I think everyone who (a) drives and (b) lives in Seattle’s urban core has taken a mistaken drive through Pike Place Market. I can remember not being able to find parking, so I took a punt on the market. Will, who used to write here, was a passenger and he was making fun of me the whole time. It’s so slow going, and you don’t really know how people are going to behave. found a spot, but it was just so miserable.
And that, more than the obvious improvement for pedestrians, has always baffled me about the debate about closing the market to cars. Honestly, it’s slow and awful. You don’t get to the other side faster than going down First Ave.
Driving in Seattle can be pretty shit at times. But Seattle can save new people from that particular mistake. And make the Market better for the people who use it.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
A long time ago I agreed to help a friend move some wine inventory out of the market. I had no idea. Timing was wrong. Everything about it was wrong. Middle of the day in summer. Supremely stupid. People were literally attacking the car.
Close it to cars, with vendor and truck plate access only during early morning and after 6pm.
Bob, you conveniently were absent in this quick thread but it was a good one, you loser.
Compare and contrast….
Malcom Nancy, Progressive, Critic of Trump and Trumpers and Putin, is in Ukraine, in the Ukrainian Foreign Legion, fighting for Democracy
Tucker Carlson, Conservatives, Supporter of Trump and Trumpers and Putin, is telling men to tan their balls.
@3. Stupid auto correct. Malcom Nance. I’m sure the greedy racist incel will crow about that typo.
Tucker Carlson is Gwyneth for aging, balding, lonely, “socially precarious” white dudes.
About the only thing more satisfying than watching Republicans snipe at each other is when they begin feeding on each other’s flesh.
I’m honestly blown away not just by how many states lack a carpet-bagger law for federal offices, but also by how widespread and obviously disorganized the air drop of fully funded Trump candidates into these various seats and districts has been.
TN-5 has been a pretty safe D seat. Biden won it by about 24 points. Republicans in the leg are trying to crack the district by carving off large chunks of Nashville into the 4th and 6th in hopes of creating a swing toward R in the 5th. But it’s somewhat risky and this shit only makes it more so. They still enjoy a small numerical advantage in the newly redrawn district. But flooding their own primary with carpet baggers is a damn fine way to keep primary voters at home.
4)Got issues with Auto-Correct, it’ll do something like that, but not fix a finger slip for a common spelling.
4)Got issues with Auto-Correct, it’ll do something like that, but not fix a finger slip for a common spelling.
3)What a contrast. Plus Nance was Navy Intel, and probably had weapons training. Never know when “Stand-by to Repel Boarders” command may be issued.
Mitt Romney lost the 2012 election. His party lost the 2020 election. Now he expects Biden to adopt his party’s economic policies, including “cutting regulations, expanding oil and gas production, … reducing the deficit by cutting entitlement programs [and] unemployment insurance …”
The guy hasn’t changed: “’The Biden administration did pretty much everything wrong, injecting $1.9 trillion into a supply-constrained economy, sending out stay-at-home checks, letting tenants live rent-free, squeezing oil and gas production, launching an avalanche of growth-killing regulations, lining up behind unions, and pushing yet another deficit-financed budget,’ Romney wrote.”
This from the fellow who stripped companies of assets and put loyal workers out of their jobs to make money to pay for a house with car elevators, and then campaigned on a platform that 47% of Americans are too lazy to work for an honest living.
All I can say is Americans voted against this shithead by 65 million to 61 million in 2012, and voted against his party’s crap again by 81 million to 74 million in 2020, so I believe these issues have been fully litigated and let’s also not forget who this guy Romney really is nor what he really is.
Republican’s idea of freedom of expression is teaching their kids to sue the teacher whenever they mention Ralph Abernathy or Carl Nassib.
Mo’ f’in Brooks..
Bless his f’ing heart..
Btw, that yt channel drives me nuts half the time, but I watch anyway to challenge my thinking..
Yes, the insider stock trading is being challenged (the only reason I can see that Darrell Issa has such a hard-on for the House of Reps) and so should this “rental agreement”… it fucking sucks..
Saw that one last week. Generated tons of online “rage”.
As intended.
So here’s the thing. First, he’s implying a quid pro quo involving leadership PAC donors. But he’s not saying it. Brooks is not saying “I’ve been offered huge donations to my leadership PAC from “XYZ” industry group to buy me a seat on appropriations or ways and means.” That’s a bribe. And they all know that’s illegal. By definition there are no strings attached and there can’t be. And that’s essentially true of every single other kind of campaign or PAC donation. So what makes this so “special” according to Brooks is the unique interest that some donors have in some committees, and the desire that members have to get onto good committees.
Which leads to the second thing, which is that how else are you going to decide who to seat on a committee? In Congress post-Newt Gingrich there is little value in serving on many/most committees if you are not in the majority. Being a member in the majority on a committee means you have access to the agenda, your have input setting office budgets, can introduce legislation and get it passed out. And it means you can attach amendments to legislation that come before your committee. Being in the minority means you get one vote, and that’s about it. On top of all that, so much budget for staff and resources is run through committees that being in the minority can even mean fewer staff, smaller offices, smaller travel allowances, and district allowances, etc.
With obtaining and holding the majority being so crucial to every member’s ability to serve their constituents by responding to their needs, proposing legislation, attaching amendments, etc. what better way to decide who sits than counting how much they raise to help their party win seats? Ignore the campaign funding and you lose seats. Lose seats you lose the majority. Lose the majority and what’s the point?
We are not talking about the money for their own campaigns. This is leadership PAC money that goes to elect new members in vulnerable or open seats. And it goes to help protect incumbents in vulnerable seats under attack. Historically Republicans have been much better about this than Dems. We’ve been really playing catch up for about twenty years. This is how it’s done. If we want control of state legislatures, redistricting, census, and Congress it starts here.
Brooks is just posturing to an audience of farmers at a steak house. He doesn’t mean a word of it. 12 hours later he was probably in front of ALEC singing a completely different tune.
A Pennsylvania law professor finds it “truly alarming” and “a repudiation of the very concept of academic freedom” that minority students are making an issue of her brazen classroom racism.
Bob, you conveniently were absent in this quick thread
He’s no doubt been, um, grooming the horse.
@15 Or counting his gains after the DJIA rocketed up 750 points in 2 days. He knew all along there was no 10% – 15% correction coming. That was all an act.
I can see why they want to ban math books.
Border Patrol agents have apprehended more than 1,000,000,000 migrants at our southern border in just 6 months.
President Biden’s open border policies are fueling this crisis! #BidenBorderCrisishttps://t.co/g10hTkaPmx
— Congresswoman Debbie Lesko (@RepDLesko) April 19, 2022
Curious, though, how could 1,000,000,000 migrants have been apprehended in six months if our borders are open?
Putin and the low IQ traitor Doctor Dumbfuck both want to see America ruled by hate-filled idiots like this.
A surprisingly high percentage of previously outspoken Trump supporters are a little extra preoccupied this tax season:
1,000,000,000. A billion in 6 months? Thats 5 million and change a day. Seems high. Can she check her math?
“Can she check her math?”
No. That would be woke…
That’s about 8,700 full capacity maglev bullet trains every day.
With double tracking they only need 2,175 hours in a day.
I had no idea Texas Republicans were so advanced and socialistic.
Cops loudly play copyrighted music, keeping the whole neighborhood awake, so citizens can’t record them and post the videos online (the belief is they would violate copyright law if they did).
A critique here of Judge Mizelle’s mask decision by a lawyer-journalist (a former law clerk himself) confirms my initial impressions of her decision.
The Tennessee GOP turning against Trump picked candidates seems to be more Rule of Power. Trump was a useful idiot but now he’s getting in the way of republicans staying in power so he has to go.
@ 14
A Pennsylvania law professor…
The asswipe on HA most likely to bloviate about his legal credentials is just now hearing about this.
She’s been a lightning rod for half a decade.
Harvard University takes issue with her claim that there should be fewer Asians in the US. In Harvard’s view, there should only be fewer Asians at Harvard.
I’d just like to point out that the dude @ 23 whose opinion Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit claims he shares voiced the opinion in the linked article that the GOP Senate was right to table the nomination of Merrick Garland to replace Antonin Scalia. ’cause an election was about to take place and Obama’s presidency was in lame duck mode:
Apparently I, too, agree with Ian Millhiser. And I will agree with him at least until January 21, 2025.
Perhaps Democrats should look at a preserved Title 42 as their best chance to retain control of the Senate after November.
Watch what happens when it’s lifted. Cuellar’s absolutely right. What’s more, Kelly and Cortez Masto know he’s right.
Lifting Title 42 might be Biden’s biggest own-goal yet.
“Can she check her math”
Bob seems to have a problem with math too. AGI math. Maybe because they’re all on meth.
If Bernie declares for 2024, libbies will have to start liking Tulsi again.
In 2016, Tulsi helped take down #CrookedHillary.
In 2019, Tulsi helped Momala understand that everyone thinks Momala is full of shit.
The Wayback Machine has narrowed its archival of information about Taylor Lorenz.
Rob Shimshock
Taylor Lorenz’s Twitter feed has been “excluded” from the Internet Archive Wayback Machine.
Internet Archive’s stated mission is to “provide universal access to all knowledge.”
12:20 PM · Apr 20, 2022
Meanwhile, Urban Dictionary has narrowed its definition of cunt to a single item: Taylor Lorenz.
G-clown, how many surgeries was it to correct those saggy moobs after you lost all that weight?
And why did they use the same anesthesia protocol in the subsequent surgeries after you suffered that anoxic event during the first one?
The only people who want to go to Oakland are two gay dads trying to gin up a homophobia story in order to fool stupid shits like The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
There is one, and only one, reason to watch Major League Baseball, and that reason is Shohei Ohtani.
Not to mention perfect through the first five innings.
Even First Vegetable Joe Biden said it should be up to the individual.
Of course, we all know that Biden has never been the one in charge.
Use the 25th on First Vegetable Joe Biden now and it’s patriotism.
Use it in 2023 and it’s retribution.
Don’t use it and it’s President DeSantis.
Whatever is a cowardly party like the Democrats to do?
They were younger than Biden and Trump in 2000, too, ya dimwit.
Hey Goldy, this is an example of how an editor can be useful to a journalist even if it’s just a tweet. Your Twitter feed has given The Stranger‘s peeps tons of laughs over the years.
I can wait.
So, like a Drinking Liberally gathering circa 2019.
“The only people who want to go to Oakland are two gay dads trying to gin up a homophobia story”
That story really got under your skin. You seem desperate to deny it happened. But as of yet, you have not not provided any proof that it’s a made up story. So until you do, you are a Jussie Smollett, a liar.
“The only people who want to go to Oakland are two gay dads trying to gin up a homophobia story”
We wouldn’t have stories like this, if republicans were not demonizing LGBTQ people calling them podophiles and groomers. It’s made worse by the endless examples of republicans abusing kids. And unlike you, there are links to every story.
It’s not LGBTQ people that are the problem, it’s republicans.
for covering up the sexual assault of a student.
killing his wife and then casting her ballot for Trump.
sexually assaulted a child
the possession and distribution of images of the sexual abuse of children.
child rape
after being arrested for child prostitution.
undercover sting, thinking he was meeting with a 14-year-old girl
rape and sodomy of a child in Kansas.
Child enticement and molestation.
accused him sexually molesting her since she was twelve, that he took pictures of her to sell.
child molestation
“lie back and enjoy it” if rape is inevitable.
child sexual battery
child pornography
touching a 17-year-old boy’s genitals and buying him beer.
Activist judges are fine when they rule for conservatives. Let that sink in.
Bess Kalb
Thrilled to announce I’m going to smoke cigarettes on my next @Delta flight because I’m really not worried about the health risks and @Delta puts my personal freedom first.
DJIA up again! Bob’s correction is screeching out of the driveway in reverse!
@30 We don’t need help to understand you’re full of shit. That’s self-evident.
One of the first things Pol Pot did was wipe out wholesale anyone that remotely LOOKED smart. Professors, scientists, people with glasses. This was an attempt to further seize power and make himself a godlike figure. Now this is just an example of how dictators approach education and intellect. They view these as direct threats to their personal power.
And so….
Texas and Florida take steps to limit professor tenure at state schools
Tenure was originally designed to block political influence in employment decisions before taking on another role of protecting the Civil Rights of teachers.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill that would put teachers up for review by the board of directors every five years – including tenured faculty. “Florida’s students […] don’t need ideological activists and political organizations determining what they should learn,” DeSantis said in a statement.
>> Fire everyone who doesn’t agree with republicans.
The tenure plan in Texas has Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick vowing in February to put forward legislation that would end tenure for all new faculty at state colleges. Patrick, who oversees the state senate, said a priority of the next legislative session will be to make the teaching of Critical Race Theory a cause for a tenured professor’s dismissal.
>> Fire everyone who doesn’t agree with republicans.
>> I imagine this will lead to a sever degradation of schools in Florida and Texas. Wonder when they will officially declare themselves white ethnostates?
And get rid of public education.
Nick Hanauer could buy it for a song, and make Goldy the face of CNN+.
Warner Bros. Discovery Expected To Shut Down CNN+ (EXCLUSIVE)
Stefan Sharkansky memorably commented that Goldy has a face made for radio.
@ 46
I wonder what The Even Bigger Fucking Moron thinks about periodic tenure review WRT Amy Wax @ 14, 25.
Actually, no, I don’t. I really wonder who helps The Even Bigger Fucking Moron dress himself in the mornings.
Sussman’s attorneys are fighting to exclude an October, 2016 tweet by @HillaryClinton from evidence in his trial next month.
That corrupt cunt is knee-deep in this.
@46 They’ll drive away good professors, then serious students will leave, too, and Florida and Texass universities will be trade schools.
@47 Stefan Sharansky (sic) is the arrogant asshole who got a single-mom waitress fired from her job for telling his rowdy kid to quiet down in a crowded restaurant because the kid’s shitty parents were letting him run wild.
Stefan Sharansky (sic) also was the proprietor of a political blog competing with HA whose contributors dwindled to Pudge, whose readership dwindled to nothing, and then disappeared altogether.
Meanwhile, Goldy’s HA is still here.
Said the Dumbfuck who couldn’t impeach a FuckHump of a Con Man.
Bob, you have some fantasy about my pecs? You want to come touch them or something? Stick with the Horses’ cock please.
It’s not the story that he cares whether true, it is that he doesn’t want to admit he’s a Dumbfuck.
Just like he has no clue what my AGI is.
Heterosexual Repukes that is…..Bob’s kind. He’s probably not just in the same boat…..he’s probably the boat itself.
Stop signs are an infringement of my liberties.
The horse wish it had the same ability.
51)CNN offered too sweet of a deal for subscribers, half off, for life. Even that didn’t work.
@49. Prove it otherwise you are lying
@ 51
Meanwhile, Goldy’s HA is still here.
More moderators than commenters. Not exactly a success. This ain’t exactly HuffPo pre-AOL.
Good thing Goldy’s got a billionaire to help him feed himself.
@ 55
Stop signs are an infringement of my liberties.
AIDS is the consequence of your liberties, G-clown.
@ 58
@49. Prove it otherwise you are lying
Spoonfeeding a homosexual has never been on my bucket list, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron. Read a site other than DOGO News every once in awhile, ya imbecile.
Headline du jour:
Attorney says feds subpoenaed Hunter Biden paternity documents, including tax returns: “They wanted every record”
The biggest beneficiaries of all of this are Bill and Hillary Clinton. Once the Biden story busts out, by comparison The Clinton Crime Family will go down in history as small potatoes.
When he was lucid, First Vegetable Joe Biden was dirtier than Trump. In the article above, “the depths” refer to Biden’s corruption.
Dumfucks gonna dumbfuck.
Six hours later,
Nasdaq slides 2%, Dow falls more than 350 points in sharp reversal as rising rates weigh on stocks
Treasury yields jump after Fed’s Powell hints a 50-basis-point rate hike
Imagine being Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s family, and battered on a daily basis by his financial stupidity.
Donald Trump broke Steve.
@62 yawwwwwwnnnnnn…..
Neil Bush… Arbusto… Harken… Texas Rangers…
I’m sure I’ve missed something…
Dang.. funny none of that ever caught up with poppy… or dumbya.. Heh.. And somehow this makes the washed up Clintons look good…
Last I looked phony rich guy orange blob is running…
btw.. desatanist and youngkin are in trouble sole-sourcing #notwoke school textbooks from a texaSS supplier…
heh.. not a good look..
@ 65
I’m sure I’ve missed something…
What you missed was that the DOJ decided there was no reason to investigate Neil Bush, girlfriend.
there was no reason to investigate Neil Bush
you just said trading on the family name is ok..
limp baldy..
@ 66
btw.. desatanist and youngkin are in trouble…
BTW ya dumb twat, they aren’t in any trouble.
But don’t let that stand in the way of your shrill claim, sister. The pummeling coming your way won’t be affected, and when it happens it will be deserved.
@69… oooh… touchy.. touchy…
and.. triggered perhaps?
The pummeling coming your way won’t be affected,
I remember when a “pummeling” came bonzo’s way it said “stay the course…”
do you remember that? you should.. heh.. bonzo was your gateway drug..
Heh.. the texass textbook outfit’s website contains this:
“Our nation’s black communities have long faced the repeated, harmful effects of systemic racism within the justice and education systems.”
OMG! CRT… It’s looking more and more likely this was a corrupt greed based decision (CARLYLE GROUP) rather than stroking off the racist base who get triggered by Toni Morrison.
not a good look..
61 the greedy racist incel is lying again since his retort is he can’t be bothered to provide links.
Degen has mentioned Trump eight times in this thread alone.
Go ahead and count how many times Steve has.
Trump fuckin’ owns these assholes. He lives in their dreams. He’s the first thing they think of when they wake up and the last thing they think of before they pass out. For the near and foreseeable future Trump controls their destiny from a private sex club in Florida.
I love it.
Profiles in Republican courage:
It was their last best chance to rid themselves of the self-destructive, narcissist-in-chief. And from top to bottom they chickened out and crawled back into their Pillow Fort of Hate™.
Pillow Fort of Hate
Good name for kreepshit’s hovel/safespace in widbee..
whose readership dwindled to nothing, and then disappeared altogether
Not altogether gone.
July 15, 2019
In Other News
by Stefan Sharkansky, 12:59 PM
Yes we will.
No, you won’t.
More TexASS textbook kompany:
“The company also matched all employee donations to the NAACP, Black Lives Matter and Equal Justice organizations.”
Wow.. how “woke” is this kompany from which Youngkin and DeSatanist sole sources kids textbooks.. Imagine that.. using FL and VA TAXPAYER MUNEE to match BLM!
I understand that the CARLYLE GROUP loved it so much it spent its precious munee and bought it!
Wait till the orange base finds this out! heh…
Chief rat jumps sinking Momala Check3box ship.
Kamala Harris’ chief of staff heading for the exit
Know who else was relentless? Willie Brown. His target was, well…
Previous rats:
No one is laughing harder than Tulsi Gabbard.
Donald Trump broke Steve.
No surprise here to see that the doctor’s very low IQ is lower today than it was yesterday.
President DiSantis
I recently read in a psych journal that premature ball-spiking used as a taunt is evidence of a very low IQ.
Steve broke the low IQ traitor. Like Humpty Dumpty, the dumbfuck will never put the pieces back together again.
@ 79
I was wrong. Among those laughing harder than Tulsi Gabbard at Momala Check3box’s incompetence:
1. Jill Biden – after all, her husband is toast and no body knows it more than she does.
2. Ron DeSantis
3. Bernie Sanders
4. Every single GOP major donor
5. Cocaine Mitch
Putin and his low IQ troll both love Tulsi.
Putin and our low IQ traitor…always in total agreement. Today it’s how they both love Tulsi.
“David Perdue, the Republican former US senator from Georgia, is trying to unseat incumbent Republican Gov. Brian Kemp with a primary campaign heavy on false claims about the 2020 election.
“Now, trailing in public polls with advance in-person voting fast approaching, Perdue is further deepening his commitment to 2020-related dishonesty — releasing a television ad in which he tells two election lies at once.”
Republicans can’t help themselves. Lying is what they do for a living.
@52 It’s obvious he wants “Momala” to become president so bad that just thinking about it makes his teeth ache.
@55 He’s probably been sneaking smokes in airplane bathrooms all along.
@59 “More moderators than commenters. ”
I’m pretty sure you’ll never get promoted from commenter to moderator here, no matter how many years of your life you fritter away polluting this place.
@61 It’s customary around here to back up accusations with sources. But nobody’s gonna believe your sources anyway, so you may as well not bother, I guess.
@63 Bob finally gets a little win, but not before lunch. But I win, too, when stocks go down. Because then I get to buy them cheaper.
@67 Even so, having a couple of presidents in the family isn’t a good thing because it invites scrutiny, and scrutiny is the worst thing that can happen to any Republican.
@76 He must’ve updated the date, because I’d swear he’s been gone longer than 3 years. Feels more like 10.
It’s previously been pointed out on HA that Sen. Mike Lee (R of Utah) is a slime sack. Now he’s defending himself against revelations he was involved in Trump’s conspiracy to overthrow the election, which he’s trying to deny (of course).
“‘At no point in any of those was I engaging in advocacy,’ Lee said in reference to calls he made to states about whether they were submitting alternate slates of electors. ‘I wasn’t in any way encouraging them to do that. I just asked them a yes or no question.'”
That is advocacy, asshole. A sitting U.S. senator if they’re gonna overturn their voters. That is encouraging it. In this context, there’s no practical difference between asking “are you gonna overturn your voters?” and “hey, are you gonna overturn your voters or not?”
Pedophilia and Republican’s severe case of Psych 101 projection.
North Dakota Republican lawyers up after report reveals he exchanged 72 texts with alleged pedophile
If Republicans accuse Dems of something, then they’re doing it themselves. It should be obvious by now to anyone but a low IQ dumbfuck that they’re all sick in the head.
I’d tell her to go fuck herself since no one else will.
“Former President Trump lashed out at top Georgia officials amid an effort to challenge Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s (R-Ga.) candidacy for reelection, though neither official was involved in a recent federal judge’s ruling on the matter.
“‘The Governor of Georgia, Brian Kemp, and Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, perhaps in collusion with the Radical Left Democrats, have allowed a horrible thing to happen to a very popular Republican, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene. She is now going through hell in their attempt to unseat her, just more of an election mess in Georgia,’ Trump said in a statement issued through his Save America PAC.”
Eh? This is a lawsuit by private citizens in federal court. How are those two state officials supposed to stop it? Arrest the judge?
@ 89
But I win, too, when stocks go down. Because then I get to buy them cheaper.
Well, then, this is your lucky day, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, because you can pick up some more Citigroup, 3M, and AT&T at prices well below what you paid for them the first time.
Leave it to the Dumbfuck Rabbit to put a positive spin on being down 20+%.
Know who else was relentless? Willie Brown. His target was, well…
once again… we’re treated to a weird obsession.. the obsession of any cali repuke, almost all male, who babbled shit back in the day…
and even today…
TEH BLACK GUY… of Cali..
and kreepshit is on the record going a bit weird over Willie Brown’s junk…
heh.. too funny this widbee freako.. what would we do for entertainment around here otherwise?
Putin appears to be a reincarnation of Stalin. I don’t think he cares at all about getting millions of Russians and Ukranians killed for his overgrown ego.
@98 kiss your ass goodbye.
@98. Ohhh, by the way , he’s a heterosexual, or so he says he is.
@98. Thank you for that statement of the obvious. What is your point? What should we do with this factoid?
Ron DeSantis took $100,000 from Disney before “Don’t Say Gay” war
Stripping Disney of its district is essentially the government punishing a private company for having a different opinion and/or for criticizing the government, both of which are pretty fucked up on their own. But, I haven’t seen as much conversation about the fact that this is coming after Disney suspended political donations.
So, how is this not extortion?
Disney stops paying these politicians, and suddenly those politicians decide Disney should take a hit. These politicians didn’t just learn about Disney’s status as a district. Some of them worked on the legislation they’re now voting to undo. What changed is Disney stopped paying them.
Get Dems to vote. Dems are just better.
Just a few “bad apples” who need “better training”:
Having surrounded a random Black motorist, smashed out all her windows, dragged her and her nephew out and given her and her nephew a merciless beating police then kidnapped her toddler and held the child in secret for almost 24 hours. The National Fraternal Order of Police then claimed: “WE ARE the only thing standing between Order and Anarchy.”
This is what police do. This is what police everywhere do.
Looks like the stock market is giving up this week’s gains. I can live with it.
@ 105
Looks like cheerleading the market’s intraday performance without substance yesterday, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, made you look as stupid as I have always said you are.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, you’re the asshole who once claimed that he knows global warming is real because he merely needs to open a window to take in the nice, warm day outside.
Maybe a nice, stiff half-percent raise in the Federal funds rate will shut you up for a week or so, but I doubt it. Even the November exit polling won’t do it. But it should.