I have taken my bike or my feet over many foot and cycle bridges. And, I try to be grateful for it, but it can be… hit and miss. Some of them do a great job and many are scary and unsafe.
That said, the one that opened in Redmond looks like its a good one. It’s important to have methods of transportation other than a car around transit stations. Still, it looks like it goes over 14* lanes of highway; If you want to get people out of their cars, there’s a way to go.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now and get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
* The picture wasn’t of the road, so maybe 14. 14ish.
Democrat congressman informs Joe Biden that he’s earned his own “very fine people” moment in the sun.
Dem Rep. Jared Moskowitz: Columbia Protesters “Aren’t White Aryan Males With Tiki Torches” But Have “Same Message” As Charlottesville
This is also how Donald Trump will be elected in November. It’s how Richard Nixon was elected in 1968.
The people saying it are overwhelmingly white, have been coddled their entire lives, and bravely hide their faces with newly purchased keffiyehs.
May they find themselves publicly named, publicly shamed, and forever unable to find gainful employment.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit dismissed the withholding of donations to Columbia by major donors because those donors generally are Jewish.
I wonder if Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit will dismiss the comments from a Democrat congressman @ 1 critical of the Columbia protesters anti-Semitic language because that congressman is also a Jew.
Oh, wait a minute. Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit dismisses Moskowitz’ comments because he is a congressman.
The first skewed poll comment of 2024 comes from none other than QoS McHillbilly.
He finds Morning Consult’s method objectionable. Darryl doesn’t.
With Biden losing six of seven swing states in Morning Consult’s Bloomberg poll, QoS McHillbilly has to blame somebody.
He takes the unique path, and blames the messenger.
Yup. Clearly it’s the poll’s fault that 3/4 of voters blame Bidenflation on Biden.
From the other guy who spitroasted pre-teen girls with Bill Clinton on Epstein’s island:
Biden Has a ‘Very Fine People’ Moment
Who knows how Darryl feels about Morning Consult years after he posted that?
But we can certainly disagree. As Darryl said in that post (assuming he is even referring to MC) he used to ignore online polls but opted to include them after he was persuaded that their response weighting was effective at overcoming known sampling bias. I disagree. I think shitty data is shitty data. I think online, opt-in polling produces shitty data. And I remain unconvinced that fucking around with that data, even if that fucking around is done scientifically, can reliably make it not shitty.
All of this is being done to address a very well understood and well discussed growing and serious weakness in political polling. Response rates have absolutely cratered. Present company notwithstanding, average people are more eager to discuss preferences in laundry products than politics. That makes it increasingly expensive to produce raw data. And it gives rise to serious potential biases in the data being collected.
Adopting online methodology is an attractive solution allowing for automation and scaling and significantly reducing costs. And at least by implication, using that methodology overcomes some of the potential response bias present in relying on voice. But only at the cost of introducing different response bias. So a tradeoff is being accepted out of necessity without being clearly understood.
And if that tradeoff is not well understood, then the data fix being applied to remove the response bias is also not well understood.
If a weakness lying at the heart of online, opt-in methodology is response bias in favor of more highly engaged respondents (true), and if less engaged voters participate in higher numbers in some elections (true), and if less engaged voters become more engaged later in the year (true), then it’s possible for online, opt-in surveys to obtain less biased data later in the year. It’s like visiting a US Costco at Christmas and asking shoppers to pick their Stanley Cup finalists.
What we know, security is not letting ANY non students or non credentialed staff on Campus. But a Rep from Florida pulled the ‘Do you know who I am’ and got to talk to the actual students protesting and not the yahoos gathered off campus. Side note. AIPAC endorsed Florida House Rep.
Sure Jan.
From the other guy who spitroasted pre-teen girls with Bill Clinton on Epstein’s island:
For a minute there I thought you meant Judge Starr, former prez of RapeU.
He’d have to be alive though. Instead he’s making life good for the kids.. Following from your own babbling.
From oral arguments today it would appear that the conservative majority is going to be fine with letting states decide for themselves to outlaw life saving abortions in emergency situations.
Dumbfuck can bleat all he wants about polls in April but in July women are going to get another Earth shaking reminder that the Republican Party is fine with them dying if there’s a fetus that may live.
@ 10
… in July women are going to get another Earth shaking reminder that the Republican Party is fine with them dying if there’s a fetus that may live.
A Republican woman would lay down her own life to save her unborn child.
A Democrat woman would hide behind her three year-old if someone nearby started shooting.
A time for choosing.
Noted Alpha Male Andrew Tate has something to Tweet today.
Is this your basket of deplorable message to women voters?
Why is dumbfuck so interested in what the 20 something’s are going in America?
Obviously to not talk about what the Israeli army is doing in Gaza
A Republican woman would lay down her own life to save her unborn child.
And if encountering “difficulties” not hesitate for a new york second to use IVF.. Just ask Mike Pence.
“It’s important to have methods of transportation other than a car around transit stations.”
Because there’s no parking for 90% of riders.
I wouldn’t even lay down a committee assignment.
Today comes news that Bill Barr will support Trump in 2024.
Among other reasons, Barr thinks that Biden is the greater threat to democracy.
Now, neither Biden nor Trump pose any “threat to our democracy”. It’s silly to claim otherwise. But by repeatedly claiming it of Trump you open the door to the same silly claim being used in the other directon.
It’s all misdirection. The important thing is that old-school Republicans are coming home. Haley will, too.
@1 “May they find themselves publicly named, publicly shamed, and forever unable to find gainful employment.”
Like the Republicans who talk about starting a civil war in our country if they don’t get their way at the ballot box?
Antisemitism is an ugly thing. So is Trumpism.
@6 “I also condemn those who don’t understand what’s going on with the Palestinians.”
He’s talking to you, numbnuts.
@14 According to the dumbfuck, that woman must be a Republican.
@15 Actually I think a woman about to die in a delivery room is thinking about Republicans, not thinking she is one.
@18 The blackboard is squeaking a lot as you try to erase Jan. 6. Maybe you need a better eraser.
The Democrats lost a House vote today.
The real reason Republicans are trying to ban TikTok:
@ 19
Like the Republicans who talk about starting a civil war in our country if they don’t get their way at the ballot box?
Yes. IOW, what they are saying is, “XXXXXX must arm.” Sound familiar, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit?
Called out and shamed. Like Darryl did to you.
In Pennsylvania yesterday, 150,000 GOP voters voted for a withdrawn candidate instead of Trump. Biden’s 2020 margin in that state was a little over half that number.
“New York governor tells Speaker Mike to
mind his own businessstay out of Columbia tumult.”https://thehill.com/homenews/education/4618595-new-york-governor-tells-speaker-johnson-to-stay-out-of-columbia-tumult/
Based on oral arguments over Idaho’s total* abortion ban, only the women justices (all of them) are worried about what happens to women in Idaho.
* The law doesn’t precisely say that, but it has that effect, because if I’m a doctor in Idaho I’m not going to risk prison on a judgment call that a prosecuting attorney and jury can override on their whim; I’m not going to perform abortions, period. But then, if I were a doctor, I wouldn’t be practicing in Idaho to begin with.
What do “claims” have to do with outcomes?
Republicans claim that Barack Obama is “a foreign born Muslim terrorist”.
This troll claims that Obama thrust his erect penis into a reporter’s face on Air Force One.
The Village Idiot claims his imaginary girlfriend got expired vaccine.
The GOP nominee claims that LAPTOP was authentic.
Three quarters of Republican primary voters claim that Donald Trump is still the President.
Claims are not what matters.
What matters is how swing voters react to any given claim.
And while claims that a second Trump term will threaten democratic institutions are being taken very seriously by a majority of swing voters, claims that George Soros and Hugo Chavez have a secret pinko laser base hidden on the dark side of the moon are met with swing voter bafflement.
And that has people talking about the “SEAL Team Six” argument, which takes various forms. For example, under Trump’s interpretation, Biden could have him assassinated without repercussions.
Under another version, Trump could have the justices assassinated if they rule against him.
SCOTUS likes hypotheticals, yes? Well, there’s a couple for them to ponder.
Personally, I don’t think arming young, immature, and paranoid scaredy-cats is a good idea. We’ve already seen what that can lead to, thanks to Kyle.
He didn’t think they wouldn’t come for him, did he? He’s a case study in how to elevate a misdemeanor disorderly conduct charge carrying a penalty of fine and probation into a felony flight charge with jail time.
@26 “IOW, what they are saying is, ‘XXXXXX must arm.’”
That’s not what they’re saying. This is what they’re saying.
Middle School school drop out who failed the ASVAB military entrance exams has deep thoughts.
@35 And reduced to eking out a scratch living by hawking vigilantism to rightwing creeps.
Cal Polytech U. Humboldt.
UvaldePolice were called to disperse Cease Fire protestors who had occupied a campus building only to find that they could not access the building.Seems the students used the tactics they have learned in over a decade of active shooter drills to secure the building entrances from the inside.
One of the Village Idiot’s favorite sources, Gateway Pundit has been forced to declare bankruptcy.
@37 Technically the protesters are breaking the law by occupying buildings or erecting encampments on campus lawns, but these are minor trespassing infractions not involving property damage; this is nonviolent civil disobedience of the sort we saw during the Vietnam War protests.
What the media patronizingly describes as “campus unrest” is spreading like wildfire across the nation. We haven’t seen antiwar protests like these since Vietnam, and this isn’t even our war.
Smearing the protesters as “antisemitic” or “pro-Hamas” will get the Zionists and their backers only so far. They can get away with that when the protests number a few dozen or hundred, but when the public sees tens of thousands of students joining the protests on dozens of campus, anybody with even slight sentience on this side of morons like Doctor Dumbfuck will realize they can’t all be radicalized pro-terrorist haters waving signs that say “Ceasefire Now” and “Stop the killing of innocent civilians.”
The protesters undoubtedly hope to pressure a shift in Biden administration policy, but the protests — if they get widespread and large enough — also will send a message to the genocidal freaks constituting Israel’s government that they can no longer take the American people’s support for granted if they continue on their present course.
Doctor Dumbfuck will claim otherwise, but this isn’t about saving Hamas, it’s about saving the innocent civilians and particularly the women and children being killed by IDF’s indiscriminate bombing and shelling.
Outside agitator attacks Columbia U.’s president in campus speech.
Congratulations to President Donald Trump for his November landslide election victory and his January inauguration.
Exclusive: New evidence challenges the Pentagon’s account of a horrific attack as the US withdrew from Afghanistan
By Pentagon, CNN refers to SecDef. By extension, to SoS and POTUS.
The price of presidential cowardice will escalate rather quickly. I wonder which allied world leader will be first to tell Trump that he wishes for his electoral victory in November, to reduce chaos in the world.
Libbies know why the hiding occurred. We have that kind of president, after all.
This should not be a surprise to any of you libbies, for two reasons;
1. You know that Biden is a coward.
2. You were told there was more coming. Much more:
@41 The military lied. Again. You don’t say! When you have explosions and gunfire in a combat zone, it’s called a “battle.” When people on one side are shooting at people on another side, it’s called “war.” And when was there ever a military that was open, candid, and honest about the battles it fought?
So what’s your point, if you have one?
@38 Only Chapter 11, and only to thwart defamation lawsuits its founder calls “progressive liberal lawfare attacks.”
One of those lawsuits was filed by Georgia election workers Ruby Freeman and her daughter Shaye Moss, another by a Dominion Voting Systems employee.
If you fuck around, you’ll find out when the lawyers come calling.
Lara Trump claims the RNC has lawsuits in 81 states.
Sounds like an attempt to stuff the Electoral College ballot box to me. Alternatively, maybe the RNC is now being run by a total airhead.
In other legal news, a grand jury has indicted the 11 Arizona fake electors, including a former GOP state chairperson.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Criminal prosecution through the legal system is the best way to handle these coup plotters. Plus, don’t elect them to anything.
So far the message to Trump enablers has been, “Go to jail for helping him, and he won’t lift a finger or pay a dime to help you, while he goes scot free,” but the latter may change soon.
I wonder if he’ll go to Rikers if he’s convicted in the Manhattan trial. I’ve heard it isn’t a country club.
While Trump The Rapist sleeps, farts, and ALL CAPS rage posts his way through his current criminal trial, and MAGA Mike is groveling and clinging to Hakim Jeffries’ trousers, at least someone is out there pretending to be fighting for regular Republicans.
She’s just needs more practice.
But the good news is that means she’ll be around for a while and will probably grow much more popular with MAGA turd Republicans as time goes by. So we can be assured there will be Trumps controlling the GOP for many years to come.
@48 “there will be Trumps controlling the GOP for many years to come”
Like in a hereditary monarchy?
With Trump The Rapist just CRUSHING IT in “all the polls” it just seems weird that only three or four supporters show up in Manhattan to show their support. Especially after he has begun begging for them to turn out for him.
Turns out that Trump The Rapist’s federal pretrial release in the DC insurrection indictment includes a condition that will be violated if he is found to be in contempt in NY for violating his gag order.
Ted Cruz refuses to admit he was right about the one time in his life he was right about something.
They still sic dogs on
runaway slavesblack men in TexAss.https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/texas-police-officer-accused-of-ordering-k9-to-attack-unarmed-man-during-traffic-stop/ar-BB1h8PWB
USA Today reports, “Palestinian militant group Hamas and Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei publicly applauded the growing number of anti-Gaza war protests and encampments that have sprung up on college campuses ….”
This triggered MAGA Mike in a big way; when he held his pro-IDF press conference on the Columbia U. campus today, protesters chanted “free Palestine,” and he lit into them, calling the protesters “despicable.” CNN reports, “When asked how that chant is antisemitic, Johnson responded, ‘Well, what’s antisemitic is that Hamas endorsed these protests today.'”
Folks, we’ve got an intellectual giant here. (The circular reasoning is pretty interesting, i.e., the protests are antisemitic because the endorsement of the protests is antisemitic because the endorsers are antisemitic.)
I’m curious about something. A couple months ago, Putin endorsed Biden.* Why Mike isn’t jumping all over Biden for that? Is he afraid to call Putin “despicable,” like he did the student protesters calling for a Gaza ceasefire?
* The reasons are complicated but boil down to Putin preferring (or at least saying he does) to deal with someone stable and predictable as opposed to off-the-charts-crazy. See story here:
UFO sighting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wVw5ByNb9c
Seems obvious to me it’s not the object that’s moving fast, but the plane is moving fast past it. The object might even be stationary, e.g., a balloon drifting in wind.
Here’s another video of smooth-talking MAGA Mike in which he mischaracterizes the protests, blames everything on Hamas, and insists Israel can do no wrong. And by the way, if children are being killed, “it’s war.”
But the most telling part of this video is his remark about “good and evil.” A hallmark of conservative thinking is it’s simplistic. He casts the world in black-and-white terms, and refuses to acknowledge that both sides are capable of committing wrongs.
From there it’s a very short step, not a long leap, to characterizing “free Palestine” as “antisemitic” and smearing the student protesters as Hamas sympathizers.
The Washington GOP has given up.
Resolution 1 – Resolution Supporting our Republic vs. Democracy
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we support legislation that preserves the republican nature of our government institutions and oppose legislation which makes our nation more “democratic” in nature, and that, while we favor and encourage liberty in all nations, we oppose all efforts to use American military might to spread “democracy” around the world.
Didn’t this guy used to sell car stereos or some shit?
The criminal legal system is INTENDED to be used as a weapon AGAINST CRIMINALS.
These people all broke the law. Whatever vaguely political pretenses they may have fabricated to conceal their crimes cannot shield them. Nor can they excuse or pardon the very serious harm they did. Their failed criminal efforts were intended to take away Arizona’s democratic choice in a presidential election. There must be legal consequences for such crimes or our democracy dies.
@ 58
The criminal legal system is INTENDED to be used as a weapon AGAINST CRIMINALS.
That’s why you will lose in November. Weaponizing DOJ for political purposes will cost you the White House.
The criminal legal system is intended to be used for punishment and deterrence. It’s not an offensive weapon. Unless it’s used against, say, Ted Stevens.
@ 56
From there it’s a very short step, not a long leap, to characterizing “free Palestine” as “antisemitic” and smearing the student protesters as Hamas sympathizers.
Robinhood dumbfuck Rabbit, your argument would be more persuasive if the protesters did not behave as if the whole world is watching:
As we watch the protests and the police responses unfold, let’s recall The Even Bigger Fucking Moron‘s edict when he thought it would be to his advantage:
Rule of law.
GDP declines in two consecutive quarters used to be the NBER’s definition of a recession, until that definition started hurting Democrats.
A halving of growth in one quarter will have to stand on its own, for now. But GDP has declined in two consecutive quarters (GDP in 2023 Q3 was 4.9%).
Everybody feeling good about the Spring quarter this year? Thought so.
So we’ve got growth dropping sharply at the same time interest rates are surging.
10-year Treasury yield leaps to highest level in more than 5 months after GDP report
The Personal Consumption Expenditures index rose 3.4% and wages rose only 1.1%.
Queen YLB’s kids are so fucked. My corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president’s re-election prospects are so fucked.
@ 60
It’s like a Hillary Clinton 2016 campaign event.
Tesla’s up.
Shorter kreepshit @62, 63:
a slower growing economy from overly restrictive fed policy means a vain, incontinent, pathologically lying rapist is a shoo-in in November.
Anyone who babbles shit like that deserves the IRS audit that is coming for it..
yawwwwn.. next..
Papa Bush blamed Alan Greenspan for ending up a one-termer.
Bet kreepshit really felt FUCKED back then.. And blamed it on the policies of the wimpy Papa..
After all, Papa raised taxes.. oh noes!
Alito floats the notion that refusing to leave after a term of office is normal presidential activity.
So very originalist.
We think we are superior but in reality we have a virus that has tendencies to kill. We are hateful people that cost the taxpayers mulla, mucho mulla.
Here is more mucho mulla being spent because of this sexual orientation that is violent and HA’s Maoist Gods don’t want you to know about.
Planet of the Heterosexual Apes.
Hateful, violent, bastards, costing the taxpayers money……shhhsss, it’s ok!
So is murder by Heterosexual Apes.
Higher CD Rates!!!! 💰💰💰💰💲💲💸💸💵
Only an Ape would support unconditionaly a country that has soldiers systematically killing and raping innocent people.
The government already knows about IFO’s. They probably even built the experimental craft.
Of the RNC, Trump campaign, and state party officials charged so far in various state and federal criminal fraud schemes to unlawfully overturn the 2020 election, why so many guilty pleas? Every single one of these defendants is being represented at RNC expense.
If they are innocent of crimes, and the evidence would support that, why have so many entered into cooperation agreements and entered sworn statements confessing to being criminals?
Because they are criminals.
And the criminal legal system is being used exactly as intended, to prove their guilt and to sanction them for committing crimes.
More Alito,
You need to give outgoing presidents total immunity to KEEP them from trying to hold on to the office. The peaceful transfer depends on immunity.
(The previous 44 peaceful transitions are not indicative of future performance)
CJ Roberts, ‘why do they think we’re a bunch of partisan hacks. We need the respect we’ve earned’
17!hours passed before Fox News aired a moment of coverage that Donald Trump’s peaceful transition of power Chief of Staff was indicted in the Arizona fake electors plot.
Sorry Dumbfuck. You aren’t getting Arizona back in ‘24. Quote all the April polls you like.
And we haven’t even got to first hand testimony of the porn star Trump was banging
Where’s Melania?
This exchange from oral may well (should!) go down in history as the moment that destroyed the Republican Party’s claims to inclusion within America’s history and traditions of peaceful, constitutional law and order.
What a disgusting authoritarian dung heap of a hill to die on.
And for that man.
@ 67
And blamed it on the policies of the wimpy Papa..
That’s no way to talk about Ross Perot.
Why do you think Bill Clinton became president with only 43.0% of the NPV, Queen YLB?
@ 78
Where’s Melania?
Glad you asked.
@ 73
Higher CD Rates!!!!
Does Queen YLB’s fucked kids no good. They have no money.
Higher interest rates! Inflation increases greater than wage increases!
I guess we will find out by the end of May if we even have to bother.
If the court rules in that guy’s favor and declares that Presidents are immune, then I can order him locked up without trial. And I can legally decree myself the winner of the election.
It’s your call, dipshits.
@ 83
It’s your call, dipshits.
It’s the Court’s call. They’ll likely kick it back to the lower court, which will issue a decision, which Trump will appeal, and we’ll have Trump’s January inauguration before the Court rules.
If the court rules in that guy’s favor and declares that Presidents are immune, then I can order him locked up without trial.
After which Trump will have Biden family POS Hunter, James, DOCTOR Jill, and ol’ Joe locked up without trial.
All because RBG figured she’d live into 2021.
Why does she stick with that scumbag. You absolutely can’t trust her at all.
No I’m talking about Hillary.
You know what else isn’t happening today?
A bunch of leftists celebrating the release of Weinstein on those trumped up charges.
He’s not getting a table at Rao’s or the Ivy before he’s found guilty in the retrial.
Trump The Rapist frivolous motion for new rape defamation trisl is denied.
@ 86
A bunch of leftists celebrating the release of Weinstein on those trumped up charges.
They aren’t celebrating, but they’re certainly breathing a lot more easily.
I heard Weinstein had a book deal, with Ronan Farrow as his biographer.
@ 86
You know what else isn’t happening today?
Um, liberals making fun of Tesla since each of its shares have gained nearly 30 bucks since mid-day Monday?
As SCOTUS weighs Trump’s immunity arguments, Clarence Thomas probably is thinking that justices, at least, should have immunity from bribery prosecution. Otherwise they’ll have to row or paddle a raft to Caribbean getaways.
Bibi wants U.S. student hostages.
But putting Netanyahu in charge of law enforcement on American campuses probably isn’t a good idea. For one thing, it might have implications for exercise of First Amendment rights.
Tough to pull off while sweltering in Gitmo loaded up on Tramadol.
@ 90
Otherwise they’ll have to row or paddle a raft to Caribbean getaways.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit wants you to think that only white guys know how to operate an outboard motor.
@57 They seem to be hedging. By not resolving to oppose all efforts to use American military might to preserve democracy around the world, they can still support defending Taiwan against Chinese invasion at their discretion.
But only long enough to get the chip-manufacturing equipment out.
@58 He overlooked the tiny detail that the Republican members of the grand jury are weaponizing it in that sense, too, by returning a true bill against these coup plotters.
@59 “That’s why you will lose in November. Weaponizing DOJ for political purposes will cost you the White House.”
If voters see this as a bad thing, why would the candidate who’s against this lose to the candidate who’s for it?
“The criminal legal system is intended to be used for punishment and deterrence.”
So which part of the fraud and forgery committed by these perps shouldn’t be punished and deterred?
@60 I wouldn’t call Zach Kessel a journalist, no matter what he calls himself, simply based on his own profile here.* Who else are they keeping out of the encampment?
* Predetermining what student organizations stand for, and what protesters are saying, isn’t reporting; it’s advocacy (or, less politely, propaganda). A bona fide journalist would maintain objectivity, and would never write a profile like that.
@61 In this country the legal rules are: People have a right to assemble and express their opinions; but harassment, intimidation, assault, rioting, trespassing, vandalism, and property destruction are against the law. The police should conduct themselves accordingly in order to uphold the rule of law. If they do, I’m fine with it.
Don’t forget, Trump is right now on trial for 34 felony counts.
And while I know you are seeing some TV lawyers and law profs getting paid to say this is a “tough case to make” because elevating the charges to felony status depends upon tying the purpose of the porn star payoff to election fraud violations. And frankly, without really bothering to pay attention to the record, these tv lawyers and Republican Trump Stans are simply concluding that Bragg can’t do that.
But here’s what you and they need to know before weighing the value of that conclusion.
In 2018 on the day that Michael Cohen was sentenced SDNY unsealed a non-prosecution agreement with AMI. Under the terms of that agreement AMI made a sworn allucution in which AMI admitted that in August of 2016 AMI made the $150,000 payment to purchase the silence of the Karen McDougal and that the source of the payment and the structure of how AMI was partially reimbursed ($125,000) was to evade campaign finance laws.
AMI’s agreement binds them to provide testimony affirming all the statements of fact in the allocution in ANY future criminal proceedings, including this criminal trial in NY.
In a few weeks Trump The Rapist will stand convicted of multiple felonies. He will of course file an appeal. But this one area of the statute will not be as vulnerable to appeal as some are suggesting.
@62 Holy smackeroos, the dumbfuck thinks a “decline in economic activity” means less growth than in the previous quarter.
GDP did not decline in 2023Q4 and 2024Q1, it grew.
We’re in Alice In Wonderland now.
@63 “So we’ve got growth dropping sharply at the same time interest rates are surging.”
Yeah, that happens a lot, actually nearly every time. Dumbfuck, you’re a genius.
@64 Sounds exactly like a Doug Mastriano campaign rally.
@65 “Tesla’s up.” So is Generac. And GE, too, but I don’t care about GE.
@66 Few, if any, voters base their votes on GDP charts. Most don’t even notice a slowing economy, unless layoffs hit their company. How does the expression go? “A recession is when you get laid off, a depression is when I get laid off,” or something like that.
In any case, this time (as in 2020) it’s not “the economy, stupid,” it’s “it’s our democracy, stupid,” that’s driving voting and turnout. And abortion. And GOP craziness.
@ 100
@62 Holy smackeroos, the dumbfuck thinks a “decline in economic activity” means less growth than in the previous quarter.
So does the NBER.
A reduction from peak activity is a decline, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
If a company’s growth rate slows from 10% to 2%, it’s growth rate has declined, even if the growth rate is still in positive territory.
@67 “After all, Papa raised taxes.. oh noes!”
After promising not to (“read my lips”). It may have been the broken promise, more than the act itself, that broke the camel. Back in those days, even Republican voters didn’t like liars. (Now, that seems like a very long time ago.)
@73 The 10-year Treasury is 4.7%. Oh my, end of the world. Armageddon is here.
Hasn’t the Village Idiot been standing in the village square with his pants around his ankles screaming this since November of 2020?
(checks archives)
Yes he has.
@77 Does this mean they’re going to posthumously vacate Byron “Low Tax” Looper’s conviction? Seems to me they should, in the interest of fair play, if they’re going to legalize political assassinations.
For readers unfamiliar with this case, yes, there’s an actual precedent in American law of a political candidate assassinating his election opponent in order to win the election. And no, he didn’t get away with it. He didn’t win the election, either; this case also provides a rare if not unique example of a write-in candidate (i.e., the victim’s widow) getting over 95% of the votes in a contested election.
@79 Where his argument falls apart is the “structural checks” didn’t prevent “that kind of extreme hypothetical.” Trump did try to stage a coup, and the House impeached him to prevent him from holding office again, but that structural check failed because his party supported the coup.
I won’t even get into the illogic of his argument that the framers intended impeachment to supplant criminal prosecution of crimes committed while in office; it suffices to say it’s a stupid argument.
But it might work on a partisan court, in which case Biden could immediately order Trump’s assassination, the assassinations of all the conservative justices, and declare himself president-for-life. I’m not saying he should or would, or that his party would support that (after all, Democrats and Republicans aren’t the same).
@80 “Why do you think Bill Clinton became president with only 43.0% of the NPV, Queen YLB?”
Citing the popular vote now? Did you just grow long hairs, nose whiskers, and a cottontail?
Clinton became president with 370 electoral votes, not with 43.0% of the popular vote, as you yourself would point out in 99% of your own comments.
@82 “Inflation increases greater than wage increases!”
Not lately. Not in this election year.
Partly thanks to unions, which are popular again.
They have no money.
lmao… proof positive it doesn’t know shit.. yawwwn..
after the IRS gets done with making kreepshit pay for its tax cheating sins, it’ll be flat broke…
And it’s Death Valley Daze for kreepshit… for kreepshit, life w/o munee is not life.
And great for the kids.. from its own silly babbling.
@84 Depending on how the court’s ruling goes, I may petition Biden to lock you up without trial; but I’ll ask the warden to give you a laptop and internet access so you can still post on HA, so we can continue to kick you around and shove your stupid ideas up the ass they leak out of on a daily basis.
@86 Weinstein still has to serve time (a lot of time) on a California conviction that isn’t affected by the New York court’s overturn of his New York conviction. So no matter what happens in a New York retrial (assuming there is one, which is highly probable), he’s not getting out.
That’s no way to talk about Ross Perot.
Yawwwn.. you’re wrong..
Why do you think Bill Clinton became president with only 43.0%
Honest Abe Lincoln was a minority prez too kreepshit.
@89 Sez the guy who used to brush off Tesla’s daily price fluctuations as inconsequential.
Of course, it’s not entirely inconsequential if you take advantage of this share pop to sell and cut your losses.
@93 What makes you think white guys know how to operate motorboats?
@101 Yep, WANGDO.
Now, who are we talking about?
@106 “So does the NBER.”
It does not.
The 1.6% growth isn’t a decline in economic activity, it’s only a decline in the growth rate, as you yourself point out with your example. A “decline in economic activity” is negative growth. Anybody who ever passed basic economics knows that. You need a remedial class in reading comprehension.
@109 Yeah, and now he’s also shouting that slower growth is a recession.
So they’re down $120 last full year instead of $150.
Time to pop the Veuve Grand Dame.
Regardless of structural checks, it is monstrous to argue that ordering a coup falls within a President’s official duties.
The rest of the GOP position would be comical if it were not such an outrageous rejection of our nation’s most sacred concepts of democracy. It suggests that nothing lies outside of the official functions of an executive office so long as the executive is sufficiently careful to structure an action to conform with his conception of the executive’s unique and exclusive role in the balance of powers.
Under this analysis Trump would enjoy this claim of immunity from any intervention by another branch (short of impeachment) if he raped and murdered an infant as a way of inspiring military esprit de corp. It’s grotesque. It’s an abomination. And it very obviously would functionally deprive the nation of its capacity to protect itself from a great host of potential harmful actions by a president.
By confining and limiting the other branches in this way it would make presidents into monarchs not answerable to public authority until it was obviously too late to matter.
So in other words, by employing his remarkable genius for market timing the Village Idiot has lost $100,000 on Tesla instead of $120,000.
And of course, being a degenerate gambler he undoubtedly has already accounted for a $20,000 profit. He’s probably beginning his shopping spree on QVC even as I post this.
@124 Suspending an election, seizing voting machines, imprisoning election workers, and declaring himself “President For Life” and appointing one of his sons as his hereditary successor would also be “official acts.”
I predict Thomas and Alito will vote for this, and the three liberal justices will vote against it, but I don’t know about the rest of them. But if that’s going to be the rule, it seems obvious that Biden should use it first, just for self-preservation if nothing else.
In today’s Republican posturing, Georgia AG Chris Carr said, “”Nobody has the legal right to shut down our schools by camping out and making antisemitic threats.”
How do you shut down a university by “camping out”? And what does he mean by “antisemitic threats”?
Of course I’m against antisemitism, and threats of any kind by anyone against anyone, but
IsraelGaza genocide supporters are taking so many liberties with their use of the term “antisemitic” that I’m compelled to ask exactly what they’re referring to, because a lot of what they’re calling “antisemitic” isn’t by any reasonable definition. For example, demanding a ceasefire isn’t antisemitic, nor is criticizing the indiscriminate bombing and shelling of women and children.126,
I think they’ll use every bit of May to fight it out.
Roberts, Date Rape, and Gorsuch do not like the DC Circuit ruling. Nor would I imagine do Alito and Thomas.
So the Dude-wing may go their own way and write a decision modifying the DC Circuit, with Alito and Thomas in partial dissent. Or it could be a six-two with Alito and Thomas on the outside. Given that Roberts’ is the weakest, most ineffective, and least trusted CJ in a century I’m assuming there will be no consensus at all and very little movement toward a consensus for a long time.
So even when rendering a (hopefully) correct decision at a critical point in our Constitutional history, this court remains utterly broken, corrupt, and incapable of protecting and upholding the law. For the sake of preserving democracy it should be expanded.
You know what else is happening today!? Some broad is getting raped or beaten and/or shot and killed by a heterosexual ape!
Well, first of all, it’s more complex because unlike past protest movements it pits students against each other. And adding to the complexity of what’s happening on the ground are allegations of police violating protesters’ constitutional rights. In fact, it appears most of the violence is coming from police. For example,
(Same link as above; scroll down.)
Democracy is messy. So are protest movements. The overwhelming majority of Black Lives Matters marches were peaceful, but in a few instances looters, agitators, and other troublemakers infiltrated the marches and exploited them as cover for their illegitimate activities. Conservatives used that to delegitimize a legitimate movement seeking redress of legitimate grievances. The same thing is happening now, with Zionists leading the charge with conservative backing.
It’s typically the young, who are more idealistic and not yet cynical, who are the bodies of protest movements. So it’s not surprising that these movements tend to originate on campuses. And mass protests almost invariably pit youths against police.
In any large group there are misfits, bad actors, and people who get caught up in mass emotions and take things too far. You have these individuals on the pro-Israel side, among the pro-Palestinian protesters, and in the police ranks. To deny this is to deny the existence of human nature and human failings. And it doesn’t invalidate legitimate grievances, and shouldn’t delegitimize otherwise legitimate protests.
Now let’s see what the dumbfucks will say about all this. I have a feeling it’ll start and end with, “FINISH THEM!”
More people traveling in the summer time so what do oil companies do? We’ll, jack up the price of course!
The scary headline reads, “The cost of buying a home has hit an all-time high.” The story under it begins, “It is more expensive than ever to buy a home in the U.S., according to a new report from the real estate company Redfin.”
Actually, this headline could run (and has run) over news stories many times in the last 75 years. In nominal dollars, yes, home prices are higher than ever. But so are incomes. A more meaningful measure of home prices is the affordability index, which compares home prices relative to incomes. This varies among local markets, often widely, and fluctuates over time. The national average, while in the lower end of the historic range, isn’t the lowest it’s ever been; homes have been less affordable in the past than they are now. And while homes are relatively expensive today in relation to incomes, compared to historical norms, that’s not because of inflation; rather, it’s driving inflation. That’s because of the housing shortage.
And the housing shortage resulted from the subprime mortgage collapse, which resulted from Republican deregulation of the financial industry. The last time homes were this unaffordable was in the 1980s, following the S&L collapse, which resulted — again — from Republican deregulation of the S&L industry.
But most voters don’t do this kind of deep dive, don’t understand why and how things got to this place in the housing market, and don’t realize that Republicans are terrible at managing the economy.
First taste of AI’s potential for misuse:
A Maryland teacher and high school athletic director facing nonrenewal of his contract over performance and misconduct issues used AI to produce a fake audio of the principal using racist and antisemitic language, and criticizing teachers. The fake audio was then circulated on social media.
The result? The principal was put on leave, the school district received a flood of angry phone calls, and school activities were disrupted.
Yes, this impersonator has been arrested (he’s charged with stalking, retaliation, and theft, among other things). No, he probably doesn’t have any money to compensate the principal’s defamation injury with.
That’s okay, don’t give Florida any Title IX money, which leaves more for everybody else. Pretty soon Florida won’t have any schools to give Title IX money to anyway.
Got another George Floyd, this one brought to you by Ohio cops last week, after a traffic accident.
@131 Supply and demand. Well, not entirely; global crude prices jumped after Israel and Iran exchanged fire.
@128 The irony is that a 9th grader who just completed a middle-school civics class could come up with the correct answer in 10 minutes without any legal training whatsoever.
The only thing all those years of Ivy League law school educations, clerkships, and lower court experiences contribute to the conservative justices’ deliberations and eventual decision is obfuscation.
116)One of the things I like about Apple TV’s For All Mankind, is tge beginning of each season they do a catch-up on the time jump in the timeline with various political, legal, cultural, and scientific changes. One zinger in Season 3 or 4, was Weinstein busted , and Season 4 was set in 2003. The Presidential timeline in the show is wild. Nixon not re-elected, Reagan elected in 76, and Bill Clinton loses in 92.
They filmed the Season 4 finale not knowing if it would be picked up, but set it up just in case. Good thing, it’s been re-upped, with a spin-off to be called Star City. What good is a show that starts with the Soviets beating us to the moon, without showing how they did. It was implied that Korelev survived the appendectomy that killed him in real life.
This article is for you, PI. Use a little imagination to visualize what will happen if the U.S. withdraws from the world. And while you’re chasing your isolationist dreams, brush up on your Mandarin skills. You may need them.
In all, and so far, 35 people who acted as false electors in four key 2020 swing states — Michigan, Arizona, Georgia and Nevada — are facing criminal charges for signing certificates falsely proclaiming Trump the winner of their states’ electoral votes. Beyond that, another dozen Trump campaign and RNC lawyers and other officials, including state party officials are indicted and charged.
These fake electoral vote schemes in these four states are what lie at the heart of the case for which Republicans just argued for immunity before the U.S. Supreme Court. Trump is only named as a defendant in one of these four state cases. In that case three of his lawyers and one of the state party officials have already plead guilty and testified against him in deposition.
Trump is identified as an unindicted co-conspirator in each of the other three criminal cases in Michigan, Nevada, and now most recently in Arizona. There is no legal impediment preventing Trump’s indictment in any of those other cases. But including such an indictment now could produce substantial delays that can be avoided by simply waiting to indict him until after he loses in November again.
@ 140
Trump is identified as an unindicted co-conspirator in each of the other three criminal cases in Michigan, Nevada, and now most recently in Arizona. There is no legal impediment preventing Trump’s indictment in any of those other cases.
I believe you meant to write, “There is no current legal impediment preventing…”
You got the gist of yesterdays arguments and the justices’ queries at the Supreme Court, I gather. Once the opinion is issued, it will be clear that, as with the 14th Amendment disqualification decision, standing to charge the president or former president criminally will rest with federal prosecutors, not the commissioners of Island County in Washington state.
“Limited” immunity is just that.
And hiring car stereo installers to pose as “official state electors” is not an official duty of the President of the United States.
And so, having completely missed the obvious certainty that Trump would run in 2024, then having missed the obvious certainty that Fat Midget could never defeat him, then having missed the obvious certainty that Shop Girl could never defeat him, then having missed the obvious certainty that Trump would easily capture the 2024 GOP nomination, then having missed the obvious certainty that about one in six 2020 Trump voters will refuse to vote for him ever again, now the Village Idiot misses the point that all of these states criminal cases with Trump as an unindicted co-conspirator will proceed ahead of the November election.
And at least a dozen of these fifty or so defendants will be competing for cooperation agreements. Because a president can’t pardon a state conviction.
@120 – “WANGDO” refers a line of dialogue from the movie “Pulp Fiction.”