Manchin is telling colleagues that progressives need to pick just one of Biden’s three signature policies for helping working families and discard the other two, people familiar with the matter tell Axios’ Hans Nichols.
Vicious Trollspews:
It was just Monday, barely two days ago, that power-hungry Pramila Jayapal was insisting to Biden that she get five major items in the $6trillion$3.5trillion$1.5 trillion bill.
This is the difference between the House and the Senate. Senator Manchin is telling @ 3 libbies that they get one toy out of the toybox and that’s it.
QoS McHillbilly intends to spin this as a win for the Democrats. It’s not. It’s a disaster for a president who promised far more than his weakened physical and political state will permit him to deliver.
Vicious Trollspews:
When First Vegetable Joe Biden is lucid, he’s a fucking liar.
Josh Kraushaar
This. His political troubles stem from his breaking of the campaign and inaugural promise to seek bipartisanship from the outset of his presidency.
Quote Tweet
· 3h
Think about the opportunity Biden had. He could’ve come in and focused on something like the infrastructure bill and called that a giant bipartisan win in his first year. He could have stabilized Afghanistan and taken credit. Less partisan tone could have improved Covid response.
Plenty of Republicans (& some of the left-wing base) would still be mad, but the guy would have a 60% approval. The attacks would be completely ineffective. But they are resonating right now because there is no disputing the disastrous approach on multiple issues.
Vicious Trollspews:
Those of you who swept the shooting of Steve Scalise under the rug might be forced to relive it when someone on the left fires a bullet into Krysten Sinema’s brain from a distance of two feet.
Bernie, meanwhile, is too mad at her to care. He’ll be too busy trying to woo her successor.
More than half of Americans say 55 – 42 percent that the Biden administration is not competent in running the government.
This sentence is so juicy it’s really worth inserting into a new thread.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 “OK, maybe Bernie’s upset because he still doesn’t fucking include the 50 fucking Republicans who” are playing chicken with the economy. ftfy
You had the spelling and grammar right, but the sentence structure needed a little work.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 And it has to be the one that most helps West Virginians.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 What are you talking about? Biden tried bipartisan for 8 months. That’s long enough. Now it’s fuck-you-back time.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 “when someone on the left fires a bullet into Krysten Sinema’s brain”
Wishing out loud, are you?
You’re probably still celebrating Gabby Giffords’ near-death experience.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 Having voted twice for Trump, you’re hardly in a position to pose as a champion of competent government.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Minneapolis Police Commander Bruce Folkens told his officers, “you guys are out hunting people now, and it’s just a nice change of tempo.” Then he added, “fuck these people.”
“Around 10:40 p.m. on May 30, Minneapolis police Sgt. Andrew Bittell is heard saying, ‘We’re rolling down Lake St. The first fuckers we see, we’re just handling them with 40’s,’ apparently referring to 40 mm nonlethal rounds …. Five minutes later, they speed toward a gas station, ‘Go, go, go, get up there!’ ‘Let them have it, boys,’ Bittell said. As they begin firing on the group, the group scatters, and officers later learn the group includes the gas station owner and his family and friends who were there to protect the station.”
The Navy’s last two conventional powered carriers are going to the breakers. Thought the Kitty Hawk would be expended as a target ship, but the JFK was suggested to be a Museum ship but efforts to do so were unsuccessful. Although I don’t think their was any place in Massachusetts for it. Although the Commomwealth of Massachusetts already has a Museum Navy, Battleship Covecin Fall River is full. The Battleship Massachusetts, a submarine, a former East German Volksmarine corvette, and the WW2 era Destroyer Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. Perhaps Quincy might have been a good option, but they already have the Heavy Cruiser USS Salem,
Everyone should look forward to retirement so that you can be a Borish Troll.
Tweet tweet
Roger Rabbitspews:
Intriguing, but not totally convincing, new lead in the Zodiac case. Somebody not previously on anyone’s radar.
Gary Ridgway, the Green River killer, was a truck painter. The new Zodiac suspect was a house painter. What is it with paint? Do paint fumes turn people into homicidal maniacs? Or do serial killers gravitate to paint for some reason?
In case you missed this news, and are wondering if this suspect is alive or dead, he croaked 3 years ago. So if it’s him, there’s nobody to “hold accountable” for Zodiac’s crimes.
But we’d all like to know, wouldn’t we?
16’) Good use of retired cops time. There are some, plus journalists, that keep investigating the case of Northwest Orient 305, even though the FBI has officially closed the case, listed as closed but unsolved. Coming up on the 50th Anniversary.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
QoS McHillbilly intends to spin this as a win for the Democrats.
Absolutely because it unequivocally is a tremendous win. With the thinnest of majorities possible Democrats are fixing the shit Rapepbulicans have been busy breaking for the last two decades and laying the foundation for a more resilient and sustainable future for America.
Who is on a sustained 72 hr rant fest? BurQa Bob.
BurQa Bob who spent the last six months predicting one failure after another only to have his world turned upside down once again. America’s “conservatives” lost badly for four years in a row because they couldn’t do anything at all, much less do anything right.
Four years of Trump blustering about “deals” with none to show for it, beyond a pre-baked, microwave ready tax cut for billionaires that had been sitting in Speaker Ryan’s gravy silo waiting for a President to sign it since 2012. Four years of succeeding “Infrastructure Weeks” but not one single dollar appropriated. Four years of talk about “KOAL Jerbs” and Harley Davidson rescues with nothing but a smoldering pile of soiled red trucker hats to show for it.
Biden takes office and we flip the Senate and ten months later we are ready to close out Trump’s Death Plague and completely re-engineer the U.S. economy for the future.
Yes, it’s a huge fucking win. When it’s done, Manchinema and Josh Gottheimer will never stop talking about it and taking credit for it.
And BurQa Bob will never stop finding laptops buried in it somewhere. We’ll be back to Obama Phones by Christmas. Count on it. And that’s how you’ll know Bob’s been defeated again.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Some of the polls BurQa Bob and his fake “FB friends in CO” would prefer you did not see:
It’s all very popular legislation that Manchinema is trying to block. And what’s most ironic is that the tax provisions in the reconciliation are even more popular than either the spending provisions or the infrastructure. Voters are more eager than ever to roll back decades of insane tax giveaways to billionaires.
What’s it mean? More than anything, it means that House and Senate Democrats can go into the midterms with campaign messaging that will produce results. Member votes in favor of this package are votes that will be met with strong approval from voters heading to the polls next November. “No” votes are votes that will be met with strong disapproval. Campaigns can begin now to build that messaging momentum, and establish the frames that will stick in voter’s minds and dominate media feeds for the next twelve months.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 11
You’re probably still celebrating Gabby Giffords’ near-death experience.
Hey, it paid off for Mark Kelly, didn’t it?
Which reminds me. Movie tip: The Contender. Save your dividend checks for a couple of quarters, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, and you might be able to afford to rent it.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 19
The YouGov poll asked about the infrastructure bill that the Senate has voted to support with 69 Yea votes. Not the other bill. This is the bill that Pelosi refused to bring to the floor on Friday.
The Q poll shows 57% support currently vs 62% support last month. Independents are only at 50% support. Support is not overwhelming and, in fact, is declining. To bolster support the Democrat party is making ludicrous statements such as declaring the bill to be “free”. The Even Bigger Fucking Moron picks both nostrils while nodding his agreement.
The Fox poll, like the others you cited, is two months old now. Some things have happened in the last two months to cause people to question their president and the values of the Democrat party.
As you said, Democrats have the barest of majorities running the country. Democrats are perverting established rules to ram something through the House and Senate that they cannot otherwise pass. Right now they cannot even convince all of their own members to participate in the perversion.
Vicious Trollspews:
The wealth gap between real millionaires and Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit has widened substantially this morning, I see.
Vicious Trollspews:
Fuck, that’s nothing.
NYC Scanner
· 19h
Gov. Kathy Hochul: “I heard so many people say they’re afraid to go get vaccines because they’d have to get on the Subway and they’re afraid of being assaulted.”
They might have to sit next to a psychotic fuck like Cuomosexual G-clown. That’s the real fear.
Vicious Trollspews:
I think Biden/Harris bumper stickers are embarrassing. What’s the point of trumpeting your support for incompetence?
This chick wasn’t embarrassed by 3 3/4 years of pink pussy hats. This chick wasn’t embarrassed by F-bombs dropped with regularity by Tom Perez, that twit Gillebrand, and even by Bernie Sanders. I’m not moved by her concerns today.
Vicious Trollspews:
They could house them at the defunct Burlington College campus. That’s the college that Bernie Sanders’ wife forced into bankrupcty and closure. Who’s with me on this?
The crisis on the southwest border is forcing the Department of Homeland Security to consider flying migrants all the way to Vermont for processing, according to internal documents reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon.
Federal immigration agencies are preparing contingency plans for a chaotic fall and winter that include looking to states thousands of miles away for assistance. According to a memo obtained by the Free Beacon, DHS is husbanding resources for the “unconfirmed” transfer of migrants to New York and Vermont and awaiting a response from Border Patrol about the number of additional processing machines required.
A spokeswoman for Customs and Border Protection declined to address the Vermont relocation plans, saying the department does not comment on leaked information.
The Oct. 6 memo indicates that federal officials are considering moving migrants to the Swanton Sector, a Border Patrol site that encompasses 24,000 square miles and includes the entire state of Vermont, as well as broad swaths of upstate New York and New Hampshire. The internal deliberations come just weeks after more than 10,000 migrants, mostly from Haiti, arrived in Del Rio, Texas, and sparked a humanitarian crisis in the border town.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive NOBLE Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on "FB friends in CO", Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Democrats are perverting established rules
Not the ones Mitch McConnell “established” in his final 12 months as Leader.
Those we intend to follow to a T.
Now cry more, loser.
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 26
A vote on Bill A “deems” passage of Bill B.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive NOBLE Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on "FB friends in CO", Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
The crisis on the southwest border…
This as we learn that the assassination of Soleimani and the deployments of Marines to the border was responsible for a disaster at sea that took the lives of an entire boat load of teenaged Marines.
Something, something… Gorsuch
Coney Barrett
Nuclear Free Korea!
Drug Deal!
“It just goes away”
Golden Showers, Yacht,
Vicious Trollspews:
This is the unforeseen consequence caused by years of paying YLB and her family not to work.
Oilfield Rando
Amazing watching libs bitch about the wealth someone accumulated through the climate change wealth transfer policies that libs put in place
Quote Tweet
Robert Reich
· 20h
Elon Musk’s wealth surpassed $200 billion this week. To put that into perspective, it would take the median U.S. worker 4,815,216 years to make that much.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive NOBLE Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on "FB friends in CO", Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
You cried more.
Please, by all means do keep right on crying. But you should maybe also be prepared to get used to some of this.
After all, your party not only used every parliamentary trick and rewrote every rule to suit their own political ends, and openly ignored their Constitutional duty to convict criminals from their own party, they even carried out an inept coup attempt and tried to hunt down their own VEEP in order to overturn an election they didn’t like. You continue to conduct phony investigations into that same election, and then reject your own results when they don’t conform to your political needs.
Democrats are going to be acting much more politically partisan in months and years ahead. They have permission.
You gave it to them.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive NOBLE Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on "FB friends in CO", Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
69% of all voters, including 68% of EEN-DEE-PEN-DUNCE are strongly in favor of raising Elon Musk’s taxes.
So I for one sincerely hope American “conservatives” head into next years fully committed to protecting his exceptional wealth from “libs”, however he may have accumulated it.
Ggggggeeee Money!spews:
They might have to sit next to a psychotic fuck like Cuomosexual G-clown. That’s the real fear.
Dude, is there anything you can get right? If you made comments on factual data maybe but nothing you ever say is correct.
Fact: Geeeee Money doesn’t take the subway very often, probably less than once a month. I have feet, and a bike, and take the bus if needed. FTFY.
Geeeeee Money!spews:
Breeding will not save them…’s actually deadly. If COVID don’t get them then they’ll get themselves.
“Maryland man allegedly fatally shot his pharmacist brother for ‘killing people’ with the COVID …”
People don’t kill People, COVID Vaccine does.
Tweet Tweet – Geeeee Money!
“I don’t want my poverty-stricken, sickly, climate-change-ravaged constituents to start feeling ‘entitled.’ That would be bad”
-Joe Manchin from his house boat while reaping half a million each year from coal dividends.
He doesn’t want to live in a society where the poor think they are entitled to the same rights as the rich.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@33 Details: “A Maryland man accused of killing his pharmacist brother, his sister-in-law and an 83-year-old woman told his mother he wanted to ‘confront’ his brother over ‘him administering COVID vaccines’ ….
“Jeffrey Allen Burnham, 46, also allegedly told a tipster that his brother was ‘killing people with the COVID shot,'” according to the statement of charges ….”
I’ll bet he’s a Trumpster, too. All the violent crazies are.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@34 “He doesn’t want to live in a society where the poor think they are entitled to the same rights as the rich.”
Of course not. Then the poor would think they’re entitled to be rich, too; and if they work for it, people might start thinking the entitled rich ought to work, too.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@20 “Hey, it paid off for Mark Kelly, didn’t it?”
Nobody’s gonna believe you’re glad Giffords got shot because “it paid off for Mark Kelly.”
But plenty of people are willing to believe you’re glad Giffords got shot.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Jeffrey Clark should not be a lawyer, and may not continue to be:
“The Senate Judiciary Committee announced on Thursday they were referring him to the DC Bar for a review of his professional conduct, citing rules that bar attorneys from assisting in fraud and interfering with the administration of justice.”
He graduated from Harvard and Georgetown Law, so he can’t plead ignorance or stupidity. He’s a subversive.
Vicious Trollspews:
… he can’t plead ignorance or stupidity.
If there’s anybody who has first-person familiarity with conducting himself ignorantly and stupidly, it’s Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. If he were competent he’d still be on the job.
ABC News
· Oct 6
JUST IN: More Americans have died from COVID-19 this year than from the virus in all of 2020, according to newly updated data from Johns Hopkins University.
Hey, if it’s Biden’s stock market increase in 2021, it’s Biden’s mortality, too.
Another day in the life of First Vegetable Joe Biden’s America, y’all.
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive NOBLE Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on "FB friends in CO", Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Funny thing is there’s been none of that. Not where they have actual leverage.
Neither has suggested they would pull their support for the Bipartisan Buddy Infrastructure. In fact, only Josh Gottheimer even came close. And as we saw, he has no leverage. Unless either of them is willing to threaten the Bipartisan Buddy Bill, then there’s very little reason for the president, the speaker, or the majority leader to be in any hurry.
And the longer this drags out, the more we all get to giggle mirthfully as we watch “conservatives” like you rant and squirm.
One year ago every single Democrat you know was 100% prepared to be over-the-moon settling for Biden with a Republican Senate. Then you gave us Arizona and Georgia.
And you made all this possible.
Tacoma man who set fire to East Precinct during CHOP sentenced to 2 years in prison
Police released pictures of the suspect who was quickly identified as Willoughby. Following the incident, the U.S. Department of Justice said Willoughby tried to remove social media posts that could link him to the arson.
He was arrested on July 14, 2020 and held at the Federal Detention Center in SeaTac.
Willoughby was sentenced to two years in prison for starting the fire and putting fellow protestors at risk, which the U.S. attorney called “counterproductive to what the protestors were trying to accomplish.”
Everything libbies try to pull ends up being counterproductive to their goals.
Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Coney Barrett aren’t enough evidence for y’all that this is true?
Your next lesson is only 13 months away. The one after that only 37 months away.
@36. That used to a reason for the estate tax. That every generation needed to earn their wealth, not inherit being a wealth lord, a trust fund baby.
Ggggggeeee Money!spews:
Bob doesn’t get it.
Nobody sane is going to blame Biden for anti maskers and anti vaxers for killing themselves.
It would be like blaming Biden or The FuckHump for people taking Heroin and dying.
IMHO: 84% of trump voters are afraid they will be treated like they treated everyone who is not them.
Either “racism doesn’t exist anymore” like they say, and there’s nothing wrong with being a minority demographic — or there is something very wrong with how the majority-controlled system treats minorities.
If they’re worried about becoming a minority, it’s because they know damn well how minorities are treated, they just won’t admit to that because they benefit right now.
Kind of makes you wonder if the the greedy racist incel would change if he was treated like Philando Castile? Well, he’d be dead, but if he wasn’t dead, would he be screaming for racial justice too?
Vicious Trollspews:
@ 46
That used to a reason for the estate tax.
It’s still a reason for the estate tax, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron. In most instances it’s a good reason.
The thing is, your reason for the estate tax, now, is to use the money confiscated from heirs or from estates to do stupid shit. Not for establishing a balance of sorts, but to do stupid shit with it. Stupid shit that enriches your friends rather than benefitting those you claim to help.
49. That post is so weird it sounds like a progressive complaining about Republican corruption.
Are you arguing that in the 1930s and 40s and 50s estate taxes were spent on other white people so it was okay but now that it’s being spent on everybody it’s wrong?
Eleven Time Person Woman Man Camera TV Cognitive NOBLE Prize Winner in Dropping Humiliation Bombs on "FB friends in CO", Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Not for establishing a balance of sorts
His best examples being WALL!!!, “600-Ship Navy”, “Too-Big-To-Fail”, ERCOT, Ben Carson’s $50,000 credenza, and Elaine Chao’s 90 pounds of cocaine.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Are you arguing that in the 1930s and 40s and 50s estate taxes were spent on other white people so it was okay
He’s not saying that.
But, yeah. You’ve got the gist.
There’s very good reason why there is no “Tea Party” today, nor will one arise once Biden’s budget agenda sees initial passage.
Biden’s a white guy.
Polling of the provisions in the ACA prior to passage showed overwhelming support for all of it. People loved almost all of it. Expanded CHIP, keeping it private, expanded COBRA, expanded HSAs, affordable premiums for individual plans, expanded coverage, etc. They hated the mandates. But in the end that provision impacted less than 7% of premium payers before Republicans repealed it.
But passage of the ACA was met with a fierce backlash from voters and fueled the rise of the Tea Party. Why?
Because the guy spending the money was the wrong color.
It simply drove those people insane that our open election, democratic system of government could give rise to a situation where they had money taken from their paycheck by a black guy to be spent by agencies he oversaw to benefit people he approved of. Then and now they regarded that as a fundamentally intolerable upending of the natural order of things as they see it.
Whenever you see BurQa Bob, or the nearest AM Hate Radio Anti-VAXer spewing their objections to “LIBERAL EXTREMISM” and “leftward shift of Democrats” that’s all it’s really about. We made a black guy president.
It’s unforgivable.
Ggggggeeee Money!spews:
Whenever you see BurQa Bob, or the nearest AM Hate Radio Anti-VAXer spewing their objections to “LIBERAL EXTREMISM” and “leftward shift of Democrats” that’s all it’s really about. We made a black guy president.
It’s unforgivable.
Bingo! I’ve been saying this from the beginning of the Tea Party.
Ggggggeeee Money!spews:
The F Joe Biden chant at football games is giving rise to racist chants and tirades at high school football games. Two instances I’ve heard of recently here in the Northeast.
Tonight when my Alma Mater called me for the annual donation I told the young lady on the phone that I’d donate but none of the money is to go to sports related causes. I told her why? I told her that colleges such as my Alma Matter need to publicly denounce this bullshit or I will stop giving all together in the future.
I’m mean what’s a few N words to the opposition when you can publicly say F Joe Biden and get away with that.
Abolish all sports programs!
The young girl said that they take racism and all forms of biased actions seriously on campus and that she would bring it to the attention of her superior and her superiors superior if need be.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@39 Unlike you, I chose when to retire.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@42 What you’re leaving out is all (or nearly all) the Covid-19 dead on Biden’s watch are Trumpers.
He tried to save them, but I’ll bet he doesn’t miss them.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@43 Unless you can amend the Constitution, he has a right to reasonable bail, although I gotta say $75k seems light to me. But then, the Kenosha vigilante is out on bail, too. You didn’t say anything about that.
So, I suspect what you’re really upset about is that a black family was able to make bail for their son. Until very recently, that just wasn’t done. Bail was always a white privilege.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@49 “Stupid shit” being child tax credits, child subsidies, and free community college for kids your ilk insisted on being born to teenage rape victims who can’t support them.
Now do the $100 million squandered on investigating a stain on a blue dress. That was stupid shit. And it was your baby.
She later sought to clarify her statement, which she admitted was “poorly worded,” and claimed it had been shown “out of context.” In trying to mop up the mess, Beeman said she’d been referring to “students who may have staunch Judeo-Christian values, or simply are conservative thinkers,” and are now being “bullied into submission by their teachers and fellow students with left-leaning ideologies.”
How do you say this shit out loud and not get that you’re the bad guy?
Vicious Trollspews:
Wages up 4.3%.
Prices up 5.25%.
The average American worker has fallen behind during the Biden presidency.
This will worsen.
Vicious Trollspews:
Conagra expects food price inflation to be 11% next year.
The company raised its full-year outlook for organic net sales, citing a stronger-than-expected consumer demand and additional pricing actions, accounting for elevated inflation levels. It raised its full-year gross inflation estimates to around 11% from about 9% forecast earlier.
YLB’s kids will be subsisting off of ketchup packets by June.
Bernie’s just upset because his wife caused a liberal arts college in Vermont to fail.
And because during the 2020 campaign he was forced to stand down in favor a guy who turned out to be far more incompetent than he is.
OK, maybe Bernie’s upset because he still doesn’t fucking include the 50 Republicans who make what he wants a minority desire in the Senate.
Socialists suck at math.
Can we just start saying it out loud now? President Manchin.
It was just Monday, barely two days ago, that power-hungry Pramila Jayapal was insisting to Biden that she get five major items in the
$6trillion$3.5trillion$1.5 trillion bill.Rep. KATHERINE CLARK (D-Mass.) moderated, calling on the 11 other House Democrats one by one starting with Rep. PRAMILA JAYAPAL (D-Wash.), who described for Biden her five buckets of priorities for the bill.
This is the difference between the House and the Senate. Senator Manchin is telling @ 3 libbies that they get one toy out of the toybox and that’s it.
QoS McHillbilly intends to spin this as a win for the Democrats. It’s not. It’s a disaster for a president who promised far more than his weakened physical and political state will permit him to deliver.
When First Vegetable Joe Biden is lucid, he’s a fucking liar.
Those of you who swept the shooting of Steve Scalise under the rug might be forced to relive it when someone on the left fires a bullet into Krysten Sinema’s brain from a distance of two feet.
Bernie, meanwhile, is too mad at her to care. He’ll be too busy trying to woo her successor.
Q-poll, released today.
More than half of Americans say 55 – 42 percent that the Biden administration is not competent in running the government.
This sentence is so juicy it’s really worth inserting into a new thread.
@2 “OK, maybe Bernie’s upset because he still doesn’t
fuckinginclude the 50 fucking Republicans who” are playing chicken with the economy. ftfyYou had the spelling and grammar right, but the sentence structure needed a little work.
@3 And it has to be the one that most helps West Virginians.
@5 What are you talking about? Biden tried bipartisan for 8 months. That’s long enough. Now it’s fuck-you-back time.
@6 “when someone on the left fires a bullet into Krysten Sinema’s brain”
Wishing out loud, are you?
You’re probably still celebrating Gabby Giffords’ near-death experience.
@7 Having voted twice for Trump, you’re hardly in a position to pose as a champion of competent government.
Minneapolis Police Commander Bruce Folkens told his officers, “you guys are out hunting people now, and it’s just a nice change of tempo.” Then he added, “fuck these people.”
“Around 10:40 p.m. on May 30, Minneapolis police Sgt. Andrew Bittell is heard saying, ‘We’re rolling down Lake St. The first fuckers we see, we’re just handling them with 40’s,’ apparently referring to 40 mm nonlethal rounds …. Five minutes later, they speed toward a gas station, ‘Go, go, go, get up there!’ ‘Let them have it, boys,’ Bittell said. As they begin firing on the group, the group scatters, and officers later learn the group includes the gas station owner and his family and friends who were there to protect the station.”
Police don’t do what you think they do.
The Navy’s last two conventional powered carriers are going to the breakers. Thought the Kitty Hawk would be expended as a target ship, but the JFK was suggested to be a Museum ship but efforts to do so were unsuccessful. Although I don’t think their was any place in Massachusetts for it. Although the Commomwealth of Massachusetts already has a Museum Navy, Battleship Covecin Fall River is full. The Battleship Massachusetts, a submarine, a former East German Volksmarine corvette, and the WW2 era Destroyer Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. Perhaps Quincy might have been a good option, but they already have the Heavy Cruiser USS Salem,
Everyone should look forward to retirement so that you can be a Borish Troll.
Tweet tweet
Intriguing, but not totally convincing, new lead in the Zodiac case. Somebody not previously on anyone’s radar.
Gary Ridgway, the Green River killer, was a truck painter. The new Zodiac suspect was a house painter. What is it with paint? Do paint fumes turn people into homicidal maniacs? Or do serial killers gravitate to paint for some reason?
In case you missed this news, and are wondering if this suspect is alive or dead, he croaked 3 years ago. So if it’s him, there’s nobody to “hold accountable” for Zodiac’s crimes.
But we’d all like to know, wouldn’t we?
16’) Good use of retired cops time. There are some, plus journalists, that keep investigating the case of Northwest Orient 305, even though the FBI has officially closed the case, listed as closed but unsolved. Coming up on the 50th Anniversary.
Absolutely because it unequivocally is a tremendous win. With the thinnest of majorities possible Democrats are fixing the shit Rapepbulicans have been busy breaking for the last two decades and laying the foundation for a more resilient and sustainable future for America.
Who is on a sustained 72 hr rant fest? BurQa Bob.
BurQa Bob who spent the last six months predicting one failure after another only to have his world turned upside down once again. America’s “conservatives” lost badly for four years in a row because they couldn’t do anything at all, much less do anything right.
Four years of Trump blustering about “deals” with none to show for it, beyond a pre-baked, microwave ready tax cut for billionaires that had been sitting in Speaker Ryan’s gravy silo waiting for a President to sign it since 2012. Four years of succeeding “Infrastructure Weeks” but not one single dollar appropriated. Four years of talk about “KOAL Jerbs” and Harley Davidson rescues with nothing but a smoldering pile of soiled red trucker hats to show for it.
Biden takes office and we flip the Senate and ten months later we are ready to close out Trump’s Death Plague and completely re-engineer the U.S. economy for the future.
Yes, it’s a huge fucking win. When it’s done, Manchinema and Josh Gottheimer will never stop talking about it and taking credit for it.
And BurQa Bob will never stop finding laptops buried in it somewhere. We’ll be back to Obama Phones by Christmas. Count on it. And that’s how you’ll know Bob’s been defeated again.
Some of the polls BurQa Bob and his fake “FB friends in CO” would prefer you did not see:
It’s all very popular legislation that Manchinema is trying to block. And what’s most ironic is that the tax provisions in the reconciliation are even more popular than either the spending provisions or the infrastructure. Voters are more eager than ever to roll back decades of insane tax giveaways to billionaires.
What’s it mean? More than anything, it means that House and Senate Democrats can go into the midterms with campaign messaging that will produce results. Member votes in favor of this package are votes that will be met with strong approval from voters heading to the polls next November. “No” votes are votes that will be met with strong disapproval. Campaigns can begin now to build that messaging momentum, and establish the frames that will stick in voter’s minds and dominate media feeds for the next twelve months.
@ 11
You’re probably still celebrating Gabby Giffords’ near-death experience.
Hey, it paid off for Mark Kelly, didn’t it?
Which reminds me. Movie tip: The Contender. Save your dividend checks for a couple of quarters, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, and you might be able to afford to rent it.
@ 19
The YouGov poll asked about the infrastructure bill that the Senate has voted to support with 69 Yea votes. Not the other bill. This is the bill that Pelosi refused to bring to the floor on Friday.
The Q poll shows 57% support currently vs 62% support last month. Independents are only at 50% support. Support is not overwhelming and, in fact, is declining. To bolster support the Democrat party is making ludicrous statements such as declaring the bill to be “free”. The Even Bigger Fucking Moron picks both nostrils while nodding his agreement.
The Fox poll, like the others you cited, is two months old now. Some things have happened in the last two months to cause people to question their president and the values of the Democrat party.
As you said, Democrats have the barest of majorities running the country. Democrats are perverting established rules to ram something through the House and Senate that they cannot otherwise pass. Right now they cannot even convince all of their own members to participate in the perversion.
The wealth gap between real millionaires and Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit has widened substantially this morning, I see.
Fuck, that’s nothing.
They might have to sit next to a psychotic fuck like Cuomosexual G-clown. That’s the real fear.
I think Biden/Harris bumper stickers are embarrassing. What’s the point of trumpeting your support for incompetence?
‘F*** Biden’ signs outside Michigan presidential visit were embarrassing, says congresswoman
This chick wasn’t embarrassed by 3 3/4 years of pink pussy hats. This chick wasn’t embarrassed by F-bombs dropped with regularity by Tom Perez, that twit Gillebrand, and even by Bernie Sanders. I’m not moved by her concerns today.
They could house them at the defunct Burlington College campus. That’s the college that Bernie Sanders’ wife forced into bankrupcty and closure. Who’s with me on this?
Not the ones Mitch McConnell “established” in his final 12 months as Leader.
Those we intend to follow to a T.
Now cry more, loser.
@ 26
A vote on Bill A “deems” passage of Bill B.
This as we learn that the assassination of Soleimani and the deployments of Marines to the border was responsible for a disaster at sea that took the lives of an entire boat load of teenaged Marines.
Something, something…
Coney Barrett
Nuclear Free Korea!
Drug Deal!
“It just goes away”
Golden Showers,
This is the unforeseen consequence caused by years of paying YLB and her family not to work.
You cried more.
Please, by all means do keep right on crying. But you should maybe also be prepared to get used to some of this.
After all, your party not only used every parliamentary trick and rewrote every rule to suit their own political ends, and openly ignored their Constitutional duty to convict criminals from their own party, they even carried out an inept coup attempt and tried to hunt down their own VEEP in order to overturn an election they didn’t like. You continue to conduct phony investigations into that same election, and then reject your own results when they don’t conform to your political needs.
Democrats are going to be acting much more politically partisan in months and years ahead. They have permission.
You gave it to them.
69% of all voters, including 68% of EEN-DEE-PEN-DUNCE are strongly in favor of raising Elon Musk’s taxes.
So I for one sincerely hope American “conservatives” head into next years fully committed to protecting his exceptional wealth from “libs”, however he may have accumulated it.
Dude, is there anything you can get right? If you made comments on factual data maybe but nothing you ever say is correct.
Fact: Geeeee Money doesn’t take the subway very often, probably less than once a month. I have feet, and a bike, and take the bus if needed. FTFY.
Breeding will not save them…’s actually deadly. If COVID don’t get them then they’ll get themselves.
“Maryland man allegedly fatally shot his pharmacist brother for ‘killing people’ with the COVID …”
People don’t kill People, COVID Vaccine does.
Tweet Tweet – Geeeee Money!
“I don’t want my poverty-stricken, sickly, climate-change-ravaged constituents to start feeling ‘entitled.’ That would be bad”
-Joe Manchin from his house boat while reaping half a million each year from coal dividends.
He doesn’t want to live in a society where the poor think they are entitled to the same rights as the rich.
@33 Details: “A Maryland man accused of killing his pharmacist brother, his sister-in-law and an 83-year-old woman told his mother he wanted to ‘confront’ his brother over ‘him administering COVID vaccines’ ….
“Jeffrey Allen Burnham, 46, also allegedly told a tipster that his brother was ‘killing people with the COVID shot,'” according to the statement of charges ….”
I’ll bet he’s a Trumpster, too. All the violent crazies are.
@34 “He doesn’t want to live in a society where the poor think they are entitled to the same rights as the rich.”
Of course not. Then the poor would think they’re entitled to be rich, too; and if they work for it, people might start thinking the entitled rich ought to work, too.
@20 “Hey, it paid off for Mark Kelly, didn’t it?”
Nobody’s gonna believe you’re glad Giffords got shot because “it paid off for Mark Kelly.”
But plenty of people are willing to believe you’re glad Giffords got shot.
Jeffrey Clark should not be a lawyer, and may not continue to be:
“The Senate Judiciary Committee announced on Thursday they were referring him to the DC Bar for a review of his professional conduct, citing rules that bar attorneys from assisting in fraud and interfering with the administration of justice.”
He graduated from Harvard and Georgetown Law, so he can’t plead ignorance or stupidity. He’s a subversive.
… he can’t plead ignorance or stupidity.
If there’s anybody who has first-person familiarity with conducting himself ignorantly and stupidly, it’s Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. If he were competent he’d still be on the job.
An actual university-level math course in the state of Washington.
MATH 103 – Mathematics for Social Justice
Sinema issues an ultimatum to The Woke.
Let’s go Brandon!
Hey, if it’s Biden’s stock market increase in 2021, it’s Biden’s mortality, too.
It’s still Trump’s vaccine, tho.
Bring a gun to school, pop a cap in the ass of a teacher and another student, get out of jail the next day.
Another day in the life of First Vegetable Joe Biden’s America, y’all.
Funny thing is there’s been none of that. Not where they have actual leverage.
Neither has suggested they would pull their support for the Bipartisan Buddy Infrastructure. In fact, only Josh Gottheimer even came close. And as we saw, he has no leverage. Unless either of them is willing to threaten the Bipartisan Buddy Bill, then there’s very little reason for the president, the speaker, or the majority leader to be in any hurry.
And the longer this drags out, the more we all get to giggle mirthfully as we watch “conservatives” like you rant and squirm.
One year ago every single Democrat you know was 100% prepared to be over-the-moon settling for Biden with a Republican Senate. Then you gave us Arizona and Georgia.
And you made all this possible.
May he be repeatedly raped in prison.
Tacoma man who set fire to East Precinct during CHOP sentenced to 2 years in prison
Everything libbies try to pull ends up being counterproductive to their goals.
Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Coney Barrett aren’t enough evidence for y’all that this is true?
Your next lesson is only 13 months away. The one after that only 37 months away.
@36. That used to a reason for the estate tax. That every generation needed to earn their wealth, not inherit being a wealth lord, a trust fund baby.
Bob doesn’t get it.
Nobody sane is going to blame Biden for anti maskers and anti vaxers for killing themselves.
It would be like blaming Biden or The FuckHump for people taking Heroin and dying.
Tweet Tweet
84% of Trump Voters Worry About Discrimination Against Whites, Think Christianity Under Attack
IMHO: 84% of trump voters are afraid they will be treated like they treated everyone who is not them.
Either “racism doesn’t exist anymore” like they say, and there’s nothing wrong with being a minority demographic — or there is something very wrong with how the majority-controlled system treats minorities.
If they’re worried about becoming a minority, it’s because they know damn well how minorities are treated, they just won’t admit to that because they benefit right now.
Kind of makes you wonder if the the greedy racist incel would change if he was treated like Philando Castile? Well, he’d be dead, but if he wasn’t dead, would he be screaming for racial justice too?
@ 46
That used to a reason for the estate tax.
It’s still a reason for the estate tax, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron. In most instances it’s a good reason.
The thing is, your reason for the estate tax, now, is to use the money confiscated from heirs or from estates to do stupid shit. Not for establishing a balance of sorts, but to do stupid shit with it. Stupid shit that enriches your friends rather than benefitting those you claim to help.
49. That post is so weird it sounds like a progressive complaining about Republican corruption.
Are you arguing that in the 1930s and 40s and 50s estate taxes were spent on other white people so it was okay but now that it’s being spent on everybody it’s wrong?
His best examples being WALL!!!, “600-Ship Navy”, “Too-Big-To-Fail”, ERCOT, Ben Carson’s $50,000 credenza, and Elaine Chao’s 90 pounds of cocaine.
He’s not saying that.
But, yeah. You’ve got the gist.
There’s very good reason why there is no “Tea Party” today, nor will one arise once Biden’s budget agenda sees initial passage.
Biden’s a white guy.
Polling of the provisions in the ACA prior to passage showed overwhelming support for all of it. People loved almost all of it. Expanded CHIP, keeping it private, expanded COBRA, expanded HSAs, affordable premiums for individual plans, expanded coverage, etc. They hated the mandates. But in the end that provision impacted less than 7% of premium payers before Republicans repealed it.
But passage of the ACA was met with a fierce backlash from voters and fueled the rise of the Tea Party. Why?
Because the guy spending the money was the wrong color.
It simply drove those people insane that our open election, democratic system of government could give rise to a situation where they had money taken from their paycheck by a black guy to be spent by agencies he oversaw to benefit people he approved of. Then and now they regarded that as a fundamentally intolerable upending of the natural order of things as they see it.
Whenever you see BurQa Bob, or the nearest AM Hate Radio Anti-VAXer spewing their objections to “LIBERAL EXTREMISM” and “leftward shift of Democrats” that’s all it’s really about. We made a black guy president.
It’s unforgivable.
Bingo! I’ve been saying this from the beginning of the Tea Party.
The F Joe Biden chant at football games is giving rise to racist chants and tirades at high school football games. Two instances I’ve heard of recently here in the Northeast.
Tonight when my Alma Mater called me for the annual donation I told the young lady on the phone that I’d donate but none of the money is to go to sports related causes. I told her why? I told her that colleges such as my Alma Matter need to publicly denounce this bullshit or I will stop giving all together in the future.
I’m mean what’s a few N words to the opposition when you can publicly say F Joe Biden and get away with that.
Abolish all sports programs!
The young girl said that they take racism and all forms of biased actions seriously on campus and that she would bring it to the attention of her superior and her superiors superior if need be.
@39 Unlike you, I chose when to retire.
@42 What you’re leaving out is all (or nearly all) the Covid-19 dead on Biden’s watch are Trumpers.
He tried to save them, but I’ll bet he doesn’t miss them.
@43 Unless you can amend the Constitution, he has a right to reasonable bail, although I gotta say $75k seems light to me. But then, the Kenosha vigilante is out on bail, too. You didn’t say anything about that.
So, I suspect what you’re really upset about is that a black family was able to make bail for their son. Until very recently, that just wasn’t done. Bail was always a white privilege.
@49 “Stupid shit” being child tax credits, child subsidies, and free community college for kids your ilk insisted on being born to teenage rape victims who can’t support them.
Now do the $100 million squandered on investigating a stain on a blue dress. That was stupid shit. And it was your baby.
“A Republican campaign manager for school board candidates in a Connecticut town has sparked controversy by telling participants of a virtual education forum that “helping kids of color to feel they belong has a negative effect on white, Christian, or conservative kids.””
She later sought to clarify her statement, which she admitted was “poorly worded,” and claimed it had been shown “out of context.” In trying to mop up the mess, Beeman said she’d been referring to “students who may have staunch Judeo-Christian values, or simply are conservative thinkers,” and are now being “bullied into submission by their teachers and fellow students with left-leaning ideologies.”
How do you say this shit out loud and not get that you’re the bad guy?
Wages up 4.3%.
Prices up 5.25%.
The average American worker has fallen behind during the Biden presidency.
This will worsen.
Conagra expects food price inflation to be 11% next year.
YLB’s kids will be subsisting off of ketchup packets by June.
I miss Corinne Brown.
She had a special, unique way of fraud about her. So gentle. So kind.
So corrupt.
Now we know why dimfuk is so dim..
big time fan of conagra brands, huh?
You are what ya eat dimfuk. Glad you can afford that processed food crap but..
We’ve always made our sunday gravy from scratch.. Tastes a hell of a lot better. Better for ya.
Please keep scarfing that conagra processed krap.. “That certain day” will come so much sooner for you.
And that will be so much better for my kids, amirite?