Months into mask requirements, I don’t understand the opposition. It’s slightly annoying, but emphasis on slightly. Some of them are a bit too tight, but you should have found some good ones by now. They aren’t 100% effective, but they are better than not wearing one. They help the person wearing the mask, and everyone they come in contact with.
But fucking Idaho, man. They’re loosening mask requirements. And since they share a border with Washington, their garage can stink up our state. Wear a mask, and require it if you’re a state or local official.
Anyway, in addition to putting on a fucking mask if you’re out, please wash your goddam hands right now.
Team Trump Logistics really screwed up an Omaha rally. The rally was at the airport, so attendees had to shuttle in, and the weather was near-freezing. Far more people than planned for showed up and there were far too few buses to quickly shuttle people away from the outdoor venue when it was over. People were outside in the cold for hours.
The only similarity between trump and President Abraham Lincoln is the disastrous effect on theater attendance.
Once the photo op was done, trump and the republicans dropped those prop people like a hot potato.
“Why were they waiting for the goverment to take care of them.”
After all, It’s the Ruthless Age now. Suck it up trumpers.
Covid is going up, the DJIA is going down.
To give credit when due, Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron have accomplished something with their fuckups that the $15 minimum wage couldn’t. They’ve permanently closed a slew of Seattle’s restaurants.
It’s what naturally happens when treasonous rape fans turn the government over to a Communist dictator.
@4. That’s a depressingly long list of Restaurant closures. Godwin must be so giddy that the trump economy is living up to his tagline “It’s the Ruthless Age now.”
They’re looting and destroying property in Philadelphia. How typical.
Today’s Monmouth poll… Biden +5 in Georgia.
What, the senseless shooting of yet another black man?
@9 – No, the looting and destruction.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron @ 6
The Seattle economy is doing very, very well. You’re seeing an acceleration of trends that already existed. More people are working from home, and restaurants that are sited near traditional work places are hurting or closing. When all of this Wuhan shit is over, Amazon isn’t going back to having all of its people work downtown. They’ll continue to work from home.
People are hanging out in bars less, now. They’re hosting football-watching parties on their Costco-purchased massive-screen Samsung or LG TVs, and are having pizza or GrubHub deliveries.
Theaters were already in trouble because of the move to Netflix and other streaming services. Think Disney wasn’t considering expanding its own channel before the Wuhan? Think again.
Video killed the radio star, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron. This isn’t about the $15 minimum wage and it isn’t so much about the Wuhan. It’s a change in public behavior as the home becomes preferable to $8/hour parking, 25% tip expectations for mediocre service, and silly-ass meal inventions at $60 per plate.
7, 9 he’s fine with the murdering, it’s the property damage that’s an outrage.
@ 9
Steve, how close to you would you permit a man with a knife to approach before discharging your firearm in self-defense?
Would you stop shooting after one round hits your target even if he continues to approach?
Steve, if a man with a knife approaches within 15 feet of you and you elect to employ a de-escalation technique instead of defending yourself with a firearm, which one would you select first? Realize that your department has not issued you a Taser.
I wonder if Steve and The Even Bigger Fucking Moron are as concerned about the number of people shot during the looting last night as they are about a guy shot for advancing on police with a knife after ignoring numerous very clearly stated commands to drop the knife he was holding?
Girl, 15, Man, 18, Among 11 Shot in Area Targeted by Looters, Police Say
No, I don’t wonder. Steve doesn’t give a shit unless it’s a shooting he can use to his advantage in some way. And The Even Bigger Fucking Moron should be watching Nickolodeon rather than conversing with adults.
The big liberal concern, you see, isn’t a dead black man who advanced on police while holding a knife, forcing them to fire on him in obvious self-defense.
The big liberal concern is how bad this looks to the average voter, and that conservatives might point that out:
Perish that thought that a quarter of Philadelphia is sheltering in place so that WalMart can be looted twice in one night, while helicopters cover it for the local news and the police are nowhere in sight.
Liberals can just feel Philadelphia slipping away. Two nights of rioting and looting.
What will tonight bring, they wonder.
@11. It’s amazing that godwin crowed that $15 wages would KILL every last business in Seattle when he thought it would score points against libs and now he’s all sober “acceleration of trends” and “market forces” when it’s his dear leader’s COVID response that made them go out of business.
You know what the biggest factor was in the number of people shot during the looting last night?
Police murdering another black man.
If not for that, none of the rioting and looting would have happened in the first place.
A week from this morning, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron will bemoan a police shooting as the reason Biden lost Pennsylvania, when it probably was because of Biden’s huge own goal when he talked about ending the oil industry in last week’s debate.
If Darryl’s poll numbers shifted 1.5 points toward Trump for each state, what would his Monte Carlo analysis look like?
Shift 2.0 points. Same question.
Shift 3.0 points. Same question.
It’s a theoretical question, of course. Still, given what happened in 2016, wouldn’t you want to know the answer?
If the networks are doing what they are doing with respect to the Hunter Biden story, why wouldn’t the pollsters behave similarly, using the tools available to them?
We know that PPP tilts left and that Rasmussen tilts right. Why can’t a bunch of other pollsters make a decision to tilt left, the way the Hunter Biden-ignoring networks have done?
If all the pollsters can do is mislead you for one more week, they may take the opportunity to mislead you for one more week. If all I’ve got is one more week to poke Steve in the ribs, I’m gonna use that week to poke Steve in the ribs.
rather than conversing with adults.
i.e, bald fux babblin’ from an exurb safe-space who post links to porno sites and bust rape fantasies in a liberal political discussion forum..
@1 What do you mean, screwed up a rally? Team Trump screwed up the whole fucking world.
But, for what the symbolism is worth: If they already voted for Trump, let ’em freeze. If they didn’t, bus ’em to the polls, then let ’em freeze.
Oh, and don’t forget to stick the locals with the hospital bills.
@1 That’s the team you shake your little red-white-and-blue pompoms for every day, doc.
@7 White cops are still gunning down black people. When the cops stop, they’ll stop, but the cops have to stop first.
@9 Yes, that’s what he meant, because nothing else makes sense. People get angry about being slaughtered by their own government.
@10 Where’s your outrage over black people being slaughtered by white cops? Broken windows and looted merchandise can be replaced. Lives can’t be. But I guess in your world a window or TV is worth more than a black life.
@11 “You’re seeing an acceleration of trends that already existed.”
Yes, and a moon-sized asteroid hitting earth would accelerate those trends even more.
@12 Yup, see #25.
@13 “Steve, how close to you would you permit a man with a knife to approach before discharging your firearm in self-defense?”
Yup, he had a bitty little knife, and the cops put a big heavy lead slug in his heart. It’s what defense analysts call “asymmetrical warfare.” The black guy with mental problems always loses.
Maybe some of the money spent on cop salaries in Philly would’ve been better spent on mental health treatment? I don’t know. Just guessing maybe it’s worth a try from here on out.
But you won’t like that idea, because to you, black lives aren’t worth saving.
@14 “It was also unclear, however, if the shooting of the 15-year-old girl and 18-year-old man were related to the looting Tuesday night into Wednesday morning.”
Doc only quotes the portion that paints the picture he wants to paint. As Paul Harvey would say, “And that’s the rest of the story.”
@15 Now regale us about the big conservative concern about another dead black guy at the hands of trigger-happy white cops.
@20 And here we have Dumbfuck obsessing over poll minutiae six days out from the actual actual, because it’s the last slender reed of hope he has left. I don’t even look at the polls anymore. What will be, will be.
Polling isn’t relevant anyway. The GOP game plan was never to be popular, a quixotic quest if there ever was one. The GOP plans to take the election away from the people in gerrymandered legislatures and partisan courts. Their strategy for retaining power has nothing to do with popularity, American ideals of democracy, or majoritarian principles. It’s about defeating and overcoming all three of those.
To no one’s surprise, Jared Kushner told Bob Woodward that Trump’s game plan was to take credit for reopening the economy and blame governors for the deaths.
All those taxpayer-funded bailouts of farmers impacted by Trump’s trade wars? Whites only. Black farmers need not apply.
Why should black homeowners pay taxes to support police if the police just tell them to stop complaining about their white neighbors harassing and threatening them?
FTFY senile idiot wabbit.
Really senile idiot wabbit. dummocretin led inner city cops performing “asymmetrical warfare”?
Who knew?
He has absolutely no idea the magnitude of polling error this represents.
MOE describes a boundary of mathematical uncertainty, not a last fleeting, desperate hope to save white supremacy. If Biden is a stable 8 to 10 points up with an MOE of under 4 you get
And Attorney General Warren.
Maybe The Humo could have take the advice of this Pastor and could have helped those cold Team Trump members and pissed on them.
What every Pastor should do – pee on his congregation
Puddy probably opens his mouth as he awaits the Pastor’s pees.
@2 that was a good one.
@3 beautiful!
I bet there wasn’t a farmer dumb enough to go to that COVID-19 gathering.
And a failed one at that….nothing like supporting a dumbfuck. Could you imagine their kids having any IQ?
Sounds like fun – COVID-19 Football Parties!!!!! Solves everything.
But yet the Fucking Hump of a Shithead can say “New York is a ghost town”……when in reality it isn’t and there are reasons for there being less people. Just add no more tourists to that and no more theater and plays……but New York is a ghost town plays so well with Bob.
Bob is a fucking hypocrite and no good fucking traitor to civilization.
Could they have shot him in the leg?
Could they just have let him go, till another day?
Shit wouldn’t have happened if police were killing people (black) all the time. This isn’t a statement of condoning the shootings and the looting, but these are the consequences of police not policing correctly.
He’s a trolling cherry picker!
Stay away from crowds.
Good enough and plenty of it.
Never bring a knife to a gun fight.
In Texas the PresidentFailure2020 campaign has been busy organizing “Trump Trains” and “Boat Parades” to spread disease and signal enthusiasm.
Democrats, Powered by People, and Biden/Harris are using real time updated early voting tracking to filter their lists, and focus on modeled registered voters who haven’t voted yet, making over six million phone calls and sending over 40 million texts and DMs.
Even without mail voting, with massive closures of polling places, and with statewide limits of only one location per county, Texas early voting has exceeded 80% of total 2016 turnout. Hays, Williamson, and Travis Counties making up the Austin metro area have already surpassed total turnout from 2016 in early voting with a week to go before election day.
Project Veritas: Texas – Democrats, Powered by People
Ballot Chaser Raquel Rodriguez: “I could go to jail. I’m a little apprehensive to tell anybody what I’m f#cking doing, you know what I’m saying?”
Rodriguez: “You [voter] said you’re voting straight Democrat per our conversation… ’cause that’s what you want to do, correct?”
Rodriguez: I drop off bundles of ballots at different post offices to avoid suspicion. “I go throughout the entire city. I’ll take 20 [ballots] here, 30 [ballots] here, 40 [ballots] here.”
James O’Keefe: “Our journalists discovered a voter fraud system positioned to swing Texas in 2020.”
@49 and I have a 12″ penis… fucking what!
Well – he’s a sucker and loser, that’s why.
I’ve given about $100 to fuckface Graham’s opponent!!! Through ActBlue, and they don’t even ask who the fuck, because they know who I am.
Damn fucking masks!
@51 – Yeah, we know exactly who you are, and it’s not,your mental,image of yourself. You aren’t great. You aren’t even ordinary.
Special mirrors?
Or you are using Entengo?
So the dummocretin loving networks screamed at Tucker Carlson that Kamala Harris’ name is pronounced Kaaaaaaaaamala. Yet in Cleveland is pronounced her name as KAMala like camera.
Oopsie. Don Le-mon and other dummocretins are as stooooooooooooooooopid as dot bombed!
Well it seems the dummocretin loving media doesn’t know diddly!
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Race War & Make Riots Great Again Bombshell News –
Non-Demented Joe Biden-Einstein Draws Huge Ratings For Tuesday Town Hall –
Tucker’s ratings for last night’s interview with Tony Bobulinski went through the roof, hitting nearly 7.6 million in viewers for what has to be one of his biggest nights ever:
#Tucker had 7.56 million viewers for his Bobulinski interview.
At least 7.56 million people know that Joe Biden is bought and paid for by the Chinese Communist Party.
— Arthur Schwartz (@ArthurSchwartz) October 28, 2020
That’s fantastic! For context, Tucker’s show beat everything on cable last night.
@35 Yeah, and the cops are liberals, too.
@50 ““Our journalists”
Is Jaime T. Phillips one of those “journalists”?–and-false–tale-about-roy-moore-sje-appears-to-be-part-of-undercover-sting-operation/2017/11/27/0c2e335a-cfb6-11e7-9d3a-bcbe2af58c3a_story.html
@53 We don’t know who you are. In fact, we’re not even certain you exist. A very plausible theory is that you’re a figment of your own imagination.
@54 Sounds like yours is smaller.
I’ve never understood why puddy doesn’t criticize Republicans for how they treat black farmers. You think putty doesn’t like black people?
Or is this just the ruthless age and puddy’s mindset is “i got mine, fuck em”?
@56 There’s only 7.6 million people left who still watch Carlson? In a country of 330 million? That’s 2.2% of the population. You need more than that to win an election.
Latest from 538:
“We Have A Lot Of New Polls But There’s Little Sign Of The Presidential Race Tightening
Instead, Biden gains in the Midwest”
Maybe it’s not too late to abort the eight kids.
Maybe instead of shooting him the police should have offered him a lithium. Oh, and an Olde English 800 to wash it down with.
@65. That’s because I live in the midwest now and I have a land line, I get 2 to 4 robopolls a day. I tell them the same thing over and over, I voted Democrat.
I do enjoy the polls where they list a Democratic candidate and say something like “i am now going to read you a recent ad. ‘Did you know people are saying [Democratic candidate] is a gay pedophile who eats the hearts of babies, wants to raise your taxes to 99%, give your daughter to black thugs and make her get an abortion, make your son gay and marry a black thug and take all your guns. Also Nancy Pelosi, Nancy Pelosi, Nancy Pelosi!’ Now are you a true American more likely to vote against [Democratic candidate] or are you a godless communist that is more likely to vote for that monster? Remember, we have your phone number. ”
Me: More likely to to vote for.
Oh, and an Olde English 800 to wash it down with.
Babblin’ butthole: see how your peeps do? White repuke peeps that is..
You’re most comforted when they are running things.
RBG who?
Barrett to use Supreme Court chambers previously used by Ruth Bader Ginsburg
“Maybe instead of shooting him the police should have offered him a lithium.”
More and more it’s looking like “Democrat Loving America”.
@65 I don’t tell them anything. I don’t answer the phone. In fact, my burrow doesn’t even have a phone. It’s a hole in the ground in a public park.
It’s a long term failure trend in the GOP.
Is Biden really +17 in Wisconsin?
That’s what a just-released ABC/WaPo poll says. It doesn’t seem plausible, but it does seem possible, because (a) Biden is building large leads in surrounding states, and (b) …
“The surge of illness in the region is obviously bad news, first and foremost, for the impact it has on people’s lives. But for an incumbent president widely seen as having failed on the issue of the pandemic and facing reelection in less than one week, it’s also terrible timing politically.”
Meanwhile, the Supreme Court seems to be hesitating about going all-in Republican ballot manipulation; they’ve spurned the GOP a couple times this week.
Maybe they’re thinking about their post-GOP future.
@61 “You think putty doesn’t like black people?”
All we know for sure is that Puddy hates himself and what he is. You have to extrapolate the rest from there.
@ 73
Meanwhile, the Supreme Court seems to be hesitating about going all-in …
SCOTUS is hesitating about going 8/9 in.
1. If the election results are clear, it may not need to involve itself at all.
2. If it’s going to take the cases, it will be the full 9-member Court, from start to finish.
Tucker Carlson,
“My super amazing trove of documents I was going to bring you tonight got lost in the mail. Stolen maybe like so many Trump ballots. Anyway it’s gone never To be seen and no one thought to make copies so that’s that but trust me Hunter Biden’s and Joe Biden’s guilt is irrefutable. It’s in the documents. That I don’t have.”
Capone’s Vault shot another Fox guy to stardom so it’s worth a shot, eh?
@75 “SCOTUS is hesitating about going 8/9 in.”
Well, in that case Barrett will have an opportunity to strut her stuff in just a few days. And if the Supremes try to flip an election Biden won, they’d better be damn sure they can make it stick, or they’ll never decide an election case again.
@ 76
There are plenty of copies. What was sent to Carlson were copies. The next set he receives will be hand-carried rather than sent via any courier.
@ 76
There are plenty of copies. What was sent to Carlson were copies. The next set he receives will be hand-carried rather than sent via any courier.
@78 Then he should get them by next Wednesday, don’t you think?
With hundreds of thousands of lives on the line, nobody gives a shit about Tucker Carlson’s conspiracy theories or yours.
Meanwhile, the Pennsylvania National Guard makes itself comfortable in Philadelphia for the next couple of weeks.
has obtained order that confirms PA National Guard will to deploy to Philadelphia throughout election day, with potential to extend to 09 Nov.
The Spokesman Review didn’t endorse Trump,
its one-person editorial board did,
and everyone knows what a piece of work the Cowles family is. But even William H. Cowles couldn’t bring himself to endorse Culp.
We’ll call it ‘froggy’s Law:
This would be awful if it were to happen.
The Philly riots could throw Pennsylvania to Trump
I hear the hardest votes to count are the ones that aren’t cast.
Hey, libbies: Is Walter Wallace, Jr. still a martyr if what he did ends up getting Trump re-elected?
Might save money. Might save lots.
Cities like yours spend hundreds of millions apprehending, investigating, prosecuting, and jailing misdemeanor offenses.
Bottom line, what you’ve been doing for the last fifty years hasn’t really worked. It’s just created a bloated system of cops, lawyers, judges, jailers, parole officers and administrators all pushing paper through the process. Might be a lot cheaper to try something different. “Tough on crime” has failed. Admit it.
Philadelphia County 2016 early vote: 2,257
Philadelphia County 2020 early vote (so far): 263,546
Keep fuckin’ that chicken, Cat Lady.
Would it be OK if police start aiming for the penis instead of for center mass?
After all, Gclown has spent his adult life aiming for the penis 24/7.
Grab ’em by the pussy, shoot ’em in the penis.
Riots gonna to cost him Minnesota too.
Always go sock-puppet when you don’t want to have to live with being so totally wrong.
But you’ll still be wrong.
@84, 88 – I don’t know what will happen in the election. No fucking clue. I can’t read millions of voters’ minds. However, from the polls (which I don’t fully trust), it does appear there’s at least a possibility that we may have some fun with these predictions a few days from now. So let’s bookmark them, just in case.
@ 85
“Tough on crime” has failed. Admit it.
Joe Biden first. He wrote the bill.
“Anonymous”, who opines on Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s, has been revealed to be none other than Rujax!.
Miles Taylor was a senior Administration official in the same way that Darcy Burner was a former Microsoft executive.
He already has.
Now thanks to you, we get to see if he and AG Warren can do anything to fix it.
$15/hr min
Medicare at 60
Carbon free by 2050
Capital gains at normal rates
Banning LGBTQ discrimination
Tax credits for child care
Free community college
It’s all a good start and some of it might help reduce the criminal justice industrial complex cycle of destroyed lives and destroyed communities.
I guess we’ll see, won’t we.
Thanks to you foolishly rejecting Pence/Haley. (And Pence would have been happy to give you ACB)
Ask John Edwards to help Darcy Burner
I did not know that Jack Nicklaus grew up in Ohio.
I learned that from the statement he released today, in which he endorsed Trump.
The first comment: holy fuck no. come on jack.
Why, surely privilege exists. From the river to the sea.
The Huffington Post
and Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit have the same penchant for prescience.
The media: NBC News affiliate.
The locale: Largest city in Nevada.
Calls grow louder to get special prosecutor to investigate Hunter Biden business deals
The reason: by KRISTINE FRAZAO, Sinclair Broadcast Group
@95 By all means dredge up some 2006 nostalgia, given that 2020 sucks so badly for you. No doubt those were happier times for you.
Putin’s troll feels the rope tightening around his neck.
@98 “and Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit have the same penchant for prescience”
Show me where I said Pence wrote it, after you get your verbs straight.
@99 “Calls grow louder” by rightwing Sinclair Broadcast Group
@101 Well, they’ve got five more days to get to the bottom of it. Funny how, after years of investigations, the only people they’ve put in jail are their own.
Le gasp.
Quell Suprise
Rich old White guy likes Trump
Country Club set prefer GOP
Trump’s budget would steer $20M to Jack Nicklaus-backed hospital project
The White House’s proposed budget includes funding for a small children’s health program sought by one of President Donald Trump’s golfing buddies: Jack Nicklaus.
I bet it’s stuff like this New York Daily News article from 2009 that Twitter and Facebook are trying to keep off the internet today.
Report: Video for sale allegedly shows Joe Biden daughter, Ashley, snorting cocaine
@ 102
Show me where I said Pence wrote it, after you get your verbs straight.
Ah, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, your penchant for prescience is in the financial markets. The comparison I made is that yours is just as bad as HuffPo’s.
Philadelphia gonna be fun time. You see.
Philadelphia police discover van loaded with explosives, suspicious equipment
It’s probably gonna turn out to be Pixy Stix instead of dynamite, but until then I’m gonna milk this.
Joe Biden is trying to blow up The City Of Brotherly Love.
@99 & @103
Not sure how calling a special prosecutor within a week of the election against your opponent plays to anyone but a Trump cultist.
More likely it stinks of partisan hackery, a corrupt AG and a desperate dumpster fire of a campaign’s last days.
Out: Bong hits for Jesus.
In: 85″ flat-screen TVs for Jesus.
So am 11 year old video that may be Biden’s kid, who also isn’t running for office and likely won’t tag along to G7 is going to turn it around.
Sad to see what you’ve decided to go with for someone who assures he didn’t vote for Donald.
Also, it’s still an eleven year old scoop.
“In 2009 a friend of Biden attempted to sell a video, reportedly of Biden using cocaine at a party, to the New York Post for $2 million. Negotiations brought the price down to $400,000 but the tabloid declined the offer, choosing instead to publish a story about the alleged video.“
She also was once arrested for…..weed. Charges dropped. Weed is legal now. On the ballot too in lots of places in 2020. Were well past the point where people who never did drugs Are the minority.
@ 111
Christine Blasey Ford. That was a 35 year-old “scoop”. Totally uncorroborated. You ran with it anyway.
STFU. These are the rules you created.
Ooooof. Did anyone get the license of the truck that ran over Sen. Perdue?
Rape is JUST LIKE doing recreational drugs.
Sad. Tell us again how you don’t want Donald to hit that dangly thing hang in the back of your throat.
(Google that if you don’t get the reference)
Maybe it would have been more successful if they had some witnesses talking about Kavanaugh’s kid instead of the Appointee himself?
@107 I have a piece of advice for you: If you ever get arrested, keep your mouth shut at the police station, and tell them you want a lawyer. Lying on HA isn’t a crime, but lying to the cops is.
@108 Looks like the local Second Amendment security force finally showed up. Are any of them over age 17?
@110 Who knows, that might work better than police dogs, water cannons, and rubber bullets.
@112 Wherein Dumbfuck equates smoking a joint with rape, because he’s a dumbfuck, or maybe just desperately grasping for a life preserver as the Ship of Rats goes down.
I guess Biden’s going to have to make it without the support of eighty-year-old white racist golfers then.
The “story” has become about Rudy, which was of course inevitable. That’s the way he is. Now he’s caught abusing himself on video in a Borat movie, the subject of classified counter-espionage briefings, admitting that some of his claims may have been faked, and going on FOX to challenge girls to fist-fights before inviting them over to his place to watch porn together.
Character is destiny.
It’s not about “rules” Cat Lady. And Democrats aren’t the ones making them.
It’s about what people feel they need to know about the people who may be put in charge of their lives. Associate Justice GangBang is a lifetime appointment to an excessively empowered high court of a guy who probably committed some form of drunken sexual assault as a young man. Concerns with the details of his youth and potential criminal behavior only reflect the wider concerns about the degree of power these justice feel entitled to exercise and their lifetime in authority.
These concerns are widespread, span the political spectrum, and they are very obvious. They should even be obvious to a complete dumbshit like you. But you’re still reeling from the appalling losses you suffered in the mid-terms because of the intemperate and entirely politically motivated rush to fill the seat in spite of open questions about GangBang’s character and qualifications.
Questions now being answered by the incredibly poor quality of scholarship and reasoning in his work product and written opinions. Maybe he’ll grow into the role. But I suspect he’ll instead become a minority of one on the court when it comes to conferencing and opinions. Joined by none.
Another #owngoal, Cat Lady.
You guys are really on a roll.
Either that race has a lot of ticket splitting, or Ossoff is doing a point or two better than the polls show.
Perdue might have been better off to stay away from microphones for the last two weeks.
I see your Jack Nicklaus and raise you Nine Inch Nails:
Please click through, and share the link to
GOTV smart phone banking event beginning this Saturday night. Pick a time. Pick multiple times. And make calls to Democratic voters in key battleground states to remind them to get out and vote. Even those of us in “safe” states can play a big part in defeating the threat of authoritarianism and fascism in our lifetimes.
“Meet me in the middle,” says the unjust man.
You take a step towards him, he takes a step back.
“Meet me in the middle,” says the unjust man.
– A.R. Moxon
Beware of requests of compromise when democrats are asking for justice and Republicans is asking for consent to continue.
(Especially during the Ruthless Age)
Jim Wright
In a stunning and surprise turn of events, Tucker Carlson can’t produce the huge cache of documents he says completely damns Hunter Biden as a criminal and implicates his father Joe Biden in some shadowy Ukrainian enterprise.
Carlson says the documents, which he apparently didn’t make a copy of, were “lost in the mail.”
You may now LOL.
Coming only fifteen years after Watergate, the public appetite for investigation of it’s elected representatives and their private lives was still piqued when Jim Wright resigned.
But I hope you aren’t suggesting that Tucker is the next Newt Gingrich (although I can’t think of a political party more deserving of such humiliation). We now live in a different time, when a nominee clearly and publicly admitting to his supporters that he has a long history of violent sexual assaults is met with a shrug by those supporters. And media have become so numbed to that FailPresident’s appalling financial scandals that they can no longer be bothered to even ask anymore, since it won’t provoke enough clicks, shares, or RTs.
I think America has just gotten used to the idea that Republicans in general are gigantic liars, at least when it comes to targeting their opponents (for more on this see Pudiot, Ron Johnson, Alex Jones, The Q Clearance Cat Lady, Donald J. Trump, etc). Gingrich still enjoyed an assumption of credibility. That credibility is now smoldering soot stain in a puddle of dried Diet Coke and Astro Glide surrounded by jizz-smeared NDAs, Russian loan documents, and “Breadcrumbs”.
Nobody is surprised that Tucker has humiliated himself as a lying joke.
It’s barely even newsworthy.
@ 123
Hey, if The Notorious ACB overturns nationwide legalized abortion, Nine Inch Nails will have another use.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron @ 125
It turns out some people on the right have heard of copy machines.
Do you ever demonstrate a capacity for critical thought, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron? Or do you wander through life being duped by everything?
It’s real, and it’s spectacular.
@ 126
Nobody is surprised that
TuckerAdam Schiff has humiliated himself as a lying joke.It’s barely even newsworthy.
(OK, OK. Steve was very surprised.)
It was real, and it was spectacular.
Sorry, but your dumbfuckery hasn’t surprised me one little bit. It’s all you’ve got.
Also up today, the number of reasons to vote for Biden.
Si se puede!
In 2016 it was Clinton 62, Trump 36.
All I can say is that it’s a good thing for Biden that there are barely any Hispanic voters in Florida.
Cuban-Americans may see too much of a similarity between Joe Biden and Fidel Castro.
Both men, in the last years of their lives, were in clear mental decline, and were propped up by those with the real power and who meant to harm the people in order to enrich themselves personally.
Both men, in the last years of their lives, were overly prone to ramble about not much of anything.
Are all radiologists dumbfucks?
Trump’s new favorite X-ray doctor is retweeting demands Dr. Fauci debate him
I can certainly see how a reader here at HA might get that impression.
Heh. Aaah.. Bring back BillO and the loofah and the vibrator over the phone..- things have gotten too dull..
Nope.. scratch that..
Something about Tucker and the bow tie musta really appealed to rapey dimfuk..
Those glory days of Menendez “exposed” by the daily white nationalist whiner really got dimfuk in a lather.
Menendez is still serving.
Cuban-Americans may see too much of a similarity between Joe Biden and Fidel Castro.
Fidel and the Senator from MBNA who is going to fill his cabinet with corporate never-drumpf Repukes.. “Grand Bargains” in the offing. That’s some “serious” comparison.
Wait is rapey dimfuk drifting towards drumpfy populism now? Say it ain’t so dimfuk..
Jim Wright:
The Trump administration claims the economy grew by a “record” 33.1%
Except, you only get this number by ignoring 1st and 2nd Quarter losses (-1.3% and -9.0% respectively) and then “annualizing” 3rd Quarter GDP (+7.4%)
Sounds great, which is why Trump is crowing about it.
But in reality these numbers were compiled prior to the current COVID surge and resulting closure of business and production.
These numbers do not reflect expiration of unemployment insurance, which will become more and more apparent given that congress is unable to produce legislation to extend those benefits or provide relief for people out of work.
And on that note, these numbers do not include the 22 million people compared to this time last year who are now unemployed, and THUS REFLECT SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCED NATIONAL PRODUCTION.
In point of fact, the economy is 3.5% SMALLER now than at the end of 2019. You’re not looking at RECORD GROWTH, you’re looking at recovering ground lost during the pandemic.
If you have $100 and you lose $80, then eventually recover $60, you’re STILL $20 short.
At this point, there is literally NO growth, it’s ALL recovery.
And you’re STILL 3.5% short.
What Trump and godwin is doing is showing you how to lie with statistics.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron is unhappy @ 140 that the BEA third quarter report does not include the fourth quarter.
Biden just lost YLB’s vote.
Biden says ‘no excuse for looting’ in wake of Wallace shooting
Hackers steal $2.3m from Trump reelection fund, says GOP
Biden just lost YLB
The Senator from MBNA never really had it dimfuk.. But he got it anyway because the alternative was just so…
My vote is at King County Elections and counted… No Putin ass-kisser got between my vote and my vote being counted..
Damn you were trained to HATE since the 1968 MLK uproar, whelped at WATTS 1965 and FORGED in steel at Rodney King..
Never had a chance dimfuk.. you never had a chance… No.. I don’t feel sorry for you. For most of your life you had a choice..
Now tell us all about the specific US locations where, in your imaginary Utopian Christo-Fascist future, termination of an unwanted pregnancy would become illegal, what the criminal penalties might be, and which women will be charged and convicted.
And then while you’re doing that have an abortion on me!
Hmmmmm….Let’s talk about Burisma some more
The names redacted from Hunter Biden’s text messages weren’t
redactedobscured well enough. The woman who accused him of being inappropriate around a minor girl is Hallie Biden, Beau’s widow.Which means the girl Hunter Biden was inappropriate with is Joe Biden’s granddaughter, and Beau Biden’s daughter, Natalie. When she was 14, apparently.
“Extremely Disturbing” photos of Natalie Biden and Hunter Biden emerge
Guess Hallie didn’t like it when Hunter knocked up that stripper when he was only supposed to be fucking her. Hallie Biden has a drug problem bigger than Hunter’s. Probably got it from being married to Joe Biden’s son.
Joe Biden is the patriarch of an exceptionally fucked-up family.
Now do a poll rundown of CA-28.
What? There aren’t any polls of CA-28?
It can only be because Adam Schiff has already conceded the race to… (checks notes… checks Ballotopedia… checks 8-chan…) Eric Early?
Meanwhile, you and your crybaby girlfriends keep up the good fight burning ballots and robo-calling to hang on to Texas and Florida. If you can. For one more year. Maybe.
“Hackers stole $2.3 million from the Wisconsin Republican Party’s account that was being used to help re-elect President Donald Trump in the key battleground state, the party’s chairman told The Associated Press on Thursday.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Probably an inside job. Republicans steal from each other. Or maybe when they gave Putin the account password so he could deposit funds it wasn’t really Putin but a Russian imposter who took out funds. It’s all speculative right now, and all we can say for certain is that George C. Scott said, “You can’t cheat a honest man!”
One thing for certain: Nick Pompeo isn’t an honest man. His parents are grifters, too. But NY Post, Puddy, and doc aren’t interested in these emails.
I just can’t stop laughing spit takes at the absurdity of The Cat Lady’s desperation. Six months ago he absolutely insisted that this GDP report, coming “just days” before the election would completely turn the tide and sweep Trump/GOP to victory and a thousand year reign of weeping hippies.
Instead it’s a joke, dropping in the middle of a market crash brought on by his own foolishness and stupidity while 98% of voters in key states have already made up their minds and 75% of them have already voted. Trump could begin shitting rainbow frozen yogurt out of his ass tomorrow and it wouldn’t make any difference.
Still at least The Cat Lady and Pudiot will have some Deep Fake porn of Biden’s family they can choke-fap to while distracting themselves from such an unprecedented political collapse. That should get them to inauguration day. And by then their spouses will have hidden the boxes of cartridges.
This is what the Biden clan thinks is appropriate church-attending attire for a young lady. No wonder Hunter was inappropriate when he was around her.
Getty images photograph, this past Sunday.
I’m Madonna, and I approve this outfit.
@129 Dumbfuck math lesson:
Let’s say pre-pandemic GDP is 99 units, but goes down 33% because of the pandemic, so now GDP is 66 units.
Then GDP goes up 33% because of “REOPEN!!!” and “BEACH PARTY!!!” so now it’s 88.
Are we recovered? No, because 88 is less than 99. GDP is still down by 11 units or 11.1%.
So if real (not hypothetical) GDP goes down by 33% in the 2nd quarter, which it did, and goes up by 33% in the 3rd quarter, which it allegedly did, are you better off than you were before TrumPlague?
No, because you’re still unemployed, your unemployment benefits have been cut off, and the economy is about to plunge again because the Party of No is obstructing the TrumPlague relief bill. In fact, you and your kids are likely to end up dead or disabled, and bankrupt, because they won’t even pay for testing or safe schools, and are taking away your health coverage.
That, my friends, is how Dumbfuck Math works: Heads you lose, tails you lose.
@139 They’re the people Castro didn’t want and ran out of his country. Today, 72 years later, they still dream of retaking the island and reclaiming their confiscated 1957 and 1958 Chevvies.
@152 Geez, that’s all? After that buildup, all we get is a 16-year-old in her Sunday clothes?
So you seem to be saying we can now go after Barron.
And Katie Rich gets her jobs back.
Barron Trump will be this country’s first homeschool shooter
According to a JAMA brief just released for publication, following Barron Trump’s recovery from COVID doctors at Bethesda are studying the possibility that an extra 21st chromosome may convey some immunity from the virus.
“The GOP’s rush to fill a Supreme Court vacancy days before the election and their installment of hundreds of conservative judges across the federal judiciary in recent years is quickly changing the attitudes of rank-and-file Democrats who long resisted hardball tactics in the name of a bygone era of comity and bipartisanship in Washington.
“That even centrist lawmakers are now opening the door to broad structural reforms to the Senate and perhaps even the Supreme Court ― steps previously only discussed by the left wing of the Democratic Party ― speaks to the highly politicized nature of the chamber under Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and his relentless focus on reshaping the federal judiciary for decades to come, norms and rules be damned.
“’I don’t want to pack the court. I don’t want to change the number. I don’t want to have to do that, but if all of this rule-breaking is taking place, what does the majority expect? What do they expect?’ an exasperated Sen. Angus King (I-Maine) said earlier this week in a noteworthy speech on the Senate floor before Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation on Monday, which sealed a 6-3 conservative majority on the Supreme Court.”
Memo to Dumbfuck: It isn’t about revenge or retaliation; it’s about preserving democracy and representative government. If Democrats win elections, and Republican judges won’t let them govern, then we have no choice but to strip those judges of their ability to suppress the will of the people. In our system, all power belongs to the people, and it must stay that way.
SandmanJumpyTurtlee@ 153
Not to be outdone in basic inanity @ 141 by The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit laments that the third quarter report @ 129
does not include the second quarter.
@ 158
…then we have no choice but to strip those judges of their ability to suppress the will of the people.
That’s what impeachment is for, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. You can ask one of your party’s democratically elected representatives about it. His name is Alcee Hastings.
“A police officer involved in a fatal shooting in Waukegan, Illinois, did not turn his body-worn camera on until after the deadly confrontation with an unarmed Black couple, footage released by the police department showed.
“Marcellis Stinnette, 19, was fatally shot and his girlfriend, Tafara Williams, 20, was seriously wounded during the Oct. 20 altercation in the suburban Chicago city after the officer opened fired into a car Williams was driving.
“On Wednesday, the city released six videos related to the incident from body-worn cameras, dash cameras and building surveillance cameras. None capture the shooting itself.”
And when there is body cam or surveillance footage, it almost always reveals the cops are lying.
Anyone want to guess why nobody trusts the police, and nobody believes the police version of events?
@160 Is there a point in there somewhere? More to the real point, is there a pony somewhere in that straw?
Doctor Dumbfuck keeps making inane arguments to a bunch of liberals about why we should vote for Trump. I don’t see the point of all the effort he puts into this.
If he was out knocking on doors to get out the Trump vote, it would make sense. But the time and effort he invests in posting stuff like this on HA is profitless and, frankly, baffling.
I interpret it as a primal scream.
Sad what has become of you. Now your source for all things salacious is a podcast host no one has heard of?
from his wikipedia:
In September 2013, Harris began releasing the Waking Up podcast (since re-titled Making Sense). Episodes vary in length but often last over two hours.[33] Releases do not follow a regular schedule.[34] The podcast has a large listenership.[35][36][37]
Meanwhile, a nugget from the NYT Turkish Bank story:
So when looking at a clear conflict of influence and corruption Dumbfuck says, “Look…..Hunter!”
And, of course, there’s this:
“The U.S. economy was stronger than expected in the third quarter, but its recovery is still lumpy and … has become complicated by a new wave of the virus spreading at a record rate, and the failure of
Congressthe administration toprovideagree to testing to contain the virus and a stimulus package to help the economy heal.”
and this:
“House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday pressed Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin for responses …. In a letter to the top Trump administration negotiator, the California Democrat said she is ‘still awaiting’ replies from the White House ‘on multiple items of critical importance’ as the Covid-19 outbreak rages across the U.S. She cited a bevy of differences the sides did not resolve during a preelection scramble to strike a deal: a national testing strategy ….”
Of course, as everyone already knows, the GOP strategy is to do nothing about testing or containment, to force the economy to reopen regardless of risks, and to sacrifice workers’ lives for business profits.
Whether there will be an end to this pandemic is now for the voters to decide, and it looks like they’re going to.
Someone hasn’t been to mass in a really long time.
Slut shaming looks good on you.
Sad. “Why when I was your age young ladies wore a headscarf and never showed their ankles.”
Taxpayers paid a contractor $265 million to produce a “public service campaign” on Covid-19 that was turned into a Trump re-election ad.
This is a moment in time. Brad has failed him. Rudy has failed him. Bannon and Kolfage are heading to jail, along with Wohl and Burkman. Wray has failed him. HuhrDuhrham has failed him. And so far so has Barr.
“Will no one rid me of this turbulent Vice President?”
If ambitious “knights” will travel from Normandy to commit murder, they’ll certainly photoshop some photos, make a few Deep Fake videos and swan around with folders filled with “documents”.
@ 164
But the time and effort he invests in posting stuff like this on HA is profitless and, frankly, baffling.
This is after Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s profitless and, frankly, baffling career as a failed attorney.
Next up: McSally winning by 20+ over Kelly in AZ.
Ultimately it’s 2-way that matters, as Maine has IRV.
Clearly, Greenwald thinks Biden’s a crook.
Greenwald is journalism’s Tulsi Gabbard.
“OPSEC” Greenwald is not a liberal, nor is he a Democrat.
The Cat Lady’s next act will update us all on the musings and personal travails of his gardener.
The Omaha Trumpalos were abandoned at the airport because the campaign stiffed the bus companies.
They’re broke.
The Spokesman-Review:
Editorial: With misgivings, vote Trump for president and Inslee for governor
Elsewhere in the piece, the editorial refers to Biden as “doddering”.
You know where to find it if you want to read the whole thing.
The S-R editorial @ 177 also did a good job with its Inslee recommendation.
If Trump wins, Inslee could hone his approach and be a strong 2024 presidential contender. The environmental/green shit would have to go, of course. If Inslee could do that it would be good for the state and good for the nation.
A 2024 race between Inslee and, say, Pence would look so much better, on both sides, than the 2020 and 2016 races.
I’ll vote for Inslee and I’ll vote for Rick Larsen. Neither of them has given me a compelling reason not to return them to office. I just disagree with a lot of what they do.
And you’ll vote for Trump.
You somehow forgot to mention that part.
@161 “That’s what impeachment is for, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.”
Screw the technicalities. All Democrats need to do is behave like Republicans.
@177 Spokesman-Review editorials are the personal opinions of one person, William H. Cowles. To wit:
“Endorsements and editorials are made solely by the ownership of this newspaper. As is the case at most newspapers across the nation, The Spokesman-Review newsroom and its editors are not a part of this endorsement process.”
By the way, WHC’s assertion about “most” newspapers is false. At most newspapers, editorials and endorsements are written by, or at least written with the participation of, professional journalists. Cowles is one of the very few newspaper owners whose personal opinions dictate the editorial stance of the newspaper. The Spokesman Review is effectively the voice of one biased, partisan, reactionary individual. Even the Blethen family, owners of the Seattle Times, and Republicans to the nth degree, don’t do this.
@178 “The environmental/green shit would have to go, of course.”
What we have here is a dodo torching its nest. It runs out into traffic, too. Its species is about to become extinct. The planet will rejoice its absence. Things might actually get back to normal in a few thousand years.
And here we have FBI criminal investigations staining the Democratic candidate’s presidency effort, for the second election in a row:
Hillary tried to pass it off as a “security review”, remember that?
Joe Biden has said repeatedly that no one thinks his son Hunter did anything wrong. I’ll be at least one FBI special agent thinks he did.
@ 183
Sinclair will broadcast the Hunter Biden FBI criminal investigation story.
How widely? Well, here’s a starter, courtesy of Wikipedia:
Gclown right now must be wondering what Mayor Pete’s chances might be if the FBI had leaned on the DNC and told it that nominating Biden would be a big, big mistake.
Maybe not as good as Bernie’s chances. But probably as good as Fauxchahontas’ chances and Amy’s chances.
Following on @ 183:
James Rosen has reason to slam Biden. Biden was part of Team Obama. James Rosen also has no love lost for the FBI.
The Justice Department spied extensively on Fox News reporter James Rosen in 2010, collecting his telephone records, tracking his movements in and out of the State Department and seizing two days of Rosen’s personal emails, the Washington Post reported on Monday.
In a chilling move sure to rile defenders of civil liberties, an FBI agent also accused Rosen of breaking anti-espionage law with behavior that—as described in the agent’s own affidavit—falls well inside the bounds of traditional news reporting.
I guess getting your ass handed to you stings a little.
So right about the time the President was being impeached and every Republican was screeching about Hunter and how Joe got the prosecutor fired to stop investigating Hunter (not true but watevs) Bob Barr’s FBI opened an investigation.
Okay. How’s Eric fighting that subpoena to testify in criminal charges going?
@ 187
It’s not the guy in the lead who needs the debate. How many debates did Trump choose not to attend in the 2016 primaries, and how badly did that hurt him then?
After Trump has said he intends to fire Wray for failing to smear Biden.
This is going to move lots and lots of votes. Or it’s just going to make it that much easier for Biden and Democrats to set up the DOJ’s political investigatory apparatus to his (our) liking.
@ 188
How’s Eric fighting that subpoena to testify in criminal charges going?
Well, that’s easily available information, isn’t it? Because Twitter accounts weren’t frozen for disclosing it, were they?
And yeah, right about the time the FBI began to investigate Hunter Biden the Democrats chose to protect Biden by impeaching Trump because…
… wait for it…
… Trump was trying to have Biden investigated.
In a statement issued after this story was published, Reed said Greenwald’s “narrative” about his departure from the Intercept is “teeming with distortions and inaccuracies — all of them designed to make him appear a victim, rather than a grown person throwing a tantrum.” She said that Greenwald “demands the absolute right to determine what he will publish,” adding that he believes that “anyone who disagrees with him is corrupt, and anyone who presumes to edit him is a censor.”
He’s fucking lost it.
This shit their own ambassador admitted was a fake smear he now accepts as legit.
Heaven’s Gate
Biden’s national press secretary, twice within a minute, refuses to deny that the allegations in the NY Post stories are accurate.
Translation: Fuck yeah, they’re accurate.
Was there a “dossier”?
Sure. Of course there was.
Typhoon Investigations and Martin Aspen do for Trump what needed to be done.
Martin Aspen is David Dennison, without the anal lube and rubber gloves.
Lil’ Wayne has endorsed Trump.
Don’t worry, libbies. This guy’s a small fish.
Only 34,000,000 Twitter followers.
“Q” may be a child pornographer. At the very least, one of the prime suspects (of being “Q”) hosted QAnon and child porn at the same time.
Rasmussen could be off by DOUBLE and it would still be awful for Biden.
I should have thought more about my response to Cz-252 @ 188.
Cz-252 asked about Eric Trump fighting a subpoena. Fair enough. And I should have answered that Eric Trump’s subpoena woes are reported openly on Fox News.
Eric Trump must testify in New York AG probe before election, judge rules
And then Fox News reported that Trump complied with the subpoena:
So, Cz-252, now that I’ve demonstrated that Fox News openly reported about Eric Trump, perhaps you can try again with your bullshit reasoning as to why it’s not appropriate for NBC, CBS, ABC, NPR, MSNBC, and CNN to report on Hunter Biden.
Ya pussy.
NBC News is reporting on Hunter Biden. Here:
“One month before a purported leak of files from Hunter Biden’s laptop, a fake ‘intelligence’ document about him went viral on the right-wing internet, asserting an elaborate conspiracy theory involving former Vice President Joe Biden’s son and business in China. The document, a 64-page composition that was later disseminated by close associates of President Donald Trump, appears to be the work of a fake ‘intelligence firm’ called Typhoon Investigations, according to researchers and public documents. The author of the document, a self-identified Swiss security analyst named Martin Aspen, is a fabricated identity, according to analysis by disinformation researchers, who also concluded that Aspen’s profile picture was created with an artificial intelligence face generator. The intelligence firm that Aspen lists as his previous employer said that no one by that name had ever worked for the company and that no one by that name lives in Switzerland, according to public records and social media searches. One of the original posters of the document, a blogger and professor named Christopher Balding, took credit for writing parts of it when asked about it and said Aspen does not exist. Despite the document’s questionable authorship and anonymous sourcing, its claims that Hunter Biden has a problematic connection to the Communist Party of China have been used by people who oppose the Chinese government, as well as by far-right influencers, to baselessly accuse candidate Joe Biden of being beholden to the Chinese government.”
And here:
“Some of the same people who pushed a false conspiracy theory about Hillary Clinton that first emerged in 2016 are now targeting Hunter Biden, Joe Biden’s son, with similar falsehoods. Their online posts are garnering astronomical numbers of shares on social media. The fantastical rumors, which NBC News is declining to repeat verbatim, echo specific plot points central to ‘pizzagate,’ a viral disinformation campaign that predates QAnon but also falsely alleges a vast conspiracy of child abuse.”
You might not like their reporting, but they are reporting it. They’re reporting the fact it’s fake news.
They’re also reporting about Nick Pompeo here:
That’s not fake news.
For Dumbfuck. He knows who he is.
How Trump looks out for his friends.
“As he logs thousands of miles crisscrossing the country in search of electoral votes, Trump has made clear he views his own race as the sole priority, giving short shrift to the vulnerable Republicans running underneath him while openly disparaging those who have crossed him.”
Oops. My bad. He has no friends. None he looksd out for, anyway. They should’ve removed him from office when they had the chance. Now they’re going to go down with him.
Trumpers protecting child killers:
“The Justice Department effectively ceased its civil rights investigation into the 2014 police killing of Tamir Rice, a 12-year-old Black boy in Cleveland, reported The New York Times.
“The DOJ brought to a halt its probe last year by blocking prosecutors from using a grand jury to investigate, per the Times. The department has not told Rice’s family it wouldn’t be bringing charges in the case ….”
Those “safe” summer camps for kids whose parents could afford them?
“A coronavirus outbreak raged through an overnight school retreat in Wisconsin during the summer, beginning with one student before ultimately infecting more than 90 percent of the teens and the counselors, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
“The six-week faith-based camp had required all attendees from 23 states and territories and two foreign countries to be tested and quarantined for the week prior to the retreat, which ran from July 2 to Aug. 11. However, shortly after arriving at the camp, a ninth grader who had tested negative for the virus at home developed symptoms including a sore throat, cough and chills. The student was then given a PCR test which came back positive, the CDC reported.
” … 91 percent, or 116, of the 128 students who had not previously been infected with the virus were determined to have Covid-19 either with a positive PCR test or a diagnosis based on symptoms. …”
I’m gonna guess that Biden and Grassley were not close when they served in the Senate together.
I’m gonna guess you can’t reason with Trump supporters, so don’t even try.
@206 Nick Pompeo.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 2004:
Mike Brown’s death was investigated three separate times, all with the same conclusion.
Although I’m sure that a fourth investigation would have found the bullet holes in his back, missed in the first three investigations, that would have validated your Fleeing Felon theory. Alas, you remain a laughingstock. And, for not exercising editorial courage, became a laughingstock on the day you published that piece.
It was LITERALLY the day after he got destroyed that he pulled out.
He handed Ossoff the ability to say, after every TV outlet in the state showed Perdue standing there with no answer, “He’s ducking another beating. You know it, I know it.”
What exactly he’s saying is:
Oh and two polls today have Ossoff up. Monmouth had Ossoff up yesterday. UofGA had Ossoff up this week. CIVIQs, grain of salt, has Ossoff up.
So no, I guess he doesn’t need to debate being the front runner and all that comes with…..wait, letting it play as “No Mas” after taking too many blows is not where a within the MOE but trailing incumbent wants to be in the closing days. Tying yourself even more directly to a President also trailing in recent polls to avoid that debate might not play well either. We’ll find out soon.
To quote David Rose,”I have never seen someone say so many wrong things one after the other consecutively all in a row.”
Decision by the Eighth Circuit invalidates Minnesota’s non-legislative effort to have late ballots counted.
The Minnesota legislature had months to do something about this. It didn’t.
Re @ 211
I just looked. There are 11 active judges on the Eighth Circuit bench. Ten of the 11 were appointed by Republican presidents, including four by Trump.
10 of 11!
I don’t think there will be an appeal for an en banc hearing by the losing side.
Hey, Joe Biden, this is why you don’t aim for the legs.
Police officer killed by rooster while breaking up cockfight
I’m tellin’ ya. Aim for the winkie.
It’s very “on-brand” for a modern Rapepublican to choose a Boat Parade of a few thousand Trumpalos who have already voted over a television appearance in front of tens of millions of Georgians tens of thousands of whom are undecided likely voters.
With just a little over 100 hours to go before election day Facebook’s ad platform has collapsed in a steaming heap.
They are unable to clearly respond to any advertiser if their ads are running at all, much less in the desired placements. Nobody knows if anyone is gaining an unfair advantage from the melt down, or if all campaigns are suffering equally.
Might be O’Malley Dillon was smart not to be overly reliant on digital.
Brad is not available for comment.
Sarah Cooper and Helen Mirren…
How to Billy Bush
I’ll let BLM know of your preference.
@ 217
OK, let’s delve into this a little bit more.
If police are instructed to aim for the winkie, but black men have bigger winkies, on average, than the winkies of white men,
then Steve, is winkie-shooting rather than critical-mass shooting racist because the black winkie is easier to hit?
It’s all so complicated.
This is why Team Biden’s not calling the Hunter Biden emails forgeries.
EXCLUSIVE: NY Post’s ‘Smoking Gun’ Hunter Biden Email 100% Authentic, Forensic Analysis Concludes
It’s because they’re real.
Who is this dude Graham, you may ask?
Hunter Biden will take down Grandpa Joe.
I read that somewhere awhile back.
You’ve been flogging this since 2017. You’ve appointed two Special Counsels, got caught trying to extort the President of Ukraine, paid Rudy to go on a global vacation with Russian spies, and hired some dodgy Swiss intelligence company to create a fake dossier.
When? He’s 77 for fuck’s sake.
White chick gets a PhD in History, invents a Chicana heritage to get a tenure-track job, gets a Mellon Faculty Diversity Fellowship,
gets caught.
It’s a little unfortunate that the author is anonymous.
@ 221
I have it on good authority that there’s a chance approaching 0.1% that it might happen on November 3rd.
Heaven’s Gate
Tuck’s now claiming the “dossier” was being “shipped” to him on a “flash drive”.
At least he didn’t say it was an Iomega Zip Disk.
@211 “The Minnesota legislature had months to do something about this. It didn’t.”
Of course they didn’t. Republicans control the state senate, and Republicans don’t want people to vote, or if they do vote, they don’t want their votes counted.
@219 Nick Pompeo.
@220 Nick Pompeo.
@223 The number sounds about right.
“Brent Shore, the judge who led Duval County’s vote-counting board, resigned Thursday, five hours after The Florida Times-Union uncovered he donated 12 times to President Donald Trump’s campaign and his home was covered in signs supporting Trump, despite rules requiring judges like him refrain from donations or public support.
“Shore’s resignation came after a week of criticism for how he was handling the Duval County Canvassing Board’s responsibility to correct and count mail ballots rejected by machines. …
“Violating the judicial canons could land Shore … in front of the Judicial Qualifications Commission, where judges are prosecuted and even removed from their positions depending on the seriousness of their violations.
“Shore also may have violated the rules for canvassing board members. Canvassing boards, which right now have been counting mail ballots prior to Election Day, are three-person boards with a county commissioner, an elections supervisor and led by a county judge. They are banned from ‘actively participating’ in campaigns or supporting candidacies.”
Tucker’s Timeline:
“I have the goods. It’s devastating. You won’t believe what’s in it. I’ll reveal it tomorrow.”
“Someone stole the goods. I can’t reveal it because someone stole it and I don’t have it, so I can’t tell you what’s in it.”
“I found it. It turned up. It’s very suspicious how it was gone, but now it’s back. Anyway, I had a copy all along. I mean, I’m not stupid.”
“We still can’t tell you what’s in it because we’re still looking at it to see what’s in it, though we had a copy the whole time I told you that it was stolen.”
“Let’s not all be hasty now.”
And you conservatives still believe this guy?
Do you really have to ask?
In an interview earlier this year, Trump’s Felony Brain described his mathematical threshold that would lead to certain defeat for the GOP FailPresident:
Bannon argued that if only 3 to 4% of regular Republican voters move away from him he loses. But the countervailing argument from Trumpalos has been that it won’t matter if WHITE POWER!!! can turn out huge numbers of new angry old white men with Trump flags. And it’s not a bad argument. All indications are that there will be a surge of turnout and support among this group.
So a good question might be, are there any indications yet among early voters that this threshold of Republican defection is being cleared?
The Democracy Fund longitudinal voter study group’s Nationscape survey appears to show such an indication. Data collected between Oct 22 and Oct 28 showed 13% of early voting Republicans had voted for Vice President Biden.
It’s important to recognize that these are early voters, and so they are likely to over represent Never-Trump Republicans. But still, it’s early confirmation of one important indicator we are looking for in our struggle to reclaim democracy and the rule of law in America.
@233 13% sounds about right. That’s how you get a 17% Biden lead in Wisconsin.
@233 That 13% figure sounds about right. That’s how you could get a plausible poll showing a 17% Biden lead in Wisconsin.