Man am I depressed by the after effects of the heatwave (and future of climate change). So, shellfish are dead and the surviving ones are more likely to have vibrio bacteria. Hawks and terns (and probably other birds) are dying. It’s bleak.
Anyway, please get vaccinated if you haven’t been yet.
I’m thinking the KING 5 baby tern story isn’t quite it.
But eventually the media will find the Cuyahoga River Fire story to capture sufficient public attention and some Pulitzer prizes. Maybe even before it’s too late.
Life expectancy reduced by 1.5 years due to COVID. Not sure if that’s worldwide or this country.
But it goes to show you that penis insertion into vagina will not save them.
Hey Steve, any criminal referrals that you can think of?
God Bless you and your Patriotism.
Freedom and Liberty and Justice for all. 🇺🇸
I bet Putin tried to slip it in.
Biggest loser: Moobs McScrote
@1 I can assure you the baby hawk story is accurate. In my neighborhood there is a mother hawk constantly screeching for it’s baby/babies this started during the heat wave.
Sadly, it reminds me of the constant screeching Dr. Dumbfuck does here.
Kicking things off for Mr. Avenatti this morning, we learned that very late last night he filed objections to the jury instructions that dealt with the California State Bar Rules of Professional Conduct (the ones that say “don’t steal from a client”). Judge is ordering Avenatti to explain his conduct filing late. Avenatti appears to have offered some dumb excuses, but does so with confidence and assertiveness believing this will suffice. Judge appeared to be vexed and unsatisfied. Then Avenatti tells the court the bar rules are not relevant. Judge isn’t having that shit.
Then Avenatti presents a whole bunch of material for presentation that hasn’t been previously disclosed – charts, and graphics I guess. More judge frustration. Then Avenatti announces that he wants jurors to remove their masks in court. This is pissing off judge even more. Finally Avenatti informs judge that he will move for a mistrial based on prosecution’s opening.
Get the picture kids? He’s gonna do whatever he can to see if he can produce an outburst or intemperate ruling from judge. And he’s going to try to poison the jury. And he’s going to try to piss of the prosecutor in the same way.
He’s playing for post-conviction motions and appeals.
Maybe this seems like ballsy strategy for a guy in his position.
It isn’t. It’s going to put him in big-boy prison for a longer term under worse conditions. About all this gets him is more prison pen-pals offering conjugal visitations.
He’s telling them he did it and he has no defense.
Not woke.
NBA Finals MVP Giannis Antetokounmpo celebrates by going through Chick-fil-A drive-thru on Instagram Live
Dude talks funny, too.
Breaking News:
In exchange for the presidential campaign baking of Texas oil/energy oligarchs, Cruz has been placing holds on noms over Nord Stream for months.
Entirely Predictable News:
“conservatives” like Tara are being played again.
@ 6
Don’t forget that with every deception, every lie, every slimy thing that Avenatti does, he makes CNN and MSNBC look even worse for sucking up to him the way they did.
I agree, at least in part.
But what you fail to appreciate is that discrediting the bloviations of deeply unqualified, partisans, like for example Dersh*, works more to the advantage of progressives than you and your 8chan girlfriends.
This is you cheering on CANCEL.
And you’re wrong if you think hosting and amplifying bloviating gasbags and con artists hurts network viewership. CNN and MSNBC just don’t see why FOX should have an exclusive.
*Oh, I absolutely mean to label him unqualified and partisan.
Pelosi just kicked Gym Jordan and Jim Banks off the Jan. 6 Terror Attack committee. In doing so she proposed three Republican replacements and indicated she will leave it to Minority Leader McCarthy to choose from among them or offer his own.
U.S. states ending federal unemployment benefit saw no clear job gains
“some economists say could mean the benefit cuts may merely end up reducing family income.”
“Goldman Sachs economists also found little evidence yet that the cessation of benefits across a group of mostly Republican-led states was having much impact on labor markets that continue to puzzle Federal Reserve and other officials.”
Wonder what the greedy racist incel will say about this? Argue the numbers are not right? That it’s too early to tell? That cruelty was the point?
Why talk about sucking up when Republican fascists are devouring each other?
“You know what bothered me? When we saw the DOW started to tank the other day because COVID cases are rising, that’s when we saw a big narrative change,” she said. “You saw Fox News going crazy. ‘We’ve got to get everyone vaccinated.’ Sean Hannity: ‘We’ve got to get everybody vaccinated.'”
“You know what that has to do with? “Wall Street!” Greene remarked. “Vaccines, guess what? People that have gotten vaccines are getting COVID again, testing positive. So here’s what will work. We have to fight this government out of controlling our lives. They want full control because if they can shut you down if they can force you to vaccinate your kids, they can force you to vaccinate at work, at school, at church, and wear masks again, they’re controlling you and that’s how America becomes a communist country.”
God bless America, our beloved president, Raw Story and Gman!
@ 10
…discrediting the bloviations of deeply unqualified, partisans, like for example Dersh*, works more to the advantage of progressives…
Ah. How do you treat a CNN segment featuring both Avenatti and Dershowitz, then?
Biospheres are temporary, Carl. Earth began as a hot rock spinning through space, and it’s simply reverting to its original state.
Travel advisory issued for Florida.
As I recall, there already were travel advisories in effect for North Korea and Somalia. Places you go to and don’t come back from. Welcome to the club, governor.
@4 And Doctor Dumbfuck’s source for this hot news is: Ted Crud’s website.
Now verify it from a more reliable source.
Details of “U.S. striking a deal to finish the Nord Stream pipeline”:
@ 16
Travel advisory issued for Florida.
How fortunate for Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit that he cannot afford a trip to Florida. Or anywhere else beyond walking distance from the Dumbfuck Rabbit shithole in a crime-infested neighborhood in Seattle.
@7 A man’s gotta eat.
@9 That’s nothing. You should see the people Fox sucks up to. And you suck up to.
You’re sort of a media figure, if one can consider HA “media.”
@ 15
Earth began as a hot rock spinning through space, and it’s simply reverting to its original state.
Growing old is only going back to where you’ve been.
Original Kansas violinist/vocalist Robby Steinhardt died this week. He was 71.
Always has been, always will be my favorite band.
@12 Nothing perplexing about it. It simply means schools and daycares aren’t open yet and parents don’t want to leave their toddlers unsupervised. Also, people don’t see any advantage in working at jobs that pay 2.5 gallons of gas per hour.
@14 Same way we deal with Fox all the time. Watch something else. Read a book. Or go back to sleep.
@19 Why the hell would I want to go to Florida? I see why you might, though.
Violins? Fuck that.
Not if police have anything at all to say* about it.
*And by “say”, of course I really mean beating the shit out of violinists with riot batons and hosing them down with chemical weapons.
Police just don’t do what you think they do.
Treat? Yeah, I guess you’re right, television “news” is a disease. Fox is the Delta variant.
When are you going to stop watching so much of it?
Womb-worshiping Senator urges his constituents to “trust their gut” about vaccination misinformation:
It’s working.
@ 26
Throw water bottles at police and rip plywood off of windows, and bad things sometimes happen.
Speaking of black violinists, I saw this guy when he was backup for Al DiMeola a few years ago. He’s really coming into his own. He’s played with Stanley Clarke – concert footage online from some Chicago shows.
He needs to develop more stage presence. He’s improving but more to do.
@ 26
Pretty whopping dose of ketamine for a spindly guy like McClain.
EMTs and paramedics: “They don’t do what you think they do.”
(I now realize I had read about this case because the cops were fired for being assholes and mugging for the camera.)
Ted Cruz’s comments about Nord Stream epitomize what Repubicans are today: They take so many liberties with truth you don’t believe anything they say. Unless, of course, you’re as gullible as Doctor Dumbfuck.
Right now we have only one functioning political party in this country. The GOP is more mob than party.
@26 Well, that’s the ultra-notorious Aurora police department. You expect that from them. If any police department should be defunded, that’s the one. Aurora should get rid of their police and start over from scratch.
@29 “Throw water bottles at police and rip plywood off of windows, and bad things sometimes happen.”
Now find people in that video who are throwing water bottles at the cops and/or ripping plywood off windows.
Let’s say a crime is committed on Whidbey Island. Should the police grab you while you’re peacefully going about your business in town and beat the shit out of you?
Of course I’m not suggesting that, I’m simply showing you how silly your “logic” is.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit should get rid of and not start over.
SeattleJew’s family would be relieved.
Aurora police have shot 5 people in the last 3 weeks, including the one yesterday.
Nothing in this story suggests any of those shooting were anything other than necessary and justified. It just seems like a lot of shootings, that’s all.
(Now ring a bell and wait for Doctor Dumbfuck to go for “Chicago” like a rat going for the cheese bait.)
@35 I can’t get rid of Handbill.US. I only have posting access. I understand its hosting is paid up through 2026. You’ll probably be dead of equine syphilis or some other loathsome disease by then.
Just ask these guys.
A law-and-order Republican congressman parroted lying police.
Turns out the guy they arrested did nothing wrong, all charges against him were dropped, and what they put in their news release about his arrest — which the congressman picked up and repeated — was a pack of lies.
Now the congressman is being sued along with the police. Good. Serves him right.
Well, it’s either that, or we get rid of the terrifying violins.
Kevin McCarthy took Pelosi’s bait and pulled the rest of his members from the Jan. 6 investigation.
The investigation will now go forward beginning next week without any of the anticipated grandstanding, speechifying, and pandering to Trump that we might have expected. And Cheney’s participation serves to make a bipartisan quorum. A committee room filled with cameras pointing at fact witnesses without a single Trump vassal present to muddy the waters is a great outcome.
By allowing himself to be quietly muted and out-maneuvered by Pelosi and Cheney, McCarthy once again proves his weakness and incompetence. And in so doing, pushes his caucus further to the extreme margins of American political irrelevancy.
@ 34
Now find people in that video who are throwing water bottles at the cops and/or ripping plywood off windows.
That video is not the only one, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. You embarrass yourself.
@ 41
And Cheney’s participation serves to make a bipartisan quorum.
The 2004 GOP convention was bipartisan because Zell Miller keynoted.
The 2008 GOP convention was bipartisan because Joe Lieberman keynoted.
Sure, Jan.
McPussy couldn’t get through his press conference announcing his butt-hurtz without a reporter asking about his begging-for-his-life phone call with Trump in the middle of the terror attack. McPussy was framing his extreme butt-hurtz in terms of “respecting” the service and sacrifices of “brave law enforcement” who were “let down” by leaders. The question forced him off topic and he vamps by blaming law enforcement for the attacks.
Absolutely priceless moment previewing more to come.
Well, Kevin. I guess these people are more upset about the terrorist attack than you are.
@ 44
Just think of the fun you’ll have mocking the Speaker of the House in 2023 and beyond.
It won’t be as much fun as calling Kavanaugh a rapist, but it’ll make your electoral losses hurt a little less.
Keep “Sure, Jan” handy for the next eighteen months, fucktard.
You’re going to need it, for what little good it’ll do you, as millions of suburban moderate voters watch painfully precise, stop motion, augmented reality replays of cops being bludgeoned by team KILL HIM WITH HIS OWN GUN while committee staff build soaring piles of replica guns, ammo cans, and bombs in the well of the hearing room.
Question: On the Nomination (Confirmation: Tiffany P. Cunningham, of Illinois, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Federal Circuit )
Vote Number: 267
Vote Date: July 19, 2021, 05:31 PM
Required For Majority: 1/2
Vote Result: Nomination Confirmed
Nomination Number: PN389
Nomination Description: Tiffany P. Cunningham, of Illinois, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Federal Circuit
Vote Counts: YEAs 63
NAYs 33
Not Voting 4
Sedition bois khruzzz & hawley: NAY
Moscow Mitch: NAY (first black circuit court judge and female, figgers…)
Orange butt-licker Graham: YEA (RINO alert!!!)
Breeding will not save them.
COVID? There should be a travel advisory for having to shelter there in a cheaply built collapsing building. Bring a fucking tent with you if you go is the advisory – but watch out for snakes and the gayyyytors.
It’s hard to imagine what could.
That precise moment, when the entire “modern conservative” movement, from the Trumptards to Murdoch to Bill Kristol to Speaker Granny-Starver and Moscow Mitch were baited into going Full Loofah over a guy who put the “me” in mediocre. And in so doing, lost the suburban white female margin for good. I get misty…
It’s very fitting that The FuckHump landed in a Swamp State.
Guess who just won his court case to force his inclusion on the recall ballot?
I don’t think Newsom will be recalled, although the downside of a summer re-masking might be substantial.
If Newsom is recalled, #BLM should seek solace in the knowledge that an entitled white man will be replaced by a black guy.
It was a Newsom-appointed liberal cunt who tried to disrespect an educated black man.
Radio host Larry Elder wins fight to enter California recall.
Liberals are all about equity unless it threatens their power and control. Fuck ’em if it does.
Gee. I almost missed that part.
Thanks for the laugh, clown.
So much copy-pasta. So little dick.
@ 47
(first black circuit court judge and female, figgers…)
Wrong, ya dumb twat.
YLB has apparently never heard of Janice Rogers Brown.
YLB has apparently never heard of Katenji Brown Jackson. This is even more surprising since she’s apparently the one most likely to be the next SCOTUS justice if an opening occurs while Jill Biden is still president.
YLB is the second-stupidest HA spewer. Count on stupidity from her. Every. single. time.
Including the Texas Board of Education?
Gosh. I hope they tell Bob.
@55 snowflake triggered… from the cite:
Cunningham will be the first Black judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, the only federal appeals court never to have a Black member. Her addition to the 12-member court leaves its membership equally divided between men and women.
Whites only club no longer whites only. So sad for you and Moscow Mitch.
Thanks for playing.. “stable genius”… we count on ya being a pos.. every. single. time..
Silly twat @ 57
first Black judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
is not the same as
first black circuit court judge and female
Bonus points if you possess the ability to explain why. (OK, not really bonus points. High school diploma, maybe.)
@58 LOL! Whites only club – no longer whites only!
Thanks for playing ya triggered pos…
Always lookin’ for the smallest excuse to stink up the place with your hate.. Keep it up.. Sux to be you.
@56 Isn’t this the same personage whose HIPAA rights were violated by asking her whether she’s vaccinated?
P.S., I think she is, too.
Megan Rapinoe can join Gwen Perry in the Woke But Medal-less division.
Marxism loving U.S. women’s soccer team just got their asses kicked by smoking Swedish blondes.
Sweden has universal health care.. Worker participation in unions is…
68 percent..
Sweden has the highest top effective marginal tax rate..
klownservatic paradise…
Is that Ibendahl guy dating one of his granddaughter’s friends? Just curious. He’s a Republican, and you know how some Republicans are about “hot” young women when they’re taking their cues from Trump.
12)Seen some use the generous unemployment benefits excuse to explain even the impact on the logistics and transportation industry. Delays in the major intermodal hubs in Chicago are having a ripple effect all the way to the California ports. Prior to the Pandemic, weren’t people complaining the Longshoreman make too much money? The linchpin are the truck drivers that haul the containers to the rail yard. Then there is the aggressive coat cutting in the case of Precision Scheduled Railroading, great for shareholders, bad for capacity.
Union Pacific has implemented PSR, but that is the least of their problems. A Wildfire destroyed a key trestle in Northern California. At least in 2008-2009 UP had the ability to shift some traffic over BNSF via Bend excercising trackage rights granted after the BN-ATSF merger. Looks like most freight is diverted via Donner Pass and SLC while the Bridge and Building Gang gets to work.
“Three Republican U.S. House members have lost appeals challenging fines for not wearing face coverings on the House floor earlier this year. On Tuesday, the U.S. House Ethics Committee released statements noting that U.S. Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, Thomas Massie of Kentucky and Ralph Norman of South Carolina had failed in their appeals of $500 fines issued in May.”
Pay up, germ spreaders.
Synagogue shooter gets life without parole. That’s a long time to spend in a cage starting at age 22.
Confirmed: It’s The Wuhan.
China rebuffs WHO’s terms for further COVID-19 origins study
Y’all got what y’all wanted out of it. Trump’s out. There’s no reason to continue to perpetuate the falsity that China didn’t cause this by fucking around with a virus in a lab. Unless you’re a member of The Biden Crime Family and know that China’s got the goods on Hunter and Jim. And on corrupt ol’ Joe.
That’s smoking Swedish blonde SOSHYULISTS to you, Tara.
Undoubtedly the reason they won – better government, and better government support.
Please everyone, take note here.
This is not Bob trolling, at least not this part of his comment. This particular statement is not Bob teasing out some random obscure nugget intending to “trigger”. This is a “conservative” Republican offering a standard expression of his core “understanding” of events as context.
Now think a bit about what that says, not so much about Bob. But about Republicans and “conservatives”. They are saying, that it is their settled understanding, that a global conspiracy was entered into involving a former Vice President, and the People’s Republic of China to create a deadly global pandemic killing millions (not incidentally thousands of Chinese party officials) and ruining the global economy simply in order to damage the political prospects of a term-limited U.S. President who at the time was undergoing impeachment and was cratering in the polls.
I’m not asking you to consider the plausibility of any of that. It’s absurd, obviously. What we need to notice and understand about it is the act of will it would require for any rational, cognitively competent person to accept this as their settled understanding of events. And that this is an act of will being driven by sadness, fear, humiliation, and a deep sense of loss. It’s a form of madness. And what we have to realize and accept is that we will never talk such people out of their madness.
Senator Cancun just covering himself in glory:
I think what I love most about these moments from the biggest phony in the Senate (and that’s saying a lot) is how obvious it is that he practices this shit in front of a mirror.
Just as awful is how this makes it obvious that like Bob and most Republicans, Sen. Cancun is unable to see efforts to prevent carnage and tragedy as anything other than a political conspiracy targeting them.
This is not a phase. This is how things are now. It isn’t getting better unless Republicans are destroyed.
Until someone comes up with a better idea, I say huge red-state Walmart FEMA camps present the best, most “final” solution. Round them all up, hang a few for kicks, then nuke the entire site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.
God bless America, our beloved president, Raw Story and Gman!
Big break through on Battery power storage. I’d link to it but the site no longer allows (or the browser compatible) to link to sites copied on from Chrome.
WSJ article.
To bad breeding will no longer save them.
Wherein Tucker Carlson leaves no doubt he’s a racist, catering to a racist audience, although no one really doubted it so he didn’t have to go out of his way to prove it like this.
“Her GOP appointee to the investigation, Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.), separately made clear that she would support two well-known additions to the committee: Kinzinger (R-Ill.), her partner in conservative opposition to Donald Trump, and former Rep. Denver Riggleman (R-Va.), a possible pick as Cheney’s outside adviser in the investigation.”
I think for one of the remaining two slots they should pick a rabidly pro-Trump noob with no backing or credibility.
Madison Cawthorn would do.
For the other a quasi-moderate fraud in a swing district.
Maybe Herrera Beutler?
The worst that can happen is they turn it down. Which still looks great.
If the private-school/bow-tie/boat-shoe minority of Americans isn’t going to tolerate being “judged” by the multi-cultural/multi-ethnic/multi-generational majority, what makes you think they’ll tolerate being judged by a Black man, even if he is a hero-cop?
“Angry” is not allowed. Not even if they blow up federal buildings, or try to take Congress hostage at gunpoint.
@ 73
Wherein Tucker Carlson leaves no doubt he’s a racist…
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit left no doubt he’s a racist years ago. Last month he chose to double down with his eggplant spew.
Yes, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. We’re still watching. We’re just no longer at all surprised that you keep doing it.
Ah yes. More very fine American police “protection”:
I’d urge you to watch in all through carefully. Obviously the attorney posting the body worn camera footage to YouTube has an interest in this case. But just look it over and judge for yourself.
Disputes among neighbors frequently involve the police. Quite often there is alcohol involved. Just as often there’s history. I’m sure it’s one of the most depressing aspects of what is an otherwise mind-numbingly boring job. But what ought to stand out here is the remarkably cursory nature of the investigation before the lead cop goes full ballistic.
And just as obvious is the fact that lead cop knows he’s fucked, because he stages the scene. BTW that is not a “machete”. This is a machete. That’s a saw bone from a largetooth sawfish.
The cop is fucked. He’s fired (very deservedly). He’s facing a felony charge. And that may go south if the old man dies. As it is Mr. Clark is in a skilled nursing facility circling the drain thanks to Officer Killology.
You should be asking yourself why the lead cop abruptly terminates his inquiries, and proceeds to pounding on the old man’s door, cocked-and-locked? Look at his demeanor. He’s uncomfortable and stressed as fuck. Why? This shit is routine police work. Very, very routine. And he totally hates it. It makes him uncomfortable to encounter sobbing drunks late at night in close proximity. It makes him uncomfortable having to listen to their shit. He just wants the call over with as quickly as possible and he (stupidly) does what he thinks will make that happen.
This is why policing in America is broken.
This call and calls like it should not be handled by police.
We need to get rid of about half of them. They don’t want to do this work anyway. They shouldn’t mind it. We’d all be much safer. And Mr. Clark would still be sleeping peacefully at his home tonight.
Police just don’t do what you think they do.
Greedy racist incel, every one including you know rabbit did not use eggplant as an obscure racial slur however every one including you know you use the “cunt” slur, on purpose, every week. Physician heal thyself.
Here is the article on battery breakthrough, not that it should be of any interest to anyone. I don’t know, maybe Carl would be.
Middle Age Riot@middleageriot
Things that actually piss me off (as opposed to just shaking my head and shrugging).
“CRT strong bad!” (even if you have no fucking idea what CRT is.)
Whelp, here’s a lesson.
Critical Race Theory is related to Social Theory, which has it’s origins/heyday in the 1930s through 1950s as academics and social theorists sought to explain the collapse of nascent democracies after World War I. It’s sort of what people are talking about when they talk about “institutional” racism or whatever. It’s the general idea that systems define a society as much as, or more than beliefs or laws. And the word “system” needs to be understood very broadly. It means things like norms, culture, habits, stories, ideas, biases – just about everything that we don’t “think” about. “This is water” if you’re a David Foster Wallace fan (I am not so much).
Why is this on my mind (why am I mad)?
It’s got nothing to do with Trump. Nothing to do with stupid, reckless, senseless gun-humper violence. And really nothing even to do with Kansas.
It’s just because this perfectly illustrates and encapsulates what Social Theory and CRT are about – in real time, in front of us all, unfolding before our very fucking eyes. A prosecutor presented with this fact set and evidence charges only one of the assholes. And he charges him with three B felonies and one C felony for trying to commit mass murder. And while he’s at it, he charges one of the victims with a misdemeanor.
The whole episode is a cluster fuck taking place inside of a burning dumpster. And no matter what else you might conclude about it, it is all about the WHITENESS of the two gun-humpers. CRT is real. It should be taught in middle school. Because that’s the only way I can see that we don’t end up raising another generation of county prosecutors, “journalists” and “neighbors” who do this kind of shit. And that makes me mad – knowing that this isn’t going to chage a goddam thing in Kansas. Or anywhere else.
In which “whataboutism” fails spectacularly.
Doctor Dumbfuck isn’t the only stupid doctor on this planet. He has company.
@77 “They don’t want to do this work anyway.”
And social workers do? There’s a burnout job if there ever was one.
@78 Yawn. It’s retaliation. I’m getting on his nerves.
“Stupid” as in deliberately avoiding contact with facts and the truth. Just being a “doctor” is no armor against being an asshole. Jackson is sincerely surprised to learn that every single House Democrat and all their staffs are vaccinated. And he’s just as surprised to learn that every single Texas state Democratic lawmaker is also vaccinated. Because without even realizing it, but because he’s an asshole, he’s quarantined himself from the basic truth that his entire fucking political party is a degenerate shit-show.
How would he know? He makes the rounds of virulently racist, out-and-proud Nazi podcasters and AM Hate radio personalities and all he encounters are people arguing against life saving vaccination. His staff and donor network all parrot the same bullshit. He doesn’t need real proof. He has social proof.
Four out of five fake doctors surveyed recommend vaccination hesitancy for their patients who chew gum… or vote.
@75 “‘Angry’ is not allowed.”
Joseph P. Kennedy Sr.’s advice always was, “Don’t get mad, get even.”
For starters, social workers would dearly love to be compensated like police, and given the same or similar workloads.
After stalling for almost two years, FBI Director Wray has now finally responded to inquiries from Senate Democrats about their investigation into Associate Justice Gang Bang.
Wray waited all this time to finally admit to the Senators that the FBI never even bothered to investigate most of the 4500 tips about misconduct in the judges past, including allegations of alcoholism, a gambling problem, gambling debts, and the Republican Classic®, date rapes. And that only the most “relevant” were passed along to lawyers in the Trump White House working on securing the nomination. The FBI did nothing without White House consent.
Fire. Him.
That shit is impeachable conduct.
Zuern had been in a coma on a ventilator since June when she had been flown to Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.
It is unclear when [she] contracted Covid.
Friends told the Cape Cod Times she fell ill after she returned to the Cape from South Dakota with her mother following the death of her father…
She had previously voiced her opposition to wearing masks, vaccines, her disbelief in climate change, and insistance that President Joe Biden stole the election from Trump.
South Dakota.. Add that one to the Harley super spreader and all the rest. Kristi Noem remains proud, defiant. Even when her pride leads to dead Repukelicans.
Looking at the logjam caused by the Lava Fire in CA burning a trestle on Union Pacific’s I-5 Corridor. Looks like PSR doesn’t account for prob.elms like this. Some freight could have been shifted via Bend, but another Fire has managed to disrupt the Inside Gateway. So with the Shasta Route severed while the B and B Gang works round the clock(Overime going to erode the dividends from the recent record earnings), freight is being shifted via the Overland Route, and the Overland has had derailments.
Cuts due to PSR have probably eroded the Extra Boards so UP may not have enough engineers and conductors to handle the detour as traffic bound for the Pacific Northwest is being routed via SLC and Boise. Unlike the B and B Gang, Hours of Service rules apply to Operating crews.
What I think I hear you saying is:
Reliability? Meh.
Wipe your ass with old tee shirts.
Toilet paper is for “Snowflakes”.
Who needs insulin when you’ve got a 200 hp Snowmobile in the garage!
Behold Murica: “Conservatism”!
“If it’s what you say, I love it, especially later in the summer… of 2022”
Seriously kids. I really can’t think of anything that would more dramatically affect turnout and base energy in the midterms than a SCOTUS ruling overturning Roe v Wade.
Really fantastic timing. Well played. Very excellent strategureeeee!
Shit, even if the court turns them down, the plain fact is that this case will put the issue into play for the midterms. And that’s just… fucking awesome!
91)Just Wall Street Greed penetrating the railroads. Although PSR was developed by a railroader, not a hedge fund guy who had never been to a yard. At first, there were some benefits, better utilization of assets. It just got too crazy lowering the Operating Ratio, that the bean counters went to extremes. The locomotive builders really have suffered, With locos being mothballed due to power glut.
At least UP hasn’t had an ERCOT Style power outage at Harriman Center in Omaha take out the Network Operations Center. Nebraska has no ERCOT, they have more Public Power than us.
There is one resident of Omaha that owns the competition, but they seem to be the only Class I not to go all in on PSR. Then again, what does a Billionaire that lives in a modest house and drives himself to a Fast Food joint know.
@89 Where was her god in this? Oh, I get it — she’s in a better place. Under six feet of dirt.
My sympathies to her family and friends. It’s very sad, doubly so because it was avoidable.
@92 If you want to overturn Roe v. Wade, you probably want to enlist the best lawyer and make the best possible argument.
I’m not sure Mississippi’s AG is that lawyer, or her brief filed Thursday is any good (I haven’t read it yet), but you can read it here if interested.
I skimmed it enough to know she’s arguing the Roe v. Wade court was wrong about there being a constitutional right to privacy, which I’ve always thought was the most logical, best reasoned, and most persuasive part of the Roe v. Wade opinion.
Think they will vette beer judge now. So we can know rhe truth?
But Wray should be removed for having played along in a political scheme. It is not the job of the FBI to offer political cover for the President, the Senate Majority Leader, and their party cronies to assist them in railroading through a court nominee.
Given the limitations being placed upon the investigation it was the Director’s duty to decline to participate and to issue an investigative report to the committee that fully disclosed all of the conditions, limitations, and interference by the White House Counsel and the Leader. Instead, the Director oversaw and approved of the FBI issuing a falsified report to the committee. And when members of the committee exercised their constitutionally authorized mandate to inquire, the Director delayed his response in order to protect the political interests of the White House and the Senate GOP.
Our democracy can’t function with a politically partisan FBI Director. Especially not right now. He has to go.