When Newt Gingrich first hinted at running for President in 2010, I knew it would be fun. Alas, fun has run its course.
Now, after a week of “pre-suspensions,” Newt has gone and quit us. And now that Newt has quit, he leaves behind a set of winners and losers:
- Loser: Newt’s creditors, who will likely be bilked out of millions.
- Loser: Newt’s “Think Tanks” and Not-Lobbying Organizations that have been driven to bankruptcy.
- Loser: Callista Gingirch, who has lost her one and only opportunity to be upgraded from “Third Lady”…
- Loser: Newt’s publisher, who must now put black dots on the remaining inventory of his books before tossing them into the bargain bin. Although, in balance, they probably had an EXCELLENT run of it so far, with a massive donor-sponsored book tour, complete with Guvment-provided security, and MSM-subsidized publicity.
- Loser: The people of Puerto Rico who aspire to Statehood
- Loser: The people of Moon Colony one who long for Statehood
- Winner: Mitt Romney, who can finally do that pivoty, etch-a-sketchy thing.
Leave your list of winners and losers in the comment thread….
Winner: McCain. Everything is a victory for that guy.
Anyone who lends money to this weasel deserves what he gets.
Winner: America, if Newt like Glenn Beck just goes the fuck away..
Loser: America, if Roger Ailes in desperation hires Gingrich and somehow Gringrich doesn’t tank Faux News Channel’s ratings.
Losers: Georgians and South Carolinians; the only states stupid enough to vote for the Newt.