– The Economic Displacement Relocation Assistance seems to be doing good for Seattle.
– Scary cougar attack. Stay safe Fall City.
– Didn’t watch the State of the City address? Me either! But here are some takeaways.
– Wash your hands right now and get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
A just-reported internal poll in AZ has Kari Lake up over Gallego. I know, BFD, it’s an internal poll, so I’ll spare you.
And yet:
Everybody glad they kicked the occasional carpet-muncher to the curb for having a bit of independence?
Couple threads ago we had a glowing account of Shark Tank’s Kevin O’Leary saying he wouldn’t do business in New York anymore.
Dude should maybe not do interviews.
So you admit what Donald did IS a crime and insinuate that you have also committed crime. Your problem is ‘Powerful and rich people don’t have immunity from prosecution.’
I wasn’t going to post this but @ 2 was so fucking stupid that there’s no reason I shouldn’t.
From CNBC last night:
Same point Trump’s supporters are making WRT the NYC prosecution.
@ 2. Your problem is ‘Powerful and rich people don’t have immunity from prosecution.’
POS Hunter Biden shares that problem.
Improperly filling out a Federal Form is just like falsifying financial forms to defraud the state of New York out of millions in revenue AND defrauding banks to enrich yourself through financial transaction for which you do not qualify.
Yes these things are both crimes. One is victimless.
@ 4
Maybe. IDF hasn’t responded, the piece says. Here’s a photo of the damage.
The claim is that it was a naval-fired missile. If that’s all the damage that a shell from a warship can cause, Hamas has nothing to worry about.
You should go back to claiming that 500 people died when a Gazan hospital collapsed after IDF bombed it. It was a lie, but at least you were claiming something other than 75 bucks’ worth of food were wasted.
No dead. No injured. Truck and trailer are both still usable, and 90% of the cargo on the trailer is still intact. If you’re going to go after the IDF, maybe bring something more than this. You’re just being silly.
Shorter @ 4
$75 of wasted food = “Genocide”
How silly.
Bill Ackman nearly single-handedly took down Claudine Gay.
My corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president is his next target.
@ 8
Actually, Claudine Gay’s repeated plagiarism is ultimately what took her down. She did it her entire career. Everyone looked the other way because she checked two of the three boxes most essential for academic advancement.
@6 & 7
To recap, a convoy that was pre-planned and pre-approved came under fire and despite assurances from the Israeli government it would be allowed to deliver food to an area now under famine conditions BECAUSE of their attacks….the convoy was turned away.
And this fucking moron thinks a truck only holds $75 dollars worth of food. 150 pounds of flour. That’s it. That’s all that was in a convoy of food aid.
What would you call the intentional starvation of an ethnic or religious group of people by forced neglect?
Most call it Genocide.
Confidential to G-clown: It’s not anorexia causing your weight loss. It’s HIV.
HEALTH NEWS FEB. 20, 2024 / 9:56 AM
Experts raising awareness of anorexia in boys and men
Screening for HIV is important, especially for guys who spend as much time in airport mens’ RR as you do, G-clown.
Very glad.
BTW she kicked herself to the curb. At the time this profoundly stupid trust fund troll argued for months that Sinema’s abandonment of her party was political genius that would somehow assure her a Senate seat and a ticket to a run for president. The troll should fire up another bong hit of copium before he checks Sinema’s polling. But he should under no circumstances prepare for the abortion ballot measure.
James Biden testifies brother had no ‘direct or indirect financial interest’ in business ventures
Republicans “well fuck. “
POS fire alarm-puller and overtly racist Jamaal Bowman won’t be re-elected.
It looks like POS Rashida Tlaib will help take him down, too.
The Hamas-hugging POS congresswoman from Michigan will help Biden lose that state in November, and she’ll help Bowman lose his primary. Why keep such a disgusting POS around, Democrats? To make POS Bob Menendez look good by comparison?
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron verifies @ 13 that I’ve correctly characterized his level of intelligence.
You mean the state whose GOP Comittee is bankrupt, threw out their Black Party chair AND got the UAW a big raise with the help of Joe Biden?
Sure Jan.
The number of illegals who have entered the US since my corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president took office would create the 14th largest US state, I read this morning.
Those 18% are made up of The Even Bigger Fucking Moron and others of similar intelligence.
No small poll, either:
Anybody wanna guess at the numbers had Pew polled likely voters? Didn’t think so.
The best part of this is that Queen YLB’s fucked kids get to pay the costs of all of these illegals while simultaneously being ignored by DEI types who seek to appoint the illegals to lucrative paid jobs for which they are not close to qualified.
And the very best part of this is that Queen YLB voted for all of it.
Queen YLB’s kids are gonna get it. Good and hard.
@ 16
You mean the state whose GOP Comittee is bankrupt, threw out their Black Party chair AND got the UAW a big raise with the help of Joe Biden?
Sure Jan.
Yeah, Nate. That state.
2024 Michigan: Trump vs Biden
Let’s not forget that #CrookedHillary outspent Trump 2:1 and still lost. Oh, and lost Michigan in the process.
People of Asian ancestry do, too. And they outcompete Queen YLB’s fucked kids. Which is one of many reasons that Queen YLB hates “Asians”.
Asswipe @ 16 crows that Biden got the UAW a big raise in Michigan.
Let’s see what else Biden got for Michiganders of late, shall we?
What, asswipe, you thought money was free? What the Biden/UAW alliance achieved was a widening of the wealth gap libbies claim to hate.
You walked right into it. It’s a campaign ad that sells itself.
Laura “Why were you against the Bipartisan (eds note, shit not supposed to say that) the Senate border deal?”
Donald “It also made it much better for the opposing side. I don’t know if you;ve heard this but I came up with it…”Migrant Crime” There’s crime, there’s violent crime there’s migrant crime. We have a new category of crime it’s called migrant crime and it’s going to be worse than any other form of crime.”
“If I can’t swiftboat and Willie Horton the border then I have nothing to run on. I crashed the economy. I had a dismal record on jobs. I tried to overthrow the election. I’ve been found to be as a matter of law a rapist. I defrauded the State of New York, And I’m going ot spend the rest of the campaign season being tried for a couple more felonies. If I let the Democrats do something about the border I have nothing at all to talk about. Except Biden’s age. And we know Nikki Haley was a disaster of a President and I beat Obama in the last election.”
Sell naked calls and naked puts against Ford and GM shares. For Ford, in the range bounded by $9 and $16.
For GM, in the range bounded by $25/$30 and $50.
Free money. The shares are range-bound, and if you do have them put to you they pay a decent dividend, and you sell a covered call to get rid of them and collect another premium at the same time.
It beats owning 3M and AT&T. Just ask Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Not Union workers, it was part of the agreement. Middle managers and executive suite. They failed to successfully crush the Union and it came back to bite them. The Republican leaning Farmington Hills and Northville tony suburbs and their white flight lost some wage earners.
Side note, cling to those 600 respondent polls. It’s not like the MOE on those is close to 5%. The one small sample poll that can have any reaction to the $353M judgement that splashed all over the interwebs, tv and print is within that MOE. Also has 14% undecided. “So do I vote for the guy whose Isreali Policy I can’t stand or the guy who wants to kill me and everyone like me, put tarriffs on all imported goods, outlaw abortion nationwide, pardon himself and all the 1/7 terrorists…”
Wow, you’re a fucking GENIUS! So you put options between the high and low point of where Ford has been for the past two years give or take.
GM has also been sitting in the $30-40 range for two years.
We should hire you. You’re just the kind of financial soothsayer we need.
On Tuesday, Trump’s “Save America” leadership political action committee reported raising just $8,508 from donors in the entire month of January, while spending about $3.9 million, according to a new filing with the Federal Election Commission.
Nearly $3 million of that overall spending total was used for one purpose: to pay lawyers. 👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿
At the very same time for the month of January, the Trump campaign itself reported a net loss of more than $2.6 million for the month. It raised about $8.8 million while spending around $11.5 million.
This is fine. 🔥
The GOP becomming the pro-Russia party was not on my 2024 bingo card.
I have no rational sense of how that development might impact the general election in November. But my suspicion is that disengaged, infrequent swing voters would be negatively impressed. They do seem to be incinerating their own brand.
The “right to work, you can’t force someone to pay Union Dues if they don’t want to so we can starve the political arm even though they are negotiating on your behalf” crowd is screaming bloody loud about,
@ 23
… pardon himself and all the 1/7 terrorists…
It was January 6, not 7. Think about that the next time you make fun of Nikki Haley for talking about 9/10 instead of 9/11.
What’s the difference? There were real terrorists on 9/11. There were idiot rioters, not terrorists, on 1/6.
Good post.
Gym is having a rough week.
@ 24
Thank you for confirming my statement that the shares of F and GM are range-bound.
It’s not much money and no one gets rich with premiums of this size. But it’s virtually riskless and makes use of capital invested elsewhere as support for options trading.
It’s also better than Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit has done with his AT&T and 3M investments.
It’s also more useful than, say, recommending to people that they buy Apple shares in early 1993 and Amgen shares in 1995 and 1999, and hold them in their retirement account for the next three decades or so. Not everyone has a time machine.
When your best retort is a typo….
“Because I was down there and I watched our police and our firemen down at 7/11, down at the World Trade Center right after it came down.” And I bought them all a Big Bite and a Slurpee. THAT’S how much I back the blue. Unless they shoot a rioter. Well not any rioter. Just the one. And don’t you dare call my good friends, fine people, who stormed the Congress for Political interference and beat cops in the process ‘Terrorists’. Those are heroes and it’s a shame what The Biden administration has done to my voters.
@ 30
Republicans have hinged one part of their Biden investigation on accusations from a supposedly credible but confidential FBI source that Biden and his son Hunter accepted bribes from a Ukrainian oligarch.
Better now. More accurate.
@ 32
When your best retort is a typo….
… you might be Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit writing about Nikki Haley.
Except, if as you claim you bought options at BOTH ends of the range (calls and puts), one of your positions is going to lose you money. At best you’ll break even. If the stock stays steady somewhere in the middle you’ll lose both.
Or maybe you’ll actually hit the number on the Roulette wheel and the stock will hit your ‘call’ target before tanking and hitting your ‘put’ target within the timeframe of your option or vice versa.
Sure Jan.
Nice work.
Concerns about what? I hear the Obama Presidential Library is proceeding nicely.
Concerns rise as 3 KFC restaurants close doors in South Side Chicago neighborhoods
Yeah, sure. I hear that Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s are fighting over the lots.
@ 25
Except, if as you claim you bought options at BOTH ends of the range (calls and puts), one of your positions is going to lose you money. At best you’ll break even. If the stock stays steady somewhere in the middle you’ll lose both.
Chuck Schwab, please don’t teach Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit about basic options trading.
I sold options at both ends of the range. Sold, not bought. See @ 22.
Meaning if the stocks stay somewhere in the middle I’ll WIN both. Not lose. Win.
Now that I think about it, Chuck, I do want you to teach Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit your version of options trading. It will dovetail nicely with my Notadumbfuck Investment Method.
Good post.
For more than a year top Republicans knowingly lied their asses off about the President, claiming bullshit about Burisma Bribes.
Then they got caught red handed.
So now they expect to Yeahbut their way out of their own trap?
Liars are liars. They are dismissed.
Case in point is 33.
A liar. Dismissed.
Sell 50 put contracts F exp Jan 25, strike price $9.17. Collect premium of $2,050.
Sell 50 call contracts F exp Jan 25, strike price $19.17. Collect premium of $700.
Limited risk, nearly free $2,750 premiums (less small trading costs) paid up front. Understand, Chuck @ 35?
Definition of liar @ 38, according to QoS McHillbilly.
Use a 1023 form that Chris Wray did his best to withhold and never once claimed contained intentionally false information.
Find out later that the information contained in the form is allegedly intentionally false.
Be branded a liar for using information not known at the time to be false.
Good work if you can get it. Heads Dems win, tails GOP loses. Until November, anyway.
More examples –
“Joe Biden caught on tape getting bribed and the Left looks the other way.” – Nancy Mace
” These bribery allegations are the biggest political corruption scandal, not only in my lifetime, but I would say the past 100 years.” – Elise Stefanik
“We’ve shown them the evidence. I don’t know what else you need other than President Biden coming on the news saying: ‘Hey, I’m a crook. I took this money. I took these bribes.’ I mean, what else do they need? There’s just too much evidence in it. And it’s all documented.” – Tim Burchett
“Joe Biden sold off our foreign policy. Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden got a $5 million bribe from Ukraine.” Vivek Ramaswamy
“He took a bribe from a foreign national in a foreign country that paid millions of dollars. He needs to be prosecuted for this, and I would argue that he should serve jail time.” – Republican Troll Doll
Their own hand-picked special prosecutor is now declaring in sworn filings that all of this was known to be bullshit planted by Russian intelligence to influence the 2020 election, and brought to them by Rudy Giuliani. It’s all been there in the case files and investigative notes since 2020. And Republicans have withheld all of those investigation findings while promoting the criminally fraudulent statements as “fact”.
Liars lie. When they are members of Congress they can hide behind the speech and debate clause. But that only shields them from criminal and civil liability for their lying. It does not shield them from public judgment for being liars.
Attorney General William Barr was instrumental in withholding that file. The FBI always witholds all preliminary documents forming parts of investigations that are ultimately determined to either lack sufficient evidence or to be the result of flase claims. That’s actually statutory.
Knowing that Russia was and had been engaging in an effort to plant disinformation with multiple FBI offices, the AG created a screening process to protect Trump as much as anyone else.
It may not help Barr very much that he later lied under oath to Congress about that. Lying seldom helps. As in the case of this profoundly stupid trust fund troll.
Gavin Newsom is running a shadow campaign for president. This will not help him.
Remember mid-May, 2022, when CA had a $97.5B surplus? Good times, good times.
@248 on previous thread:
When I said Seattle was full of liberal progressive idiots, I meant the entire population of Seattle, not just the city council. If fact, that description fits most of King County.
Uhhhh…no. To win one bet the stock will need to RISE. To win the other bet the stock will need to FALL.
I have a book, “Stock Trading for Morons” you should read. I’ll sell you a copy for $99.95
This is really gonna chap dumbfuck’s hide.
President Joe Biden’s administration announced that more than 150,000 borrowers will receive $1.2 billion in student loan forgiveness under a program unveiled in January seeking to provide relief for Americans who had been making payments for at least a decade.
Sworn affidavit of Special Prosecutor Weiss filed in support of indictment for lying on a form:
“During November and December 2018 the defendant took multiple photographs of videos apparent cocaine, crack cocaine, and drug paraphernalia.”
In support of the sworn assertion the Special Prosecutor supplied the following photograph:
That same accompanying photograph retrieved from Hunter Biden’s phone had been sent to Biden from his psychiatrist at the time treating him for addiction. That the source of the photograph was not Biden but was instead his addiction doctor was immediately available from the file data attached and included in the extraction from the phone. The source ID was even included in the sworn affidavit. So the sworn statement made by the Special Prosecutor in the affidavit was false, is false, and was known to be false at the time that the Special Prosecutor filed the affidavit.
And yeah, of course, that’s also not cocaine. Duh.
The trial court is legally bound to consider these kinds of material falsehoods made by a government prosecutor in considering a motion to quash the indictment. And the government prosecutor must respond and answer for such material falsehoods presented to a court of law by any officer of the court to the satisfaction of that court in order to overcome that motion.
The best Weiss can hope to do here is to convice the trial court that he is not a liar who deliberately swore false statements to the court, but rather that he suffers from fathomless incompetence, laziness, carelessness, and criminally adjacent professional neglect. And that can only be hoped to keep his indictment alive but has no hope of keeping the bullshit fake evidence in the trial.
TLDR: The Special Prosecutor charging Hunter Biden with lying on a form, himself lied on a much more serious and much more consequential form.
I warned the profoundly stupid trust fund troll last summer that, given all we knew about the circumstances surrounding the collapse of the plea deal, this would end up with Weiss in the shit.
Trump’s dime store lawyers are at it again.
“Pretty please Judge Engoron. Our client wants to propose a different judgement. We all know this is going to get lowered on appeal so lets start at a lower figure from the get go. Please. We really don’t have the cash to put up a bond. It’s only fair that you let us set our own penalty.”
@ 46
… student loan forgiveness under a program unveiled in January seeking to provide relief for Americans who had been making payments for at least a decade.
Correct me if I am wrong, but wasn’t this a pre-existing program that had not been administered correctly?
This wasn’t something created by the Biden administration, it was something the Biden administration caught being done wrong, and corrected. As in, done wrong by Trump and Obama administrations.
“Say, did you hear BIDEN pulled the troops from Afghanistan?”
What a tool you are.
If you think Republicans don’t want to also control what private schools teach … think again.
@ 45
Uhhhh…no. To win one bet the stock will need to RISE. To win the other bet the stock will need to FALL.
Still wrong.
Example: A stock trades in the $50-60 range. Doesn’t go higher, nor lower, during the period covered in the example.
One sells naked calls at $65 strike price, and sells naked puts at $45 strike price, same expiration. Collects premiums, up front, for each transaction.
Since the shares don’t exceed $65, the naked call contract expires worthless. Since the shares don’t fall below $45, the naked put contract expires worthless.
The premiums paid at contract execution are retained by the seller. The shares neither rise nor fall, so the seller suffers no loss.
Dumbass, you are still assuming that I bought something. I have made clear, now for the second time, that both options are sold, not purchased.
You do not understand basic options trading. Not even Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit misunderstands as badly as you do.
Billionaires deduct private jet flights to weekend getaways, but their cleaning ladies can’t deduct their bus fare to work. The IRS wants to crack down on such abuses, but the GOP wants defund the IRS.
Last week as I watched Nathan Wade’s former law partner reluctantly testifying about how he had been acting as a spy for defense counsel Ashleigh Merchant and that he had been terminated from the partnership for sexually assaulting both a firm employee and a firm client, something familiar about it all kept tickling the back of my mind.
Over the weekend it hit me and I was reminded once again of a scene from a Sidney Pollack movie with Paul Newman about a very similar situation. In the movie The Verdict a lawyer played by Charlotte Rampling was sent by the giant, evil, corporate insurance law firm to spy on the alcoholic lawyer played by Newman. She almost ruins the case for Newman, but then she’s caught at the last minute. But right before she’s caught for spying she meets up with the big senior partner at the big law firm to take her dirty money. And of course, by now she hates herself for who she is and what she’s allowed herself to become.
Last week Terrence Bradley had the exact same expression on his face during his testimony as Charlotte Rampling had in that movie scene.
In economic theory, relocation assistance is a cost of doing business that landlords will pass through to tenants, because they can’t operate at a loss and stay in business.
Alternatively, if landlords can’t pass through this cost, they can absorb it by cutting other costs on things such as building security and maintenance.
Or if a housing shortage has created wide profit margins, they could absorb this cost by accept lower profits, although that will tend to discourage new supply that would alleviate the shortage and bring down rents.
Without a doubt, corporate landlords have penciled all this out. Meanwhile, mom and pop landlords have another incentive to sell the duplex or rental house and stop being housing providers altogether.
It might work better to provide rent subsidies and relocation assistance at government expense and spread the cost across the entire universe of taxpayers, if ensuring affordable housing is seen as a public responsibility.
Where someone makes a semantic arguement for why his play is at BEST break even.
And continues to brag about their ‘smarts’
Where someone makes a semantic arguement for why his play is at BEST break even.
And continues to brag about their ‘smarts’
I have a brilliant plan. I’m gonna put $1000 on the Kansas City Chiefs. But I’m ALSO putting $1000 on the 49ers.
Whoever wins I’m only out my
brokerage feesvig.54,
Now I’m pretty sure I’ve posted that clip before just because it so perfectly illustrates how soulless the law can be and how morally corrosive it can be for some people, especially if they don’t have a good moral compass and cling to principles.
So maybe that’s why I’m now reminded of yet another Paul Newman movie in the case of dipshit Special Prosecutor Weiss.
This time it’s called Absence of Malice, and Newman plays a Florida liquor distributor with a shady past.
An Assistant United States Attorney in Miami working on a sprawling organized crime investigation is trying to force the liquor distributor to help him with his investigation, and the liquor guys is telling him to fuck off. He isn’t involved with the mob and he doesn’t want to become involved with the mob. So the AUSA figures out a corrupt way to accidentally “leak” key selected, and essentially falsified details of the investigation implicating the liquor guy in a union mob hit to an ambitious but morally compromised reporter played by Sally Field. She prints a series of splashy newspaper stories that result in the liquor guy’s business being ruined and a good friend committing suicide. So the liquor guy proceeds to hatch and carry out a revenge plot that winds up with the AUSA and Sally Field facing federal prosecution for obstruction.
The key to the whole revenge plot stems from the moment that AUSA “accidentially” allows the reporter to copy a phony investigation file. And it perfectly illustrates why the DOJ is not supposed to publish or “leak” poorly sourced, bullshit suspicions or worse, fake reports brought to them by con artists. Sometimes people are innocent. And they are always supposed to be innocent until proven guilty.
It’s almost as if all of TrumpWorld bullshit can be summed up in Paul Newman movies.
to pay the costs of all of these illegals while simultaneously being ignored by DEI types
yawwwwn.. both kids have good jobs that they’re more than qualified for…
And neither of them have employers whose “type” is “whites only”, “the rich always get richer” and “all ‘abnormals’ (queer, trans, dark skin color) EXCLUDED….
I doubt any employer no matter the politics would put a Honduran ag worker in a job requiring a professional credential.
yawwwn.. silly and stupid.. what else..
hates “Asians”.
Moi? No. Don’t hate asian people at all..
Scotus does it seems..
Imagine that.. A charter school.. a charter school.. changing its admissions formula so its student body is not 3/4 asian.
kreepshit voted for that… heh.
@54 It took the Washington State Bar Association a century to adopt a rule prohibiting lawyers from having sex with their clients.
IIRC, they finally got around to it when a local newspaper reported the then-serving bar president had sex with five of his clients.
@3 I have an idea: Let’s just prosecute everybody who commits crimes, without favor or prejudice. Isn’t that what “equal justice for all” is supposed to mean?
Based on that principle I have no problem with locking up Hunter Biden, and I have no problem with locking up Donald Trump either.
Oh kreepshit would do well to remember “America’s Frontline Doctors”…
kreepshit liked the white coats they wore.
One doctor had some “interesting” credentials…
Some of her other claims include blaming medical conditions on witches and demons – a common enough belief among some evangelical Christians – though she says they have sex with people in a dream world.
“They turn into a woman and then they sleep with the man and collect his sperm… then they turn into the man and they sleep with a man and deposit the sperm and reproduce more of themselves,” she said during a sermon in 2013.
Who hired her? Some “DEI type”?
Victim blaming is always wrong but some part of me wonders….
If you’re a parent of a child and you made arrangements for the neighbor with a long criminal record and a swastika tattoo to be the one driving that kid to the school bus stop, I think you missed at least a salmon colored flag when reaching that decision.
@6 “If that’s all the damage that a shell from a warship can cause” etc.
To a dumbfuck, civilian starvation is “light damage.”
@6 “The claim is” etc.
Which, for a dumbfuck, is all the verification that’s needed to establish something as fact.
@7 “How silly”
To a dumbfuck, it’s not how many civilians starve, but how much was paid for the spilled sacks of flour, and the fact ten truckloads of flour were not delivered to starving civilians is irrelevant.
@8 Bill Ackman isn’t exactly a champion of public interest.
@9 “she checked two of the three boxes”
You voted for a guy who checks none of the boxes. Explain that.
@10 “What would you call the intentional starvation of an ethnic or religious group of people by forced neglect? Most call it Genocide.”
The Israelis call it a tactic. The dumbfuck calls it “silly.”
It’s hard, really hard, to be even more disingenuous than Bibi; but Bob’s giving it a damned good go.
@14 Now if only we could get Republicans to invest some effort and resources in trying to improve the quality of their congressional representation …
Democrats and Republicans are not the same. Not in policy, not in values, not in ethics, and certainly not in quality.
@15 “The Even Bigger Fucking Moron verifies @ 13 that I’ve correctly characterized his level of intelligence.”
Now do yours. Let’s see if you can get that one right.
@17 I think we can agree that both immigration policy and the reality on the ground are a mess. Democrats have tried for years to reform immigration laws, but can’t get past the obstacles Republicans throw up. And they can’t do much on the ground either, because Republicans are blocking border funding. By all appearances, the only workable path to cleaning up this mess lies in electing more Democrats.
@18 “Let’s not forget that #CrookedHillary outspent Trump 2:1 and still lost. Oh, and lost Michigan in the process.”
I bet you’d like to forget who won Michigan when Trump ran against #SleepyJoe.
@22 “It beats owning 3M and AT&T. Just ask Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.”
Since you ask, it’s been a decade since Ford raised its dividend to what it is now, but only four years ago that Ford cut its dividend by three-fourths, and then cut it by another third the following ear, and you’re absolutely right about its stock being range-bound; you could’ve bought it in 2013 for what you can sell it for today.
As for GM, it’s on its way to raising its dividend to a third of what it paid in 2016, but not this year, maybe next year. And the stock? Well, maybe it’ll catch up to what it was worth in 2014, if not this year then maybe next year.
So your argument here, if I understand you correctly, is that you’re as bad a stockpicker as I am.
@69. You got the greedy racist incel’s intent wrong. He only posts that black people are successful due to affirmative action that steal jobs away from qualified white people or corruption, you know, like Clarence Thomas.
@31 “Not everyone has a time machine.”
People who started their 401(k)s at age 55 upon receiving notice from their employers they will be put out to pasture in 6 months, as you did, are flocking to casinos as you are, because that’s the best “investment” option remaining to them on their timelines.
Ashleigh Merchant spy and “star” witness was not accused of having a consensual sexual encounter with a firm client.
Ashleigh Merchant spy and “star” witness was accused of raping a firm client.
And please note: this was not some post hoc accusation. Bradley conceded under oath that he left behind a $20k attorney escrow account when he left the firm to fund payouts to his accusers.
@60. So the start of affirmation action for the ignorant but white students who cannot compete with the Asians who’s families actually value education?
Also based on that principle, along with prosecuting Hunter Biden, we also then get to prosecute Rudy Giuliani, William Barr, Scott Brady, and David Weiss.
If options are “risk free” money, why don’t insurance companies and other institutional investors with fiduciary responsibilities “invest” in them?
@33 Where’s the rest? Loan repayments? Something something … ?
@33 Make no mistake, I think a president who takes millions in bribes from foreign sources should be impeached — if it happened.
I also think a president who takes millions in emoluments from foreign sources — which clearly happened — should be impeached, which would make three impeachments of one president …
@34 “… Rabbit writing about Nikki Haley‘s ‘typo’.” ftfy
@39 Where did you find somebody stupid enough to pay you $700 for the right to buy F shares at $19.17?
@40 It’s the process, dummy. If you start by concluding Biden took a $5 million bribe from a Ukrainian businessman, then go looking for evidence to support your conclusion, and a sketchy “source” feeds you the “information” you’re looking for, you might want to look into the reliability of that “source” and “information” before crawling out on that limb. They didn’t. You didn’t. And now they and you look like morons who would lose a game of marbles to first-graders during recess on an elementary school playground.
@43 “Gavin Newsom is running a shadow campaign for president. This will not help him.”
Good. I don’t want to be forced into voting for someone who had the poor judgment to marry Kimberly Guilfoyle.
@43 “Gavin Newsom is running a shadow campaign for president. This will not help him.”
Good. I don’t want to be forced into voting for someone who had the bad judgment to marry Kimberly Guilfoyle. Presidents need to be sharper than that.
Florida COVID Ignorance leads the way. Not huge numbers yet but I’m sure Florida can do better. Because according to their own science and snake oil salesman Surgeon General of Florida ….vaccines and medicine don’t work!
Measles Is Back and Spreading Among South Florida Kids
Declared eradicated in the U.S. two decades ago, measles has seen a resurgence in recent years mostly due to vaccine skepticism, according to the CDC.
Although two doses of the MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccine are required to attend Florida’s public schools, parents can seek exemptions for religious and medical reasons.
I feel sorry for the kids paying for the ignorance of the parents.
@44 The previous thread doesn’t have 248 comments.
The Chair of the Wisconsin Republican Party sits down with Anderson Cooper to declare that while he did not believe that the absentee ballots of Dane and Milwaukee Counties should be thrown out to hand the state to Trump, and while he did not agree with the lawsuit brought to throw out those votes, he nevertheless agreed to arrange for a fraudulent meeting of fake electors to create forged documents because Trump co-defendants like Kenneth Chesebro told him must, because campaign and RNC lawyers lied to him, and because he feared that if he failed to comply with their demands he and his family would be in danger of being assasinated by violent extreme MAGA Republicans like those who attacked Congress a few weeks later attempting to assasinate the Vice President.
@49 “done wrong by Trump and Obama administrations”
What??? I thought Trump could do no wrong in your eyes.
The fact that this fuck stick is sitting down with Anderson Cooper three years later and giving an interview tells me a couple of things that piss me off.
The first is that Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul chickened out.
The second is that this fuck stick will not be called as a witness in any upcoming prosecution of Trump, Trump campaign officials, or RNC officials who helped orchestrate this criminal fraud.
And third that Garland is content to allow these corrupt worms to slink away and reconstitute some kind of remnant version of the GOP after Trump and the MAGAts finally are marched off to jail.
He hasn’t been offered any immunity. Yet he is confident that he can go on television and admit to criminal fraud without fear of any consequence.
“United Nations experts are raising the alarm over what they say are credible allegations of ‘egregious’ human rights violations by Israeli forces against Palestinian women and girls in Gaza and the occupied West Bank.”
Rape? Nope.
War crimes at the very least, and arguably planned genocide.
Another Boeing plane falls apart in flight.
Now I don’t know how old this plane is, or whether the disintegrating wing slat was due to a manufacturing defect, poor maintenance, a damage incident, or some other cause. That’s for the FAA to determine. It just seems Boeing’s having more than its fair share of bad luck lately. And so are passengers who fly on Boeing planes.
I’m sure glad I sold my Boeing stock near the top and haven’t touched it since.
My favorite Raw Story headline today: “Jan. 6 rioter’s name and phone number on his jacket lead to his arrest”
My next favorite Raw Story headline today: “Giuliani associate Lev Parnas says he told FBI in 2019 Biden informant not to be trusted”
Did his mommy sew it on there in case he got lost?
More Barr perjury.
Good thing for him Garland’s got his back.
Anti-marriage GOP governor signs anti-marriage law empowering anti-marriage notaries, government officials, and religious figures to discriminate against gays.
Roger Rabbit Comment: What you do is set up a marriage chapel, charge 250 bucks to solemnize marriages, and scoop up all the business the bigots don’t want. Do this right and you’ll end up living in the biggest house in the county.
Pillow guy offered 5 million bucks to the first person who could prove his election data was bogus. First an arbitrator, now a court, has ordered him to pay up.
Republicans, with
eggdogshit smeared all over their faces, are now “asking the FBI why they ever relied on the now-discredited informant in the first place.”https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/21/politics/fbi-informant-biden-impeachment-what-matters/index.html
You can always count on Republicans to try to pass the buck or blame somebody else; what they’ll never do is admit they fucked up.
Meanwhile, Lev Parnas, says “everyone in his circle” knew they were “being fed Russian disinformation — and didn’t care.”
Parnas was Giuliani’s guy, or I should say, their guy.
At a Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) panel discussion today, Jack Posobiec welcomed the audience as follows:
Meanwhile, CPAC chair Matt Schlapp said “MSNBC and other left-leaning media outlets would no longer be credentialed for his events” because “they’re not in the media.” Presumably he thinks Fox, OAN, Newsmax, and Breitbart are “media.”
Roger Rabbit Comment: Schlapp is a guy who thinks journalists are propagandists, and propagandists are journalists. He probably eats with his ass and shits with his mouth, too.
We should not forget that MAGA Mike’s hate campaign against a Jewish family drove them into exile in another state.
Mike is the anti-Moses; he doesn’t lead people out of the desert, he drives them into the desert, like the Turks did to the Armenians.
Any legal rainmaker will tell you it’s not good for business when people go around saying, “My dog knows the case better” than the lawyer whose services he’s trying to sell.
Bob with his nose for stock deals and infallibly perfect timing today bought Nvidia when it dropped to $662.49 and sold it after-hours at the moment it jumped to $745.95 for a 12.6% one-day gain, making a total profit of $83.46 on his share.
Life is hard when your political allies call you a “sad little man.”
Even “piece of shit” almost sounds better.
@ 108
Even “piece of shit” almost sounds better.
Coming from you, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, that’s not surprising. You’ve eaten so much shit that by now it probably tastes like filet mignon to you.
Greedy, lazy, billionaire Matt Dolan is who the asleep-at-the-switch GOP are counting on to flip Sherrod Brown’s US Senate seat:
“The minimum wage is not intended to be a livable wage. I’ve employed people. We started some people at minimum wage. The purpose of doing that was to inspire them to work harder. If you want to earn a higher wage, work harder and make a living out of it.”
You see there is a pattern.
These are all now candidates who can at least self-fund. They might be carpet bagging elitist teevee doctors selling ivermectin and “crudites”. They might be Malibu beach bums with a trust fund who just discovered Wisconsin cheese curds. Or they might be this steaming pile
But the fact that they can self-fund is ultimately their biggest liability.
Everything Trump touches…
Maga: This country is a mess, and I don’t know what to do.
Americans: Did you support raising wages?
Maga: Na
Americans: Did you support unions?
Maga: Na
Americans: Make corporations pay what they owe?
Maga: Na
Americans: Make billionaire’s pay what they owe?
Maga: Na
Americans: Bi-partisan border deal?
Maga: Na, Trump said no.
Americans: Universal background checks?
Maga: Na, NRA said no.
Americans: Cap insulin cost?
Maga: Na, big pharma said no.
Americans: Did you fight climate change?
Maga: It’s a hoax
Americans: Did you protect reproductive freedom?
Maga: Na, took it away.
Americans: Access to more books?
Maga: Taking them away.
Americans: Coverage for pre-existing conditions?
Maga: Trying to take it away.
Americans: Are you at least trying to make it easier to vote?
Maga: Absolutely not.
Americans: So what’s there to do?
Maga: Shut down the government.
Don’t waste anymore time on them.
Nikki Haley is all-in with Alabama Supreme Court’s religion-laced ruling that frozen embryos are “people.”
Meanwhile, IVF patient weighs hightailing out of Alabama.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is the future: Red states will become churches, and nobody else will live in those places.
@109 Sez a grinning shit-eating Labrador retriever while shoveling barn manure.
@110 Here’s a great tutorial on how to interview with such employers.
Future headline
“Convicted sexual predator Donald J Trump wants a national abortion ban”
Bidens’ dog, Commander, bit Secret Service personnel in at least 24 incidents, records show
This number might seem very high – and it is, to be sure – but it’s nothing compared with the number of times the Secret Service has been required to respond personally to one of the president’s Code Brown episodes.
No time to reach for exam gloves, usually.
Secret Service agents don’t talk about taking a bullet for the president. They talk about taking badly soiled Depends off of the president.
This is what happens when your bubble is so air-tight that you think there’s nothing at all wrong with posting blatantly anti-Semitic material and attaching the names of more than 100 faculty to it.
I bet Claudine Gay would have cheered it.
They left out hate and racism, but you know that already. Don’t you.
Once the first guy resigned, they acted quickly to hide their other faculty members.
A trans person bought a gun to defend themselves. And just like that, conservatives didn’t like the 2nd amendment anymore…
I vote by mail.
Grassley, Comer, and MTG knew that Smirnov was a Russian spy when they first described him last summer as a “highly credible whistleblower”.
Rev. Benjamin Cremer Brcremer at Xitter.
I don’t have to imagine. The greedy racist incel exemplifies this every day.
@121. Any way of inflicting consequences for lying about that?
@ 119
FBI found him quite credible.
The clip @ 119 is from Kaitlin Collins, a CNN staffer. Also from CNN staffers:
How a trusted FBI source became the center of a Washington scandal
“Trusted FBI source”. I didn’t write that. CNN did.
How many times did the FBI pay this guy for his information? If he was lying then, how do we know he’s truthful now?
Joe Biden is still dirty. His POS son Hunter and his POS brother Jim are especially dirty. The only thing different is that there may not be evidence that Joe Biden is dirty in this one instance. There are plenty of others we already know about, with substantial evidence.
Try harder.
@ 121
Grassley, Comer, and MTG knew that Smirnov was a Russian spy when they first described him last summer as a “highly credible whistleblower”.
During his presidency Obama was informed that he was a Russian spy. This has been public information for some time.
The FBI knew he was a Russian spy when they referred to him as credible.
None of the Russian connection is new information, QoS McHillbilly. If being a Russian spy is disqualifying, why did the FBI still use him? If information from a Russian spy is disqualifying, why was the Steele dossier treated as credible?
Speech and debate clause.
124 is a tapestry of bullshit.
What the media “knew” and “when” the media knew it is irrelevant, but also subject to the manipulation of Republican lawmakers who helped to concoct the Biden Crime Family lie in the first place.
The FBI always suspected that Smirnov’s reports were concoctions of Russian intelligence. The FBI never described Smirnov as a “trusted source”. Only Republican lawmakers like Grassley and MTG ever did that.
Smirnov’s associations with Russian spying and election interference are not primarily sourced from him, but rather from other (more credible) FBI sources.
Republican lawmakers spent one year lying in the media about a concocted story they made up with the help of a known Russian spy. And yes, the compliant media gobbled that bullshit up.
And now the world understands that Republican lawmakers like Grassley, Jordan, Comer, and Greene are worthless fucking liars who work with Russian spies to attack US elections.
Watched a good video on Danny Haiphong’s YouTube channel concerning Navalny. Turns out the CIA was using him, and he ain’t the saint the Western media is making him out to be.
Speaking of steaming piles of Russian/Republican bullshit, today a Delaware court will decide Hunter Biden’s motion for summary judgement against creepy, computer store technician John Paul MacIssac. The outcome could potentially upend every remaining hope and dream of groveling penis picture collectors like the profoundly stupid trust fund troll.
Peak copium:
Even after Trump The Rapist loses in November he won’t let go.
He’ll once again claim SPACE LASERS and compel the party to back him up. And that will last at least until he has exhausted all of his criminal appeals and then finally reported to a federal corrections facility.
By the time Trump The Rapist has lost his hold over the party Chris Sununu will be old enough to regret all the false claims he’s made about President Biden’s age.
And it really won’t help one bit that once Shop Girl quits and storms off in a huff both she and Sununu will get behind Satan.
Fox News is still selling lies. Are they an arm of the Russian government? You gotta wonder.
FBI found him quite credible.
The lengths some sad degens will go to head off an IRS audit.
@124 “If he was lying then, how do we know he’s truthful now?”
Look up “corroboration” (see #127 for details) after you figure out what “evidence” is (which will take a very long time given your track record to date).
This dumbfuck troll wouldn’t survive one quarter of law school. At least one (offshore?) med school apparently has lower standards.
Boy we’re awfully dusty.
Trump truly wishes he could rule the world alla Hitler style. It really is a shame that some Heterosexual nut job will have caused the earth to stop spinning.
HA’s Maoists continue to censor important news.
Women are dying because of HA’s Maoists not allowing the news
Trump The Rapist loses again.
“You have failed to explain, much less justify, any basis for a stay,” – Engoron
Judgment entered. Clock continues to tick.
The Republican nominee: arrested four times, awaiting trial on 91 felonies.
His campaign chair: felon.
Deputy campaign chair: felon.
Personal attorney: felon.
Chief strategist: felon.
National security advissor: felon.
Foreign policy advisor: felon.
Campaign fixer: felon.
Company CFO: felon.
Meanwhile the GOP and corporate media need you to look over there at a ridiculous Russian spy clown fabricating stories about completely imaginary payments.
Because: balance.
Ladies you are groomed. The men, they own you. Say with me, “Yes Sir, May I have another!”
Double murder suicide. And the neighbors are stunned! Well, because they are stupid. And they’ve been groomed snd indoctrinated.
Well maybe they would be made more aware if HA’s Maoists didn’t censor the news.
You can’t say this prosecution is politically motivated. Or maybe it is. Maybe Garland is trying to show Biden’s DoJ doesn’t play favorites, and is using this guy to flaunt an example.
So much for claims the Republicans found out only just this week their “star witness” is
unreliablea lying POS.Last week: Failing to close border = impeachable offense
This week: Closing border = election year gimmick
This is an example of why Republicans put off anyone with a brain and their base now consists solely of halfwits like the dumbfuck doctor.
Just fucking brutal in its simplicity.
The University of Phoenix Law School team drafted a request of stay of Enforcement of judgement pending appeal.
About 15 minutes later they received a decision.
Following the Febuary 20 pre-trial detention hearing in which the Magistrate Judge for Nevada denied the government’s motion to hold the GOP’s new pet Russian spy while awaiting trial, Special Prosecutor Weiss returned to court in the Central District of California to reopen seeking to reopen the detention hearing and obtained a new arrest warrant for Smirnov, the GOP’s new pet Russian spy. Today while Smirnov was meeting at his Las Vegas lawyer’s offices the Special Prosecutor carried out that new warrant and re-arrested the GOP’s new pet Russian spy.
These are some fairly crazy developments.
They clearly indicate that Weiss has massive concerns about this fucker fleeing the jurisdiction of the United States as well as massive concerms about a possibly ongoing conspiracy to obstruct.
Smirnov’s Las Vegas lawyer has filed a motion for an immediate hearing and release with the magistrate. The magistrate has so far not issued any response. But big potential for something interesting brewing here regarding the government’s investigation into the GOP’s new pet Russian spy.
Finding out time.
In the latest Arizona poll, if Kirsten Sinema wins over every single one of the undecideds, she will overtake Kari Lake for second place behind Reuben Gallego.
When even Tommy Tuberville is smarter than your state supreme court, your state needs to revamp its court.
Gov. Chris Sununu thinks the GOP will recover once the “asshole” is gone.
I think he’s underestimating how long it will take. Trump isn’t just a party leader. MAGA is a movement, and while politicians “come and go,” movements linger for a long time.
@146 “Weiss has massive concerns about this fucker fleeing the jurisdiction of the United States”
That’s somewhat analogous to a scammer emptying your bank account while you’re trying to buy a house. So, which innocent American held by Putin do you think we’ll trade him for? IIRC, Paul Whelan has the most seniority.
“Too many voting places for blacks!” lawsuit ends 16 days after filed.
That argument was always going to be a tough sell.
Tennessee is a place where state legislators are prevented from attending legislative business in the legislative building by cops stationed at the door by the GOP speaker.
Yolanda! Dat you?
New Jan. 6 rioter mitigating-circumstances plea: “I didn’t even vote for Trump.” Which makes trying to push aside cops okay, I guess.
So Mike Pence and wifey used IVF.. and he supports it.
What a freaking hypocrite…
Why not say – hey it’s not in the cards.. Let’s adopt..
‘cuz he’s a fucking asshole – ya can’t trust an orphan to be of the proper racial stock or genetic “purity” or what the fuck ever.
Pro-“life” my ass.. asshole..
Q: Sen Scott do you support IVF?
A: uh.. uhh…. don’t bother me I’m getting “married”..
“THE LEFT” – that’s my answer.. C’ya..
“Embryos, to me, are babies,” Haley, who has spoken openly of her decision to use artificial insemination to conceive, told NBC News.
Kellyanne Conway, Trump’s former senior counselor and campaign manager, has pushed for Republicans to advocate for access to contraception and fertility treatments, pointing to her firm’s polling that found overwhelming support for IVF.
Uhhh. repukes? IVF destroys embryos.. y’all say that life begins at conception.. Nikki babbles that embryos are babies.
So y’all for killing babies now? wtf..
Let’s check out the GOP’s 2024 Senate lineup:
A California Republican is running in Wisconsin.
A Connecticut Republican is running in Pennsylvania.
A Minnesota Republican is running in Montana.
A Florida Republican is running in Michigan.
A Texas Republican is running in Nevada.
The GOP’s contribution to DEI is geographical diversity.
Fuck diversity.
Why are all the right-to-life extremists men?
They were warned. They ignored the warning. This is like Doctor Dumbfuck surfing on a skateboard towed by an F-250.
An era ending on Law and Order. Sam Waterston’s final episode. Was wondering how they would get McCoy out of office.
Chicago, Chicago, Chicago!
Slut shaming is ALSO a huge winner for women, millennials and Gen z…
But…what was she wearing?
Take it away Marge
Oh, and your only value girls in what men think of you. Don’t see the demonic Barbie movie
Dean Phillips hired a homeless street magician to record an illegal robocall using a faked Joe Biden voice to suppress primary vote turnout last month.
From the very beginning it’s been very unclear what Dean Phillips’s point is supposed to be in running this primary challenge. Obviously, with Marianne Williams we now understand that she files every four years as a way to promote her New Age woo books and seminar business. But in the case of the Talenti ice cream trustifarian there has never been a sufficient explanation for why the guy is running. He has said from the beginning that his campaign is about “giving voters a choice” and then more recently about “introducing new blood and youth” into Democratic politics. But despite bold promises to demonstrate how those ideas would play out in terms of contrasting policy and approach to governing, the Phillips campaign has steadfastly remained incredibly lacking in detail.
I might have dismissed the whole thing as just another bored billionaire’s lark, substituting money for accomplishment in a very publicly demonstrative way (wtf can’t he just buy an NBA franchise like everyone else?). But as the primary season has gotten underway the campaign’s performance has begun to suggest other possible objectives. Phillips obviously is not doing well at all. The way his campaign has been run seems to have focused more on messaging about Biden rather than about Phillips. Which is exceptional for an unknown candidate running in state primaries where voters have never heard of him. Conventional campaign strategy for such a candidate focuses on introducing the candidate and their “life narrative” to those voters. But that’s been absent. Instead his messaging has focused a lot on the kinds of things our sad profoundly stupid trust fund troll delivers here on a daily basis.
But this news really clears up the confusion for me. Phillips is not running a primary campaign for the nomination. He’s running an opposition campaign for Trump.
Phillips is a Republican. He ran for office in Minnesotta as a Democrat because he knew he could not win any other way. And perhaps he went into Congress expecting to enjoy a few cycles of functional Republican majorities in which he could be relied upon to cast a few votes in every Congress for Republican bills to “establish himself as independent” and to lend bipartisan credibility to the GOP. That’s a career for quite a few House members. Or at least it has been in the past.
But now that Trump The Rapist has reduced the entire GOP into a flaming dumpster fire of rage and pedophilia investigations that kind of legislation will never be seen again. Republicans in the House can’t even manage to approve their own border protection bill even when Democrats hand it to them wrapped like a Christmas present. It now appears official policy of the House GOP caucus to vote no on anything that a Democrat might vote yes on. Even a single vote in favor from any Democrat requires the extreme MAGA Republican caucus to intervene and kill the legislation as being a “compromise bill”.
So Philips read the writing on the wall and went to work directly for Trump. Maybe Trump will name him for his VP. Or maybe offer to make him Sec. of Commerce. Either way, who cares.
Phillips is a Republican. Phillips is MAGA.