Is this an experiment, or was I working from home because of an early meeting and forgot about it? Who can say?
I mentioned a while back, that Washington is one of the states in a pilot program to be able to file your taxes online if you take the standard deduction. I finally filed mine yesterday. I have to say it was easier than Turbo Tax, where I have used the free version in the past, but I did spend more time proving my identity. And it still asked more questions that are presumably in an IRS database somewhere already.
I will probably use it again next year if it’s still being offered.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now and get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
Republicans don’t believe in paying taxes. They think government should be either free or non-existent. That’s why they oppose hiring IRS agents to catch rich tax cheaters.
Trump doesn’t have to cheat on taxes because he has no net income. However, he cheats at everything else, including golf.
This is total bullshit. We didn’t have it easy. We had to cope with unemployment, inflation, debts, cost of living, and all the other things today’s young people complain about, together with an additional one: the draft and very real possibility of being killed in a shooting war.
The young always have it hard and always complain. We did too, when we were young. Then, as now, old people had all the money. Like every generation, we had to wait until old age to be financially comfortable, and we deserve to be, because we paid our dues.
@ 3
Then, as now, old people had all the money. Like every generation, we had to wait until old age to be financially comfortable, and we deserve to be, because we paid our dues.
You just need to post about the importance of personal responsibility, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, and you’ll be indistinguishable from a moderate Republican to anyone who isn’t close enough to smell your catheter stench.
As DJT continues to slide toward true value, what are the odds its largest shareholder is flouting the lockdown rules and dumping shares to stem his losses, thereby exposing himself to future prosecution for securities laws violations? After all, this shareholder is already known to break every rule in sight.
Ignorance isn’t innocent; it can have terrible consequences.
@ 5
… what are the odds its largest shareholder is flouting the lockdown rules and dumping shares …
Zero. Trump owns the shares but does not have physical possession of them, nor does he control the entity that does. After the lockdown period the shares are released to him.
Prisoners, similarly don’t have possession of the keys to their cells while they are locked up, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
We did have it easy.
I didn’t have to deal with maintaining a professional social media presence coming into the work force. I suspect you didn’t have to deal with the internet at all.
Why is this important? Coming out of college we had job boards at the university, some online job postings and face to face marketing. At best the University Job board at 2-3 local colleges generated a hundred resumes. Now that is a posting online that generates thousands of resumes both from local candidates and anyone who is wanting to move where the job is located and willing to travel for interviews. Many interviews are now conducted on zoom and only the final round is in person if at all.
So you’re a recent grad looking to get a PR/Programming/Technical writing job at Amazon. You’re competing with literally everyone in the country who thinks Seattle is somewhere they might like to live.
Back to the social media. We already know the algorithms of ZipRecruiter and others will search LinkedIn and only forward candidates with specific keywords in their profiles. If you aren’t constantly updating you don’t see the job posting. Those algorithms have also, per a few lawsuits, been designed to screen out potential applicants that are outside an age range, or of childbearing years. HR now searches for Social Media accounts. They are not just looking for obvious problems but can reject you because well, you attended that EDM Festival at the Gorge so clearly you do drugs. Are you following a local politician that someone who posted the ad thinks is a commie or a fascist….you’re out.
So yeah, Gen Z finding a job is a hell of a lot harder than you or I ever had it. I sent out maybe 20 hard copy resumes, got 4 interviews, got a job within a month of graduation. That’s not a thing anymore.
And they are absolutely not wrong about not being able to afford to live to the standard I did. First ‘alone’ apartment after living with roommates for two years working. $685/mo on a 40K salary. Within six months I was financing a car at $208/mo MSRP $11,000. The same job still pays 40K entry level but there is no apartment withing 50 miles of where I lived for less than $1200. That car is still rolling of the production line. $33k. Want to lease it? $500/month. Add in the explosion of tuition costs that make up a student loan (that again) and no. Gen Z can’t afford to live anywhere close to the standard I did.
Pointing at the youngs and saying they’re full of shit is a bigtime Boomer asshole move.
@ 8
First ‘alone’ apartment after living with roommates for two years working.
Solo occupancy of a 1 BR/1 BA apartment is a human right. Next year it will be solo occupancy of a 2 BR 1.5 BA apartment.
32 hour workweeks with no reduction of weekly salary is a human right as well.
Freedom from anything that might trigger a snowflake is a human right.
kreepshit did a stoopid dance last thread over ‘flayshun.. yawwwn..
‘flayshun varies from State to State.. Which states have the worst ‘flayshun?
FLORIDA – kon-klown paradise! 3.9%
VIRGINIA 3.8% (home of the kreepshit fav, the skirt wearing dood)
What’s with all these red states and their high ‘flayshun? Must be all the attention to Hunter’s dick pics. Mebbe all the free stuff they hand out to billionaires.. Or those billionaires know the repukes in those states are suckers for their greedflation – they’ll just blame it all on Joe.. Never blame the ones they’re desperate to give tax cuts.
Dang they’re fucked.
Actually, we IRS agents prefer to go after the low-hanging fruit. We like to persecute the little guys because we can do a lot of them, ruin their lives and make ourselves look good with the big numbers of cases we “settle.”
Rich people have to many lawyers and accountants to make our jobs harder. We like it easy at work. After all, we’re just a bunch of ne’er-do-well federal government employees. It’s not in our nature to work hard at anything. That’s why we got these jobs with the IRS.
Bitch that was a studio. Three steps from couch to bed. 3sq foot balcony. 8 steps from bed to kitchenette. Another three to the bathroom. No closet.
And after two years of 4 in a 2 bd near Campus I could afford that. To do that today would mean food banks or a single CupONoodles a day and then you’d be a paycheck away from missing rent when you move.
If you are imagining the American Dream is a constant fear of job loss and eviction and skipping meals you should stroke the horse and do some deep soul searching about what Reaganomics has wrought.
@7 “nor does he control the entity that does”
The shareholder who owns 60% of the stock doesn’t control the company? Really?
Lockup periods, I’ve discovered from deeper digging, aren’t an SEC regulation or law at all, but are voluntarily imposed by companies — and they can be changed at will.
As for “physical possession,” I don’t have physical possession of any of the more than 15,000 stock shares I own, but that doesn’t stop me from selling shares. I can do that in 30 seconds. Do you have evidence Trump’s DJT shares are in escrow, in the hands of a trustee, or otherwise inaccessible to him? If so, do tell. I’m curious how that works.
@8 “So yeah, Gen Z finding a job is a hell of a lot harder than you or I ever had it.”
Speak for yourself. I got out of the army and returned to Seattle in the midst of the Boeing Depression. You couldn’t even get a fast food job. And to a country that despised Vietnam veterans and wouldn’t hire them. And what about the Reagan Depression a few years later? With double-digit unemployment?
You talk about internet job boards, but somehow all those recent grads must be finding jobs because the unemployment rate is at a 70-year low. Oh sure, it’s tough to get a high-paying job at Amazon in Seattle, because everyone wants high-paying jobs and lots of people want to live in Seattle. Back in the day, it was just as tough for recent grads to get sought-after jobs in Seattle (e.g., engineering graduates when Boeing was laying off thousands of aerospace engineers).
Back then, it almost certainly was much tougher to get any job, just to eat and pay the rent, than it is now because the unemployment rate was higher then so more people were looking than there were job openings. Today there’s a labor shortage and two job postings for every jobseeker. And you’re saying it’s harder to land a job now?
I can’t speak for today’s youngs, but while jobseeking methods have changed, some basic things probably haven’t: Networking and personal connections are still an important pathway to getting hired. Also, highly attractive jobs tend to be filled by people who are recruited, not applicants; that’s always been true, and I’m sure still is. If you’re a star in your present position, headhunters notice, and that’s how doors open to dream jobs.
One thing I see today, that was nearly unheard of then, is people faking degrees and lying about credentials to get hired. Also, in those days, people could spell and knew grammar, and degrees weren’t glorified high school diplomas. Nowadays you have people with master’s degrees and Ph.D.s who can’t write a coherent sentence.
@8 Anyone who points at Boomers and says we had it easy is full of shit. They weren’t there, and don’t know what our experience was. We lived through Vietnam, much higher inflation, stagflation, severe recession, tight job markets, and a whole lot else.
@12 “what Reaganomics has wrought”
That’s the bottom line to a lot of what ails the country today. At least there wasn’t a housing shortage then like we have now. Where did that housing shortage come from? The subprime crisis. And where did the subprime crisis come from? Deregulation. Who deregulated the mortgage lending industry? Republicans. They learned nothing from what happened when they deregulated the savings & loan industry in the 1980s.
While we’re discoursing on the economy and economic hardship, the dumbfuck doctor brought up “supercore inflation” in the previous thread.
What is “supercore inflation”? It “measures services inflation excluding food, energy and housing,” according to CNBC. That this inflation remains problematic isn’t news; the media have been telling us for over a year that services inflation is “sticky,” driven by worker shortages and rising wages. That’s why the FOMC has pegged its interest rate policy to labor market data.
A different CNBC article here gives a breakdown of which prices are rising fastest. The hottest item? “Video discs other media.” The top item in services is car insurance.
Property insurance premiums are exploding, too. That contributes to rent inflation, because it gets passed through to renters. Overall insurance costs are rising so fast — 20% last year, another 20% expected this year — that this item alone makes services sector inflation intractable.
Why are insurance premiums skyrocketing? More expensive cars and parts, fewer mechanics, more accidents. On the property insurance side, more natural disasters, many of them climate change-driven. A time is coming when people won’t be able to get insurance in areas prone to flooding or wildfires.
There’s also price-gouging going on. A consumer spending spree, partially fueled by dubious borrowing, enables it. Sellers can’t gouge without consumers willing to pay. Today’s consumers are more than willing to pay, and pay, and pay. Gotta have the fancy pickup, or the spendy “experience.”
Electing Trump won’t quell inflation. I know what will: A hard-hitting recession. Recessions tame inflation, and are the price of quelling inflation. Evidence keeps accumulating that Powell’s aim of achieving a “soft landing” is a pipe dream.
@ 10
Had HA’s unserious twat Queen YLB actually read the content of her link, our silly princess would have realized that
and that the piece was a statewide estimate based on metro data.
IOW Ephrata‘s inflation rate can be calculated based on the Seattle-Bellevue-Tacoma inflation rate, according to the mother of the two most genetically fucked kids in the poorest area of the Seattle metro region.
You’re an amazingly dumb cunt, Queen YLB.
@ 13
Do you have evidence Trump’s DJT shares are in escrow, in the hands of a trustee, or otherwise inaccessible to him? If so, do tell. I’m curious how that works.
This from a guy who claims to be a millionaire but has no understanding of how share custody and transfers are actually conducted. Of course you are curious, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. You also are ignorant of the basics of investing.
Here is an example of a lockup agreement on the website:
In Trump’s case, although he is the registered owner of shares those shares likely are held, electronically and likely also physically, by a designated agent, which answers to the company and not to Trump. The company has likely given that agent instructions to embargo Trump’s shares for a (reportedly) six month period, after which presumably some or all of them are released to the control of Trump or someone who has secured control of them by agreement with Trump or by court order.
So if even if Trump wanted to sell the shares, he can’t, assuming the company has exercised its ability to embargo them with a transfer agent.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, you have authorized your broker to authorize a transfer agent to take physical possession of your pitifully small basket of shares. Those shares move electronically but there is exists a physical share, which you can have presented to you on demand if you pay the requisite. The fact that you have never seen the shares means nothing, as long as there is trust in the electronic system.
Hopefully, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, you now understand why your post @ 5 was an ignorant one. Trump can’t dump his shares because for another 5 1/2 months or so he does not control them, even though he owns them.
You’re nowhere near your claimed millionaire status, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. Your ignorance repeatedly gives away the game. Just stop.
A few years ago several dozen of us sold a company we had owned for a number of decades. As owners we varied in age, and a few of us had passed on with shares inherited by others – people we had never met, whose personal interests were sometimes not aligned with the rest of us. Our shares were actual physical certificates. Imagine locating a paper certificate more than a quarter-century after its issuance, and possibly after it changed hands and moved to a different state and into the control of someone who simply wanted to make things difficult for everyone else.
Anyway, an agent was contracted by us and by the buyer. Prior to closing we sent our physical shares to the transfer agent in New York City. Once 2/3 of the shares had been aggregated by the agent, control of the company by the buyer was assured, and the closing occurred, with the buyer paying into an escrow fund controlled by the agent. The agent then wired funds to the shareholders who had tendered physical shares, held funds owed to those who had not yet sent theirs in, and controlled the unpaid “holdback” funds during the holdback period, after which a second payment was made. There was a small dispute, and a third payment ultimately ended up being made roughly two years after the close.
Transfer agents do a shit-ton of work. Imagine if that work included having to explain to ignoramuses like Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit how basic share transfers occur when a company is sold, created, or merged.
The ignorance of the Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbits of the world is one reason that Wall Street advising and servicing fees are so high. It’s real work.
I am a little surprised not to see Jacky Rosen’s name on this list, too.
The Senate’s definitely in play this year, and in addition to threatened Democrats like Tester, Brown, and Rosen, seats in WV and MD are variably likely to flip, and AZ and MI aren’t cakewalks for Democrats, either.
Weak Democrats trying to hang onto their seats is the real reason Schumer won’t bring the Mayorkas impeachment to the Senate floor for action. Imagine seeing 5-6 Senate Democrats vote to convict Mayorkas during an election year.
Nope, can’t have that. So bury it.
Biden is a weak president and Schumer is a weak Senate Majority Leader.
Anyone else hearing about difficulties getting on the Fall ballot for Biden in Ohio and Alabama?
Apparently the cutoff dates for those states fall before the DNC convention is currently scheduled, which means somehow Biden would have to be certified before he is actually nominated to represent his party as its candidate.
Which seems like karma given the issues RFK Jr. is having in Nevada.
Anyway, anyone else reading about this?
Looking forward to our upcoming discussions of what happens when the DNC convention floor fight ends with two people not named Biden or Kamala on the DNC ticket.
@19 “In Trump’s case, although he is the registered owner of shares those shares likely are held, electronically and likely also physically, by a designated agent, which answers to the company and not to Trump. The company has likely given that agent instructions to embargo Trump’s shares for a (reportedly) six month period, after which presumably some or all of them are released to the control of Trump or someone who has secured control of them by agreement with Trump or by court order.”
In this paragraph there are three “likely”s and one “presumably”. You don’t know. You’re just guessing, while pretending to know.
By the way, when is a 60% shareholder not the “company”?
Good news for University of Washington alums with student loan debt!
Gee, Queen YLB, that’s a double whammy for your fucked kids. Debt already paid off AND a sheepskin from a laughed-at university. Too bad, so sad.
@ 23
You don’t know. You’re just guessing, while pretending to know.
Nothing like a snappy comeback to save face, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@20 Back when people sold stock by mailing physical certificates to transfer agents in distant cities, they were still pecking on typewriters, too. If you’re still doing that, you should look into Robinhood instead of just mechanically tapping it out on your smartphone or wireless keyboard.
@ 23
By the way, when is a 60% shareholder not the “company”?
1. When said shareholder’s shares are not voting shares.
2. When the company’s board conducts itself in a manner not in the best interests of the owners of a majority of shares.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, I’m certainly glad to see you agree with Mitt Romney that corporations are people, too.
@ 26
I see I need to state my point @ 20 in terms you might better understand, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
In the example I gave, those of us who had agreed to sell our company and then transmitted our shares to the transfer agent were still the owners of those shares, but we had no control over the shares because they were in the hands of a transfer agent pursuant to an agreement we had contractually made.
Trump is in the same boat. He owns his shares but can’t control their disposition for another few months. Much as you are loathe to admit it, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, it’s why your question @ 5 is an ignorant one.
Take the L. Don’t repeat your GE disaster.
@22 I glanced at it and didn’t give it a second thought. Do you actually believe the DNC won’t do anything about it?
@24 I take it you didn’t
get intogo to U.W. Med School. Don’t mind my editing, it’s the final version that I want to say.@25 Nothing like an awkward comeback to fall on your face.
@27 “When said shareholder’s shares are not voting shares.”
Is this likely or presumably?
Did you bother to read the 10-K filed on April 1, 2024? It says at page 96, “Unless otherwise indicated, TMTG believes that all persons named in the table have sole voting and investment power with respect to all TMTG Common Stock beneficially owned by them.” And then says,
Unless I misread this, Trump’s 57.6% interest consists of voting shares. By the way, his son Don Jr. is one of the directors. Schedule 13D, also filed on April 1, 2024, also indicates Trump has voting power with respect to his 78,750,000 shares:
Here’s some additional recreational reading for you after you plow through the SEC filings:
Scroll down to the headline, “Can Trump sell his stock instantly?” and then to the paragraph that begins, “But, there’s a big caveat.”
Roger Rabbit Quiz
What happens to dumbfucks who ASS U ME and then smugly parade their assumptions?
Write answer here:
@28 Comparing your little company to Trump Media is like comparing a horse throwing a horseshoe to a flat tire on a semi truck.
Dumbfuck, it’s your bedtime. But don’t go to bed, go to your fallout shelter, because a trainload of mockery is going to land on you in the morning when the other posters come back on here.
Try not to step on any more rakes on your way to the shelter entrance. Your face is already a big mess.
a trainload of mockery is going to land on you in the morning when the other posters come back on here
Shall we start with a 9-point swing in Biden’s favor since January in our latest poll?
It isn’t just that the trend isn’t dumbfuck’s friend. Our polling reveals there isn’t anybody on the planet who claims to be dumbfuck’s friend.
Inheriting shares in a family owned business and then obtaining a big payday when the family finally agrees to sell the business is another great example of American ingenuity, pluck, and discipline.
American “Greatness” has always been built on a solid foundation of sitting hungover by the hotel pool with a drink while the lawyers meet inside to work out the details.
If Trump can pull it off, dumping all of his shares immediately sounds like it would be his smartest move.
It looks like short sellers are offering huge dividends and fees to anyone like Trump holding shares to lend. And that could make sense if Trump knows things about future trades that he isn’t disclosing.
But any way you slice it, it’s pure speculation with all negative indicators and lousy fundamentals. Expectations that the price will stabilize are based on woo. Any investor with a shred of common sense would sell now. But like I pointed out the other day, the Monty Hall paradox works to deceive otherwise very smart people all the time.
Yes. And it’s an overblown story that blows up on Republicans if they try.
The GOP convention was post certification dates in 2020 and oddly Trump was granted access to the ballot.
The law in Colorado gives the SoS unilateral power to remove an insurrectionist from the ballot. SCOTUS said, “Nah.”
So just try it. Try a blatant attempt to have different rules for Republicans splashed all over the media. Go for it.
US Labor Department reports the latest weekly seasonally adjusted initial unemployment claims total 211,000, a decrease of 11,000 from the previous week’s revised level.
🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲FUCK YOU BIDEN!!!!🇺🇲🇺🇲😉
O. J. Simpson died of cancer.
I hope the treatments and final days were agonizing
Unless Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit has seen the merger agreement Trump signed as an individual, he doesn’t have the gotcha he thinks he has.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit seems to think that nearly 80 million shares were just handed over to Trump and are sitting in his Schwab account – OK, his Deutsche Bank brokerage account – fully available for Trump to do with them as he pleases, regardless of the agreement he has signed.
Why would a general counsel or a board of directors agree to give Trump, with his reputation of reneging on everything from loans to promises to pay gold toilet installation contractors, free rein over his holdings, in hopes that this time Trump might keep a promise?
For Trump to dump his shares he has to control them. He might still possess the ability to vote them, but he has no ability to move them out of his account and into another party’s account, because those shares do not currently reside in his account. See my transfer agent comments @ 20, 28.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, this merger was not a handshake agreement. Stop pretending that Trump has any control over his shares for the next five-plus months. He doesn’t. The board and the GC have seen to that.
Take the L, Legal Eagle.
From the link @ 33 Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit was so desperate to show everyone:
@ 40
Is NV for RFK Jr. an overblown story as well, in your estimation?
@ 37
… swing in Biden’s favor since January in our latest poll?
By all means, bitterly cling to that series of national polls of people contacted via the internet, for all said polls are worth.
Don’t squeeze too hard, tho. You’ll need something to sob into come November.
Explains why Hamas doesn’t want to agree to any hostage releases, anyway.
Report: US officials fear most of the hostages held by Hamas could be dead
95% of them are dead. The other 5% are 5-6 months pregnant. If you ultrasound them you can see the tiny suicide belts worn by their fetuses, Peace Be Upon Them.
@ 43
Nicole spews:
I just got that. Heh.
Why would the Republican Party cede control of 2024 campaign finances to Trump?
Why would thousands of mouth breathing dipshits like this lying idiot troll hand over $400 for cheap ugly high top sneakers?
Why would someone devote eight years of their miserable life to defending the guy?
Republicans are fucked in the head. That’s about the only explanation for any of it. Are they hurting themselves making these kinds of commitments to a piece of shit fraud like Trump? Almost every time the answer is yes. But modern “conservatives” seem to have permanently embraced his potential based on a selective reading of his objectively miserable record of failure.
Why should the pump and dump be any different?
An Honest Assessment of Rural White Resentment Is Long Overdue
“What isn’t said enough is that rural whites are being told to blame all the wrong people for their very real problems. As we argue in the book, Hollywood liberals didn’t destroy the family farm, college professors didn’t move manufacturing jobs overseas, immigrants didn’t pour opioids into rural communities, and critical race theory didn’t close hundreds of rural hospitals. When Republican politicians and the conservative media tell rural whites to aim their anger at those targets, it’s so they won’t ask why the people they keep electing haven’t done anything to improve life in their communities. ”
Republicans are winning rural votes but doing almost nothing to improve rural Americans’ lives.
How is it that rural minorities, who by most measures face even greater challenges in health care access and economic opportunity than their white counterparts, do not express weakened commitments to our democracy, or the anti-urban, xenophobic, conspiracist, and violence-justifying attitudes so many rural whites do?
>> IMHO. It’s not about economic issues, Resentful Rural Whites would rather vote for republicans and go broke and die so long as the minorities they hate are hurt worse and faster than they are.
Lucas Kunce campaign for U.S. Senate against Josh Hawley
“Josh Hawley ran away,
Bravely ran away, away.
When danger reared its ugly head, he bravely turned his tail and fled.
Yes, brave Josh Hawley turned about
And gallantly, he chickened out.
Bravely taking to his feet,
He beat a very brave retreat,
Bravest of the brave, Josh Hawley!”
Ford Foundation learns to grovel just like every other Republican.
It speaks volumes about the average character of American conservatives that you can almost count on one hand those among them willing to join with the rest of us in standing up to defend democracy itself.
@ 52 is why it is difficult to take liberal homosexuals seriously.
@ 50
Why would the Republican Party cede control of 2024 campaign finances to Trump?
Because it gives them a better than 50:50 shot at the seat Sotomayor currently holds.
Turns out it’s not just hostages that Hamas can’t find. It also can’t prove nearly half of the “innocent women and children” it claims that IDF has killed since Hamas violated a cease-fire agreement with Israel on October 7.
At worst this means that IDF has killed more Hamas fighters than it has Gazan civilians.
At worst for Biden and Democrats, I mean.
What if Israel threw a genocide and nobody showed up?
@44 So I broke the agreement. Sue me.
@52 I’m sure glad I wasn’t in a foxhole with that guy.
Law professor Alan Dershowitz said Thursday that he believed O.J. Simpson was “probably guilty” but took his murder case anyway.
In the wake of O.J. Simpson’s death from prostate cancer, Alex Jones Thursday suggested a COVID-19 vaccine was to blame, referencing a conspiracy theory of which there is no evidence.
Relevant. The missing word is relevant.
It’s a bridge in a bay in a state that is about to flip a US senator to the GOP, Ron. Does that matter to you?
I bet the reason Klain doesn’t care about Cardin’s seat is that he knows the Senate is toast for Democrats in 2025 regardless of how badly Larry Hogan trounces whichever Democrat comes out of the primary still standing.
Trump Media & Technology Group Corp., ticker symbol DJT, is down another 5.4% on a day when the S&P is up 0.74%. One way to deduce whether someone is dumping shares is to look at the daily volumes:
March 26, first day of public trading, buyers snapped up over 55.5 million shares. The next day, March 27, buyer enthusiasm continued with 32.6 million shares changing hands, at still-rising prices. This fell off on the following two trading days, as both share prices and trading volume plunged (to less than 18 million shares). After falling to 10.8 million shares the next day, amid a mild price gain, and 7.6 million shares on Monday, volume hasn’t exceeded 4.6 million shares, at ever-declining prices. So no sign yet that Trump is dumping shares, at least not at any rate more than a trickle.
He can’t without tanking the stock price. If he were to suddenly flood the market with his 78.5 million shares, the stock would go into freefall. It would be like trying to sell on Black Friday of 1929, that infamous day when everyone was trying to sell and nobody was buying. The share price would resemble an outdoor thermometer as nuclear winter was setting in.
He’s stuck with a huge pile of stock certificates he can’t unload at anything remotely close to today’s already-diminished market price.
This woman is crazy. The GOP put guns in her hands. What happened next was predictable.
The “shooting spree” consisted of going on an interstate highway in the Florida panhandle and firing into random passing cars. By a miracle no one was killed.
In January a postage stamp cost 66 cents.
In mid-July it will cost 73 cents.
Bidenflation says Fuck You to Hallmark cards. And to Queen YLB’s fucked kids.
Will Queen YLB’s fucked kids check a box to avoid having to compete fairly with those who deserve it?
Harvard and CalTech Will Require Test Scores for Admission
DEI = Didn’t Earn It. I guess that isn’t working out well for people who expect Ivy League schools to produce graduates who actually learned something in school.
BidenflationTrump-appointed postmaster general says Fuck You to Hallmark cards. And to Queen YLB’s fucked kids.Them?
Who’s that?
By now the failed reality TV celeb has figured out the value of these appointments. And there’s nothing about Trump that makes him less likely to betray Leonard Leo than to have betrayed every other leading “conservative” that has backed him. And a crony, hack Associate Justice John Yoo might work wonders to protect a Unitary President from justice, while abandoning “the unborn” in a bloody wad of gauze on a tray.
The dumbfuck Nazi coward learned nothing from Kansas, nothing from Alabama, nothing from Arizona, and nothing from trending polls.
Next up, Hope Hicks, Stormy Daniels, sworn testimony about a 3″ mushroom-shaped dick and a guilty verdict.
Just a hunch here, but I don’t see the dumbfuck as being ready for The Pain.
In fact, I foresee that it shall be written of the dumbfuck that, “The Pain was TREMENDOUS!
the piece was a statewide estimate based on metro data.
yawwwn.. and what was false about it?
Here’s some truth about what topped the list:
kon-klown DEE-Santis land is fast becoming an unaffordable nightmare:
In the South Florida region, which includes Miami, Fort Lauderdale and Palm Beach, consumer prices in February were up nearly 5% over the prior year, compared to 3.2% nationally, according to the most recent data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
bye, bye loser thug land.. next time kon-klown should lose the risers and save the phony smile.. and lose anyway.
kreepshit is in a noun, verb, ‘FLAYSHUN! ‘mode.
flayshun is serious problem indeed..
Like it was for Bonzo Raygun..
Inflation Mar 1984: 4.8 percent UP from 3.6% one year before
Like it was for Papa Bush
Inflation Mar 1992: 3.2 percent DOWN from 4.9% previous year (fucking lost anyway, papa blamed it on Greenspan)..
Like it was for G. Dumbya Bush
Inflation Mar 2004 1.7 percent DOWN from 3% previous year.. However by June ‘flayshun went to 3.3 % UP from 2.1 % previous year.
And today?
Inflation Mar 2024 3.5 percent DOWN from 5 percent previous year.
In November teh kreepshit troll of widbee will throw the lever for a pathologically lying, grifting, obese, incontinent, flatulent orange tinted wannabe dicatator under multiple indictment who off gases a putrid odor.
To avoid an IRS Audit and for want of another tax cut.
kreepshit of widbee desperately needs to avoid an IRS Audit after a lifetime of cheating on its taxes.
As it desperately needs yet another tax cut..
How else can it pay for the expensive education in “kick the living shit” thuggery for its two unfortunate “grandkids”..
heh.. its “legacy”… lmao..
check a box to avoid having to compete fairly with those who
pay through the nose for tutoring, etc.. yawwwn… advantages kids from poor or most darker skinned families don’t have.
Both kids are college graduates.. made the Dean’s list multiple times. No student debt.
youngest scored in the high 90th percentile on admissions test for professional school.. Will be applying to schools pretty soon now.
Everything’s just fine for them.. Thanks for bringing it up!
DEI = Didn’t Earn It
i.e. go back to “Whites only, the rich always get richer and all “abnormals” i.e. gay, trans, darker skinned types EXCLUDED (a few darker skinned suck ups to white power ok, can’t look too racist, a little racist ok..)
Debt already paid off
Never had debt to begin with kreepshit.. Never suffered the mental illness of obsessive resentment either.. beaten into at some klownservabro frat…
graduates of poor-quality schools.
i.e. for profit.. ripoff outfits like drumpf U which you’ll happily support in November…
yawwwn.. dang you’re so fucking boring…
@64 “expect Ivy League schools to produce graduates who actually learned something in school”
Right off the bat I can think of five big Harvard/Yale embarrassments: Clarence Thomas, Ron DeSantis, J. D. Vance, Brett Kavanaugh, and John Yoo.
Clearly, white supremacists see DEI as a threat to white hegemony.
MAGA Mike is weak and getting weaker by the minute.
“What is a stamp?”
Voters under 35
Abortion is back on the ballot in Wisconsin so there goes the GOP hopes
On the Friday before the acquisition of Truth Social was completed shares of DWAC now DJT:US value was $36.94
At present it’s $29.76 and falling.
How will Donald blame Joe Biden for failing to make Truth Social a raging success and the greatest social media platform of all time?
Bidenflation? Leftist plot? Communist investors? Fake News?
I really don’t mind being compared to Jesus Christ, even if he was a Jew.
@79 Oh, leftist plot to be sure. Probably commies involved, too. Meanwhile, the bloated don’s new wealth is slip-sliding awaaay …