.
And there go Democrats, struggling with all their might to overlook the fact that the Constitution guarantees religious freedom, whenever there’s a religious school or hospital charity at issue.
@ 48
… it’s a charity event that raises huge sums for education and the arts.
Corinne Brown, disgraced former Democrat congresswoman from the great state of Florida, headed a charity that we were told would raise money for education. It was called One Door For Education.
Turned out the real purpose of that charity was to raise huge sums for Corinne Brown.
She was convicted, once. She’ll be convicted again.
QoS McHillbilly was full of reasons why we didn’t want Afghan immigrant scum infecting our shores. It was an incredibly xenophobic thing for him to claim but in fairness to the poor guy he did it in the service of First Vegetable Joe Biden.
I wonder whether QoS McHillbilly thinks the same about refugees from Haiti?
Was it Bob that was previously celebrating the Rural places for not being safe, unlike places like NYC, during the early stages of the Pandemic?
Oh well! And before there wasn’t much you could do.
But now?
Yeah Idahooooo! More like Ida Hoes!
People dying here in America but the boy has to focus on Afghanistan.
Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi! don’t work anymore.
There won’t be many left alive to talk about Benghazi or Afghanistan….what will Bob do then? Join the Proud Boys?
You don’t have any examples.
Now do Trump.
You remember him, don’t you? You voted for him three times. Then after he was impeached twice and lost you tried to kill Congress and assassinate your own Vice President.
Yeah. That guy. He had some kind of charity once. So they say.
How it started:
How it’s going:
Character is destiny, Dumbfuck.
Very much looking forward to several weeks of Poor Bobby bringing us plenty of righteous outrage over HuhrDuhrham’s Perjury Trap!
Assuming HuhrDuhrham can avoid a no-bill.
And then assuming that if he gets an indictment, HuhrDuhrham can bag a conviction.
At which point Trump can pardon Sussman. Because he’s still President. Yup.
@51 post where he said that or you are lying.
How it’s going (continued):
Look, I get that this kind of servile groveling to Trump plays like triumphal domination to the beer drunks in the trailer park.
And for media personalities depending on that demo for their livelihood this is the cost of doing business.
But it is not persuasive. And it won’t turn any Biden supporter or Trump opponent around on this or any other issue. It just makes those people cringe. Disgust is just another form of negative partisanship.
And this was before our low IQ dumbfuck and his raging orange man-baby embraced their never ending ‘sore loser’ phase, which includes the incitement of violent insurrections intended to overthrow our democracy.
Barr warned Trump that he would lose the election because suburban voters ‘just think you’re a fucking asshole,’ book says
Suburban voters? Thse days they’re not trying to appeal to anybody but their already rabid ‘sore loser’ base.
Speaking of the GQP’s sore loser insurrections, will Saturday’s GQP Insurrection 2.0 be a sizzle or a fizzle?
Hey there She/her/they/them/it YLB…
Looks like King County is going to move in and take over stewardship of City Hall Park! The feckless city council cant even take of the park named after the office they work in.
Crime is skyrocketing, drug zombies walk the streets, Gangs shoot up the place, urchins throwing shit off of the overpasses, human turds and needles litter the parks and the streets. Ya…maybe you should elect more SJWs and socialists! It’s working out great? Bellevue appreciates what you all are doing !
YOU voted for that!!!
Two days before Saturday’s Insurrection 2.0, the low IQ traitor Doctor Dumbfuck’s raging orange man-baby issues a statement,
“Our hearts and minds are with the people being persecuted so unfairly relating to the January 6th protest concerning the Rigged Presidential Election. In addition to everything else, it has proven conclusively that we are a two-tiered system of justice. In the end, however, JUSTICE WILL PREVAIL!”
Two days before Saturday’s Insurrection 2.0, Marjorie Taylor Greene chimes in, “Shut down the government, who cares?”
It’s more like murder. They’re willing to sacrifice people like this so long as they see these deaths as giving them power.
Lake Stevens family pleads for people to get vaccinated after father dies from COVID-19
“He’d watch YouTube videos of Tucker Carlson,” said Katie. “We think he was a victim of misinformation.”
“It honestly kind of felt like a sick joke,” said Katie. “When he was placed on the ventilator, I was told there was still hope, but part of me knew that was the beginning of the end.”
A man who was a father and husband is gone. We all know how the traitor Doctor Dumbfuck feels about this. No different than Tucker.
All the empathy of a lizard.
I’m hoping for fewer pipe bombs in DC.
But TBH, I think the bigger threat will be the series of state capital events scheduled either to coincide or to follow.
Bear in mind that the action insofar as the midterms are concerned will definitely be focused on state capitals. That’s where redistricting will take place. And that’s where they’ll go to attempt to change vote counting for the House and Senate seats that they hope to flip.
Canceling voter registrations, closing polling places, destroying ballots, and attempting to violently seize control of election operations are now the tactics available to them. And they all openly admit that they are open to and even eager to employ these tactics.
Arizona and Georgia are both vulnerable. Being under the control of Republican Governors and legislatures, all they really have to do is look the other way.
Looks like
turn tail and run liddle maxpile is strokin’ its popgun…
I think we have to assume that he feels glad about this family tragedy.
After all, he went completely out of his way to fabricate and spread anti-vaccine misinformation intended to put people just like this poor fool at risk by discouraging them from getting vaccinated. And it worked.
And while having been caught red-handed and called out he half-heartedly tried to pretend that his intention in posting anti-vaccine misinformation was merely a misunderstanding, he has never owned up to his lie, repudiated it, or sought to correct the lie in any way. Thus far, and certainly up to the point of this tragic and entirely preventable death, Bob has stood by the lie. So it can only be concluded that he still wants these deaths and illnesses. And all the collateral horror that has accompanied it as well.
Certainly people from across the political spectrum are now suffering because of this. But there can be no doubt that these effects are falling disproportionately upon “conservative” leaning families and communities. And though those falling ill and sadly even dying may have been stupid enough to believe FOX and Carlson and Trump, and DeSantis and hundreds of other cynical and nihilistic Republicans, those they leave behind are learning the hard way.
In the places where Republicans need them the most this will hurt their credibility with these voters the most. Because the instinct to seek someone to blame when you lose a loved one is very natural. They will be blaming the people who lied to their brothers and husbands and fathers. They will be blaming Trump and Republicans and Doctor Dumbfuck. Deservedly so.
There was Durham news today…
Where’s dimfuk? MIA…
Heh. Too funny what happened to that FBI lawyer..
One year’s probation – probably for doing shit the FBI pulled all the time against Muslims.
The fuckheads even put a label on Insurrection Day.
Bunch of dumbfucks Repukes, take that!
@50 “Turned out the real purpose of that charity was to raise huge sums for Corinne Brown. She was convicted … ”
Excellent. Now do Trump’s fake charity.
Never talk to the police. They’re not your friends.
In a death penalty case you expect the police and prosecutor to be extra-careful to make sure they convict the right person. The opposite seems to be true. The higher the stakes, the sloppier they are, probbly because they’re under so much pressure to “solve” high-profile crimes.
Vaccine passports come to King County!
Don’t like it? Move to Republic.
Breaking news! ACB denies the Supremes are partisan hacks!
When a SCOTUS justice travels all the way to Louisville to tell a partisan audience the court “is not comprised of a bunch of partisan hacks,” it probably is.
I can say for myself it has enormously reduced any reluctance I’ve had to dine out, etc. Knowing that staff and other guests are vaccinated tells me my chances of being exposed are massively reduced. And even as a fully vaccinated person my chances of suffering a breakthrough infection, though it would likely be very mild and non-life-threatening, are also massively reduced.
And that means I can relax and enjoy myself and the company of my fellow diners without having to worry that, by dining out, I might be making myself into a superspreader imperiling my family, coworkers, friends, and community. Which is the whole point, and perfectly illustrates the difference between Democrats and Republicans.
Democrats care about community. Republicans feel nothing. Embrace of the idea that they owe nothing and have no obligation to their own community is the thread passing through generations of “conservatives” that binds traditional “conservatism” with modern Trumpists.