The oil train derailment and fire in Bellingham is scary stuff. Fortunately, if you can call it that, it wasn’t an explosion. The environmental damage is still going to be pretty gross. And these trains running through our cities is going to inevitably be derailments.
Anyway, this is the last post before Christmas, so have a good one if you celebrate it.
Anyway, anyway, wash your hands right now.
Todd Akin is totes mainstream compared with this guy.
Warnock’s wife told officer that her husband is ‘a great actor’ after domestic dispute
Believe all women. Remember that one?
Gee, that train derailment in Bellingham sounds serious, Carl.
I’d start investigating the cause right here.
Ex-Washington state Democrat campaigner among two charged over terrorist attack
Isn’t that right. Evergreen Railfan..
It’s like Marc Rich never existed to this
former Microsoft executiveclueless chick.3,
“Republicans can no longer claim to be the party of law & order: they are the party of criminals, ”
Yes, those horrible Republicans and their ANTIFA and Black Looting Marxists cohorts were just terrible last summer in Seattle, Portland and other cities.
Give no comfort to the poor. Give comfort to the rich, for they above all are blessed. It’s in the Bible somewhere.
Vice President Mike Pence: “[Democrats] want to make rich people poorer, and poor people more comfortable.”
Doesn’t someone already have to be poor to become poorer? No matter. Pity the rich for being a little less rich.
@2 I’d eliminate the oil trains through our cities. That train had to pass through downtown Seattle to get to Custer, you know.
@3 Marc Rich didn’t slaughter 17 innocent civilians. And, in any case, Trump had already used up his Marc Rich chit. You don’t get to spend the same token twice in his casinos, do you?
Doctor Dumbfuck can’t do the math because he’s a dumbfuck.
@4 You mean this guy? Here’s your “antifa”:
Or how about this guy?
Most of the protest violence is coming from your tribe and the cops, dude.
And then there’s also those crazy people brandishing guns in government buildings, and threatening to kidnap and kill public officials, because they’re angry at being told not to spread their deadly germs. They’re yours, too.
I wouldn’t go down that road if I were you, pal, because your side has a lot to answer for.
Hey Loser! Found you some Antifa:
That’s two completely different law enforcement jurisdictions, several different law enforcement officers, all in relation to one of your “cities” actively pursuing a policy of violating laws and civil rights, encouraging violence and vandalism, assisting with violence and vandalism, and recommending techniques for felony assaults and murder. And doing it all…
… wait for it…
… in a rural area surrounded by trailer parks, sewage lagoons, and tire fires.
Well played.
@5 He says that like the economy is a zero-sum game. Why not make everyone richer, instead of just the 1%?
It’s like the thousands of prominent Democrats who condemned the Clintons over the Marc Rich pardon never existed.
I just want to offer my sincere congratulations to all the “conservatives” out there for finally experiencing a big win this week after so much really humiliating loss and defeat.
This week, Christmas week 2020, “conservatives” really went the extra mile, gave it their all, and achieved previously unprecedented success surpassing all previous records for COVID-19 deaths in a single week.
Turns out they were giving America some love. My bad.
‘Brain’ Kilmeade Embraces Right-Wing Rioters In Oregon: ‘They Love America’
Today, as a magical holiday gift to FREEDOM, New York joined Ohio and Michigan in pressing felony charges against Project Veritas hustlers Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman.
“belt high fastball”
Dumbfuck knows what that is.
Sure we have election cheating in this country; Republicans are doing it in Georgia right now.
I wonder if it’s possible to mail letters there?
Hall County: seven percent African American county in a state where African Americans make up 30%.
Don’t misunderstand me. I’d like to see every eligible person in Georgia vote in this election. Because I know that’s the surest, easiest, and fastest way to end Republicans in that state and nearly every other. I’m just pointing out how, as usual, the local mouth breather troops of Trumpism can’t get the details right. Modern “conservatives” can’t even get the cheating right. And twenty thousand fewer old, angry, white racist votes can only help further flip Georgia.
At this point, now that it’s entirely fucking obvious that the most powerful Republican on earth is determined to build a great big “Conservative” Bonfire of the Vanities out of the future hopes and dreams of the 70 million idiots who made him the most powerful Republican on earth, all I can say is…
President Trump has issued a pardon to Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Apparently the rationale is that slovenly ol’ Rog just can’t help that he’s a dumbfuck.
@ 10
Why not make everyone richer, instead of just the 1%?
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, most of y’all declared a preference to just be fatter instead.
Turns out that fat, drunk, and stupid is a way to go through life.
Now do “Why not make everyone a millionaire, instead of just the millionaires?”. ’cause Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, it’s the only way you’ll ever get to be one.
@ 5
Doesn’t someone already have to be poor to become poorer?
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit is working on his second million these days. He gave up on ever making his first million years ago.
Err, umm…
“A quadratic association was found between county-level obesity rate and the vote margin for the Republican Party presidential candidate—the margin increased when obesity rate increased from 11.8% to 34.1%, but after reaching its peak of 36.1%, it started to decrease when obesity rate further increased to 47.9%.“
Because apparently at a certain point, though they may sport the red trucker hat and fly the blue flags, it’s just too much trouble to charge up the mobility scooter and haul all that excess adipose tissue to the polls.
Once again, Cat Lady, not well played at all. I mean really, all you had to do was glance at the nutritional information on the menu during your daily visit to Cracker Barrel and you could have surmised all that.
@ 23
I stopped reading after the subtitle:
Data compiled and studied by a Redditor…
LPT: When stuffing your ear holes with Bojangles corn meal biscuits “some people are saying” AstroGlide helps.
Instead of getting bent about the blaze of shitty pardons from the GOP FailPresident, think about it this way:
This essentially runs a bulldozer through future political objections to any deserving applicant and will absolutely re-energize the system of presidential pardons as a mechanism to reverse injustice.
For every Duncan Hunter there are a thousand #FreeMumias
Fuck you!
Fuck Everyone!
This is what you all get and this is exactly what you all deserve for failing my boss the way you have. He’s the greatest, most successful, most amazing president ever. America blew it. And this is the consequence. America deserves coal in its stocking for being bad. Very, very bad.
@26 Republicans will still criticize every pardon Biden issues, if any, but not with a straight face.
The “Pro-Life” party just voted to cancel Christmas, defund the government (including police), and systematically slaughter any and all front line health care professionals who stand in the way of Kirk Cameron’s caroling body piles.
Ho! Ho! Ho!
Only you guys pay taxes. I’m exempt.
They’ve been doing that since Ford pardoned Nixon.
That’s some dumbfuck trolling. Keep that up and you’ll be giving Doctor Dumbfuck some competition..
You forgot to do Trump. After all, you voted for him.
Second time you lost. Badly. Remember?
34 – No, I didn’t for Trump in either of the last two presidential elections. You are mistaken in that statement.
It is Doctor Dumbfuck.
This is how The Q Clearance Cat Lady keeps herself going now that all the “Breadcrumb” trails have led her to humiliation and ruin. It’s literally projection.
The most comical thing about it all is that in her tireless efforts to project her own party’s faults, failures, and soaring corruption onto others, all she manages to do is remind everyone just how ruined she and her party have become.
Perfect example is the case in point. Republicans repeatedly voted to empower a tax cheat and put him into a position where he could not only maximize his own tax fraud, and not only facilitate the tax fraud of his cronies, but pardon them all when they are caught. And Trump thanks them all for their service by defunding the police and the military and canceling their holidays. And still they crawl on their bellies before him begging for more abuse.
And Trump will oblige them for as long as he can.
Batshit insane Q lady Marjorie Taylor Greene tweets…
Abnormalities. Evidence. So much of it. Heh. Losers.
A sports team with a won-loss record of 1 – 59 would be considered the worst team in the history of whatever sport they played.
Sure you did. Of course you did…
… Cat Lady.
However much you may persist in denying it, your track record of support speaks for itself. And in your denial all you manage to accomplish is further debasing yourself in the crippling humiliation that your support of Trump has brought you.
Your sadness and desperation are now appalling. Thankfully they are also hilarious.
More please.
Yeah, right. I so readily believe that you, Doctor Dumbfuck and so many other fucked up retards trolled like hell for Trump for years but didn’t vote for him.
You could be right. That’s about Doctor Dumbfuck’s speed.
This is a sports team that finds a degenerate meth head janitor with her pants around her ankles in a dark corner of the locker room furiously choke-fapping to twitter memes of tortured Guatemalan toddlers and makes her the head coach on the spot.
Better still, they are down by seven inside their opponents five with ten seconds left in the 4th, and she wants to call in the kicking team. On first down.
Moscow Mitch and Trolls4Trump are going to let a clinically insane House freshman who isn’t even sworn in yet stampede them into losing the Senate.
These are the times of our lives, my friends.
@37, @38:
I didn’t troll for Trump either.
Didn’t vote for him, didn’t troll for him. You guys just have it wrong.
@ 36
A sports team with a won-loss record of 1 – 59 would be considered the worst team in the history of whatever sport they played.
An investor with Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s track record would be considered a total failure to his family.
40, 41,
We don”t.
You’ve had it wrong. Completely wrong going back since before the Associate Justice Rohypnol disaster. It’s been a consistent record of losing ever since. Still, you were warned. Many times.
You should have listened. You could have changed before it became to late. You could have had President Pence and Vice President Haley.
Now you get ex-President Impeached Felony Conviction shitting in your party’s punch bowl forever.
Why do you invite this? Honestly, why?
After all, as has been pointed out so many times previously, anyone like you, who claims to have taken what can only be fairly described as an absolutely superior academic and personal record combined with what have to be exceptional discipline, study habits, and perseverance, and then invest them into a dozen years of post graduate study and training at less than minimum wage, working in below average workplace conditions, dealing with an endless stream of incontinent, uncooperative customers with bad hygiene who only complain, can not under any circumstances be considered a “good investor”.
You blew the race at the starting line. And you know it.
That’s why you alone, among all who comment here, persist in these performative celebrations of your claimed investor prowess.
Claims like these, by anonymous nobodies on the internet are seldom credible. When they come from anyone who claims to be a white male US born MD, they beggar disbelief.
@29 It’s never pretty watching a grown man throw a toddler tantrum.
@34 His error. He shouldn’t have assumed you’re old enough to vote.
@36 She should know about abnormalities. She sees them staring her in the face in the bathroom mirror every morning.
@39 Same bunch that calls AOC a “radical” …
@40 Your denials ring hollow when you’re trolling Hunter Biden like you are Trump.
@41 You’re so stale it’s time to feed you to the crows.
@44 I’m repeating myself, but I’ve gotta say it: It’s never pretty watching a grown man throwing a toddler tantrum.
Make that 1 – 60
President Donald Trump’s ineffectual bid to persuade the courts to overturn his defeat at the polls last month suffered another defeat on Christmas Eve as a federal appeals court rejected his attempt to challenge President-elect Joe Biden’s win by nearly 21,000 votes in Wisconsin.
The appeals court judges who ruled against Trump on Thursday were all Republican appointees. The author of the court’s opinion, Judge Michael Scudder, was appointed by Trump.
It would appear that the traitor Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron suck at picking judges.
Okay. Wow. Just saw this (I know, it’s Christmas Eve, I should not be checking Twitter).
The “secret election data expert witness” that the GOP have been relying on in most of their bullshit lawsuits was convicted in North Dakota of consumer fraud for operating a fake charity for veterans and the homeless where she diverted the donor funds to purchase Big Macs and junk jewelry on QVC.
The state’s forensic accountant literally showed the court that most of the money was spent on Mickey Ds and Cubic Zirconium.
Charity fraud.
North Dakota.
Geeeeezus Cat Lady. That’s a helluva team you’ve got there.
Okay. Merry Christmas. Happy Hanukkah. Bueno Festivus. Whatever. Amazing. Simply amazing.
Taking a breather before yours truly gets back to the xmas-eve festivities.. The wife and I and our two sons are celebrating and will do the same tomorrow. Covid sucks but our lives are in good health. We are thankful and we are careful.
Happy Holidays HA HEROES. Stay safe, stay well..
For many years I orchestrated an elaborate conspiracy within my family run real estate company to defraud lenders and cheat on my family’s taxes. I used threats of extortion and violence to maintain silence about the conspiracy. I paid bribes to investigators and elected officials to keep the heat off. I bought the governor and then blackmailed him into appointing me to the port commission. I stole from my business partners in order to pay bribes and make illegal political contributions. One of the partners I stole from was my own brother.
When I learned that my sister and my brother-in-law were cooperating with the FBI, I paid a prostitute $10,000 to seduce my brother-in-law and spend a night having sex with him so I could video tape it all. I had the tape delivered to my sister during her son’s engagement party. I laughed about that.
I cheated so many people that despite all my threats and extortion, eventually I was caught. I pleaded guilty to more than a dozen felonies. I was sentenced to two years and fined a bunch of money. I served just over a year in prison.
Donald Trump just gave me a full pardon because my son threatened and extorted him.
Like father, like son.
Until yesterday I was starting to feel some concern that an IRS investigation into my business tax filings might spark some political blowback for my father, President-Elect Joe Biden.
But then yesterday President Trump gave in to extortion from his son-in-law and gave a full pardon to his son-in-law’s father Charles Kushner. Kushner and his family businesses brazenly cheated on their taxes and defrauded lenders and investors for many years. Kushner even threatened to have people killed to keep it all secret.
So I’m greatly relieved this Christmas day. And thankful to President Trump for taking all the heat off my dad. Who knows?
The way this is all working out, my dad can probably get away with granting me a full pardon if he feels like it. If people like Charles Kushner and Paul Manafort get pardons, I’m a cinch.
The judge may have been appointed by Trump but the judge was picked by Moscow Mitch. The judge knows who to be loyal to.
Moscow Mitch has determined Trump has served his purpose and it’s time to get him off the stage
What a joyous Christmas for failed investor Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. He may have lost his family’s life savings through dumbfuck moves in the stock market.
But Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit has not lost his ability to hear about injuries to law enforcement officers. For Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit this is very merry news indeed.
Remember when Puddy posted all those changing Dr Fauci statements over the first months of covid and morons with long header names like dot bombidiot and senile wabidiot claimed “trust the science”? Well Dr Fauci admitted he lied to Americans just as Puddy called it back in May. Need the PuddyCommentary? Ax the crazed databaze deala PortaPotty!
So since Fauci claimed Trump listened to his and Dr Birx thoughts, then how can you assesHorse dummocretins claim that Trump lied? Huh?
Merry Christmas!
Today I’m relaxing in the sun, golfing, cheating on my taxes, and grabbing pussy.
And you losers are getting evicted and standing in line at the food bank.
Too bad. So sad. I don’t really care.
I just found out that if I don’t travel to Florida from Alaska before New Year’s Eve and suck his dick, Donald Trump will put 50 million into a primary challenger against me in 2022.
Now I’m thinking I might not run.
You listening Mike Begich?
If lame duck President Trump thinks he’s going to war against me and my members he better think twice.
The fastest and easiest way for me and my members to end his political future will be for us to work with President Biden.
@58 What does an RV full of “anfo” have to do with the stock market? Other than some hillbilly having it in for AT&T?
That’s not a fair characterization. Fauci says he is trying to balance his intuition with the available science. He’s up front with that.
He wouldn’t have to update his advice as the science and public opinion evolved if conservatives were even minimally rational but go off I guess.
Fwiw, CBS News reported on June 22, 2020, that …
“A major Tennessee newspaper said Sunday it is investigating what its editor called a ‘horrific’ full-page advertisement from a religious group that predicts a terrorist attack in Nashville next month. The paid advertisement that appeared in Sunday’s editions of The Tennessean addresses the ‘citizens of Nashville’ and warns that the attack would happen on July 18, 2020.
“The ad from the group Future For America claims Donald Trump “is the final president of the USA” and features a photo of Trump and Pope Francis. It begins by claiming that a nuclear device would be detonated in Nashville and that the attack would be carried out by unspecific interests of ‘Islam.'”
Let’s review:
In June 2020, a fanatical “end times” religious group ran ads in a Nashville newspaper warning citizens of a coming terrorist attack in their city.
From that point on the FBI should’ve been keeping tabs on this group and watching their every move (ya think???).
But a few months later, a sophisticated car bomb slips through the cracks. How, if the FBI was watching them?
Could be just a coincidence. Maybe the FBI was watching them, and nobody in this group knew anything about this. They might have just a lucky wild guess.
But I fucking doubt it.
I haven’t read one comment above yet….but before I do, I just wanted to ask…..what do you think? Do you think the Nashville explosion was a warning by the Russians on what’s to come from their cyberattack knowledge?
I haven’t read one comment above yet….but before I do, I just wanted to ask…..what do you think? Do you think the Nashville explosion was a warning by the Russians on what’s to come from their cyberattack knowledge?
Like it’s supposed to bother me if Hunter Biden didn’t pay any taxes. Trolls they are dumbfucks! He sure showed us.
Merry Christmas, doc and Puddy and trolls. I hope you’re not too disappointed about the election outcome, I hope 2021 doesn’t bite you in the ass too hard, and above all I hope coronavirus doesn’t get you.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to the good guys and gals, too!
The Hi dude isn’t really funny……he’s probably a domestic terrorist that is jealous of Al Qaeda.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too Roger.
@65 what if someone else used that as cover for their own mission?
I find it odd that this occurred in Nashville for some reason.
You already know I don’t pay any taxes.
You’ve seen my returns.
Why should I pay taxes if I can get away with cheating?
Why should anybody if they can get away with cheating?
Paying taxes is something only losers and suckers do.
@ 59
And you losers are getting evicted and standing in line at the food bank.
Too bad. So sad. I don’t really care.
Know who else doesn’t care?
Hillary, Bill, and Chelsea Clinton. See, those losers had their chance four years ago to return a Clinton to the White House. Because with the Trump family and now with the Biden family, the tolerance bar for corruption has been raised substantially.
Just not high enough to tolerate the uniquely brazen corruptness of the Clintons.
@66 and @67,
It was not us, comrade.
If I wanted to strike back at you soft, gullible, bourgeois Americans for removing my puppet, Donald Trump, I would not have taken steps to spare innocent lives. Why would I do that?
Hell, I blew up four entire apartment blocks filled with Russian families in three of my own cities just to have an excuse to bomb Grozny, invade Chechnya and look heroic.
I’d kill a city full of Americans for a good parking spot. I still might.
Who’s going to stop me? Your President? A member of my entourage follows me around carrying your President’s testicles in a tiny silk pouch so that I can play with them at my leisure. Or crush them whenever it suits me. Don’t make me laugh any more tonight. I still have much vodka to drink. I don’t want to get light headed.
@73 Possible. Can’t rule it out. Mightly coincidental, though, for an end-times cult to warn there’ll be an explosion in Nashville, and then there’s an explosion in Nashville. At the very least, it’s tempting to connect those dots.
It’s true, you know. I don’t feel their pain.
Difference is, I’m not in any position to do anything about it, one way or another.
I am.
Still, fuck ’em.
I am too.
I’m with you though. Always have been.
Fuck ’em.
@ 76
Yeah, about that.
When 70 Million people hold up their psychosis as a matter of pride for everyone to see, it becomes a problem for the other 250 Million. Pride is one of the seven deadly sins, as far as I know. It really is a source of fascination for me to watch you people implode and suffocate under your own piles of bullshit.
The willfully illiterate lunatic fringe, such as you exemplify in this forum, are only going to end up right where they want to be anyway. You want to live in a moral wasteland, that’s fine. Go forth as an ass to the desert. Nobody will miss you.
I’m a fucking idiot domestic terrorist.
@78 I find the AT&T connection to be more than just a coincidence. Sure, it makes for a good conspiracy theorey. Only time will tell, if it were the religious nut jobs, or just some domestic terrorist, or more.
@ 78
…Mightly coincidental, though, for an end-times cult to warn there’ll be an explosion in Nashville, and then there’s an explosion in Nashville.
Naw. What was claimed in June was that there would be a NUCLEAR BLAST in July, and what we saw in December was some old buildings shake ‘n stuff.
They’re as different as, say, a multimillionaire and a wannabe millionaire like Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. One’s worth talking about, the other’s just a sad excuse for a human being.
It just seems so ironic to me that by focusing so much on moral hazard we conservative Christians will inevitably drive ourselves into a moral wasteland. I for one did not see that coming.
Then again, I never saw the blackmailing pool boy coming either.
Oh, wait. I guess that’s not entirely correct. I probably say him coming once or twice. And vice versa, if you know what I mean.
@ 82
It really is a source of fascination for me to watch you people implode and suffocate under your own piles of bullshit.
It was a source of fascination for me to watch the Employment Security Department to reward you with your own parking spot at the local office, ‘froggy.
Honestly (and that’s not exactly easy for me), I really don’t think there’s anything I can add to that.
If you can’t go to court with a witness like this, you can still try the basket of gullibles in the GOP House caucus.
Remember this?
“In any other circumstance, it would be the furthest thing from a headline: Maine nurse leaves home on bike. And yet Thursday, when Kaci Hickox … pedaled along a … country road, law enforcement vehicles took off after her.”
“Negotiations between Maine and … Hickox concerning where she can go during a potential Ebola incubation period have failed, and Gov. Paul LePage will ‘exercise the full extent of his authority allowable by law,’ the governor’s office said Thursday.”
Yep, just 6 short years ago, Republican governors still believed in quarantines with religious-like fervor.
The last and tallest mountain of hypocrisy has been scaled.
Dumbfuck is drunkenly fixated on Rogers money. Seek help Dumbfuck.
@ 90
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, the case fatality rate from infection by the Wuhan is < 2%. By the time all this is done it will be < 1%.
The CFR for ebola in 2014 was closer to 50% by many estimates, and some put it in the 70% range.
The two viruses have nothing in common. Except you are enough of a dumbfuck to think you know something about both of them, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
You’re a fucking clown. Even on Christmas. You can’t help it, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Bad: Breaking windows to protest white cops murdering black people.
Not bad: Doing $6 million of damage to a wildlife refuge to protest federal land ownership.
Yes, we understand people have different values.
@92 A nurse who didn’t have Ebola and wasn’t contagious has nothing in common with Covid-19 superspreaders, either.
You’d expect a doctor to recognize that distinction — unless, of course, he’s a dumbfuck.
@91 It’s a ton of fun trolling him, isn’t it? Looks like he’s taking your advice and fixating on germs now.
P.S., I’ll bet even the dumbfuck doctor knows more about germs than ex-Gov. LePage does.