– We just passed the missing middle bill. Very, very exciting.
– Still, I am uncomfortable with property rights arguments from lefties. I like the idea of a strong tree ordinance and it seems like it’s not in conflict with the city planting more trees.
– Gosh, Republican appointed judges doing what they were appointed to do. You would think that they would celebrate it.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
And a DEAD Murdoch, Putin, the ENTIRE FREEDUMB KOOK-US and Matthew Kacsmaryk.
The other day teh widbee kreepshit admitted to getting 4 jabs for “teh wuhan”, even one jab after it came down with “teh wuhan”..
Wasn’t “natural immunity” enough? Apparently not, cuz “happy wife, happy life”.. whatevs..
The one kreepshit kneepads for, kon-klown deathsatanist, can’t bring itself to answer the question: kon-klown, have you gotten the jab? Are you fully boosted?
drumpf got the jab and has said so. Fully boosted even, amiwrong?
Why is kon-klown such a coward?
@2 I think Carl should drop the vaccination exhortation. Everyone’s been jabbed who’s gonna be jabbed. Let the others wither on the vine; it’s not up to us to run their lives for them or preserve their 2024 votes.
We’d be better off if Trump had been re-elected.
“If you can read this book, then you can’t read any books!”
Queen YLB is eagerly following NPR to its new social media site.
The site is named Twatter.
“Republicans don’t seem to understand how angry women voters are.”
There’s not very much they do understand. Republicans impress me as the dumbest people in our country. I’m not saying there aren’t some clever ones like Moscow Mitch. But most are so stupid you wonder why they bother to get out of bed in the morning.
The site is named Twatter.
w/ a name like that every vip lounge lizard and kon-klown kneepadder like kreepshit will go a sniffin’
@6 Twitter’s new name is “Laughingstock.”
I’m not saying there aren’t some clever ones like Moscow Mitch.
MM’s remaining days are devoted body and soul to keeping Elaine’s family fortune safe from Xi and the CCP..
Whatever it takes. It’s all ’bout teh munnee.. always teh munee..
“Whatever it takes. It’s all ’bout teh munnee.. always teh munee..”
I’ve always been concerned about that. Fortunately, I get to use insider trading to build my wealth.
@11 Heh.. fuck, wouldn’t dream of it. Not for a million bucks.
Investigate Pelosi!
Rupert – “So how big a problem so that going to be?”
Fox News Legal Team “Massive, like tremendous, like yuge. You know those floating city cruise ships they’re pumping out? Like trying to get one in a sailboat slip.”
Judge rules Fox can’t use the ‘people are saying defense’ that things they knew were bullshit are bullshit and airing the bullshit as ‘newsworthy’ is still bullshit.
So the entire legal strategy as Fox has demonstrated so far is off the table.
Prices are 12.2% higher than they were just two years ago.
Bidenflation touches everyone. Especially Queen YLB’s fucked kids.
Prices are 12.2% higher than they were just two years ago.
Inflation slowed for a ninth straight month in March amid drops in both gasoline and grocery prices.
Core ‘is up to 5.6% though. shiversss.. ‘cept kreepshit sez core don’t matter.
Hunter’s dickpics touches kreepshit only at HA.. kreepshit is totally fucked (in the head especially). Not only in the ass.
I won’t be happy until ALL my dirty laundry is part of unsealed discovery in a civil suit because I am smart and I ordered my top-notch correspondence school JD degreed eggheads to put ‘THE PAIN” to that lowlife Cohen who is a lying dirty jew and I never should have trusted a jew to do anything except count my money.
Although the brain stops growing in size by early adolescence, the teen years are all about fine-tuning how the brain works. The brain finishes developing and maturing in the mid-to-late 20s. The part of the brain behind the forehead, called the prefrontal cortex, is one of the last parts to mature.
The most typical psychological term for functions carried out by the prefrontal cortex area is executive function. Executive function relates to abilities to differentiate among conflicting thoughts, determine good and bad, better and best, same and different, future consequences of current activities, working toward a defined goal, prediction of outcomes, expectation based on actions, and social “control”
What would you call a parent making a decision for a child to be married when that child is not yet fully capable of envisioning the future results of decisions and may not have a sense of “Good and Bad.”
Good look, Missouri.
“At HA, Hunter’s dick pics touches kreepshit only”..
I like the cut of that jib.
It’s a fairly typical parade of pretrial procedural motions as such things go.
But honestly, the rulings for the plaintiff are just really devastating.
Plaintiffs going after publishers seldom get this far. And not with these kinds of pretrial rulings. So far, defamation has been established by summary judgement. That means that FOX may not present any kind of case at all calling into question whether or not the company was aware that it was doing reputational and economic harm to the plaintiff. The question has been settled and motion granted. What remains for trial before the jury concerns the intent present in the decision making at FOX in publishing the defamatory false reporting. Plaintiff must show malice. The FOX defense will focus on refuting that or confusing jurors and muddying the questions surrounding malice.
This ruling is among a number of others that will severely limit the ability of FOX to introduce irrelevant defenses concerning malice. The judge has ruled that they may not introduce evidence about the GOP attack on Congress, they may not introduce evidence about bugs or other defects in Dominion software revealed during discovery, they may not introduce evidence of other, separate efforts on unrelated broadcasts to “fact-check” the false and defamatory statements they knowingly published, and they may not attempt to defend their knowing decision to publish false and defamatory statements about the plaintiff by arguing that the false and defamatory statements were “newsworthy”.
It’s a clockwork, steady narrowing of the legal avenues available to the plaintiff. In the normal course of such rulings we would expect to see the defendant becoming extremely motivated to settle. But it’s very hard to say if that will happen here. It still isn’t any sort of slam dunk for the plaintiff. But it is a monumental and rapidly escalating risk for the plaintiff.
Reputationally, Dominion has almost nothing to lose by digging in hard and going to trial. They’d certainly like to get paid. Who wouldn’t? But as far as their brand or their products are concerned, their reputation is better now than before FOX hosts even knew who they were. And the lawyers representing Dominion have secured their futures as rock star litigators. Losing at trial won’t mean as much for them as losing at trial would mean for FOX. And there is probably a lot more upside to trial for Dominion than there is for FOX.
I can’t help but think that a professionally managed company would be handling this very differently than FOX is. Decades of accumulated family hubris and social isolation are resulting in historically bad executive decision making. It’s like there’s a hidden pandemic of stupid infecting “conservatives”.
If Katie Porter can beat the shit out of her husband, why can’t she beat the shit out of George Santos?
I guess this would be a convenient time for me to point out that the person in the best position to champion the legal interests of FOX in any future proceedings is already clearly on record as arguing that in his opinion a case like this one would be over at this point having been decided in summary judgement in favor of the plaintiff.
Murdochs should have spend more time sucking up to Harlan Crow.
Proudly have been administered 5 jabs!
Not a flat earther nutjob Heterosexual Neanderthal.
Bride and Groom. Who came up with the notion that the male is the groom(er)?
Apparently Heterosexuals know all about grooming. They want a monopoly. They project. They kill wives, kids and pets when not raping them or chaining them to the concrete floor in the basement. Such classy supremesists.
Breeding will not save them.
Call 1-666-YOU-DEAD
Call 1-666-YOU-FUCKED
Best place for sex…..the cementary. The cementary is where your heart is filled with thoughts and prayers.
This two timing bastard!
Groom thy bitch.
This is just special. A special Viral moment by the Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus.
God Bless. We the people (heteros) are ok with this. Just us being special and normal.
@22 I’m looking at my vaxx card. I’ve gotten 5 jabs too. 3 in 2021 and 2 in 2022.
Haven’t gotten the bug once but that’s mostly because I avoid crowds.. 1 restaurant meal since the pandemic (and dined outdoors), no crowded bars, no shows, no airports or plane trips, minimize time in grocery and big box stores and wear a mask often.
Don’t need long covid, never want to get it.
With the devastating legal record having been established in pretrial rulings against FOX, it should come as no surprise to anyone that the first of what will undoubtedly be a mountain of shareholder suits has been filed hoping to pierce the corporate veil and hold the Murdochs and other senior executives at FOX personally liable for the loss of value.
A trial verdict for Dominion Systems, along with whatever evidence and testimony is brought forth revealing the participation of these corporate executives in decisions leading to that verdict, will of course be of great value to these shareholder plaintiffs.
They really should settle.
Refusal itself would provide good evidence to support shareholder claims.
I knew today would be another good day.
This emerging spectacle of the entire global constellation of “conservatives” collectively fucking themselves in the ear hole while setting their own hair alight and punching themselves violently in the face is the new, post-pan, “must see” entertainment event of the season. Do not miss it.
I personally don’t give one single fuck about FOX shareholders. I hope every single one of them loses their entire investment. But I do encourage them to burn the Murdochs to the ground along the way.
Just glad America is still exporting quality products (from the story)
@29 And Paul Ryan goes into the same dumpster with Scott Walker
Another day another unanimous County Board vote telling us to GO FUCK YOURSELVES
As if the public humiliation of FOX and their shareholders weren’t already enough, today the legal team representing FOX got slammed with sanctions for violations of discovery.
You’ll recall that earlier this year there were some maneuvers and filings from Dominion regarding allegations of disco violations. FOX had previously been caught deliberately delaying release or withholding some of the emails and other internal communications deemed relevant to discovery, knowing in all likelihood that these communications would result in the kinds of devastating rulings in favor of the plaintiff that we have seen recently. The judge essentially let them off at the time, but gave them a very short timeline and leash for production from that point going forward, while granting yet another trial delay. At the time the judge warned that he would brook no further delay.
Abby Grossman is a former producer for Tucker Carlson and Maria Baritromo , who was fired by FOX last month in retaliation for her testimony in depositions in the case. In 2020 Grossman made audio recordings of conversations she had with Sidney Powell and Rudy Giuliani, among others, as part of production prep for their appearances and for FOX programming about their fabricated allegations of election fraud. The court learned this morning that FOX had never produced those audio recordings to Dominion, as they were required to do.
I have a strong suspicion there will be more to come from this. For now, the recordings are entered into evidence, Dominion is granted additional depositions, FOX must pay for the depositions and make all witnesses available to Dominion on whatever schedule Dominion demands at whatever location Dominion specifies. In his ruling the judge also set a short time frame for additional motions relevant to this discovery and invited specific motions relating to any further investigation of the violations.
Some dudes will be lucky here if they are not disbarred.
For his part, Judge Davis is talking about appointing a special master to investigate FOX and their attorneys and refer any appropriate criminal charges, while he continues to move to trial. Davis specifically expressed his growing frustration with FOX lawyers misrepresenting Murdoch’s role in these matters.
Doing our level-headed best to make sure Gen Z never, ever votes for us so we can become extinct in their lifetimes…
FL-GOP Rep calls for Erasing (a final solution?) drag performers and/or the LGBTQIA+ Community
1. An Osceola County pastor was arrested Tuesday after deputies said he raped a woman in 2022 during a “spiritual revival.”
Deputies said the woman reported the rape in February, identifying Pastor Eddy Noelsaint, 50, as her attacker.
2. A Pentecostal pastor in Florida reportedly pleaded guilty this week to crimes stemming from the years-long sexual abuse of a young girl.
Rafael Cuevas, 55, was sentenced to 20 years in prison and 10 years’ probation as part of a plea deal, according to First Coast News. He’ll also have to register as a sex offender.
3. Police footage of the interrogation of Florida pastor Paul Dyal and his sons, Shawn and Darrin, has been released in advance of Dyal’s trial for two counts of sexual battery on a child. Dyal was charged alongside two members of his church, Jerome Teschendorf and Vernon Williamson, last year.
Longtime pastor of The Jacksonville Assembly of the Body of Christ, Dyal has been accused of sexual and physical abuse dating back at least 30 years. His charges, along with the charges against Teschendorf and Williamson, are capital offenses.
Dyal’s alleged abuse was perpetrated against a victim under the age of 12 at the time of the assault. The survivor told police that Dyal molested her five to six times per year for five to six years—a total of 20 to 30 individual instances of sexual assault.
4.Deputies arrested Moises Reiniery Escoto, 36, a youth pastor, on Feb. 9 after he was accused of soliciting sexual photos and videos from a teen he met on an app, the release says.
Stories from just 2023
Ladies, we know what’s best for you. Well actually we have always had your best interest at heart. Let me just explain to you that when we said we want states to determine abortion OF COURSE we meant using the Federal Courts to dictate legality to the states. Don’t get all hysterical about it. It’s a great thing for you gals. Calm down. And maybe smile more.
“It’s important that we have real discussions on women’s healthcare and get off the abortion … conversation. Women have a whole lot more other issues than just abortion.” (Live on CNN)
But….I thought with 31-29 control of the State House in MAGA hands I was totally safe to be THE most bat-shit crazy Q-anon of the bunch. FAFO.
Finally! Yes!
I mean isn’t that what was designed by the interest rate hikes?
@ 36
You neglected to note that a majority of the House members of her own party gave her the thumb.
In addition to withholding the audio tapes of Abby Grossman interviewing Giuliani and Powell, FOX lawyers were also caught having lied to the court about Murdoch’s role at FOX. Dominion has revealed that they only learned about the existence of the audio tapes from reviewing public filings from a separate lawsuit filed by Ms. Grossman suing FOX for breach of employment contract and employment retaliation.
But….her emails (part 721)
They’re MY emails and no one gets to see them even though I was acting in a capacity that would include goverment records acts and Presidential records acts. They’re still mine.
Precisely why I felt comfortable ratcheting up the crazy and the only reason she’s out of a job.
I felt secure that in the end there was no way the AZ House, with a GOP majority would oust a Republican so I went full Q and brought in an insurance agent to testify before my hearing that the Governor and the Maricopa elections officials were bribed by the Sinaloa Cartel to use Dominion machines paid for by the Mormons to steal the election.
“Bitch is just crazy and we don’t need her.” -GOP
They stabbed me. They must all be in on it with Deep State.
Help me Mike Lindel. Just release all your evidence so we can get to some prosecutin’.
Fetterman just called for DiFi’s resignation.
I’m calling for Ron DeSantis’ resignation, bitch.
@36 Those Arizona Republicans aren’t down the public any favors. She’d still be in the legislature if the bribery accusations had been leveled against Democrats. But she plastered fellow Republicans with false conspiracy theories, so they leveled her the way a tackle takes down a ball carrier running toward the wrong end zone.
White people? The only race you can legally discriminate against. People make movies about us and do we get mad? Like White Chicks? If there was a movie called Black Chicks, it would be a huge race thing. Do you understand? Do you know what movie I’m talking about, right? We couldn’t do that, no way, they’d be like, “this is so racist”. And yet they can make a movie making fun of white people.
Coupla things about this tweet:
1. Plain-spoken Democrat who is not an asshole. I didn’t think they existed anymore.
2. It’s not Don Lemon doing the interview. It’s Kaitlan Collins. Don Lemon’s gone. At least until CNN gets stupid and tries to bring him back again.
Help me Mike Lindel. Just release all your evidence so we can get to some prosecutin’.
This plea for aid from Mike Lindel calls for a patriotic song:
kinematic artifact detection.. from the heart of the maga mass psychotic delusion…
So, the House Minority Leader’s quite the anti-Semite.
I knew there had to be a reason Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit didn’t have more to say about the Democrats electing a black dude. Dumbfuck Rabbit looked on the bright side – the dude hates Jews.
Plain-spoken Democrat who is not an asshole.
You’d prefer an asshole in that job though:
During the past two years, Bevin has continued to insult teachers. In April 2018, he accused teachers of leaving children vulnerable to sexual assault and drug use during the statewide walkout. “I guarantee you somewhere in Kentucky today, a child was sexually assaulted that was left at home because there was nobody there to watch them,” he said. “Children were harmed — some physically, some sexually, some were introduced to drugs for the first time — because they were vulnerable and left alone.”
A year later, he suggested that teachers were to blame for the shooting of a 7-year-old girl, who was at home during another round of teacher “sick-outs” in March. She was reportedly being cared for by her legal guardian when she was accidentally shot by her 11-year-old brother.
And during a gubernatorial debate last month, Bevin doubled down once again, saying he regretted none of his previous comments about educators.
How nice of KY voters to vote in a halfway decent guy that a kreepshit can pretend to like.
Pretty sure Lizzo is fatter than Stacey Abrams.
I’m just afraid Abrams might decide to post a nude selfie to prove me wrong.
@ 49
A Democrat in that job doesn’t seem to be doing much, Queen YLB.
From anti-trans bill to Medicaid: Kentucky legislature overrides all of Beshear’s vetoes
@51 KY – perennially in the top 10 of partisan gerrymandered states. You knew that didn’t you?
Beshear in KY is in the same boat as Evers in WI.
What would you call a parent making a decision for a child to be married
Oh holy krap.. A missouri repuke? A whacked out sectarian polygamist mormon? Some kooked out sda kultist inspired by David Koresh?
It’s kinda disturbing there are places in this country where a dirty old man can marry a 12 year old in some backwoods church and then be voted to serve in the state legislature. And that perv have the nerve to call a drag queen reading “my pet goat” to kids a “groomer”.
Let me introduce you to a C. Thomas Howell vehicle produced by the now Chairman/Exec VP of the New York Giants football club.
Soul Man
I gave him the kind of funeral he wanted, which as president I had to approve, I don’t care about this, I didn’t get a thank-you, that’s okay. We sent him on the way. But I wasn’t a fan of John McCain.
@16 Going after the deep pockets, I see.
@48 I haven’t been following that story, nor made any comment about it. The “hates Jews” came from your black heart. I have nothing to do with it.
@50 You’re the guy who posts links to pics of naked women, too. I have nothing to do with that, either. What’s next, pics of naked mares?
@ 52
Queen YLB, you might bitch and whine about KY gerrymandering, but only in 2022 did GOP registrations overtake Dem registrations among KY voters. KY was a deep blue state.
New voter registration totals make Kentucky political history, as GOP dominance continues
Your problem isn’t gerrymandering, Queen YLB.
Here’s your problem:
“Details about the person who leaked sensitive U.S. intelligence documents have emerged in new reporting from The Washington Post. The leaker is described as a gun enthusiast who worked on a military base …
“It was on Discord where, according to The Post, ‘United by their mutual love of guns, military gear and God, the group of roughly two dozen — mostly men and boys — formed an invitation-only clubhouse in 2020.’ …
“A member of the group told The Post that OG claimed he got the documents from a military base that the member declined to identify. ‘He’s a smart person. He knew what he was doing when he posted these documents, of course. These weren’t accidental leaks of any kind,’ the member said. …
“Both members claim to know OG’s real name and the state where he lives and works but have declined to share that information with authorities. … ‘Any claims that he is a Russian operative or pro-Russian is categorically false. He is not interested in helping any foreign agencies attack the US or the countries. He was a young charismatic man who loved nature and God, who loved shooting guns and racing cars.’”
Three observations:
(1) The members will be visited by the FBI.
(2) When they are, they will be given a choice between cooperating or being charged as accessories.
(3) When “OG” is found, and he will be, he’s potentially looking at espionage charges and life in prison.
@59 Just 40 years ago, Kentucky was a coal state. Its voters belonged to the United Mine Workers. They were lunch bucket Democrats. Gee, what changed? If you scratch your head enough, you may figure it out.
Do they have videogame clubs at ADX Florence? Just curious.
If I were that 17-year-old gamer, I’d be looking into emigration to Brazil.
I wonder if Russian citizen Edward Snowden is exempt from military conscription? He’s 39 now, so he may be too old. A 17-year-old, on the other hand, is almost-ripe cannon fodder. Fleeing to Russia probably isn’t a good option for him. Brazil is better.
Lizzo has turned being an overweight bad ass with serious musical chops into international stardom that Gen Z is spending tons of money to hear and see.
Sorry it makes you uncomfortable. When they hear ancient nobodies haranguing about her weight they think, “What an asshole. I bet he’s a Republican.”
You call it sensitive and I call it superpower
You just lack empathy ’cause you think it gives you power
All I know is only God can judge me
I don’t hide my heart, I wear it on me
I’m used to feeling alone, oh (feeling alone)
So, I thought that I’d let you know
In case nobody told you today
You’re special
In case nobody made you believe (nobody, no, no)
You’re special
Well, I will always love you the same
You’re special
I’m so glad that you’re still with us (so glad, so glad, so glad)
Broken, but damn, you’re still perfect (you’re perfect)
Another tough day for holders of Tesla.
62)Doubt it, a former warden supposedly called it a Clean Version of Hell. There are units tgere that make the regular Supermax unit look like General Population. Specifically the wing where no human contact is allowed, although with the death of Silverstein, there is a vacancy.
I guess you can’t ban Heterosexual teachers.
The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus strikes again, and again costing the TAXPAYER money, but who give a shit we have Drag Queens freedoms to fuck with!
These guys most likely are Heterosexual Neanderthals suffering from the HN Virus.
Why are Heterosexuals such animals. They really need to consider castoration to weed out this virus.
Shameful of the sexual orientation of these monsters.
You don’t need to ban guns or tire irons….you need to figure out why Heterosexuals are such fucking violent minded.
If they aren’t legislating hate and taking freedoms away they are out killing their wives or kids or pet or raping or beatin up people. Isn’t tha special!
The fucking Neanderthal Heteros weren’t on their way to a Pride Parade or Drag Queens Story telling.
Heterosexual on Heterosexul crime. Costing the taxpayers and Neanderthals their pride and money. They’ll have to live with each other. Now isn’t that special!
KY was a deep blue state.
And so was WI.. Kinda.. Before assholes like the Kochs and Uihleins got through with it.
And wow kreepshit goes back 40 years..
40 years ago Cali was a red state famous for Bonzo and Jarvis- Gann. Prop 187 didn’t even go back that far.
KY was Dem? A southern state Dem now going R. After the mid-sixties what a blinding revelation that is kreepshit.
Your problem isn’t gerrymandering
And kreepshit still wonders why “not an asshole” Breshear gets his vetoes overriden. Lookup “supermajority” kreepshit.. That might help solve one of your problems.
If KY is so deep red, why gerrymander then? Yawwwn..
Accessory or conspiracy charges would be unlikely unless the other members of the Discord server took part. It’s also unlikely that the other Discord server members have much useful information to share. But they will all be contacted and interviewed intensively.
As for “OG” I think it’s unlikely he’s who he has described himself to be. Discord registration and use is not remotely anonymous in the practical, law enforcement sense. Were “OG” a US resident he’d be in custody right now.
There was no ‘Southern Strategy’. We’re the party of Lincoln.
A Ride-or-Die MAGAt like the Shit-lord neeeeds whatever positive signs he can find, drowning as he is in an ocean of “conservative” failure and incompetence.
His party has transformed itself into an “active seniors” trailer community. And he’s celebrating by circling the community center in his mobility scooter flying a TRUMP 2024 flag.
I think it’s wonderful to see.
71 – R U gay?
“What an asshole. I bet he’s a Republican.”
Nice alternative handle.
Fort Lauderdale experienced once-in-a-thousand-years rains yesterday. The same thing might happen next week.
Temperature records are falling as the midwest and northeast experience heat 30 degrees above normal.
Climate change? What climate change? This is merely odd weather. Climate change is a hoax!
I could have sworn I heard that Democrats gained a Senate seat since last year.
@ 72
40 years ago Cali was a red state famous for Bonzo and Jarvis- Gann.
39 years ago there were 49 red states. Every state except Mondale’s home state.
A high-water mark, to be sure. And two years after that, Antonin Scalia was confirmed 98-0.
@66 “The big reason for this dip is pretty simple: competition. Other automakers are putting out stronger EV offerings” that don’t burst into flames without warning or crash themselves into parked cars. And their CEOs aren’t high-profile assholes.
How old are millennials?
@74 After a Republican president invaded the South with armies that killed tens of thousands of Southerners and burned their plantations, it took a while for Southerners to decide to be Republicans, and the GOP had to change from an anti-slavery to a pro-slavery party.
EF Hutton @ 66, this
… the Model S has fallen out of the top 10.
sounds awful for Tesla!
Until you learn that Tesla’s sales of a model with a MSRP a hair below $95,000 increased by 85% last year. Oh, and it’s not eligible for “free money” to buyers paid for by Queen YLB’s fucked kids.
Let’s not forget that the gains by Chevy’s Bolt and Ford’s Mustang Mach-E are subsidized heavily, by Queen YLB’s fucked kids.
Those are the same fucked kids who will begin paying me thousands per month later this year.
@80 59 years ago the voters elected LBJ by an overwhelming plurality and got the war Goldwater wanted to fight. 39 years ago the voters reelected Raygun by a smaller plurality (but more states) and got more Ollie North and Iran-Contra. You can argue that one of these was worse than the other, but neither was good.
In 2022, Tesla sold 522k vehicles, up from 352k the year before.
The number two EV maker, Ford, sold 61.5k vehicles in 2022, up from 27k the year before.
The number three EV maker, Chevy, sold 38k vehicles in 2022, up from 24.8k the year before.
Tesla sold more than 5x as many EVs in 2022 as the #2 and #3 EV makers did, combined.
Y’all are fuckin’ on drugs if you think more low-margin vehicles entering the market are scaring Tesla. After all, let’s not forget the price Ford paid to be #2:
Ford to lose $3 billion from EV sales to consumers this year
Queen YLB is without a doubt HA’s dumbest twat, but sometimes @ 66, 81 not by much.
@ 85
…an overwhelming plurality…
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, the term plurality is used when the winning candidate does not exceed 50%.
LBJ did better than 61%. Reagan got nearly 59%.
You’re an overwhelming dumbfuck.
Millennials are about 39 years old.
Crazy, right?
39? SRSLY?
How the fuck did I spend the best four decades of my Boomer life?
No, not BLM; Republicans.
Sending us to school to “learn to code” and investigating blow jobs and birth certificates. At least, that’s what they taught us in school.
Let’s not forget that the gains by Chevy’s Bolt and Ford’s Mustang Mach-E are subsidized heavily
Let us remember fondly when kreepshit resented Obama’s subsidies to car makers including Tesla..
Now it spreads its ass cheeks wide for elmo the genius and wants to finance a new elmo-mobile with its ss check.
Flip-flops like this speaks so well to its “intelligence”..
Missing the point as always.
EV sales overall are up 74% from 2022-2023 and Tesla isn’t grabbing that increase.
Deeply discounted sales of Tesla and falling market share. Why is the Model S decline significant. I’ll give you a sec to think.
Because the vast majority of the car buying market are not purchasing cars over $40k and Tesla does not have a product that these consumers are interested in buying. Tesla can prop up the balance sheet for only so long before the $100K car buying market is tapped out or have moved on to the trendy new Audi, Hummer, Porsche, Mercedes Benz models. Sure there will be a hardcore manbase of Joe Rogan stans who will spend a good chunk of their kid’s college fund to sit in a Model S just to own the libs, but how many?
People start to notice when interior pieces of their $100K car start falling apart after two years of daily driving.
In Texas that means you can shoot them without provocation or warning.
@ 89
How the fuck did I spend the best four decades of my Boomer life?
Lemme guess…
You watched Queen YLB’s mini-twats plunge further into economic despair.
The real reason Republicans oppose abortion: “We have killed two thousand babies since abortion became legal. Those are two thousand people in the state of Nebraska that could be working and filling some of those positions that we have vacancies” as farmhands, coffee servers, laborers, and slaughterhouse cleaners.
Do you honestly believe that so-called “premium brands” like Audi, BMW, Mercedes Benz, and Porsche can successfully surpass the luxury ownership experience, resale value, and status of a TESLA??? /s
I’d like to see them try.
@95 oooh look everyone a new slur it can whisper to its two thugs in training “grandkids”, future inductees into “the deathsatanist youth”..
Well if deathsatanist can somehow recover from its “book tour” while Ft. Lauderdale drowns.
It can look to Ted Kankun for hope.
@ 93
EV sales overall are up 74% from 2022-2023 and Tesla isn’t grabbing that
increaseunprofitable low-hanging fruit.Not all market share is worth it.
Today we learn that in 2014, Harlan Crow purchased Clarence Thomas’s mother’s house, made tens of thousands of dollars of improvements, she continued to live there, and none of this was reported on disclosure forms as required by federal law.
Crow says he bought the property, plus two vacant lots, from the Thomas family to preserve it as a Clarence Thomas museum.
Indict the bastard. He’s on the take.
paying me thousands per month later this year.
2500 or so max per month.. yawwwn… offset by thousands of expiring repukes each month..
And btw, well exceeded by Mary Kay’s over 4k per month..
It “married up” you all see.
When traveling, avoid this high-crime district.
@ 93
Because the vast majority of the car buying market are not purchasing cars over $40k and Tesla does not have a product that these consumers are interested in buying.
Tesla’s Model 3 starts at $41,990 and 211,618 of them were sold in 2022, which is 74% more than were sold in 2021.
Almost 8000 americans die each and every day. How many of them are shitferbrains repukes like kreepshit?
Plenty.. and one day kreepshit will join them.
We’ll keep Mary Kay.
No. It looks like the Millennial is right.
I spent almost all of those four decades first building home equity, and then paying off home equity loans for my kid’s tuition for undergrad and graduate school, a couple of large, four wheel drive SUVs I only drove in the mountains twice, a time-share in Baja that I sold at a loss, a Suncadia membership where I was supposed to already be retired but still can’t, and a boat that mostly sits in my driveway. That and driving 75 minutes each way to work and back screaming at my car radio about sports and fucking liberals.
39 years ago a Republican was Governor and the 700 club guy won the primary. We only got close one other time. I probably should have voted in a few more of those elections.
Perp walk.
If he didn’t before, he probably finally realized he was in trouble when the FBI showed up at his mom’s house with armored cars and an army of agents in combat gear.
Well, certainly not if like Tesla you are losing a few thousand on every unit you sell in that price level.
They’ll make it up on volume.
When traveling, avoid this high-crime district.
chisum gym jordan’s Mansfield, OH gets a “D” grade
Chicago is safer with a C-.
Prepare to see the 102 wing shut down and Col. Riley and Col. Hoye assigned to logistics duties at JBER in Fairbanks.
Administratively, the USAF is a cluster fuck of monumental proportions.
They just happen to also be the most lethal and effective fighting force.
39 years ago there were 49 red states. Every state except Mondale’s home state.
Yawwwn… Bonzo-curious.. Wouldn’t be too long before a lot of them would vote for a guy running against trickle-on economics.
No he was far from perfect but he did succeed raising taxes on billionaires.. and the bonzo shills said it would mean a depression and that didn’t happen.
A high-water mark, to be sure. And two years after that, Antonin Scalia was confirmed 98-0.
After tricky dick henchman Bork got thankfully borked. How can kreepshit laud a guy who’d attend Opera with RBG?
In the spirit of bi-partisanship.. Next?
Will this be another day in which Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit regales us with his exploits in investing, evidenced by yet another massive FIVE-FIGURE daily gain?
Five whole figures. Wow. Sounds better than a 6% one-day gain in the value of a share of AT&T, which Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit also found worthwhile to share with us merely a couple of months ago.
He’s right up there with Buffett, our Dumbfuck Rabbit.
FIVE-FIGURE daily gain?
Better than your 5 figure yearly payout from SS..
Even adding in Mary Kay, it’s only 5 figures…
Sux to be you.
Asshole….bet? Given…..never take that bet. They even know it.
Thank God for President Biden. Miracle worker with the economy. It’s not been driven into a ditch, like Repukes would have done.
Are you a great financial success?
It seems like that’s the idea you want to convey by mocking the “relative size” of some other dude’s junk. Are you hyuuuuge?
Queen YLB’s fucked kids
You need some help, my fellow unserious twat. The following is one of the definitions of “dumbfuck”.
Someone who, when their stupid shtick isn’t working, simply cannot stop doing it.
Try to understand this. YLB has never once been pwned by this dumbfuck attack of yours and yet you simply cannot stop doing it. Shades of Hillary hashtags.
Curious. Is this an OCD thing rearing its ugly head? Aren’t there any meds for that?
Let me check. Penis? Yup. Neanderthal? No. Yeah, I guess I’m gay.
You must be new here.
@ 115
Are you hyuuuuge?
I’m content that you feel the need to ask the question.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit shared too much. He’s an impotent investor, and an impotent husband.
The lesson is not to share too much. The lesson is to do not as Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit does.
“According to the Washington Post, OG told other members these were documents he had brought home from a ‘military base’ where he sometimes worked in a secure facility that prohibited mobile phones and other electronic devices.”
Sounds to me like that’s enough to support espionage charges.
@111 I’m not as rich as Buffett, and never claimed I was. By the way, neither are you.
Thomas can still be impeached.
Of course, he won’t be convicted and removed in his lifetime. But a vote on his impeachment certainly might be worth considering when Democrats regain the House in 2025.
That would have given Roberts and the Court time to dither, fail to accomplish any reforms on their own, and amply demonstrate that failure to the public. It would also give time for more independent investigation into Thomas’ corruption. It’s often the case that when these kinds of things emerge after decades of being kept hidden that they form the tip of a corruption ice berg.
And of course it will allow the Court to weigh in on still more immensely unpopular extremist Republican legislation stripping voters of their rights.
By spring of 2025 the stage might be perfectly set. Biden will be safely into his second term. Trump will be once again in retreat, with other Republicans like Fat Midget left by the side of the road. And the voting majorities in more states and districts will have tipped further in favor of Democrats, as Boomers continue to blow their own brains out, either with guns, booze, pills, or FOX.
There’s ample precedent, regardless of the political polarization. In 1970 pre-Watergate Nixon convinced Ford (as Senate Minority Leader) to seek the impeachment of William O. Douglas for selling an essay he authored to a magazine that later came under suit for libel that was appealed to the Court. Douglas of course reported the income and its source fully as required by the law, which is how Ford (really his staff) came to know of it. Douglas did not recuse himself in the denial of cert.
Of course in Thomas’ case the potential instances and charges form a mountain by comparison. His wife for many years has earned very large sums advocating for the interests of those who have business before the court. Documents now have become public showing that her advocacy extended to bringing those parties into direct contact with her husband for the purpose of exerting influence over him in these matters before the court. For decades he has been plied with incredibly expensive and luxurious gifts of food, alcohol, cigars, travel, accommodations, and adventure travel experiences that are normally only available to the super-rich. And now we learn that he arranged for himself and his family to receive a substantial income from such a super-wealthy individual with interests before the Court, and kept that income hidden from public discovery.
By 2025 it would probably constitute a healthy exercise for the American people to see the entire sordid history of corruption by Thomas fully laid out for all to see, going all the way back to his routine practices of employee sexual harassment at the Dept. of Education and the EEOC and culminating in his cultivation of influence peddling through his wife. With any luck the stress of such a episode would be enough to kill him and open another seat for Biden to fill. A bit more luck and Roberts might choose to resign out of humiliation.
These are all very reasonable things to consider now, given the demonstrated history of ultra MAGA Trump Republicans and the federal courts over the past several years.
@115 He isn’t claiming a five-figure gain on his much larger portfolio, so we should assume he doesn’t have one. Probably a stockpicking issue.
You may be right.
A careful and thorough forensic examination of devices, accounts and account service providers will reveal the full extent.
But it is the removal of classified material that constitutes the major criminal offense. Seeing that material, once removed, is not criminal per se. So quite a lot will depend on what these (mostly) children did once they saw the documents. But determining that will mean the FBI running a brightly lit microscope right up the ass holes of every person and every company involved, potentially exposing a lot of deeply personal shit. I would not want to be in their shoes. It won’t be fun. And it won’t be cheap.
@121 His Republican pals probably have known about this for years. They should’ve urged him to quietly retire when Trump could appoint his much younger and even more conservative replacement. But Republicans aren’t known for being forward-looking.
“According to the Washington Post, OG told other members these were documents he had brought home from a ‘military base’ where he sometimes worked in a secure facility that prohibited mobile phones and other electronic devices.”
There’s pictures of him in the papers. Just a peach-fuzzed, 21 year old kid.
If some low level paper-pusher can smuggle out intel like that, then we can only assume u.s. military intelligence is an open book to the Russians, Chinese and other intelligence agencies, both friend and foe.
All the institutional/establishment failures aside, they’re going to throw the book at him.
Seems like if the crooked Clarence Thomas land deal was at all legit he would not have felt the need to conceal it from public disclosure as required by law.
That doesn’t mean that it is crooked. But it certainly means that an investigation would be in order.
But there are other reasons why such an investigation would be in order and very much needed. One reason would be the permit history of the investments that Crow made in the property since he purchased it from Thomas. Most of those investments in repairs, upgrades, modifications, and additions to the home do not seem to be capable of being explained as part of any “museum”. And from that another reason would then follow. Many investments, repairs, improvements, and other purchases for a home and property do not require application for permits. So a full public accounting of all the expenditures that Crow made to these properties while Thomas’ mother was living there would also be required. And that leads to yet another reason for further investigation. What was the arrangement whereby Thomas’ mother continued to live in a property owned by Crow?
No need to rush. Roberts should be given all the time he needs to cower in disgrace and crawl timidly beneath his desk to hide and sob. And time is needed to gracefully move Di Fi aside. After that time has passed the Senate Judiciary Committee can take up the issue. September of 2024 works for me.
The lesson is not to share too much.
A lesson you should have learned yourself, seeing how you shared enough for me to know who you are and where you live. All because you shared too much.
If you want, blame your unwarranted ego. But truth is, you’re just fucking stupid.
I can tell you that even in the thoroughly fucked up USAF, if this kid was allowed access inside facilities (including devices) where this kind of intel was housed he was thoroughly trained ahead of time about precisely what the criminal penalties would be for removing any of it. And every year he’d get a refresher training with records to prove it.
The Air Force did not vet him. Not properly.
Though we don’t know very much, what is being reported in the WaPo suggests that he was an fairly insecure, emotionally immature, albeit possibly very intelligent young person with a crippling need for the approval and admiration of others. That personality type is a five alarm fire in classified intel.
But for sure he knew in advance exactly how this would all turn out. His prosecution and imprisonment is probably all part of his Falcon and the Snowman childhood fantasy.
He’s going to get his own Wikipedia page. Goody.
@ 125
… then we can only assume u.s. military intelligence is an open book to the Russians, Chinese and other intelligence agencies, both friend and foe.
We can assume that based on what we already know about Hunter, Jim, and First Vegetable Joe.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit struggles weakly to claim massive climate change.
Cliff Mass’ site shows that half the country is a little cold, half the country is a little warm.
To Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, a six percent one-day gain in his pitiful AT&T stock holding is earthshaking.
Yeah, and nothing we do can make it change any differently…..just like the economy.
Matt Taibi started his next career chapter at Truth Social today.
The “QUALITY” always comes through in the end.
I thought you guys loved Matt Taibi?
We can assume
At HA, Hunter’s dick pics touches kreepshit only.
Last Week Trump Jr: “It’s all a complete witch hunt. And there never really has been anything like it. Besides, the US routinely over-classifies everything.”
This Week Trump Jr: “Why the fuck to 1.5 million Air National Guardsmen need access to TS/SCI intel anyway?”
He might be okay clean and sober.
But that’s all so 2018.
He’s a little different in 2023.
@123 “And it won’t be cheap.”
He can’t afford it, and I wouldn’t want to be defended against espionage charges by an overworked public defender. This is going to screw up his ANG promotions, too. He’ll never make E-4 now.
Steve Bannon called elmo a pro-China “traitor”..
the widbee shit-lord will continue to spread its ass cheeks for elmo and pine for an elmo-mobile in December.
@129 The kid has one thing going for him: His personal devices are fresh out of the barn, and so far neither Russians nor Republicans have had opportunities to embellish their contents, so he’s only going to be accused of what he did himself.
@130 I’m farther above the current sea level than you are. I’m not worried. I’ve noted you’re not worried, either.
drumpf jr interviews a favorite of kreepshit from the birth shite site:
catturd.. jr will recommend cat fecal matter to be drumpf’s press secretary..
kayleigh cries. after all she’s done for teh drumpfs.
While Ft. Lauderdale drowns, kon-klown continues the “book tour”.. Second stop in Iowa?
while kon-klown’s tools in the FL legislature work day and night to change the laws against two-timing FL.
137 – That wasn’t Taibi in the video. Didn’t even really look like him.
So the suspect in the stabbing of tech entrepreneur Bob Lee in San Francisco is..
a krazed tweaker wearing rags and living in a leaky tent? Nope..
a violent, transgender member of antifa? Nope..
some blm supporter who hates white guys? Nope..
a ceo of another tech startup? hmmm..
It would appear so.
Biden’s infrastructure programs touches Florida’s airports:
Crickets from kon-klown? A tweet from its “book tour” in Iowa would be nice.
But kon-klown doesn’t do nice. It brags it fights Joe Biden every day.. So return the munee asshole.
The Missouri Republican wishes to clarify that he only supports children marrying other children, and any suggestion that he supports adults marrying children is “preposterous.”
Comment: Sometimes it’s better to just leave well enough alone.
qweshchun for the teh kreepshit, shit-lord of widbee:
What’s safer?
@148 Hmmm, that’s a real head-scratcher. With or without cyanide?
@149 without.. kreepshit seemed to believe that a dose of Tylenol was a pretty risky way to take the edge off a second jab of the covid vaccine. iirc, it believed the fda wouldn’t approve tylenol today.
“Gabriel Sherman, a journalist who has spent decades writing about the Murdoch business, spoke to several well-placed sources who painted a bleak picture of the super-wealthy family. ‘I was struck by how sad all the Murdochs seem,’ he wrote.”
Money can’t buy happiness, as Doctor Dumbfuck found out after he struck it rich in the options market but had to turn to HA for companionship.
“In early 2018, Hall found Murdoch in ‘excruciating pain on the cabin floor’ of his 140ft yacht …. He had to be lowered by stretcher on to a port in Guadalupe, where he spent a night on a gurney before being flown by private jet to a UCLA hospital. ‘He kept almost dying,’ a person close to the family told Vanity Fair. Doctors, who diagnosed Murdoch with arrhythmia and a broken back, spotted that Murdoch had fractured vertebrae before – he reportedly suggested his ex-wife Wendi Deng had pushed him into a piano during a fight … Deng did not respond to requests for comment.”
Deng probably found out he was fucking Hall.
The Air Force kid who took secret documents home probably thinks if Trump can do it, he can, too. In fact, that’ll probably be his defense: “Trump made me do it.”
It’s not???
Oh my bad.
Here’s Matt then:
Much better.👍👍👍🤡
When I first joined the court I sought the advice of colleagues on what needed to be disclosed and they assured me that things like real estate transactions between myself and billionaire friends, who I just started to become friends with did not need to be disclosed because that Watergate era law about disclosure totally doesn’t apply to me as a Supreme Court Justice and of course I know so much about the law I didn’t bother to read the short sheet on what was legally required on the financial disclosure form. Despite the fact that the law clearly stated any real estate transactions between myself and any other party, totaling more than $1000 needed to be disclosed I was assured by experts and colleagues that it didn’t apply to me and so I left that line blank when I sold my property to my billionaire friend who then made repairs to my mom‘s house and let her live there. He just wanted to preserve my childhood home as a Museum. He’s a swell guy who worked for an organization That filed hundreds of amicus briefs I considered. I never asked my dear friend about Heritage Foundation. If I didn’t know it can’t be a conflict that requires recusal.
This case is closed.
At 12 my kid wanted to marry one of the singers of BTS, not the hot one, and at 13 she thought she might be gay and now at 16 I really need to figure out how to get through that her ‘boyfriend’ who isn’t in school because of ‘anxiety issues’ is a terrible choice as a life partner.
At 24yo you’ll need to worry that The Heteosexual Neanderthal Virus don’t get her.
She needs to call before
Young Jack Teixeira: “Mom, when I grow up, I’m going to be a libertarian.”
Mrs. Teixeira: “Jack, that’s nice. But you’re going to have to choose one or the other.”
a tweet ’bout ted poopy-pants: