– Look at all those scooters and bikes being used. Great.
– I don’t know enough about the US Attorney who just resigned to maybe run for AG. Would he make a good AG?
– Police should act right or face the consequences.
– You. Yeah, you. Get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
We’d be better off if Trump had been re-elected.
85% of unaligned, no-lean, swing voters respond that Trump can no longer be president and must end his campaign now for the good of the country, following his criminal indictment for stealing classified military secrets and betraying the nation.
Yet 74% of Republican leaning voters respond that he must continue his campaign for the presidency, and 97% of Trump’s Republican supporters he did nothing wrong by stealing and hiding classified military secrets.
Dear god I hope they nominate him. A Republican who can’t do any better than 15% of tepid support from white NASCAR dads is fucked. But I guess they might as well.
None of the other groveling midgets are very appealing to the modern Republican primary voter.
Tomorrow will be Santos Bond Reveal Party!
U.S. District Judge Joanna Seybert ordered Santos’ bond sponsors to be unsealed at noon EDT tomorrow (9 am west coast), giving any of the bond sponsors who choose an opportunity to withdraw. Unless substitute sponsors were found, withdrawal would result in Santos being remanded to the custody of the BOP and held over until his criminal trial.
At minimum 500 migrants died last week in a boat capsizing in the Mediterranean. It was a story for a hour.
They were risking their lives for a chance to continue life in something other than misery.
We’re on day three of wall to wall coverage of people who spent $1/4M to risk their lives to escape the boredom of unimaginable wealth and privilege.
We can’t possibly afford to raise their taxes.
It would ruin EVERYTHING.
Raising their taxes just gives government more money to waste on things like the 737 MAX/PRO/SPACEGHOST EDITION disaster.
Then what about the border wall that fell over?
Well what about these federal judges flying on luxury private supersonic jets to Alaska fishing lodges for guided expeditions?
Well what about these members of Congress taking taxpayer funds to pay for hookers and cocaine?
Well what about the cabinet secretaries spending hundreds of thousands redecorating their office suites?
Well what about these hundreds of millions diverted to build things like college women’s volleyball arenas?
Well what about that neighbor in my condo with the blue handicap parking tag? I know that one is fake!
At 6 – Good for you! You are absolutely correct.
When it comes to taxes, liberal progressives never define what “fair share” means. If someone makes $150,000 in a year, what should be his or her tax bill? How about if he or she makes $15,000,000? What are the numbers about which these progressives mean when they say “fair share?”
Let’s make these kinds of questions of yours more concrete, shall we?
How many “extra” personal family dwellings should qualify for an income tax deduction on mortgage interest?
Should that include super yachts and jet aircraft?
How much passive income – that is income to a working age adult that they receive for doing absolutely zero work – should be exempted from any income tax?
Should all earnings up to $10,275 be taxed at 10% and earnings from $10,276 to $41,775 at 12%?
Does anyone earning $10,275 have any extra money?
Since I took office we’ve had more per capita COVID deaths than ANY similar sized state, Hurricanes, multiple mass shootings including one with over 100 casualties, a giant blob of sea slime larger than the country hit the shore bringing flesh eating bacteria, a malaria outbreak, crops rotting in the field, a collapse of homeowners insurance for anyone in a flood zone, and now a quarantine for snails AND abandoned construction sites for lack of workers.
I blame the gays. Pat Robertson told me. It’s the queers.
Faggot, Jap, Kike, Chink are all OK.
Cisgender or Cis will not be tolerated on my thing that I swear I’m not the CEO of anymore.
When the house chair is telling their own party, shut the fuck up and get out of the room. Reliable sources say the argument was over whose Impeachment bill would move forward with the blonde one calling the brunette one a “little bitch.”
I just paid almost $260 to renew the tabs for my seven-year-old car. About 75% of that theft was for a light rail system I will never live to see completed and will never use.
I only occasionally enter King County, and that incursion is done via back roads and not the freeway system. I deeply resent having to pay for this light rail system that didn’t want and didn’t vote for.. if you want a light rail system, then pay for it yourselves, King County liberal progressive assholes!
“I paid taxes for this bridge that I will never drive over. I live in Seattle and don’t care about Mercer Island or any of those farms in Bellevue.” – Cranks who hate their kids 1935
“I paid taxes for this airport and I hate flying. I will never use SeaTac. Fuck these liberals and their taxes” – Cranks who hate their kids 1940.
“I paid taxes on this OTHER bridge that I will never see completed and will never use. Why do people in NORTH Bellevue and Redmond get all this stuff like their going to open massive companies some day. It’s not fair to ME!” -Cranks who hate their kids 1955
“Fuck off Nils.” – Everyone who understands the World progresses but some people don’t live to see it.
(noted: your story if true, that seven year old car is currently valued over 20K. That means it was at minimum 55K when you bought in in 2016. You had no problem paying 30K over the median price of a new car in 2016 but now that $150-175ish is a problem. Sounds like a poor financial decision when you could have just bought a Honda Civic and saved a ton on tabs and gas.)
@14 As a disabled veteran who gets free license plates, I vicariously share your pain. I did what I could to spare you from this tax by voting against it, but there are limits to what one ordinary voter can do. I’m not a vice president who, according to John Eastman, has a plenary vote.
It’s The Wuhan. Always was. And the first of the two tweets below is directed at The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
OMG, Queen YLB, if this is true, whatever will Chuck Schumer do when the composition of the Virginia Senate flips?
C’mon, ya dumb twat, it seemed important to you when you thought a prior VA House flip would shake Cocaine Mitch to his core, didn’t it? Although when I called you on it, you never responded. Why might that be, girlfriend?
Quoting the campaign strategist for Glen Younkin on how Glen Younkin did on election night.
Cool. Adding in the “Leftward lurch” bit is good too. Why not just call Joe Biden a ‘Fidel loving Marxist’ too.
THE PAIN!!!!!!!
@ 3
U.S. District Judge Joanna Seybert ordered Santos’ bond sponsors to be unsealed at noon EDT tomorrow…
They’re members of his own family. George Santos and Hunter Biden show that family will stand behind POS no matter how badly they fuck up, even if it hurts the country.
Now, if it’s the offspring – like Navy Joan Roberts – of a POS family member, well, DOCTOR Jill Biden simply told that little cuntlet to just fuck off and die. ’cause the child of a POS that the POS’s daddy has to call a bastard is just one step too far for a grandmother to go.
We just found out that Kodak Black is NOT a disposable camera introduced in 1987 and discontinued in 1994.
Al the while failing to mention that at Mr. Black, who apparently is a rapper whose sentence was commuted by that guy we don’t like anymore had:
Multiple stints in Juvenile detention (records sealed)
A rape charge (plea bargained) and a weapons and marijuana charge that he plead guilty to to drop the rape charge.
A different drug arrest.
An attempt to take a firearm through customs for which he was convicted.
Another sexual battery charge.
Another marijuana charge.
Another possession of a firearm charge.
More on the @ 20 leftward lurch in VA:
It’s like Youngkin got to pick the winners.
I didn’t fire Fauci because I wasn’t allowed to, but I could have fired him anyway, but I didn’t, because “it’s one of those things.”
Rand Paul was right about Fauci.
the @ 20 leftward lurch in VA
Half the Commonwealth’s Boomer population are in Europe right now.
The other half are going in October.
We’re all staying home because our loan payments are resuming.
Fauci is one of The Lizard Men controlled by coded messages in all the bar codes.
Still quoting Glen Youngkin’s campaign staff on how things went for Glen Youngkin
So three incumbents who, as incumbents, are already approved by the voters weren’t tossed out by moderates and that keeping the hands at 10 and 2 on a straightaway equals a lurch.
Breaking, Via Truth social,
@DonaldJTrump The One True President any one else is just a usurper.
“There was a clear winner in the Indictment of Donald J. Trump and that is Donald J. Trump. It’s like he got to pick his own charges.”
Who blew up the Nordsteam Pipeline? Who do ya think?
Who blew up the Nordsteam Pipeline?
Obviously I did it.
With my eye-beams!
The rightward lurch of the GOP is an actual measurable boon to Democrats headed into 2024
30 – Here’s a clue: it was the US!
Oh DUMBfuuuuuuuuck….
He got John Durham…
He got John Durham to admit that Russia helped Trump after John Durham swore in an official report to the U.S. Government that the FBI never should have investigated if Russia was helping Trump.
14)Not everyone getting on in Lynwood will go all the way to Seattle. It is going to be operational in Snohomish County by the end of Next year. If anything they are prioritizing your car over riders right now. Tge Lynwood station garage is open. Except for Northgate, no Seattle Station has parking, don’t need it, tge stations are served by good feeder bus routes.
As for Freeloaders, the free ride on Tacomas line is about to end. The only system in the state with LINK in its name where it is fare free will be in Wenatchee.
16)Sometimes I wonder if it would have been cheaper to keep the Interurbans. I would not build on the cheap like Portland. Tge airport line is a good example, built on the cheap, without Federal Money, using right of way set aside on I-205. Now, 22 years later, tge Red line is shut down for 4 months, part of tge Better Red project, which includes replacing the Single track junction At Gateway. The Blue line Gresham to Hillsboro, might be too long for an at-grade line. Closing a few stations in Downtown Portland was cheaper than adding a subway to boost reliability.
The closest to what the Interurbans of old could have been is Karlsruhe, Germany.
BTW, I spread my shopping around the Sound Transit District, and was shocked Tacoma’s sales tax was higher last year than Seattle, sinc the last Pierce Transit ballot measure was rejected, and rightfully so. Pierce Transit tried to gerrymander a yes vote. Dropped several communities from the taxiing district that voted no, including Sumner.
@21 “George Santos and Hunter Biden show that family will stand behind POS no matter how badly they fuck up”
Actually, pretty much every family does that (blood is thicker than water), so this is like saying their families breathe air.
These billionaires who find themselves stuck under 4000 meters of crushing icy sea water should just pull themselves up by their bootstraps.
They probably need to take some classes on resilience and Team First and learn how to use an alarm clock and read a bus schedule.
@31 Didn’t Republicans promise they wouldn’t seek a nationwide abortion ban? Were they lying?
Q) What’s considered trashy if you’re young and poor, but classy if you’re old and rich?
A) Getting “free money” from the government.
@37 @38 You’d think they’d read the prospectus first. NOT CERTIFIED. Passengers must WAIVE LIABILITY for negligent design or operation. Vessel may SINK or IMPLODE.
Looks like NYCTA will have to find a new bus manufacturer, Volvo is pulling NOVA BUS production from the US. Closure of the Plattsburgh plant effectively ends their production in the US, under Buy American.
Metro never operated their products except as a demo for an electric bus. TriMet, on the other hand, chose them as the supplier for articulated buses, when they chose to resume using that type.
Tge bus manufacturing industry in tge US has seen disruption from new entrants. Although NOVA BUS had joined t New Flyer , and Gillig in developing battery electric options, Gillig has been around so long, their first products were horse drawn. Thought BYD would pull out of tge US, since even though they have a U.S. site, their products may be ineligible for purchase with Federal Money, being Chinese. Federal grants used to cover up to 80% of purchase costs.
Was looking at the roster of Metro when it took over Seattle Transit and Metropolitan 50 years ago, and it was proof bus manufacturers come and go. Twin Coach, gone. Pullman-Standard, gone. Brill, gone. Flixible, gone. GMC, no longer producing buses. Kenworth, no longer producing transit buses. On a NW Bus fan’s Facebook group, have engaged a few times in conversation with a retired Seattle Transit/Metro driver, and has said back in the day, the agency had its issue, but we’re pretty scrappy. Even when new buses were procured, they still used old ones , even after their revenue service had ended. Tge Kenworth buses were examples of that, when their revenue service ended, the last three were used as vault/hostler shack buses at each of Seattle Transit’s three bases, Atlantic, Jefferson, and Mercer. Metro should never have sold Jefferson to Seattle U.
The Kenworths, plus a few Twin Coaches were originally built for Seattle Municipal Street Railway, and inherited by Seattle Transit, and a few of those Twins ended up with Bremerton-Charleston, where they and some later Seattle Transit Twins purchased by BCTC as well, were near
Y junk when Kitsap Transit took over. Built between late 30s and early 50s.
Would rather SDOT bridge Holgate St, instead of vacating it. Between Port and Gameday traffic, need the option. Also understand the needs Amtrak has, the new Trainsets replacing the TALGOs are longer than tge short coaches in the TALGO sets. Isn’t the first time that the King Street Coachyard has been reconfigured. They moved the mainline tracks into a more gentle curve after Safeco Field opened (the tracks of the main, and the yard, go under the roof).
Never Hurd of him
Exclusive: Marjorie Taylor Greene names her price for McCarthy – impeach Joe Biden
>> “I have an agenda to flog LGBTQ+ people to get the rubes to send me money and keep me elected. Don’t you dare get in between me and my rightful money. “
It’s not just Marge. It’s the party.
Hijacking the processes of governance, legislation, and even the law in service to a collection of personality cult profit centers.
I promise, pinkie swear, cross my heart have no idea why we quoted Adolf Hitler.
We thought it was Goehring.
As a member of the US House of Representatives the jackass voted against providing the funding.
Iowa Democrats are making him own his bullshit.
It’s just the Flu. Does it really matter. I talked about it here in Nov. and Dec. and nobody cared or gave it any thought.
The FuckHump said it, it’s just the Flu
Equal protection:
And guess what?
DOJ did not actually give him more than a year of constant nagging and pleading to avoid the charges.
GMan, I sent an email to you.
@45 Interesting how, under the new House protocols, one sophomore congresswoman runs the chamber and sets policy for the nation. I guess Marge has decided that if Pence doesn’t have the power to select the president, she does.
This is what happens when a weakling like McCarthy sells his soul to the devil. When you make that kind of deal, the devil is always around to collect her dues.
P.S., her demands also resemble, not a little, a protection racket. So the House now appears to be operating under Mafia rules.
Is it possible that Republicans, somewhere — in Texass, of all places — have a sliver of a sense of propriety?
“State Sen. Angela Paxton will not be able to vote in the impeachment trial of her husband, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, under rules set by Republicans in the state Senate Wednesday night.”
I doubt this has anything to do with looking bad, because they do that all the time. It probably means they want to get rid of Paxton and don’t want her interfering.
It’s not just Marge.
It’s Republicans.
And really, ultimately, it’s Trump.
“I have spoken to many of my colleagues. A majority if the 20 will be changing their vote to support the motion.. We have secured the number of votes needed to censure Adam Schiff and refer him to Ethics.”
Any guess as to what she spoke to them about?
These are all 20 incumbent Republicans that Trump promised he would primary if they did not change their votes.
Brave Keven has so many ultra-MAGA extremist’s arms up his ass working his controls it’s a wonder he doesn’t split in two.
Trump runs the GOP. Through his mobs. Through he appointed acolytes in the House, Senate, and media. Through his constant threats. And through their depthless weakness and cowardice.
The three most embarrassing words in the English language:
I vote Republican.
@55 The problem is the people who need to feel embarrassed by their votes aren’t.
The solace of aging, I guess.
They can’t hear all the laughing.
Looks like Mt. Rainier will become a rock climb.
Of course, there’s no global warming; that’s a hoax. The glaciers are melting because of internal heating of an active volcano. Eventually you’ll be able to toast marshmallows on the edge of its summit caldera before the whole thing slides into the populated valleys below.
@57 “They can’t hear all the laughing.”
Because they can’t hear it over their own shouting.
So I guess we can say with certainty that a 5″ hull is not thick enough.
Any billionaire volunteers for 5.5″?
I’ve got 5.5″. Well, almost. Depends on how you measure, you know.
That’s at least 50% bigger and longer than any of the trolls on this blog.
@62 For a definitive measurement, you’ll have to ask the horse.
Did the Brunette comeback and call her a horse face?
@51 responded
The beginning of Summer and it hasn’t gotten above 70 degrees here in NYC for the last couple days and forecasted for the rest of the week
@66 Texans are jealous.
DeSantis has decided politicians should accredit Florida colleges and universities. He has himself in mind.
In today’s corruption news, Amy Comey Barrett sold her Indiana house to an advocacy group with at least 9 cases before the court; and Kentucky’s Republican AG took campaign donations from a private addiction treatment company being investigated by his office for Medicaid Fraud.
In other political news, Maricopa County recorder Stephen Richer is suing Kari Lake for defamation.
He never lied.
But the Shit-lord Crybaby sure did.
And again.
What other choice do they have?
They are completely wrong.
And they are immune to the facts.
@71 Republicans seem to be having a tough time making their baseless criminal accusations stick.
Amazing night again at one of NYC’s greatest gay bars. Thursday night, Pride weekend, fucking amazing! Boebert and Horseface MTG go fuck yourself!!! Couple hundred males and females having nothing but fun and love! Bitches go back to your miserable fuck lives!
It really is like no other.
“On the anniversary of the Supreme Court ruling that overturned the landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, 6 in 10 voters remain opposed to the court’s removing federal protection of the right to abortion, according to results from a new national NBC News poll.
“Nearly 80% of female voters ages 18-49, two-thirds of suburban women, 60% of independents and even a third of Republican voters say they disapprove. And by more than a 2-to-1 ratio, voters say abortion access across the country has become too difficult rather than too easy. ”
Looking at these numbers, I think Republicans should temper their expectations for 2024.
Wet Hot Impeachment Summer will turn it all around!