Parents of school age children, how are you holding up? It seems like it’s going to be a difficult learning from home start of the year. Just the uncertainty. And goodness knows how long it will be before kids can go back.
Anyway, wash your hands right now.
Why, look! It’s a paramedic!
And he’s holding a handgun.
This is the mother of Jacob Blake.
It’s about the most incredible example of public speaking by someone unaccustomed to doing so that I think I have ever seen.
Plenty of time left to go out and destroy a few more cities, libbies.
Frank Luntz
Swing state polls on August 25th:
• 2016: Hillary +9.2
• 2020: Biden +5.7
• 2016: Hillary +9.0
• 2020: Biden +6.7
• 2016: Hillary +11.5
• 2020: Biden +6.5
• 2016: Hillary +2.9
• 2020: Biden +4.8
I think we can call WI a Trump “hold”.
County Board to Gov. Evers: Send 1,500 National Guard members with police powers
Indeed. This is where the National Guard and the DHS police force come into play, Goldy. See @ 4.
@4. If only cops would stop shooting black men, then people wouldn’t need to protest. Wished the undersigned would ask for that.
So it wasn’t a call to respond to a dispute about a scratched car, after all.
Cops are not supposed to murder “guilty” black men either.
Working in your own store while black. What was he thinking? He could have been shot!
Here’s a black man that wasn’t shot by the police, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron @ 6.
Instead the black man shot the cop.
Same city of Kenosha, WI, less than two weeks before Jacob Blake was shot.
How long before we find the police report that states Blake’s handgun was on the floor of the vehicle in front of the driver’s seat? That’s where his handgun was found at the time of one of his prior arrests, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
You don’t know what you don’t know.
Confidential to Antifa:
This is not the correct use of a skateboard.
@10. Massey, of Kenosha, is wanted for felony charges of attempted first-degree intentional homicide within hours.
The cops….attempted any-degree intentional homicide?… no files charged.
Bette Midler: a fat, old version of Kathy Griffin.
Just for The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, a black gay CNN anchor points out that more of this violence is how yer gonna git more Trump.
I don’t know about the Republican thing, but Lemon’s certainly making sense.
Well, they’re certainly indistinguishable to people like @ 6 The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
“Paramedic” @ 1 preparing to administer some first aid.
Update – better link:
The “paramedic” has his finger on the trigger as he is shot.
Even if he could see it, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron wouldn’t understand it.
Kyle Rittenhouse is now under arrest. He’s 17. He had no property to protect in Kenosha. His SM appears obsessed with Blue Lives matter. He took a gun with the intent to kill.
Charged with first degree murder.
How fast can you hop off a bandwagon?
Kenosha white vigilante shooter now apprehended having fled the state with the assistance of local law enforcement.
Vigilante is identified in numerous videos both before and after his attacks conferring with Kenosha police.
A little bit awkward. But polling.
Kenosha VigilanTeen shown here being thanked by local police and resupplied.
Here’s one of VigilanTeen’s teammates describing how police coordinated their efforts with VigilianTeen to drive protesters into the killing zone:
I just read a BBC interview with one of the owners of the car dealership that got torched in Kenosha following the Blake shooting.
Of course he’s upset and frightened. But amazingly, he said ““But if it actually gets justice, sure burn it 20 times”.
He didn’t sound hopeful. But I was honestly surprised to hear him expressing any sympathy toward the rioters. He made it pretty clear that the general sense of frustration with local police is widespread and not going away. He’d gladly sacrifice his business to be able to live in a community free of violent, corrupt, warrior-cops and the people who enable them.
– There’s a deadly global pandemic likely to spread unchecked without a military scale supply of protective equipment and testing supplies and capable of killing millions before we can respond with a vaccine.
Republicans: Not our job! We are not a store! Locals will just have to figure it out and get by the best they can. It is what it is. This is what the Framers meant by “Federalism”.
– There’s widespread protesting in dozens of American cities arising from unchecked and still ongoing police sport-murdering of unarmed black men.
The Milwaukee Bucks, who play home games 0:45-1:00 from Kenosha were scheduled to tip off game five of their playoff series against Orlando in the NBA bubble in Florida for a nationally televised broadcast.
As of now the team has not left the locker room and NBA League officials have gone in. There was much talk on Twitter over the last 24 about players taking an even greater stand for racial inequality.
Update, the Bucks will not play game five. The Magic have also left the floor.
Now would be a good time to reread this piece by Bucks starting guard Sterling Brown.
What should have been a ticket written for parking in a handicap ended was:
If there is a single player in the league right now who can shut the whole thing down it’s LeBron. If the Lakers refuse to take the court tonight it’s over.
Oh, lets see how this effects public opinion now…
Kenosha Sherriff David Beth news conference, January 25th, 2018
That’s some straight up eugenics and genocide talk right there.
The polls taken we can’t see? like
The very own Rasmussen (8/19-25) Biden 46-45
CNBC/Change (8/21-23) Biden 50-41
YouGov (8/23-25) Biden 50-41
CBS (8/19-21) Biden 52-42
Ipsos (8/19-25) Biden 47-40
YouGov (8/21-23) Biden 50-39
Morning Consult (8/21-23) Biden 52-42
YouGov (8/20-22) Biden 52-42
Dumbfuck is listening to Scott Rasmussen suddenly the guy who types screams “WHY DON’T THE LAMESTREAM MEDIA COVER” a story that is the banner headline on all three networks and some cable shows and is all over twitter and it on front pages…
Do you think it will produce any change where it counts?
Or will it just bring more angry people out into the streets, some of whom are unfortunately bent on violence?
Not a rhetorical question. And one I hope the players and others are asking themselves. If the answer is that police might finally recognize the problem, or state lawmakers, or prosecutors and judges, or people hiding in the safety of their island enclaves, then I’m all for it. If canceling an NBA playoffs gets through to these people, then good. But will it?
The changes that need to occur, even at the most basic fundamental levels, to bring an end to the senseless police violence are more complicated than many people imagine. It’s a comprehensive system of criminal justice that for decades at least has been slowly bent toward a system of control and subjugation of targeted people. We built the system to perform this way. To change the way it operates it will have to be rebuilt from the ground up. That will take years if not decades.
People have to be made to understand that they can not keep the policing they have come to know and rely upon while simultaneously implementing the required changes. The very nature of policing must change, not just policy manuals or training, or hiring practices. And in order for that to happen our own understanding and expectations of policing must change. And some of us will probably be made just a tiny bit more vulnerable as a result.
A size 15 shoe drops
It won’t change things in the short term but NBA fans skew younger. They will remember 2020 as the year of Covid. Also the year an entire league of players walked away from the court because black men keep getting shot.
PDs around the country are turning sports fans into activists.
Milwaukee Brewers players a took batting practice at Miller Park and then returned to the clubhouse. Media members were asked to leave so the team could have a meeting. No one has come in or out for the last half hour.
First pitch is scheduled in 40 minutes.
We need to realize that most local police regard themselves and their work as initial arbiters in a system designed to monitor, regulate, and apply sanction. In a basic sense most of us might agree with them. But where our agreement with them might diverge, if we bother to even think about it, is about the targets of that system.
Those of us who care enough to think it through want it to be a system that targets behavior exclusively. But police mostly target identity. And they’ve come to do so with our encouragement. It’s as much about the statements of the Kenosha Sheriff as it’s about a prominent Seattle attorney violently resisting her DUI arrest and threatening the arresting officers. So it doesn’t help if that prominent Seattle attorney represents police and participates in their training.
If you take any comfort from the expectation that the “sketchy looking” dude seen “loitering aimlessly” around your end of the street is going to get a second look from the police, you are part of the problem. And that’s true even if you are a multi-millionaire sports star.
Couldn’t agree with you (and her more).
That’s what I’ve been hoping for. But really not sure you or many others really understand it.
Go to see we will stop and not play a stupid basketball when something like this is happening.
She also deserves an apology, to say the least, from the police, and a meaningful stop to this brutality.
My God.
The way conservative twitter is melting down over a canceled basketball game reminds me once again how little I understand those people.
Kinda sad they couldn’t manifest a similar demonstration of discomfort over watching police sport-murder George Floyd. Or they might all be watching a basketball game tonight instead of wetting the bed.
If you aren’t an NBA watcher the Bucks are really good right now. The Bucks are historically a bad to middling team. Giannis is a free agent after the season.
These guys seem willing to walk away from perhaps their one shot at a ring. They were the popular pick to make the Finals out of the east.
They have so much to lose by doing what’s right.
The Brewers will not take the field. The majority white sports league is in now too.
Kenosha VigilanTeen attended TRUMP 2020 rally in front row VIP section in Iowa earlier this year before going on a Kenosha police approved shooting rampage.
@ 28
Actually, putting people who aren’t worth saving due to recurrent criminal behavior into prison for the rest of their lives sounds a lot more like the three strikes provision in the 1994 crime bill authored largely by Democrats and signed into law by a Democrat president than it does eugenics and genocide, Cz-252.
I won’t get into Biden’s involvement here. I don’t need to.
Should have waited on that one. Also shouldn’t take Andy Ngo as a true statement under any circumstances.
Did you notice the rifle? Witnesses are now saying he hit the shooter with the skateboard AFTER the first shots and after the first dead victim was shot in the face. The skateboarder was then was shot in the chest.
His name is Anthony Huber Now go take your murderer worship somewhere else. Maybe you can ask the mods to remove the evidence that you were dancing on the grave of a straight up racist murderers victims.
He died protecting others from a murderer.
Sleep tight. You’re guilty!
@ 18-21
Just throwing this out there.
Video evidence appears to show first Kenosha shooting victim charging shooter, using N-word while taunting militia members
Dude looks to be only 5’6″, but talks like he’s a bad dude. Given his diminutive height and little-man complex, he reminds me of Steve, except physically fit.
In the video where he’s struttin’ his lil’ self the last thing he says is “Shoot me, n****!”
Guess he got what he wanted.
Mariners and Padres agree not to play tonight.
Giants and Dodgers agree not to play tonight.
WNBA cancelled all games but not before entire teams including coaches and front office took the floor and kneeled in silence while wearing white t-shirts with seven holes in the backs.
Don’t think this day is ending the way Dumbfuck was sure it would @4
In the link @ 42 there’s a nice video of two clips, lined up next to each other, where the
physically fit version of Stevelil’ dead dude is chasing what we now know is a 17 year-old boy, who turns and shoots him.17 year-old boys do stupid shit sometimes. Trayvon was 17; he chose poorly.
@ 43
Don’t think this day is ending the way Dumbfuck was sure it would @4
Don’t think this election is gonna end the way you’re sure it will.
Y’all can force people who are accosted while eating dinner to hold up their fists in solidarity ’cause they’re scared they’ll get doxxed if they don’t. Y’all just can’t do it when they’re in the voting booth.
There’s some economic evidence to suggest that he earned it.
Who could have predicted there was a reason those cops were screaming at him to drop the knife?
Blake had a knife on the driver’s side floorboard and had no other weapons, the DOJ said in a news release.
Blake told police he had a knife in an interview following the shooting.
Gotta chase that ambulance a little more quickly, Mr. Crump.
So he was armed. They now say.
He had a knife. They now say.
But the officer ignored all personal safety training and followed him, pulling his shirt from behind and putting himself in what the Cub Scouts call the ‘circle of blood’ of someone with a knife.
News flash…police lie.
You’re guilty.
One of the few things you have ever done right on this blog BeerPong. Puddy remembers when it happened. Mrs Puddy was incensed. I also remember how my step-father disliked Gary Sheffield because he was a loud-mouth n^@@3r. He felt Dwight Gooden got in trouble because of Sheffield. Step-father was in WWII along with my father and they knew real American army racism. They kept their heads low and motored on. Today people are speaking up.
I told you all about my DWB experience in Mukilteo when we first moved here. Nice European turbo car and the officer didn’t think a black man with two young children with the sun roof open should be in a car like that. I called him on it too back in 1993. So I have lived it in WA State land of libtards!
Really when it was the Wisconsin DOJ who made the knife claim BeerPong? Did you even read the posting or as we all know from you, just jump to a conclusion?
Puddy recall now how following on the heels of one of your more recent stunning disgraces you sought to defend yourself by confessing that as an SDA you follow scripture etc. and you abhor the police sport-shooting of Mr. Blake.
Read The Whidbey Island retiree’s commentary here about Mr. Blake.
You are entirely complicit in the brutal and inhuman system that demanded Mr. Blake’s blood.
Puddy is still a piece of shit.
I’m 6′-2″ tall, dumbfuck, and can still play full-court basketball for hours at a time. Oh, and I’m a scratch golfer.
You can’t get anything right, can you? I foresee your stupidity someday being the death of you.
Oh and Puddy forget to remind everyone how Puddy’s introduction into WA State licensing was put front and center when I received that you need to register and inspect your three cars WSP letter from NYS to WA State by December 22, 1993. Yep 3 days before Christmas and Puddy had to come up with the funds to register the three cars. Found out when I registered later someone turned us in from the State Police. Told them 3 days before Christmas, thanks a lot for taking my sons Christmas gift money. That’s how I found out. The WSP would not say whom ratted us out. butt could have been the Mukilteo Po-Po-5-O because we lived way into the apartment complex and our cars were not visible from the street.
Good old blue state “justice”.
The doctor is positively giddy today. I take it another black man has been shot by the cops. Nothing gets the doctor giddier than the thought of dead black people. Well, except for thoughts of a bare-chested Vadimir Putin riding a horse, of course.
Just curious:
When’s the last time libbies got as excited about a black dude shooting three other black dudes as they are about a white dude shooting three other white dudes?
I mean, it’s not like y’all haven’t had opportunities.
I remember when I suggested that the US government stop all overseas travel into the US at the onset of the virus….. don’t make me waste my time looking for it, Bob. And I criticized the fat fuck pig Neanderthal in the shithouse (that’s what it is ever since he moved in there) for not doing it at that time. But I remember Bob criticizing me for it. Don’t make me find it dumbfuck. And now that’s the famous claim that the fat fuck makes, that he stoped travel from China. Well, one he was way too fucking late, and two, the virus came here from Europe, as well as China, probably.
Que A1 Pork Sauce.
Bob and the Fat fuck are dumbfucks.
Calling out BiteME!’s abortion support? Apparently you are living in Cuckoo Clock land. Puddy gave you the TNR article. You need to be educated dumb dummocretin!
Complicit? These things happen in northern dummocretin run cities. Puddy told you about how the Boeing bedroom community of Mukilteo has issues with DWB. Puddy ain’t complicit with anything because blacks have no power in American society. The dummocretin ensure that every day!
Why not gleeman? The senile idiot wabbit demands that of us all the time! Makes claims someone didn’t say something because HE didn’t see it. No, he forgot when he say it because he can’t remember what he said hours before in the same thread!
So prove it gleeman! No one believes you until then!
Not exactly Showtime or the Celts.
That’s the Milwaukee Bucks roster.
@56 you are equating inner city violence with Police Brutality and discrimination.
Man you are a Dumbfuck, and it proves you could really care less about police brutality. Go fuck your self while watching videos of Jerry Jr. jerking off.
@59…. sure, and when I find it are you going to respond and acknowledge it.
When’s the last time conservatives got excited about a veteran
Being booed on National television or a cop/sherif being shot by a right winger? There some apples to apples for you Dumbfuck, Doctor Dumbfuck that is.
I mean, it’s not like y’all haven’t had opportunities.
Let Puddy know like RedReformed did and Puddy will respond!
Till then……
@ 61
No, gman, I equated black kids running in the street with guns and shooting other black people with what happened in Kenosha last night, which was a white kid running in the street with a gun and shooting other white people.
The only difference is the type of weapon typically used in the former instance, vs. the AR-15 or similar used last night.
But they’re not equal, are they? Because gman, you ignore or even dismiss what happens in the inner cities each and every weekend. You and your fellow libbies. It’s those black lives that don’t matter. Not to you. It’s because you can’t use them to your own political benefit.
@63… my comment still stands but I quickly misread that to be black guys being killed by whit cops. But again, still stand, inner city violence is t mob mentality vigilante murder.
And if anything, Conservatives are to blame for inner city violence by believing it’s all solvable by ruling with iron fist police brutality and not lending a hand in solving it be social assistance program as part of the solution
@65 see @66 dumbfuck
Tell us all about what you proposed. Do you really care? Your solutions? Unfair housing? No Medical? No better wages? No gun control? No social assistance? Your fucking solutionare? More private jails? The death penalty? Forced births? No adoption to willing loving parents because you know why?
Tell me fuck face.
@64 you got it…although you’re full of shit, you’ll never acknowledge it after I find it
Wrong fuck face…..if black lives don’t matter, then no lives matter, including mine and yours, you fuckface.
Stay in your lane.
One of those ‘not exactly showtime’ guys is #2 the league in rebounds, 5th PPG
Another is #2 in blocks.
A third lead the league in 3 point accuracy.
And in the shortened season the Bucks 56-17 record was the NBAs best. Four games better than the superstar loaded Lakers. Eight better than Boston, the second seed in the East. 12 better than Scoring leader Jame’s Harden’s talent loaded Rockets
There’s bad takes and then there’s that you just bricked.
OK Puddy!
Read it and weep.
Now I will find Bob’s comment to it.
And I had several posts regarding the virus under pseudo names starting on January 18th, of which everyone ignored…only for it to become the story of the Century!
Read and Weep!
Second mention……Bob will respond
Ok, I guess I was half right. I was ignored starting in January regarding the virus. Then I stated it twice (see above post – not this one) that flights should be halted. But still ignored.
Sure Bob will pass over the principal of that thought and make a comedic joke about being passed over.
But then Red states it above and then Bob says —-NOOOOOO, you can’t do that.
What does The Hump do……years later?
The first link @73 (my second mention) predicted what would eventually become so, which was Red’s link posted (the first link @ 74).
The hump stopped flights from China on 1/31 with Europe then to follow on 3/11.
The rest is History – The Hump Virus kills hundreds of thousands…..just the flu flu. And he brags like he saved us. Only Doctor Dumbfuck is stupid enough to believe it.
And he disagreed that the flights should be cancelled. !!!
Read it an weep Puff balls.
You don’t have to acknowledge it but you should, it would be the godly thing to do.
@ 72
Alternative candidates for Story Of The Century:
• 9/11
• The election of Barack Obama
• The election of Donald Trump
Trump is #3, of those. The others are stories of American greatness. For me, a bit hard to choose between them. Maybe 9/11 but only because there was no warning. It was pretty apparent it was gonna be Obama for at least a few weeks beforehand.
Of course, Obama chose ACA over improving the lot of black America. But I digress.
I think Bob would call this the Post de Jeur – Bob like WHO at the time. Very much. Whatever is convenient for his brain’s narrative.
Thanks for playing Puffy! Didn’t think I’d find it that quick? Or you thought maybe I wouldn’t try? Or did you not think I was a Christian and take seriously – Thou Shall not Lie.
If I had a middle finger emoji here, you know that would be next.
Now tell me about those gay relatives again?
Meanwhile at CNN the Sandman attacks continue!
And you choose to betray your Country and vote for that Authoritative figure, or sit back and do nothing to prevent him from winning. You are a traitor, unlike Obama. Obama, a class act. You…pfff.
Like I said – your brain’s narrative is whatever is convenient for you at the time. You have no convictions.
Not us ignoring anything.
It’s cops.
At their peril, I might add. Since the same VigilanTeen/Boogaloo Bois we are seeing night after night are responsible for killing of cops too. And still they just let them walk right past them and maybe toss them some bottled water or an energy bar.
That’s what Real America is seeing.
on top of which, you sat back and made Puffy look like a fool…you could have tried to remember the shit you say and have jumped in and told him the truth.
@81 hey! Hey there!
Security footage clearly shows the dude shooting himself in the head as LE closed in.
But narrative!
MN was too narrow a Dem victory in 2016 for y’all to let this keep happening.
And gleeman@80, just got in from Wednesday night prayer meeting.
Yes you posted the WHO position about being against border closings which they admitted much later was wrong wrong wrong. Dr Fauci agreed with Trump’s China decision. Remember in March it came out that the WHO was warned by Taiwan back in December about the true nature of the Wuhan virus and they ignored it.
The WHO was against Sweden staying open and they reached herd mentality and now they are held up as a model society! Interesting how the WHO vacillates so much!
@81 When you decide to be a public figure, and a polarizing one at that, you get everything that goes with it. Snot-nosed entitled kid sounds about right. He certainly doesn’t know what he’s talking about, but you don’t need to, in order to become a wealthy author. If the kid had any brains (no evidence of that so far), he’d angle for a book deal that would set him up for life. There are plenty of stupid rightwingers who’ll buy it and put money in his pocket. The GOP probably would buy 500,000 copies to hand out at rallies and Covid parties. He doesn’t have to write it himself. Trump didn’t. Maybe he can then leverage that into a job as president of Liberty University. There’s a vacancy.
Gotta agree with godwinha on that oen gleeman. Puddy puts up the web site and no one reacts to the continual death and destruction in Chicago. Got many cousins there so I know what’s happening like in Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeetroit too!
@87 dude – bullshit – you squid.
I didn’t post the WHO position….bob did, I just linked his post…two fucking different things.
Why you changing the subject to WHO. I was just posting the “WHO” Link (Tweet) that Bob posted to show how much of dumbfuck he is.
Let’s get back to the original discussion of Post #59.
I proved what you asked to be proved…you squid fuck
@89 oh fuck off.
@2 Mocking the mother of a man shot 7 times in the back and paralyzed for life. So totally “godwhina” of you. Next best thing to dancing on his grave when the patient doesn’t die.
Really senile idiot wabbit? He was mocked, attacked, pilloried over a lie and you sit there and continue the lie. Sandmann did nothing he was accused of and is winning settlements because of lamestream media lies and you continue to cheer CNN.
God job senile idiot wabbit.
@87 you need to go back prayer meeting and repent that you didn’t learn much.
@93 He did exactly what the videos showed him doing. People will put their own interpretations on it. Those taking and/or disseminating the videos aren’t responsible for that. The media did not falsely accuse him of a crime. The kid almost certainly only got nuisance settlements. You don’t see him driving off to college in a Maserati, do you?
What can you expect a 17-year-old kid to know? Kids that age don’t know anything. Least of all how to behave during a riot. (Hint: stay home)
Ohhh gleeman, if you checked on those threads Puddy gave links. I can easily replay those links starting with Fauci saying the virus was nothing to worry about in January.
Do you really want to look like the senile idiot wabbit every night? Because if you do here’s point #1
Here is point #2
Do you want the rest of the points now? Puddy has the links!
For the senile idiot wabbit,,
How much deeper in your own ASS are you doing to dig senile idiot wabbit?
Yeah, standing there doing nothing! The whole video came out and it vindicated him. The libtard media is making him and his lawyer millionaires!
You, still living on social security and your GE investment!
At least MAGA kid can say he isn’t an accused felon like some of the other convention speakers. But I’m not sure that’s a speaker lineup that I’d want to be a part of.
@3 In which Dumbfuck equates Biden with rioters torching buildings. Good luck with that. Fits nicely with your Social Security platform.
In chess the term is “I resign.”.
When you’re busy with a cock stuffed down your throat you say @ 91
In either case, you lost.
@4 Echoing @6, if you want to stop the rioting, then stop shooting black people in the back. It’s not hard to solve this. You and your ilk just don’t want to solve it.
Well gleeman Puddy can’t resist. Here is the wrap-up from The Atlantic, dot bombed’s go to source for dummocretin disinformation about Republicans!
Just search on that gleeman! You can do it.
From The Atlantic. If Puddy can remember these locations months later surely you can find them!
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit pleads desperately @ 96 for Reader Number Four.
Triggered train wreck from the senile idiot wabbit. You claimed Sandmann didn’t know what he was talking about. Did you forget that already senile idiot wabbit? That’s why Puddy used MSN!
@7 And for a dumbfuck, that makes everything all right.
For some reason, I thought the whole point of paying huge salaries, generous benefits, and fat pensions to cops was so these situations will be handled professionally, not the way a 17-year-old vigilante with no training or brains, only an AR-15, handles them. At least the kid has a shot at being tried in the juvenile court system, and getting out at age 21, if he’s very very lucky. But he will never, ever be a cop.
I think Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s best bet to improve readership is to do a detailed product review of Depend Underwear For Men.
Who is our ilk senile idiot wabbit?
@102. Surprised you were able to say that with one of Puffy’s relatives cock down your throat. Or in other words Fuck off.
@10 Bet you can find a white person with a criminal history who shot a cop, too, if you look hard. In fact, you don’t have to look very hard at all. It stares you right in the face.
There’s more — lots more — but that’ll get you started.
@13 ” a fat, old version of”
Godwhina’s attitude toward women on full display. No wonder he has to fuck a horse to get laid.
@11 Don’t know about your boy with the rifle, but this one skateboarder shooter is in jail.
Nobody who goes to a riot with a gun and looking for trouble can claim self-defense, unless he’s wearing a badge.
@16 Doc likes gory pix. He really wanted to be a surgeon, but they wouldn’t let him. Couldn’t pass the psychological test.
@20 This is important, because the kid is judgment-proof, the PD is not. The families can sue the parents, too, for lack of parental supervision. And whoever let the kid have the rifle. And whoever bought the rifle. Probably all the same people — the parents. They’d better enjoy their house while they still have it, because their insurance coverage limits probably aren’t going to be enough.
@27 They refused. It’s over. The season, that is. A lot more will be over, too, if this doesn’t stop. Bet they wish now they’d never let Jackie Robinson play in the white man’s leagues.
@28 He had to eat crow for those remarks.
And did, which makes him better, if only slightly, than Trump and most other Republicans, because they never apologize for anything.
@36 Doctor Dumbfuck is in good shape. He can still watch sport shootings on Twitter. See, e.g., @1.
He’ll probably post now that I’m for people whacking other people with skateboards. I’m not. I’m for people not going near riots. Especially 17-year-olds with assault rifles they’re not supposed to have:
“Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old militia member who has been arrested and is facing a homicide charge in the matter, was not old enough to legally carry the assault-style rifle he had, according to statutes, which say anyone under 18 who ‘goes armed’ with any deadly weapon is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.”
He probably doesn’t have to worry about the misdemeanor rap very much, though. The sentence for that likely will be concurrent.
@40 “Actually, putting people who aren’t worth saving due to recurrent criminal behavior into prison for the rest of their lives sounds a lot more like the three strikes provision in the 1994 crime bill authored largely by Democrats and signed into law by a Democrat president” but it didn’t make you a Democrat and nothing ever will because … Hillary.
You’re a one-trick pony, doc.
@47 A knife on a floorboard isn’t the same as being “armed with a knife,” but I don’t expect to an armchair dumbshit to figure that out.
I have a knife in my console. In plain sight. A folding pocket knife with a fairly large blade. I use it for cutting string and cord, slicing sausage, making shavings to start a campfire, or whatever else a knife is a good utility tool for.
I don’t know if a cop who pulled me over for a traffic infraction would shoot me upon seeing the knife, because I haven’t been pulled over for over 20 years, but probably not. I’m white.
Maybe he had the knife for protection. Maybe he lived in a neighborhood where people need protection, and can’t count on the cops to provide it. Maybe black people don’t call the cops, because of what cops do to black people.
I don’t know why there was a knife in his car. You don’t either, which is the point. Come up with some evidence that he was attacking, or about to attack, the cops with it, and we can talk some more about this. So far, there’s no indication of that. Merely possessing a knife in a car isn’t a capital offense in this country. We don’t let cops carry out summary executions anyway.
I’m curious how the cop saw the knife on the floorboard through Jacob Blake’s rather large body. It’s not like Blake had the knife in his hand. Even if the cop saw the knife, or knew it was there, he had plenty of time to evaluate the situation further before taking a human life.* If he was worried about being attacked with a knife, he could have backed up.
* Life not taken, but no thanks to him; he certainly tried, by firing 7 rounds into Blake’s back at point-blank range.
Btw, what did that militia character shoot the skateboarder with? An illegal dum-dum? The guy looks like he was hit by an exploding round from a 50-cal.
@54 Wherein Puddy complains about having to registering his three cars, collective value $600, in his state of residence; and having to pay same licensing fees everyone else has to pay, except for disabled veterans like me, who get our tags free.
Moreover, Puddy ADMITS trying to HIDE his cars behind his tenement abode, so his out-of-state plates wouldn’t be seen, because they kinda stick out like a sore thumb in the main parking lot, especially after the cars have been there over 30 days, and only one of them runs.
Hers another one, of many, mistakes in Doctor The Dumbfuck’s life. Just a matter of time before the big crash PI, better start to apply for your food stamps.
Powell edges toward loosening the Fed’s stance on inflation
@ 113
Nobody who goes to a riot with a gun and looking for trouble can claim self-defense, unless he’s wearing a badge.
The asshole he shot was wielding a knife at the time, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
I see you have learned nothing from your Fleeing Felon embarrassment.
Sooner or later, The Left eats its own.
I guess there isn’t much difference between beating on your girlfriend and beating on a teenager who is sitting in the middle of the street being kicked by others.
Unless one of them has a firearm for protection.
Apparently Minneapolis v1.0, PDX for the past three months, and The Durkan Kill Zone have taught the Minnesota governor a thing or two.
Nobody will forget Kobe.
Nobody will remember this:
Lakers, Clippers vote to boycott remainder of NBA season
Keep telling yourself lies, conservative.
Black Lives Matter. Unless NBA players don’t get paid.
Worth updating and reposting. I believe this.
> They say we want to disband police departments (and that we hate the police): we don’t, that’s a lie. We want to weed out racism and unnecessary police brutality and for those who abuse their power to be held accountable.
> They say we want to release all prisoners: we don’t, that’s a lie. We want to weed out racism and ensure the punishments match the crimes.
> They say we want open borders: we don’t, that’s a lie. We want asylum seekers to be given their chance to seek asylum. We want to help people who are coming from unimaginable terror and poverty help to give them the chances we have. We want to ensure children aren’t separated from their parents and that nobody is kept in cages. But we do want proper vetting.
> They say we want to take away your guns: we don’t, that’s a lie. We want logical gun control to help prevent mass shootings. I don’t want my guns taken away.
> They say we want to wage a war on Christianity and Christian values: we don’t, that’s a lie. We want people of all religions to be able to practice and worship freely. And the non religious having religion forced on them.
> They say we want to get everything for free: we don’t, that’s a lie. We want to work hard and make sure that healthcare and education are affordable for all. I personally plan to work until 67 at least.
> They say we want a war against traditional marriage: we don’t, that’s a lie. We want people of all sexual orientations to be able to love freely, no matter who you love. Love is love.
> They say we want to destroy or rewrite history: we don’t, that’s a lie. We want to recognize the ugly parts of our past and do everything we can to say “that’s not okay, let’s not honor those aggressors, let’s not let those things happen again.”
> They say we want to take away your constitutional rights: we don’t, that’s a lie. We choose to believe science and wear masks and try to prevent the spread of this disease.
> They say we hate America: we don’t, that’s a lie. We just recognize our faults and want us to do better, be better.
Puddy and Godwin, stop with the us vs. them. Stop with the straw man arguments. Stop with the fake news. Stop with fox news. Our position is one of empathy, compassion and logic. Stop spreading the hype and the spin. Stop with the division.
Just because we want equality for all doesn’t mean we want to take anything away from you.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron is waiting for it to be revealed that the victim was a same-sex minor before offering his full-throated defense of the deceased.
’cause there’s no reason to waste hyperbole on a dead breeder.
Greed Conservatives see everything through the lens of money. Nothing else matters to them.
Or people who enable them.
Domestic abuser @ 125 pled guilty to
• false imprisonment
• strangling and suffocation
• use of a dangerous weapon
Somewhere out there, an insecure young woman is relieved that he is dead.
The doctor won’t need his stuff because he’ll be hung for treason. I suggest a family of 15 Guatemalans be given his home and possessions after he’s executed. What’s left of his portfolio should be used to provide college scholarships for poor black and latino children.
A group called Riot Kitchen was in Cal Anderson Park feeding protesters and the homeless.
Sounds benevolent, right? It does to me.
Yesterday during daylight hours, federal agents surrounded their stopped van at an intersection in Kenosha, busted out the passenger side window to unlock the vehicle, and arrested everyone inside.
I bet they do more than provide food to protesters and the homeless.
@ 135
Just because we want equality for all doesn’t mean we want to take anything away from you.
Looting is reparations, Steve.
“I don’t care if somebody decides to loot a Gucci or a Macy’s or a Nike store because that makes sure that person eats. That makes sure that person has clothes. That is reparations. Anything they want to take, take it because these businesses have insurance.”
This is class warfare. #BLM has nothing to do with it.
Now STFU and grab me a box of Air Jordans, size 12. The red ones.
@131. Talk about grasping at straws. Spin, distort, lie to justify the murder.
Godwin, on the continuum from “Innocent” where murdering in the street is a travesty, to “Guilty” where murdering in the street is justified, where is the tipping point for you?
So far you have posted:
Sex offender is guilty.
Walking away from cop while black is guilty.
Having a gun permit while black is guilty.
Walking with skittles while black is guilty.
At what point does the human being tip into “innocent”?
@121, there you go again senile idiot wabbit making things up. That’s all you have left are stooooooooooooooooopid fantasies! You can’t even get the Nick Sandmann facts straight and you can read about them before posting.
See you mentally deranged one!
I guess the tipping point to murder, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, is when the guy pulling the trigger is not being chased or pummeled at the time he does it.
If you’re standing there in front of a group of people with guns shouting “Shoot me, nigga!” and not long thereafter you’re chasing one of those people with guns, who turns out to be all of 17 years old, and that kid fires a warning shot and finally stops and turns around and hits you with a round in the head as you’re about to tackle him, that’s not murder.
Arguable about whether it’s self-defense, but it’s not murder.
When you’re being chased by an angry mob down a street, and you either trip and fall or were pushed down, and one guy has already tried to stomp you and another guy smashes his skateboard down on you while a third guy is pulling his handgun on you, it’s much more clearly self-defense and it’s never going to be successfully prosecuted as murder.
The tipping point to murder, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, is that you pull the trigger without feeling as if you are forced to in order to save yourself from death or severe injury.
Was it beyond a reasonable doubt that he shot those three assholes at a point that he was not in fear for his life or his physical safety? Not at all. There’s video to prove it.
Here’s the thing, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron: You are not reasonable.
Not murder.
You’re a 17 year-old kid. You are being chased by multiple people, at least one of whom has a handgun and just fired off a shot with it.
You stop, turn, and defend yourself against a correctly perceived threat to your life.
That’s a moving Fall GOP election ad, right there: Explorer Scout, or child molester/registered sex offender chasing him? Pick one.
@140. You don’t have any problem with the boy being there, armed with live ammo, playing SWAT, in the first place?
Who made him a cop?
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron @ 142
It’s apparently illegal for a minor to open-carry in the state of Wisconsin. If he was a few months older, no problem.
I see you have stopped arguing about what he did when the mob set upon him, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron. I will credit you for realizing that in each case he used his weapon after unsuccessfully attempting to retreat from the threat that faced him. You are now reduced to complaining that he should not have been there.
First rule of holes.
And no, when someone takes up arms to defend property against a mob because the governor refused offered federal assistance, I have no problem when citizens step in to fill the void.
One interesting side note is that kid demonstrated quite well the capabilities of an AR-15 style firearm. A minor child took down three assailants, two of them while he was on his back. They were neutralized with one round apiece. None of this 7 rounds shit from an underpowered handgun.
140. Here is my analogy of your defense of the kid. The kid jumps into a tiger den, then kills a tiger that’s attacking him in self defense. It’s true self defense was justified or he could have been killed, but why was he in there in the first place? He put himself in that danger.
At this rate the DJIA will be above 29,000 by Labor Day.
I’d like to thank YLB’s kids for shouldering the staggering debt burden that has made the last few months so lucrative for those of us who were positioned to take advantage of it.
Still not a millionaire: Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
I stopped talking about the man killed because in your mind he was “guilty of something”, so the killing was justified. you are lucky the victim was a sex offender. Nobody likes sex offenders, ( unless he’s a republican president. )
People who are not cops do not get a” kill other people for free” card. Cops shouldn’t either, but that’s a power society has granted them right now.
@ 146
Nobody likes sex offenders, ( unless he’s a republican president. )
Rape is a sexual offense. Bill Clinton remains popular enough to have been a keynote speaker at the DNC convention last week.
Enabling rape is a moral offense. Hillary Clinton enabled Bill’s sexual aggression against women for decades and yet was the DNC’s nominee for president in 2016. Although in your defense, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, nobody likes Hillary, either. Barack lied through his teeth.
Here we go.
Clearly it’s because Trump wants each candidate to be drug-tested ahead of time.
Lynch pin #1 – Release ALL illegal aliens
The Congressional Hispanic Caucus, led by Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX), demanded that all illegal aliens in Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) custody be released during the Wuhan Chinese coronavirus-19 crisis.
There goes one of your “lynch pins”. Shall Puddy destroy lynch pin #2 Defund the Police? Why not?
Seattle City Council approves plan to defund police department, slashes jobs and salaries
Mayor Lori Lightfoot: Defunding Police To Pay For More Social Services Doesn’t Need To Be ‘Either/Or Proposition’
New York City will take $1 billion from police budget, but many like AOC says it doesn’t go far enough
Philadelphia Defunds Police By $33 Million, Restores Funds For African American Museum
Los Angeles City Council votes to cut LAPD budget by $150 million
There goes the second of your “lynch pins”. Shall Puddy destroy lynch pin #3?
You see your reform movement is really just another dummocretin bowel movement. Puddy has ammunition for each of your “dark writings” above.
Shall I go for “lynch pin” #3? Please say yes!
Why don’t dummocretins want handguns taken away in the inner city? Because its another way to cull the unwanted minorities and control the mASSes of dumb ASSes!
Yet, they won’t admit this except behind closed doors!
Wow. The effort.
A fifty comment screed debating the fine statutory points of a state’s homicide law essentially to distract from the relevant information that well armed mobs of Boogaloo Bois are traveling into our cities from other states to shoot at people and engage in mayhem and destruction and they are doing so with the encouragement of our local police.
Had Trayvon Martin purchased an AR, gathered with dozens of his “inner city” pals equally well armed, traveled from Miami to Sanford intent upon mayhem and violence, I wonder if The Q Clearance Pussy would have been equally so concerned about “self-defense”, etc?
Rittenhouse is a misguided, fucked up kid whose life is now in ruins. I’m not sure what statute appropriately applies to what he did in the moments when he pulled the trigger and took two lives. What concerns me is what he was doing there in the first place, and the police involvement in his being there. A nationwide effort to distract from questions like those is awfully convenient for Kenosha police.
@ 149
Um, Puddy?
It’s linchpin. Not lynch.
Lynch is a verb most commonly used to describe anything a Republican does that a Democrat does not like.
Carry on.
Last night, echoing The Q Clearance Pussy, VP Pence offered the absurdly false lie that Officer Dave Underwood was murdered by “Antifa”. When according to his own FBI the truth is that the murderer Steven Carillo was a member of the Boogaloo Bois who traveled to Oakland CA from Texas specifically for the purpose of targeting law enforcement for murder.
“They came to Oakland to kill cops,” said John Bennett, special agent in charge of the San Francisco division of the FBI.
And Republicans and even local law enforcement are encouraging this. By lying about it, Pence is encouraging it.
Why don’t republicans want handguns taken away in the inner city?
Scalia wrote the opinion. Can you dig it babblin’ buttache?
China controls the NBA. Not the players.
@147. No, you hate Hillary Clinton with the impotent incel fury of a 1,000 white hot suns. I know a lot of people who liked Hillary very much. Who will die mad on how the mainstream media never stopped harping about Hillary’s emails and yet showed Trumps empty podium for hours because outrage improved ratings.
Stop projecting your personal shortcomings onto the rest of us.
Rape is a sexual offense.
That the incumbent ‘president’ has admitted to on tape.
And more than one HA trolls has spewed fantasies about in these comment threads.
But Hillary was just awful. Beeeenghaaaaaazziiiii!
@155. Q said it was the lizard people who control the NBA! You need to check in with your cell leader for the latest conspiracy. Bad troll. Bad! No ruble for you!
NBA players caved and will continue the playoffs.
China controls the NBA. Not the players or their union.
See @ 129.
Last night, echoing The Q Clearance Pussy, VP Pence offered the absurdly false lie that Officer Dave Underwood was murdered by “Antifa”.
Oh really? Why am I not surprised???
Do the trolls really believe that drumpf is going to win the election if they just babble “antifa” enough?
@ 160
Trump will be re-elected if your ilk just destroys enough of what other people built, YLB.
Don Lemon knows this. He has said it on the air.
Someone was talking about Scott Rasmussen and polls we’re not allowed to see. Donald’s favorite poll, shall we have a look?
The day the RNC opened Scott, with his proprietary statistical weighting methods, had Donald at 51% approval. Weird since everyone else had Donald in the low/mid 40s but that’s barely relevant.
As the protests that are sure to drive voters to Donald and the RNC keep chugging along the Same Scott Rasmussen found
Day 1: 49%
Day 2: 47%
Day 3: 47%
Where’s the bump?
@ 162
The bump is where it counts. In the battleground states.
Trump doesn’t care if he loses California by 30 points. California and the views of its voters are irrelevant.
Trump had 61% unfavorable poll numbers – the worst in history – in 2016 and won more than 300 electoral votes.
The Chardonnay Lady 2.0 had 52% unfavorable poll numbers – the second-worst in history – in 2016 and received more than 65 million votes.
These national numbers are irrelevant. Especially when people are voting their fears and not their hopes.
Do not make the mistake of relying upon national sentiment numbers when salient events are occurring in individual states in which recent presidential election results have been close. This week there has been rioting and looting in WI and in MN. That’s far more important than Trump’s numbers in a national Rasmussen poll.
Today it’s “approval”.
Tomorrow? Who knows?
(Wonders that a poll published yesterday is already measuring ongoing convention response…. checks polls… checks Change Research (low qual C- poll)… sees their most recent battleground polling ended four days ago.)
Seems most of the time what The Q Clearance Cat Lady is really in search of when he digs around in the polling universe is something he hopes might “trigger” the “Leftists” as much as something to reassure him he’s not always completely wrong.
Good for The Cat Lady! Can’t be wrong all the time.
Now all you have to figure out is how trading Arizona for Wisconsin, and North Carolina for Minnesota lands Boogaloo Bois in the White House.
From the NYT:
So Rittenhouse sees an assailant coming from the same direction as the gunshots. The video show that there are multiple people running after him.
Yeah. Murder One. Clearly. /sarc
When the NYT lays out his self-defense strategy, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, it’s time to pack it in.
Clarifying, Trump should see a post convention polling bump. That’s normal. An expected bump for Biden/Harris is already showing up in recent polling.
If the convention programming is at all well planned and the messaging is coordinated with ad strategy and compliant media propagandists like FOX it should produce a measurable effect. And if competent professionals have anything to do with it the effect should be somewhat disproportionate with respect to targeted states.
But it shouldn’t be forgotten that polling disproportionately measures persuasion among undecided voters, rather than turnout. I guess it remains a hot topic of debate among campaign pros. But it shouldn’t be forgotten that the entirety of the Trump margin in 2016 was down to turnout – positive turnout for Trump and negative turnout for Clinton. And that’s why some of the polls failed to detect a lot of that margin.
So expect to see a polling bump for Trump next week from the Hate Convention. A couple of points worth of undecided voters in battleground states will move toward Trump. After that the real campaign begins. Those of us out here on the West coast will be largely forgotten as the campaigns focus on turnout which thanks to mail voting and early voting begins to produce results in only a few weeks. North Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Minnesota, Michigan and Pennsylvania begin sending out ballots next month.
You should turn that into a hashtag and post it 4,000 times.
Trump will be re-elected if your ilk just destroys enough of what other people build..
Angry people.. like in 1968.. angry at kops shooting and kneeling.. angry at drumpf’s piss poor handling of covid (worst in the world) as if their economic situation wasn’t bad enough… back in ’68 it was Vietnam..
And to top it off there’s angry whites like the boogaloos and the proud boys wanting to pile in.. and then there’s angry white dimfuks in their safe spaces..
“building” eh dimfuk.. but if it means you win it’s all good.. and the stocks remain overpriced.. yawwwn… another day… same old white shit.
The part NYT and The Q Clearance Cat Lady want you to ignore:
Having recently been refused recruitment by the USMC, high school dropout Kyle Rittenhouse traveled from suburban Illinois as part of a well-armed insurrectionist para-military with the purpose of targeting demonstrators. There is clear evidence that the presence of this armed insurrectionist para-military was approved and encouraged by local law enforcement.
Riot Kitchen. I know that godwin tried to imply the vegan food truck was really there for nefarious reasons, like to sell drugs based on fermented goat pituitary glands and the souls of underage Appalachian white girls but a more realistic reason is crowd control.
I think i read it in the Power of Habit, but as means of dispersing protesters before dark in Iraq, the US military made the food vendors shut down. At dusk, protestors got hungry, couldn’t eat, and went home. The protests didn’t turn to riots after dark.
I assume trump was doing that in Kenosha, but in a bungled ineffective yet threatening authoritarian way, as usual for this administration
This week there has been a White supremacist Trump supporter murdering two people and attempting to murder a third PLUS another UNARMED black man shot by police while the very same police had a friendly chat with the White supremacist Trump supporter while he was still holding the murder weapon, a rifle, and gave him a bottle of water and sent him home to mom AFTER he murdered two people. And the justification now is…..there was a knife in the car that’s why we had to kill the black man.
Also police are reported to have been advising White Supremacist Trump supporters on how they would deliver victims to them so police could wash their hands of any extrajudicial punishment of protesters.
In a swing state.
Are you sure this is playing out the way you think?
“I am having the most watched convention of ALL TIME! I AM A STAR! They love it. They can’t turn away. Bigliest audience ever!” Part 3
Overnight ratings for VP Night at conventions are in.
DNC 16.2 share
RNC 10.5 share
Make of that what you will.
And rest assured that while all that unfolds, and the true details trickle in slowly but surely to dispel the initial false narratives offered by police, the wrong-house raids, neck-kneeling, and back-shooting will continue at a steady rate.
17 year old who can not legally purchase the weapon or ammo he is carrying goes armed to “protect” not his property. Arming himself is preplanning.
17 year old in response to a perceived or real gunshot nearby indiscriminately fires at the nearest person, killing him, with the weapon he preplanned to bring with him.
Murder 1, 2 counts. Attempted murder 1, 1 count. Or are you suggesting that a DA charge the white kid with less than they would in any other similar circumstance?
The professional standard is “Load ’em up. Deal ’em down.”
Charging lesser crimes is an abdication of the prosecutor’s professional obligation to her/his jurisdiction. Or so I have been told many, many times.
“Project 1599”
Today is Thursday.
On Wednesday Burckman LLC lobbying associate and internet financial fraudster Jacob Wohl launched a robo-call campaign in Michigan and Pennsylvania contacting people of color on land line and mobile numbers urging them to avoid mail voting, warning them that mail ballot data would be used to track unpaid debts, parking tickets, and eugenics. “Don’t be BS’ed into giving your private information to the man”.
In only a few hours the program was detected and shut down and now Wohl and his associates are facing criminal fraud charges.
Part of ground game includes lots of real time intelligence gathering and staff in place to react. 2020 is not the same as 2016
Re 178,
Important to add, and can not be over stressed, part of the rapid success of shutting down GOP criminal voter suppression and ballot suppression campaigns in 2020 compared to 2016 is down to mid-terms.
Without Michigan AG Dana Nessel elected in the blue wave mid terms of 2018 this work is not possible. Winning state races to gain control of legislatures to repeal GOP vote restriction laws, to reverse GOP gerrymandering, and to gain control of important state law enforcement functions is how Trump/Russia are prevented from stealing US elections.
Win or lose in 2020, progressive voters have to continue to turn out in state and local races to prevent GOP corruption and depravity.
Since in godwin logic, Hillary is an enabler of Bill, then Ivana, Marla and Melina are enablers of trump.
Kenosha County Sherrif David Bet of @28 fame,
Tuesday night a 17 year year old white kid and Trump supporter murdered two people and tried to kill a third while law enforcement officers let him go home to mom.
Party of Lincoln. You betcha.
Ahhhh I see you missed the double entendre there. Linchpin is
a person or thing vital to an enterprise or organization.
None of what dead&deformed wrote has anything vital to it. Butt, a lynch pin is something one will use to “lynch” (of a mob) kill (someone), especially by hanging, for an alleged offense with or without a legal trial. to put all the nation’s ills on Trump!
They want to hang all those ills on Trump and hang Trump in the process or say it’s Trump’s fault the police are how they are, it’s Trump’s fault all those illegal aliens are in jail (even though those jails were created way before Trump took office.
Do you get it now?
DAYUM PortaPotty@154, you fell for the PuddyTrap again!
How many times has the Heller decision been discussed on assesHorse? Go ahead and use tctmgr to count the entries. Puddy double dares ya. The issue PortaPotty is not the guns, it’s the person using them. The DC decision was about taking guns from law abiding people. The site describes people being killed by law breaking people.
Of course you miss the point. You always do. This is why you should not entertain adult conversations. You are still a monomaniacal mindless baby! People like Robert O’Rourke want to take guns from law abiding people.
You are still one dumb and smelly PortaPotty!
Recreational MJ is on the November ballot in Arizona.
That has Arizona Republicans deeply concerned that a turnout gap might take place because of large numbers of mostly younger voters registering and participating in order to gain access to safe, legal weed and bring an end to the illogical and wasteful police war in their communities.
Stuff like this helps. Helps a lot.
But I’d take issue with the Goldwater Inst. taking credit for scaring Pima County into “folding like a cheap suit”. I suspect it has more to do with Trump2020 and Pima County Republicans not wanting to poke that hornet’s nest of voters under age 40.
Win now. Win later.
The DC decision was about taking guns from law abiding people.
Heh.. and teh babblin’ butthole says this:
don’t.. want handguns taken away in the inner city?…
For teh babbling butthole… ALL people in the inner cities can’t be trusted with handguns. So it hides in a lily white suburb.. We know how frightened it is of its old neighborhood.
What city kop doesn’t take a weapon from a violent offender or some perp carrying without a permit??
How speshull… and silly is this freak…
Oh and look at this:
roh oh! I see a box of handguns in that picture.. Gun buyback programs! Run in liberal cities and towns.. Like NYC..
What was that about democrats again and what they don’t want? What a miserable dope! You STINK fool!
“Butt”.. thanks for playing.
Hey babblin’ butthole,
How come Republicans aren’t regulating guns properly in the lily white ‘burbs where you feel so “safe”?
So many of those dumb white guys are shootin’ themselves in the balls or letting their kids shoot each other and even their parents! Guess you feel “safe” there because one day all the blacks (over 50 percent of which live in the burbs) will “inherit” teh ‘burbs when teh dumbass whites shoot each other out!
“Butt” watch out.. Over 50 percent of hispanics live in the teh ‘burbs too.. Heh..
Keep your head down anyway:
About an hour ago the Mets and Marlins took the field, did warmups, announced exchanged lineups then took off their caps in a 42 second (Jackie Robinson) moment of silence. They then left the field after covering home plate with a Black Lives Matter shirt and the game was not played.
Go do your speech Donald.
Are their ratings in trouble too?
Asking for a Cat Lady.
Is that orange dicktater wannabe babblin’ tonight?
My mind was made up WAY over 4 years ago..
McConnell comes straight out and says the reason DC can’t be a state is hanging on to the Republican majority.
Taxation without representation. Keep that majority minority city down. We can’t let those blacks living in DC have a voice.
Tell me again how GOP is the real home for blacks if they would just get off the plantation.
Trump will be re-elected. And 4 more years of The Hump will destroy America. Hehe.
PortaPotty yellowishleakingbuttspigot liquid farts
I see you copy Puddy’s use of it. You are such a monomaniacal re-run! Can you come up with anything original?
My two old neighborhoods of Philadelphia (look it up in the crazed databaze with tctmgr) are just fine for Puddy to walk around and drive in. Not afraid to go there as my cousins families are still around. One retired Philly police. Retired wearing a white shirt. That too is in the crazed databaze. Try again PortaPotty!
There you go again being the gutter dwelling stooooooooooooopid fool everyone has accepted your posts to provide as proof. Where has anyone offered that bit of jackASSedness? If you are going to take guns out of the suburbs then it’s only fair and right to demand those guns out of the inner city. Robert O’Rourke lost his mind when he was asked that question. Butt, of course, you are tooooooooo stooooooooooooopid to understand that concept being the PortaPotty child on this blog.
That’s the law PortaPotty. Stating a truth there. Butt they can’t walk up and frisk you yet. That’s coming if the dummocretins win November 3rd.
Wow gun buybacks. Yes that really worked 179 and 44 guns. Oh wow tout that PortaPotty. Probably those guns were stolen from others so the people could get some free cash.
DAYUM you be really really stoooooooooooooooooooopid!
In WA State Republicans don’t control much of anything this side of the Cascades and this side of Puget Sound.
Republicans don’t want to regulate guns you idiot. That’s what dummocretin want to do. What hole did you climb from PortaPotty? You forgot Robert O’Rourke and Kirsten Gillibrand so quickly?
DAYUM you be really really stoooooooooooooooooooopid!
That’s old news!
PortaPotty still stoooooooooooopId!
Just for the record, progressives support BLM and push for police reform and denounce destruction of property and looting and killing.
Now I expect godwin and puddy to post spin and propaganda and carefully cherry picked statements to the contrary, but it doesn’t make the lies true.
What do conservatives stand for?
did trump announce infrastructure week during his speech?
Funny I ddn’t hear any of that in BiteME!’s acceptance speech last week. So sadly your party is not reformed!
My two old neighborhoods of Philadelphia (look it up in the registry of troll dumbfuckery with superb open source tools) are just fine for Puddy to walk around and drive in. Not afraid to go there
And that’s why you’re safe and sound in lily white Everett.. And you’re scarce at HA on west coast time on Fridays after sunset instead of three hours earlier!
Butt they can’t walk up and frisk you yet. That’s coming if the dummocretins win November 3rd.
Stop and frisk.. Been there, done that. And by Republicans Giuliani and Bloomberg.. Not popular.. Not gonna happen.. Oh but you want it to happen.
Wow gun buybacks. Yes that really worked 179 and 44 guns.
Now it’s being picky! Still REFUTED your miserable whining about Dems not doing anything to regulate handguns in towns and cities. DA of Queens in that last link? Damn! That’s some hotbed of klownservatic repukelicanism! Must have some drumpfies in there.
Want something stronger? Try this:
Scott recommends police departments channel those funds into efforts that utilize “focused deterrence,” which he says originated with the Boston Police Department in the late 1990s and has spread to several dozen jurisdictions across the country. The method requires coordination between law enforcement and social-service providers to objectively identify the most dangerous offenders in a community, and make an effort to routinely check those individuals for firearms.
Baahhston.. Mitt Romney musta started that? Oh shit that preceded him by a decade.
Thanks for playing! And keep your head down.
Biden has condemned violent protesters in Kenosha and elsewhere. In a video released on Twitter Wednesday afternoon—Biden said: “Burning down communities is not protest, it’s needless violence—violence that endangers lives, violence that guts businesses, and shutters businesses that serve the community. That’s wrong.”
The day before, Biden campaign spokeswoman Symone Sanders issued a statement decrying the “burning down communities and needless destruction” taking place in Kenosha.
Biden’s condemnation was a beat-for-beat repetition of his denunciation of violence and looting after the death of George Floyd, when he wrote: “Protesting such brutality is right and necessary. It’s an utterly American response. But burning down communities and needless destruction is not. Violence that endangers lives is not. Violence that guts and shutters businesses that serve the community is not.”
“You can understand the desire not to get stuck in a loop, constantly responding on an issue Trump wants to focus on. Instead of responding directly, Biden kind of folds this into the “Trump is stoking division” critique – hey, voters, imagine a president who calms things down.”
I’m reading about all these shootings in Everett..
Babblin’ butthurt, maybe you should pack up and go back to the ole Phillie ‘hood if it’s so safe.
Then HA could be rid of you 3 hours earlier on Fridays!
I love the applause leaders carefully positioned throughout the Cheeto Jebus’ audience tonight.
Mrs Cat Lady would approve, I’m sure.
Undoubtedly the most low energy, defeated conclusion to an presidential address seen in our lifetimes.
My lifelong registered Republican brother, though he lives in CA, Pelosi’s district, so his vote doesn’t matter, has spent his evening mocking Donald on Facebook.
So there’s that.
Puddy loves triggering PortaPotty@199. Still doesn’t get it. Gun buy backs are tepid responses to inner city killings with hand guns. dummocretins want to ban certain rifles which are seldom used in the inner city except by the Las Vegas Nevada killer.
In his acceptance speech last week?
You are discussing now because his handlers said he was looking bad regarding the riots in the polls.
Plain and simple!
Seems such “polite dummocretins” tried to disrupt Trump’s speech tonight.
If conservatives tried that on BiteME! your ilk would go nutzo.
dummocretins really are scum!
Really? Kool!
Seems a dummocretin mob sees an historic church it must be burned down!
Pelosi is trying to kill the debates. Well we all know why. BiteME! would look weally weally bad!
In his acceptance speech last week?
With a Sharpie!!!!
Making a frownie face??????
Starting to think it might not matter after all.
Maybe he shouldn’t have had the speech at the Public’s House in violation of law,
Where people on the street in a historical protest zone can be picked up by microphones.
Sorry you’re triggered, Snowflake.
Have now read the Rittenhouse complaint.
Very straight forward. Relying primarily on video evidence to support the complaint it only calls upon a single named eyewitness to clarify or contextualize the images and events described in the complaint. Of course the basic elements of the violations charged in the complaint are all present.
So MAGAts can now focus their attention on actual criminal charges instead of hypothetical. And understandably the monkey chorus has grown quieter now that actual laws must be grappled with. A jury will get to decide. But they’ll also get to watch a bunch of video. And unless the ADA is a liar, they’ll see VigilanTeen point his gun first at an unarmed man and shoot him dead for throwing a plastic bag at him. Then they’ll see Rittenhouse shoot another man dead who was trying to apprehend him for the first shooting. Then they’ll see him shoot a third man and seriously injure him while trying to come to the aide of the second man. In the process they’ll see Rittenhouse endanger at least two other persons with recklessly indiscriminate gunfire. Using a firearm that it was unlawful for him to possess in the state of Wisconsin.
I hope for VigilanTeen’s sake he gets better representation than Smirking MAGA Teen got. Because it looks to me like ADA McNeill is prepared to stitch this kid up. And she has witnesses, and video tape, and receipts. He desperately needs a very good criminal defense lawyer right now. I’m not sure he has one. And I’m honestly worried that the star-fucking movement conservative volunteers he will soon meet don’t give a fuck if he gets a chance at a future.
It’s Trump.
He should have televised the speech live from international waters aboard one of those exclusive cruise ships where he goes to hunt prostitutes with a machine gun.
The more moderate Trumpalo won the GOP runoff tonight to challenge for the OK-5 race. State Sen. Stephanie Bice will face off against 2018 Blue Wave upset winner Rep. Kendra Horn in Nov. starting deeply in debt against Horn’s $2.5 million banked. But the GOP needs desperately to try to win a seat or two where they can and they are especially in need of the female diversity to offset Matt Gaetz volcanic masculinity.
GOP struggling to win back a 70% white, GOP-safe seat in Oklahoma with an incumbent in the White House.
@123 I wasn’t talking about the cop, which is obvious to everyone but you. No wonder they all think you’re a dumbfuck.
@130 “We want to weed out racism and unnecessary police brutality and for those who abuse their power to be held accountable.”
Especially these assholes.
@131, 134: Doctor Dumbfuck, as always, is a huge fan of summary executions, preferably in the middle of a public street.
Trump was right, he could shoot someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue, and dumbfucks would still vote for him. Guilt or innocence being irrelevant; it’s the blood and gore they get off on. Doc’s one of ’em, and lusts for more videos like that guy with his arm blown off.
@136 “A group called Riot Kitchen was in Cal Anderson Park feeding protesters and the homeless.”
Which doubtless makes protesters and homeless “rioters” to be shot on sight in your view. And the cooks, too, for good measure.
@136 “I bet they do more than provide food to protesters and the homeless.”
Not surprising coming from someone who habitually assumes guilt without evidence.
@137 If you guys want to live in a country where a few people are very rich and everybody else is very poor, I guess people will do what they must to feed themselves. I feel sorry for the looted business owners, but I won’t feel sorry for you and your ilk when they come for your stock certificates with tax legislation. That isn’t looting, or reparations, it’s social justice.
@138 What makes you think doc is human? He fucks horses. Humans don’t fuck horses. He’s a unicorn.
@141 “You’re a 17 year-old kid. You are being chased by multiple people,”
at a riot you drove across state lines to participate in, with a gun you can’t legally possess, looking for trouble.
Self-defense oughta work real good in that scenario.
At least, a dumbfuck might think so.
Guy walks into a bar. Makes remark about a woman at the bar he’s never seen before. Dude with woman throws a punch. Guy pulls out gun and shoots him dead. Claims self-defense. Public defender encourages him to plead down to manslaughter, says he’ll be out in seven. Somewhat analogous except for the pleading down part. This kid won’t get out in seven. Maybe when he’s seventy.
@143 “First rule of holes.”
No, the first rule of holes is don’t jump into one, which is what you do when you drive to a riot in another state to participate in same while in illegal possession of a gun and looking for trouble.
@143 Almost 18. I see. But this ain’t horseshoes.
I don’t have to explain that. You should know all about horseshoes. Don’t get one in the face. Watch out for that rake, too, on your way out of the barn.
That’s it for tonight. I don’t have any more time for this shit. I’ve got a John Grisham novel to read. I borrowed it and have to return it.
@12 Meanwhile the GoFundMe for Jacob Blake has topped $1M.
Gun buy backs are tepid responses
LOL! But they are responses.. and “responses” “wanted” by Democrats.. we’re making PROGRESS!
Now do “focused deterrence”.. Did you skip that on purpose?
S’ok buttache.. your miserable b.s. was soundly refuted.
He’s doing more than fucking it, he sucks on it’s dick too!
Republicans moving the goal posts
Repubs: Biden has not condemned violent protesters in Kenosha and elsewhere
Democrats: Here is Biden condemning violent protesters in Kenosha and elsewhere
Repubs: Well, uh, uh, he didn’t do it fast enough! And…and…and he was wearing a tan suit!
That’s what I’m afraid of.
Maybe he’s a horrible person. But he’s just 17. Given the chance he can learn to do better than this. But he’s liable to be surrounded by opportunistic self-promoters more interested in building cred with the gun-humper universe than in protecting his legal interests. His whiteness wont protect him in the system the way it protected him from the police on Tuesday.
“He hasn’t condemned the Blake protest violence!”
He has.
“He didn’t condemn it during his acceptance speech!”
He gave that speech three days prior to Blake being shot.
TIME MASHEEEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So Freddo Cuomo admits dummocretins lie at conventions and all other places butt it’s not CNN’s job to fact check dummocretin lies only Republican misstatements. Of course Commie News Network’s Freddo Cuomo apparently forgot talking to Don Le-mon that a real journalist’s (not a dummocretin journolist) job is to report the facts and to expose all lies regardless of if you love or hate the source. Maybe Freddo should byline for the NY Slimes too!
Chronological idiot in our midst! You play stoooooooooooopid so well it really must come naturally to you dot bombed.
If you go back to last weekend Puddy wrote Joe BiteME! never mentioned any antifa or BLM violence because that is his base vote in the inner cities. Senility is strong in assesHorse dummocretins! Those of you who commented didn’t write anything worthwhile because you know deep down if BiteME! attacks his inner city constituents Puddy wrote his November loss would be worse.
So Puddy asked where was BiteME! commentary on the inner city violence last week? DeadInTheBrain&Deformed threw up Kenosha happened after the dummocretin convention like you just did. It’s the old tried and true deflection tactic of the senile idiot wabbit.
“These aren’t the droids you are looking for.”
Stoooooooooooooooooopid mind tricks only work on mindless dummocretins. He only talked about the violence after polls showed his position was WEAK on the violence. Just like he previously was for redistributing police funds for Bernie’s social programs until the poll showed 81% of black people want more police.
Can’t have it both ways DeadInTheBrain&Deformed and dot bombed. You can try butt it won’t work with Puddy on the case.
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. Another blatant lie exposed!
Puddy’s a good proxy for the Trump2020 campaign.
Harsh, irrational, ignorant, and consistently showing up in the wrong place hours late.
Basement dwelling in the echo chamber, chronlogically stooooooooopid, incessantly throwing up pixel bombs that have no real life meaning, and then trying to look good when shown how wrong he is with “witty” comebacks.
On the otherhand Puddy remembers what he wrote, reminds dummocretins that can’t remember anything without having to search for it, and then using factual links to remind them of their “heroes” past commentary they choose to forget!
Are all assesHorse dummocretins chronologically challenged and idiotic?