Filled out my ballot last night. We have too many judges, but it’s nice to have voter guides to help with those. We’re going to elect Kamala Harris. We’re going to elect Bob Ferguson. We’re going to elect Democrats up and down the ballot. We’re going to defeat those gross initiatives. Seattle is going to pass a levy that’s more car centered than my ideal, but is still fine. We’re going to pick up seats in the legislature and back progressive candidates in local elections. Let’s go.
Boxcheck Momala: He had a bad debate.
Welfare Queen YLB: He had a cold.
Quite the pair of unserious twats, these two.
Some head colds can last for a year or more. Isn’t that right. Welfare Queen YLB.
Not unlike Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit in that respect. Dumbfuck Rabbit also clearly demonstrating evidence of senility for some time – poor research, no consideration for the truth, racism like it used to be in the good ol’ days.
That’s our ol’ Joe.
The convicted criminal
Trump says he will “fire” America’s military generals and replace them with MAGA loyalists, echoing Project 2025
Well, if Trump wins, the criminals in the Deep State working at the FBI, CIA, IRS, and NSA should retire (if they’re eligible) or seek employment outside the federal government. Trump will get even with them, and it won’t very very nice.
BIG YAWN… And he gave a stemwinder at the SOTU…
Here’s a little movie for the Israel and funny last name genocide fan bois out there:
No sorry, Chuck Norris is nowhere to be seen.
I won. I already won. Election isn’t needed. I won.
Would you like fries with that? If not, how about I grab your pussy!?
He had a
coldhour and a half long brain fart.i.e. Kamala v. drumpf..
doggies and kitties on the bbq anyone?
Who won that?
Well, there is the 2nd Amendment Right to contend with. But I’ll be well protected.
I just don’t know how well my cabinet members, my judges, and my military members and their FAMILIES will be protected. It would be a shame for them to sacrifice their lives for me.
Ohhh, and the Churches. I hope I can protect all the churches!
Ballot in drop box..
Wake me on November 5.. Take it away kreepshit with 24/7 noun, verb, Hunter’s dick pics..
Strange goings on in Nevada: Large early vote turnout. In the rural counties.
Not known is whether these are people who usually vote on Election Day and won’t be there to pad GOP totals on November 5, or whether Boxcheck Momala and Cut and Run Walz are in deep shit in the Silver State.
@ 11
There is speculation that the NV indies, because so many of them are younger voters, are really Democrat-leaning voters who call themselves indy. Which makes some sense, because otherwise it’s a landslide turnout for Trump in NV, and that is way off from the polling data.
@ 12
Unless the polls are way off.
Boxcheck Momala, may I introduce you to Mayor Tom Bradley. You two may have something in common besides skin color.
It reads like the troll thinks if he can just flood this site with enough lies it will make the convicted criminal and project 2025 win.
A play in three acts.
Act 1
“If I lose it will be the fault of the Jews.”
Act 2
“Jewish voters may be key to Pennsylvania”
Act 3
“Why can’t you be more like Hitler’s Generals”
Boxcheck Momala, WTF.
Not the behavior of a campaign that thinks it’s a very close election.
Oh wow look at this Headline in the Atlantic that reTwatted
‘Trump is LITERALLY Hitler.”
(Twatter users, That is LITERALLY a faked photoshop and no such thing was on The Atlantic difital or print)
But it COULD be real in the future so I’m leaving it up.
Because its not.
Chickenshit candidate. Rogan likely did not agree to demands for scripted Q&A and editing rights by the Boxcheck Momala campaign.
In addition to the death of the campaign of joy, the outreach to male voters has also ended.
It is shocking and rampant all the illegals registered to vote here in Georgia. After months and months of deep digging we got them.
All 20 of them. We think nine of them actually voted.
Where’s Boxcheck Momala?
Yesterday Trump said that he’s been campaigning for 52 days straight.
Maybe the reason Boxcheck Momala can claim that Trump is exhausted is because he’s doing the necessary work, and she can’t.
Oh, look!
After catching hell for laziness on the campaign trail, a hastily scheduled press event so that Boxcheck Momala can call Donald Trump a Nazi. It wasn’t on her schedule at the start of the day.
I call it a press event because it consisted of barely 3 minutes of Boxcheck Momala reading from a teleprompter, then turning around and walking away without taking questions.
Boxcheck Momala’s plan is to run out the clock while watching her numbers slide, rather than engaging seriously with anyone about anything.
Donald Trump is now living in Boxcheck Momala’s head, rent-free.
@4 – If Trump wins, those traitors are toast! Good riddance, too!
can call Donald Trump a Nazi.
“he wanted generals like Adolph Hitler had..”
That’s a pretty good joke.
@ 25
It’s a more effective joke than the selection of Cut and Run Walz as running mate, to be sure.
In about two weeks you won’t find Walz to be nearly so much fun.
Hell, if she were white she’d be an attorney struggling to eke out a living in some San Francisco tenement office.
Blaming men for not bending to Joe Biden’s 2020 bribe to get the nomination is silly. But then, so are so many liberal women, like Welfare Queen YLB.
than the selection of
Q: “Did Trump lose the 2020 election?”
A: “bibii blah blooo bla blaah..”
i.e. “serious” answer (in kreepshit land).. jerkoff went to Yale where it learned to be “serious”..
the nomination that was stolen from him
Stolen.. How “serious” is that? Did he (Biden) file charges?
Did Reynolds dump his wife for Althouse?
catching hell for laziness
wind surfing and paddle boarding in one’s “lazy time” can’t hold a candle to compulsive, habitual cheating at golf..
Here’s the actual Nevada data rather than a shitpost from Xitter:
I’m not really sure what it is that is driving Trump supporters in these peculiar information silos to perform fan service to each other by fabricating stats.
But these above are the actual stats from the SOS updated in real time and as appearing on the University of Florida elections project website. But I can only conclude that one or both of two things is going on, both of which suggest that the “confidence” being projected by MAGAland is bullshit. One is they know they are losing and they need to cope – obviously. The other is they know they are losing and they need to lay the groundwork for another violent insurrection.
Keep working, keep voting, keep maing progress. As Ben Wickler likes to say “The election is within the margin of effort”.
We win by working on getting voters across the line, not by lying to ourselves like Republicans.
DJT shares are up smartly again today. Up more than 200% since an intraday low a month ago.
I wonder why?
@ 31
This close to the election you are simply being an asshole for not including links to your claims.
You are very wrong. Provably wrong.
As of 8 pm last night there were a total of 141,575 early votes tallied in Nevada. Of these
52.2% were Republicans
27.2% were Democrats
Here is my link:
Try to be something other than a fucking asshole over the next 13 days, QoS McHillbilly. A good start would be to share your link so we can learn what not to read for our information.
Nate Silver, NYT, yesterday:
And for some unserious ones, too.
It’s amusing when the troll is demanding links.
@33 you “seriously” left out mail in ballots…
uhhh.. “noted”?
@ 35
It’s amusing when the troll is demanding links.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, it’s frightening that you cannot comprehend the reason why, but are still permitted to do shit like vote or father a child.
Based on nothing but the orange smoke pouring out of their asses.
By party registration, early vote in Nevada has Republicans up by 3.5 points. I guess we’re just not supposed to know that Nikki Haley technically won the (non-binding) Nevada primary after she was excluded from the caucuses by the Nevada Republican party and so declined to campaign in the state. We are also I guess just not supposed to know that the Nevada Republican Party has been entirely at war with itself for close to two years running up to this election and three of their state party leaders are under criminal indictment for attempting to defraud the 2020 election.
The fact is we don’t know how independents will break. We also don’t know what percentage of Haley voters in swing states will either stay home or vote for Kamala Harris. We only know which of the two parties has spent the last two years in Nevada engaging in purges seeking MAGA purity. We only know which party in Nevada has told it’s own voters to go fuck themselves if they won’t get behind Fat Hitler and that they are no longer welcome. And we only know who is actually actively campaigning to persuade those independent voters and those Haley Republicans and then to get them to turn out.
Imagine a party so weakened and debilitated by its own self-loathing that it must gaslight its own voters and supporters.
Attention Railfan:
S.F. Muni Will Spend $212M to Move Train Control Off Disk
San Francisco’s Municipal Transportation Agency has approved a contract with Hitachi Rail for a new train control system. The replacement will move the Muni Metro off 1998 technology that runs on floppy disks.
That’s in-person only dumbshit.
191,093 mail ballots have been received.
@ 38
Imagine a party so weakened and debilitated by its own self-loathing that it must gaslight its own voters and supporters.
Imagine a McHillbilly so busted for posting falsity that he decides to change the topic rather than admitting he fucked up. That’s Welfare Queen YLB-level dodgery.
so busted for posting falsity
You left out the mail in ballots dumbshit.. You’re the one who is dodging..
For anyone other than profoundly stupid fucking assholes who want to track early vote reports from Nevada directly here’s a link to ALL the reports
Scroll down and go nuts.
Or if you prefer convenience you can use the Early Vote Tracker tool produced by the University of Florida Elections Project here:
Here’s the point to really keep in mind: early vote reports are not a reliable indicator of voter lean and never really have been. They give some indication of voter turnout totals. But it’s far from safe to conclude that above average turnout favors Kamala Harris in this election. That is only true if really, really unusual numbers of younger and non-white voters suddenly turnout. That doesn’t appear to be happening yet. But then again these groups are some of the least likely to vote early. Which is why Democrats are all working hard to target them for contact and turnout.
Just know that obviously MAGA is for some reason out there in the world telling themselves and others all sorts of ridiculous lies right now about early turnout. These are cat barbecue lies. I guess the get them hard enough to manage to choke one out. And that’s cool. They can jerk off while we are busy producing winning turnout.
We will fight the traitors.
We will gather, all of the Deep State, along with true patriotic Americans, and snuff out the enemy!
@37. That’s all it takes to be republican. it’s a low bar.
if he can just flood this site with enough lies it will make the convicted criminal and project 2025 win.
Both teh kreepshit and teh babblin’ butthole were all noun, verb, antifa in 2020..
even drumpf babbled antifa and blah, blah, terrorist list… it’s now updated to “the enemy within”..
Heh.. what would we do here for laughs if not for the trolls and their orange dear leader?
Have I ever mentioned that my worthless son’s IQ is only 52? I wouldn’t blame you if you thought it was lower.
That said, if the troll you call dumbfuck keeps deteriorating at the rate he is, my worthless son might soon find himself being only the second most stupid person posting here.
Performative compulsive liar Scotty P posted yesterday afternoon about the LA Times not endorsing.
In case anyone cares it’s just another lie.
Here’s the truth. The board voted to endorse Harris/Walz and the editorial page editor had drafted a proposed editorial announcing the endorsement. The proposed editorial was circulated for feedback and yesterday she was informed by the newspaper’s editor that the owner, Patrick Soon-Shiong, was blocking any endorsement in 2024. The editorial page editor resigned today.
People gotta be STOOPID to vote for Trump. He could win.
Republican Profiles in Courage #74:
The day before the story broke that Elmo had offered to buy a flight attendant on his private jet a horse in exchange for her silence after he raped her he announced that he was joining the GOP and going to work for Trump.
A few days before the Times ran an expose of the dozens of women that Russel Brand had sexually assaulted Brand declared to the world that he had found Jesus and would be campaigning for Donald Trump.
And beginning a few days ago right wing MAGA social media influencers began posting shit like this, from Jack Posobiec:
Then this morning Mark Halperin announced that he had been pitched a story that could end Trump’s campaign. But then he went on to discredit the story and said he didn’t think it was true.
Boeing machinists rejected the company’s offer, and the strike will continue.
@52 There’s no such thing as a story that “would end Trump’s campaign.” There have been plenty of such stories, and none have affected his political career. There’s really nothing anyone can do about incompetent voters.
Boxcheck Momala has gone full Godwin.
It’s over.
People can’t pay their rent or buy food without going into debt. This shit won’t move the needle.
@ 50
Dow sinks sharply as Wall Street gears up for possibility of a Trump victory
Yeah, it did that on Election Night 2016, too. For awhile.
@56 “People can’t pay their rent or buy food without going into debt.”
Having trouble paying your trailer space rent and buying hay for your fuckbuddy after your options trades didn’t work out?
What he said should be chilling to the traitors. They will be effected in more ways than one, they better realize that.
Trumps plan kills an economy and fuckhead over there talking about how people can’t afford housing and food. Dude is delusional and a fake, fraud and phony
“People can’t pay their rent or buy food without going into debt.”
The troll’s never heard of payday lending.
Maybe it’s never shopped at a Target either.
That was awesome. Pulitzer Prize winning!
trouble paying your trailer space rent and buying hay
Didn’t it just babble the other day about paying less for hay?
It didn’t seem that thrilled. Must have blamed “paying less” on Joe’s spending..
The good news is that if Trump makes Aileen Cannon attorney general, she won’t be a judge anymore. The bad news is she’ll be attorney general.
@ 64
The good news is that if Trump makes Aileen Cannon attorney general, she won’t be a judge anymore.
The even better knews is that it’ll mean that Boxcheck Momala lost.
@65 Cannon will have company celebrating. Every white supremacist, neo-Nazi, and Jan. 6 terrorist will celebrate with her. Birds of a feather.
Nice to see Boxcheck Momala providing even more reason for Muslims to abandon her sorry, chickenshit ass.
Detroit Muslim leader ejected from Kamala Harris rally, deepening rift between Democrats and Arab Americans
“They keep saying they want the Muslims and the Arabs, but we aren’t even welcome at an event,” Ahmed Ghanim says of the Democratic Party while Trump courts voters in Hamtramck
Boxcheck Momala’s gonna have to give her concession speech on Election Night. The next day she’ll be too badly bruised to show her face on camera.
EXCLUSIVEKamala Harris’ husband Doug Emhoff slapped me in the face so hard I spun around … I’m disgusted by his fake ‘perfect spouse’ persona
A few more days of Emhoff on camera and she’ll go on the record by name.
I can’t recall POS Hunter Biden ever beating a woman, unless it was during sex and she asked for it.
‘What’s frightening for a woman that’s been on the other end of it, is watching this completely fabricated persona being portrayed,’ Jane said.
WSJ poll:
Only 42% of voters approve of Boxcheck Momala’s performance as vice precident. 54% disapprove.
Meanwhile, 52% approve of Donald Trump’s performance while he was in office.
She’s toast.
Panic time, libbies.
Biden won the national vote by 4.6 points in 2020 but barely won the Electoral College.
Oh, and there are 12 more days of word salad and silly, fearful rhetoric still to come from the DNC’s laughably incompetent presidential nominee.
The 41 seconds that will make you vote for Jill Stein.
OK, you’re not going to vote for Trump, which is fine. But seriously. Are you really going to waste your precious vote on this?
Why did the Clintons attend the wedding of a fascist?
Tell Zelensky he’s going to have to give up territory. Biden said as much more than a year ago. Actually, part of the problem was that Biden said as much before Russia invaded Ukraine.
It’s over except for the part about admitting it’s over. Of course, it will be newly inaugurated President Trump who gets credit for the negotiated agreement.
What most people do not know is that Steve Jobs was a very funny guy.
Boxcheck Momala is a prank pulled on America from the grave by Jobs.
Hilarious, really. Maybe after Trump’s inauguration recedes from your memories you’ll get the joke.
You’re a weak, insecure, incompetent, unlikable woman who got where you are by sucking dick and checking boxes. How do you gin up a crowd at a public event in a state you should not be wasting your time in less than two weeks before the election?
Maybe we’ll get to see Boxcheck Momala twerk onstage.
Et tu, David Axelrod?
Oh, yeah. He went there.
This contest is so over.
kreepshit is high on its own farts this morning..
knock, knock, knock..
We’ll save the best for Nov 5..
I’ll still be here when y’all finish crying and are ready to engage again.
Maybe try to come up with something positive to say about your candidate. I know – it’s asking a lot.
During the CNN panel after yet another disastrous Town Hall effort by Boxcheck Momala last night, no fewer than three panelists used the term “word salad”:
• Van Jones
• David Axelrod
• David Urban
[Might have been more than three. I saw clips of these three.]
Tim Pool
lmao.. the same tim pfool who’s run out of russian munee and is closing up shop to focus on “family”..
hard to do for an incel..
What most people do not know is that Steve Jobs was a very funny guy.
Yeah, he was just joking with the daughter he denied for years that she wouldn’t get a dime from him..
Just kidding!
Unlike kreepshit who babbles that the brokerage account goes to some heirs but.. just.. can’t.. take that chance.. the munee will go people it hates.
Why did the Clintons attend the wedding of a fascist?
They were invited one would suppose. Usually how it works.
The fascist was a registered Democrat who gave money to all the right places.
Yep the wedding was in 2005 when drumpf was a registered D.
If only David Duke chose the D party, kreepshit might actually have something to babble about.
@68 Taaaaarrraaaa from Russia perhaps… heh.
@ 80
Yes, Welfare Queen YLB. That Tim Pool.
Welfare Queen YLB, what did you think about the video clip in Pool’s tweet? She’s your candidate of choice, Welfare Queen YLB.
So how did she do, girlfriend?
Or did you not watch the linked video, and instead chose the unserious and weak path of shooting the messenger?
C’mon, girlfriend. Show us something.
Welfare Queen YLB’s two fucked kids will be better off under Trump, too.
Republican politicians in Kentucky need to learn not to use the lawnmower. Nothing good comes from it.
Kentucky state senator dies after plunging into empty swimming pool on lawnmower
shooting the messenger?
the messenger being a documented, paid russian tool..
munee’s gone and the incel jerk is going down with it to spend time with its pretend “family”.. shades of kreepshit on its pretend ranch.
drumpf babbles about sharks, hannibal lecter and misogynist shit every day when its not cheating at golf and kreepshit wants to waste its “precious” vote on that..
of course.. like attracts like.. yawn..
Hitler would have done as Upton described of Drumpfy
Bob is proud to be voting for Hitler Drumpf. No further discussion or debate needed on that
Wasn’t kreepshit babbling about Hispanic support for drumpf?
Would be nice if white magats weren’t so hellbent on suppressing their votes.
MAGA activist warns about voters with ‘Hispanic-sounding’ names
A video obtained by CBS News shows conservative activist James Womack encouraging his “election protection” group to flag voters with “Hispanic-sounding” names.
Found that amusing..
Keep the Dumbfuckery going Bob, you look 👀 like a real dumbfuck, never mind being 💩
You are looking really intelligent, let me tell you.
@ 87
Welfare Queen YLB, are Russian contributions to conservative commentators worse than Chinese contributions to Democrat politicians? Are they worse than Chinese Communist Party infiltrations of the offices of Democrat congressmembers?
Why or why not?
And did you watch Pool’s linked video yet, or are you still gonna bet the farm on shooting the messenger, girlfriend?
are Russian contributions to conservative commentators worse
They’re hilariously funee when the “work product” is used by a degenerate, misogynist troll.. desperate to avoid an IRS audit.
keep using them.. keep entertaining us.
well if the klownservatic commentators don’t go belly up on ya first.
Try Dave Rubin next.. ooops… it’s an “abnormal”..
Old thread
Bob is not normal.
From previous thread
Daryll is no dummy. God Bless Daryll!
And I think you should have capitalized Blog
But that would make him no different than Welfare Queen YLB.
Asking Boxcheck Momala mildly challenging and easily anticipated questions = misogyny.
That’s the Welfare Queen YLB way.
Boxcheck Momala will see his truly dark side on Election Night.
No White House for you, Emhoff.
Seems like enough people know that Freedomless Dictator Drumpf will not be appreciated and put up with should he steal and cheat at the election.
He doesn’t stand a chance of living thru 1 year of a term.
A poll from the Art & Science Group released this month showed 28 percent of students ruled out a school due to the politics of the state the college is in. Among those who excluded certain schools, 75 percent of liberals avoided ones in states they saw as too far to the right on abortion rights or LGBTQ issues, while 66 percent of conservatives crossed off colleges in states they labeled as too Democratic, too liberal on LGBTQ issues or too lenient on crime.
>> Liberals don’t want to go to school in a state that might suppress them. Shocking.
>> Meanwhile, conservatives don’t want to go to school in a state that might not suppress people other than them enough.
>> This is the normal collateral damage of state level politics and brain drain, it hurts the state in so many ways. Eventually leading to businesses leaving too when they can’t find college educated talent. Idaho, for example, always struggles to get talent.
>> This is called “The Market”. It will make poor red places more poor. Gonna be a lot of ghost towns in red states over the next few decades. Sadly, it also skews the senate.
Interesting comment
Was it wise, Democrats, to push Elon Musk into the arms of Donald Trump?
Tesla shares surge 19% and head for best day in more than 3 years on Musk’s 2025 growth projection
Shares up more than 20% as of this spew.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit:
@ 100
It will make poor red places more poor. Gonna be a lot of ghost towns in red states over the next few decades.
The results of the most recent census say differently, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron. The likely outcome of the next census will say the same thing.
I just realized, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, that you’re too stupid to provide a link to anything you post. It’s not that you won’t. You can’t.
I predict a race condition, where vance and theil and the federalist society try to remove the convicted criminal as unfit before the convicted criminal and the magas jail vance and theil as enemies of the dictator.
3 Delco town hall participants tell CNN they’re now backing Kamala Harris
“If I had to pick right now, I would pick her,” said Lauren Holden, who said she voted for Trump in 2020.
>> Every vote helps Democracy win.
I think an even greater number of young people are questioning the value of a college education in the first place.
I’m still with Hillary 2028:
Tracey Schwartz
#Resistance #ProudDemocrat #MeToo 🌊🌊🌊 #Adoptdontshop #FlyEaglesFly #CaliforniaStrong #Phillyroots
Oh hey @CNN
I don’t care if she told @andersoncooper
to fuck off she still would be better than a Hitler loving, rapist felon who shitz his pants and can’t complete a full sentence but you keep on with your double standards…
Nice choice there kreepshit.. Apparently Anderson Cooper went all Matt Lauer on Kamala.. Glad I skipped it. I voted day before yesterday.
Bill’s not wrong:
RCP No Toss Ups
Even Welfare Queen YLB knows why.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron thinks it’s because it isn’t November 5th yet.
mildly challenging and easily anticipated questions = misogyny.
Brett Baier musta thought he got played..
@111 And so did the LA Times decline to endorse..
So kreepshit just touted cowardice.. Much grovelling after Nov 5..
best day in more than 3 years on Musk’s 2025 growth projection
Translation: elmo babbles, greedee lemmings follow..
@ 109
In which Welfare Queen YLB compares milquetoast questions asked of a major party presidential candidate in front of a studio audience while on camera before the nation to a one-on-one sexual assault forced on an unsuspecting work underling behind a locked door.
This kind of repeated, unserious twattiness invites a landslide result in the unhappy direction, libbies. You might consider beginning to push back on some of it.
Imagine what Welfare Queen YLB and her silly sisterhood will be claiming the night of November 4th. It will be their closing statement.
a one-on-one sexual assault forced on an unsuspecting work underling behind a locked door.
Actually no kreepshit. I was referring to the rapist’s hit interrogation of Hillary on national tv.
s’ok we all know you’re too stoopid to get it. memory’s going in dotage.
It’s too funny that Baier babbled that Kamala “got what she wanted” after Baier interrupted her..
38 times.. in what?
27 minutes?
Girlsauce YLB talking about payday lending, while she squeezes her own kid for rent money just to stay in his bedroom.
@ 116, 117
Interviewers should allow Democrat women to take five minutes to not answer the question, rather than interrupting in order to bring the subject back to the topic of the question, and in order to save enough time for the next topic.
To attempt to redirect the subject to the question topic is misogynist. But only if the subject is a Democrat.
It’s over, and the liberal tears have begun.
“He asked her foreseeable questions about obvious topics, and waited for her to answer.” Waaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!
To answer your question, Welfare Queen YLB: This is why I am here.
own kid for rent money
The “kid” isn’t a child like liddle maxwipe who can’t seem to grow out of junior high, babbling silly shit online, replaying Dori Monson’s greatest shits, while stroking its popgun.
The “kid” is a college grad with a full time job, a union job to which he pays full freight dues. And more than happy to pay the best rent deal in Seattle.
He can leave anytime.. If he wants to pay more rent. No skin off our backs. He’s an adult. More than free to make his own decisions.
btw, two interviews with pro-schools so far.. Care to know the profession? Sorry gotta wait for that..
HA’s unserious twat skipped yesteday’s CNN Town Hall featuring the DNC’s unserious twat, but no fear girlfriend, because Piers Morgan can fill you in about what you missed:
They look pretty dumb already, Piers.
Interviewers should allow Democrat women to take five minutes to not answer the question
Whatevs.. Baier admits it got played.
drumpf never answers direct adversarial questions.. It’s notorious for one hour meetings where it babbles ad nauseam about shit not on any agenda..
Its old fixer Cohen called it talking in “code”.. pffft.. maybe at one time.. Now it’s what pos trolls like kreepshit project on Kamala..
“word salad”..
Piers Morgan can fill you in about what you missed:
old drumpf tool… solidly in the tank for orange dear leeder..
One simple google search for Morgan shows article after article of drumpf butt licking..
fries at mickey dees? gimme a fuckin’ break..
This is why I am here.
To huff your own farts. We’ve know that for years.
“understands [vulture] kapitalism”..
“next Jimmeh Caaahter”.
“noun, verb, ANTIFA!”
“noun, verb, Hunter’s dick pics!”
More on Senator Josh Hawley’s successful re-election campaign:
Organizer of Gun Photo Op for Kunce Was Under Criminal Investigation, Disallowed From Being Near Firearms
Misery is a basket case to support a cowardly fraud and nut like Hawley who tools about in a donor’s private jet while avoiding a one on one with Kunce..
Write that place off for at least a generation..
Liberal Democrats go after McDonald’s for the $5 Meal Deal.
I believe it all started when Goldy wrote, “I’d pay another 50 cents for a banh mi.”
Interesting that this letter is written a mere 24 hours following Trump’s stop at a McD’s.
@ 127
…avoiding a one on one with Kunce..
Welfare Queen YLB, tell me about the DNC presidential primary debates last year,
tell me about the DNC presidential primary debates last year,
Don’t take orders from pos, misogynist, greedee degenerate fucks who need orange dear leeder to avoid paying for a lifetime of tax cheating sins.
Never have, never will..
Go fish for catfish or bass at the local NASWI burn pit.
Found the Trump yard sign destruction video I mentioned a couple of days ago. It’s so good that I’m not sure it isn’t staged.
The board with the nails in it is at the very end.. [ 53 sec]
Real or staged?
No, I don’t really care what “profession” lol.
Anybody who needs 50 applications to “pro school” isn’t anyone I would likely hire anyway.
The fact that you charge your own child rent says more about you than them. You are a POS as a parent.
NeverMind the fact you need strangers living in your home just make ends meet. Ugh, what a life….
@ 132
The fact that you charge your own child rent says more about you than them. You are a POS as a parent.
Pretty much, yeah. It’s a POS Democrat who relies on losing to Republicans so her kids might actually get a chance in life.
Welfare Queen YLB has spent her life relying on the efforts of others so that she may continue to be an unserious twat.
No, I don’t really care what “profession” lol.
Heh.. I’ll rub it in your face anyway, fuckhead… It’s a lock you’ll be here for it. You’ve been trolling here for like 16 fucking years.
Anybody who needs 50 applications to “pro school” isn’t anyone I would likely hire anyway.
Who the fuck needs you as a boss? Who the fuck would hire someone who believes it only needs to “apply” once? Who’s “owed” admittance? Sounds like a entitled asswipe to me.
The fact that you charge your own child rent
Your the child who believes your adult college grad child with a full time job requires handouts from you.. “He” is an adult willing to shoulder adult responsibility.
you need strangers
LMAO.. Nope little maxshit.. YOU need “The Stranger”.. You need Hannah Krieg, Calvin Priest, Kshama Sawant, Charles Mudede, et. al.
Any other target of poor, dead, morbidly obese Dori Monson you care to mention?
LMAO.. they all live rent-free in the black hole between your ears. Keep bringing them here.. If it makes your miserable life the least bit “meaningful”.. (rolls eyes)..
btw, our tenant is not a “stranger” – whatever the fuck that means to you. Pays the market rate rent on time. Is quiet. Comfortable.
Democrat who relies on losing to Republicans
yawwwn.. this from the asswipe who lives in a State where repukes go to die.
So it can shovel horseshit on its play ranch for its wife who gives generously to liberal causes.
lessee.. Reichert? who was the last fuck who ran against Inslee? I can’t even remember. Anyone remember Mike!? The asswipe who even Dori Monson lambasted for driving drunk?
And then there’s Dino 4-time Lossi..
The ironclad rule of the degenerate HA troll is anyone to the left of Dino 4-time Lossi is a commie, like Castro or Stalin or Mao..
And liddle maxwipe junior high washout wants to hang them all.. too funee.. thanks for the laughs trolls.
The disingenuous concern trolling about the family dynamics is amazing. It’s only wrong when a liberal does it. Regardless of what it is
It’s Missouri. Kunce went up in social status for having an organizer in a gun investigation. He won’t lose a vote for it.
@137.. A state willing to support a nut and coward like Hawley is Misery in my book.. but to each his own.
Polls are polls for what they’re worth. If they’re worth anything it doesn’t look good for Kunce.
Wow, you can really tell when YLB gets upset and flustered. Quite the little keyboard rage-fest!
YLB’s Greatest Hits Album:
Side 1
1. He just had a cold
2. I Vote for Her (ballad to Kshama Sawant)
3. He was Suffering from Jet lag
4. Those Damn Asian Neighbors
5. Pro-School
Side 2
1. The Best Deal in Seattle
2. We Took The Money (But We Didn’t Need it)
3. Dori’s Livin’ Rent Free
4. Chief Sitstopee (instrumental)
5. Who’s that stranger in my basement
1. Why Does Everyone Think I’m Female – Live recording from The Showbox, 2014
@138. This state wants a fascist christian dictatorship, because they assume they won’t be hurt by it, or at least, they will be hurt less than the people they hate. Hawley is a loathsome person, but he’s their kind of loathsome person. I will be shocked if Kunce wins.
@139. Is that what passes for conservative humor? Explain it to me like I’m a liberal. What about that is funny?
Remember Doctor Dumbfuck’s complaints about Harris’s “edited” interview? Well, I found some pernicious editing, alright. What does the good doctor think of this?
@138 “A state willing to support a nut and coward like Hawley is Misery in my book.”
Having visited Columbia, Missouri, I can say that Thorsten Veblen nailed it when he called Columbia “the woodpecker hole in a rotten stump called Missouri.”
@139 yawwwn from junior high washout to aspiring shit pan alley producer..
that’s a step up liddle maxpuddle…
from a washout to zzzzZzzz.. snoozer.. thanks for the effort.. you did your best..
sadly, yours truly lives rent-free in the sewage pit between its ears.. next to Hannah Krieg, whatshis name Priest, etc.. lucky me..
I might just sleep through little maxpuddle’s next broadcast of Dori Monson’s greatest shit fits.. too bad.. can’t laugh while you’re asleep..
The Boss does not play Trump rallies.
If you know you know….
The erectile-challenged Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 142
On the Fox News broadcast, Trump was simply shown saying that “there’s a way” to get the job done — but the full video shows something else entirely.
The difference, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, between the Fox/Trump/barber shop thing and what CBS News did with Boxcheck Momala is that in the former case the entire exchange exists, and exists on video.
CBS News won’t provide a complete transcript of its interview with Boxcheck Momala. If it would provide the complete video then no one would be asking for the complete transcript, but it certainly wouldn’t provide her spewing word salad on video.
The two are nothing alike. A complete record is publicly available in the case of Trump’s barber shop event. CBS News is hiding a complete record of its interview with Boxcheck Momala. It’s clear why CBS News is doing it – she is awful and CBS News behaved unethically in order to hide that.
Once again, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, read the whole piece before you spew about it. You keep embarrassing yourself.
It’s what passes for humor, period.
I could try and explain to you like you’re a dumbass, but I don’t practice efforts in futility….
What about that is funny?
heh.. it’s funny in that it’s so sad that junior high level drivel like that is liddle maxpuddle “living” its “best life”..
yawwwn.. wake me up on Nov 5..
Imagine an agreement between Trump and Biden that POS Hunter would be pardoned by a newly inaugurated Trump. Biden protects his POS son and keeps a promise that he won’t issue a pardon his POS son. It’s Trump’s final term, so what does he care if his own party is upset with him for issuing the pardon. And it closes a chapter in the Biden saga and pushes The Biden Crime Family off the national stage for good. “Turn the page”, as the unlikable spouse of the emasculate Cut and Run Walz likes to say.
That would open up the door for DOCTOR Jill Biden to bury Boxcheck Momala.
I’d be fine with all of it.
And Jews. And Muslims.
And Nevadans.
And Virginians.
And Minnesotans.
I’d be fine with all of it.
translation: Hunter off the hook by drumpf would mean kreepshit pissed away countless hours of its dotage on dick pics and fantasies about laptop contents.. orange dear leader gives it “closure”..
Biden pardoning his own son means kreepshit continues to piss away countless hours of its dotage till kreepshit’s “certain day” with destiny aka the grave..
kreephit’s funeral… kinda like.. the khalidi tape.. or the bridge tragedy..
Anyone see that movie? If you blinked, you missed it.
@150 “Imagine an agreement between Trump and Biden” requires a far more vivid imagination than I have. I can’t even imagine you fucking a woman like normal men. Your horse can’t, either.
Wall Street is convinced Trump will win. Stocks are selling off. But correlation isn’t necessarily causation, and it might be just a coincidence.
Anything about the laptop going to come out this month?
Only 7 days left in October.. maybe..
kreepshit’s on pins and needles.. Surprise!
Wall Street is convinced Trump will win.
The street has been betting lower interest rates since at least q4 2023..
kreepshit predicted recession the whole while it babbled noun, verb, Chicago.. it can’t very well do that any more.. can it?
They both can’t predict crap.
“Wall Street” was also pretty fucking sure that TSLA was a solid buy at $700.
So was Scotty P.
Donald Trump is Gallup-ing toward re-election.
His favorability is better than Boxcheck Momala’s.
Nah, you can keep sleeping.
Tonight’s dinner conversation:
“Hey son, rents due! Pay me motherfucker!”
@ 153
I can’t even imagine you fucking a woman…
All of Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s sex is vicarious these days.
“Hey son, rents due!”
poor liddle maxpuddle.. Banks have stuff like automated bill pay these daze.. Son’s employer pays him twice a month straight into his checking account..
Bill pay sends one half the rent to his parents the day after each pay day.. Doesn’t have to think about it.
liddle maxpuddle stuck in its junior high daze hasn’t graduated into the 21st century.. Bet it still thinks dial-up is the shit.. and we “buy iranian oil..”
Earth to maxpuddle: the Shah’s not around anymore. Iran is like dead to us now.
Fair warning y’all.
We caught pathetic fucking liar Scotty P blatantly lying about the numbers less than 24 hours ago. He’s still the exact same fucking troll today as he was when he was a lying piece of shit yesterday.
All of you have work to do.
And it’s not here engaging with a thoroughly debased, groveling liar.
Q: What do Donald Trump and Bruce Springsteen have in common?
A: A long time ago they both fucked around on their wives.
“It’s Trump’s final term”
Only if Vance and Theil and federalist society have him committed. He’s a dictator and he will never give up being dictator until dies in bed controlling all the levers of power so he doesn’t go jail.
@164. Is that another example of what passes for conservative insight or was that supposed to be humorous?
See I’ll make sure America is fun like a bankrupted business. We’ll be millionaires. No taxes!
But not like you with a Horse.
Q: What about Bruce Springsteen and Donald Trump distinguishes them from each other?
A: One is an iconic rock legend who transformed American culture and inspired a generation and one is a spray-tanned fascist.
More dead womenz
Chicago, Chicago, Chicago
More for The Heterosexual Neanderthal Murderers File.
The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus strikes again!
Back to your now.
Excuse me, anyone have some curry? Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus Curry?
Excuse me again.
This one is juicy! Heterosexual Neanderthal Juicy Virus.
Excuse me, don’t mean to interrupt
But here is sweet side of that spice heterosexual viurs
Yes. I am just a dick.
They’re not pretty in my opinion so they are trans.
Hate to break your bubble. G, but there were homosexual Neanderthals too.
We are different, we are not like you, you’ve told us as such.
God damn will someone give G-swallow a hug!?
So what you are saying is that you have an automated system set up to extract money from one of your sons.
Wow…a true piece of parental shit you are. Can you say MANIPULATIVE.
The best thing your kids can do is get as fucking away from you as possible.
I wonder why the Walz-bashing doctor hasn’t posted anything about this guy lying about his military service?
Well, if Sheehy is elected, he’ll just be another Republican liar in a Senate already full of Republican liars (e.g., Ted Crud et al.).
Wonder how the split ticket in Los Angeles County will be with today’s announcement? Hard to see Gascon surviving pushing to let the Menendez Brothers out.
@179 “The best thing your kids can do is get as fucking away from you as possible.”
Yeah, let ’em pay market rent to a corporate landlord who’ll evict them if they pay late. They’ll really need automatic bill pay then.
Nice of #CrookedHillary to cut that ad for the Trump campaign, wasn’t it?
Y’all should have drafted her when y’all had the chance. The DNC gave y’all, what – nearly 70 hours to come up with all those signatures? Y’all’s failure to draft her will give America the second Trump administration.
Miami – fuckin’ Dade just went red.
American Shoppers Will ‘Bear the Brunt’ of the convicted criminal’s Tariffs: Rand Paul
Full quote: American shoppers will bear the brunt of Trump’s tariffs, and that is why I am supporting Donald Trump” -Rand Paul
Republicans in the battleground states of Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin filed lawsuits to block the counting of military ballots cast overseas.
@184. So?
That’s the party that voted, not the way they vote.
Doesn’t mean that the republicans voted for the convicted criminal and it doesn’t mean that the Democrats voted for Vice President Kamala Harris. Maybe republican voters don’t want a fascist dictatorship. Maybe the Democratic voters don’t want a liberal black woman president.
Kamala Harris Holds Major Lead Over Trump Among Florida Independents: Poll
Harris is leading Trump by 14 points among independents, with 55 percent support compared to Trump’s 41 percent.
If the independents vote 55% for Vice President Kamala Harris, she wins.
For all the republican lies, we will know for sure, from the votes cast.
Never underestimate the power of a Netflix Documentary to turn public opinion towards poor sexually abused legal adults who shotgunned their parents