A few months after the initial need, this week the stimulus package finally got help to me. The stimulus check arrived. And, more important to me, the company I work for finally had its PPP loan approved. So that’s good.
It is still frustrating. These things should have happened sooner. I have enough savings and if worst came to worst, I could have moved in with family. So the delay wasn’t bad for me (except for the stress of not knowing about my job) but it really should have been faster for people who needed it right away.
Anyway, go wash your hands right now.
Eventually, all this stimulus money is going to cause some monetary bumps as it percolates through the economy. It might cause an inflationary period for us unless the Fed and Congress are diligent about monitoring things when prices start going crazy. I think the Fed will take appropriate actions, but I don’t think Congress will act responsibly. If the national debt was suddenly and magically paid off, those in Congress would use that as an excuse to go out and borrow $24 trillion anew!
@1 you mean Republicans would make excuses and Democrats would find needs.
Where did the Tea mother fuckers go?
Nothing magical to pay it off. More like magic created the $24 trillion debt.
Go suck on a teabag
Yes, the delays in distributing stimulus payments are further evidence the Trumpers can’t run a lunch sack, much less a government. I got mine on Friday. But I suppose if worse came to worse, Doctor Dumbfuck could leave the barn and move in with his wife.
@1 Still waiting, hoping, and praying for the Obama stimulus hyperinflation to appear?
@4 – Yeah, and you can go suck your own dick, you fucking retarded motherfucker.
@5 – Still waiting for your laxative to work?
It doesn’t need to be paid off. Ever. The Treasury can roll it over until Kingdom Come. If individual, institutional, and/or sovereign investors won’t buy Treasuries, then the Fed can buy them with money created out of thin air (known as “QE”).
As for inflation, that huge sucking sound you hear is money disappearing from circulation. The squealing sound is brakes being applied to money velocity until they smoke. Both are extremely deflationary. Visualize all four of the economy’s tires going flat. Stimulus pumps air back into them so the economy can roll again.
Wingnuts don’t know a damn thing about how the economy works. Following their policy prescriptions is the worst thing you can do, because they’ll do the exact opposite of what’s necessary every fucking time. That’s why we get depressions. Rightwing politics explains almost every depression that’s ever occurred.
See @6 for wingnut economic crisis checklist.
@1 If you’re really worried about debt, then stop borrowing from China to give corporations tax cuts used to raise dividends and buy back stock. Nobody benefits from that except execs with stock options, shareholders to a lesser extent, and the Chinese military most of all.
I wonder if they’ll make a big deal about ceding full control to the Chicoms like they did with the Panama Canal?
This is some breathtaking stooopid right here, folks.
I consider it a testament to the success of civilization and modernity that people this stupid are protected and nurtured in our society and kept safe and sound from the almost certain self-harm that would come to them otherwise.
So naturally the stupid troll considers these things “burdensome”.
Stupidity is incurable because stupid people are too stupid to realize they’re stupid, which ensures they’ll never learn anything. Stupidity is like a common cold that never goes away. And because it’s contagious, it spreads like wildfire during BEACH WEEK!!!
Four days and a major holiday weekend later, even The Trump2020 Network has begun reporting it:
Puddy and The Q Clearance Pussy needed this news four weeks ago, before they wagered the last tattered shreds of their credibility on her story having legs. Maybe, but probably not the way they had planned:
Flynn may get off just in time, right? “Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up!”
Aside from the usual complete lack of understanding of free speech and the first amendment Donald threatening to shut down Twitter is like a toddler threatening to hold their breath.
It’s like threatening to give up those golden crispy delicious McDonald’s fries.
It’s like threatening to never golf again.
It’s like threatening to not find your daughter attractive and act kind of lecherous in her presence.
It’s like threatening to actually read a Bible and attend church.
@12 This week, they’re reduced to complaining about a husband of a governor joking about putting his boat in the water for Memorial Day weekend, something that didn’t even happen.
I guess they’re on pause while they look for another Norma McCovey or Tara Reade. You know, someone who needs money, and can’t get it from conventional sources.
Kinda like Trump.
Today’s approve/disapprove polls:
Politico/Morning Consult, 40/57, -17
Rasmussen, 42/57, -15
Economist/YouGov, 45/53, -8
You gotta wonder about the 4/10ths of this country that approve of this clusterfuck of an amateur president. Tallies pretty closely with the 1/3rd that David Frum says don’t believe in democracy. These two mindsets seem to go together.
@13 It’s like threatening to sue CNN for libel for reporting what he said.
Now that Tampa Bay Tribune has researched that Kayleigh voted by mail 11 times in the last decade what kind of questions on voter fraud can we expect at today’s briefing?
The only good traitor is a dead traitor. Right, Dumbfuck?
Rad also has the ‘Strongly Approve’ at 30% so 3-4% of the die hard supporters have figured out that a drug experimenting utter failure of a presidency is at hand.
The RCP average of the last eight polls is -11. Rasmussen is down 7 in the last week and a half.
“When lawmakers added $600 per week to unemployment benefits in March, it was a lifeline to the millions of workers …. Now, with the extra money set to expire in July and the pandemic far from over … Republicans … are … dead-set against” extending it.
” … 16.2 million people have lost health insurance once provided by their employer …. But the Republican majority in the Senate isn’t interested in … emergency relief for those who suddenly find themselves uninsured.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Count on Republicans to fuck workers every chance they get. Wage employment is the most disfavored type of income there is. Our system punishes work. You’re better off being greedy, lazy, and unproductive capitalist millionaires like me and Doctor Dumbfuck.
You really gotta love how the swamp monsters are being called out.
“A Louisiana police officer was fired over a Facebook comment that said it was ‘unfortunate’ more black people did not die of the coronavirus.”
Puddy should be glad this racist is no longer a cop. (For now, until some other police department hires him because it’s cheaper to hire other police agencies’ rejects than to train new recruits; he may be coming soon to a neighborhood near you, Spud.)
“The police are simply the hired enemies of Black people.” —James Baldwin
Hey trolls, LeBron James wants to know if you understand now why Colin Kaepernick kneeled. As in, stop putting your knee on black men’s necks.
Investigations take time, but I’ll be surprised if the cop who knelt on George Floyd’s neck isn’t charged with premeditated murder. From the video, it certainly looks like the cop intended to kill him. Reports that he “resisted arrest” explain the motive. Maybe he spit on a cop or something like that, so the cops decided to kill him. This certainly looks like police vigilantism. They were stupid to do it in the presence of all those witnesses, though.
26, Security cam video from the moment of the arrest until he was walked to the back of the police SUV for summary execution do not support the narrative of “resisting arrest”. It was an entirely routine arrest in which Mr. Floyd can be seen to be complaining to the police, but otherwise cooperates entirely. He goes into handcuffs, is seated passively against a building, submits to interrogation, stands, and allows himself to be walked to his place of execution.
Mayor of Mpls., who has seen the bodycams, is calling on Hennepin County Attorney to file for a warrant. Meanwhile Mpls City Council is calling for independent investigation into any police misconduct last night.
Minnesota has a 3rd degree, “depraved heart” statute. And precedent:
It sure looks like the cops are killers. Wonder if the police union will defend them?
@6 wow, very testy. Something got your panties in a bunch?
Statewide union paid full cost of Mohamed Noor defense, including ongoing appeals.
In case there was any doubt, the EMT report that has been made public indicates that Mr. Floyd was unresponsive and had no detectable pulse at the time he was placed into the ambulance for transport from the scene of his execution.
“White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany defended her decade-long record of voting by mail, arguing Wednesday that her public opposition to expanding mail-in voting for other people is not incompatible with her personal use of mail-in ballots. ‘Absentee voting has the word absent in it for a reason. It means you’re absent from the jurisdiction or unable to vote in person,’ McEnany told NBC News.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Somebody tell McNinny that “mail voting is different from “absentee voting,” and the word “absentee” is absent from “mail voting” for a reason.
Could some pro-lifer explain why the cop who stomped on a black woman’s stomach, causing her to miscarry, didn’t murder her unborn baby? I mean, if abortion is murder, then why isn’t this murder, too?
34. White cops trump black babies.
Interesting detail in the Firefighter EMT narrative of their response to the George Floyd police execution.
Engine 17 is called to Cup Foods at the request of the HCMC EMS to assist. When they arrived at Cup Foods they were unable to locate the patient, and police present on the scene declined to assist for an extended period of time. Engine 17 crew “finally” located an MPD officer inside the store conducting interviews who informs them that HCMC medics had already loaded the patient and relocated four blocks away to 36th and Park.
No explanation.
Speculation? HCMC medics respond to a murder by a cop. Immediately recognize it for what it is. Decide they have no intention of being caught up in the finger pointing. Demand that firefighters respond to record the condition of “the patient” and accompany before they transport the body to be pronounced dead at the ER.
Also included in the narrative, pointedly so, a retired Mpls. firefighter present at the scene of the execution informs the Engine 17 EMTs that he watched “the patient” go from struggling for breath to unresponsive while handcuffed and subdued by MPD.
Everyone there knew exactly what had happened, and what it was they all witnessed, including the cops. And none of them lifted a goddamn finger to stop it.
“The city identified the officers involved as Derek Chauvin, who was captured on video kneeling on Floyd’s neck; Thomas Lane; Tou Thao and J Alexander Kueng. …
Chauvin, 44, is a 19-year department veteran. Thao joined the department in 2009, was laid off for two years and returned in 2012. Lane and Kueng were both rookie cops, who had only recently completed field training and were still in their probationary periods. …
“The mayor said he had not seen any evidence that Floyd resisted arrest.”
“Twitter employees are outraged by the company’s refusal to stop President Trump from using the platform to promote a conspiracy theory involving a former staffer of Trump critic and media personality Joe Scarborough, according to tech journalist Kara Swisher. …
“Dorsey has so far refused to remove Trump’s tweets about Klausutis, a decision that Swisher said has angered many of the company’s employees.
“‘You might wonder why I get so much good information from inside Twitter,’ Swisher said …. ‘They’re very unhappy.'”
It’s about money, of course. Trump has over 80 million Twitter followers, and that translates into revenue. I don’t believe Dorsey wouldn’t ban Hitler, either. I think he’d be more interested in monetizing Nazism, conquest, and mass murder.
The 10th just ruled that cops do not enjoy qualified immunity when they unlawfully arrest someone (not operating a motor vehicle) for refusing to ID and being insolent about it. This is a six year old case out of New Mexico in which the DC denied a motion for summary dis based on QI. In upholding the DC, the 10th establishes the precedent eliminating the “reasonable belief” standard as far as ID refusal is concerned.
When it comes to arresting us for refusing to ID, they can no longer get away with it because they “believe” they can get away with it. It means that when they ask you can tell them to fuck off. If they arrest you for it, your Fourth Amendment suit will go forward to trial before a jury. Which means the muni-pool lawyer who defends them, and the muni-pool insurance manager who pays the lawyer, will tell them to fuck right off if they arrest anyone for ID refusal.
Rest assured, they’ll just go ahead and manufacture some other bullshit reason for your arrest. But they are starting to run out of the easy ones.
So, will Twitter ban Trump after he leaves office, or continue allowing him to use their platform to peddle lies, hate, and conspiracy theories under their “world leader” exclusion when he’s an ordinary citizen? My guess is there’s too much money in it to put a stop to it.
At precisely the same time as Trump mewling and sobbing about Twitter censorship, the DC Circuit issues a per curiam order sweeping aside Freedom Watch Twitter censorship case because First Amendment doesn’t apply to them, duh.
I’m assuming president RapeHero and his hooting troop of dupes think there’s an “internet switch” over at the pentagon.
As any contract with an indemnity clause would require. I don’t have a problem with that. You pay your dues you get the service.
For the Union to refuse to provide counsel would be similar to Aetna dropping a 20 year premium payer as soon as they are diagnosed.
Glad to see you libtards go nutz on something we who are of dark skin live through in the north all the time.
No, never looked down the bidness end of a 9mm or been kneed. There is something about northern police.
Walk into a store and immediately three sales people swoop in to see why you there. SouthCenter, NorthGate and BellevueSquare. Never fails! Alderwood they are good peeps there.
@41 It’s amazing how many people are clueless about the reach and applicability of the First Amendment.
@43 You’re right. I can’t possibly appreciate what it’s like to be a target of racism. All I can do is vote against our racist president and his racist party. You should, too.
Meanwhile in other news a strange documentwas released. Not too many people are looking at it. Butt this started Crossfire Hurricane. Seems only one person knew about why it started. Can you all figger it out? Can you figger out how someone can approve their own actions? And it was restricted to himself. WOW!
Thank goodness for Judicial Watch. To whom was it being sent to? It looks like a Susan Rice document to CYA. Yet this is the start of Russia Russia Russia. Butt what is interesting is how did he know about George Papadopoulos? He claims from media sources. We now know it was inside information!
Donald says he’s going to issue an Executive Order “pertaining to Social Media” tomorrow.
Holding my breath. Get on Twitter and send your fire tweets now because by Friday it will all be just a memory. Oh wait….
@46 Looks like the FBI received information that Russia was trying to help the Trump campaign, which is illegal, so the FBI opened an investigation.
Assumes that kneeling on the trachea of a handcuffed suspect until he stops breathing is a foreseeable part of normal police work.
Admittedly, Aetna pays for the dozens of reconstructive surgeries required when drunken angry cops beat their spouses into a cranial halo.
They get caught. And when they do, sometimes they even get punished.
Puddy hasn’t replied yet to my suggestion @45 that he stop voting for racists. Apparently he has to think it over.
Just to make sure nobody misunderstands what I mean.
The Union contract likely has an indemnity/defense clause that anything at all that happens while on the clock is covered. He’s entitled to legal representation and because he was on the clock the Union is probably responsible to provide. (note that I’m assuming but this would be standard contract language situation.)
When John T. Williams got shot, Off. Ian Burke didn’t defend himself and personally pay the $1.5M.
Can a Union supplied lawyer make an eight minute tape of choking a suspect go away? Doubt it but they’ll make some motion to dismiss and should lose. Can his Union supplied lawyer get a jury to agree that the deceased was so offensive or violent that “feared for life” is a valid mental state. Well handcuffed and on the ground so that’s going to be a tough sell.
A prison sentence seems appropriate here even with the finest lawyer in the land. But the officer is still entitled to Union provided representation.
“We’re surging:” Alabama reports largest COVID-19 increases to date
Check out the graph on the site. Doesn’t seem like relaxing shelter in place is working out.
@52. You make a compelling argument.
Coronavirus deaths in America has just exceeded the total US deaths in wars since WWII (~102K), and are quickly approaching the total deaths sustained in WWI (116K)
If you squint really carefully the redacted phrases are “NuhUh” l, “kidding”, “fake”, “uncorroborated, you Butt, “ I know you are but what am I” and, “Sexting. “
Ummm senile idiot wabbit,
Puddy didn’t vote for Crooked Hillary in 2016. Did you forget what Puddy put forth from Crooked Hillary’s mouth when she was in Arkansas? Of course you did. You demonstrate senility here every day. Ask the yellowish leaking buttspigot to replay the crazed databaze entries.
See ya!
Do you libtards remember this? Probably not because Tim Scott is a Republican.
DAYUM senile idiot wabbit, you are so stooooooopid. How did you become a lawyer…
How can an FBI agent start his investigation by approving his own investigation? There are many procedures that were not followed!
Stoooooooooooooopid is as stooooooooooooooooopid does!
Keep being senile!
You ain’t black did not emanate from a Republican’s mouth senile idiot wabbit!
Covid-19 Makes the Case for More Meatpacking Robots
The pandemic will probably accelerate the implementation automation in many critically disrupted industries. It’s just the incentive that was needed to justify the high investments costs
It’s fascinating the description of the machines.
Where the Deputy Chief of mission (Redacted)., legal counsel (Redacted) and Papadapoulid is Stzrok.
Nice work Piddles.
@56 My eyes aren’t that good but my nose smells a rat and it’s not what Piddles thinks it is. More like probable cause to start an investigation of the Trump campaign.
What the world really wants to know is how much Trump owes to his shady Russian bankers and how closely they’re tied to Putin.
@57 “Puddy didn’t vote for Crooked Hillary in 2016.”
@60 If you think Trump is less racist than Biden, go ahead and vote for him, nobody is stopping you. Somebody’s got to. It would be embarrassing if he didn’t get at least one vote.
I totally understand exactly what you mean.
I’m just pointing out, from a purely “philosophical” perspective, that any contract language is subject to some legal interpretation and even more litigation. Taxpayers can spend their money defending cops who kill people. Or they can spend their money training and supervising cops in order to avoid it.
It’s just a question of where the union wants to draw the line, and how much they’re willing to pay to draw it there. There’s a point of diminishing returns in the process. And it may not always be easy to see when the union leadership are in bed with the lawyers (as they so often are).
SPD is a good case in point. Some years ago they had maybe half as many Sergeants as they do today, but Stafford Frey was booking hundreds of millions in fees. Today, thanks in part to the intervention of a consent decree (vehemently opposed by the union), there are twice as many SPD Sergeants, maybe 15% more Lts, and Stafford Frey is gone (Bailey Onsager). It’s a better investment for everyone , including the union – everyone except the insurance attorneys, that is.
Problem identified.
100,000 malfunctioning American Human Capital Stock Units
40 million lazy American Human Capital Stock Units
@62 Now you know why he didn’t become a lawyer, and his son is embarrassed to be seen in public with him.
@62 Now you know why he didn’t become a lawyer, and also why his son is embarrassed to be seen in public with him.
@67 That’s nothing, you should see the shape Inventory Units are in.
Now that is an even more compelling argument!
At 59 it is very clear, and undeniable, that Puddy is arguing that nobody in the Obama administration ever approved of the FBI investigation into Russian election hacking to assist his beloved RapeHero.
The HuhrDuhrham Frog March Parade just turned into one guy they fired two years ago.
Remember that time Vice President Joe Biden recommended people shoot up with Lysol?
Yeah, me either.
“Pennsylvania Democrats: GOP Lawmaker’s Positive COVID-19 Test Kept Secret For A Week”
“‘These same Members were among those leading the daily shouts to reopen the state,’ Rep. Brian Sims (D) tweeted of his Republican colleagues. ‘They yelled and screamed about it being safe for others across the state to gather, while they were testing positive and notifying each other, but none of the Democrats that work with them!'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Better stay far away from Republicans; they might be hiding something from you.
Senator Klubfoot has been kind of quiet on the murder in Minnesota.
How can she be consider a potential candidate for VP.
I personally think she is a bigot.
Thank you. Strzok created it, Strzok approved it, Strzok started it. Strzok implemented it.
Glad you agree BeerPong!
Just like most northern DUMMOCRETINS
NOPE you DOPE! Puddy is NOT saying that. You did dot bombed.
Try again!
And which party do unions jockstrap every four years?
Nuff said suckas!
Oh Lord, this is soooooooooooooooooooo funny!
“Sorry we lied to you!”
You go against Inslee you pay the price.
Hmmm… Puddy wonders if any of this is true. If it is grab some more popcorn Martha!
Richard Grenell,
A breath of fresh air, exposing DUMMOCRETINS for whom they are.
Looks like the DUMMOCRETIN manure is about to hit the spinning impellor blades.
Lindsay Graham’s committee starts Wednesday. First Russia Russia Russia person up is Rod “Want Me To Wear A Wire” Rosenstein
Wisconsin Voter Commission (3 dems, 3 GOPs) votes 6-0 to tell Donald to go fuck himself and mail absentee applications to every registered voter in the state.
“Love is all around, no need to waste it
You can have the town, why don’t you take it
You’re gonna make it after all
You’re gonna make it after all!”
I think Trump just won Minnesota.
@ 88
January, 2013:
“Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night and decided they’d go kill some Americans,” Clinton said. “What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?”
It made a difference in November, 2016.
Rod Rosenstein was involved in the Benghazi coverup BeerPong?
Who knew?
Wow, more fake news from the NY Slimes. Puddy guesses this name will be removed from their front page Memorial Day article.
NY Slimes, the paper of record for assesHorse DUMMOCRETINS!
And the sledge hammer is a coming…
More popcorn Martha
Four guys. One of them has brown skin.
One of the stores behind them is a tobacco shop, open for business. If those guys aren’t there, it’s looted.
I wonder if Steve knows that the DJIA is now closing in on 26,000.
If so, Steve’s having another really bad day.
I think Steve’s gonna have a lot of really bad days between now and November.
You are running out of time. Pick a better nominee.
Great article by John Dowd Puddy linked above. Remember when the assesHorse libtards screamed along with MSDNC and CNN over Trump submitting written responses? Well now we know Mueller and his merry band of 13 DUMMOCRETIN prosecutors lied through his teeth.
Yes, we now know the whole thing was a setup by Obummer’s gang of partisan morons!
@ 96
After that committee performance by Mueller I’m completely willing to believe that he didn’t know what was happening and the underlings did the dirty work.
Same rationale with Biden. Gabby Giffords had greater presence of mind six months after her injury than Biden does now.
Twatter’s election security head twatted: There Are “Nazis In The White House” while their site integrity chief hates Republicans.
Yeah real arbiters of fair and balanced!
Hey, it’s in the WA Post so it’s approved by assesHorse DUMMOCRETINS!
Get some more popcorn Martha!
Goldman Sachs at $205/share right now.
Naked puts expiring in January at a strike price of $170 are selling for $1,100 per contract right now.
The National Guard was called out.
To Minneapolis.
Anyone seen Amy Klobuchar lately?
As of yesterday afternoon the DJIA had recovered 61.8% of its selloff since the February high.
Since hitting the bottom in March, the DJIA has
rocketed upwardclimbed more than 7,000 points.Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit still not a millionaire.
A really bad day is being one of 101,000 dead Americans and their families, friends and neighbors who mourn such needless loss. A bad day is being one of the 41,000,000 unemployed Americans, especially those in red states like Florida with purposely broken unemployment compensation systems.
What has happened to them is all your fault.
It will be tens of millions of Americans – the sick and dying, those who mourn, those who have lost everything – who will be having a lot of really bad days between now and November. This, too, is all your fault.
You and Putin picked an orange moron. As both of you want harm to come to America, I can see how you two fucks see your choice as being a good one, the greatest.
The only good traitor is a dead traitor.
You are out of time, traitor.
Better call Putin.
So did someone pay Tulsi’s campaign bills?
@75 Well, that’s not exactly true. She did have something to say about this cop the last time he killed someone: “I won’t prosecute,” or words to that effect.
Hey Steve, Pew Research says that the majority of American deaths regarding covid-19 happened in DUMMOCRETIN districts
24 Hours after having a Tweet containing verifiably false statements flagged Donald prepares EO to fight Twitter.
November “There’s a new virus we’re hearing about.”
December “People are dying from a strange new diseases.”
January, Donald “It’s a hoax this virus.”
February, Donald “It’s just the flu and the Democrats created it to hurt me.”
March Donald “Soon it will be down to zero.”
April, It didn’t jus go away
May, 100k + dead
Betcha he was going to vote for Joe BiteME!
“It’s a hoax this virus.” – Salon or reddit BeerPong?
However, Mayor Hal Marx of Petal, Mississippi, hasn’t been silent at all. He’s been more than forthcoming about the killing of George Floyd, to wit:
“If you can talk, you can breathe.”
“Why in the world would anyone choose to become a #PoliceOfficer in our society today?”
Said he “didn’t see anything unreasonable” in the video.
The cops involved are being “crucified.”
“If you say you can’t breathe, you’re breathing.”
“Most likely that man died of overdose or heart attack.”
The “officers were not restricting his breathing.”
Of course, there was backlash, to which Marx replied, “The tolerant progressives can’t tolerate a simple statement of fact.”
“I think that people are so quick to judge the police before they have all the facts.”
“I can’t say whether a crime was committed or whether they did anything right or wrong, all I’m saying is don’t rush to judgment based on what you see in that video.”
“I’ve seen too many cases before where the police were judged to be guilty in the public’s eye but later were found to be not guilty under the law.”
And, not least: “All of a sudden I’m called racist.”
Ya think?
Looks like the Wikipedia entry for Petal, Mississippi, may have been edited recently. As of this morning it reads:
“Petal is an embarrassment in Forrest County, Mississippi, along the Leaf River. It is part of the Hattiesburg, Mississippi Metropolitan Statistical Area. The population was 10,454 in the 2010 census.”
Your friend Boob was really pushing for her and a big fan of hers, if I were you I’d watch out for Bob and his people. Just some advice, take it or leave it. Live or die. Freedumb!
@76 So, Russian interference in the 2016 election, verified by something like 17 different U.S. intelligence agencies, was a hoax carried out by a single rogue FBI agent? Is that what you’re saying? Sounds about right. That’s Puddy Idiot’s normal speed.
And then @79 Puddy Idiot appears to claim that cops are liberal/progresives and cop unions support Democrats.
Out of touch with reality, that one.
Yes, America’s most densely populated cities are comprised of mostly DUMMOCRETIN districts, and I understand that black DUMMOCRETIN districts are being particularly hard hit. I can see Doctor Dumbfuck celebrating this, particularly the latter, but not you.
So much death and suffering. These people aren’t America’s enemies. These people are Americans.
@201. I asked the same question. I figured she was having dinner with you, you slimeball.
@101 I asked the same question. I thought she was at your place having dinner. To think you didn’t think about asking Puddy to join you either.
@81 Well, let’s see …
“A Port of Seattle police officer is on leave and facing possible termination after posting a video in uniform urging other officers not to enforce stay-at-home orders. …
“‘I’m seeing people arrested or cited for going to church, for traveling on the roadways, for going surfing, opening their businesses,’ said Anderson. ‘I want to remind you that regardless of where you stand on the coronavirus, we don’t have the authority to do those things to people just because a mayor or a governor tells you otherwise.’ He also called on law enforcement officers to take a stand. …
“But in a YouTube video posted on May 11, Anderson said … command staff with the Port of Seattle Police Department began urging him to take the video down. … But he refused to take down the video, and that’s when Anderson said he got a call from Port of Seattle Police Chief Rod Covey. ‘He said, ‘Greg, if you openly defy your governor, you can’t be a police officer in the state of Washington,’’ said Anderson. Anderson said when he continued to refuse to remove the post, police and union officials told him that his actions amounted to insubordination ….
“On the Port of Seattle Facebook page, Chief Covey posted a statement confirming that Anderson is on paid leave ‘while we look into allegations that he violated our policy on the use of social media.’ The statement continued, ‘Greg has always had the ability to express his opinions on what is going on in the country like all other Americans. However, he is not allowed to do so while on duty, wearing our uniform, wearing our badge, and while driving our patrol car. Every police officer in the country understands that.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Geez, Puddy Idiot, even the cop union isn’t defending this. Cops don’t get to decide which laws to enforce. He’s not only insubordinate, he’s fomenting insubordination in the ranks. He’s entitled to his opinions, but he doesn’t have a constitutional right to be a cop, and he certainly doesn’t have a right to use the uniform and badge to promote his political views. Just about any police department in the country would fire this guy. If he was still in the military, he’d very likely be kicked out of the service for what he did. And you’re defending this? You’re an idiot.
@82 Knowing you and your “sources,” probably not, nor worth the effort of looking into.
@84 Wherein allegations in a pleading magically become FACTS without intermediation of evidence, witnesses, cross-examination, fact-finding, jury deliberations, etc. etc.
Hell, that doesn’t even rise to the level of a pleading; it’s merely “Trump’s attorney said” to somebody or other, outside of court, on the steps of some building or other.
Puddy Idiot is really outdoing himself this morning. That’s laughable even by his low standards of proof.
@85 Rosenstein is one of yours, idiot.
I’m gonna hafta skip over some of the babbling butthole’s comments. There’s more Puddy Drool this morning than I can deal with. Let’s see what Dumbfuck is up to today.
@87, 94 I’m against rioting, looting, arson, and murder.
@101 The National Guard was called out. To Minneapolis.”
By a Democratic governor, at request of a Democratic mayor.
@101 “Anyone seen Amy Klobuchar lately?”
She issued a non-statement, which doesn’t mention by name either the cop she declined to prosecute the last time he killed someone, nor his latest victim.
@95 You’re in no position to tell anyone else to “pick a better nominee.”
@106 Must be a Republican bioweapon attack, then, because people usually don’t attack themselves.
Yesterday I spoke with a furloughed employee of one of the Tom Douglas restaurants. This person shared that the company is considering a bankruptcy filing. Among the issues, I was told that
• a $2.4 million settlement with employees and
• the proximity of (too many of) the restaurants to now-empty Amazon offices
were possibly insurmountable hurdles.
There are now 13 locations, the most recent having opened only months ago. With so many of the potential restaurant customers now working from home and possibly doing so long into the future, the company’s model apparently is not sustainable.
This employee was told that no more than half of the restaurants will reopen when given the go-ahead.
I was also told that one of the restaurants has already been gutted.
BTW I did a google search under “tom douglas bankrupcty” and there are no hits. So maybe you heard it here first. Or maybe the employee is wrong.
This isn’t intended as a minimum wage criticism. I just wonder where all of those people earning the City-mandated higher wages are gonna go when there’s nobody able to hire them.
Over to you, Goldy.
How to reopen a campus based on wishful thinking in one simple step-by-step guide:
1. Dorm spacing
2. College-age people less likely to get sick
3. Wearing masks “a strong social norm”
4. Contact tracing after students get sick*
* This is easier than it sounds, and doesn’t require hiring extra staff; just pull up a list of the entire student body.
“New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced an executive order Thursday to authorize businesses to deny entry to people who are not wearing masks or face coverings.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Seems to me this doesn’t require an EO and businesses don’t need “authority” to do this; private business = private property, if business tells you to leave, and you don’t, you’re a trespasser and they can call the cops to have you removed, arrested, and charged with trespassing.
A rhetorical question. A device, which poses a question in order to advance or argue a point. Puddy argues here that Strzok started the investigation into Russian hacking of the 2016 Presidential election to favor Trump without any approval.
That is of course a problem for the LOOOON DERP STATE CLOWNSPIRACY theories. But in their spastic zeal to find BREAD CRUMBS and fabricate any potential wrongdoing The Qanon idiots overlook this (a common trait), Puddy most of all (also a common trait). At this point the poor thing is just re-blasting every single scrap of garbage and copy-pasta he can find with no attention to detail. Obvs.
And so he fucked himself once again. Classic.
Took Susan Rice, Jim Comey, Andrew McCabe, Lisa Page, Samantha Power, and of course No Drama himself, completely off the hook without even meaning to do it.
Which means no impact on Biden or the upcoming election.
Works for me. Peter Strzok? “I don’t know him.”
@128 From your link:
“On Monday afternoon, a King County court approved a $2.4 million class action settlement against Tom Douglas and his massive restaurant group, Tom Douglas Seattle Kitchen, filed on behalf of 1,360 current and former employees. The lead plaintiff in the lawsuit, Clare Thomas — a former worker for the gastropub Brave Horse Tavern in South Lake Union — alleged that Tom Douglas’ company failed to properly disclose where the money from service charge fees was going after it eliminated tips in early 2016, and did not provide adequate rest and meal breaks.
“Douglas’s restaurants … were among many that switched from a tipping system to a flat service fee when the city’s $15 minimum wage laws went into effect in 2016. Washington law requires that restaurants disclose to customers — either on the menu or on checks — what percentage of that fee is going to the employees.”
Of course, restaurant workers were never cheated out of Doctor Dumbfuck’s tips, because he never tipped. He thought $9.65 an hour was more than sufficient compensation for their labor.
This isn’t intended as a minimum wage criticism.
Awwwwww…. A day without a cheap shot at the $15 min wage is like…
I just wonder where all of those people earning the City-mandated higher wages are gonna go when there’s nobody able to hire them.
Same place as these folks..
Ain’t the MAGA economy great? Blame it on the chicoms.. Take your HCQ. Inject bleach. Put a glowstick you know where.
Everyone had enough yet?
Sorry to disappoint you, doc, but I’m guessing Klobuchar won’t be Biden’s veep.
In which The Q Clearance Pussy ably deconstructs his own bullshit about an October economic miracle.
Hey Pussy. Did you happen to ask that TD employee which part of North Carolina they are moving to and who they plan to vote for when they get there?
97. Just keep flogging that right wing lie. Maybe if you say it enough times you will get us liberals to believe you.
Something in the Seattle Times today about half the new cases in Washington are people under 40. Also, “The coronavirus may never go away. Coming to terms with that reality is crucial to the next phase of America’s pandemic response, disease experts say.” Republicans appear ill-suited to deal with that.
Add Kellyanne Conway to the list of Republican hypocrites opposed to mail voting who voted by mail.
That list now includes Trump, McNinny, and Conway, among others. “Do as I say, not as I do.”
Of course, we all know they don’t want Democrats voting by mail (or by any other means).
BREAKING NEWS — Neccos are back!!!
“Spangler Candy Company announced this week that the iconic wax paper rolls filled with assorted flavored discs are being produced again and should be rolling out across the nation through the summer. The company said major drugstores will have them in June, and other stores will start to see them in July.”
@ 135
Tom Douglas relied too heavily on Amazon being there to patronize his restaurants. How that translates into a microcosm of a national economic recovery is beyond me, QoS McHillbilly.
Food delivery services rock. If Tom Douglas can cook Serious Pie pizzas out of a warehouse kitchen just outside city limits, he’ll do quite well.
We’re seeing newer business models establish themselves. Food delivered and a direct-to-consumer movie playing on a newly purchased 65″ TV acquired from Costco is a nicer experience than paying 4 bucks an hour to park on at a Seattle curb and then negotiate two blocks of homeless camping on sidewalks and three guys hawking Real Change on street corners to get to a restaurant that hasn’t been that great for two decades.
It’s also probably closer to half the price. Oh, and you’ll still get laid. Unless you’re Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, who no longer possesses functional equipment. Or Steve, who, well…
@140 “paying 4 bucks an hour to park on at a Seattle curb and then negotiate two blocks of homeless camping on sidewalks and a three guys hawking Real Change to get to a restaurant that hasn’t been that great for two decades”
Sounds like someone around here was dumb enough to spend his spare coin this way.
“Oh, and you’ll still get laid.”
Sounds like that someone was dumb enough to put an extra two bucks in the parking meter to get a blowjob in the front seat for dessert, too.
@ 139
This is what passes for fun to the chronically impotent. Three exclamation points – one for each of the threepresidential quadrennials that have passed since Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit had his last erection.
In other local news, “State unemployment officials said Thursday they have recovered $300 million in stolen money that was diverted by scammers from jobless workers in dire need of unemployment aid benefits.”
The airstrikes must’ve worked.
@ 140, cont.
2017 Quilceda Creek CVR by the case and kept as the house red at home: $45/bottle
2017 Quilceda Creek CVR at a Seattle restaurant: $120 or thereabouts.
’nuff said.
@144 A guy who pays $120 for a bottle of wine at a restaurant bitches about the waitstaff making $15 an hour. Go figure.
I suspect there’s more than economic privation going on here. There might be a kneejerk hatred of working-class people in the mix, too.
@142 Check out the overreaction to somebody else enjoying a piece of candy. I wonder what psychologists call that?
@ 146
Dunno. But I’d call it dunking on your impotence, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
And you gave me the opportunity to mention your inadequacy again, Einstein. Well done.
@147 “And you gave me the opportunity to mention your inadequacy again, Einstein. Well done.”
You’re welcome. I’ll help you make a fool of yourself anytime. If I can be of further service, please let me know.
Why Carl can’t stop washing his hands.
Use of high-THC cannabis doubles risk for anxiety disorders
So after all that bluster Donald says he’s requiring (narrator, “he can’t actually require anything.”) social media companies allow users to complain if they feel they’ve been unfairly flagged/banned.
He asked to speak to the manager.
Lord God of Karens Donald J. Trump.
What a cuck.
@149 It appears you’re into more traditional mind-numbing agents. Readers, see #144 for further details.
How that translates into a microcosm of a national economic recovery is beyond me,
Really? Seems like only moments ago you said it guaranteed re-election of your RapeCaptain, My RapeCaptain.
If Tom Douglas can cook Serious Pie pizzas out of a warehouse kitchen just outside city limits,
He can’t. He can make pizza. And he can deliver it. But it will have to be reformulated. And it won’t be AVPN, or VPNA.
Which puts him or anyone else like that perilously close to competing with Domino’s. Something else he can’t do.
All in all sounds like a shit ton of economic disruption that certainly can offer opportunities for any greedy capitalist with a tolerance for risk. But has little to offer an hourly flooring installer with mortgage and three kids. Jared and Kelly Loeffler will no doubt double their net worth. So there’s two votes you and trump can count on. Now you just have to find another 65 million in an ocean of unemployment.
But thank GAWAD we didn’t spend too much money of fire engines, right?
@ 150
Lord God of Karens Donald J. Trump.
What a cuck.
Of course you are correct. The brave way to go about doing this is to create a Truth Team:
Calling 911 For Being Black Dep’t
“A white venture capitalist who threatened to call 911 on a group of African American entrepreneurs working out in a Minneapolis gym has had his office lease terminated.
“Tom Austin, the managing partner of F2 Group, was filmed challenging the men inside the Mozaic East building, in Uptown, on Tuesday night, telling them ‘I’m a tenant here. Are you?’ before threatening to call the police.
“The men, who own social media agency Top Figure, responded to Austin’s hounding by informing him they also have an office in the building and have the right to use its amenities.
“The altercation, which took place the same night video emerged of George Floyd dying in police custody in the city, led to Austin’s company losing its license in the building on Wednesday.”
See also:
@153 Wherein a Trump shill complains about false political advertising. Do unto others as you want done unto yours, chump. I don’t remember you condemning Trump’s smear of a dead woman.
Here’s something for the Cheap Labor Doctor to celebrate:
“Before the coronavirus, millions of workers in the U.S. made their living off tips in restaurants, bars, coffee shops, beauty salons, massage parlors and countless other service-oriented businesses. Now some of those workers who lost their jobs during the lockdowns that followed the pandemic are finding they don’t qualify for unemployment benefits because — despite working full-time — they don’t earn enough.”
Too poor and low-paid to qualify for unemployment benefits. That’ll surely warm the heart of a worker-hating doctor who can’t stand the idea of anyone else being able to afford $120 wine with dinner or a Barrons subscription.
Oh, and he doesn’t tip, either.
The first south Whidbey restaurant did the Tom Douglas due to the WuhanSouth Whidbey Island just lost its first restaurant to the Wuhan.@153
Kind of pathetic that to prove his Hero Rapey McFingerbang-Changeroom isn’t a cuck he’s got to go to a source from eight years ago about a Campaign lost, about a man who isn’t running for office…..
@ 156
Now some of those workers who lost their jobs during the lockdowns that followed the pandemic are finding they don’t qualify for unemployment benefits because — despite working full-time — they don’t earn enough.”
What you should have written, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, is that they don’t report enough of what they take home.
The moral to this story is that tip income is taxable income. When you get a new job in the same industry, thieves, start reporting it.
@ 158
he’s got to go to a source from eight years ago…The immediately preceding instance in which a president ran for re-election, you meant to write. Cz-252. Didn’t you.
CBS News laid off Mark Knoller.
“Everyone Is Shocked”: CBS News Hit Hard by Layoffs
I bet he reported all of his income.
Lindsey Graham on Kamala Harris:
Be great if Biden could nominate her and then be talked out of running himself.
I could live, fairly easily, with Harris/Klobuchar. I could (learn to) stomach Harris/Warren.
@159 “What you should have written, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, is that they don’t report enough of what they take home.”
Wherein the worker-hating doctor declares that every low-paid service employee in Washington State who doesn’t earn enough to qualify for unemployment benefits is a tax cheat. Without any evidence. As he enjoys his $120 bottle of wine.
Sounds a lot like GOP claims about mail voting, doesn’t?
@160 In which “eight years ago” is transformed into “The immediately preceding instance in which a president ran for re-election.”
Of course, both are correct; but they convey entirely different meanings, don’t they?
Not vastly different from saying “Abraham Lincoln was a Republican. Donald Trump is a Republican, too.”
Some people would call that “spin.”
@162 “I could live, fairly easily, with Harris/Klobuchar.”
Of course you could. Harris jailed truant kids, and Klobuchar refused to prosecute killer cops. They’re your ideal of public servants.
Under Obummer’s watch right senile idiot wabbit? You continue to forget this [mic drop]. This was Obummer’s second term “reset” button senile idiot wabbit? You mean the three agencies that Obummer change to 17? You mean this BULLSH^T move even the EFF didn’t like as Obummer was leaving?
NOPE but you keep trying by throwing up anything your senile mind can think about and hope it oozes through
What? Bob is going to start telling us on who the VP choice should be, like he did with the Pres nominee? What happen to cheerleading for Klubfoot?
Once again the senile idiot wabbit is NOT WELL READ! Just like in California things are beginning to change but police unions like other public sector unions vote DUMMOCRETIN. Richard Trumka makes it happen.
Fuck, at one time you could be kicked out of the service just for being gay. And even today, if you are gay, you have to stay in the closet if you want to get hired for a job with a professional sports team.
They should hang the fucker for treason if you asked me. Toss him off a high rooftop
@168 ” … police unions like other public sector unions vote DUMMOCRETIN. Richard Trumka makes it happen.”
I’m sure they’re as surprised as Trumka to hear that.
@169 Well, she got run out of the military for wrapping the flag around her bare buttocks:
Unauthorized use of a police uniform and badge isn’t all that much different from unauthorized use of the flag.
@134 I always knew Klubfoot was a bigot, I tried to warn everyone, including Boob.
And now that he’s behind Kamala she is doomed. The horse knows it too.
“Surveillance video from outside a Minneapolis restaurant appears to contradict police claims that George Floyd resisted arrest before an officer knelt on his neck. …
“Earlier this week police said in a statement … that Floyd ‘physically resisted officers.’ But surveillance footage … does not appear to support the assertion that Floyd resisted arrest…. At no point in the video does Floyd appear to struggle against the officers.”
Multiple eyewitnesses also said they didn’t see Floyd resist officers.
The best VP candidate would be Buttigieg, but we have to go PC, it’s what Bob wants.
George Will did an opinion piece on RI governor being the VP candidate. She’s a bit squirrelly in my opinion though.
“The man who hung an effigy of Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear on a tree outside the Kentucky state Capitol on Sunday, has been fired from his job.
“Terry Bush confirmed to CNN that he lost his job at the Neil Huffman Auto Group on Tuesday. ‘My First Amendment was violated while I was doing a First Amendment act,’ Bush said ….”
Uh, no. His boss didn’t violate his First Amendment rights by firing him. The First Amendment doesn’t apply to private employers.
@172 The horse also knows a lousy lay when he meets one.
It’s nice to see killer cops get fired, racist tenants lose their leases, and promoters of political violence lose their jobs. Also, the racist-in-chief trailing in polls. Maybe there’s still hope for this country.
Regarding the post on Corona virUs never going away. I bet one day you’ll be hearing that not only will it not go away, I believe once you get it you have it for life and as you age and other “normal” ailments come on that they’ll be more of a problem for that respective individual. As in a compromised immune system, and since eventually it will not go away everyone eventually gets it and in the same boat, and those spring chickens that think they’re ok now, we’ll in 30-40 years from now they are fucked.
The only way to even try to beat this is to stay Healy by eating better and exercising. The Deep South lazy ass turds will eventually die off for being stupid.
And if it already has t, expect life expectancy to start dropping over the years. Once infected always infected.
Remember where you heard that first.
The idiot at number 1 is a clueless fuck.
Did you even look at the document dot bombed? NOPE! Otherwise you would have noticed no one else touched his document!
The document speaks for itself!
Includes Murder and Terrorism. These fucks are all a bunch of fuck.
“A woman in Texas is facing charges after being seen using a hammer to threaten a Latina doctor and her husband whom she mistakenly referred to being Mexican during a profanity-laced rant in Houston.
“The woman, whom authorities identified as Constance Lynn Bono, 60, was arrested Sunday after ‘unlawfully, intentionally and knowingly threatening Arturo Cordovez with imminent bodily injury by using and exhibiting a deadly weapon, namely, a hammer,’ court documents show.
“Cordovez was with his wife, Dr. Lia Franco, at the time of the incident. Both Cordovez and Franco are originally from Ecuador, but live in New Orleans. … ‘She screamed, ‘You Mexicans, get out of my f—ing country. Go back to your f—ing country,’ Franco said. … Her attorney … told NBC News … his ‘client adamantly denies … that she is a racist ….'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I can deny I’m a human pretending to be a rabbit, but that doesn’t make me a duck.
Remember when Steve placed the “Raw Story” narrative that the Florida woman was fired for not manipulating the Wuhan COVID-19 website? Well it turns out it was FAKE NEWS! Her story got her 30 minutes of fame until her record became public and even the libtard news places dropped her faster than the senile idiot wabbit can drop turds on assesHorse!
“Wisconsin saw a record number of new coronavirus cases and deaths reported in a single day on Wednesday, two weeks after the state’s Supreme Court struck down its statewide stay-at-home order.”
Watch out Steve the Dude likes horse cock too.
@ 167
Same thing that happened to your cheerleading for a fellow cocksucking man, gman.
They each lost.
Although one important distinction is that the cocksucking mayor isn’t being vetted for VP nominee. I will, however, give him full credit for that bitch-slap on Fauxchahontas about issuing purity tests. Damn good, that.
This is an impromptu rally to re-elect Trump.
From the Strib:
All bus service throughout the Twin Cities was suspended at 4 p.m. Thursday, joining the halting of light rail lines earlier in the day in anticipation of upcoming demonstrations, a Metro Transit spokesman said.
The extraordinary move came after two days and nights of sometimes violent unrest that has persisted since the death of George Floyd at a Minneapolis intersection after he was pinned by the neck by a police officer.
It was necessary to impose the shutdown beyond Minneapolis and St. Paul, where the vast majority of the unrest has occurred, because “this is not limited to any single geographic area,” Padilla said.
This is the kind of shit that happens to states with Democrats in charge.
Well senile idiot wabbit and dot bombed, Klobuchar knew that she had the police union in her pocket for running for higher office!
See ya!
@188 No, this is the kind of shit that happens when racist cops murder handcuffed black men. Your solution?
@189 And your evidence of that is — ?
Besides the gas emanating from your ass, I mean.
Poor Boob is an angry man. Has to be because the horses cock isn’t big enough
@190 he’s afraid of the boogeyman, it’s his kryptonite.
His solution is Hitler and Fascism. He’s a traitor.
Anyone got any Dementia addled nonsense coming out of a Presidential candidate today?
Putting aside that he seems shocked that a reporter representing Indian Media would focus on India…
There are a few ways to interpret this remark.
One, he thinks he literally just beat Covid, it’s over. All clear. Time to open it back up. 104k is just a number.
Two, He really thinks he just got back from India when the trip ended February 25th. But this wouldn’t match the “Just Beat” part because 100,000 are dead and all.
Three, He thinks he rushed back on a plane from India just in time before Covid showed up in America but the first confirmed case in the US was January 20th* so the notion that he beat it getting back here is frankly, insane. PLUS his much hyped “Ban on Chinese flights that wasn’t a ban at all just consolidating them through a couple airports and concentrating possible exposure to a few major population centers (great plan!) took effect almost a full month before he LEFT for India. In this scenario in his mind he’s Lando flying the Millennium Falcon out of Death Star 2 before it blows up in the wake.
Four, he just let slip that he was in fact diagnosed with Covid-19 and won’t wear a mask even though he knows he’s a carrier. He Beat it. Personally.
The most generous interpretation is a combo of two and three and that makes him mentally unstable.
*Piddles likes to quibble with this date as later research indicates there were cases earlier that were not detected at the time but FACT is January 20, 2020 is the first date that U.S. Medical personal could definitively say Covid-19 had reached the United States.
Somebody should send Puddy a “Killer Cops For Trump” t-shirt. As a sorta bulletproof vest.
The cop who killed George Floyd had at least 18 prior complaints and had received 2 letters of reprimand, and another of the officers had 6 complaints and a lawsuit against him was settled for $25,000.
I wonder if they bought the Trump t-shirts their union sells?
I hope this cop, or cops, responsible for this strife in Minnesota are pretty happy with themselves and proud mother fuckers. Would love to see them hung myself, even if they hang themselves.
I would hope that all minority groups, or people belonging to a group on the fringe of society, would support each other in this manner when it comes to be supportive. Hate breads hate. If you discriminate against one, then nobody is safe from discrimination.
Too Late!
Puddy already exonerated him.
Bet Puddy wishes he hadn’t. But alas, it’s all out there now.
Strzok did all the durtee durtee on his own.
That’s what Puddy said. And Puddy wasn’t lying.
Because that would be a sin.
“The document speaks for itself!”
Still, there was the once time, at band camp, when Obama wore a tan suit.
and again
So much failure.
So much humiliation.
Oh dot bombed,
The 2016 campaign interference by Russia happened on Obummer’s watch. He was president. Strzok worked for Comey while on Obummer’s watch. You are just like the senile idiot wabbit. Throwing out wild ASS commentary.
Obummer was in charge [mic drop] and Strzok possibly created the insurance policy for Trump to lose that McCabe and Page later discussed.
102,000 Americans have needlessly died
41,000,000 Americans have needlessly lost their jobs
All because Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron fucked up.
Better call Putin.
102,000 Americans have needlessly died
Really Steve? First you and your cronies claimed Trump didn’t listen to the experts. Then when Dr Fauci and Dr Birx said Trump listened then you started another charge that he was warned by the military. When the military said no such warning product existed then you went to alex azar. When alex azar proved the CDC was mobilized to look at the genome Jan 11 then you changed your tune again.
Wuhan CCP virus arrived here in WA State unannounced and unknown to us by a person in Snohomish WA January 16th through Seatac. How many people were on the plane became infected and went their own way by connecting flights or home in WA state? No one knows! The WHO told us it could not be spread H2H Jan 14th. Fauci and Birx repeated this along with Dr Redfield.
So your abject Trump hatred proves that facts don’t matter to you Steve. I thought you were one of the bright light here in the DUMMOCRETIN side. Apparently Puddy was wrong, way wrong!
Sad so sad Steve
Puddy’s party:
This is the Republican Party openly conspiring to kill people.
Are you surprised? At this point? No. Of course not.
“Right to Life” my ass.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America & Travel Bans Are Racist Bombshell News – China Ministry Of Truth Special Announcement – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UctriMuXYS0
Comrade Stickyfingers Joe Biden-Einstein (D-China) Awarded People’s Republic Of China Julius & Ethel Rosenberg Memorial Order Of The Useful Idiot For Advocating Closer Military & Economic Ties With China.
Democratic Party presidential candidate Joe Biden has said he welcomes Chinese intrusion into “all levels of [U.S.] government, classrooms, laboratories, athletic fields and boardrooms.”
The comments – unearthed from a 2011 Sichuan University speech – demonstrate either a fundamental misunderstanding of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), or outright collusion with it.
The former veep stated at the time:
“In order to cement this robust partnership, we have to go beyond close ties between Washington and Beijing, which we’re working on every day, go beyond it to include all levels of government, go beyond it to include classrooms and laboratories, athletic fields and boardrooms.”
Biden, 77, even advocated for closer ties between the U.S. and CCP on the military front:
“…that’s why it’s also important that our military leaders work together, get to know one another — not just our political leaders, but our military leaders.”
Video: https://youtu.be/7bbMkWS6CL4
From The New England Journal of Medicine:
Relevant paragraph:
Puddy exonerated Obama.
He told us all that Strzok worked alone, without any oversight or approval. And Puddy was not lying. Because Puddy never lies.
Because lying is a sin.
“The document speaks for itself!”
Puddy exonerated Obama.
And if Obama is exonerated, then Biden is exonerated.
DOW 30k: Failure and humiliation
Wuhan Flu: Failure and humiliaiton
Tare Reade: Failure and humiliation
Obamagate: Failure and humiliation
Life in general for Puddy: We all know this drill by now.
Maybe now would be a good time to call Putin?
In the event of any contact during BEEEEEEEEEACH WEEEK!!!!!!
206 is planning on being thrown clear of the virus.
Rapepublicans are dangerously stupid now.
Their stupidity represents a very real existential threat to public safety.
Keep trying dot bombed. Keep trying. Anything to exonerate Obummer must mean that Durham is over the target.
Putin not involved except to help Crooked Hillary. Seems you missed this twice and here is the third time just for you dot bombed!
@201 “The 2016 campaign interference by Russia happened on Obummer’s watch. He was president. Strzok worked for Comey while on Obummer’s watch.”
By your reasoning, all 100,000 Covid-19 deaths are Trump’s fault, because they all occurred on his watch. Note I haven’t said that — that’s you talking. Or, alternatively, you can be inconsistent, and a hypocrite, like Trump, McNinny, and Conway when they prattle about mail voting.
@202 Better not call Putin. He might call in his loans.
It’ll be like Nixon in 1984. Nixon who? Nobody ever heard of him. Ten years from now, and perhaps sooner than that, after the truth about Trump’s subservient relationship with Russia becomes known, you won’t be able to find anyone who’ll admit having voted for the Orange Moron. Least of all our dumbfuck trolls.
@203 “Wuhan CCP virus arrived here in WA State unannounced and unknown to us by a person in Snohomish WA January 16th through Seatac.”
That may be here it came to Washington, but it was in California first:
“California’s Santa Clara County had announced Tuesday that tissue samples confirmed two people who had died in early February tested positive for coronavirus — well before the United States’ previously understood first coronavirus-related death on February 29 in Washington state.”
The reality is that Covid-19 was brought into the U.S. by multiple people through multiple ports of entry, e.g.,
“The explosion of Covid-19 cases in the New York City area resulted largely from infected patients who flew in from Europe, genome scientists say.”
@204 Their pro-life protestations long ago ceased to have any credibility. Sometime after their 2d or 3rd recreational war.
@206 Not everyone in the medical community agrees with that, e.g.,
So, given conflicting advice from experts, smart people err on the side of caution, while stupid does as stupid is.
Do. Or do not. There is no try.
Puddy is done. Did himself.
Nobody else will do him.
@208 “Their stupidity represents a very real existential threat to public safety.”
No, their stupidity represents a threat to their existence. Now that it’s easy to spot Republicans from a mile away, there’s no reason to get within infection range of them.
@209 “Durham is over the target”
Somebody forgot to load the bombs. He needs a better ground crew.
Brought on by president RapeHero’s looming travel order and made exponentially worse by a complete lack of planning or coordination which resulted in thousands of sick and actively shedding patients being crowded like animals into inadequate tiny processing areas in a limited number of airports without means or instruction to screen, monitor, or contain. More Rapepublican winning.
@219 They weren’t wearing masks, either.
And can anyone doubt that Covid-19 would have deplaned at SeaTac within 24 hours after landing at JFK? It didn’t take a traveler from China to ignite a firestorm here.
Flying the Qanon Gossamer Albatross.
Peddle harder Pussies.
@222 You mean this thing?
Or more along these lines?
OK sure, cool story bro.
Oh, nothing just an MLPS cop indiscriminately pepper spraying protesters not engaged in looting, rioting, blocking traffic….
First you and your cronies claimed Trump didn’t listen to the experts.
And if the black guy did this? Lose over 100k lives? Each week of inaction costing 36,000 or more lives?
Hell yeah the orange ignoramus ignored the experts. Fool you don’t believe the earth is 10,000 years old much less billions.
Science-hating drumpf was tailor-made for you and your miserable crowd. MORON!
@225 Gotta show ’em who’s boss. Like they did that black guy the other day.
RapeHero keeps the experts around and just like anybody else around him, he listens to them whenever they compliment him or tell him he’s doing a really fantastic job.
The rest of the time he’s got a Sharpie, a glow stick, and some fish tank cleaner.
You are all getting me re-elected. Thanks!
@229 What will you do if you’re not? Flee to Paraguay? Ask Russia for asylum? Disappear into the Borneo jungles?
No one can score an own-goal as effortlessly as the Left:
Riots Destroy $30M Affordable Housing Project
@231 “own goal”
For that to hold water, you have to establish (a) who set the fire, (b) that person(s) would have been a renter, and (c) is politically “left.” What’s your proof?
yeah because it’s exactly where you want to live. Precious housing stock.
The anal (ogy) can be made of The Repukes burning down the house with The Hump. So fuck you, you mother fucker.
This wildfire of this strife has spread pretty quickly – I know it scares you, and it should.
Hey libbies, you know all this stuff going on is because the sky is blue – didn’t you know that.
Remember the rash of shit the black guy got when oil from a Corporation’s fuckup was spewing oil into the gulf.
I mean all the Black guys fault. But this here 100,000 dead its because of them hippie libbies.
Yeah without his twitter he’s nothing. Poor little white boy fuck!
Rog – maybe Brazil will take him….he and BoloBozzo will be close enough to blow each other, if BoloBozzo isn’t dead of COVID-19 before that.
Spoken from a guy who has failed all his life – a failed doctor, a failed father, a failed son, a failed brother, a failed husband, and of all else a failed Professional Athlete.
Just in case anyone had any doubts of the sanity of a Repuke.
Even in the liberal bastion of NYC theses cockroaches exist. We’ve probably even had a few of HA’s roaches visit and or have family here.
senile idiot wabbit, you all have been saying this for months now. Dr Darryl calls it the Trump Plague every Friday night! So don’t start with things you’ve been doing since February by “thinking now” on them May 28th, unless of course you are finally admitting to your senility senile idiot wabbit!
How does that relate to January 16th senile idiot wabbit? He recovered, he didn’t die. Now we have no idea about NYC. This is what we learned from listening to Dr Fauci of NIAIH and Dr Redfield of the CDC.
Are you saying you are smarter than them senile idiot wabbit?
Just in case anyone had any doubts of the insanity of every DUMMOCRETIN .
Everywhere in America these thought cockroaches exist. We’ve witnessed similar putrid thoughts right here on assesHorse yesterday May 28th!
What is the yellowish leaking buttspigot dribbling out the rectum @226? No idea and really don’t care!
Because ‘ceptin fer yur butthurtz feels on account of what Mean Gurlz we wuz, you’d have voted for Clinton, Right?
Attention Rapepublican voter!
We don’t like you. We never will like you. And we certainly have no intention of pretending that you didn’t subject this country to four years of relentless failure and humiliation by voting for the incompetent imbecile who runs your party.
No amount of childish whining, complaining, and pleading will ever change any of that. You’re a traitor. To eagerly traded away your loyalty to the greatest nation on earth for nothing more than permission to tell racist jokes around the company water cooler. You’re not an American. You’re a Rapepublican. We aren’t making room for you here. And we don’t care how much that hurts your feelings or what you plan to do about it.
Once again WTF@235 forgets many facts about the oil spill in 2010. I will act like BeerPong and post info without the link, butt I am sure you can find it! From CBS News
You see wtf, libtardoism is a mental disorder and you forget the past really fast, like the senile idiot wabbit does about today regarding yesterday!
And he probably has a net worth way greater than you wtf@237!
So how does that make you feel? Like a yellowish leaking buttspigot of course!
That’s why you attack him so much!
And he probably has a net worth way greater than you wtf@237!
So how does that make you feel? Like a yellowish leaking buttspigot of course!
That’s why you attack him so much!
We’ll never come close to matching you guys:
BOOGALOO Militia May Have Bitten Off Too Much
Trump’s tweet that got tagged for ‘glorifying violence’ used a phrase from a 1960s cop whose policies started a race riot
Don’t you thing America deserves a better president than “I take no responsibility” trump?
Speaking of own-goals, how ’bout that whole Tara Reade debacle?
I must have been out of my mind.
Speaking of own-goals, how ’bout this:
I must have been out of my mind.
@ 240
Puddy, I read a “what-if” piece about how badly the Wuhan would have spread had the San Francisco 49ers, rather than the Kansas City Chiefs, been victorious in the Super Bowl. There were already increased numbers of patients arriving in ERs in the Bay Area, who knew something was afoot but not what.
Had there been a ticker-tape parade in SF with special guest star the Wuhan, the spread through the Bay Area would have dwarfed what Cuomo has overseen.
It’s too bad for Mario’s boys, really. Had California AND New York been ravaged, there would be much less of a spotlight on the failures of specific East Coast Democrats.
“We followed standard procedure and let them go as soon as we found a responsible white person to vouch for them.”
@236 “Rog – maybe Brazil will take him….”
The rain forest already has enough problems without adding him to it. St. Helena would be better. After which, no airplanes allowed to land there, no boats allowed near the place; groceries air dropped in once a month.
@237 Not to mention a failed horse breeder. Nothing but My Little Pony plastic unicorns in the pasture behind the barn.
@238 Despite their obvious mental/emotional compatibility,* I don’t foresee a romantic relationship between her and Puddy taking off.
* They’re both Trumpers, crazy, and unstable.
@239 So now I’m Darryl?
Rapepublican president PornFucker digging up a quote from 1967 Miami police chief, and 1968 George Wallace Glorious Klan Kampaign for President is all the proof anyone needs that Trumpism is about nothing more than re-litigating culture wars and civil rights defeats suffered five decades ago.
How can a “president” take effective steps to protect Americans and our economy from a pandemic disaster when he has to fight battles the Right lost a half century ago? It’s not his fault he was saddled with a nation of unruly gays, uppity Negroes, and women who believe they should be allowed to vote without their husband’s or father’s permission.
It’s all their fault.
@241 Think you’ll be spared when the AR-15 toting white racists, i.e. Trump’s “fine people,” launch their “cival war” against black people? Are you gonna wave a white flag, shout “hey, I’m with you!,” and hope they don’t open fire?
@251 You wish, don’t you?
So we wake up this Thursday morning to learn:
1. Trump called the Minneapolis mayor a “weak leftist” a day after insinuating that “shooting” was the proper way to deal with protests. Some people might interpret this as a calculated attempt to incite police to violence.
2. State police, apparently not realizing they were on live TV, arrested an entire CNN crew who were reporting live on the air, who identified themselves, were where the police had previously told them to be, and were in an area that had been cleared of protesters and where police were in control. Some people might interpret this as calculated and premeditated harassment of employees a specific TV news network singled out by Trump for harassment who were simply doing their job for no better reason than they work for that specific TV news network.
Don’t expect Trump, Rapepublicans, or “reopen” protesters to come to the defense of the CNN crew’s First Amendment rights.
B-b-b-u-t-t REOPEN!!!
“A Tyson Foods pork processing plant in Iowa is shutting down after officials revealed an astonishing 22% of workers tested positive for COVID-19. The 550 workers infected with the coronavirus at the Storm Lake plant in Iowa, which employs 2,500 people, triggered a surge of cases in Buena Vista County, home of just 20,000. With a total of 700 people who tested positive as of Thursday, the county has the highest concentration of cases in Iowa.
“Operators of the slaughterhouse and state officials came under fire Wednesday after Iowa’s Department Public Health announced that cases of COVID-19 at meat processing plants would only be confirmed in response to media requests — and then, only if more than 10% of workers were infected.”
Well, they got their 10%, didn’t they?
Okay everyone. Puddy claimed that the senile idiot wabbit can’t remember what happened yesterday. Well how many Fridays has Darryl Holman run the Friday Night Comix here on assesHorse? Many. And how many times on the Friday Night Comix has Holman called the Wuhan CCP coronavirus the ТрампPlague:?
You see senile idiot wabbit, you demonstrate even for your leftist DUMMOCRETIN colleagues your senility and chronological ineptitude 24 hours a day on assesHorse.
Sad. So sad you should sit this one out!
Hey if the leftists at Politico are beginning to see the truth, then what does that say for assesHorse DUMMOCRETINS?
Not much in intelligence your honor!
The Prosecution Rests! I can comment on this Politico article all day butt my deck needs to be power washed so I go, I go, to scrub the deck I know!
Hey assesHorse libtards,
You remember the riots when this happened in 2017?
A new 18-second video, from the other side of the street, shows three officers sitting on George Floyd as he pleads for his life, shows he was not struggling, and shows the officer who killed him jamming his knee down harder against Floyd’s neck.
This video is further evidence that Floyd was murdered, not restrained.
Everyone says fuck off, troll.
More about the state police arrest of the CNN crew:
1. The CNN crew were people of color;
2. A white CNN crew working nearby were treated respectfully;
3. They were held about an hour, and finally released when the governor intervened;
4. The cops subsequently lied to the media about the reason for the arrests;
5. One of the arresting cops said they “acted under orders.”
Whose orders?
@265 There were protests against police brutality then, too, dumbass.
@264 Start with this quote from your link: “Tell us why [Trump’s] response to Covid-19 merits a second term.”
Then segue from there to “It’s not my responsibility” and FEMA confiscating PPE from states, then selling it back to them through private intermediaries at 400% markups, then explain why 100,000 dead Americans and counting merits a second term.
P.S., You’re not as dumb as you look, Piddles; you’re dumber.
Fellow HA HEROES… Sunset is at 8:57 pm… You know what that means:
And it’s kind of strange we don’t see the freak these days even after sunset the next day.
Yours truly wonders why that is. Not complaining!
Donald tweeted that he ordered meat processors to stay open.
“Hey Wha happened?” Fred Willard.
An interesting bit of the CNN video about State Patrol response. At least 50 in riot gear carrying large batons closeing off an intersection. A dozen of them sprint from formation to confont….
A single person.
Buttery males.
Ahhh yes the snowflake are a melting @267, @271 & @272!
@267, doesn’t like Puddy expressly showing everyone their beloved senile idiot wabbit lawyer is a chronological moron!
@271, @272, the yellowish leaking buttspigot can’t winon information so ad hominem attack it goes!
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa
Puddy asked where were the RIOTS? You know R I O T S!
You now have reading difficulties along with those well known mental issues?
@ 274
The National Guard was activated after 3 a.m. today.
A plan was not finalized until midnight.
If the state patrol wasn’t up to the task, it might have been because the state patrol wasn’t assigned a clear task.
You’ve got Howard Dean tweeting that it looks like nobody’s in charge. That’s not GOP leadership he’s criticizing, Cz-252.
Being mostly vegetarian Puddy has watched meat prices skyrocket BeerPong. So your fix is to not have meat in the grocery stores?
Please explain that to the poor and lower middle class you jackASS!
You know facts have no meaning to BeerPong when a Trump attack is “called for”!
You have to explain everything to the senile idiot wabbit.
This guy is a leftist at Politico. Puddy doesn’t need to explain what he wrote you moron. It’s his take is different that the average DUMMOCRETIN these days!
Too stooooooooooopid to reason it out!
If I was as silly as Cz-252 I’d be arguing that Trump has an “absolute lock” on MN’s electoral votes.
Funny, ironic and hypocritical for people to get their panties in a bunch over a face mask, or a lockdown, or social distancing, or rules, that are protections to save lives and this country, but yet they have no problem with setting a rule the rule of marriage is between one ape and one other ape, when there is really no compelling reason for it, other than their hatred, phobia, and bigotry, and insecurities.
These types of apes are a bunch of fuckwads that should have been aborted and now that they are living should be sterilized so that the produce no bastard children.
If I were silly I’d say the Bob makes sense and isn’t a complete failure of a human being. He should have been aborted.
Piddles doesn’t understand the concept of rising tensions.
Maybe some history.
How many years were French citizens marching and starving before they stormed the Bastille?
How long did the Romanovs kill dissidents and suspected dissidents before the Bolsheviks realized there are far more of us than them and some of us will die but the Romanovs are done?
How many arrests and killings and crushed protests took place before Mubarak faced Arab Spring?
Piddles is a stupid person.
Watts Riots just ‘happened’ it wasn’t a growing problem decades in the making.
104.000 > 100,000 > 45,000 > 15
Georgia’s flattened curve is actually a plateau.
“I beat covid!” Donald
Nothing the babbling butthole posted after my last comment is worth replying to.
@281 Trump inciting violence in the wake of the Minneapolis riots isn’t silly, it’s irresponsible and dangerous. His inciting the armed “reopen” rioters in the Michigan state capitol isn’t silly, it’s reckless. Your refusal to criticize anything Trump says or does isn’t silly, it’s citizenship malpractice. You’re a sorry excuse for an American citizen.
Aside from not using rubber billets and tear gas in the early moments of peaceful protests, this would have made a lot of difference two days ago.
@ 283
gman, your entire reason for spending six months supporting Mayor Pete is that you each suck cock and swallow.
There is nothing about you that is serious, you psychotic fuck.
@ 288
You mean, before statements were taken, body camera video was collected and viewed, and police were able to confer with prosecutors?
Yes, Cz-252, if only life could be as simple as a 60 minute episode of Law and Order. If only due process could be waived.
Hell, if the cops had been lined up against the wall and shot later the same day you might have even been complimentary.
@289 “your entire reason for spending six months supporting Mayor Pete is that you each suck cock and swallow.”
Now that’s silly.
“There is nothing about you that is serious, you psychotic fuck.”
And that’s … triggered.
Yes. As in, “we’ve seen enough that we intend to charge you with misdemeanor assault, a charge that can be dropped if evidence shows it unwarranted. More charges can be added if warranted.”
Not much different than handcuffing and processing a suspect in a domestic dispute before all the evidence is evaluated. Or taking in a drunk and disorderly only to discover that’s a Person with a physical handicap and a speech issue.
No beat cop EVER takes someone to county jail before 100% of the evidence is collected.
Equality under the law and all
@290 “You mean, before statements were taken, body camera video was collected and viewed, and police were able to confer with prosecutors?” sez the troll who called Bowe Bergdahl a “traitor” before evidence was collected and reviewed, etc.
“Hell, if
the copsBowe Bergdahl had been lined up against the wall and shot later the same day you” would have been dancing with joy.Now I’ll tell you where I am with this: Based on the evidence, and being afforded full due process, Bergdahl got what was coming to him; and based on the evidence, and being afforded full due process, these cops should get what’s coming to them, whatever it is, be it conviction or exoneration. In other words, go through the process, and let the chips fall where they will.
you psychotic fuck.
HAHAHAHA! projeckshunnnn.. thanks for the laugh.
I’m not entirely convinced the detention of the CNN crew was motivated by detention. It may be significant that they were left alone until a lone protester ran into view, and two of the cops grabbed him, and it was caught on camera. Cops HATE being recorded doing their work. They HATE citizens recording police encounters with their cellphones, and often threaten these citizens with arrest, even in states where such recording is legal. They HATE body cams, and will turn them off (or not turn them on) for any excuse. In short, cops HATE anyone having evidence that might contradict their story about what occurred.
The reason for their hatred of video evidence is obvious enough: Without video evidence of George Floyd’s murder at the hands of the police, those cops will still have their jobs, and wouldn’t be potentially facing murder charges. The police reports would say George Floyd was “resisting arrest” and suffered a “medical issue” and the officers tried to resuscitate him but their best efforts failed, etc.
Cops HATE being recorded on video because it exposes their lying for what it is. So I think when the CNN crew caught the arrest of that protester on camera, it reflexively triggered those cops’ censorship reflex, and they decided to stop the recording. Unfortunately for them, they didn’t know the whole thing was being broadcast live, for the whole world to see.
Let’s see Biden is still up in 3 of 4 battleground states per rcp..
RCP? Wow, that’s an always wrong wing blog… Heh.
Hey Dumbfuck, even Moscow Mitch won’t back you up this time:
“McConnell had strong words for prosecuting the police in the incidents in Minneapolis and Louisville, saying ‘if you see what happened, [they] look pretty darn guilty.'”
@288 Yeah, but only charged with 3rd degree murder and manslaughter. It looked pretty damned premeditated to me.
Van Jones on CNN this morning:
Steve, he’s talking about you, amigo.
You and your fucking shitting-the-street-but-you-leave-it-for-someone-else-to-clean-up Man’s Best Friend. Steve.
This is for you, Puddy Idiot:
“The coronavirus began quietly spreading in the U.S. as early as late January …. The virus then came into the U.S. from Europe, the CDC reported. ‘The findings do show that in late February, early March, there were several importations of the virus from Europe to California and northeastern United States and possibly elsewhere’ ….
“Health officials announced the first coronavirus case in the U.S. four months ago, on Jan. 21. The patient, a man in his 30s who lived outside of Seattle, flew home on Jan. 15 after traveling in Wuhan, China, where the pandemic originated. But the CDC said it will likely never be known if the man was the first person in the U.S. with the virus. … It wasn’t until Jan. 30 when the CDC announced the first evidence of person-to-person spread — a married couple in Chicago.”
And there’s no evidence the Chicago couple had any contact with the Washington man, so like I said, multiple people brought it into the U.S. through multiple entry points. You can’t blame it on him, nor can you say a China travel ban could have kept it out of our country.
Lookit all the stupid white people trying to give Trump Colorado’s electoral votes.
Don’t wanna run the risk of being run over? Don’t scare the shit out of a woman driver by jumping on her hood while a hundred of your buddies make sure she knows what will happen to her if they figure out she accidentally left her car door unlocked.
When Trump tweeted, “When the looting starts, the shooting starts,” he was channeling two notorious segregationists of the civil rights era.
Further evidence — as if any is needed — that Trump is a white supremacist.
Puddy (hearts) white supremacists. I find that strange.
@301 Yeah, she was just a frightened driver trying to get away when she made a 90-degree turn away from a clear street in front of her back into the crowd to run the guy over …
Really, Dumbfuck, you shouldn’t introduce evidence that blows your argument to smithereens. It’s not good lawyering on your part.
The driver is wanted by police, Dumbfuck.
They know a criminal act when they see video of one.
That may explain why the Minneapolis cop was arrested, too.
Black firefighter and his wife were about to open a sports bar in Minneapolis.
Trump isn’t the only one inciting violence. Doctor Dumbfuck is getting into the act, too. He wouldn’t miss this opportunity for the world.
@306 Yes, the looting, vandalism, and arson are terrible. Just terrible. The cops shouldn’t have murdered that black guy. This all could’ve been avoided if some white cops weren’t racist murderers.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 305
There’s gonna be at least one juror who is going to make up his mind that any altercation that starts like this
isn’t going to result in a conviction.
Prosecution will start with two strikes against it.
Your best case scenario is a reckless driving citation. You think the police chief is gonna downplay the incident and risk having his city become another Minneapolis, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit? OF COURSE he’s gonna make it sound like social justice will be done.
Roger, just show the idiot this:
It’s a pre-print still undergoing peer review. But the findings are already widely acknowledged and shared.
“[D]espite hundreds of genomes sequenced in Washington state, no viruses with genomes identical to WA1 or transitional between it and the outbreak clade (i.e. having a C at position 17747 or an A at position 17858, like WA1) had been sampled there,”
The cases detected in Washington in late Feb can not be genetically linked to the first case detected in Washington in Jan 16 entering through SeaTac from Wuhan (WA01).
Puddy is lying again.
Of course.
This touches on criminal justice reform and New Jim Crow and the legal war on poor people.
Middle class white police officer is not arrested at the scene. In the current example he was fired almost immediately. But in less notable cases they are able to show up for wok tomorrow and the next day and continue doing so until a trial or dismissal of charges.
At the very least a person granted bail (no cash bail!) with means can be free until trial and continue to work.
A person working a Saturday morning shift arrested for some petty crime Friday night, more likely to happen to POC than White people as a percentage of interaction with law enforcement to arrest, can’t see a judge until Monday and possibly get terminated from their job.
Someone arrested who can’t come up with bail remains incarcerated and even if acquitted and reenters society with no job, likely an eviction for unpaid rent, destroyed credit….
Sorry to drop this thumbnail sketch of the inequality of the criminal justice system but it’s these bubbling issues in some communities that occasionally explode in full bore riots. Usually in response to some extraordinary event that is ‘the last straw’.
Anyone with a bit of analytical skills knows Ferguson was not really about Mike Brown. Just the spark.
“Next coronavirus stimulus bill will be the ‘final’ one, Mitch McConnell says”
Unless voters make a management change.
@309 “Your best case scenario is a reckless driving citation.”
No, your best case scenario is a reckless driving citation. This clearly wasn’t self-defense. What provoked the vehicular assault is immaterial, just as what provokes any other road rage incident is immaterial. Assault is assault, and a car is a deadly weapon when used to commit assault. Cops shoot people who try to run them over. See, e.g., LaVoy Finnicum.
But you may be right about jurors. In a country where civil obedience of simple public health regulations is breaking down, and political leaders and a substantial portion of the population cheer on racist cops who routinely murder black people, it’s not unrealistic to fear the jury system — and law and order in general — may break down, too. See, e.g., the inexplicable acquittal of the band of armed domestic terrorists who took over a federal wildlife refuge.
It is “the totality of circumstances”. That door swings both ways.
It’s the obvious workings of the system laid out and exposed for all to see.
It’s how the three other police do nothing to stop the murder in progress, and instead only intervene to ensure that the murder in progress is not interrupted. And how all of them subsequently wrote reports portraying the murder as something other than what it was.
It’s how the HCMC medics realize immediately upon arrival that Mr. Floyd is already dead, that he is dead from injuries inflicted by the officer kneeling on his wind pipe, and that he has been dead for some time. So instead of immediately transporting him, they go around the block and await Mpls Fire and Rescue EMTs to accompany and write the narrative.
It’s how the Mpls EMTs recognize immediately what they are witnessing and involved in and lapse into controlled, limited language in their report, while everyone unloads everything on “the patient” in order to stay our of the line of fire.
Everyone involved knew immediately that it was a murder. And yet the motherfucker remained free and at large until today. And at every step along the way his interests were being protected by everyone at every turn.
This is how the system works to protect murderer-cops, but also to create more of them. More cops equals more murderer-cops.
If the communities where people like George Floyd are to be made safer, we need to reduce the numbers of police.
@310 I think I already did.
Mpls Mayor: “It’s murder”.
Mpls City Council: “It’s murder”.
Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Aprehension: “It’s murder.”
Hennepin County Attorney: “It’s murder.”
Mpls Fraternal Order of Police: “It’s murder.”
Mpls Star Trib: “It’s murder.”
Trump and The Q Clearance Pussy: “When the looting starts, the shooting starts.”
What’d he say?
Was it:
“Show Puddy where Puddy said anything about LEEEENKS!”
Puddy is forever crawling in shame through a litter of lube and semen smeared NDAs, back within the safety of his motte.
@317 – I might’ve seen the article you linked to, but I used a different link @213, and he responded by squirting squid ink @240.
@316 Walter Headley, George Wallace, Trump and The Q Clearance Pussy: “When the looting starts, the shooting starts.”
Meanwhile Van Jones speaks and peeps listen. HA assesHorses can’t fathom his words
HAHAHAHAHAHA! He nailed it about white libtard assesHorse HA DUMMOCRETINS!
dot bombed @310,
Oh Really? This has never changed. So, once again your “use of facts” is useless from the CDC’s data. This is all Puddy been saying. You all claim Trump didn’t use CDC data. Well here it is!
Try again! Puddy knows you like being rake faced!
Multiple witness accounts state the driver attempted to ram her way through a peaceful march instead of.
B:u turning and finding another route.
These same witnesses state that the person ended up on the hood of the car as a result of the driver attempting to move him with the front bumper.
The driver who then tried to finish the job instead of driving away when they were clear.
Nice victim blame Dumbfuck.
CO is blue and y’all are losing a Senate seat to Hickenlooper, a very well liked conservative Democrat two term Governor and Mayor of Denver.
@320 You’re right, white folks have no fucking idea what it’s like to be black in this country. All we know is that somewhere in this country are 2 or 3 black people stupid enough to vote for Trump.
@310 You nailed it when you called him an “idiot.” See #321.
@322 They’ll catch her. Her license # must be on at least 30 or 40 cellphone videos.
Another poll over 50%
Zogby, general Nationwide
Biden 53-40
Piddles suddenly becomes ‘woke’ to what his ‘community’ has been saying/writing since Malcom.
The murders of George Floyd and Ahmaud Arbery create a real problem for me.
A real problem for me and many of my voters too.
A real problem for me, many of my voters, and many of my party’s Senators too.
@ 328
I think the fires and looting in St. Paul create a real problem for Democrats.
From a conservative blog run by Minnesotans.
Don’t forget how badly #BLM damaged Hillary. Kamala Harris oughta hold out for the top spot on the ticket. A few more nights like the last two nights and she’ll probably be handed it on a silver platter.
@328 Either you’re a liar, or my information is out of date. I thought you stiffed your creditors in bankruptcy only 4 times. And because you’re still alive, you must be paying your Russian lenders, I assume with taxpayer money, given that you don’t have any money of your own, unless you’re borrowing from your daughter.
Yes when The Story of Covid is written it will be Hannity and Ingraham who had it right al along. We should have listened.
“Older Americans were key to securing Trump’s victory in 2016. But some … aren’t so firmly in his camp this time around, a shift that could present a hurdle for Trump as he seeks a second term.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I have no sympathy for them, but if they come back to their senses, fine. Don’t expect Doctor Dumbfuck or Puddy to, though, because they never had any to begin with.
@329 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck thinks race riots sparked by Trump=supported police brutality by Trump-voter cops “create a problem for Democrats.” No, it’s America’s problem, dumbfuck, and your tribe instigates and aggravates it.
“Civil rights attorney Benjamin Crump, who is representing Floyd’s family members, said they still want a first-degree murder charge against Chauvin ….”
So do I. It looked pretty damned premeditated to me.
“CNN’s Van Jones said a ‘white, liberal Hillary Clinton supporter’ could pose a bigger threat to African Americans than the Ku Klux Klan on Friday morning when discussing the state of race relations in the United States following the violent protests that erupted in Minneapolis, and the false accusations made against an African-American man by a white woman in Central Park in New York City.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The good news for Puddy is there’s another black man in the USA who’s as stupid as he is. Misery loves company. All the proof you need is @320.
This is for you, too, Puddy:
“The US missed a chance to catch imported cases of coronavirus earlier this year, genetics experts say in a new report. Analysis of the virus by evolutionary biologist Michael Worobey of the University of Arizona and colleagues shows the first person known to have carried the infection to the United States, in Washington state back in January, may not have been the source of the later cases there. …
“Worobey and colleagues compared the strains of the virus that infected the first known US case … and samples taken from a cluster of cases that popped up in the state at the end of February … there was no way the virus that came into the country with the first patient in January was the same virus infecting people six weeks later …. They concluded there had to be a second introduction of the virus in mid-February … [that] may have come from Canada.”
And may have been the one that spread.
Jay Inslee, hardest hit and still leading from behind:
ABC News has just finished a study of 21 states that opened up in early May and found that none of them have any major increases in hospitalizations, deaths, or the percentage of people testing positive:
“JUST IN: @ABC looked at 21 states that eased restrictions May 4 or earlier & found no major increase in hospitalizations, deaths or % of people testing positive in any of them. [SC, MT, GA, MS, SD, AR, CO, ID, IA, ND, OK, TN, TX, UT, WY, KS, FL, IN, MO, NE, OH]”
Hey Wabbit,
Glad you brought up Canada. Now you can see why more and more countries are upset with China.
Hey Wabbit,
Van Jones is 100% libtard. That’s why he’s only seen on MSDNC and CNN!
To dot bombed and senile idiot wabbit,
Puddy will stay with CDC guidance, vs. cruising “reddit” for your “latest” anti-Trump attack.!
Maybe this balances out some of Dumbfucks ‘theories’
(YouGov, 4/16) Is it Appropriate to cut funding to WHO?
32% Appropriate
52% Inappropriate
15% Don’t know.
(Morning Consult 4/17-19) Approval of WHO response to Covid
55% Approve
30% Disapprove
14% Don’t know
Among People who said the voted Donald in 2016
36% Approve, 51% Disapprove, 13% Don’t know.
Donald, May. “I’m cutting off all contact with WHO! Harumph. Not my fault! Their fault. No responsibility. Open the churches so I can golf!”
(EdsNote, without vetoing the NEXT spending bill Donald can’t cut any funds authorized by Congress to WHO, see Ukraine re: hold up of aid.)
Take a Molotov, not a knee.
Rioters Decline To Sign Colin Kaepernick
From a klownservatic blog run by Minnesotans.
The power tools – who would have guessed?
Together with the gateway moron, long time favorite of nutty HA trolls.
@ 341
Hey Cz-252, do you think the WHO would fare as well in a poll taken 6 weeks later, when it’s increasingly clear that they fell down on the job with China and what the people who supposedly knew used to scare the rest of us turned out to be mostly bullshit?
’cause your polls were reported in mid-April, so they probably were surveys in the April 12-14 range. That was a month and a half ago.
Now that the Flynn transcripts are released, what the libtards spin spin spin! Total setup!
So libtard DUMMOCRETINS Logan Act violations?
Where is that FBI 302 again? Oh yeah Strzok and Page know!
That’s a dumbfuck way to talk about a cat who just so happens to be only a wee bit smaller than a lynx. So you might want to profusely apologize to her before she rips your your throat out during the dark hours of night and then kills your horse for good measure.
You gotta remember BeerPong is one of the original chronological idiots here on assesHorse!
ABC News has just finished a study of 21 states that opened up in early May and found that none of them have any major increases in hospitalizations, deaths, or the percentage of people testing positive
Let’s see..
over 25k new cases today total
over 1200 deaths..
Over 1300 new cases in Texas, 31 deaths
Over 1200 new cases in Florida, 49 deaths
Over 1100 new cases in N Carolina, 52 deaths
760 new cases in Pennsylvania, 68 deaths
733 new case in Wisconsin, 18 deaths
702 new cases in Arizona, 28 deaths
668 new cases in Ohio, 27 deaths
607 new cases in Michigan, 34 deaths
597 new cases in Geogia, 11 deaths
501 new cases in Alabama, 19 deaths
Washington State is way down that list of new cases. Thanks Gov Inslee.. Moron troll, native american name Forgets Sky Daddy?
Looks like dumbfuck wants to talk about anything except the consequences of his own fuck ups.
104,000 Americans are dead
41,000,000 Americans on unemployment
How’s that polling for you, Dumbfuck?
Uh-oh. Not so good.
Better call Putin.
Flynn is guiltier than fuck.
And nobody set him up or made him lie to the FBI. He did that of his own free will.
Dot bombed claimed earlier Puddy got woke over George Floyd.
Apparently dot bombed hasn’t been paying attention to Puddy post since 2005. Puddy was woke before being woke was woke.
Glad to see you wake up but, as Van Jones said, your kind are the ones everyone needs to worry about!
When your son is being attacked by the Mueller band of merry DUMMOCRETINS the senile idiot wabbit would allow its son to be shackled cuz, that’s the way senile idiot wabbit is!
Yeah Kislyak brought them up. Puddy put the scribd documents out for you to read senile idiot wabbit. Oh wait you are senile and need NBC to decipher them for your senileness! You had to see the Shifty Schiff comments so you could copy his!
Good job senile idiot wabbit. Take someone else’s words because your mind is too feeble to read the 25 pages!
Now that the Flynn transcripts are released, what the sane people spin spin spin! Total setup!
So HA HEROES Logan Act violations?
The orange racist idol you worship – itself said it fired Flynn because
1) it lied to Mike Pence and
2) it lied to the FBI
Lying to the FBI is a crime. All the Flynn freak had to do was speak truthfully. You’re an idiot.
@342 Dumbfuck’s idea of snark:
“Colin Kaepernick arrived at the Minneapolis riots last night, saying he was excited to be a part of the looting and violence. Kaepernick tried out for the riots by throwing bricks into windows but missed every time. He was able to rush a Molotov cocktail into a target window and then spike it on the ground, but then he caught fire.”
Exactly the kind of “humor” that would appeal to, say, a racist.
According the the latest Fox poll, the vast majority of American women think Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron suck. 85% of women believe the Trump economy sucks.
Better call Putin.
Yeah Kislyak brought them up.
And what did Flynn do? Did it say let’s table that until Jan 20?
Nope it said this:
“Make it reciprocal. Don’t — don’t make it — don’t go any further than you have to,” Flynn is quoted as saying in the declassified summary of the call. “Because I don’t want us to get into something that has to escalate, on a, you know, on a tit-for-tat. You follow me, Ambassador?”
And it lied about it.. To
1) Mike Pence and
2) the FBI…
Putting Flynn at risk of compromise by the Russians. You’re an idiot.
Good to see the leaking buttspigot copying from the same NBC link! Great to see you need their response so you can copy it. Cherry picking by the NBC leftists right up your leaking buttspigot!
Moron @ 358
It’s on page 15 of the Scribd document foo (page 9 of the internal numbering)l.. Discussing sanctions with Kislyak.. And the Flynn freak lied about it to the FBI.. And to Mike Pence.
And was fired for it by the orange idol you worship and “jockstrap”..
Damn you’re silly! What’s next? Putting HA HEROES FIRST after sunset in a couple hours?
@ 359
And the Flynn freak lied about it to the FBI..
No, he pled guilty to lying, after they cost him hundreds of thousands of dollars and told him they’d go after his son, too.
The 302 is still missing. The original one written by Joe Pientka, not the repeatedly revised one that included edits by Lisa Page, who was not in attendance at the interview.
YLB, do you still think you will be making this argument in three months? I don’t.
The only two people who know if he lied to Pence are Flynn and Pence. Pence was shown what the FBI wanted him to see. I wonder if Pence, today, would still agree that he was lied to.
Because so much of what the FBI claimed was not true.
You be you, YLB. You never disappoint.
George Floyd knew his killer — they were co-workers — which suggests to me there may have been a personal motive involved in his murder.
Derek Chauvin:
Freak looks orange. Will be “jockstrapped” by the babbling butthole just like it “jockstrapped” Darren Wilson who was part of a racist police force “fired” by the community of Jennings Missouri..
The freak Wilson was worshiped by the babbling butthole in these comment threads. Lauded as a hero to the “cause” of orange supremacy.
It’s not a riot, it’s a slave rebellion. They’re tired of being whipped for no reason. Can’t say I blame them for that.
But Doctor Dumbfuck thinks it’s all their fault, because he’s a dumbfuck.
No, he pled guilty to lying,
Sorry, the buck stops with the Orange Supremacist. Freak said Flynn LIED
To the FBI… ON THE RECORD. All of the rest is pretty much noise..
Can’t Flynn scare up a defense fund? Just call Hannity and Ingraham. WTF did that son do? Heard that kid was a piece of always wrong wing work..
You always disappoint – victim’s advocate. Heh.
The only two people who know if he lied to Pence are Flynn and Pence. Pence was shown what the FBI wanted him to see.
Let’s go into this.
Pence asks Flynn:
Mike, did you discuss sanctions with Ambassador Kislyak before the inauguration?
Flynn response:
No Mr. Vice President I didn’t. Don’t believe what you read in the papers.
Hmmm. Does FBI figure into this exchange?
You always disappoint – victims advocate.
Last week, the TV and appliance store owner in Minneapolis is called a “deranged lunatic” for wanting to open his store during this pandemic. Fast forward a couple of days, and the guy’s inventory is being looted by “righteous protestors.”
Well, isn’t THAT just special!
Well, isn’t [Derek Chauvin] just special!
Orange supremacist actions have consequences.
@360 “No, he pled guilty to lying, after they cost him hundreds of thousands of dollars … ”
translates to …
“My lawyer not only fucked me, he robbed me, too!”
One billion six hundred million dollars every motherfucking year.
That’s how much the Mpls Police Department takes in from its extortion racket while sport murdering the city’s taxpayers.
If homeboy needs some appliance inventory replaced, I suggest he take it up with them. $1.6 billion dollars can fill a lot of appliance showrooms. Maybe they’ll have to cancel next year’s throat crushing training retreat. That’d be a damn shame.
@366 Yes, it was damned inconsiderate of the cops to kill another black person before he reopened his store. They should have waited a little longer.
He cost himself all of that by refusing to help them bring his Turkish government spy partner to justice. The feds have the tools. They have all the Prism and five eyes capture product. It’s very common in CE investigations for them to seek a secondary source for trial because they don’t want to expose the raw product in open court. So they use what they already know to gain leverage.
You go into a despicable filthy business carrying water for corrupt murderous enemy dictators and partner up with spies this is the risk you take. A risk Flynn of all people was perfectly aware of. He was caught. And more importantly, he knew his partner Kian was guilty as fuck. He should have cooperated and given up Kian the spy. He could have done that on day one at his first interview. He would have avoided all of it. But instead he withheld what he knew about his partner and thought he could outsmart and out maneuver the feds. They always go after assholes like that.
Flynn did it all to himself. They all do.
Flynn lied, no spin.
“A person who partied in the Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri, area on Memorial Day weekend has tested positive for coronavirus — and was possibly infectious over the holiday weekend. The Boone County resident visited multiple bars on May 24 and 25, according to the Camden County Health Department. They ‘developed illness’ on Sunday and were possibly infectious before then.”
Very likely the first of many … but, stupid is as stupid does …