That is, assuming Washington gets a chance to cast its votes, which given past history, I can’t imagine we’ll get to the W’s… especially after Arkansas voted unanimously for Obama. (Well, technically, WA already did cast its votes, 68-26 with 4 absent, but they probably won’t get the chance to announce it. That’s kinda the point.)
Not much of a floor fight, is it?
FYI, Clinton released her delegates this morning, so the cynical amongst you will say that the fix is in. Or, you know, it might be described as a display of Democratic unity. But that’s not a very compelling story, is it? So lets just stick with the former.
Oh the (lack) of disunity! I could have sworn Surreal Mark said something or other about the PUMA movement.. Silly troll…
No more of the McSame…
Obama 2008
This is REALLY gonna’ piss off the right wing hate mongers at Faux News. They’re puny little dicks have been hard for a floor fight all week. And now – oh well, all they can do is hope for a technical foul because McSame sure as fuck can’t shoot a three-pointer. The old fuck probably can’t even pick up a basketball.
That response of pure enthusiasm after New Jersey’s unanimous vote for Barack Obama was incredible! Unless I’m very mistaken, Alice Germond was choked-up for a bit there…
Ok Hillary is about to dial it in.
It’s done for now. We have a candidate.
We will beat McSame. We will beat the tool Rossi. We will put the long nightmare behind us.
But there’s still a lot of work to do.
With Hillary’s motion from the floor, the Soviet-styled “Republican” Politburo is–once again–exposed for the incompetent, wrong-headed, anti-American, totalitarian fools that they are.
Unfortunately, I’m sure that won’t stop the B.S. “Republican” Politburo propaganda mill, designed to get the tinfoil-hat conspiracy-theory vote from the gullible.
Who are the 4 missing / non-voting delegates, I wonder? Any way of finding that out?
@5 “But there’s still a lot of work to do.”
Where do I send my resume to get hired as a hanging judge? Hey, just kidding! I’ll only lock ’em up for 900 years.
FYI, the Arkansas “unanimous” vote was a misreport:
Gwatney (whose husband was shot to death a couple weeks back) said it won’t matter much in the big scheme of things.
New Jersey’s unanimity was more interesting. Was it a scripted prelude to the NM -> IL -> NY yield-and-acclaim routine? Or were actual kneecaps broken in the process?
Jeremy @ 7 — Missing votes are usually superdelegates, since alternates can replace regular pledged delegates (but not SD’s).
Senators Murray and Cantwell did not attend; neither did former Speaker of the House Tom Foley. Don’t know the 4th missing vote, offhand.