The bus route for my commute goes by a high school a few stops ahead of mine. Depending on what after school events are going on, it can be pretty crowded. Because I’m in my 40″s, I generally don’t interact with them much. Anyway, it was standing room for me, and one of the kids offered me their seat.
At first, I thought it was a signpost of aging that I hadn’t prepared for. But the more I think about it, the cooler I think it was. When I was that age, I don’t think I would have given up a seat for someone my age unless they obviously needed it.
And the bus is a reflection of the larger society. So it is neat to see teens going out of their way to be polite, beyond what was the norm 20+ years ago. This has been, Carl overextrapolated from one interaction on public transportation.
This weekend will be three months since Boxcheck Momala became the presumptive DNC nominee.
The chickenshit Didn’t Earn It stand-in for my cowardly, senile, corrupt fossil of a president has yet to give a press conference.
Why, you ask, is Boxcheck Momala interviewing on Fox later today and why, you ask, might Boxcheck Momala be considering an interview with Joe Rogan?
Because the RCP No Toss Ups map says she has to.
How many more terrorists like this guy did Boxcheck Momala and her boss allow into the US when they caused Afghanistan to collapse?
That’s reporting by Fox. CBS News could have done the reporting but their people were too busy making up Boxcheck Momala answers to interviewer questions.
Reporting today that Michelle Obama isn’t out campaigning because she’s fearful for her personal safety. Given the Secret Service’s performance with Trump’s events, the 13,000 murderers known to have entered the country since Boxcheck Momala and her boss opened the southern border, and an unknown number of Afghani terrorists brought into the US by the State Department in 2021, can anyone really blame her?
Congratulations to Boxcheck Momala and her boss, under whose administration sex trafficking in the US has tripled.
It’s growing because there is now much more illegal alien nubile nookie to shill to willing johns who can’t get laid any other way. Like Steve.
Boxcheck Momala’s violent, adulterous husband Doug Emhoff used to fuck those Central American illegal immigrant girls, every chance he got. But eventually the pimps had to cut Emhoff off, because he kept bruising them too badly for them to continue to work.
wtf is teh kreepshit babbling about now?
Violent crime and property crime in the United States dropped in 2023, continuing a downward trend following higher rates of crime during the pandemic, according to the FBI’s latest national crime report.
Murders and intentional manslaughter, known as non-negligent manslaughter, fell by 11.6% from 2022. Property crime dropped by 2.4%.
Overall, FBI data shows that violent crime fell by 3%.
yawwwn.. just being the typical BOOORRRRIIING kreepee troll desperate to avoid an IRS audit.
What a loser.. Wake me up when my ballot gets here.
In Barack Obama’s Chicago, a standing ovation for Donald Trump.
Probably more accurate to write that the crowd absolutely loves the coming end of Boxcheck Momala’s political career and the Bidenomics she professed to love so much.
has yet to give a press conference.
Sadly, the race is tight.. Kamala and Tim are campaigning smart in battlegrounds reaching niche segments of the electorate that will make all the difference.
But a BOOORRRRIIING kreep troll, boring us all to “tiers”, babbles endlessly about stupid irrelevancies…
zzzZzzzzz.. Wake me up when my ballot gets here.
Twenty Pennsylvania Democrats talked to Politico about the shitshow that is the Boxcheck Momala campaign in the Keystone State.
Apparently it’s not enough to offer them legal weed and free money to pay for it if their skin color is sufficiently black, and it didn’t help much that Barack last week tried to shame black men into voting for a candidate they clearly dislike.
Say, does anyone remember when Welfare Queen YLB was Seattle’s biggest Kshama Sawant girlfan? I believe what she wrote about the commie was something along the lines of “fondly wishing her star will climb to new heights”. Some drivel like that, which could only be written by an unserious liberal woman.
Well, Welfare Queen YLB was rewarded yesterday with what liberals usually get when they get too enthralled with a commie:
At Seattle rally, Sawant says Harris deserves to lose ‘1,000 times’
Now, in deep-blue WA this admittedly doesn’t mean much, although girlfan Welfare Queen YLB is no doubt sobbing into her Massengill douche bulb about the betrayal. But it turns out Sawant was trashing Boxcheck Momala in states that are polling much more tightly:
Let’s add Kshama Sawant to the long list of people responsible for Boxcheck Momala’s November failure. This one’s on Welfare Queen YLB.
Let it be known that Goldy’s support of Kshama Sawant was crucial in her early days, and enabled the commie to take down Boxcheck Momala in Michigan.
Three cheers for Goldy’s stab in Boxcheck Momala’s back.
The 2022 “final” FBI crime statistics did not include more than 80,000 violent crimes, including more than 1,000 murders.
Stealth Edit: FBI Quietly Revises Violent Crime Stats
That boosted 2022 crime rates, which is why, for now, it appears that violent crime fell in 2023 compared with 2022. The problem is that the FBI’s accuracy really can’t be trusted. How do you miss 1,000 murders, FBI?
Welfare Queen YLB will continue to trust it until Goldy’s daughter is gruesomely murdered by one of the 13,000 known murderers that the administration of Boxcheck Momala and her boss allowed into the country across the southern border Boxcheck Momala claimed to have been to, but never really saw.
Earlier this morning, in response to my post wondering why Congressional Republicans had voted to block additional funding for FEMA disaster relief, you told me it was because “those Republicans objected to the bill’s other provisions, or lack thereof”.
You also labeled me “uninformed”.
In bold for emphasis.
I then asked you to please inform me by answering what funding bills were the ones they objected to and exactly what funding provisions they objected to.
You haven’t replied.
From your first reply it’s obvious that you know the answer to my question. You’ve been composing and posting more or less continuously since then. Is there something about your answer you don’t want me to know about?
Same way the FBI crime statistics @ 6 fooled Welfare Queen YLB.
How the bulky pager fooled Hezbollah
In each case, the fool assumed the goods being sold to them were honest goods and this is despite the fool in each case having ample reason to know that it is being targeted because of its willful blindness to reality.
Hezbollah got blown up by the Grim Beeper. Welfare Queen YLB will get blown up by her unending blind devotion to an increasingly dishonest and corrupt DNC.
So David Duke and the Ku Klux Klan are really going to vote for Jill Stein.
Can anyone please explain that?
What is it about Jill Stein or The Green Party platform that is appealing to a Christian white nationalist group that supports racial segregation and discrimination?
@ 13
As a new thread opened, I posted on the new thread and until now had no idea you responded.
First, not all Republicans voted against the stopgap CR that funded FEMA. In fact, a majority of GOP members of each house voted to support it.
Those who voted against are reported to have objected to either/or of
• FEMA’s alleged diversion of disaster aid to fund the disaster that is the illegal immigrant situation in some blue states due to the policies of Boxcheck Momala and her boss
• the stripping of the provisions of the SAVE Act from the bill.
To reiterate my third sentence of this spew, a majority of GOP representatives and GOP senators voted in favor of $20 billion in FEMA funding, and to continue to fund the government into late December.
I hope that now you may seem less uninformed.
Martha Raddatz will be swift to make the point that these are only a handful of apartment buildings in San Antonio.
Boxcheck Momala and Cut and Run Walz have mentioned only a handful of women alleged to have been harmed by the fallout from the Dobbs opinion.
@ 15
So David Duke and the Ku Klux Klan are really going to vote for Jill Stein.
Can anyone please explain that?
You should ask @ 10 Kshama Sawant. Or her permanent girlfan, Welfare Queen YLB.
You are a boot licker. How do they taste?!
Q: What is the difference between David Duke and the Ku Klux Klan and Kshama Sawant?
A: Welfare Queen YLB has yet to declare her endless love for David Duke and the Ku Klux Klan.
@ 19
Probably not as bad as Kshama Sawant’s hairy asshole, into which Welfare Queen has docked her tongue for well over a decade.
The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus, caused by Drumpf.
Another victim to The Heterosexual Neanderthal virus, because of Drumpf.
Please enjoy this Reddit thread of Seattle lefties trashing Kshama Sawant.
Their butthurtz are truly hilarious.
Drumpfy has inspired so much of The Heterosexual Neanderthal virus. And Bob has too.
And one last one, for now. Another Drumpfy Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus victim.
@ 22, 23, 25, 26
See, this @ 12 is my point. How could violent crime in the US possibly be down when G-clown finds so many examples to share with us?
G-clown is a wealth of information, and it’s not just violent crime data. Just as the CDC models its monkeypox tracking stats just by tracking the men who top G-clown bareback in that greasy alley behind the bar, the FBI could improve its violent crime stats just by following G-clown’s HA spews.
Thanks for replying.
So in reverse order the reasons Congressional Republicans joined together to block supplemental disaster relief funding from going forward (under the rules) were, as a kind of threat or leverage to get something else passed about voting restrictions that the majorities in both chambers didn’t like, and because of “allegations”?
Dispensing with the naked use of very important emergency relief funding as a way to force the majority to go along, how can legislation “allegedly” do something? Congress authorizes. If the funds are approved for emergency disaster relief spending, then wouldn’t it be against the law to use them for another unrelated purpose? Has that even happened with these funds?
I’m puzzled by your use of that word “alleged”. It seems like if a federal agency took money appropriated by Congress for one purpose and spent it on a different, unrelated purpose that was never authorized then there would be lots of records of that, the GAO would report it, the IG would report it, and the committees in Congress would have held hearings, like they did when officials in the Reagan administration conspired to divert funds appropriated for Israel defense to spend supporting paramilitary terrorists in Nicaragua in violation of the law.
What’s the basis of this “allegation”?
You mean the SAVE Act that would strip the ability of married women to vote because their married name didn’t match their birth certificate for voter registration?
“It means most married women would have to carry around both her original birth certificate and marriage license to be believed as a citizen.”
Republicans don’t want women to vote.
While I’m waiting for an anwer, is it true that expansion of the FEMA food and shelter spending to include spending for housing and feeding asylum seekers at the border took place during the Trump administration with his blessings and with approval of Senate Republicans led by Mitch McConnel as Majority Leader?
That’s what I read while trying to be “less uninformed”.
Perhaps while I’m waiting, and also in an effort to be “less uninformed”, I’ll look up to see if any of the 18 Senate Republicans who very recently voted to block FEMA funding because of spending to shelter and feed asylum seekers at the border also voted to approve that exact same spending five years ago.
And then he started speaking.
You could look at yesterday’s spew.
The republicans couldn’t vote for it because there was a chance a dime might be spent someone other than their tribe.
“In Boxcheck Momala’s San Francisco Trump gets a standing ovation at The Bohemian Club”
(For those not in the know, the Bohemian club can only be joined by invitation of three existing members. Women cannot be invited. To date there have been no known black members and in response to that controversy in the 90s the club removed any public info on members from view.)
As far as local news goes, KOMO is about the least biased.
La Civita getting 22 million a year to run Fat Hitler’s campaign is bonkers. But what must be even more bonkers is him watching his candidate decompensate before his eyes, gibbering like a child, getting lost, stumbling, raging, and spewing the most absolutely unhinged racist bullshit and still remaining within striking distance in most polls.
13, 28, 30, 31,
Scotty P has “NO RAGRETS”.
But you will, once you’ve grown tired of the lies and gaslighting you get for substantively engaging with a piece of shit troll.
It’s a mistake. You’ve been warned.
I guess nobody really knows why the Ku Klux Klan supports Jill Stein. But I guess there must be more going on with her than I thought. I don’t know all that much about her. But that worries me a lot.
Thanks for the adivce. I guess I’ll see.
@1 Speaking of chickenshits, your candidate ran away from my generation’s war, turning his back on me and all who served. Just as well. I didn’t want a coward in my foxhole anyway.
@7 ” … 70 percent of our members are C-suite executives … ”
… who love the idea of income tax cuts for the rich while hitting the little guys with hidden taxes in the form of tariffs to pay for corporate subsidies and giveaways.
A very impressive standing ovation.
@10 Oh look! Harris isn’t a commie socialist! And someone who is doesn’t like her, because Harris is for more of the same old capitalism — soaring stock market, etc.
They say people are known by who their enemies are. Sawant’s non-endorsement is a badge of honor. Wear it proudly, Kamala.
@11 SeattleJew never supported Sawant. He despised her. I never supported her, either. Even the voters who elected her got tired of her. She’s a non-person in Seattle politics now, so why is the Dumbfuck bringing her up? Maybe she should retire to Freeland and run for the library board there just so the Dumbfuck has an opportunity to vote against her, to make him feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
@16 Let’s take a look at these one by one.
The operative word here is “alleged.” The best news here is that some GOP reps didn’t vote against disaster aid based on some bullshit emanating from the rightwing noise machine.
The bad news is that many GOP reps voted against disaster aid because the bill didn’t include election bullshit designed to help Donald Trump having nothing to do with disaster aid.
This Congress will be remembered as the one that let rural red state voters twist in the wind because the Republicans who controlled it were immersed up to their necks in bullshit conspiracies and fantasies.
By the next election cycle, even they will be voting for Democrats, because that’s the only way to get anything done to help their communities.
Here is one of the things that President Trump said in 2019 when requesting additional funding in the supplemental budget for FEMA to be authorized for sheltering and feeding regufugees and asylum seekers:
So it looks to me as if, when he was president he argued to his fellow Republicans in Congress that there was a desperate need to allocate $4.5 billion dollars in the budgets for FEMA and other agencies to provide relief.
@17 “A dangerous Venezuelan gang has taken over at least four
apartment complexesslums in San Antonio” with a history of landlord neglect and code violations that city officials have been grappling with for years, but at least the police stepped in and 8 of the 10 gang members are now in jail.ftfy
@24 I never personally met anyone who liked her. Are you sure you weren’t voting for her under an assumed name at the Seattle address of a friend? Somebody voted for her.
@28 “Congress authorizes. If the funds are approved for emergency disaster relief spending, then wouldn’t it be against the law to use them for another unrelated purpose?”
See Trump’s diversion of congressionally-approved funding for military family housing to his border wall project. This is one of the many reasons why responsible voters don’t elect someone who’s already been impeached for violating his oath of office, and freely flouts constitutional and legal limitations on his exercise of power.
@29 “Republicans don’t want women to vote.”
Anyone who can’t figure out why would fail the literacy tests that Republicans would love to reinstate so blacks can’t vote either.
@35 “As far as local news goes, KOMO is about the least biased.”
If the local Sinclair outlet is your best source of “unbiased” news, you’re in trouble. They do tend to have the latest lowdown on Miles Hudson, I’ll say that for them.
@50 – KOMO is less biased than anything you watch, rodent.
@51 To quote a famous line from Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises, “Isn’t it pretty to think so?”
In today’s cheery lawsuit news,
Vem Miller is, of course, a fanatical Trumper who sat in the back seat of a car while the guys in the front seat plotted a coup to overthrow the 2020 election, and who says he was invited to the Trump rally in question. Does this mean he and Sheriff Chad aren’t friends anymore?
Here is the September 25th 2024 vote on the supplemental budget including FEMA funding in the Senate:
Here is the May 23rd, 2019 vote on the supplemental budget including FEMA funding in the Senate:
2019 No votes or not voting: Sen Lamar Alexander, Sen Marsha Blackburn, Sen Mike Braun, Sen Shelly Moore Capito, Sen Mike Crapo, Sen Mike Enzi, Sen Jim Moran, Sen Mike Lee, Sen Martha McSally, Sen Rand Paul, Sen James Risch, Sen Mitt Romney,
2024 No votes or not voting: Sen Marsha Blackburn, Sen Mike Braun, Sen Katie Britt, Sen Ted Budd, Sen Tom Cotton, Sen Mike Crapo, Sen Deb Fischer, Sen Bill Hagerty, Sen Josh Hawley, Sen Ron Johnson, Sen Mike Lee, Sen Roger Marshall, Sen Markwayne Mullin, Sen Rand Paul, Sen Pete Ricketts, Sen James Risch, Sen Mike Rounds, Sen Eric Schmitt, Sen Rick Scott, Sen Tim Scott, Sen Pat Toomey, Sen Tommy Tuberville
Senators who voted Yes in 2019 but switched or declined to vote in 2024: Sen Tom Cotton, Sen Josh Hawley, Sen Ron Johnson, Sen Rick Scott, Sen Tim Scott.
Five Senate Republicans supported supplemental appropriations for FEMA in 2019 knowing that they would include funding for sheltering and feeding of refugees and asylum seekers at the border requested by President Trump. But the same five refused to do so in 2024 when requested by a different president. And I can’t find any statements or reporting anywhere indicating why it was vital funding five years ago, but five years later it was worth cutting off disaster relief in a few cases to their own states. This is amazing to me.
I don’t think these explanations hold water at all.
Using disaster relief and funding to keep the government open to force through unrelated legislation that the majority hates is a terrible excuse. And the other excuse seems like it must be a lie. They approved of this spending five years ago when President Trump requested it. And today they are saying the conditions are much worse and the need is much greater. Seems like they are lying. I’m glad I informed myself about the truth here. I think that person who responded to me was being dishonest and trying to misinform me.
Maybe I should look up House member votes now.
But I don’t see why. It looks as if that person who responded to me was lying or very misinformed about what happened and the reasons.
So I repeat:
Why did Republicans in Congress vote against funding for FEMA?
That seems weird.
People are in terrible need in these states. And many of these states are themselves so devastated by these terrible storms and flooding over many years that they really need outside help that needs to come from the federal government. Many of these homeowners and business owners either lacked insurance or had very poor insurance because of more than a decade of terrible weather. Many could not obtain insurance or could not begin to afford it. Without insurance thery don’t have anywere else to turn. They are completely wiped out and nobody can help them. Why would members of Congress from these very states vote to block the assistance their own voters and citizens really need right now?
When it comes to national and international news, I think News Nation is the least biased. Outlets like Fox and MSNBC are horribly biased. Both push their respective narratives to the max.
Elon says he can have this up and running by July and I see no reason not to take his word for it..
Rolling Stone
To me, this is evidence that SCOTUS isn’t basing its decisions on any consistent theme, but is making political decisions on an ad hoc basis. For all I know, some decisions may even be bought under the table. We know for sure that at least two of the justices are favor-takers.
@56 Then why do you get your “news” from outlets like KOMO and Fox, instead of News Nation?
The problem I have with News Nation is not bias, but skimpy coverage. It’s a source I use, but I’d miss a lot of stories if I only read News Nation.
Coverage can be an editorial decision.
When major media companies learned from their own independent experts that the data storage hard dive copy that was being offered to them by a visibly drunken Rudy Giuliani as “a precise copy of Hunter Biden’s laptop” had in fact been altered many times after it had come into Giuliani’s possession, including the creation of a file directory titled “SALACIOUS PICS PACKAGE” most of them initially followed standard industry practice and declined to report falsified information.
When the same major media companies make no mention of an elderly major party candidate drunkenly slurring his speech, staring vacantly into the middle distance muttering and swaying, and appearing lost and disoriented for twenty minutes during a campaign rally that’s an editorial choice to deceive.
GOP Senate candidate comes out against southern school integration:
Tiny venue for Boxcheck Momala’s event today in Buck’s County, PA.
Are you actually afraid of backing up or defending what you claimed about Congressional Republicans who tried to block FEMA funding?
Is the reason you can’t talk about the basis of your “allegations” that they just aren’t real?
What are your “allegations” about misappropriated FEMA spending?
If you don’t want to answer because you made it up, I’ll understand. If you don’t want to answer because you were “misinformed” then I think you should apologize. That would be the right thing to do at this point.
@62 Bigger crowd. It’s like the person posting your picture wanted to play down the size of the event.
The big deal is
VP Kamala Harris campaigns in Bucks County, PA with GOP supporters at her side
People who know, don’t vote for trump and vance and Project 2025.
@ 63
JFC, why am I obligated to respond to every query you have?
From what I read and have heard on video there are a fair number of Republicans claiming that FEMA is using disaster dollars for non-disaster efforts. Because I have seen no convincing evidence that this is the case I referred to said claim as “alleged”.
Nothing more than that. I’ve heard it, I don’t know if it’s valid, so I referred to it as an allegation. Because I don’t know if it’s valid I have no idea if I was misinformed.
Let’s recall that we were told that Hunter Biden’s laptop was textbook Russian misinformation. Right about four years ago this week. Like, 51 intel dudes said it was likely misinformation. Turned out it wasn’t. Took awhile for the truth to be verified beyond question.
Before you ask your next question, GFYS.
I don’t think you’re obligated to respond ever, at all. Please don’t.
But earlier you did. Earlier this morning when you called me “uninformed”.
In bold type.
Presumably for emphasis. Although I can only assume that what you meant to emphasize was that you’re a rude, unapologetic asshole.
I provided you with documents indicating that the appropriation of FEMA funds for sheltering and feeding refugees and asylum seekers inside the US goes back to the Reagan administration and was requested by President Trump and authorized by Congress, including many of the same Republican members you say make these allegations.
I think they’re lying. I know that most of them have previously supported these authorized funds. And I think we all now see that it was in fact you who were “uninformed” about what Republicans in the House and Senate have voted to authorize.
So it’s Barack Obama’s fault and Donald Trump’s fault?
Pretty sure angry Boxcheck Momala’s voice was louder than angry Brett Kavanaugh’s voice.
I believe the Campaign of Joy has ended. About a third of the way through the Baier interview.
After her loss next month she’ll have two months to TwentyFifth Bi-Done so she’ll get to be the First! Woman! President!
Would someone who knows her tell Kim Schrier that inflation is caused by government? She doesn’t seem to understand this.
You should have listened.
Scotty P comes here to gaslight, lie, slur, and insult. Because he’s a piece of 💩🧌
But nice work all the same. That’s an interesting lineup of shitty Senate Republicans. In line for the leadership. A few even ran for President. Of course. And like the troll they lie and fuck over their own stupid Republican voters. For lulz or clout or Cocaine/Hookers. Makes no difference.
Needless to say you needn’t bother about his “Hunter Biden LAPTOP” claim (or should I say “allegation”?). It’s also bullshit. The laptop was collected by the FBI and used in part as evidence in his gun crime conviction. What Rudy peddled around to the media were multiple altered copies of files “alleged” to have come from that laptop before the FBI collected it. But some of those files were discovered to be fakes. And nobody believes Rudy Giuliani is a cyber criminal mastermind. And he had just returned from months abroad traveling throughout former Soviet Bloc countries meeting clandestinely to gather “dirt” on “the Biden’s”.
So you be the judge.
They’re eating the cats and dogs is also a Republican “allegation”.
Scotty P got behind that one too.🙄
I don’t think Donald Trump still thinks that Brett Baier is “very soft”.
Tim Kaine’s son did it.
Local News
Pittsburgh synagogue shooting memorial plaque stolen from Allderdice High School
Torricelli resigned from the campaign 35 days before the election. 20 days isn’t that much shorter than 35.
@65 You have no obligations to anyone here. Whether you defend your credibility is entirely up to you.
Cut and Run Walz didn’t want to participate in the military when it turned out he’d actually have to put himself in harm’s way. Cut and Run Walz doesn’t want anyone else fighting to defend the US from our enemies either.
National Security
Tim Walz Called To Eliminate Spending on National Missile Defense
‘I took the time in about three hours to fill out every single portion of that questionnaire in great detail,’ VP hopeful said in 2006 congressional debate
Yup. In his questionnaire response he really said he’d eliminate national missile defense.
@71 Sometimes inflation is caused by consumers, as when too many people chase too few goods. The government wasn’t responsible for the post-pandemic spending spree. Private citizens made those decisions.
Baier was nothing. Just wait until she gets home and has to face a drunk and pissed-off Doug Emhoff.
@ 78
The government wasn’t responsible for the post-pandemic spending spree. Private citizens made those decisions.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, who mailed out the free money checks and printed the dollars to back them? Did the private citizens do that, too?
Welfare Queen YLB’s family got more than $11k free money from the federal government related to the pandemic. My wife and I received nothing.
@75 I’m sure Vance wishes the Democrats would swap Harris for Biden. I wonder what he’ll do after his Senate term ends? Go back to writing fiction?
@ 81
I wonder what he’ll do after the Senate?
He’ll be inaugurated. Little more than four months away.
@66. Well said.
If you are new, just so you know, the troll lies. He lies constantly. He will take a grain of truth and wrap a mountain of lies around it. He will use weasel words so if you call him out on a lie, he will be able to say he didn’t exactly say lie or mean the lie. You misunderstood him. He’s the victim. He is racist to non whites, misogynist to women, homophobic to LGBTQ. He is a greed boomer. Never bet him real money, because he won’t pay if he loses. He’s the kind of troll who posts violent rape fantasies about children and then acts blameless when called on it. He will never admit he’s lying. He will never admit he’s wrong. He will never apologize. He’s immune to shame. He will ignore you if it doesn’t support his lies. You will have more success talking talking reason at a Fox New host on TV, than the troll.
That said, we enjoy reading you tear him to shreds.
@ 81
I wonder what he’ll do after his Senate term ends? Go back to writing fiction?
I wonder what Boxcheck Momala will do after her VP term ends? Go back to McDonalds?
Pop in Enough and put it on auto-repeat?
@77 “Yup. In his questionnaire response he really said he’d eliminate national missile defense.” Maybe because it was unreliable:
Also, because other defense priorities were competing for the same dollars.
Oh, look! Boxcheck Momala’s got Wisconsin in the bag!
@80 Who decided to spend the checks or save them? Knowing full well there’s no such thing as free money, and inflation would claw back those dollars, I set them aside for a rainy day. Did you? Or did you hit your favorite upscale restaurants as soon as their doors reopened?
@82 That’s possible. It’s also possible he won’t. In which event you’ll look quite foolish.
Harris did with Fox News what Trump can’t do anywhere: Handle tough questions
Kamala Harris vs. Fox News: ‘She totally schooled Bret Baier’
Harris paints Trump as a national threat in testy Fox News interview
Going into the lion’s Den and looking strong like she did is all that was needed to pull some of these voters. They were just waiting for a reason to vote for anyone but Trump. They found that tonight.
The non maga Fox News viewers will be googling what she said because it’s the first they’ve heard anything negative about Trump this whole campaign.
Fox News host Dana Perino admitted that Harris was “fairly effective” when she was getting her points across about Trump. Fox colleague Brit Hume said Harris was “combative and energetic and she certainly landed some blows on Donald Trump.”
Defending his credibility would demand of Scotty P that he demonstrate personal characteristics like integrity, honesty, bravery, humility, and reason.
That’s never going to happen.
She won the media cycle just showing up.
Trump can’t .
Can’t debate.
Can’t townhall.
Can’t leave any of his safe spaces.
Snowflake melts.❄️💦
Anyone else see joy in her eyes? ’cause I didn’t.
And exactly what are the politics of joy?
Nothingburger? Or…?
One has to wonder why Gallego abandoned a pregnant wife not so long ago.
Perhaps we’ll wonder no more.
Gallego blew a million bucks in campaign cash to pay his attorneys to keep the divorce details a secret.
And speaking of POS Democrats in Arizona:
And then there’s Emhoff abusing women who worked for him. OK, that was SoCal, but it’s close to Arizona. And Emhoff will campaign there this weekend, so it’s certainly fair game.
@94 & 95
Dreaming of Kari Lake.
Scotty P and Brett Baier would each make really shitty trial attorneys, especially on defense.
There’s a skill in cross examination that requires much more finesse than either one comprehends. Crim Def attorneys make a living cross examining cops, detectives, medical examiners, ballistics experts, and eyewitness Karens. And you aren’t playing to the whole jury. Just the swing jurors.
Harris isn’t going on FOX seeking a unanimous verdict. If Baier wasn’t fundamentally vain and dumb he’d understand that. By bullying the witness, interrupting her answers, treating her rudely, and getting into arguments with her he looks tough to his audience of beer buzzed mouth breathers.
But he just cost Trump some more votes.
@86 The Gullibility of a Dumbfuck sniffing all over the Twatter for a 3rd tier local radio Ben Shapiro wannabe.
The Harris campaign, sitting on almost a half a billion is shifting ads. Sure Jan.
They might also have figured out that 200% tariffs are bad for every US business.
Jimmy Carter lived long enough to vote for Kamala Harris for POTUS..
heh.. guess who voted for Carter back in ’80 even AFTER the REAL “miracle on ice”??? heh..
May Carter live long enough to celebrate Kamala’s victory in November.
Dumbfuck, not able to go with ‘She’s stupid” as she takes Fox News’ best shot moves to, “Shrill.”
Madame President is going to break your brain. Imagine being a sub-mediocre man having to deal with that.
United States to be Sunk as a Reef off Florida. 1951-2025.
With the United States due to be scuttled, saw some going Whataboutist with the Queen Mary. The Queen was retired in 67, sold to Long Beach, and Cunard delivered her under her own power.Everywhere the Big U has gone since retirement was under tow.
With the United States due to be scuttled, saw some going Whataboutist with the Queen Mary. The Queen was retired in 67, sold to Long Beach, and Cunard delivered her under her own power.Everywhere the Big U has gone since retirement was under tow.
Family Annihilation, caused by the Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus, is nothing new. It’s being going on for centuries. Sit bitch. And stay quite bitch, I didn’t become a groomer so that you could talk back.
But as I was saying – it’s not new, nor is it any worse because of the unpatriotic treasonous mother fucking Repukes. Matter of fact the Republicans promote the Virus as part of their Project 2025.
Not a monster!
Just a Mum for Liberty with a virus. Groomed by her husband, she couldn’t take it anymore. Chop, chop, kids must go!
Not your alien. Just good old Americana 🇺🇸
Bitch, you deserved it. – Bob The Bootlicking Troll.
Heterosexual Neanderthals.
Heterosexual Neanderthals with a virus.
A Heterosexual Pandemic.
@ 101
Jimmy Carter lived long enough to vote for Kamala Harris for POTUS
Next up and mere months away for Jimmah: Living long enough to see a defeated president inaugurated for a second time. The last time this happened was nearly a century and a half ago.
Although it’s very possible that experiencing the disastrous November 5 results may kill him first.
The MSM found her “testy“. Willie Brown found her chesty.
Biden barely won in 2020.
In the NYT/Siena poll Boxcheck Momala took only 78% of the black vote. Biden and #CrookedHillary were each in the 90s.
Trump barely won in 2016.
Trump lost in 2020.
Recycling a losing general election candidate is unprecedented in modern political party history.
Many historians and political scientists suggest there may be very good reasons for this.
Fat Hitler’s appearance in a Univision townhall packed with Republicans had none of the feisty combative nature of Bret Baier’s cross examination on FOX. It was stately by comparison. One might even say boring.
Yet in key moments when called upon by questioners from the audience to defend his slanders directed toward legal immigrants, and his aggressive calls for removing legal immigrants from the United States, Fat Hitler failed utterly.
He’s losing more ground in the closing weeks as undecided voters make their choices and cast their ballots.
Whatever pharmaceutical cocktail “Dr” Fat Hitler has been relying to prop himself up since Bornstein OD’d a few years ago, it’s side effects are really catching up fast in the closing weeks of this campaign.
He truly believes these ridiculous fantasies about himself are real.
Maria Cantwell got booed for making critical remarks to the Boeing striking machinists about Trump.
Donald Trump just offered another hush money deal to the same porn star that he did right before the 2016 election. He’s currently awaiting criminal sentencing on 34 felony convictions arising from the last time he tried to pay off this particular porn star.
They have it on tape.
Because much like the cat boxes in classrooms, kids are always carrying phones so stuff that happens gets documented.
A MN police officer acting as a substitute teacher acted out the George Floyd murder using a student as a prop.
Also told some racist jokes and regaled the class with the dead bodies he’s seen on the job.
“… racist jokes…”
If the joke is funny, who gives a shit?
Are you into CSAM then?
@118. So?
Not surprised there are trump supporters in Washington. They are pissed that Democrats are promoting policies cut into their privilege and status. They would be fine if the policies helped only them, but they are helping everyone!
Scotty P comes here to gaslight, lie, slur, and insult. Because he’s a piece of 💩🧌
Whoa! It’s totally unfair to insult excrement like that.
I’m worried about the upcoming election: Trump or Harris might actually win!
@ 115
Recycling a losing general election candidate is unprecedented in modern political party history.
Many historians and political scientists suggest there may be very good reasons for this.
One especially good reason is that there have been no other attempts since Richard Nixon in 1968.
It’s worth noting that the last guy to try it won, bigly. Nixon beat the Democrat by 110 electoral votes.
Strong, strong post.
The FBI came to my home yesterday to question me as to the whereabouts of my worthless son. I told them that I hadn’t seen him since I took him to court for trying to sell my house out from under me.
Alas, the FBI agents wouldn’t tell me why they’re looking for him, but it must be serious.
My son is such a worthless bastard.
Today’s biggest loser is Welfare Queen YLB, what with the Gaza news and all.
Of course, Welfare Queen YLB will continue to slam Israel because IDF will continue to play the whack-a-mole game of going back into previously cleared areas when Hamas reconstitutes itself in a far smaller, far weaker form after IDF moves out.
It’s particularly noteworthy that Boxcheck Momala and her boss tried especially hard to prevent the IDF from invading Rafah.
Rafah is where Sinwar was killed.
I looked it up and so can you.
Not surprised there are trump supporters in Washington.
Really stupid, gullible people can be found everywhere.
At least one of them spends most of his “retirement” here every day demonstrating his ardent love for his Trump daddy by sharing the latest “gatherins” from the Fat Hitler Russian propaganda universe.
“In Springfield they’re eating the cats and dogs.” 👍
Welfare Queen YLB can’t deal with the reality that in a span of fewer than three weeks, Israel cut the head off of two different snakes in two different countries.
All while the UN cried foul because of IDF’s success.
Welfare Queen YLB merely cried.
A smattering of machinists ran to Jason Rantz saying that they booed. And if you enhance the tape just enough you can hear it. Brandi Ngo have run with the scoop.
Clearly Cantwell is in danger of losing to…wait. I literally don’t know who her opponent is. That’s how little in signs/advertising the GOP is putting into the race.
Ukraine is to blame for Russia invading.
Sinwar is dead.. the hostages are freed, amirite???
And the bombing and killing can stop..
eh.. nope… too many peeps with funny last names remain..
After going into ‘The Lions Den” (Vance quote) of Chicago’s rich conservative Republican captains of industry Trump’s handlers are scared of getting gotcha questions from
Hang on this can’t be right.
The NRA.
Wow. This is just such a good point.
The same “guy” also just happened to be the last president who openly discussed deploying US troops against his own people, secretly employed the FBI to target his domestic political critics, used a campaign slush fund to pay ex-felons to bug and steal from his domestic political rivals, and planted fabricated evidence to discredit them. Then got impeached.
Stunning parallels, honestly. So kind of Scotty P to remind us.
If only Fat Hitler had himself a Gerald Ford. But that would only work if Fat Hitler was barely smart enough to avoid committing hundreds of state criminal violations.
Too late! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Whenever the current of media zeitgeist begins to flow against Fat Hitler that’s when we can count on Scotty P to turn instead to nonstop proclamations of his man-love for Bibi.
QoS McHillbilly @ 91
Trump can’t .
Can’t debate.
He’s done two. The agreement with Biden was two. Boxcheck Momala wouldn’t agree to one with Fox, and he wouldn’t agree to one with CNN.
[It’s notable that Boxcheck Momala did five national debates in 2019, before collapsing into a friendless heap. Probably explains her decision not to do one with Fox.]
Can’t townhall.
Just as you wrote this last night, he was in a Univision town hall. Say, so was Boxcheck Momala, last week.
Can’t leave any of his safe spaces..
He’s everywhere except golf courses, which the Secret Service has told him they can’t cover. Obama golfed plenty, and it didn’t seem to be a problem then.
At Seattle rally, Sawant says Harris deserves to lose ‘1,000 times’
yawwwn.. It’s a free country amirite? And opinions are like assholes..
And none more odorous than those of a BOOOOORRRIIING kreepshit from widbee..
Wake me up when my ballot arrives…
I know I’m losing, you know I’m losing so here’s the plan!
How do you miss 1,000 murders, FBI?
Did that include the 10s of thousands excess covid deaths due to klownservatic/magat ideology?
And now watch teh kreepshit have violent sexual assault fantasies now until…
knock, knock, knock..
fuck.. what a buzzkill..
got more than $11k free money from the federal government related to the pandemic. My wife and I received nothing.
Not even PPP munee like all your vip lounge buds got?
Sux to be you, loafing retiree… out to pasture.. pretending it’s John Dutton when it’s not being Ted Bundy curious.
Hell, she’s not even as strong as Welfare Queen YLB.
Which should not be taken as a compliment, girlfriend.
Didn’t CBS immediately publish the raw, unedited tape of her answers on their website at the same time as the broadcast episode aired?
Isn’t that how you became aware that commercially broadcast television programming is normally edited?
Didn’t you appear as a performer in such a commercially broadcast television program for fourteen years?
The fallout from last night’s Boxcheck Momala disaster on Fox won’t be reflected in the polls until next week. Even so, Trump’s now on top:
Mark Cuban on Xitter
All true, however, Trump voters: “I’m not voting for a black woman.”
We found the expert you’ve pinned your hopes on.
Do it right
Or just don’t do it at all
Donald Trump says the parents of school shooting victims should understand their children’s safety and even lives were sacrificed so that others could have guns for “entertainment and sport.”
Watch his body language and listen to his tone and energy. He’s really sick.
Head coach, “I got out played in the 4th..”
Quarterback, “We just didn’t make plays wen we needed to.”
Defensive Coordinator, “Got to hand it to them. They wore us down with the run all game we just couldn’t get off the field when we needed.”
Fans, “The ref’s stole it from us.”
that “she” is “not as strong as me” — with Obama agreeing
amazeballs.. that’s why drumpf (and its fanboi kreepshit) babbles lame excuses about orange wonder not having its pasty white tanning booth absent ass wiped across the floor in a debate ONE MORE TIME…
RE Kshama Sawant
She has always been a narcissistic grifter….smart people knew this from day 1….which explains why Chief Sitstopee YLB has been a cuckfan of Kshamas since day 1.
Hell even her ex husband came out and said what a scam artist she was.
@ 146
Mark Cuban on Xitter
The beautiful thing about the @BretBaier interview is that @KamalaHarris understood and responded to each question.
Carl, that kid on the bus sounds gay. Good to know he won’t be inflicted with The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus and kill the wife or girlfriend, kids or pets
NYT Broadway Review
“Her performance was impeccable.”
Daily News Review
“Her vocal talents are a 10 and surprisingly the dancing was a solid 8.”
“The show is great in no small part to her performance.”
Mom of star’s understudy
“She was bland and overmatched by the material”
Poor sad little dumbfuck.
“We heard he beat his ex. Allegedly” -Kari Lake Campaign.
“The REAL reason they divorced is he was cheating” -Lake Surrogates
“He was cheating AND he beat her people are saying. We demand the proceedings unsealed” -Kari Lake
“Well shit!” Kari Lake
She has always been a narcissistic grifter
little maxwhipple has always been a junior high level name caller.. wagging its popgun as if anyone gives a shit..
“we buy iranian oil”.. heh.
junior high level and Dori Monson fan boi, now the deceased patron saint of angry, inchoate, almost exclusively white little max whipples everywhere..
Not Rich Smith @ The Stranger
yawn.. the Stranger’s staff, past and present lives rent-free in the vacuum between its ears as it wags and strokes its popgun.. heh.. pathetic.. yet good for laughs..
please continue, liddle maxwipe..
Caveat emptor!! Personally, I think the consumer protection laws against fraud and misrepresentation should be suspended with respect to Republicans, who should be deemed to have assumed the risk of being taken.
smart people knew this from day 1….
Funny Geov Parrish supported her from day 1. The same Geov Parrish who blogged here at HA who said he supported her even though he claimed he wasn’t a socialist and didn’t care much for or even despised Democrats and the Seattle Dem establishment.
I only voted for her one time, the first time when she was at large. I didn’t vote for her again as I don’t live in her district. She was one of nine on the Council.. If she shook up the Dem liberals, fine. They needed shaking up..
Another person who respected the way she ran her first campaign was the libertarian guy on the Seattle Times Editorial board. Can’t remember his name but he ended his piece about her: “I almost voted for a Socialist.”
Anyone “smart” would realize someone like her, who was a solid presence at union picket lines, would only add to the upside with little downside..
But the junior high level mentality of idiots like maxwipe will never see that… too stoopid.. denser than spent uranium..
It would be better, knowing what we know, if y’all dropped Bill Clinton but he gets off a zinger.
“Well shit!” Kari Lake
Can we see from North Seattle the deflating balloon of the sex assault fantasy pumped asswipe from widbee now?
Yawn. Just another scurrilous Republican attack on another patriotic veteran’s service-connected disability. Move along, nothing to see here.
Fox put Trump in a “women’s townhall” of supposedly independent voters. The audience was filled with women from Republican organizations. Viewers weren’t told this, although it shouldn’t have taken anyone very long to figure it out — as soon as the “Trump! Trump! Trump!” chants broke out.
Both Ruben and Kate Gallego acknowledged in court filings that there was no domestic violence during their marriage – language required to be included in all divorces involving a child in Arizona.
One of the people who frequently comments here is full of it. I don’t think he was “misinformed” about this. How could he be? Until today the file was sealed. He made it up. I think he probably made up the claims he made yesterday too. Later on he pretended it was “just something he read somewhere”. I don’t think that’s true. I think he lies.
Weren’t there a bunch of fairytale stories about little boys who lie?
I think the American people are concerned about Donald Trump…
Good answer.. Orange wonderliar is in steep cognitive decline.
Didya’ll see it dancing with the stars? Well if you call Kristi Noem casting longing glances in Corey’s direction, “starstruck”… heh
@153. Bhahah. Haha. hahah. hahahah. Haha. That was so funny. Did you write that yourself? How many hours did it take you to do that? Did you use AI? That would have taken hours for you, even with AI I so impressed by your ability to reduce an librul post down to mush that the dumblest MAGA could get. That’s not easy. Have you considered writing for Charlie Kirk or Ben Shapiro? Do guys come up to you at the bar and ask you do to “do the bit” for them?
They won’t let Donald debate again because the Vice President knows where his buttons are. Responding to MAGA Hecklers trying to interrupt her speech,
“My son is such a worthless bastard.”
So, what does that make you?
IDF will continue to play the whack-a-mole game
And kill everyone that’s around the “mole-hole”..
the more mole-holes the better..
kreepshit’s in LOVE… only thing that’ll quiet teh kreepshit’s inflamed gonads is the IDF taking the ball and going home (coitus interruptus)
or an IRS audit.. major bummer..
So, what does that make you?
Happy that he’s out of the house. I’ll be even happier when the FBI catches up with the worthless bastard..
Q: What is the difference between David Duke and the Ku Klux Klan and Kshama Sawant?
One of the three had a life as a popular repuke in elected office.
Duke could have chosen to be a Democrat. Why did it choose repuke?
Could it have been something bonzo said?
I feel sorry for PI: his “mom” is poor white trash.
Looks as if @145 is also another lie.
Are there any mods on here?
Are there any mods on here?
Not really. Just ignore the liars. Or have some fun at their expense.
Here in WA State, I hear ballots have dropped. Fill yours out and send it in. Urge on family and friends.. Do your part.
It’s up to all of us to defeat the degenerate magat trolls.
The Saga of Kshama Sawant.
A long serving incumbent absolutely refused to take a young and much more radical opponent seriously and ran a half assed campaign. It’s the same fate Joe Crowley suffered against AOC.
Once in office the “sane” democrats (AKA the Chamber of Commerce who are actually Republicans) of Seattle failed to get their act together and kept rallying behind a candidate who would do their bidding so Sawant got to run several campaigns as “The People Who Own Businesses in the CD and go home to Ballard and Wedgewood and Wallingford vs Actually wanting to make wages and life better for people IN the CD.” The smart play would have to find a less leftist but far more left than the chamber candidate who could actually win but they just refused to do so. Pamela Banks, endorsed by Police, Fire and the conservative wing of Seattle local Politics then Egan for Amazon, Kshama for Seattle! For a large part the Chamber can thank Dori Monson for demonizing so many slightly left of center candidates as “Far left Wing” five days a week. (“Swanat? That’s the lady that asshole on the radio really hates so good enough for me!” – voters))
Hell they couldn’t even manage the recall after Sawant had worn out her welcome in her district.
AOC has proven to be a much more adept political force and will probably be a Senator from New York when Schumer decides it’s time to hang it up.
Gonna be fun. I chose WA Examiner because…the Anschultz Times and it’s right wing framing.
“so that they could have time to compile their own evidence to counter whatever Smith has in store.”
Cool. That’s totally why they didn’t want it out there.
I wonder if it will be more / less / equal embarrassment as releasing Ruben Gallego’s divorce proceeding?
Too damn bad for them that is not the process CJ Roberts laid out when he decided to give Fat Hitler one more grab at the presidency.
What in the high holy fuck does their own evidence have to do with the question of immunized conduct as Roberts framed it? Nothing. Nothing at all. Oh surely they have more arguments to make. All the more reason to unseal the evidence so that the public and all interested parties may review and consider such arguments. Plenty of time for all of us to hang this piece of shit around their necks after Fat Hitler loses next month.
Election night will be the last time Fox News will have any interest in having her sit for an interview.
Last night was the last time Fox will ask having had their Anchor get his ass handed to him even getting called out in real time for sanewashing tue senile imbecile Donald Trump.
No amount of National Review, NY Post and RNC spin is changing what 7.5m viewers saw.
Well, at least everyone she was attempting to reach got to see her face-plant in the cowpie. Recall she did this because she needed to reach more men with her unique recipe of vapidness and word salad.
The campaign team sailing on the SS Titanic Momala voted to hit the iceberg.
Tonight, Green Bay.
The soundbite for the next 24-hours.
It’s the same as all y’all hearing DEI and just running with it. No fucking clue what it means it’s just a thing to say when you cant string an insult together.
Both Gallup and Reuters/Ipsos have Bi-Done’s approval rating in the 30s.
Recall that it’s the Biden-Harris Administration. No matter how hard Boxcheck Momala tries to disown her direct involvement.
Meanwhile, pedophile priests endorse Boxcheck Momala.
Maxim Magazine still exists.
Donnie thinks that’s a helpful endorsement. Cool.
Is Tara Reid still a Maxim ‘It’ Girl?
The magazine of the hip cool douchebag.
Was the TMZ endorsement not great after yesterday?
Politico headline: “Trump expected to go on ‘Six Feet Under’ podcast”
Seems like a good place for him. I mean, the guy is old, overweight, doesn’t exercise, has poor eating habits, is visibly in physical and cognitive decline, and his supporters keep trying to kill him. His wives, his ex-wives, and maybe his children, probably would like to kill him, too. The only real friend he has is Putin. If I were him (thank God I’m not!), I would go get fitted for a pine overcoat right now, if for no other reason than for someone in his physical shape, you never can tell when the ticker might stop ticking.
“So i was at Dad’s the other day and he was flipping through some softcore.”
“Ew gross. He’s almost 80”
“I know”
Thanks, I appreciate that.
I’ve actually been writing turnout letters and post cards in Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Georgia for over a month. I just hit 1000 first class letters this week. That felt pretty good. Seeing strong early turnout in Georgia feels good too.
I guess as long as everyone here reading those posts understands what that stuff really is it’s not terrible. But follow that link about the cryptocurrency betting on the election. This is some kind of spy operation going on in real time. And American voters are the targets. In fact almost all of those false claims that guy makes are sourced to foreign sources trying to sow unrest among Americans – including his false claims about FEMA spending.
– including his false claims about FEMA spending.
The degenerate troll also babbled that Paul Pelosi was having an argument with his gay lover instead of his home being invaded by a violent Q-anon magat.
The troll just lies cuz it has no life to speak of.. It shovels horseshit, literally, for its wife who gives money to liberal causes. It voted for Carter in 1980. As a landlord, it dropped its security deposit “rule” for a redneck tenant at the sight of the tenant’s baby momma and got royally fucked financially in the process.
It hates, it’s misogynistic.. it’s a fucking mess..
Its antics are an object of comedy here at HA.
face-plant in the cowpie.
So subsequently getting fucked in the ass by the redneck tenant was just the cherry on top.. in full sight of the tenant’s brewski and blunt buddies.. with the junker on blocks as backdrop decor..
No baby momma to be seen. That’s small comfort.
Thanks for sharing.
Maybe the UNRWA doesn’t know how the internet works.
It’s still there.
Now that the media is just printing Donald as live…
Fresh Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus.
But carry on.
I’ll vote for that.
His fat fingers on the button. Kiss you asses goodbye!
She can’t be trusted to tell DOCTOR Jill to sit the fuck down and let the vice president run a meeting when the president is unable to do so.
The guy DeSantis ordered to send letters threatening letters tonTV stations got wind of the State Bar Ethics board and decided he’s had enough.
Winners in the last three weeks:
• Elon Musk
• Benjamin Netanyahu
• Shohei Ohtani
• Tadej Pogachar
Sinwar would be alive today and terrorizing the world
First Israel then the world! quick close the border.. oops.. orange dear leader sez no..
little tommy cotton obeys..
Elon Musk
Next thing we know Kyrsten Sinema will join its magat “team”..
“the winner” has to land somewhere..
Nothing about Boxcheck Momala is genuine.
Kamala Harris tweeted edited video of pre-hurricane call to Florida mayor to remove self-praise, concern about aid speed
Similar to the blank expression on Boxcheck Momala’s face when in the presence of the bumbling, slurring, Joe Biden.
Benjamin Netanyahu
who released Sinwar and over 1000 others in exchange for Galid Shalit..
Who sent suitcases of cash..
Now how many dead Israelis after that?
No matter… there’s a lot more dead people with teh funny last names now and lot more to come.. yawwwn..
the bumbling, slurring, Joe Biden.
Who right now is meeting with leaders in Europe regarding Ukraine..
As orange magat leader babbles confused word salad for the adoring magat in widbee..
@196 And Roger Rabbit. The stock market is booming. Have you looked at Generac lately (up 30% this year)? And 3M (up 40% this year)? AT&T (up 29%)? One of my biggest holdings, Bank of New York Mellon, is up nearly 50% this year. Even Exxon is up over 20% since January 1. Man, I love this Biden stock market!
Tesla, which I don’t own, or have options on? Oh, it’s down 11% year-to-date. I hope for your sake you shorted it back in January.
EVs are a hoax.. drill baby drill..
@184 “Is Tara Reid still a Maxim ‘It’ Girl?”
Last I heard she’s now a naturalized Russian citizen living in Russia.
Sen Tom Cotton is one of the Republican Senators who, at then President Trump’s request, voted to authorize FEMA to spend money sheltering and feeding border refugees in 2019. But in September tried to block all FEMA funding because it was President Biden’s request.
It looks to me like he’s a liar just like you. I wouldn’t trust him either.
@ 200
who released Sinwar and over 1000 others in exchange for Galid Shalit..
Who sent suitcases of cash..
You know that both of these – release of lots of prisoners and transfer of lots of cash – are part of the cease-fire proposal from Biden and Macron, don’t you, Welfare Queen YLB? Don’t you?
@199 “Nothing about Boxcheck Momala is genuine,” sez the dumbfuck doctor who believes Trump and Vance are the real deal.
@206 And you realize you’re changing the subject from the “winning” record of Bibi..
yawwwnn… typical..
Bibi funded Hamas, released Sinwar (and over 1000 more for ONE guy) and Israelis died.. That’s the record of your “winner”..
@203 “EVs are a hoax”
You probably think trains are, too.
You’re thinking of Tara Reade.
💩🧌 Scotty P invested about a full year on that bullshit smear.
Made an absolute ass🤡 of himself along the way.
@ 208
Bibi funded Hamas
We funded Hamas. Welfare Queen YLB, under both GOP and Democrat leadership your two fucked kids paid taxes that ended up being handed to Gazans, meaning it was handed to Hamas.
Eventually, Welfare Queen YLB, your two fucked kids will pay taxes to support the rebuilding of Gaza and the destruction of tunnels that Hamas built with tax dollars paid by…
wait for it…
your two fucked kids.
Dumbfuck is quoting the National Review with it’s circulation of 75K.
Eugene Robinson with WaPo has 135K print and 2.5 million digital and is syndicated in 260 other newspapers in just about every part of the country.
@204 I know how Tara Reade’s name is spelled. I deduced that’s who the poster @184 was referring to.
@167 This jibe would fly over the heads of most MAGAites, who wouldn’t even know it was a jibe. Harris is too subtle for them to realize she’s making fun of them.
@168 The mother of a worthless bastard, which isn’t necessarily a reflection on the mother. Parents can do their best and still end up with worthless children. Kids make their own choices.
@172 Thieving children could make any parent poor, trash or no, but I have a feeling she’s not trash. This is evident from the fact she laments how her son turned out.
Bob is a copy cat. He has no originality, no wonder he fails medical school. POS.
Beat the shit out of her the old fashioned Heterosexual Neanderthal way.
Supposedly the superior bread. I wish they were more successful at killing the heterosexual Neanderthal way
Scientists should study the Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus.
If JD Vance Is Wealthy, Why Did He Let His Own Mother Scrape by on Medicaid?
“I didn’t get and stay wealthy by wasting Thiel’s money on takers.” Jaydee Vance probably.
Today I learned the Trump Bible only has the Bill of Rights that only list the first 10 amendments. The Trump Bible is missing amendments 11-27. That cover things like freeing the slaves and women being allowed to vote.
I don’t know about the rest of y’all, but for me this was the highlight of a week of good news for patriotic defenders of American democracy:
Fat Hitler’s attorneys are now on notice that this case will get in front of a jury unless they can convince the Supremes to exclude all the evidence.
That would put Roberts in the position of refining and extending his vague definitions of official acts to include forging state documents, threatening state officials, recruiting co-conspirators in the above actions, and then summoning an armed and violent mob to attack the Capitol to cover it all up.
I don’t think John Roberts wants his judicial legacy to be that he could not match the courage of a guy who calls his wife “mommy”.
Looking for property to purchase. Prefer in run down neighborhood and adjacent to property with 20+ year old beater car.
Human feces on sidewalk or yard is bonus.