I was walking down the waterfront recently and saw a ferry docking. The whole front of the ferry was oddly colored. I didn’t realize for a moment, but eventually I saw that it was an ad for a soda company. My goodness, it was so ugly.
I don’t know why seeing it on a ferry produced such a yuck reaction in a way that it never does on the bus. Still, it made me sad that I don’t drink their disgusting sugar concoction, so I can’t give it up. Maybe I should be madder when it’s on the bus: Those wraps make the view out worse, so the whole ride isn’t as good.
Anyway, for goodness sake, wash your hands right now and get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
Queen YLB’s fucked kids deserve a second round of searing inflation, no? They deserve to feel the pain of their momma YLB’s stupidity.
Wholesale inflation rose 0.5% in September, more than expected
I was walking down the waterfront recently and saw a ferry docking. The whole front of the ferry was oddly colored. I didn’t realize for a moment, but eventually I saw that it was an ad for a soda company. My goodness, it was so ugly.
Carl, was it prettier, or uglier, than all of the homeless tents in Seattle?
American Capitalism
Workers at John Deere have walked out as negotiations break down. Another obvious story of why capitalism is failing the working class.
Deere doubled their profits last year from 2021. With $1.79B The company offered 6% raise and would not budge on health benefits and other benefits.
Cool 5% seem like a lot until you actually look and find that CEO John May received a 160% raise this year.
I can see the angry conservative farmer dumping their iconic geeen AMERICAN equipment for the beautiful Orange Japanese Kubota.
The billionaires MUST be protected.
Imagine if this were to become a thing. Asian-American students rejected from the UC system at application time instead take paid intern jobs at corporate farm systems, and spend four years matriculating through a combine education/corporate development program working on projects that benefit the company while providing real-world knowledge and experience.
After four years the individual has a massive line-item for the resumé and five figures in the bank, rather than an increasingly worthless degree and six-figure student loan debt.
Applications for said program could be limited to students with an A-minus GPA or better, a 1200 SAT score or better, and proven rejection letters from two or more UC campuses.
I like it.
@2 Hey, the homeless have ad space on their tents, which occupy some of Seattle’s primest real estate, they could sell. I wonder why nobody’s thought of this before?
@ 3
I can see the angry conservative farmer dumping their iconic geeen AMERICAN equipment for the beautiful Orange Japanese Kubota.
I can see the angry consumer buying a beautiful Kubota excavator on rubber tracks, slightly used, from a SoDo rental company, and letting the striking workers go fuck themselves.
I love my Kubota. Used it yesterday. Bought it with 1200 hours a dozen years ago, have added 300 to it. Much more useful than a backhoe attachment to a tractor. Have had exactly one thing go wrong with it in that time. Flew my nephew up from CA to fix it.
@4 “I like it.”
A degree in exchange for listening to corporate propaganda and providing cheap labor for 4 years. Of course you like it.
Doctor Dumbfuck thinks colleges and universities should be converted into vocational schools. This is consistent with the GOP’s program of promoting mass ignorance in order to create a workforce and citizenry of sheep.
Click here for photo of doc’s Kubota.
@ 4, 7, 8
I neglected to include a link. My bad.
Bay Area high school grad rejected by 16 colleges hired by Google
A kid in Stanford’s back yard.
If you’re Asian-American, those kinds of credentials get you rejected so that universities can turn themselves into vocational schools @ 8 for the right kinds of minorities.
Among the schools with racist admissions policies: the University of Washington.
One need no longer wonder how Queen YLB’s fucked kids got in. Although one can see the rationale from the perspective of the universities: Someone’s gotta show up on the quad to blame Israel when Hamas decides to decapitate Israeli babies.
Pretty soon Gaza will be just like Ballard.
Small wonder Carl would rather talk about ferries.
Link to @ 4,10
@10 Maybe he should’ve got his applications in sooner? It might be as simple as that.
Stay biased, NYT.
New York Times changes ‘Hamas terrorists’ to ‘Hamas gunmen’
Anybody still wondering why NYT is dying and WaPo laid off 240 yesterday?
@14 Anyone commenting on the shortcomings of contemporary journalism can only observe that you’re no improvement over the NYT.
Hey, she can still be seen on YouPorn.
Playboy and others fire Mia Khalifa after pornstar mocks slaughter of Jews in Israel
Playboy’s dying, too.
Where are “the Jews will not replace us” crowd”
@ 15
… you’re no improvement over the NYT.
I’m a vast improvement over you, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
“The Nazis tried to hide their war crimes. Hamas is livestreaming theirs.”
@16 Well done. Now, who’s going to speak for the Palestinians living in prison-like conditions, and now under Israeli fire, who don’t support Hamas, Hezbollah, or violence against Israelis but simply want normal lives? They need someone smarter than her, but certainly not you, who has no humanity toward anyone, least of all the innocents of the world.
@18 You suffer from delusions of grandeur.
@19 I think all of us here agree Hamas is the bottom of the barrel. It’s nice to see you condemn human scum, although you’re way too selective about it.
NYT called out Kamala Harris yesterday. She’s “struggling to make the case for herself”, according to the title.
An understatement. She’s successfully made the case for nearly anyone but her.
Congratulations to Speaker-elect Scalise.
Biden trios occasionally.
So it’s fine. I’m fine.
I’d like to thank the members of the House Democrat caucus for helping to ensure that the new Speaker’s tenure is significantly more solid than the tenure of the previous Speaker.
Hey, it’s not as if Californians buy two generators each, and there are only 33 million of them. This shouldn’t affect Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s Generac shares at all.
But by 2028 generators will have to be zero-emission if they are sold in California. That’s gonna hurt Generac ICE generator sales, bigly.
So pour gas into a ICE vehicle to drive to another state to buy a gas-burning generator, and then use more gas to drive it back.
Yup, a recipe for success if you’re a Generac investor.
She was told her twin sons wouldn’t survive. Texas law made her give birth anyway.
Every liberal should be talking up this kind of story. Republicans will force women to give birth to babies that die. Women have no more right to their bodies than breeding livestock under republicans.
Or you could vote for republicans because your non dairy creamer is more expensive under democrats.
That story doesn’t pass the sniff test.
The University of California offers a guaranteed spot for students in the top 9% of in state high school graduates. The story was pushed on the media by the kid’s father who so far has provided zero receipts. The rankings of the UC Schools he claims rejected him are ranked in difficulty of acceptance as #1, #2, #4, #5, #6, #7 out of 9 possibilities.
The possibilities are:
his GPA or SAT aren’t remotely what Dad and kid say they are.
He missed the deadline to apply.
He has a criminal record as a minor that precludes acceptance
They’re lying.
So yeah, this, without some kind of actual evidence like a copy of the rejection letters from all these schools is bullshit. But you bought it because ‘reverse racism’ is all the rage among the neo fascists you read.
@24 Yeah, all he needs to do to become speaker is bring aboard the 99 Republicans who voted against him in caucus.
@24 & @6
We’d like to thank the GOP for deciding the BEST man for the job is an election denier who is against the rescheduling of Cannabis let alone outright legalization who has an A rating from the NRA, the solution to the climate is to drill more so you can dump sand into the beaches on the gulf coast with the profits and is even more virulently anti-gay than my weird ass uncle who still thinks all the pedo’s are Drag queens and is in love with the Southern Baptist Convention. AND he’s a fan of David Duke.
That should work out.
Still has to get through a floor vote. “The final vote tally was 113 for Scalise and 99 for Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan.”
@ 31
Still has to get through a floor vote. “The final vote tally was 113 for Scalise and 99 for Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan.”
After which both Gaetz and Jordan threw their support behind Scalise.
It’s over.
Oh, congrats to Hakeem as well, for coming in second.
@29 There’s definitely something odd about it, but I hesitate to speculate what the backstory is.
Bob “Hip Shooter” Dumbfuck is under no such restraints.
From the idiot troll begging for dining recommendations and fantasizing about swimsuit models.
You forgot actual masturbation during admissions interviews.
@32 “It’s over.”
That seems doubtful at this point. One vote Scalise won’t get is MTG’s, who doesn’t want cancer in the speaker’s chair.
@ 29
The University of California offers a guaranteed spot for students in the top 9% of in state high school graduates.
What did you leave out?
Kinda racist to call the kid a liar because there are so many others just like him.
This Wisconsin GOP rep never outgrew the “terrible twos.”
@37 It’s not clear whether the kid is lying, but it’s absolutely clear that Trump and other Republicans are lying about Hamas having training camp in Mexico.
Zackey Rahimi, “In addition to the alleged domestic violence against his former partner, with whom he has a young child, … faces felony prosecutions in Tarrant County, Texas, for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon against three separate people, recklessly discharging a firearm and possession of fentanyl. He publicly discharged firearms at least six times, including repeatedly shooting at a … young woman he lured into a parking lot, according to court filings and police records …. After landing in prison … he attacked a prison guard, according to an incident report.”
The NRA thinks he should have a gun. I think the NRA should be designated a domestic terrorism organization, but that’s just me.
Apparently calling people to account for supporting the decapitation of Israeli babies is beyond the pale for Google.
So, Twitter’s kinda different now that it’s under new ownership, no?
Tommy Tuberville mocked Biden’s Air Force One stumble, claiming he’s too old to be president.
Tommy Tuberville fell down stairs while exiting a plane. Tommy Tuberville is too old to be a senator.
@ 40
I think the NRA should be designated a domestic terrorism organization, but that’s just me.
Gun ownership in Israel is only 2%.
I think that’s too low. But that’s just me.
@ 42
Tommy Tuberville fell down stairs while exiting a plane. Tommy Tuberville is too old to be a senator.
Well, then this really should have been a warning to you in 2016, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit:
Try to be less of a fucking asshole, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. A guy tripping town the stairs while carrying a suitcase in one hand and a carryon in the other is quite a bit different than a guy falling, repeatedly, while holding nothing but a handrail.
@41 “So, Twitter’s kinda different now that it’s under new ownership, no?”
Yes, it is.
@44 “Try to be less of a fucking asshole”
From the guy who claims I haven’t fucked in years. Typical GOP flipflopper. Make up your mind which it is.
Yes. This.
Publish the Names of Students and Professors Who Support Hamas Lynching and Rapes
Anyone else realize that it’s a damned good thing for Goldy that he’s muted himself now that he’s off Twitter?
@ 46
From the guy who claims I haven’t fucked in years. Typical GOP flipflopper. Make up your mind which it is.
Permit me to clarify. You haven’t pitched in years.
@48 What does pitching have to do with anything? Besides your minor league batting average?
@47 Ready, fire, aim. That’s how an employer gets sued. But I think most corporate employers know better than you to scattergun this.
It’s not enough that a student belonged to an organization that made a reprehensible statement. The student has to make the reprehensible statement. Otherwise, it’s actionable.
@ 49
What does pitching have to do with anything? Besides your minor league batting average?
It’s as relevant as the British Broadcasting Corporation is to the rent-a-fucks your wife drops so many Benjamins onto each week, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Maybe ask Jeff Gannon. Or G-clown. Or maybe Queen YLB.
Make that almost certainly Queen YLB.
@ 50
A Harvard grad who does not personally support Hamas lynchings and rapes, but nevertheless finds herself working in fast food because she was blacklisted by corporate employers, arguably has a cause of action for millions of dollars in lost income and damage to reputation.
Uh huh. How about a guy who on January 6, 2021 was driving a truck through Kentucky while wearing a MAGA hat?
Or a kid with a punchable face wearing a MAGA hat and visiting a memorial in DC?
And that’s going to be a problem for shotgunners like you, because many student members of these organizations say the statements were issued without their participation or a vote.
@52 “Or a kid with a punchable face wearing a MAGA hat and visiting a memorial in DC?”
Justice was served. He got a new skateboard, courtesy of CNN.
“Jared Kushner, the son-in-law and ex-adviser to former President Trump, said Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y) told his mother’s friends he was going to jail for his involvement in the 2016 election and alleged ties with Russia.”
This is just hearsay, unless Schumer qualifies as an expert witness.
Well, that’s two GOP votes Scalise won’t get, and possibly half a dozen.
It would take you like a minute to find that overall applicants fell in 2023. The UC system agreed with a Newsome policy to shift a number of out-of-state slots to in state. With the pandemic halting Community College classes for nearly a full year the drop in transfer applications is dramatic.
But we’re to just believe that a student with a 1590 SAT and a 4 point + GPA was rejected by the entire system. A 2%er couldn’t get a slot guaranteed to the top 8%, if space is available. He even had the minority thing going for him.
Still doesn’t pass the sniff test. Good of you to double down on it though. I’m sure it will trickle out eventually.
We’ve been down this road before.
Criticizing the Israeli Government is not Anti-Semitic. It can be sure but saying, “John Deereing neighborhoods is bad!” is not.
Pointing out that Palestinians have essentially been kept in a ghetto, a shantytown, a Township so to speak for 18 years is not supporting of Hamas.
What your side claims right now is anyone who has ever supported the People living in Gaza are also proudly pro Hamas.
It’s very twisted logic and defamatory. But you go there anyway.
“All Arabs are dirty and should be killed. If only we could have a solution. Once and for all some kind of solution. Just find a way to get rid of them all.” – American Conservatives
@58 Uncritically and unconditionally supporting Israel’s mistreatment of Palestinians doesn’t make a whole lot more sense than endorsing Palestinian terrorism, because the one motivates the other. It’s easy to diss on the Palestinian cause in the wake of Hamas’s atrocities, but anybody could see Netanyahu’s settlements policy and other aggressions would trigger a blowup. The Palestinians can’t win a conventional war, so this is how they choose to fight; and fight they will, as long as Israel mistreats them. After the Netanyahu government gets rid of Hamas, Israelis should get rid of the Netanyahu government. Then cooler heads and more reasonable minds should sit down and figure out how to solve this thing once and for all.
“Buy TSLA at $400 ” etc
Bibi was warned.
Among the schools with racist admissions policies: the University of Washington.
LMAO… Against ASIANS? Just walk the Seattle campus any day classes are in session…
Uh… Like almost everyone you see is ASIAN..
The kids with grew up friendly with a mixed race family, the mother was Japanese. Both those Japanese looking kids went to UW, Seattle campus..
My oldest roomed in the dorms with a BLACK kid..
Stuck on stoopid (till that certain day) in widbee…
(caps were used for the dim among us)…
$3.07 a gallon at Wawa!
That’s a drop of at least $.10 in a week. It will go up on Saturday and Sunday.
Has it dropped like this where you live? Sad, if not. 😭 😭 😂
This House Republican shit show could go on easily for weeks.
The second dumbest people on earth (after Republicans), our nation’s shitty corporate media, have been downplaying for years the deep divisions and incompetency built into the Republican Party going back to blessed St. Ronald.
Now all those racist, bigoted, superstitious chickens are coming home to roost.
a second round of searing inflation,
yawwwn.. that’s not a worry… as long this happens:
And it happens more and more each and every day..
According to the inane, insane, deranged and oh so boooorrrriiinng babble of teh widbee shitstain..
Good for the kids…
@62 he just makes up shit.
He is Fake News
Here comes that RECESSION!
or this is what happens when you get a free ride for 10 years. A return to normalcy.
Scalise is going to make it clear that REPUKES stand with Israel.
after chanting
“Jews will not replace US”
In case you wonder what I mean by ” racist, bigoted, superstitious chickens”:
“All governments must originate in force, and be continued by force”.
Does that rhetoric sound familiar?
Is there a faction in the Republican Party that you recognize in that quote?
That’s George Fitzhugh, a 19th century Virginia lawyer, often referred to as the Thomas Paine of the Civil War.
Since the founding of our nation we have had with us, and among us, a powerful faction of American voices who simply believe in white supremacy. Their numbers and influence have ebbed and flowed. And their political alliances have shifted and changed. But they’ve always been with us. They’ve always been powerfully influential. And for most of the last century it has been widely considered impolite to point them out as such.
Today, and about as far back as the Reagan Revolution, this powerful and influential faction of white supremacists has resided squarely and quite securely inside the Republican Party. But it has never been an easy marriage. And it’s that unease and dysfunction that gives rise to the nihilism and doubts about democracy that energize and dominate Republican activism today.
To really transcend all this and get to the place we all want, with that white supremacist faction banished forever from political power, we now rely on the character of Republicans, God help us all. Buckle up, kids
My most sincere regards to our racist troll for catching my numerous spelling errors.
As a corollary follow up to 69,
it should then go without saying that The Squad are not responsible for the profound brokenness of Republicans.
Republicans are responsible for Republicans. And that’s the real problem.
We got our shit together. Don’t you worry about it.
@69 “as far back as the Reagan Revolution”
Actually, it was Nixon who invited them in, with his Southern Strategy.*
* “The Democrats don’t want southern racists anymore, so we’ll take them, and make them feel welcome,” or actions to that effect.
That’s great. Congratulations.
Say, if it isn’t too much trouble, would you mind letting all of us know which “we” you represent?
The seventy five percent of Republicans who just don’t want to pay any of your taxes for all the things you enjoy?
Or the twenty five percent of Republicans who just really need to know that none of that tax spending ever gets near “those people”?
@ 55
This is just hearsay, unless Schumer qualifies as an expert witness.
Even if Schumer is an expert it’s hearsay.
According to the story Schumer told something to friends of Jared’s mom who told Jared’s mom who told Jared. Who tells the reporter.
Hearsay even if Schumer has a smoking gun. Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, what kind of a shitty-ass attorney were you, anyway?
62)I notice that when I am transferring from the train to bus at U-District station.
Well there’s ten now publicly saying they’ll vote for Gym Jordan on the floor and now Ken Buck is saying the next speaker must publicly endorse the 2020 election results so that’s a no on Scalise.
Maybe Scalise can win over Marge by making her House Majority Leader.
Rep. Lauren Boebert, of Colorado, tweeted, “I will be voting for Jim Jordan to be Speaker of the House on the floor when the vote is called.”
Rep. Michael Cloud, of Texas, tweeted, “While I respect Steve Scalise, the underhanded efforts to rush this vote to the floor without getting full buy-in from the conference is extremely ill-advised and I will not be supporting the nomination on the floor, absent a further discussion.”
Rep. Carlos Gimenez, of Florida, said, “I’ve always said I’m a McCarthy guy so until he says, hey, don’t vote for anybody else… ’til he comes to me and says that, I’m voting for McCarthy.”
Rep. Bob Good, of Virginia, tweeted: “I am still supporting Jordan. The country cannot afford the status quo.”
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, of Georgia tweeted, “Jim Jordan is the fighter we need to be Speaker of the House in this time of national crisis.”
Rep. Nancy Mace, of South Carolina, “I personally cannot, in good conscience, vote for someone who attended a white supremacist conference and compared himself to David Duke. I would be doing an enormous disservice to the voters I represent in South Carolina if I were to do that.” Scalise apologized in 2014 for giving a speech in 2002 to the European-American Unity and Rights Organization (EURO), which was founded by white supremacist and former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke.
Rep. Max Miller, of Ohio, told reporters, “I’m still putting my support behind Jim Jordan for Speaker. I’m not going to change my vote now or anytime soon on the House floor.”
Rep. Chip Roy, of Texas, took issue with the attempt to schedule a speedy vote shortly after the conference nominated Scalise. “I will not be voting for @SteveScalise on the floor this afternoon,” he tweeted. “The House GOP should NOT have called a vote at 300pm after finishing the vote at 130pm in Conference. That is unacceptable & purposeful.”
Rep. Lloyd Smucker, of Pennsylvania, tweeted, “The House GOP Conference is broken. So we oust Kevin McCarthy and all other leaders are rewarded with promotions?… We need to chart a different path forward. In the meantime, I plan to vote for Jim Jordan on the floor.”
Rep. George Santos of New York, tweeted Wednesday night, “It’s just past 9:40pm and I have yet to hear from the Speaker-Designate. So I’ve made my decision and after 10 months and having had 0 contact or outreach from him, I’ve come to the conclusion that my VOTE doesn’t matter to him. I’m now declaring I’m an ANYONE but Scalise and come hell or high water I won’t change my mind.”
Let’s say the get Cloud, Roy and Jimenez back on board and no one else defects….That’s not 217.
So “It’s over” before in even starts.
We get live coverage of another shit show of voting again, and again, and again, and maybe they can go 16 rounds this time.
There are well known exceptions to the hearsay exclusion rules. Qualified expert witnesses may include the out of court hearsay statements of opinion of other expert witnesses when those opinions informed their own.
It was a joke.
Another fine performance by the troll.
@77 Maybe we should give him a copy of “Rules of Evidence” as a Christmas present? Nah, he can’t read above fourth grade.
@42 Oh hey, look what I stumbled across, a VIDEO of Tommy Tubes falling on his ass.
Now, please understand, I’m not making fun of him. This is not funny. None of us should mock someone person who slips and falls.
He shouldn’t, either.
And so is every American Taliban
$2.99 per gal. Royal Farms in Harberson
.50 drop in about 2 momths
Hearsay is my favorite bust of fictional television and movie trials. You see it all the time. No objections. But I think most audiences are just so dialed in to the story and “the drama” that without the cue from an attorney objection they don’t actually recognize hearsay. It’s just magic words, rather than a foundational principle of justice.
Speaking of Nazis, how’s the Scalise nomination going?
I’ll bet that dude wishes he did a better job of hiding his political origins with David Duke.
And that is most definitely not hearsay.
“Scalise accepted a shady acquaintance’s invitation to speak briefly about domestic policy before a civic association in a hotel that he should have known would host a white-supremacist conference later that day.”
That’s how his defenders choose to describe the origin story. But tease apart the bullshit claims of his defenders (which btw, often do consist of hearsay) and dig into the details, and what you get is an aspiring young pol with big ambitions who took opportunity wherever he found it, even if that opportunity was with the Klan. And at a time when far better Republicans both locally within Louisiana politics and nationally in Congress and the White House, had no hesitation in denouncing David Duke and his Crypto Klan supporters. But not Steve Scalise. He had places to go and he needed help getting there.
As for “civic association” that’s just Louisiana political double speak that dates back to Jim Crow. The hotel was hosting a conference organized by the Duke people. Duke had managed at that point to pull off his political success in Louisiana in part by recognizing his own toxicity. To expand his whites only reach and appeal beyond hardcore Klan racists to include “polite racists” required trickery and deception. In the deep south “civic associations” have a long and sordid history of serving to provide cover for white supremacy.
Scalise eagerly accepted an opportunity to speak before a Klan conference organized by David Duke.
And Republicans are about to him third in the line of succession.
Pretty gross.
Nice to see the continuing rise in the CPI, sure to perpetuate the fucking of Queen YLB’s kids.
In addition to dealing with rising prices, student loan payments will weigh on the friends of Queen YLB’s fucked kids.
Bidenflation touches all. For Queen YLB’s fucked kids and their ilk, it’s an ass-pounding rather than a light touch.
Someone should ask the new Senator Carpetbagger from California exactly what Momala brings.
Essentially, what Momala brings is the same thing that Butler brings. They’re each female and black. Two boxes, checked. Each one of them is in their position solely because of their gender and skin color.
Not for long.
@ 81
$2.99 per gal. Royal Farms in Harberson
.50 drop in about 2 momths
It’s interesting that AIDS boy is so insistent that gas prices are dropping, and perhaps they are, in his neck of the woods. That isn’t the case nationally, tho.
BLS today reported a 2.1% increase in gas prices during September, and that’s after a 10.6% increase in gas prices during August.
Inflation isn’t just continuing. It’s heading back up.
Look on the bright side: Hillary lost in 2016, and she is finished.
Back to our truly awful vice president, Momala. The piece linked @ 85, published in the NYT over the weekend, was written by the same author who did so much to take down a certain truly awful candidate for president in 2019:
Momala’s 2019 incompetence and cowardice ended up rewarding her with the vice presidential nomination. The one wise move she made on the national stage was to hide from judgement by the voters during the 2020 primary season. There’s leading from behind, and there’s leading from hiding behind.
Momala hid until she was told it was safe to come out and show everybody her gender and skin color.
I’d like to congratulate the Democratic Socialists of America for hitching their collective horse to Hamas over the weekend.
Former NYT reporter and founder/editor of The Free Press, Bari Weiss, yesterday said, “The Nazis tried to hide their war crimes. Hamas is livestreaming theirs.”
And what Hamas didn’t livestream, they certainly did not try to hide.
Hey libbies, you had better hope you do a better job failing to verify this evidence than you did failing to verify the authenticity of what is being found on Hunter Biden’s laptop.
Hey, G-clown: Do you think the monster who committed this @ 89 war crime was a Heterosexual Neanderthal?
Or was it a homosexual, who hates nature’s consequence of heterosexual coupling?
I bet it was a self-hating homosexual who did this. What do you think, G-clown?
Hamas makes Hannibal Lecter seem normal.
G-clown makes Jeffrey Dahmer seem normal.
From the American Patriot who stands with “The Jews will not replace Us” crowd…..Bob’s unabashed hero.
@91 you are obviously abnormal.
And a traitor to democracy, liberty, justice and equality.
You are the devil. You are a fascist pig. Oink, Oink.
Hunter Biden’s indictment for illegally aiding a foreign government will have to wait until 2025.
Sen. Bob Menendez faces new charges accusing him of working for foreign government
The superseding indictment alleges Menendez, “provided sensitive U.S. Government information and took other steps that secretly aided the Government of Egypt.”
@90 no question, he is one of your ilk. Be Proud, you Neanderthal.
Bob doesn’t want Jews to replace him – he is part of the American Hamas Team.
“It’s Over” is the new “The Pain”
What to make of REPUBLICANS releasing the receipts of Rep Scalise’s half million dollar tab at Capitol Grill steakhouse in DC and evidence that campaign funds paid for it.
It may be legal but having your donors pay for your thrice weekly Double Cut Dry Aged Filet and bottle of 1984 Yountville Cabernet is….well the optics ain’t great.
You are being gouged by your friends.
All y’all HA libbies should be really pissed at my corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president right about now.
U.S. and Qatar agree to not release Iran’s $6B
After all, all y’all are the ones who shouted from the rooftops that it was Iran’s money. If it’s Iran’s money, how come it was OK for them to have it a month ago, but it’s not OK now?
It’s right there in the title: “Iran’s $6B”.
Seriously: credit to the administration for realizing the gravity of its policy mistake, and (at least for now) putting a hold on it.
There is no moment that Dumbfuck’s hero and candidate can’t fuck up.
That was uttered AFTER the massacre in Israel praising the OTHER terrorist organization in the region.
Now do go on some more about how saying ordinary people living in GAZA should not be killed for revenge is exactly the same as supporting Hamas.
Senator Menendez, why did you cease selling US government secrets to Egypt last month?
Soon I will be the man!
People don’t like to hear the truth sometimes. When Romney referred to Russia as the biggest geopolitical foe of the US, Democrats jumped all over him. He was correct, of course.
While Hamas is about to take it on the chin, Hezbollah enjoys the support of Lebanese, Syrian, and Iranian interests, and bides its time. Not exactly a stupid position to take for now.
Know who else was smart? OBL.
Here’s Bill Clinton, referring to OBL as a “smart guy”. Hours before the planes hit the towers.
Great timing, Bill.
Bill Clinton went wobbly on OBL.
This is why Nikkii Haley is telling Bibi to “FINISH THEM.”
Didn’t take much to goad the Dumbfuck into supporting terrorists and terrorist supporting regimes who want to wipe Israel off the map.
Good work for so early in the day.
Open call for genocide FOR THE WIN!
I’d like to ask the asswipe @ 100 which former president’s timing was better:
Trump’s, for calling Hezbollah smart after the Hamas massacre in Israel?
That was uttered AFTER the massacre in Israel praising the OTHER terrorist organization in the region.
Or @ 105 Clinton’s, for calling OBL “a very smart guy” mere hours before the 9/11 attacks?
We have – I would say, as very consistent Zionists, taken the question of blood as our starting point. We were the first really to solve the problem of blood by action, and in this connection, by problem of blood, we of course do not mean anti-arabism. Antiarabism is exactly the same as delousing. Getting rid of lice is not a question of ideology. It is a matter of cleanliness.
It’s almost like they herded them into a very small area and kept them there until they could just dispose of them all.
It was very smart concentrating them in Gaza like that.
Den Hague, never heard of it.
The titular leader of the GOP endorses terrorists, while America’s dumbest senator tries to figure out which side he’s on.
Tweet du jour:
He’s a Democrat.
Meanwhile, HA’s dumbfuck is cheering and whistling for a recession @84. If one comes I’ll exploit cheap stocks, but I’m not wishing for it like he is.
@85 “Not for long.”
White male supremacy dies hard.
@86 “Inflation isn’t just continuing. It’s heading back up.”
That’s not what the data say.
It’s really striking how many conservative businesses tycoons spend nearly all of their time money-begging:
Like it comes naturally to them.
“I’d like to turn the meeting over to…. to…. uh…. the black guy. Secretary Floyd. Secretary George Floyd.”
@ 115
“Inflation isn’t just continuing. It’s heading back up.”
That’s not what the data say.
They do when you look at the graph, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. Compare September to June and July.
You’re cherry-picking last year.
Note that I wrote that inflation is heading back up. That does not exclude the possibility that it came down for awhile. It did. Now it’s heading back up.
Relatedly, 3M shares are heading back down to a level 30% below your purchase price, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@91 “Hamas makes Hannibal Lecter seem normal.”
“Normal” doesn’t belong in a sentence with Hamas or Lecter.
It’s unfortunate you bring that up, because “normal” doesn’t belong in any sentence with “Doctor Dumbfuck” either, which opens the door to unfair comparison. Many people don’t distinguish between degrees of abnormal, creating a risk that you’ll end up in the same basket as people far more abnormal than you.
So maybe you should just keep quiet about “normal,” for your own sake.
@103 “He was correct, of course.”
That’s debatable. Russia is weak, militarily and economically, and led by an aging and sickly leader fearful of being assassinated by his own cabinet. He begs North Korea for weapons. China, otoh, isn’t the pushover he is.
@104 Yep, a Democratic president missed his chance, and look what happened under his Republican successor. There’s a pattern; any time a Democrat leaves loose ends, the next Republican turns it into a clusterfuck. Democrats, at least, know when they’ve got a problem; Republicans are myopic to the point of blindness:
“Bush’s approach in most situations seemed a reactive combination of calculations to avoid his father’s mistakes and to reject Clinton’s policies. This was especially clear in international affairs … .
“During the transition between administrations, National Security Adviser Sandy Berger arranged several extensive briefings on [terrorism] for … the Bush team, including Vice President Cheney. … Berger told them that Osama bin Laden was an ‘existential threat’ and told them that he wanted ‘to underscore how important this issue is.’ In another briefing, Richard Clarke, head of counterterrorism in the NSC, … gave them a complete tutorial on the subject. In yet another briefing, CIA officials were brought in to go over all the intelligence available on terrorism.
“Don Kerrick, a three-star general and outgoing deputy national security adviser, … submitted a memo … warning of the danger of terrorism. ‘We are going to be struck again,’ he wrote. But … he received no answer …. ‘They didn’t respond,’ he said. ‘They never responded. It was not high on their priority list. I was never invited to one meeting. They never asked me to do anything. They were not focusing. They didn’t see terrorism as the big megaissue that the Clinton administration saw it as. They were concentrated on what they thought were higher priorities than terrorism.’ … ‘Unfortunately,’ said Kerrick, ‘September 11 gave them something to focus on.’”
— Sidney Blumenthal, The Clinton Wars (New York: Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux, 2003), pp. 797-798.
Roughly one-third of liberals recognize a massacre when they are shown one.
Woke MSNBC loses 33% of primetime audience during coverage of the Israel Hamas war as it insists on publishing a joint death toll – while Fox and CNN see double-digit increases on viewing figures
The remaining two-thirds insist that Kamala Harris is competent and likable. And that Jews bought and own this country. And control the climate.
Shorter Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 120:
@105 “This is why Nikkii Haley is telling Bibi to ‘FINISH THEM.’”
Great. Now provide a detailed plan of how to do that. Show your work.
This is Haley at her shallowest and most superficial. Gaza is a prison camp housing roughly 2.4 million Palestinian refugees, of whom perhaps 30,000 (by Israel’s estimates) are Hamas fighters, who are dispersed among the civilian population. How do you find and eliminate them without taking out a lot of civilians, too?
Israel is bombing selective targets in Gaza to soften the place up for a ground invasion. This is producing hundreds of civilian casualties, but that’s acceptable to the global community; after all, all modern wars produce civilian casualties (e.g., the Allied bombing of Axis cities in WW2).
Israel also has cut off electricity, food, and water to Gaza. This threatens to produce a humanitarian crisis affecting hundreds of thousands of civilians; and if prolonged, could result in mass starvation, turning it into a genocide. What if Israel starves to death 2 million people? Would that be acceptable to the global community? Should Americans see it as acceptable retribution for the Hamas attack that killed about 1,000 Israelis (and two dozen or so Americans)?
“FINISH THEM.” Haley would make a better bumper-sticker writer than president. She’s not smart enough to be president.
By the way, what’s the GOP’s neo-isolationist wing’s position on this?
@ 124
“This is why Nikkii Haley is telling Bibi to ‘FINISH THEM.’”
Great. Now provide a detailed plan of how to do that. Show your work.
Block by block is how you separate people from their guns, too, whether it be Chicago’s South Side or a suburb of Fort Worth.
If you want to stop something, for good, at some point you have to cease passing laws and UNSC resolutions, and instead go do the job. FINISH THEM.
[COA = course of action]
The number of George Floyds murdered in the Hamas massacre is now up to 25.
I figure if I refer to dead Americans as George Floyds the gravity of this loss might be better understood by liberals.
@108 “which former president’s timing was better”
Well that’s a softball question if there ever was one. Clinton’s foresight is better than Trump’s hindsight. It’s awfully hard to argue otherwise.
@109 You’re not the real Nikki Haley. That’s way too complicated for her. Her level of thinking is,
@112 Given the district he represents, he has to sound like a Republican:
“First elected in 2018, Phillips defeated six-term Republican incumbent Erik Paulsen. By flipping the once staunchly Republican district, he became the first Democrat to win the seat since 1958. He has since been reelected twice. Phillips is considered a centrist and a moderate Democrat. Working alongside Republicans on multiple issues, he has been consistently ranked as one of the most bipartisan members of Congress.”
This is, of course, complete nonsense. If Hamas gave a shit about the 2.3 million innocent Gazans, they wouldn’t have attacked Israel in the first place, knowing it would provoke a violent Israeli response; and certainly wouldn’t have committed atrocities to provoke Israeli even further. Goading Israeli leaders into tit-for-tat barbarism is exactly what Hamas hopes to achieve. They’re hardly going to trade the hostages for electricity, food, and water, when they want Israel to deprive Gaza of those things in the first place.
@118 “You’re cherry-picking last year.”
No, I’m cherry-picking last month. Or rather, NBC News is. Just like you’re cherry-picking the two months before last month. But NBC News is more right than you are; the overall trend is to slower inflation, not accelerating inflation, which is what you expect from rapid interest rate hikes. Meanwhile, the stock indexes are falling again today as Wall Street’s short-lived hope there won’t be another rate hike on Nov. 1 evaporates.
@122 Trayon White is the Democrats’ version of Jim Inhofe. Every political party has one.
@123 Romney was wrong because Putin would’ve gotten his ass kicked in 2012, too. Unless, of course, a quisling like Trump had gotten elected that year. Putin’s big mistake was waiting until after the 2020 election to attack Ukraine, and doing it on “weak” Biden’s watch (your characterization).
@126 Commander Salamander’s, Operational Planner’s, Elevator Speech. Good work, dumbfuck.
@127 You weren’t bothered by the police murder of George Floyd, so I infer you’re not bothered by the Hamas murder of Israeli-Americans, either. It’s somewhat noteworthy that you chose not to compare the victims of the Hamas attack with the victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, given your well-known antipathy toward black people. So when did you become a Hamas sympathizer?
“It’s Over” is the new “The Pain”
The dumbfuck troll is truly triggered today. Something more than “gender and color” is eating him.
I believe he’d be in a improved state of mind if he’d simply admit that he’s a fascist pig who wants democracy to end and that he hates everybody who isn’t a animal-fucking fascist incel like himself.
“A billboard truck drove near Harvard’s campus Wednesday displaying the names and photos of Harvard students whose organizations signed a statement blaming solely Israel for the deadly attacks by Hamas. …
“A conservative nonprofit said it organized the truck featuring the virtual billboards with students’ names and images …. It also published names online. CNN has not independently verified that the named students were associated with the letter.”
And very likely some of them weren’t, so I can think of somebody who’s going to get sued.
Other than that NOT being an option on the table.
Israel’s offer this far is, “We are going to kill every last one of you. We are going to make Gaza simply tents. We plan to raze it to the ground.”
Whether or not they release the hostages.
Be clear the taking and keeping of the hostages is an atrocity but the first term Congressman definitely doesn’t have the slightest grasp on the reality of this situation.
@138 Uh-huh. Gonna use your highly-touted precision weapons to carpet-bomb densely-packed civilian areas? Nice work. Maybe you should hire a demolition consultant?
“Government ministers, newspaper columnists, ordinary people – they’re all asking why the BBC doesn’t say the Hamas gunmen who carried out appalling atrocities in southern Israel are terrorists.
“The answer goes right back to the BBC’s founding principles.
“Terrorism is a loaded word, which people use about an outfit they disapprove of morally. It’s simply not the BBC’s job to tell people who to support and who to condemn – who are the good guys and who are the bad guys.
“We regularly point out that the British and other governments have condemned Hamas as a terrorist organisation, but that’s their business. We also run interviews with guests and quote contributors who describe Hamas as terrorists.
“The key point is that we don’t say it in our voice. Our business is to present our audiences with the facts, and let them make up their own minds.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I wasn’t a reader then, but I’ll bet this wasn’t BBC’s editorial policy when the Luftwaffe was bombing British cities. Well, wait a minute:
“And it’s always been like this in the BBC. During World War Two, BBC broadcasters were expressly told not to call the Nazis evil or wicked, even though we could and did call them ‘the enemy’.”
So is it OK to call Hamas “bastards”?
Many dictionary terms become loaded, politically or in other ways, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be used objectively, or that objective reporting is compromised by their proper use. “Terrorist” is such a term.
A person who engages in terrorism.
One who favors or uses terrorizing methods for the accomplishment of some object, as for coercing a government or a community into the adoption of or submission to a certain course; one who practises terrorism.
Terrorism, in its broadest sense, is the use of intentional violence and fear to achieve political or ideological aims. The term is used in this regard primarily to refer to intentional violence during peacetime or in the context of war against non-combatants.
Hamas’s intentional targeting and wanton slaughter of civilians, in furtherance of whatever its aims are, looks like the dictionary definition of terrorism to me.
Whatever BBC’s editorial shortcomings may be, though, BBC News is still far superior to Doctor Dumbfuck’s “sources” (Fox News, Gateway Pundit, Commander Salamander, etc.).
$2.99 at the Wawa in Millsboro
Oh he’s normal, as normal as a Heterosexual Neanderthal with the deadly virus.
@144 I disagree. “Normal” and “Doctor Dumbfuck” don’t belong in the same sentence, unless “normal” refers to someone else. HNs aren’t normal, either; it isn’t normal to murder people. Dumbfuckery isn’t normal, although unfortunately it’s fairly common. Doctors without empathy or compassion aren’t normal, but thank God are very rare, although that mutant species is known to exist on Whidbey Island.
So now we’re hearing Egypt warned Israel three days before the attack, but Netanyahu was busy reading “My Pet Goat” upside down in Hebrew, and 94% of Israelis blame him for the disaster.
He can further add to his luster by starving innocent Palestinians. That will really cement his legacy in Israeli and world history.
In Aurora, Colorado, which has sports of America’s worst police, a jury has convicted a cop of negligent homicide in the Elijah McClain case.
Israelis aren’t alone in their dislike of Netanyahu. Of course, Trump doesn’t like anybody except himself and Putin, so it doesn’t mean much.
Meanwhile, a state of emergency has been declared in Florida. Keep your children inside. Arm yourself with an AR-15 and barricade the doors. Scan the sky for armed infiltrators on motorized paragliders. Also, habeas corpus is suspended, the Florida National Guard is being mobilized to invade Gaza, and a bus is being diverted from the Texas to Martha’s Vineyard migrant run to extricate Floridians from Israel.
I probably wouldn’t go hang gliding in the red states for a while. You might get shot down.
So, the beheadings of babies in Israel by Hamas is unverified.
I guess that means we’re back to Square One. Death to Israel, then.
Somebody give that NYU student bar association president chick its job back. The internet got a fact wrong. Might have, anyway.
Ted Crud can’t stop lying.
Trump is too senile to be president.
@150 Fog of war. I’m pretty sure there’s going to be “beheaded babies” in Gaza, too, if there aren’t already. Bombs blow bodies apart. Pancaking buildings dismember bodies, too.
But “unverified” doesn’t mean “didn’t happen.” I wouldn’t put anything past Hamas. After all, they slaughtered a defenseless crowd of concertgoers.
Hey Bob, I’ll admit I didn’t read it….all I have to do is drive around and report it it here.
But maybe you want to read it…….you fucking Neanderthal Heterosexual Ape.
“Industry watchers expect prices at domestic gas pumps to continue going down this month, barring any escalation in the conflict that could threaten oil shipments.”
“Prices at the pump remain on track to keep falling in the United States despite the Israel-Hamas war, according to energy industry analysts.”
Not sure what’s going on, on Shitbey Island, but your just a complete Dumbfuck…..how’s Scalise doing? Is he Speaker yet?
Breaking news: Scalise has dropped out of the speaker race.
@155 Can’t be!
Bob said he was the man! Bob is never wrong!
Fuck around and find out.
Surge in anti-semetic threats occurring in this country……..I’m sure from the “Jews will not replace Us” conservative fascists. And it was on the rise in the last 5 years.
Bob is just exploiting a terrible barbaric event for political gain….he don’t give a shit. He is blood thirsty himself.
Why not use white phosphorus in civilian areas? We did in Vietnam. [bunny voice dripping with sarcasm]
A rise of hate in this Country…..we are no better than the current situation in the Middle East…..hate is hate, and unless stamped out here, it will eventually turn into an Isreali-Palestinian Conflict.
Bob would learn from this event, if he was serious about caring about it, in lieu of exploiting it for political gain…..but he got no legs.
When that happened here Dumbfuck was all in with the thoughts and prayers crowd.
@86 & 154
Dumbfuck is tracking the BLS reports but not the actual pump price. There’s a pretty well known organization that’s been doing that for half a century or so.
National (average)
Today: 3.646 Yesterday: 3.663 Week ago: 3.768 Month Ago: 3.836
But the Dumbfuck is SURE that the guy with the Let’s Go Brandon sticker on the Toyota Tundra is looking at that big ass lighted sign and saying, “Gas Prices are WAY up from last month. The BLS said so.” and swiping his card and wondering how it’s possible a fill up on the 22Gal tank is back under $100.
That said, $4.49 Costco, Seattleish. Today. It was $4.89 last month.
Vicious Troll spews:
Wednesday, 10/11/23 at 10:48 am
Congratulations to Speaker-elect Scalise
Vicious Troll spews:
Wednesday, 10/11/23 at 12:16 pm
@ 31
Still has to get through a floor vote. “The final vote tally was 113 for Scalise and 99 for Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan.”
After which both Gaetz and Jordan threw their support behind Scalise.
It’s over.
Oh, congrats to Hakeem as well, for coming in second.
Does the Dumbfuck ever get tired of all the winning?
There is only one reason why Republican Klansman Steve Scalise would agree to withdraw his name from consideration:
There are at least five House Republicans who have informed the leadership that they will vote for Hakim Jeffries before they will vote for him.
“It’s over”.
Corporal Salamander has a battle plan ready, too.
Someone could write a pop song about the shallowness and superficiality of this wholly unqualified candidate.
Trump’s plan to merge his TMTG social media company into a SPAC just lost 1 billion.
“So much winning”.
@162 “and wondering how it’s possible a fill up on the 22Gal tank is back under $100”
The gas station attendant finally spotted and removed the skimmer device. A fill up no longer empties a $500 debit card.
Isn’t calling any Republican candidate from the last decade shallow and superficial a little too much like saying “shit stinks”?
I also think we should all be careful about holding Ms. Haley to a “higher than Republican” standard just because she’s a woman. She’s at least no less shallow and superficial than Mitt Romney or Ted Cruz.
Every time gas prices temporarily drop because of some internal OPEC spat, the rubes rush to buy gas guzzlers. Then they complain when the price goes up again.
And every time, the Arabs who own the SUV dealerships and oil wells laugh at dumbasses who never learn anything.
I wouldn’t put this guy in charge of humanitarian relief in Gaza. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_ohDaPLfyA
It’s DISGUSTING that Murphy Brown has not yet condemned Hamas for their barbaric attacks on innocent Israeli citizens.
What a coward.
I was expecting y’all to lob softballs.
BBC and Reuters report Israel has given 1.1 million Palestinians, roughly half the population of Gaza, just 24 hours to leave North Gaza, including all of Gaza City. The UN is calling on Israel to rescind the order, warning of “devastating humanitarian consequences.” Israel responded by calling the UN’s appeal “shameful.”
McCurtain County, Oklahoma, is a shithole full of Trumpers.
Why can’t they just all get along?
The Republican party can’t govern itself, yet it demands to govern the country.
Losing two weeks in a row of their potentially most productive calendar will stand as a monument to Republican stupidity and failure
Until a week from now when they turn it into three weeks.
Understand, Israel is politically united now around the goal of obliterating Hamas. They have the means, albeit an imperfect means.
They are going through with this.
It’s over
@ 178
They are going through with this.
And Hamas will make it as bloody as is humanly possible. For the cameras.
I love the talk about “climate racism” by a bunch of white protesters. The only black people in the room are the ones employed at the venue.
What, they don’t have many black people living in Baltimore?
This is a given.
Still it does not absolve responsible nation states from avoiding humanitarian catastrophe.
There are a million children in Gaza.
And yes, some of those children carry guns.
And while this mentally ill troll may cite that as an excuse to celebrate the slaughter of children, that slaughter will not enhance Israeli security. It should be avoided. Israel should be encouraged to avoid it. Time and priority should be given to evacuating the children.
Because if not, then the catastrophe that may unfold could damage Israel and her security allies beyond repair and permanently foreclose all possibility of peace.