I have linked to other people talking about the new G Line. But like a fool, I had not taken it yet. Now that I have, I think it’s neat. It’s tough to do east-west connections within Seattle. And man does it. I took it at rush hour and it seems like it could add more people comfortably.
Also, I have never rode some of the Rapid Ride lines outside of the city, so forgive me if this is old hat there, but I can’t recall a bus with doors on either side depending on the stop. Obviously that’s how light rail and the streetcar work, but just adding it to a bus feels innovative.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now and get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
My Senile incontinent President can’t even keep it together to ramble on about the trannies and the wetbacks stealing the kids and the jobs.
When I said FREE I meant If you can pay me $100 for Starlink equipment AND you you can get it delivered or picked up I’m giving you one month trial service in the hurricane effected areas.
Then it’s $120 a month for our most basic plan up to 100Mbs of service.
As if I didn’t have enough problems, SCOTUS just made sure 29 days out that my great state of Texas sued for the right to let women die if they show up in the emergency room pregnant.
Da Da, vee can read pools here in Russia and eets time to admit the lady vill be President. So eets time to stop pretending and make some deeplomatic overtures.
greedin’ and kreepin’ widbee dumbfuck – the champion at HA of the fecally incontinent orange tinted greedhead rapist in steep cognitive decline.
And its socially challenged pos greedhead sidekick aptly described as jerkoff dickhead bowman..
The primary reason they are convinced it will be voter fraud is the chosen media.
You know how much airtime and web presence giving rationed Covid Test Equipment to Putin is getting over on Fox?
But they have THREE different click throughs on the ‘huge gaffe’ ‘fumble’ of Harris on Colbert.
And the big banner story on how Newmax TVs Mark Halperin is noting that the latest national poll is inside the margin of error.
How can they lose?
DJIA on its way to 45,000.
Recesssssssssssioooooooonnnnnnnnnnn wheeeeeeeeerrrrrrrr arrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeee youuuuuuuuu!
It’s likely that many/most of the quality* swing state polls and national polls will remain within the MOE through election day.
That’s a normal expectation given what we already know about the polarization in the elctorate and how “undecided” voters respond to pre-election surveys.
Remember that in past election polling analysis that was seen to have “failed” it was most often because of two significant features of that analysis: the modeled electorate was wrong and the assumption that “undecided voters” would split was wrong. That happened in both 2016 and to a lesser extent in 2020. In 2016 that resulted in poll analysts being overconfident about the probability of Clinton winning. In 2020 it resulted in poll analysts being underconfident about the probability of Biden/Democrats winning.
We won’t know how badly pollsters modeled turnout until months from now. All any campaign can do is put in the work to produce the turnout. But we can pay attention to quality poll crosstabs to understand how undecided voters in swing states may be breaking. Remember that these undecided voters in these states are not anything like us when it comes to politics. They simply aren’t nearly as aware of events surrounding the campaigns or the candidates. And in a sense Stephen Colbert is right in saying that “it is about the vibes”.
Trump is doing a much better job than he was a month ago talking more about the voters and their concerns and less about himself and his concerns. The critical things seems to be that his campaign have found a few key grievances that he shares with voters and then turned him loose on those. His messaging about these grievances may be flawed and even dangerous, but it is at least about the voters more than it is about himself.
Harris has to remain as disciplined as she has been and keep pounding away at her same messaging addressing the issues the voters say they care about, and avoid getting drawn into editorializing about her opponent. The only time the Harris campaign should be talking about Trump is when they are pointing out how some specific promise or threat of his will frustrate or worsen their biggest issues and concerns they have.
The campaign has announced that as part of their closing argument they will be running some messaging that is more directed at criticizing Trump. Watch closely. And see that it will be focused on Trump’s promises to cut taxes for his billionaire pals, raise costs for everyone else with ruinous tariffs, pass a nationwide abortion ban, and deploy soldiers into our communities to go to war against us and our neighbors.
*Remember that in this final month the media are swamped with shit polling from untested sources using both untested methodology and even obviously flawed methodology.
Trump is doing a much better job than he was a month ago talking more about the voters and their concerns and less about himself and his concerns.
And what are their concerns? He might talk about lowering inflation – they don’t respond.. golf claps..
He talks about “sending them the hell back” and they scream their asses off.
Their “concerns” are white supremacy. The tariffs? They’ll raise prices but to them it means punishing China – people who don’t look like them.
Yup. It’s a real dilemma, but one the campaign has embraced.
The only way to get their candidate to address the concerns of voters is to steer him towards the things that unleash his most vile racist, misogynist, bigoted, and violent tendencies. Push him to talk about public safety and he talks about giving police “a national day of violence” and conducting summary executions in the streets. Steer him to talk about immigration and he talks about actual Nazi Race Science and ethnic cleansing.
And because the candidate says what he says, every other Republican, including every Republican candidate down the ballot, is forced to defend it. And thus it becomes incorporated into the party brand. Forever.
It’s not really at all the same as when Chip Roy says some digusting and offensive shit. This is the party standard bearer who is seen to be articulating the party’s message to the American people. And it’s an extremely racist, violent, and misogynistic message that is being lodged with moderate and unaligned voters in every part of the country. It absolutely kills them in places like Washington or California. But it probably doesn’t help as much as they need it to in places like rural Michigan or Montana.
There are people that need the shit slapped out of them.
People are in the socials complaining that Disney has shut down the monorail and several of the rides ruining their vacation* when the hurricane is still 12 hours or so away. Not like the folks running the rides need to get themselves to safety or anything.
*Disney halted their ‘no refunds’ policy several days ago
Lara Trump has the inside track on polling.
Yep, there you have it, Trump is crushing Harris in the airplane beverage napkin poll.
Geez, Carl. I’m not an English teacher, but if I’m not mistaken, “I have never ridden” is the correct usage. “I have rode” doesn’t sound right.
Maybe Florida vacationers can survive the fifteen foot storm surge if they shove a flashlight up their asses.
The Trump God Bless the USA Bibles that are being supplied to Oklahoma schools are printed in…
… China.
Says the guy who complained about having Chinese neighbors.
On this date in 2017, then President Donald Trump spent $250,000 in taxpayer money flying Vice President Mike Pence to Indiana to walk in and then immediately walk out of a football game.
At the time the perennially wrong, completely silly, last incel troll standing proclaimed that this laughably performative stand against kneeling was absolutely guaranteed to usher in “FOUR MORE YEARS OF TRUMP” A little over three years later Trump failed to win reelection and summoned a violent, armed, paramilitary mob to attempt to assasinate Pence.
Money alone does not win big elections.
But it’s very safe to say that fundraising, particularly fundraising following the nominating conventions, is a better barometer of voter lean than cocktail napkins or the daily price of a pump-and-dump stock scheme.
@4 – Bob Woodward has never been objective in his books or in his reporting.
The Kremlin verified…
Sad horns.
They come up to me with tears in their eyes and say, you look vaguely familiar. Are you a singer?
Early voting stands at about 3 million right now. Down from the COVID record of about 9 million at this point in 2020, but double the pre-COVID 2016 voting at this point.
Some Republican states have imposed big restrictions on early voting since Fat Hitler lost so badly four years ago. So that accounts for some of the drop from 2020. But also owing to COVID restrictions in 2020 record numbers of voters had to be shifted to other means of voting. So we do not expect to see 2020 early voting patterns. But to already be running at twice the rate of 2016 is encouraging for higher than average turnout. And as we all know, high turnout with more elibible voter participation is bad for Fat Hitler and Repubicans in general.
Wars are caused by Neanderthal Heterosexuals.
@20 – You’re about as independent in your views as Rachel Maddow.
I wish the legislative & executive branches would wake up and realize that Israel in not our 51st state, and we don’t owe Israel anything.
Donnie is going to close the deal by holding a rally in the Coachella Valley.
Because if you can turn out enough farming community White Supremacist the GOP can lose California by a mere 21%.
I don’t really know what it takes to be committed to avoiding the simple decision to oppose naked authoritarianism and defend American democracy.
But it certainly is not what I would call “independence”.
“Cowardly” comes to mind.
Fat Hitler is running out of venues that he does not owe money to.
“The government has weather control and can use hurricanes as weapons.” – Very plausible and entirely credible claim. We should at least be looking into this.
“Sometimes police target, arrest, and charge Black people with crimes for no reason.” – Completely outlandish fantasy for which there is not even a shred of evidence and that we are obligated to dismiss without consideration.
Why not Elizabeth Warren for VP? She told far fewer lies than did Cut and Run Walz. There’s no question that she’s extremely intelligent and she would have given Vance a far different debate experience.
The DNC nominees are a pair of dunces. I can only surmise that Boxcheck Momala is too insecure to risk being overshadowed by her running mate.
It’s something we ourselves have been working on.
Starters you don’t need any help winning Massachusetts specifically or New England generally. Walz seals the deal in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and maybe even Ohio.
She’s 75 at a moment where age has become a thing in the campaign.
You mean the one where he had to cry like a little girl that he didn’t get to lie about everything?
Keep at that one. It’s working great. Maybe try the stollen valor thing again too.
It’s not that we don’t believe women are smart enough. We don’t believe that Boxcheck Momala is smart enough. In 2016, we didn’t think that #CrookedHillary was honest enough. She’s plenty smart, but corrupt as can be.
Run someone who doesn’t have to have CBS News excise an entire answer and replace it with something else so that her response seems intelligent. Run someone who hasn’t demonstrated blatant dishonesty her entire career. See what happens then.
He’s right you know. She’s such a dunce I could wipe the floor with her in a debate bigly.
They’re eating the hydrogen cars go boom.
If only there was time.
Goldy’s daughter hasn’t been raped by an illegal yet.
The Most Dramatic Shift in U.S. Public Opinion
The size and speed of the immigration backlash over the past four years are nearly unheard-of.
Yet. When it happens, Gold will stay the course. Because liberalism means personal sacrifice for whatever libbie cause is in vogue at present.
Hey, to make an omelete ya gotta break a few eggs, amirite?
“That’s totally false we have not been in contact with Vlad and we did not give him the covid tests.”
“I absolutely did not have classified documents in my public restroom.”
“I did not fuck the pornstar and pay her off.”
“She’s not pretty enough to fingerbang in a department store.”
“I always rent to the coloreds.”
“A Trump always pays his bills.”
“I did not spend the charity funds on a portrait of myself.”
“Til death do us part.”
@ 32
Maybe try the stollen valor thing again too.
Actually, Cut and Run Walz has given us so much new material each week that we haven’t had to return to that one yet.
Yeah. Such a shame then about Jamie Dimon. By the time Fat Hitler is out of the way he’ll be waaaayyy too old.
MTG it is then!
…flee like a crippled bitch needing a diaper change from any more humiliating debates with the candidate Scotty P alone, all by himself says “isn’t smart enough”.
She humiliated him. She reduced him to sputtering and twitching. His performance may have cost them Ohio. It almost certainly cost them their chance at another Senate seat in Ohio. She’s smart enough to terrify Fat Hitler. If she wasn’t there’d be another debate scheduled.
Strong post/s
Ironically the professor’s name is Hal Campanis
Trying to keep himself comfortable Donnie went on an Alt-Right podcast and got laughed at by the host when he said, “I’m basically a truthful person.”
…it will be Brock Turner, or Doug Pitassi, or a cop.
If it’s a cop he’ll shoot her dog first.
This will work just about as well as Elmo’s silly last ditch bullshit:
But the difference is the folks at Cards Against Humanity aren’t developmentally delayed billionaire nepo-babies. So they know that. They just enjoy a good laugh. 😁
I’ll buy you a horse if you delete that.
Goldy’s daughter hasn’t been raped by an illegal yet.
It’s kreepshit’s fantasy – that it has spewed here more than once.
IRS – audit this degenerate troll and make it pay for its tax cheating sins.
It’s the only thing it fears more than an armed black liberal.
Trump, Still at it tonight
Yes we can’t believe you’re saying that but not for the reason you’re assuming.
For everyone at that
klanrally that sees that as an applause line there’s five of us who say, “Nope, that son of a bitch os either crazy or trying to get some teachers killed on purpose.”Now the troll has escalated to violent rape fantasies of Goldie’s daughter. He’s begging to be banned.
Yeah, the Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus is killing the women and you sit back and watch.
You’d rather have a baby born and the mother die.
Your statement is less plausible than the statement that the government create hurricanes. Stick to the facts Dumbfuck
He wants to be banned so he won’t have to endure the mocking laughter that looms in his very near future.
Don’t do it, Darryl! At least wait until a week or so after the election. We’ve earned this.
Bunch of brainwashed sheep.
Dumpy still talking about the fake news.
He’s a fake. And a phony.
Strikers, the pensions are never coming back. Plan accordingly.
Fat Hitler “never has an empty seat”
Lazy, incompetent, fat cat owners of Boeing, if you want something from us, what are you offering?
CNN has set a deadline of noon eastern on Thursday for the Harris and Trump campaigns to agree to their offer of another presidential debate.
Harris has already accepted.
Trump is no longer answering his phone.
So let me see if I have this.
The Democrats can CONTROL THE WEATHER!
@19 “Bob Woodward has never been objective in his books or in his reporting.”
If by that you mean he’s against corruption and abuse of power, you’re absolutely correct.
@24 I see you’re opposed to the media reporting confirmed facts. You’re mom’s basement might be a good place to wallow in conspiracy theories, if she’ll let you use it.
@32 I can think of a 100-year-old who would make a better president than the decrepit 78-year-old Florida refugee from New York justice. Florida is the banana republic he always planned to seek asylum in.
@54 Trump has already declined. Coward.
So far.my cousin in Orlando is ok, plus the Magic are in San Antonio. I tried to find a feed for the game on Tune-in, but tge Magic’s home radio station was only doing hurricane coverage. Shelter in place warning.
Animals. Heterosexual Neanderthals.
The world doesn’t have enough gay people. It’s a downfall.
QuilCeda Creek CVR is now 60 bucks a bottle.
Bidenflation touches all.
QuilCeda Creek CVR is now 60 bucks a bottle.
Distillers have the alcoholics over a barrel.
Sux to be the alkies.
In America, this guy would not have gotten an apology, as he probably would have been executed long ago.
@62 “QuilCeda Creek CVR is now 60 bucks a bottle.”
Can I borrow Melania’s jacket?
I don’t know if SeattleJew knew his U.W. School of Medicine colleague David Baker, given the school is a huge sprawling institution with 1,600 faculty members, but Baker won a Nobel Prize in Chemistry today for his work on proteins. Does this mean he’ll now get free parking?
Explaining Trump: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrU6F-S8VMo
@ 61
The world doesn’t have enough gay people. It’s a downfall.
If only God had created a mechanism for a baby to created when a man fucks another man in the ass.
Instead God created AIDS.
This is what G-clown laments is an anti-homosexual twofer.
Now remember, as Florida governor Ron DeSantis deals with the carnage caused by Hurricane Milton today and for weeks to come, beginning with the effort to restore power to the 3 million Floridians who don’t have it, the Boxcheck Momala perspective is that DeSantis is selfish because he didn’t take her phone call on Monday.
Meanwhile, yesterday her boss supported her perspective this way:
DeSantis 1
Boxcheck Momala 0
Once the election is over and Donald Trump has been inaugurated, the books can be written about all of the behind-the-scenes backstabbing of her boss that Boxcheck Momala engaged in during the months of 2024 leading up to his withdrawal from the race.
History will not look kindly upon Boxcheck Momala.
Hops @ 32
Walz seals the deal in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and maybe even Ohio.
If Cut and Run Walz is such a boost to Democrats in those states, Hops, why is it that Tammy Baldwin’s race is now a toss up?
Elections, News, Politics
Wisconsin US Senate race rating moves to toss up
Hops, the only thing Cut and Run Walz has sealed is Boxcheck Momala’s fate. Apparently with some pretty serious down-ballot consequences for Democrats as well.
Oh, Hops? One more thing. The Senate races in Michigan and in Ohio are also toss ups.. GLWT.
Strong post, Hops. Strong.
@ 32, 71
Less than a day after Hops claims that Ohio may be in play for Democrats, polls by WaPo and by Marist show Trump with a 6 point lead in the state.
Well done, Hops!
NYT/Siena has Montana Senate race
Sheehy 52
Tester 44
I’m sure a Boxcheck Momala rally in a Bozeman Cessna hangar will turn that right around. Although Tester won’t be there with her.
Will Tammy Baldwin be on the stage when Boxcheck Momala campaigns in Wisconsin?
Don’t bet on it.
So few people visit HA that Darryl has decided it’s not worth his time to do the Poll Analysis this year.
History won’t be kind to Cut and Run Walz, either. Especially if the Senate races in MI, WI, and OH (and PA!) all flip to the GOP this Fall.
I’m tellin’ ya. Boxcheck Momala would have done better had she picked Al Franken instead of Walz.
Hey, at least Franken and Emhoff could share with each other their stories of mistreating women.
Good deal.
Considering that one year after founding, and the year following winning grand prize at PNW ecological, it sold for a 2024 price equivalent to $108.
Right now it’s a buyer’s market for the luxury wine categories and it’s expected to remain so for another ten years.
Profit taking off rubes who need the status of having the second tier offering of a buzzy winery is as old as wine.
Good to know you’re sniffing around Robert Parker’s junk for status symbols.
Inflation falls to 2.4%, lowest in three years.
>> We’re fortunate to have had Biden’s competent leadership these last few years to revitalize the economy Trump wrecked and there’s a non zero chance that Trump could get another opportunity to destroy it (and the entire country this time) again.
what the fuck America? How are we not better than this?
Reminder: grocery prices are high because of company price gouging.
It’s not hard to explain. You’re a racist.
Full stop.
Great build of Tropicana Field!
Great idea by DefuckFace to make it a staging ground for emergency personnel.
Go Broke or Go Woke! No wokey wokes here!
The country that can do no wrong just can’t get no respect:
Whenever Israeli forces pull out of one part of the Gaza Strip, Hamas reappears, forcing the IDF to return. It’s “Groundhog Day” with guns. Israel can continue fighting Hamas until kingdom come, but it’s doubtful it will ever succeed in eradicating the terrorist organization, which is deeply embedded in Gazan society…
The endgame in Lebanon is just as murky. Israeli troops can advance into Lebanon, but can they get back out? So far, the Israeli ground operation has not ended Hezbollah’s rocket attacks on northern Israel. (Between the start of the new offensive on Sept. 23 and Oct. 8, roughly 3,000 rockets were fired at Israel from Lebanon.)
Idea.. Call on asshole elmo and send up a rocket with some heavy ordnance..
Nuke the site (Iran, Gaza, southern Lebanon) from orbit.. It’s the only way to be sure. (rolls eyes)
Phone auto correct.
It’s why that’s disabled on my laptop. It actually reduces productivity in any field communicating above an 8th grade vocabulary.
@ 83
So far, the Israeli ground operation has not ended Hezbollah’s rocket attacks on northern Israel. (Between the start of the new offensive on Sept. 23 and Oct. 8, roughly 3,000 rockets were fired at Israel from Lebanon.)
One would think that Israel has had no success, because Hezbollah is not completely wiped out in 15 days. That really would not be an accurate perspective.
News | War & Peace
Minister Says Hezbollah Head Agreed to Ceasefire Hours Before Israel Killed Him
In those 15 days, IDF killed Hassan Nasrallah. And his replacement. And his replacement.
If IDF cuts the head, neck, and shoulders off of Hezbollah in little more than two weeks, and if half of the Hezbollah-fired 3,000 missiles don’t make it to Israel and the other half do little damage, how is that evidence that Israel might be bogged down?
It’s been 15 days. Hezbollah has never before been willing to discuss a truce. So what’s changed?
IDF success.. That’s what.
You liberal progressives should read “Slanted” by Sharyl Attkison. Journalism has simply become promoting political and social narratives, not reporting. Maddow is no more a reporter that Hannity. Neither are Woodward and Levin.
Young Turk, October 5:
Young Turk, yesterday:
@ 86
Journalism has simply become promoting political and social narratives, not reporting.
CBS News excised an entire Boxcheck Momala answer to a question, and replaced it with someone else.
Blatant dishonesty by CBS, to protect an incompetent Democrat candidate for president.
That’s a pretty decent buy at $60 if that’s the style you like.
That shit was almost 100% Red Mountain fruit in the beginning, making it grippy and tannic as fuck.
Great wine for a cigarette smoker like Scotty P.
I think they’ve softened the style with other plantings since then, as consumer palates have evolved. But these guys all play games with production volumes, fruit source, and price point. The CVR is the nationally distributed grocer bottle that pays for the rest of it. So they vary it’s production and retail price point based on market projections.
Luke firing on clearly marked UN Peacekeepers.
Say, Darryl, since it’s apparently okay by you that the dumbfuck Nazi coward repeatedly shares his fantasies about Goldy’s daughter being violently raped, then it’s equally okay for me to share my fantasies of giving the dumbfuck Nazi coward both barrels of my 12 gauge shotgun to his face, then burying him in the forest behind my home.
Am I correcting interpreting these new rules you came up with recently?
Boxcheck Momala still trying to get Governor DeSantis to talk to her, for the photo op.
Also, can’t have much success when you steal peoples land from them.
Like sending someone to jail and you only make them more of a criminal.
Dumping into the ocean would keep you from polluting the land behind you. Just a suggestion to keep the land free of shit.
Sharyl Attkison. Uh huh.
She’s the “investigative journalist” who spent a year claiming the Obama NSA Deep State took over her computer and deleted her work.
Turned out she had food spills in her clickity keyboard and the backspace key was stuck.
She’s an incompetent lying 🤡 Hard pass.
Calm down.
We don’t want him banned before Vice President Harris is declared to be his new President.
@ 91
I’m used to the threats – Steve has hardened me. The difference in your analogy, and why it therefore is not an analogy, is that I suggested a possible consequence to Goldy’s family of liberal policy, while you imply a violent act you will personally commit against me, because you disagree with my objection to liberal policy.
GLWT. But without me this place will become a fucking desert, and both Goldy and Darryl know it.
if half of the Hezbollah-fired 3,000 missiles don’t make it to Israel and the other half do little damage, how is that evidence that Israel might be bogged down?
Oh wow.. I guess the displaced Israelis can move right back to freaking border with Lebanon cuz’ kreepshit babbles everything is hunky dory..
Strangely absent is any mention of Sinawar..
Geez and I thought the North of Gaza was pacified.
But as long as IDF kills more and more people with funny last names, including amputees and dialysis patients, kreepshit is happy in widbee.
a possible consequence to Goldy’s family of liberal policy
rapists like drumpf and Epstein are products then of klownservatic policy..
Remember that Secretary of Labor Acosta?
Or Judge fucking Starr?
Why wasn’t Hezbollah wiped out in 2006?
Blame it on Condi Rice having Dumbya whipped. (rolls eyes)
Shorter 97,
“Oh Great Darryl, hear the pleas of one who is so unworthy of your grace, and have pity on my transgressions against you.”
Pure grovel. 💕
The last time Scotty P was reduced to this kind of pleading to the umps he got benched for a week. 😁
Fat Hitler violently skull fucking sobbing teen girls in their dressing rooms must therefore be a consequence of Trump’s family “conservative” policy.
Works for me.
We all get to bust out rape fantasies on the autistic half-wit Barron.
Just in time for Halloween!
@ 98
Strangely absent is any mention of Sinawar..
Probably because he’s Hamas, not Hezbollah, and the discussion pertained to Hezbollah. Although all Muslims are the same to you, Welfare Queen YLB, as long as they can be used to kill Jews.
In place of an invitation to a live, nationally televised debate that Vice President Harris graciously accepted, but rapey Fat Hitler ran away from yesterday, the Harris campaign has announced that it is accepting CNN’s invitation to participate in a live, nationally televised town hall event on the same evening.
All of this sequential news and reporting is cumulative in nature in the final weeks. But you should not look for it to significantly move polls. It has almost no effect on decided voters. And to understand why it isn’t expected to change how undecided voters respond to pre-election surveys you must know more about who those 5% are who refuse to “decide” before election day.
Could they break either way?
But what recent elections tell us is that many of them are settling on a decision right now in the closing days. But that they are very reluctant to expose that decision to interrogation by others, and that includes pollsters.
Nahhh, doesn’t work that way with hypocrites. They can pass judgement but not be judged, they are the self righteous.
It’s one of the ten of the 10 commandments that they can’t abide by.
Who is to blame for The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus?
Steve, according to Scotty P, because Barron Trump’s father is an authoritarian misogynist who has multiple rape victims and has an established history of support for “conservative” policies that strip rape victims of legal protections and civil rights, you have complete moral authority to share any speculations you might have about potential “consequences” to Barron or any other Trump family members as victims of various, gruesome forms of sexual violence.
My advice however, is to keep it hypothetical and to clearly label it as such, and to provide this context.
I also wish to state very clearly my opinion that Scotty P is morally and ethically wrong in arguing by implication that the children of proven rapists deserve to be raped. Shocking news! I know. But once again Scotty P confirms for our collective judgement that he is a moral failure in every way.
Up nearly 15% just this morning.
Trump Media shares up 100% from recent low as DJT rally continues on heavy trading
As the polls move to Trump, the money follows.
Tracking shares – I wrote it yesterday, CNBC writes it today.
The best thing is that it foretells Boxcheck Momala, which is why QoS McHillbilly wants you to wait until November 5 to see what happens rather than dissolving into tears now.
Hey, I’m OK with that. On November 5 there will be more cameras rolling to catch the tears in motion.
@ 104
…the Harris campaign has announced that it is accepting CNN’s invitation to participate in a live, nationally televised town hall event on the same evening.
We’ll see. I bet some sort of pre-taping will be substituted for “live”. After all CBS News would not have been able to paste Boxcheck Momala’s answer to Question B into the interviewer’s Question A in order to make her seem coherent, if that interview was done truly live.
We’ll see.
Probably because he’s Hamas, not Hezbollah
Oh convenient sidestep to an affront to your fan boi adoration of the IDF assassination score.. It’s been a year, what’s the holdup? Gaza isn’t Vietnam is it?
And no mention of the strangely unpacified North Gaza…
That IDF for some strange reason needs a second pass at killing at what is now some 400 thousand people.
Third time will be the charm to be sure. (rolls eyes)
DeSantis on CNBC this morning, talking about Boxcheck Momala:
Boxcheck Momala doesn’t understand much of anything.
We’ll see another highly anticipated, nationally televised event with a massive at-home, streaming, and mobile audience in which Fat Hitler is emasculated and further diminished by a powerful, accomplished, highly qualified, joyful, and gracious Black woman.
They are a 24 hour “business news” platform. They have to write about something.
As Aaron Rupar pointed out on Monday, “Gamblers are famously never wrong.”
It’s a principle that Scotty P has devoted his existence to since he was fired from his Rad Tech job for incompetence and being creepy to patients.
WTF is “the politics of joy”, anyway?
Josh Shapiro knew Boxcheck Momala wouldn’t carry PA. Not even with him on the ticket. Looking forward to the tattling of Democrats after Trump’s inauguration to tell us why Shapiro turned her down.
@97 “without me this place will become a troll desert”
I corrected a typo for you. You’re welcome.
Scotty P has fully succumbed to Fat Hitler now, and like his beloved dictator must simply fabricate the cope out of thin air.
Terminal stage.
@108 ““It doesn’t have anything to do with fundamentals”
Which is everything you need to know to make an investment decision. That and the fact nearly all shareholder equity consists of unquantifiable “goodwill.”
Let’s be clear, Axios is a woefully “gossipy” source to begin with.
But when MAGAts like this must conjur up the shitty fake media takes because the real thing isn’t producing them, that’s the equivalent of a street addict turning to beating himself with a pipe because the corner store is out of Kratom.
Don’t forget the “concerning” fact that, with the board’s apparent blessing, the CEO has recently purged the senior ranks of anyone with relevant technical experience because they told on him to the board. That goodwill is not actually unquantifiable. The evidence suggests that the goodwill is deeply underwater.
Kamala Harris agreed to CNN town hall
They scheduled a town hall instead of doing the Debate since Trump continued to back out. Good on Kamala!!
Harris overtakes Trump among suburban voters, Reuters/Ipsos polling shows
Harris is also winning the 65+ voters which are usually solidly for the GOP.
Expert: Harris’ Home Care Plan Would Be a Game-Changer The VP wants Medicare to fund in-home support—a huge benefit for aging and disabled people.
America is not ready for the deluge of pain that is about to hit middle-aged people. Middle-aged people who can barely afford to take care of themselves in their families, who believe that their parents have Social Security or pensions or retirement plans in place that will assist them as they get older. But they probably don’t. You probably think that the money that they’ll get once they’re unable to work is going to cover the cost of retirement homes and nurses, but it won’t.
“The moral test of government is how that government treats those who are in the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the elderly; those who are in the shadows of life, the sick, the needy and the handicapped”.
VP Hubert Humphrey
Exclusive: Kamala Harris’ campaign is livestreaming a Tim Walz rally from Arizona and Azeroth tonight. Yes, Azeroth—the planet from World of Warcraft.
This will be the first time the Harris campaign will stream live gameplay on its Twitch account. The event, which will take place at 6:30 pm ET, will include a live feed of Walz’s Arizona speech with Preheat, a Twitch creator, playing the game and providing commentary. Preheat is expected to highlight their connection to the campaign and encourage viewers to make a plan to vote.
Especially in red states.
What Medicare and SS can’t do, Medicaid does, but poorly. But as you know (you do know, don’t you?*) Medicaid is grant funded to the states and the states pitch in as they choose. Get the picture?
Turns out most Republican voters in red states are pretty clueless about all this. Sure some cripples and retards get shoved into unspeakably dismal and unsafe warehouse-like barracks and tied to their beds so Brett Favre’s daughter can have a new volleyball arena. But that’s “those people over there”.
Sure it is.
The next president won’t be Boxcheck Momala. Zelensky knows this.
Worst VP nominee since Eagleton.
Walz silent on support for eliminating Electoral College after Harris camp says it doesn’t back ban
‘I think all of us know, the Electoral College needs to go. We need a national popular vote,’ Walz told voters
Boxcheck Momala’s most important decision, and it started blowing up in her face within hours. It’s still a dumpster fire of a decision.
Tim Waltz is right. Everyone knows we need to get rid of the electoral college.
Currently in the same week the childishly silly Scotty P has signed on to at least three Russian bot-farm fables being actively trafficked to him by paid shills.
At 125, he’s trying desperately for four.
We will. Once Trump is defeated one final time and the GOP engages in full time open warfare against itself, it will be much easier to get NPV over the line.
The only thing keeping them in line right now is the MOE.
@ 129
The only thing keeping them in line right now is
the MOEno toss up states.Say anyone wonder why @ 96 Welfare Queen YLB ends sentences with punctuation this way?
rapists like drumpf and Epstein are products then of klownservatic policy..
It’s because after what pushing out two fucked kids did to her lady bits Welfare Queen YLB never wants to miss another period.
This is on top of $7M plus raised by Trump and Vance for hurricane relief:
@132 Why are 275 FPL linemen lollygagging at Trump’s golf resort for photo-ops? Shouldn’t they be out there restoring power?
I see that Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit has an understanding of disaster management as poor as Boxcheck Momala’s.
with punctuation this way?
Heh.. notice teh kreepshit is triggered by klownservatic pro-rape policies. It sure gets a misogynist rise out of kreepshit..
Never fails. knee goes jerk.. been that way since it got here.
When Kamala wins in November that’ll all go away replaced by being frozen in fear of an IRS audit.
… watch it go …
So kreepshit.. Did your frat have a pro-rape policy?
heh.. Does the pope take a dump in the woods?
Last I heard kon-klown DEE-Santis was working overtime to find a solution for insurance companies jacking up property insurance premiums sky-high when they weren’t abandoning kon-klown land outright.
Heh. Weather just won’t cooperate..
When in doubt kon-klown DEE-Santis will just bleat woke woke woke woke woke woke woke woke woke woke woke woke woke woke woke woke woke woke woke woke woke woke …
Burn COAL!
We get to hold him to that forever.
Trump’s “tax cut” promise would raise taxes on anyone earning up to $360,000 per year and only cut taxes for people who earn more than that.
But for those who earn more than $360,000 it cuts their taxes A LOT. So much so that it would add $7.5 trillion to the debt in ten years.
“After a decade of unfulfilled promises about driverless vehicles, Tesla CEO Elon Musk hyped the company’s Cybercab concept on Thursday night, showing off a low, silver two-seater with no steering wheels or pedals. Rolling up to the stage in a Cybercab almost an hour after the company’s ‘We, Robot’ event was supposed to begin,” …
Sounds like technical problems backstage.
“said the company hopes to be producing the Cybercab before 2027”
Sounds like it doesn’t work yet.
“Musk has spent years touting Tesla’s work in autonomous cars and promising that they would hit the market. Along the way, he’s repeatedly woven a fantastical vision for shareholders, setting and missing his own deadlines.”
Sounds like more of the same.
If it were me, I wouldn’t discard the steering wheel and pedals just yet.
2024 Nobel Peace Prize is awarded to Japanese A-bomb survivor group.
Boxcheck Momala used a teleprompter while answering questions during her Univision “town hall” yesterday.
Meaning the questions, and the people asking them, were chosen in advance. Because with a lightweight like Boxcheck Momala, it’s not enough to give her the questions in advance. She also needs to be given the answers and to have them projected in front of her so she can read.
This is what Democrats nominated to lose to Trump in November. Own it, libbies.
142 is yet more #hurricanegun
Fat Hitler does not take questions that haven’t been approved in advance by his staff.
And he still ends babbling about sharks and Hannibal Lecter and winning the gold medal in the ’38 Olympics.
@ 143
Fat Hitler does not take questions that haven’t been approved in advance by his staff.
The National Association of Black Journalists panel members were OK with this kind of hamstringing, QoS McHillbilly?
Why would anyone vote for a party that can’t even figure out something as simple building and operating a hurricane gun?
It’s like, Trump will get Elmo to build one for him by trading him a Columbia class nuclear sub, and the gun won’t work so Trump will have to fake it using a Sharpie.
A little over a month or so ago Fat Hitler held a 22 point advantage over Vice President Harris on the economy.
Today it’s less than 5 (inside the MOE some would say😉).
Because to make it through his one and only debate Director of Uteri Diet Private had to spend 90 minutes platforming and elevating established Democratic economic policy as his own. And this resulted in all the “normie” media following up for a week with a comparison of actual policy (something they almost never do) to fact check his lying ass.
Shares tumbled ahead of the opening this morning.
That’s normally what a “business titan” intends when they order the team to put on a splashy and expensive media event like that, isn’t it? 🤡
I’ll buy you a horse if you delete that.
Russia’s ministry of finance just announced new rules for all foreign citizens who hold domestic assets seeking to sell them.
First, they will have to take a 60% discount off the market price. And then they must make a “voluntary” contribution to the state equal to 35% of the market price.
And Republicans all say they admire these guys.
@ 146
Today it’s less than 5 (inside the MOE some would say😉).
Gotta link?
Like this one, perhaps?:
That’s Gallup, late September, authored October 9.
@ 146
Or perhaps you would prefer Pew:
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the silly ladies of The View for giving Boxcheck Momala the opening to state that she has no problem with anything she and her boss have done.
@ 140
If it were me, I wouldn’t discard the steering wheel and pedals just yet.
That’s because you need something to hang the mobile enema bag from, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@150, 151, 152
Release of the evidence is stayed for seven days. Next Friday. Three weeks from election day.
In the last week or so the Harris campaign coms team has slowly tested and refined a strategy to get Fat Hitler frustrated and angry so he’ll resume focusing on his least effective messaging: himself.
Trump is at his most effective when he is reflecting and channeling the grievances of his audience of dipshits who vote. But as we have seen time and time again, when something wounds his precious fragility he loses that focus and shifts to “punching back” with long, rambling stump screeds and ALL CAPS socials complaining about how he is being treated “unfairly” and targeting his “enemies”.
Last night in Philly gave a great example of this when President Obama used the portion of his address promoting Kamala’s economic policies to take a dig at Fat Hitler over his problems with incontinence:
The idea is to keep Trump and his closest message and coms team distracted with “fighting back”, but in particular “fighting back” on these things that simply have no resonance with real people who vote. Now Trump will spend a day or more complaining about and attacking Barack Obama. And not only will that messaging be boring to most swing voters, it will be alienating as hell to non-white voters in general, and non-white male voters in particular.
Over here a wildly popular former two-term President saying diapers are too expensive and President Harris will help you with that.
And over there a fired loser saying “the blacks are dumb”.
@ 154
And over there a fired loser saying “the blacks are dumb”.
You realize that just yesterday your “wildly popular former two-term president” (no capital due there) told black men that they’re misogynist for finding Boxcheck Momala too moronic to support, correct?
He also told them to vote for the candidate with black skin. Shades of Venus Velasquez.
I sure do.
The real question is, does Scotty P?
Many of these men (especially the ones Fat Hitler hoped he can pick off) cast their first ever votes in an election for President Barack Obama. For most of them, he’s the most trusted and respected figure in American political life, and probably always will be.
But that’s a concept that a racist white incel mouldering in a damp, mossy blue tarp compound in Puget Sound can’t comprehend. Nor can Fat Hitler.