Jesus, man. SPD arresting people for writing “peaceful protest” and “fuck SPS” in chalk. Of course it’s for their viewpoint rather than some anti-chalk stance. Chalk. Fucking arrested people for goddam chalk at the height of the pandemic. $680,000 seems like a small amount for 4 people.
Vote for Republicans if you want to take away people’s rights and get rid of democracy.
Vote for Democrats if you want to improve democracy and improve American rights.
Hey Carl, $170k per person isn’t trivial. That’s four years of wages at $20 per hour.
Trump, still foaming at the mouth, repeats his silly claim that Biden is on “a cocktail of drugs” in a fundraising piece. The sad thing is there are dumb people who believe it. I wonder if Doc is one of ’em?
WaPo poll: More respondents trust Trump than trust Biden to “defend democracy”, and it isn’t close.
Weaponizing the DOJ and ginning up crime theories at the state level to take down your GOP opponent will do that.
SCOTUS legalizes bribery.
“Yes of course Senator. We’ll give you the gold bars but we have to wait until AFTER the vote so it’s a ‘gratuity’ not a bribe.”
Team Trump pounding a 100% fake idea that CNN is considering letting President Biden sit during the debate.
Josh “Bravely ran away away” Hawley. “He can’t stand for 90 minutes – but he’s 100% able to be President. Have fun explaining that!”
Well there goes Abbott 2028.
Maybe Joe can sit with a parole officer.
4 is a very unique WaPo / George Mason University product they developed just for this year they are calling The Deciders.
It focuses on selected demographics isolated to key battleground states. Sample sizes in each state are quite small in order to keep costs under control for the Publisher.
One unique feature of the survey is the attempt to reach registered voters “who don’t normally participate in polls”.
To encourage participation, SSRS mailed every sampled voter a one-dollar bill with their survey invitation and offered another $10 if they completed the survey, a common method to boost response rates in surveys. Over a six-week period, live interviewers made additional contact attempts, and sampled voters were sent emails, text messages and postcards when contact information was available. The overall response rate for the survey was 8.5 percent, compared with 1 to 2 percent response rates that are typical in telephone surveys with short field periods.
That’s an expensive way to do polling. After six weeks of chasing responses and handing out about $100,000 in cash they get 3,500 completed surveys spread across six states. Six weeks in the field with human phone calling, texting, emailing, and live follow up targeting over 40,000 reg voters to net 3,500 is also very costly.
Of course with newsroom layoffs, firings, and salary cuts WaPo can’t afford to do something like this without getting a bump in reader response. So there’s a lot of pressure on their data editors to produce analysis that draws attention.
Such polls are certainly useful to campaigns trying to strategize their messaging and outreach. In Biden’s case they have their own internal polling already telling them some of these things. And it shows in how they are steering messaging.
In Trump’s case it means nothing. He’s going to keep yelling at crowds of idiots about celebrity cannibals and dishwashing machines. And he doesn’t even have a field operation beyond hiring local homeless guys to cosplay as supporters.
How much went to the lawyers and their expenses to do the case?
Everyone needs to stop talking about “antics”.
A quote from some analysis in the Ohio Capital Journal about the stakes in the debate:
“Trump, 78, may focus on appealing to voters in the ideological middle and wavering Republicans who want a conservative candidate but are turned off by the former president’s antics.”
Antics are the things like the weird, stream-of-consciousness ravings at his rallies. Showers, and sharks, and electric tanks. Antics are the casual lies about accomplishments that don’t exist. Antics are the gross, inappropriate comments and jokes about women, minorities, the disabled, and whichever minor children he finds “very sexy”.
But to keep things in perspective, so-called “wavering Republicans” have plenty of other resons for their wavering besides antics. Trump is twice-impeached on very solid legal grounds and convicted of 34 felonies. He attempted to hold a sovereign European ally hostage to get them to smear a political opponent for him. He directly participated in an effort to produce and submit fraudulent electoral certificates to the Congress. He stole thousands of highly classified national defense documents, photo copied them, and handed them out like party favors. He promises he will place a 20% tariff on everything you buy, cut a billion dollars out of law enforcement funding and cut education by half. Of course the list goes on.
The focus needs to be kept on the real, substantive reasons why a second Trump term is a threat to the economy, jobs, national security, the republic and the constitution. Calling these kinds of things “antics” normalizes them in a way that is very dangerous. And letting outselves become preoccupied with the things that are “antics” only serves to distract from the real threats.
Let’s all go ahead and have as much fun as we can humiliating MAGA Republicans idiots for their unwavering support of a fat pig who throws hamburgers at staff and brags to busloads of strangers about his career successes in rape.
But when it comes to the reasons why nobody should vote for the clown, it’s not the antics that count. It’s all the fucking felonies.
Here are tomorrow night’s debate results:
Democrats will claim Biden won.
Republicans will claim Trump won.
I looked it up and you can too.
Some data crunchers looked at Class E Felonies specifically for falsifying business records in the state of New York and the sentencing between 2020-2024. 67% of convicts received incarceration while 33% did not.
This number includes those that plead guilty presumably to lower the sentence.
Unclear how many of those who received no incarceration were convicted of 34 separate counts.
In our quest to reinvent the windshield wiper we never thought to ask if a technology largely unchanged since 1922 except for the ‘intermittent’ feature introduced in the 1950s was good enough.
The one thing we know in hindsight is those 70 year old wipers were better than the ones we came up with. Please return your Cybertruck and we’ll fix it with some duct tape.
With China leading the way again because in America we are too stupid to see the future and even when we do the GOP and their fans pretend it isn’t real….
EVs have a shot at being 25% of worldwide sales in 2024 after being 18% in 2023.
@4 ” … will do that.”
So will homeschooling, listening to Fox, and getting your news from Gateway Pundit. Honestly, some of these people couldn’t find their way out of a paper bag if you gave them a map and compass.
@6 “He can’t stand for 90 minutes – but he’s 100% able to be President. Have fun explaining that!”
Very easy to explain — he governs with his brain, not his ass.
@8 One third is a typical contingency fee, but they were represented by the ACLU, so I don’t know what the fee arrangement is.
@10 Here are the rest of tomorrow night’s debate results:
You won’t know the difference.
@13 It’s a great way of getting out of paying gas taxes. That’s why WSDOT wants to slap a 30-cent tax on home deliveries.
My biggest concern about EVs is they’ll lead to toll roads. Meanwhile, those who drive gas buggies are subsidizing those who do not.
@ 10
Here are tomorrow night’s debate results:
Democrats will claim Biden
won.was forced by CNN to accept a chair because the debate platform didn’t have a railing and the building inspector said it was a fall risk unless everyone on the platform was seated.An inadvertently posted SCOTUS draft opinion suggests 6 of the justices aren’t prepared to kill women, but some state legislatures and Thomas and Alito are.
Trump leads well outside the 2.6 MOE in the Q poll:
“I believe in a safe home,” the GOP candidate said, and to prove it, she threw a live tarantula into a house.
By the way, why do so many GOP candidates have mugshots in orange jumpsuits these days? Are they trying to emulate their party leader?
In the May Q poll it was Trump 48, Biden 47.
So the Bragg court case result didn’t exactly hurt Trump. Biden, OTOH, suffered as one @ 4 would expect.
The entire cohort 18-29 is too young to have seen Weekend at Bernie’s. They don’t think a clueless Biden being dragged around by the hand by the likes of DOCTOR Jill, Barack, and the Italian PM is very funny.
21, 23, 24,
Good to see the Village Idiot is still Walking on Sunshine.
Biden’s polling advantage disappeared nearly as quickly as his cognitive function.
In January the Q poll had Biden up by 6. Today’s Q poll has him down by 4.
That’s 10 points flipped in five months.
Biden is and always has been weak. Fewer and fewer voters are choosing to ignore it.
@17 – Neither will you.
“in the past three years”? Who was it who opened the southern border floodgates three years ago, libbies?
They’ll take down the John Hancock building on January 22 of next year and Democrats will blame Trump.
By Friday morning it will be 80%.
QoS McHillbilly is gonna flip away from Biden so quickly he’ll get whiplash.
Lansing Michigan Republican Rep. Neil Friske, who was arrested last week at 3 am by Lansing Police follwing a shooting incident appeared on a local AM hate radio program to explain to listeners that he is being “framed” by “Deep State” actors “out to get him”.
Friske was arrested in the early morning hours of June 20th after chasing a sex worker, brandishing a firearm, and discharging his firearm in the course of carrying out a sexual assault at the Deja Vu Showgirls club near his home in Lansing Michigan. Lansing police asked the prosecutor to file three felony charges of one count of felony sexual assault, one count of felony assault excluding sexual, and one count of felony weapons.
Friske said he believes his “Deep State” enemies “framed” him as part of an elaborate plot against him timed to coincide with delivery of absentee and mail ballots.
Presumably the “Deep State” enemies got the first term lawmaker drunk and placed him at a strip club with a gun in his hand running after a stripper. The things the “Deep State” can do are just amazing!
This is yet another proof point of what happens to the minds of those who give in to the MAGA lunacy, surrender to the cognitive dissonance, and refuse to face the reality of what the GOP has become. They lose any grip at all on objective reality and they are taken over by paranoia.
It was a federal judge.
The law needs to be changed to allow the President to secure the border. Republicans are still fighting to prevent that.
Because Republican hate America.
Keep talking about how frail the guy is. Works out great for you.
“Wait, I thought that guy was senile but he just went on a two minute detailed explanation of the Tariff system and why it’s bad for me. Sounds pretty lucid.”
It probably chaps your lily white ass that I received an honorary doctorate and was thereafter addressed as “Doctor Vivian Thomas”.
Consider this. I was a pioneer in heart surgery when I was a mere lab manager. And you? You were the first American radiologist to hire a minimum wage radiologist in India to do your damned work for you.
QoS McHillbilly is gonna flip away from Biden so quickly
Even if I didn’t care about Trump’s extremism, his unfitness for office, his criminality, his disloyalty to the United States and the Constitution, his fundamental incapacity to empathize with anyone, or his extreme vulnerability to being corrupted, I’d still go with Biden. And even if I wasn’t so impressed with Biden’s performance over the last four years, his incredible humanity, his humility after such an exceptional career, and my certainty that he will make the better President, I’d still go with Biden.
If all I cared about what choosing the candidate most likely to win, I’d go with Biden. Absolutely.
Entering late and campaigning from a disadvantage Biden already kicked Trump’s ass four years ago with one hand tied behind his back. And in order to win Joe Biden has the much easier job of the two. To win Trump has to convince huge numbers of voters to switch their votes from four years ago. He has no ground game. He’s underfunded and facing crippling expenses. Biden has states to give, Trump has to flip at least three, and probably four. The GOP is wedged on abortion, Jan 6th, and guns – all domestic issues. Democrats are wedged on Gaza – not domestic. Republicans and especially Trump have grown even crazier, more extreme, and more off-putting since the two last faced each other. Biden is presiding over a strong, expanding economy with plenty of jobs. At the state level the GOP is broken, disorganized, and at war with itself in many key states. Biden has a massive pre-convention war chest and has banked donors. Trump is maxed out early and has been forced to weight his fundraising to PACs where the money does not go as far. Trump still faces more criminal trials and a criminal sentencing. And the voters who count are not focusing on Trump yet. Trump is still another reminder from the pandemic that they’d rather avoid. But when they are reminded, the past will all come roaring back and they’ll remember why they wanted to get rid of him last time.
Nobody who reads these pages is being persuaded one way or another. And I’m not trying to either.
I’m just pointing out all the substantial competitive advantages that accure to President Biden and the compounding weaknesses of Trump. Trump’s one great talent is to camouflage his weakness and incompetence behind a carefully cultivated image of “strength” and “success” that idiots fall for. He’s quite amazing that way. But the pretense and theatrics alone are never enough to overcome real fundamental weaknesses. Eventually every investment, every business deal, every new licensing scheme fails and somebody else is left holding the bag.
“Trump the politician” is a certain to fail as “Trump the businessman” has always failed. Only this time it will be Republicans who are left holding the bag.
@27 Oh but I will.
@28 “Who was it who opened the southern border floodgates three years ago, libbies?”
That matters less than who’s keeping them open now.
That opinion wasn’t ‘leaked’. We’re just testing the waters on if we can get Fetal Personhood ignored in the dissent and hold on for the next go around when we can do the federal ban based on “Fetal Personhood” while causing the least amount of political damage to our preferred candidate now.
We are an INDEPENDENT judiciary.
Former Educator and school counselor.
Do tell us more about the Drag Queens and the Trans kids playing the sports.
He paid for it all with public funds, most befitting of a bootstrapping, family values degenerate child rapist focused on small government accountability and individual responsibility. /s
The world is shocked today in the wake of massive drone strikes on the Supreme Court building, Trump Tower, the RNC headquarters in Alexandria Virginia, and what is believed to have been an air-to-air heat seeking missile strike on the New York Yankees team plane moments after entering Canadian airspace heading to Toronto.
All but three of the Supreme Court Justices were killed in the resulting explosion and fire. Associate Justices Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayor, and Ketanji Brown Jackson were enjoying lunch together at Cafe Berlin near Stanton Park when the blast and fire occurred. Trump tower is a smoldering ruin with no survivors. And the Yankees team plane broke up in mid air and went down over Lake Ontario.
@ 34
You were the first American radiologist to hire a minimum wage radiologist in India to do your damned work for you.
That dude was board-certified and I was on vacation.
“On second thought, I may need to bail on this thing.”
Sure it’s a cartoon, but he’s a cartoon.
@42 I’m under the impression they told you not to come back from vacation.
18)Going to need to find a way to make up the lost revenue. Interesting in the 50s, Seattle Transit paid tax on the Gas and Diesel they consumed, some of it going to roads outside the city their uses didn’t run on. I’ve read a few of their annual reports, understand their reasoning for pushing for a repeal, but there were few municipal owned systems, so they were regulated the same way as private systems like Lakeshore, Suburban, and Overlake.
Some of the ones from the mid sixties were interesting, it was like they had a crystal ball on one issue. The Seattle Transit Commission implemented a fare freeze and no service at the request of the city, but warned the ridership increase was not sustainable, and the reserve fund would be exhausted around 1969-70. They turned out to be right.
Reading those reports, I can understand why they did the mass dieselization of 1963. Still don’t agree, but they had 300 trolleybuses at the 20 year mark, long since depreciated, and as gasoline/diesel buses had taken over, nobody was building new ones. At least not in the US.
While he couldn’t be there in person Donald phoned in to the Ben Carson and friends sit in a barbershop roundtable and….it didn’t go well. See, blacks are criminals and that’s why you all love me now.
No no no no no….you misunderstood. After the charges were filed, the trial happened, the verdict was reached, the sentence was handed down and several appeals lost, We, the house Republicans are now going to say that there was never a crime at all.
It was all a Democrat plot.
@47 Well, at least you’re consistent. Tomorrow night you’ll be saying there was no debate at all. And Doctor Dumbfuck will join in.
The federalist wing of the supreme court ruled that demanding bribes is legal. Give me my money.
Five years ago today 18-year-old Francisco Galicia finally gained his freedom from Trump’s out-of-control CBP after a month in detention with no communication to the outside world.
Galicia was taken into unlawful custody at an inland checkpoint an hour north of the border in Falfurrias TX where he was traveling with his soccer team. He was carrying his Texas issued state ID, his US Social Security card, and his Texas state birth certificate when he was imprisoned.
He was traveling at the time with his younger brother, a minor child at the time, who is also a US citizen. After a week in isolation under constant pressure from CBP officers and desperate to be set free Galicia’s younger brother signed papers he did not read agreeing to be deported from his own country. He now resides in Reynosa Mexico with family and may not return to the US, where he was born and where he is a citizen.
I see this morning that there are at least six Republicans who are obviously worried about Dobbs being on the ballot.
And still more delay for presidential immunity. Making this the first time for spillover into July since the pandemic closure.
Expand the court.
“Expand the court.”
That didn’t work for FDR.
Yesterday the Q poll had Trump by 4 over Biden. Today the NYT poll has Trump by 4 over Biden.
But wait, it gets worse.
Worse is further evidence that Minnesota is a battleground state this year:
A wee bit o’ history:
To be fair, large MOE of 4.6 in the Marquette poll.
Sure did.
Justice Owen Roberts switched sides to join the three liberal justices, and Justice Van Devanter agreed to step down giving FDR the 5-4 majority he needed to uphold FLSA, Social Security, and NLRA – min wage, overtime pay for weekends, old age pensions, and union rights.
You post with a sock puppet because you are ashamed of your ignorance. You should be.
@36 – No, you won’t.
Dobbs is most definitely on the ballot and the GOP is going to punish those bitches for not keeping their legs shut.
All three GOP Primary winners are men.
Supreme Court Blocks Biden Plan on Air Pollution
Three states challenged the administration’s “good neighbor” plan, meant to protect downwind states from harmful emissions.
Under the proposal, known as the “good neighbor” plan, factories and power plants in Western and Midwestern states must cut ozone pollution that drifts into Eastern ones. The emissions cause smog and are linked to asthma, lung disease and premature death.
>> The Pro Corruption Supreme Court ruled that killing the people in the next state over was fine. Wonder what billionaire bribed the conservatives for that ruling?
You want to be more likely to die, or have loved ones die from Air Pollution, keep vote for republicans.
@58. Seems an appropriate article.
Project 2025 shows Trump and GOP are “obsessed” with abortion and “controlling our bodies”: expert
Planned Parenthood’s Jenny Lawson told Salon that Republicans will pass a total abortion ban if they get the chance
>> The “you can’t make me wear a mask” crowd want to tell others what to do
Yeah, and how did all of that turn out?
It’s simple, really: DOCTOR Jill is a real attention-seeking cunt.
Exclusive: Michelle Obama’s private frustration with the Bidens
The Q poll, Gallup, and NYT/Siena all have Biden in the 30s, no higher than 38%, while they all have Trump at 44-46% approval.
I ask again: How much coke is too much coke?
Sorry if you don’t get weekends off at the Taco Bell.
Perhaps it’s time for you to accept some responsibility for your poor planning and decisions. A youth spent huffing paint thinner, playing Nintendo, and cruising around with your Proud Boy pals to look for middle schoolers to beat up does not lead to useful career skills.
But at least you can count on a small monthly check and healthcare if you can manage to survive to age 67, like the Village Idiot. Before the New Deal legislation providing these things we all take for granted you’d already be dead or in prison by now.
You just want to pack the SCOTUS to get your way. You and your ilk want to rig the court, that’s all.
You’re not any different from any corrupt Republican that has existed, exists now or may exist in the future.
@49 “Give me my money.”
Shouldn’t that read “give me your money”?
From now on, politicians and bank robbers can use the same note.
@51 I would think every Republican would worry about Dobbs being on the ballot.
@50 Those ICE and CBP agents belong in a federal prison.
Once again, you reveal your ignorance.
Historically the court has changed size many times in history.
One should not be shocked that a Taco Bell employee who left school at 15 to stick his head in a bag would not know much about the legal, legislative history creating the court (yes, Congress and the President created the courts), limiting it, and expanding it many times over more than two centuries. But for much of its history the size of the court was pegged to the number of federal circuits, which enabled each Justice on the court to oversee a single federal judicial circuit.
Expanding the court next year would merely restore that appropriate balance. They are obviously overworked. Clearly and without question. They are accepting fewer cases for review and delaying decisions for months. They will be lapsing into July before they finish their calendar this season. Many of the members are quite old and have suffered extended absences from the court in recent years. And that has very obviously limited their ability to do the work. They are increasing the number of decisions that are published per curiam which is a further indication that the court is unable to identify a member with the availability and capacity to produce a written opinion that lower courts can rely upon for analysis. They are increasingly accepting or denying writ without any opinon or analysis. They simply can’t keep up. It’s too much work for nine to handle.
Moreover, recent apalling lapses in ethical conduct by a few have further burdened the court. Members openly accepting gifts of homes, RVs, private jet travel, free vacations, free meals and alcohol, and even direct payments from parties with cases of interest before the federal courts is corrosive to the republic and public trust in the legal system. Justice for sale is justice denied.
And yet the court has clearly signaled its own inability to monitor and correct any of these lapses. The members express absolutely no ability to take on such a project to clean up their own mess. They can’t find the time to even meet and discuss it. They are simply overworked. It’s never been more obvious in our history.
Our faith in our system of laws depends in no small part on public trust in the ability of the people who serve the law to keep up with the volume of work before them. States, federal agencies, large corportations, and huge classes of common citizens depend upon timely and useful decisions by the court. They are no longer providing that. And it’s very clear that the reason is they can’t handle the work load.
Expand the court in keeping with US history and tradition so that they can keep up with the work that a busy and thriving nation requires.
@ 69
Historically the court has changed size many times in history.
Bullshit. Six times, and none in the last 150-plus years.
You want people to think the Court is like Vogue, with new fashions each season.
The last time an effort was made it was by FDR and his effort has been treated by history as an attempted power grab.
It’s not going to happen in my lifetime, nor in yours, nor in that of Queen YLB’s fucked kids. The political pendulum swings too quickly.
It’s easier to change the US Constitution than the number of Supreme Court justices.
Trump surrogate.
Joe Biden has ‘gone too far to the left,’ says Sen. Joe Manchin
Yup. Toldja.
Turns out 13 of the 16 Nobel dudes who signed a letter saying inflation under Trump is BAD also signed a 2021 letter saying inflation under Biden is A-OK if it gets BBB passed at the $3.5 trillion level.
Clowns all the way down.
The current conspiracy is that CNN will broadcast the debate with a 1-2 minute delay.
Hey, it takes time to delete, “Because you’d be in jail.”.
CNN flat-out denies. Pretty sure if they tried it the White House press corps would lockstep endorse Trump.
Biden administration to lower costs for 64 drugs through inflation penalties on drugmakers
Convicted Felon Trump’s “Beautiful Health Care Plan” (TM) will be released any day now. Any day… Any….
@ 74
Biden administration to lower costs for 64 drugs
Normally the copay is 20% of the cost of the drug. For a three-month period that copay will be lowered for the drugs on the list.
Here are the first 5 drugs o that list:
So instead of a 20% copay the copay is 19.96%. That’s a 0.4% savings.
Here are the last 20 drugs on the list:
The copay for the drug Afgam would be 30.05% cheaper, which is significant. But in most cases the copay declines only a little bit, and not for long.
Of note is that the base cost of the drug isn’t reduced, only the annual price increases exceeding the rate of inflation. What this tells the company is that it has free reign to boost its price 3-plus percent, to make up for any rebates it has to pay elsewhere.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron has no comprehension of any of this.
2024 Fall campaign Trump surrogate Senator John Fetterman met with Bibi earlier this week.
Panties are a-twistin’ in the antisemitic AmeriKKKa haters’ meetings all over Pennsylvania.
BREAKING: CAIR-Philadelphia Condemns ‘Shameful’ Fetterman Meeting with ‘Genocidal War Criminal’ Netanyahu
Bet Mehmet Oz wouldn’t have gone to Israel.
says Sen. Joe Manchin
Who voted for a funded, renewed IRS…
knock, knock, knock..
time to pay for your tax cheat sins..
Speaking of cheats….how about taking Covid money and using it to pay for a home remodel and turn the place into a rent-a-room flop house….and then turn around and rent out the rooms to your kids and family members.
Classy, totally classy.
@78 What “Covid money” are you talking about? The Covid relief checks everyone got with no strings attached? Or the PPP loans meant to keep businesses afloat and pay employees that were used to buy mansions, exotic cars, and luxury travel?
And, by the way, is there something wrong with “renting rooms” to kids and family members?
A lot of people are watching the debate right now, but not me. I’d rather watch a YouTube video on how to make homemade sauerkraut.
Strategic coms error: Biden agrees with and respects moderator’s questions.
Trump does not.
Mod asks about climate crisis or reproductive rights and Trump talks about the border and “the blacks losing jobs”.
When mods ask about the border Biden should talk about dressing room rapes and finger penetration.
How many fingers?
How deep?
Bet Mehmet Oz wouldn’t have gone to Israel.
All magats and repukes go to Israel; for them Israel is the country that can do no wrong.
Fetterman is the kind of Dem who joneses hard for AIPAC and DMFI munee.. He wants those millions going into his primary coffers. No one is going to primary him.
And yes Fetterman believes Israel is the country that can do no wrong.. Bibi can do no wrong for Fetterman even though most Israelis can’t stand the asshole.
The Republicans: Biden lost the debate.
The Democrats: Trump lost the debate.
The real Americans: We’re not going to vote for either of those guys.
@76 I thought you like Netanyahu.
@80 Your disengagement from the world around you shows in all your comments. P.S., repay your mother the money you took from her purse.
how about taking Covid money and using it to pay for a home remodel
lmao.. little maxwipe not paying attention.. not knowing shit.. Again most of our covid munee went to the youngest for his pro-school pre-reqs, a trade school stint for a certificate that looks good on pro school apps. Even the mother-in-law sent her covid checks up here for that..
We financed the remodel borrowing on equity.. We’re making the payment easily.. Bank lent us the munee with nary a word about rent. What does that say?
We had a spacious basement with an attached garage.. Turned the garage into kitchen.. The old driveway became an entrance. Small entrance patio with electrical and hose bib. Large pantry. All the latest appliances.. Two bedrooms one w/ walk in closet, living room, full bath w/ heated floor, powder room and wash room. What else, coat and linen closets. Very homey. Oh yeah two heat pumps for both upstairs and basement apartment. Five heads upstairs, four downstairs. We’re very happy with what we did. With some luck maybe we can remodel the upstairs.
turn around and rent out the rooms to your kids and family members.
The “kid” is an adult.. with a full time job that pays well. the “rent” is the best deal in Seattle.. kid hardly breaks a sweat paying it and we appreciate the help. wow.. like teh widbee kreepshit liddle maxwipe favors handouts. What a dirty hippie.
The other tenant is more than happy with the “rent”, unlike liddle maxwipe who never matured past junior high., the tenant is a grown up.. sheesh..
prhaps liddle maxwipe knows that “knock on the door” very very well.. heh.. tax cheat..
Biden “won” the debate. Trump either couldn’t or wouldn’t stay on point. CNN would catch hell from the right if they had done it but after he didn’t answer the child care question the second time I think they should have cut his mike and told him to answer the question or forfeit the mike time.
Trump “won” in that any calls to replace Biden will go nowhere now. Biden will face the music for the economic decline, his son’s forthcoming felony convictions, the forthcoming data drops from the House committees investigating the corruption of The Biden Crime Family, and the violent riots we will see later this summer at the DNC convention in Chicago.
I enjoyed the muted microphones.
Biden “won” the debate.
Wow. Count yours truly shocked.. Biden’s cold was obvious.. I hate having a cold, makes me miserable. I haven’t had a cold or flu since way before the pandemic. Biden looked shaky from the illness (bad for me, can only be terrible for an octogenarian) and a bit flustered at the relentless stream of lies and distortions from “the former guy”..
drumpf hasn’t missed a beat.. we love to make fun of the freek’s zombie rallies but even with its mental lapses it was all practice for this “debate”.. one continuous stream of bullshit and distortions.. and it was all attack, attack, attack.
The freek’s base loves it for that. I fear for this country.. With filth like this is how dictators win.
@ 79
The Covid relief checks everyone got with no strings attached?
Not everyone, girlfriend. I didn’t. QoS McHillbilly didn’t. We each subsidized your panhandling ass, and your fucked kids.
NYT columnist who is no friend of Trump:
Not everyone
Only 476 million checks went out you fucking asswipe.. 814 billion dollars. Yep..
And maybe not counting the PPP “loans” that were turned into airdrops.
Oh abso fucking lutely didn’t count the PPP airdrops. That was an additional 953 billion.
Airdrops that you kneepad these days for… that you are only too happy to “subsidize”.. yawn.. what a fucking jerk off you are.
I don’t think I saw the same debate these guys did:
But fear not, libbies. Welfare Queen YLB says he’s just got a cold.
I did catch this one, and I thought Tapper inappropriately threw Biden a life preserver by not letting Biden just stand there, befuddled and speechless, until his time expired. It was clear that Biden stopped in mid-sentence.
Just like we’ve seen him freeze in public with such frequency in the past couple of weeks.
Link @ 92
Holy fuck. MSNBC sub-headline, right now:
Donald Trump may not have ‘won’ the presidential debate. But Biden certainly lost.
Say, what’s Hillary doing this evening?
he’s just got a cold.
kreepshit saw “teh wuhan”..
mebbee it has “this” in mind for old Joe.. kreepshit’s revenge fantasy.
might ward away the bad IRS spirits…
knock, knock, knock..
Noted Biden surrogate QoS McHillbilly strangely silent tonight.
Maybe someone should do a welfare check.
No, not that kind of welfare check. I’m talking to you, girlfriend.
Just like we’ve seen him freeze in public
Joe Biden has had a stutter all his life.. it seems funny that within a single thread you’re strongly leaning towards drumpf’s diarrhea of the mouth..
By the weekend you’ll be fellating drumpf over his golf cheating tricks.
Maybe someone should do a welfare check.
Did you go to the LE for a rape kit after that maga tenant sodomized you?
Also no friend of Democrats and other regular working folks.
Another multi-millionaire alcohol farmer who visits his “home” a few times each year.
Oregon saw right through him.
@ 97
Joe Biden has had a stutter all his life
More bullshit. Watch any video of Biden speaking from 2020 or 2021. There’s no “stutter”. He’s not fucking Mel Tillis.
And a stutter is not stopping mid-sentence and not enunciating anything further because your brain froze. Even you know that, Welfare Queen YLB.
You’ve gone from “he’s got a cold” to “he’s got a stutter”. Neither explains what people saw tonight.
Trump got a couple of zingers in. This @ 92 was one:
The best thing that happened to Trump tonight is Momala thinks it’s her turn.
What’s worse, your former employees not endorsing you, or your former employees telling the world that you no longer have the ability to do the job?
There’s no “stutter”.
There’s no grey matter between your ears.. just vacuum or shit.
And a stutter is not stopping mid-sentence and not enunciating anything further
What looks worse? Stuttering or coping with that by “not enunciating”.. I report, you decide.
Yes he has a cold. right fucking now you ignorant pos…
“I’m going to continue to move until we get the total ban on the total initiative relative to what we’re going to do with more Border Patrol and more asylum officers,” Biden said.
i.e. everything the repukes in the Senate asked for and Biden said he’ll sign.
but drumpf “vetoed”.. because it would make Joe look good. whatevs…
Guess the border is not a priority unless it strokes drumpf.
Whatever will Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit do when RawStory editorializes for Biden to drop out?
I blame QoS McHillbilly.
Most prescient guy in Washington D.C.: Robert Hur.
Remember, all of you asshole libbies, which of the HA commenters told you several months ago that it would be a brokered convention.
MSNBC’s Joy Reid:
Mediaite, a Left-Wing News Outlet,
heh. teh babblin’ butthole said that too about Mediaite, after reading a Noah Rothman column there.
Later I showed the troll a clip of Rothman babbling to Cenk Uygur “Bill O’Reilly wants Republicans to win. I want that too!”
Yeah, really lefty.. Mediaite!
Border Patrol union drops the mike:
Bourbon has clouded your awareness. I already posted about the debate performance.
Not a single word that came out of Trump’s face hole was true. But almost every single lie that he told was in direct service to a consistent narrative story of resentment and grievance.
Biden had facts and truth. But he was almost completely unable to thread them together into a consistent narrative.
No winner in my book. Trump’s firehose of falsehood will be fed upon for weeks to come exposing him to mockery and dismissal. He’s full of shit.
But Biden’s over-prepping left his natural humanity and dignity concealed behind a wall of stats and facts.
Biden has one of the best campaign managers in the business. The coms team needs a big shakeup.
it would be a brokered convention.
You also babbled noun, verb, Chicago was magic sauce back in Nov 2022.
Just like noun, verb, antifa in 2020.
We remember and we laugh about it.
This was the debate Biden wanted.
Chris Wallace:
I blame
Leftist “cultural values” for a tenant that fucked you in the ass..
Anything but abandoning your one “rule”. Not when there was a baby momma to feign “compassion” for.
Heh.. grievances are funny that way coming from the always wrong wing.
@87 Why would Biden, or any parent, “face the music” for his 54-year-old son’s felonies? Parents can’t control what their adult children do, they just love them anyway, but a childless eunuch like you wouldn’t understand that.
@89 “Not everyone, girlfriend. I didn’t.”
It’s not my fault you don’t file tax returns. Don’t worry, they’ll catch up to you. And when they do, you can’t get your Covid relief tax credit retroactively. You had to claim it or lose it.
@90 If he was sick, as they say, he’ll improve. Trump won’t. If his debating doesn’t improve, he can still be a good president. Trump will never be a good debater or president.
@92 I assume you’ve never had a cold, and have no idea how much a bad cold can throw you for a loop. If Biden makes mincemeat of Trump in the next debate, you’ll know. If Biden does no better, we’ll know.
120)There won’t be a next debate. Both will have their reasons.
@100 Biden’s had a stutter all his life. He largely overcame it, with much effort, but he still stutters occasionally. He wasn’t stutter-free in 2020 or 2021, either.
@101 “I don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence. I don’t think he knows what he said, either,” isn’t a border plan.
@106 Van Jones called it a debate between “an old man and a con man.” If that’s the choice, I’ll take the old man every time.
Not long ago, Biden sat down for an interview with Time magazine. You can read about it here. He makes a lot more sense than your bloviating moron does.
He may not be a great communicator, but he’s much better than Trump at thinking. And policy, too.
@108 “Remember, all of you asshole libbies, which of the HA commenters told you several months ago that it would be a brokered convention.”
If that happens, the Democrats have a stable of strong candidates, and you still have Trump.
If you swallow Doctor Dumbfuck’s bullshit, the worst thing that could happen to Trump is having an incapacitating stroke tomorrow, and the second worst thing that could happen to him is Biden having an incapacitating stroke tomorrow.
“Trump and his fellow conservatives have floated the idea for days that Biden will use performance-enhancing drugs as they go toe-to-toe.”
Well if he did, it backfired, and Biden won’t make that mistake again. But Trump will still be the angry ranting lunatic he’s always been.
Another one:
“A former Republican county official in South Dakota has pleaded no contest to charges of possessing illegal images of children.”
Um, no. We did not receive a dime in COVID money.
Then again, we didn’t need it.
some people just like to mooch of the system like @86.
Our youngest starts grad school this fall at Brown, no need for COVID cash to pay for it.
….then again, its not “pro-trade-prerequisite-whateverthefuck-school”……..I’m sure Brown U. pales in comparison…
Why should American voters trust a party whose brightest minds repeatedly assured us that Biden was “sharp as a tack”, only to let him dare Trump to prove them wrong?
It wasn’t even Trump who proved it. It was Biden himself.
There is no one in America more evil than DOCTOR Jill Biden. What America witnessed last night was elder abuse, exposed.
CNN’s post-debate “flash” poll:
Then again, we didn’t need it.
Neither did we. Or the Mother-in-Law. Did we spend the airdop on household essentials, on getting by? Nope.. Just helped our kid out with that munee.
some people just like to mooch of the system
476 million checks for direct covid aid went out liddle maxpuddle.. you hate your fellow Americans with a white hot passion. mebbe you’re not even American.. Tax scofflaws on the run from the IRS often renounce their American citizenship.. Wouldn’t fucking surprise me.
Um, no. We did not receive a dime in COVID money.
PPP? Your partner in slime, teh widbee kreepshit, can’t kneepad for that 953 billion dollar airdrop hard enough. Little reminder for iranian oil boi – PPP was supposed to be low interest LOANS.
Guess that “side-biz” had closed up.. Awwww..
its not “pro-trade-prerequisite-whateverthefuck-school”
Brown.. oooh, teh Ivy League for liddle maxwipe’s youngest. Long way from liddle maxie’s junior high.
We’ll be sure to rub the youngest’s license in your face as well liddle maxwipe. And we all know you’ll be here for it. You can’t help yourself. HA is where you relive your junior high glory daze.
there is no one in America more evil than DOCTOR Jill Biden.
There’s a silly, lying, BOOOORIIIINNG kreepshit in widbee..
that babbling freek could make anything look saintly by comparison.
Little reminder for iranian oil boi – PPP was supposed to be low interest LOANS.
Welfare Queen YLB leaves out the word “forgiveable”.
She defends Biden’s wholesale student loan forgiveness – unconstitutional in most cases unless an act by Congress – but leaves out a specific act by Congress that makes the PPP loans forgiveable if the money is used in specific, approved ways.
Last night Biden’s performance invalidated fully half of his presidency.
This morning’s SCOTUS opinion overturning Chevron invalidated the other half.
leaves out the word “forgiveable”.
Oh so teh BOOORRIING widbee kreepshit and hypocrite is all for “loan forgiveness” too..
And excuses repukes in Congress approving free stuff for bidness dead beats.
Wonders never cease.
Joe has forgiven a lot of student debt anyhow.. Debt incurred by veterans ripped off by the drumpf U’s of the world and folks in other circumstances. Now unencumbered can contribute to the economy.. Awwww.. that makes kreepshit have a sad and shill for golf cheat drumpf.
It wasn’t because of a “cold”.
She’s running.
@ 136
… repukes in Congress approving free stuff for bidness dead beats.
Spending bills originate in the House. Nancy Pelosi was Speaker.
Whatever happened to, “We won the election. We wrote the bill.”?
the money was meant for people who needed it , not mooching motherfuckers like you and the mother in law.
You really are a POS.
oh, and please do “rub my face in it” with “the license”. Funny how you wont mention what type of license it is…..lmfao.
“pro school”…..jeezus fucking christ….
the money was meant for people who needed it…
What? Now little maxpuddle is babbling there’s a legitimate cause for the “phree munee”?
kids need to get ahead liddle maxpuddle.. 476 million checks.. Over 800 billion dollars.. Even the kid got a check. He’s an adult. He’s a taxpayer. You had to go to the IRS website and apply.
And that doesn’t count 953 billion in PPP free stuff.
Why do you hate America so much liddle maxpuddle? I don’t think you’re American anymore.. You just play one on HA.
Funny how you wont mention what type of license it is…..lmfao.
Keeps teh kreepshits and monson fan bois guessing.. Keeps ’em in suspense..
“pro school”…..jeezus fucking christ….
All kinds of professions out there liddle maxpuddle. Honorable good paying professions.. We’ll rub it in your face when the time comes and we all know you’ll be here for it.
Spending bills originate in the House. Nancy Pelosi was Speaker.
Ok so how many repukes voted for teh phree stuff? House and Senate?
Students are “deadbeats” when their loans are forgiven but some “forgiveness” is better than others.
Yeah. We get it kreepshit.
According to kreepshit, Biden didn’t have a cold and has never lived with a stutter…
A kreepshit sees what it sees. Wallows in ignorance.
Last night Biden’s performance invalidated fully half of his presidency.
The guy needed a throat lozenge.
just a family of moochers always looking for free shit and living that moocher lifestyle. Just plain scummy. What a way to live.
Some people take pride in not having to accept handouts or leech off the government. You obviously, do not.
its no wonder you voted for sawant.
“kids need to get ahead”
I guess this is how your family views “getting ahead” – by being a mooch.
You are teaching some great morals and work ethic there, YLB.
If this is what you consider “getting ahead”, then no wonder you cant travel or pay your mortgage without turning the home into a rent-a-room flophouse.
fucking scuzzballs.
just a family of moochers always looking for free shit
yawwwn.. 476 million times Americans went to the well and got a check. All told over 800 billion.
And you call them all “moochers”…
Add to that all the “businesses” who got “loans”.. “loans” that kreepshit said were ok to be “forgiven” because politicians, not a few of them repuke, said it was ok.
All told, an ADDITIONAL 953 billion worth…
If any of that turned your weak stomach so bad that you renounced your American citizenship to escape your lifetime of tax cheating, again, it wouldn’t fucking surprise me.
You’re a sad compulsive ignorant junior high grade hater little max puddle. Even Dori Monson would be embarrassed by you.
You make me laugh.. when I’m not rolling my eyes with boredom at your weak shit.
“we didnt need the money”
“kids need to get ahead”
fucking slimeball family.
“we didnt need the money”
Nope, not really.. Did the Mother in Law spend her checks on booze and sweets? No, she gave them gladly to her grandson for his education.
Did we blow our checks on luxuries? I upgraded a computer with part of one check.. gave the rest to the kid – for his education. The wife gave all of hers to the kid.
The kid upgraded his computer with one of his checks. He used it for his schooling.
Went to a good cause in my book. The kid is a taxpayer now.. He’ll be even a bigger taxpayer when he becomes a practicing professional. So far he’s avoided being a debt slave.
You’re an asswipe known here about boasting about your tax avoidance. You bore me.
Hey daddy, how come inflation is so high?
lmao… last night in the debate.. one of the moderators said a basket of groceries that cost $100 pre-pandemic now costs..
ding.. ding.. ding..
Well it’s 122.13 to be exact.
Just a tap on the shoulder to us liddle maxpuddle. For some people it’s a burden sure.
Wouldn’t liddle maxpuddle bleat quit your bitchin’ and get a higher paying jerb?
Apparently not.. What a weakling.
without turning the home into a rent-a-room flophouse.
full specs @ 86.
Luxury apartment? To some sure.. Just homey, comfortable and well appointed in our view. Our solid paying tenant is happy with it.
Look down your nose from tax haven exile all you want. I laugh at you.