So, Donald Trump wrote the letter saying that Donald Trump is the healthiest person who ever lived. I can’t exactly explain why he would lie about his health. I think in general it’s probably not a good idea to speculate on his health. I mean sure, his campaign ran ads speculating about Hillary Clinton’s health. Clearly he is hiding something.
Clearly he is hiding something.
He has one. That’s what he meant in the Access Hollywood tape.
Yeah, but it smells like Roses and the prettiest vagina one will ever see.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Death News– Demorat Diversity Terrorist
“Texas Teen Matin Azizi-Yarand Arrested for ISIS-Inspired Plot to Shoot Up Dallas Mall During Holy Ramadan”
Terrorists Are Here Because Demorats Opened Our Borders To Them–
“On October 3, 1965, President Johnson signed the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, also known as the Hart-Celler Act. The Hart-Celler Act amended the Immigration & Nationality Act to abolish the discriminatory national-origin quotas that had been in place since the 1920s. The Hart-Celler Act instead put a preference system that focused on individuals’ family ties and skills in its place. This opened up the U.S. to immigrants of African and Asian descent, allowing non-Europeans to experience the American dream.”
This blog needs a bot filter.
Lol, that’s weak Rodent, mere whining.
There’s legal and then there’s “Paid off a porn star to keep quiet before an election. “
Thanks Rudy.
Your move Evangelicals.
(Of course they don’t care. But the regular families finding out the tax bill is a sham, his health reports are a sham he tax returns…never seen em. Well “Fool me once….h
@5 Unless you’re a bot, I wasn’t talking about you, was I? So why did you feel compelled to reply to #4?
@6 Evangelicals have already proved they’ll vote for a child molester. What moves do they have left?
“The lobbyist connected to a controversial living arrangement for Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt emailed the agency on behalf of a client last year, seemingly contradicting his earlier assertion that he did not lobby the EPA in 2017.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Of course he lied, and so did Pruitt. These people lie about everything. Trump’s administration is full of liars.
@ RR @ 8
What moves do they have left?
That they’re willing to overlook a Federal crime that they themselves wrote to win an election.
The major problem is, is that Fat Donny has been committing felonies for the entirety of his adult life, and has never once been held accountable to the Law. Mostly because he had certain State’s Attorney Generals in his pocket. That has been his method since he was a young, up-and-coming real estate tycoon.
Guliani just threw Fat Donny Two Scoops under the bus.
Tsk tsk tsk.
Someone needs to explain the First Rule of Holes to Fat Donny.
Holy Blue Noodles this guy is a moron.
Keep digging, Donny. You’re almost there.
“Oh lobby!?! I thought you said hobby. Of course. Now I hear it.”
6, 11,
That’s him using Cohen’s body to leverage his fat ass above the waves. Cohen is now completely fucked in the ass. And PornFucker is using Rudy’s dick to do it.
Another promising young life destroyed by Trump. When will they learn?
Anyone recall the dumbfuck troll’s name who was always addressing Roger as “rodent”? Looks like he’s back, more dumbfuck than ever.
Interviewer: Are you African-American?
Dolezal: I don’t… I don’t understand… the question.
There’s a documentary about Shaun King’s predecessor on Netflix.
Stock Market is soaring today, soaring I say, soaring!
I like to kid.because I don’t think it’s the end of the world. I think it will turn around, maybe they are just waiting to see what happens to The Hump. Eventually it has to go back up.
I see Kanye, friend of Hump, thinks that Black people had a choice in being a slave. I wonder if that was code for the Womenz had a choice in being groped.
@ 10
The major problem is, is that Fat Donny has been committing felonies for the entirety of his adult life, and has never once been held accountable to the Law.
Sometimes one is held to account, just not by the law.
Hillary Clinton on November 8, 2016, for instance. That was one serious-ass reckoning she finally was made to experience. No wonder she got shitfaced that night.
Rudes’ fuckup probably more than anything else gives us some good insight into some of the SDNY seized materials, and may be one prong of a legal strategy. Probably not a great strategy tho.
Admitting to the obvious fixes a couple of things, but also complicates a few more (and of course destroys Michael Cohen). Asserting that Cohen’s relationship was formalized with a retainer agreement, that he was working on Trump’s behalf while negotiating the NDA, and that he was “reimbursed” for the hush money forms the basis for an argument for privilege over those seized materials. I won’t be at all surprised to see Sekulow arguing to judge Wood that these materials are off the table. So maybe that helps shield some of Trump’s dealings involving Cohen from discovery by SDNY.
But a lot would depend on how Cohen put it together and what Trump knew. There’s a strong likelihood that Cohen’s arrangements seriously violated federal elections laws. The only way to know would be comparing the two (or three, or four) financial records. Rudes admitted the purpose of the NDA was to protect the campaign. They can try to walk that back in court later. But SDNY can challenge that and demand discovery from Rudes, etc. It gets murkier still if Trump Org. resources were involved in these transactions. Point being that in an effort perhaps to make the So.Cal litigation go away and perhaps shield some SDNY materials from discovery, a whole new category of inquiry is opened up in both venues creating legal overlaps between the campaign, the Trump Org, Trump’s personal finances, and possibly even the White House itself.
So why do it? Obviously there is something in Cohen’s seized materials the President’s personal attorneys want desperately to keep away from prying eyes in SDNY. None of these guys seems particularly up to this task. And Flood isn’t in this fight (not for now, anyway). He’s at WH Counsel collecting a G-man check*. So Sekulow and Rudes are on their own here. A sleazy FOX News race hustler and a sleazy Thumper culture wars hustler facing down USAO SDNY.
*Also weird. Since firing Dowd, the one area where Trump needs a guy like Flood is representing him personally outside the White House. Replacing Dowd with Rudes makes very little sense, unless Trump can’t afford Flood (Rudes would gladly do it for free, just for the media exposure – that’s working well).
@18. He plays the Hillary Card
Pseudonym on his medical records?
That seals it folks. It’s tertiary antibiotic-resistant syphilis. Everything fits. Even the orange makeup.
No wonder Melania won’t hold his hand. Macron might want to get tested. Seriously.
@20 I cut the doctor some slack. After all, other than celebrating the senseless murders of black males at the hands of racist cops and vigilantes, the Hillary card is all Doctor Dumbfuck’s got.
Tough break for the Loon. Now even Pence wants him dead – statistically speaking.
In the end, Trump destroys everything it touches.
He retweeted thousands of pro-Putin hashtags. He liked and shared thousands of fake CA FB posts from pimply Moldovan teens. He sold his national allegiance in exchange for permission to tell racist jokes.
He voted for Trump.
Those people get zero slack.
They need “permission”.
Any American who needs “permission” to break ranks with this criminal dumpster fire is unworthy of the name.
Not sure this link will work without subscription but a pretty interesting article on renewable (wind and solar) energy and the gains made and the future.
I can’t understand why anyone would be pushing nuclear energy when renewables have caused 3 nuke plants in Ohio to close because it can’t compete with the cost of renewable and gas.
@16 A falling stock market is bad if you’re a retired doctor selling stocks to pay for horse feed and other retirement expenses. It’s good if you’re a rabbit who’s still buying stocks because he’ll never have to spend his capital. Some plan better than others.
@18 “Sometimes one is held to account, just not by the law. Hillary Clinton on November 8, 2016, for instance.”
Yeah, she was held accountable to the tune of 2,868,686 more votes than your unindicted co-conspirator got. And still hasn’t been convicted of so much as a parking ticket despite 30+ years of investigations on the taxpayers’ dime costing over $70 million.
You probably don’t have a clue about how big a fucking idiot you are.
@20 He always plays the Hillary card. Sometimes several times a day. ‘Cause he’s got nothing else. See #28 for in-depth analysis.
Those are old legacy plants that were supposed to be closed by this time anyway.
A new generation of nuclear power has to be cheaper to build, fuel, operate and must be walkaway safe. I believe it’s possible and sadly other countries like China might get there first.
The legacy nuke power industry in this country has failed nuclear power. They haven’t innovated.
And if an innovative, new generation of nuclear power catches on guess what happens? All those square miles of unsightly wind turbines and solar pv and thermal farms go away. Wide open spaces again for wildlife habitat, etc. I’d rather see future generations enjoy that than turbines and solar arrays and battery storage everywhere you look.
But in the meantime, yes, it’s fine that current generation renewables displace polluting, atmosphere heating, legacy fossil fuels and decrepit old nukes.
Hard on the heels of announcing yesterday that Trump reimbursed Cohen for the Stormy Daniels payoff, Trump’s new defense attorney, Giuliani, said today Jared Kushner is “disposable” but Ivanka is not.
If I were Jared, I’d be looking up Mueller’s phone number.
@30 Nuclear, pshaw; Trump wants to nationalize and subsidize coal plants to keep them in business.
They used to call this communism.
We live in a strange world now. Democrats are the fiscally conservative party, while Republicans have turned into Confederates and Reds.
It’s been that way at least as far back as Raygun and the ’80 primaries. Supply side moonbeams are what he used to destroy his primary opponents. It’s why 41 lost to Clinton. He wasn’t “Bubba” enough and he actually cared about fiscal discipline. This is nothing new, and not at all strange.
@34 It isn’t new, but it’s strange.
“Those people get zero slack.”
I was just kidding. Dumbfucks get no slack.
It’s systematic. It’s in the Roypublican DNA now.
Just look at accountability wherever these people gain a foothold.
Actually, just try to look.
Enterprises large and small depend on accountability and disclosure of financial transactions as the foundation of financial discipline. Investors, lenders, and potential business partners demand it. Organizations that do large amounts of business with “petty cash”, delay filings, constantly revise and amend previous filings, and can’t ever seem to get the numbers right (does any of this sound familiar?) are frequently the ones that fail spectacularly and leave unsuspecting workers, vendors, and investors (or taxpayers) holding their dicks.
The way Roypublicans are now, most of the time they flat out refuse to disclose, refuse to file, or refuse to even respond without a binding court order accompanied by threats of jail time. Under Roypublicans most of the federal government is now a financial black box. You can no more discover how Ben Carson is spending his tax payer funded budget than you can find out if he even bothers to come in to work on any given day. One of Pruitt’s top administrators (one of the ones Rob Porter was fucking) stopped coming in to work for over three months last winter when she found out he was also fucking Hope Hicks. Is there an office calendar? Records? Time sheets? Nope. At least not any you or I or our elected Representatives can see. We can all just fuck off!
If you want to know even the tiniest bit of information beyond the demonstrable lies the propeller heads publish on the agency web pages, or what His-Royal-Orange-Dick-Cheese rage Tweets during his morning bowel movement, you’d better get your FOIA paperwork in order.
If we can regain some control over Congress we can have some hope of finding out what’s been going on. But it won’t be easy. They will force subpoenas. And they will fight them. And I honestly don’t have much faith that Pelosi is really interested in pushing for strong Congressional oversight. But the right leadership team could probably send a bunch of these fucks to jail if they wanted to. And least we could put an end to the tax payer funded NetJets excursions to Paris coke parties.
@30 I guess I wouldn’t disagree with you – any new advances in any industry or technology is always good, such as you stated with nuclear.
I didn’t have much time to read the whole article, but I saved it an hopefully will (I also have a Subscription). But with future advancements with materials and technology there is the possibility that renewables take less space as you described as a concern.
The article talked briefly about how wind turbines are so much bigger today and being transported to sites in multiple shipments and assembled on site, in lieu of as one unit like was typical just a couple of years ago. With the larger ones most likely producing more power then less are needed.
Maybe in the future further advances are made with materials and technology that allow for less and for greater producing units, and therefore don’t take that amount of space that one would like.
Hopefully similarly with respect to Solar advances.
Anyone else getting the feeling that Rudy took the job as Outside Counsel as a means to settle some long simmering rivalry between NYC tough guys?
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Death News–Demorat Plan To Disarm Americans Exposed
Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell of California wants to ban assault weapons, instate a federal gun buy-back program for those who own them and criminally prosecute those who refuse to hand them over.
The representative wrote an op-ed in USA Today Thursday rolling out what he feels is the gun control policy America should adopt, one that would take “military-style semiautomatic assault weapons” away from law-abiding citizens and threaten them with jail time if they refuse.
Here’s one reason Rudes might have been on TeeVee saying intensely stupid shit:
Turns out the feds had listening devices installed Mr. Safety School, Esq’s ass.
Gosh! I wonder who he was talking to? And I wonder what kinds of things were said? Crimey stuff?
Remind me again: Is crimey stuff “privileged”?
@39 I don’t know, I’ve got this weird feeling that it was purposely done to avoid breaking some law. We haven’t seen any proof that what was said is true. And considering where it’s coming from, two of the biggest fucking liars, I have my doubts that it was said without a plan devised by all parties.
My favorite part:
I’m hoping it was McGahn… who in about 24 hrs will be leaving to spend more time with his family and immerse himself in a long list of home repair projects he’d been putting off.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Death News Update–Demorats Demand Cheap Labor
Twenty Democratic Senators are calling for fewer border agents, fewer deportations, and fewer detention beds in the 2019 budget, echoing their home-state demands for a continued inflow of cheap illegal-immigrant labor.
not sure how many Kentucky Derby fans we have here, Bob?, but I’m going to go with
“My Boy Jack”.
Not real close but I know one of the Owners. Last I knew he was at 30-1 odds.
A few years ago I won $6000 on a trifecta bet that included a long shot that went off at 60-1 odds, Giacomo. I choose the horse because my cousin just had a son born that he named Giacomo, and I like betting trifectas boxed, always with one of the longshots. So for those two reasons I took Giacomo.
Jack in Italian translates into Giacomo, so for that reason and because I kind of know one of the part owners I’m going to take My Boy Jack. I think he’ll go off at less than 30-1 if he already hasn’t gotten better odds, but hopefully he stays at 30–1.
Hey, could do better here then with the current stock market.
I’d be very wary of the “mad genius” theory.
If they got FBI Sr. Counsel, DOJ seniors and a federal judge to sign off on wiretaps of a lawyer (especially one directly representing the President of the United States) the FBI affidavit would have to have some solid proof of very serious criminal activity… period.
Now, what’s Rudy got to say?
“It’s not appropriate. I mean, he’s a lawyer. You mean, I call up my lawyer and the government is wiretapping him? That’s pretty damn — I mean, they’ve already eviscerated the attorney-client privilege. This would make a mockery of it.”
He’s a lying fucking clown. Thirty years ago when he worked in that office, if he wasn’t too busy cadging Knicks tickets or sucking up to the people he was supposed to be investigating, he probably had to sign off on search and surveillance warrants for lawyers once or twice. He knows the procedures. He knows his claims about privilege are legal bullshit. His job is to pile up yet another mountain of lies on top of the clueless, beer-drunk trailerbilly base. He’s outside counsel because he’s convinced Reality Television Jesus that since he ran that office thirty years ago he’s got credibility with the target audience.
This is a PR strategy, not a legal strategy. The PR based strategy has only one end game: sweeping Presidential pardons.
@ 28
McCain’s 2008 campaign slogan: Country first
Hillary’s in 2020: Never convicted
@ 43
My favorite part:
“At least one phone call between a phone line associated with Cohen and the White House was intercepted, the person said.”
My favorite part:
Ken Dilanian
Verified account
NBC News has corrected its story: Michael Cohen’s phones were being monitored by a pen register, not a wiretap, senior U.S. officials say. Pen registers capture “to and from” calling and texting information, but not content.
2:14 PM – 3 May 2018
So they got his phone bill.
Klamath McHillbilly haz a sad.
@ 45
@44 and if you had 999 million dollars and I took 3 million away from you, you would probably exploit it and say I was making you poor. Show me the proof that what is being asked for in reduction would hurt the situation and not just be added waste to already bloated budget.
But nice try.
To be precise, they got three senior DOJ USAs, the FBI Senior Counsel, the DAG, the acting USA-SDNY (all Republicans, and mostly Trump appointees) and a federal district judge to approve a warrant application for a trap and trace under 18 U.S. Code § 3122 of a lawyer known by all to represent the President of the United States
And that’s hardly sad. I sincerely doubt Mr. Safety School, Esq’s calls get through to President PornFuck (flip! flip!). And while I wouldn’t expect the failed spawn of a disbarred Brady Listed disgrace to understand, if they sought a trap and trace that means they already had other criminal targets under surveillance.
@49 I’ll keep that in mind. Didn’t he race in a past Derby?
In the last few years, since moving to NYC, I’ve paid a little less attention because there is nowhere here in the city to make a bet. But I still call in my bet to family members in the State I use to reside where OTB’s were more available.
Worth adding that if FBI had a trap and trace in place for Cohen, and given the well documented connections between Cohen and foreign organized crime figures, that the surveillance could have been in place under FISA/Patriot Act. I doubt that largely because FISA applications are usually more sweeping. But one very real possibility is that the trap and trace surveillance of Cohen was attendant to separate, and at least at the time unrelated surveillance of foreign nationals already in place under USA Patriot. Maybe those guys he was smoking stogies with while blowing off Judge Wood?
Doesn’t she know that when she sins she breaks Jesus’ heart?
@47 Wherein Dumbfuck inserts McCain into the conversation in a desperate attempt to divert attention away from Hillary’s actual opponent.
So the fired House chaplain is unfired and back on the job, while Ryan struggles to save face.
Firing a priest for praying for the poor is hard to defend, though. An even bigger problem is that it symbolizes what the GOP has become.
@51 Doctor Dumbfuck now does celebratory fist pumps when bad news isn’t quite as bad as it might have been. What a douche.
“Ryan struggles to save face”
Another douche.
“GOP Senate candidate once again slams Mitch McConnell’s ‘China family’ in new ad”
Suck on it, McConnell
This news calls for another Doctor Dumbfuck celebratory fist pump. After all, Mueller didn’t order a ream of them.
“Mueller requests 70 blank subpoenas for Manafort’s federal case in Virginia”
@59 Race-baiting your opponent’s wife. Cute. “Elect me because I’m a racist. I killed coal miners, too! And I’m an ex-convict!” A perfect set of qualifications for today’s Republican voters.
The biggest frustration in Doctor Dumbfuck’s life right now is that he doesn’t live in West Virginia, so he can’t vote for this guy.
Puddy been saying this for years about libtard led tech companies…
Tech companies not hiring blacks despite ownership rates
Who knew? Puddy did! Just ax the crazed databaze creepy clueless cretin
Till Next Time!
Nice of the loon to drop by and spew some unintelligible hate.
So ironic then that nearly three quarters of the propeller headed basement jackoffs who now form the core of the “alt-Right” media sphere, including luminaries such as Milo, Lucien Wintrich, Andrew Anglin, Dick Spencer, Charles Johnson, and Pax Dickinson just to name a few all got their start in gamergate defending those assholes and their hiring practices. Andrew Breitbart was such a visionary./s
Remind me again, how many times have you pimped for Milo?
He wants you dead. But at least he’d like to dress you up and fuck you first. So you’ve got that going for you. Which is nice.
Nice deflection Klamath Mountain hillbilly. It’s about no blacks in libtard led tech you FOOL!
Till Next Time!
It’s normal trial prep, 35 sets for 35 witnesses in order to proceed to trial. They don’t call it the Rocket Docket for nothing.
Still, that’s a nice long list. And we really only know about a dozen of them. Interesting to learn who the others are, and what they might have to say.
What, shall I pass along some of their collective wisdom concerning “affirmative” hiring practices from those salad days of 2014? It all applies equally well to all non-white, non-males. More than a few of them have migrated into the administration as comms directors.
Really, is it their fault if women can’t handle the stress of tech careers and “the blacks” are just “lazier than the white race, period.” It’s not “deflection”. It’s just statistics. That’s science!
More evidence that Scott Pruitt is a sticky-fingered lawbreaker.
So the loon is whining that liberals won’t hire him? Only reason he’d be looking there is because he’s already tried his conservative friends.
In Missouri, GOP Gov. Eric Greitens is facing impeachment.
Today’s problems are the people and not just politicians. None of the nasty politicians would be there if it weren’t for the people, and they wouldn’t stoop to the levels they do if they knew it wouldn’t get the stupid persons’ vote. And if you blame the politician, you have to blame him/her as a person or persons.
Plainly it comes down to people and the American Human Race as being stupid, brainless, not having a clue about anything in life – the person who really needs to be accountable for this is God, after he created all the dummies. Maybe Goldy can find something in the Bible where It talks about God telling the people that they are all dumb shits – for once the Bible would be right.
An example of the stupidity. For the last three months I’ve had to put up with an annoying fuckin noise that I think makes me wake up early and interferes with my sleep. The noise is coming from a Verizon work truck that has been parked at the opposite end of the city block which has been there repairing what I was told were the backbone of the data and communications cable to the city for this area. The lines were dug up by construction workers that are constructing a new building adjacent to where they are parked.
The noise is a low dulled steady vibratating generator from the truck that is being used to ventilate the manhole where they are working on the repair.
I asked the Verizon crew how long they expect to be there, they said months. They also said that others are complaining too.
Now the noise, outside at the street level from where I am, is inaudible. But I can hear it many stories up and inside. My apartment.
The worker said that the noise is probably hitting the building across the street and bouncing off of it into my area or level.
People are stupid, they could probably put some type of cheap sound absorbing baffle in front of the generator and have the problem solved but no, everyone has to suffer because they are too stupid to realize a solution or willing to because they are too fucking lazy and ignorant to want to try to not be annoying.
Good thing in NYC has 311 where you can call and make a complaint,which I plan to do. I should have done it sooner but the many months of work is now turning into more than 4 months now.
roger senile idiot wabbit @70 once again proves the rot of senility is strong in that one.
Till Next Time!
@ Doctor Dumbfuck @ 47
Hillary’s in 2020: Never
convictedprosecutedFixed that for ya. By the time Fat Donny’s little mafia finishes its first term, they’re going to have a hundred convictions to their credit. They already have a higher turnover rate than fast food restaurants and large retail operations. There are reasons for that.
@ The Nasty Meat Sauce @ 44:
How Republicans run school boards.
You see The Hump didn’t know about the payements that he reimbursed Cohen until just yesterday!
Get it now. This is all one premeditated fabrication being made up by the seat of their pants.
In just a little over 12 months the Roypublican Party has gone from “nuthingburger” to “you’ll never get convictions on the serious stuff”.
This is your political party.
This is Trump.
This is your political party on Trump.
Any questions?