Your ballot should have been mailed out recently. If you haven’t received it yet, you should soon. Have them postmarked or dropped off by November 5. But how are you going to vote? Here are some guides.
– Fuse has really stepped up in recent years with an explicitly progressive voter guide for the whole state.
– If you’ve in Seattle, The Stranger has been the gold standard for decades.
– The Labor Council has links to various local endorsements.
– The Sierra Club has endorsements if you want to look from an environmental perspective.
– Planned Parenthood and Pro Choice Washington have the endorsements to best protect reproductive freedom.
– As for me, I say vote for the Democrat if it’s them versus a Republican, and no on the statewide initiatives. There are a few races where both candidates are Democrats, but the more progressive candidates is pretty obvious.
Trump, Who Brags About His ‘Stamina,’ Is Ducking Interviews Because He’s ‘Exhausted’
He’s so old.
And Biden stuttered.
And Vice President Harris will make a great president.
If Trump is so popular, why does Leon have to pay people to vote for him?
Trump says he will move to take CBS “off the air” because he doesn’t like 60 Minutes.
Think about that.
Maybe the convicted criminal in cognitive free fall will replace CBS with Russia Today
Trunp on Fox and Friends this AM
This is a very knowable answer. In fact it was one of the essay question choices for my Kid’s Junior year History class last June.
“What were the causes of the civil was and do you think it could have been avoided by Congress?
Minimum 1000 words, provide at least three quotations from class readings.”
The jokes write themselves, unless you’re Donnie at the Al Smith Dinner and you tell a joke about Schumer being trans because ‘woke’.
Worth remembering that at this point in 2016 Fat Hitler was flat out sprinting in the blue wall.
Elmo just jumped his vote bribe to $100.
Harris will be joined by the Obamas in key stops targeted to produce wider media coverage while still focusing on targeted undecideds and persuadables.
Fat Hitler returned home to NY to appear on Fox and Friends sitting on some sort of dark towel or absorbent pad between his bloated ass and the white sofa cushions, calling for arrests of network news executives and Democrats who mock him.
Don’t forget bragging about how he’s going upstairs to meet with Rupert about how to cover him for the next three weeks.
Vote Democrat! In these Trumpy times, there is no Republican candidate who can be trusted with our democracy or rights. They are all infected with the MAGA virus.
@7 I thought Rupert was down on him after paying 3/4 billion to cover his election lies. Btw, is Rupert still sentient, or does his kid run the show now?
There won’t be toss up states, anyway, on November 5.
Government always seeks more power for itself and will do its best to get it. In this country, that means doing their absolute best to do an end run around the Bill of Rights.
Cool story bro.
Got any Trafalger and Rasmussen?
Asked on Fox and Friends who his favorite president was when he was little, the Donald pandered, “Reagan!
Donald was 34 in 1980.
Nikki Haley is begging to suck Fat Donnie, but he’s not in the mood.
@14 Fascist presidents were hard to come by in the ’50s and ’60s. You have to go all the way to 1969.
Don’t miss TSLA selling at $700. It’s your last chance.
I’ve been reliably informed by a lonely hermit who makes up fake friends and worries constantly about the price of Kirkland Signature cat food that these things are entirely irrelevant to election outcomes.
Nice try Elmo,
The new TOS for Twatter.
Trying to get Judge Reid O’Connor to be the judge in all legal disputes regarding Twatter.
“But but but but rhe new HQ is in TX!”
Sure, Bastrop County TX. Shopping for venue without relevant jurisdiction. Nice try, Elmo.
This is how the campaign communicates with the candidate. It was how they communicated with him when he was president.
He’s obviously decompensating from some kind of old age dementia. But he was never particularly attentive or aware of things that weren’t of particular interest to him. The people around him who are dependent upon his success understand by now that he perceives the world in terms of “popularity” and attention. And he values people and ideas in terms of their ability to “win” on these measures.
So it does them no good to inform him that he’s facing a terrible mathematical risk of Haley voters either declining to vote or voting for Harris. Not only would that depress him to learn, but it would also make him even more resistant to using her. He at least understands that she would use that opportunity to protray herself as something other than “a loser”. And to him that is what matters most, since he is the one she lost to.
So they use the media and other surrogates to present the bad news and plant the proposed solution, hoping that he will encounter them and conceive them as his own brilliant idea.
But Fat Hitler is a thin skinned, petulant, childish fool. So we can all relax, knowing that he won’t deploy Haley to shore himself up so long as his minions keep feeding him bullshit polls.
Instead he’ll announce a new product introduction of an $8,000 Trump branded, gold upholstered gaming chair with built-in toilet and a contest for a lifetime supply of Trump branded pizza rolls and “energy” drink.
@ 12
Got any Trafalger and Rasmussen?
Got a bit of Newsweek. Less than an hour old, so fresh:
Electoral College Map Projector Flips All Battleground States to Donald Trump
Disclosure: it’s a regurg of RCP. But thanks for the opportunity to share it twice.
1.2 million new users joined Bluesky in the past 24 hours.
Twitter is the new 9gag
@ 12, 21
Got some NPR, too:
Cut and Run Walz’s “politics of joy” is over. When he’s done changing his tampon, he’ll be breathing fire about Trump being Stalin, Mussolini, and Hitler all rolled into one.
Wait a sec about that last part…. OK, that wasn’t Walz. It was The Atlantic.
Bret Baier lied to his viewers and his apology doesn’t fix it. Harris had to correct him.
@ 23
Bret Baier lied to his viewers and his apology doesn’t fix it. Harris had to correct him.
Indeed. She learned some pushback from JD Vance and she didn’t even get her microphone cut.
That was the first time in her campaign that Boxcheck Momala demonstrated some backbone. Up to that point the only thing she has shown us is that three decades ago she wore kneepads to advance her career.
Utterly missing the point
The last 10 polls added for Wisconsin
RMG (rasmussen)*
Morning Consult
Redfield & Walton*
Patriot Polling*
Insider Advantage
Fabrizzio Lee*
Fabrizzio Lee*
Fabrizzio Lee*
*GOP Poll
The goal is simple, flood the zone with garbage polls, move the average, get Newsweek to report, keep Dumbfuck clicking
Fox acknowledged that it used the wrong clip. It deserves all of the derision coming its way.
Will CBS News acknowledge that it replaced an entire Boxcheck Momala question response with something else, so that she would seem intelligent? CBS News has yet to acknowledge what it did.
@25 “That was the first time in her campaign that Boxcheck Momala demonstrated some backbone.”
Remind me of what you said about Harris’s upcoming Fox interview before it happened. Didn’t you predict it would be a disaster for her? I don’t remember, because your rants aren’t memorable.
@27 “Fox acknowledged that it used the wrong clip.”
Fox did no such thing. Baier admitted that Fox used the wrong clip. And he probably had to report directly to Lachlan’s office right after he went off the air.
RCP relies on Trafalgar and Rasmussen*.
So what does Scotty P do?
He obeys and gives you Trafalgar and Rasmussen.
*and a growing host of GOP/MAGA/etc. bullshit Stygian Witch polls that use readings of dead cat bones and counting of corn kernels in their shit to determine their data.
Please enjoy this Bob Casey ad claiming that Trump did the right thing by ending NAFTA, and by slapping tariffs on China:
So a guy who voted with Biden 98.5% of the time finds it necessary to go MAGA in order to hold his PA seat.
Pennsylvania flips red.
You’re not wrong about her backbone, though.
Harris can handle Trump, as she showed in the debate (he ran from a second one). She can handle the pretend journalists at Fox, as she showed in the Baier interview. And she can do something Trump can’t: She can handle foreign dictators. Trump is weak. He gives them what they want in exchange for pats on the back and election intercession. There may be an asylum promise in there somewhere, too. Harris is strong; and under her America will be strong, independent, and free.
Gosh. So brave of him to blame his studio directors.
Profiles in Republican Courage
Scotty P got busted for this lie twice already this week. And he shit the bed twice trying to run away from it.
He only compounds the lying by claiming that FOX has somehow behaved with integrity. They planned the living fuck out of that interview. That clip was set up precisely. They just didn’t expect to be challenged on it because they aren’t used to capable courtroom litigators who can think on their feet.
Now to perform cleanup duty Baier shits all over the little people who work for him, and Scotty P lovingly spoons it all up and gobbles it down.
The oldest and largest Arab American newspaper, Michigan-based, is withholding its endorsement this year.
Arab American News Won’t Endorse Harris or Trump: Both Candidates ‘Have Been Ignoring Our Need’
CAIR’s exit poll found that 94% of the Muslims who voted in this years Michigan primary voted “Uncommitted”.
Michigan flips red.
@35 Think they’ll vote for the guy who moved our embassy to Jerusalem? Maybe his next act would be to make Jerusalem the U.S. capital? The best you can hope for is they stay home and don’t vote.
What might Michigan’s Muslim voters do in November?
Well, Wiki says they have lots of choices:
If CAIR’s primary election exit poll is any indication, Boxcheck Momala is in a shit-ton of trouble with Muslims in Michigan.
It’s important to realize that Michigan Muslims who are citizens also care about the economy, national security, and what illegal immigration might do to upset the apple cart. It’s not like Detroit hasn’t had its economic problems in the past. And Stellantis is in a shit-ton of trouble these days – nobody wants to buy a fucking Jeep.
@ 36
The best you can hope for is they stay home and don’t vote.
In which Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit confuses Michigan Muslim voters with Michigan black voters.
I sustained a “gambling” loss today – dropped 5 figures to close a sold call position so I could avoid having shares in HIG called away, which would have saddled me with a pretty large taxable gain.
Not losses, exactly, because what I paid to close the contract is fully offset by the paper gain in the shares that I wasn’t expecting. But still.
The market has blown past a ceiling I figured it would have hit a couple of months ago. Oh, well. I’ll dry my tears with my paper gains.
It seems using Venmo is like baring your soul to a police detective.
What you’re pointing out is a campaign tactic in response to the media double standard. It’s like judo. It demonstrates the intellectual quality behind the campaign as well as the strength and discipline of the candidate.
When the media deploy a double standard you lean into it and use the double standard. You go harder so that the more they report, the worse it looks. She’s called for more debates and Fat Hitler refuses. She goes wherever she is asked and gives detailed answers to hard questions. She goes on FOX to take on all the lies the Fat Hitler network can dish out and force them to eat their own words publicly. You make them report their own double standard. Eventually the audience you are aiming for sees what’s going on. And even the people pushing the double standard see it.
Ghandi and the satyagrahis exposed themselves openly to the police blows from lathis. They lined up in files to be beaten and even shot. It’s an act of strength and pure truth.
Children in Birmingham lined up and marched peacefully to be shot down with rubber bullets and water cannons and set upon by attack dogs. They did it to demonstrate the truth of American apartheid for all the world to see.
Unlike Fat Hitler the Harris campaign knows that mewling and pleading for favorable press treatment is useless. They have to use the press with their own strength.
@39 Hartford Insurance Group, like all P&C insurers, is doing very well in this time of collusive premium price-gouging, with next year’s projected profits more than double the company’s pre-pandemic profits just 5 years ago.
As you know, I’m ignorant about options trading. Help me out here. You voluntarily took a 5-figure loss to avoid paying 15% tax on a realizable gain?
All the times Boxcheck Momala mentioned Trump during her sit-down with Baier, in 15 seconds:
I don’t hear any joy in her. Because there isn’t any. With fewer than three weeks to go Boxcheck Momala’s campaign is one of fear.
@43 It’s legitimate to fear someone who promises to turn our military into a January 6 mob after the Rogue Court immunizes that behavior.
@ 44
It’s legitimate to fear someone who promises to turn our military into a January 6 mob after the Rogue Court immunizes that behavior.
Meh. Boxcheck Momala once promised to ban fracking. She didn’t mean it. At least that’s what she says now. Of course, in 3 weeks nobody will care what she said, about anything.
Last night Trump said he’d work to fully restore the SALT deduction.
Yet another reason for wealthy people to vote for Trump, including some in swing states.
Just in time for early voting MO, KS and ID filed a new ‘overturn the FDA approval’ of Mifepristone.
Among the arguments, eliminating requirements of an ultrasound before the drug is administered interrupts the ability of fake abortion clinics to minister to the patient. That eliminating requirements of hospitalization to administer the drug is just normal like the AMA recommends for Tylenol, a drug with a higher incidence of adverse effects. (Satire, no one is insisting hospitalization for Tylenol) AND THE BEST, Use of the drug is a state interest because unwanted babies grow the taxable population.
@ 47
(Satire, no one is insisting hospitalization for Tylenol)
Tylenol is the FDA’s version of stare decisis. Tylenol could never be approved today.
I’m not insensitive to your argument, but satire is not the way I would describe Tylenol’s inclusion. Counterproductive is the term that comes to mind.
If you don’t understand my argument, consider menthol cigarettes. Like Tylenol they are currently FDA-approved, and they’ve been around for decades. Now consider what almost just happened, until Bi-Done (then) and now Boxcheck Momala realized it would cost Democrats black votes.
“Grandpa just sent me this”
“Does he even have Venmo?”
I think I may have actually found Scotty P’s fake FB friends from CO after all this time:
These freaky whack job cult grifters were left high and dry after Warren Jeffs was sent to prison. And they needed and new grubby scheme to conjure up crowd funding and public attention. So they decided to launch their own private MAGA range war against Scotty P’s dreaded DERP STATE!!!
But instead of a confrontation with the Forrest Service and local law enforcement they got a confrontation with their own neighbors and other local land users who don’t like lazy, shiftless theives and still cling to a few traditional views about frontier justice.
For now at least the USFS and the local County Sheriff are very wisely letting these Branch-DavidianMormon-FREEDUMB-Sovereign-Citizen-VaccineFreedom-WesternWelfare assholes build as much fence as it takes for them to burn through their welfare checks and support payments. At least until November 6th. They aren’t going to give these down syndrome survivors another Malheur “occupation” standoff.
One local leaseholder excluded from his lease by the cult fencing who took part in the citizen justice is rightly pissed. Right now he’s busy moving animals from higher elevation to lower elevation and putting up as much hay as he can before the snow flies. He doesn’t have time for this shit. He should think about that when it’s time to vote.
Which is precisely why Donald is not a viable option and Jill Stein hasn’t made any inroads either.
“The problem Bibi has with Joe Biden is he’s not letting Bibi kill the Muslims FAST ENOUGH!” -Donald…today. In announcing that he planned to have a diplomatic call with Netanyahu this afternoon, which is of course…illegal.
@ 47, 48
(Satire, no one is insisting hospitalization for Tylenol)
Health News March 9, 2023 / 3:00 AM
Limits to acetaminophen in prescription painkillers linked to drop in hospitalizations
There’s nothing funny about it.
The FDA has issued an advisory on overuse of acetaminophen:
Yet, the FDA still says use of up to 4,000 mg/day might be OK.
That’s four grams of a drug. Nearly one-seventh of an ounce.
Does that sound right to you? How about your liver? How about your liver if you’re also having two alcoholic drinks per day?
I never take Tylenol. Ever. It was prescribed for my wife last year and I bitched about it for two straight days and finally got her to switch to something else.
Always ask your health care provider about an alternative to acetaminophen. Always take the minimum dose necessary; better to feel some discomfort than to harm your liver trying to avoid a little discomfort.
A new application of a drug like Tylenol would be laughed at by the FDA. It’s grandfathered, but it’s also poison.
Rant off.
@ 51
In announcing that he planned to have a diplomatic call with Netanyahu this afternoon, which is of course…illegal.
No. It’s not. It wasn’t in 2020 when Biden spoke to the Australian PM before he became president, either.
You’re understandably upset that Bibi has time for Donald Trump, when DeSantis had no time for Boxcheck Momala. Between now and January 20 you really should try to control your emotions.
When they started calling him Tampon Tim I thought it was because of the bathroom dispenser thing in the boys’ school RR. I had no idea it was because he uses them one week out of the month.
Was Tampon Tim OTR during his debate?
Notice how you never see Ryan Fournier and Michael Wolff in a room at the same time?
I guess sharing that Boxcheck Momala would nominate Molly Shannon for SecHHS wasn’t well received by the Catholics.
Biden was the one who didn’t want to go after OBL.
Both Biden and Boxcheck Momala opposed going into Rafah.
So yeah. Bibi is gonna speak @ 51 with Donald Trump today.
Trump: Secure the border. Deport the criminal illegal aliens. Strengthen and grow the economy.
Boxcheck Momala: Men can get pregnant. Men can have babies. Men can breast-feed. I’ve studied the science.
This is what defeat sounds like.
Yes, actually. Well, I suppose I should say it sounds right to my primary care physician, an actual medical school graduate and board certified doctor of internal medicine with twenty five years of practice, my Pharm D pharmacist, and one or two MD specialists I’ve asked about this very issue.
It makes sense really. Perhaps unfortunately acetaminophen gets combined with other drugs in more ways than it should. And as fake doctor Scotty P glaringly demonstrates with his first post on this, Tylenol is a fucking brand name, not an actual name for any drug. That brand name gets leveraged by McNeil into everything except breakfast cereal.
So accroding to my actual docs a tremendously high percentage of adverse liver events associated with acetaminophen arise from people unwittingly overdosing because they are using multiple OTC and prescription products without informing their providers, because they are using acetaminophen-containing products for the other drugs they contain (codeine), and/or because they are also consuming lots and lots of alcohol despite plenty of label warnings to the contrary.
When recovering from injury/surgery my docs have prescribed up to 4,000 mg per day. And I was fucking glad they did. But I don’t lie to my docs. I don’t abuse OTC remedies like some retail voodoo shaman. And when I use acetaminophen I don’t drink any alcohol.
Maybe it needs more regulation. Maybe it needs to be removed from OTC approval. Maybe it shouldn’t be included in combination with so many other drugs into branded home remedies.
Trust real docs. Talk to yours about every drug you take before you take them including any OTC. Don’t listen to lying trolls. Remember right now that during the peak of COVID this same lying troll strongly advised you to rush out to the nearest Grange Supply and load up on horse liver medicine and aquarium cleaner.
On Sunday Bob Casey will campaign with Donald Trump in Philadelphia.
Sounds like the fuck is eluding to having another civil war. Should be fun and great for the economy!
I’ve seen this coming since the rise of the Teabaggers.
Blackie Obama really rattled their feathers
In the same way NASCAR drivers for decades were never pronounced dead before airlift so the ‘No deaths on the track’ remained semantically true.
The more you guys say the tourists filled with love didn’t kill anyone or have guns the dumber you look.
Anyone know exactly how many appearances Donald Trump has now canceled in the last week? I’ve read it’s a lot. And for sure a few pretty big appearances have been taken off his schedule that might have been important to the campaign.
But I’m not seeing where anyone is officially tracking this. And I’m wondering about the growing speculation that something may be wrong with him. Like maybe he’s sick with some virus (possibly COVID). Or maybe he’s just too worn down. But I’d be really curious to see some actual accounting.
He’s canceled an NRA event in Georgia which would have been very important. He canceled a big network appearance on NBC. Then he canceled another appearance on CNBC. He previously canceled an interview with the Detroit Daily News and another public appearance in Pennsylvania with the President of Poland – I guess there is a big Polish community in that location. And of course he backed out of the debates and canceled his plans to appear on CBS’s 60 Minutes also.
Some of these seem like they’d be a pretty big deal to anyone running for president other than an incumbent, especially with the race so close.
Are there other, upcoming events that he’s canceled are perhaps will cancel at the last minute? Are there other major appearances that he has declined or canceled?
If Nikki Haley agrees to campaign for Trump, she’ll be endorsing Jan. 6, his promises to pardon the rioters, his lies about the 2020 election, his attacks on police, his threats to use the military on peaceful protesters, his 34 felony counts, Project 2025, and a whole lot more.
And we will remember.
She’s damned if she does, but if she doesn’t, she’ll have no future in the GOP. That’s quite a fix she’s in.
@45 WTF does fracking have to do with sending military troops into our cities to suppress peaceful protests? Or round up brown-skinned people? When Trump says he’s going to do that, we’re entitled to believe him.
Corporal With Funny Little Mustache: When I’m Chancellor, I’m going to round up all the Jews.
German citizens: Oh, he’ll never do that. Let’s vote for his party.
@46 If he likes it so much, he shouldn’t have capped it in the first place. Say, wasn’t that to punish voters in blue states? I think it was.
@47 “unwanted babies grow the taxable population”
I thought they grow the welfare population. But that’s not an issue in Mississippi, where the monthly benefit is $260 a month when money isn’t being diverted to build sports facilities for Brett Favre’s children.
@50 They’re not “normal, ordinary folks” as the sheriff says; they’re squatters taking pages from the Bundy family playbook. Big difference.
@51 “In announcing that he planned to have a diplomatic call with Netanyahu this afternoon, which is of course…illegal.”
Oh, he’ll get immunity for that, too. If prosecutors can’t get him for trying to overthrow the elected government, they can’t get him for violating the Logan Act, either.
Please enjoy this short video of Boxcheck Momala screaming the way #CrookedHillary did when it was late in the 2016 campaign and she sensed that things were starting to go to shit:
She knows it’s over and there’s nothing left in her future except more beatings by her husband.
@52 For once maybe you’re useful for something.
@53 Bibi will make time for anyone who’ll slap him on the back and tell him bombing women and children, schools and hospitals, aid workers and journalists, is perfectly okay. Such folks are pretty rare these days, and getting rarer.
@ 70
In which Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit demonstrates that he’s unaware that nobody has ever gotten anybody for violating the Logan Act.
Although nobody has ever been subject to the charges in NYC that Trump faces, either. Never say never.
Why so shrill, Boxcheck Momala?
@54 It doesn’t surprise me that Jaydee is popular with MAGA voters. He has no character, and neither do they. Birds of a feather flock together.
@57 Not bad, other than getting the names mixed up.
Rust Belt Senate Democrats for Trump!
She’s not winning. Once SNL starts laughing at her, it’s over.
@61 The question is which side Trump thinks should have caved to the other, the Union, or the South? That’s a tough one, because he thinks “there were very fine people on both sides.”
Well, Wisconsin’s a big state. Tammy can’t be everywhere, can she?
Time to save yourself, Senator Baldwin. And really, who better than a fellow woman in the Senate Democrat Caucus to understand just how lightweight Boxcheck Momala truly is?
Fresh off ‘She’s stupid.’ Then ‘She needs a teleprompter’ and ‘Fox news will eat her up’
It’s time to go with ‘shrill and emotional’
The fragile male ego playbook has no more pages.
Tammy Baldwin isn’t stupid. She saw what happened to Russ Feingold in a Trump year.
Give it another week and she’ll be campaigning with Trump.
@ 81
It’s time to go with ‘shrill and emotional’
Hey, don’t look at me. It was her campaign manager, fresh off @ 55 telling Boxcheck Momala not to show up at the Al Smith dinner, that she can improve her fortunes with shrill and emotional.
After all, it’s what women do when they sense danger. Just look at Welfare Queen YLB’s spews of late.
Will Goldy once again grace us with a (nearly) Election Eve “bullshit polls” thread?
’cause I really liked the one he did last time.
My health…it is under audit.
I can’t let you see that. Just trust me bro.
Elon Musk, stumping for Trump yesterday, in Folsom, PA, talking about society in a Boxcheck Momala-run country.
Did you know that Musk lived in Pennsylvania for three years?
Trump is backed by Musk and Rogan. Boxcheck Momala is backed by Taylor Swift and the ladies of The View. Oh, and by Howard Stern, but he’s now behind a paywall, so nobody hears him, nor cares.
How is Boxcheck Momala going to make inroads with male voters by going on Fox News and getting her ass kicked by Brett Baier?
@ 85
Trump has not released his actual medical records…
No presidential candidate has. Medical records aren’t like 1040s.
Don’t cry, Welfare Queen YLB. You’re safe from autism.
Increased autism risk linked to Y chromosome, study finds
Your two fucked kids, OTOH…
The Whidbey Swordplay Association wants G-clown to know that it’s LARPing with sabre and chainmail stuff, and not what G-clown wants to join in order to participate in.
I just saw where Donald Trump abruptly cut short and left early during another interview just today. This is happening every day right now.
There must be some kind of serious problem. I don’t think they would want to let this look like this if it wasn’t absolutely necessarry.
Playing semantics again?
Ok a medical summary by the attending Physician who’s NOT Rony ‘healthiest man on the planet lay no attention to the gut, the unsteady gate and inability to hold a glass’ Jackson
I wonder why they made him sit on a towel on Fox and Friends?
I remember having to do that with my dad. He was declining with Parkinsons and things were unpredictable. We had him wearing pads but they’d move around. Getting old is unfair. He was such a great guy and he never let it get him down. He wasn’t even as old as Trump is now.
For about 20 minutes Donald wandered the stage lost in a half empty Detroit arena.
Trafalger keeps coming up with +3 Donnie and Rasmussen too.
Sheep Hypnosis.
Dont kid yourself. The mic break was probably staged, with the plan to get 20 minutes of fools bowing to him to feed his ego and to hypnotize the sheep.
It’s sickening. Hitler didn’t have to work too hard either.
Not to point out anything outlandish, but he and his fans are part of The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus Klan.
It’s not good for the Phoenix PD that the D.A. dropped all charges against the deaf black man with cerebral palsy they beat to a pulp and then threw in jail for “stealing” his own cellphone.
The fact the white officers who beat the crap out of him say they don’t remember getting any training in dealing with people with disabilities won’t help the city in the civil trial, either.
The question isn’t whether the city and its insurers (if it still has any) will settle for millions; the question is how many millions.
The lawyers will do well, but what about the deaf black guy? How well will he do?
@96 He takes home two-thirds, and it’s tax-free. If the settlement is a measly $1.5 million, he’ll get a million.
Here’s your “stolen valor.”