I’m hoping that Governor Gregoire doesn’t really believe that she will actually be stopping people from committing suicide by doing this:
Gov. Chris Gregoire is hoping to take the Aurora Bridge off the list of most popular spans for committing suicide, by putting $1.4 million in her supplemental budget proposal to begin building an 8-foot suicide-prevention fence on the historic landmark.
“Installation of an 8-foot suicide-prevention fence with illumination on the Aurora Avenue Bridge will help make the bridge safer and can help prevent suicides,” the governor said in budget documents released Tuesday.
Considering that the Aurora Bridge jumpers can land on buildings, I see some justification for this expenditure, but you have be even crazier than Lou Guzzo to believe that this is something that will save people from killing themselves.
An 8-foot fence, properly designed, will prevent impulsive suicides but won’t stop the person who has contemplated his intended action ahead of time and remembered to bring a pair of bolt cutters.
You can’t stop a really determined person from committing suicide. Several people of jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge twice. At least one of them made sure he didn’t survive his second attempt by leaping onto the deck of a ship passing below.
Proposed National Holiday
I hereby propose that Jan. 9, 2009, be designated a federal holiday to be known as “Bye-Bye Chimp Day.”
Christmas Truce
Roger Rabbit hereby declares a Christmas Truce effective 12:01 a.m. tonight. As a gesture of Christian charity, I will attempt to refrain from verbally abusing our anti-American pigfucking fascist trolls on Jesus’ birthday. Hostilities will resume at 12:01 a.m. tomorrow night.
OOOOPS we are on the samer side.
Damn it.
I was thinking of posting 47 sequential messages I have saved for the occassion.
Abyhoo Roger ..mery xmas. If oyu get a chance i assembles a series of unuausl Xmas images over at SJ.
@4 It’s not 12:01 a.m. yet, so as of right now, you can fire at will.
“We Do Not Torture”
“Waterboarding is a form of torture that consists of immobilizing a person on his or her back, with the head inclined downward, and pouring water over the face and into the breathing passages.
“Through forced suffocation and inhalation of water, the subject experiences the process of drowning in a controlled environment and is made to believe that death is imminent. …
“[W]aterboarding … carries the risks of extreme pain, damage to the lungs, brain damage caused by oxygen deprivation, injuries (including broken bones) due to struggling against restraints, and even death. The psychological effects on victims of waterboarding can last for years after the procedure.
“Waterboarding … is considered … torture by a wide range of authorities, including legal experts, politicians, war veterans, intelligence officials, military judges, and human rights organizations.”
“International legal prohibitions on torture derive from a philosophical consensus that torture and ill-treatment are immoral.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torture
Torture is immoral; Republicans torture; therefore, Republicans are immoral.
Some Holiday wishes for the HA crew:
Goldy, Darryl, Lee, Paul, Geov – keep up the good work guys. Sooner or later I’ll have the opportunity to buy y’all a beer in person.
Roger, may your feet never be harvested for some slob losing at blackjack (or the stock market). Perhaps a trip to the Moonlite Bunny Ranch is in your future, especially if your portfolio keeps growing like it has recently.
SJ – is it me, or do you need a better keyboard? Or maybe a new set of fingers?
Popemeister, keep making my head hurt with your research. Maybe someday you’ll win an election, and while you didn’t beat Hague, you embarrassed the fuck out of the KC D’s for their laziness. Everyone say this with me: THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A SAFE SEAT!
To the Loyal Opposition (Piper, RS, IAFF and perhaps a few others): there is no night without day. I may not agree with you on much, but you guys make some good points, and aren’t afraid to call bullshit on us without descending into the stale old ‘blame (insert D politician’s name here)’ unless it actually makes sense. Maybe I’m just not liberal enough, eh? But I just can’t front on a fellow marching band geek (Piper) or a Fishbone fan (RS – when are we gonna start our own third-party campaign for the Party At Ground Zero?). Or any fireman (four in my family – wouldn’t surprise me at all if you knew at least one of them).
Those Pesky Trolls – Sometimes, just occasionally, you actually bring something to the table. But regardless of that, may you someday learn the error of your ways. After 2008, life is really gonna suck for y’all, eh?
And for two or three certain trolls, who know who they are….. My prediction is pain.
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Yule, Kwanzaa, and don’t forget Festivus! I have to go to work now……..
@8 SJ, as he has previously explained in past comment threads, has a dyslexia disability.
Jan. 9, 2009
Why Jan 9? Inauguration day isn’t until Jan 20. I don’t see any reason to celebrate until I’m sure that fucker isn’t going to do something stupid like suspend the Constitution and stay in office, ‘cos he’s a “war preznit.”
Oh, and Merry Christmas and Happy Solstice to y’all too.
I followed that link. “WhackyNation” is somehow so appropriate a title for a site featuring Lou Guzzo. Jeebus that man has become all kinds of stupid. I don’t remember what he used to say when he was on KIRO, so I don’t remember if he was that stupid then. I’d like to think that maybe it’s just age-related neuronal deterioration, because the thought of such stupid making a living at it for so long just breaks my heart. Of course, I do remember when John Carlson was at the UW “editing” the Spectator or whatever it was called, and he was all that kind of stupid even back then….
Okay, I have to go have a cry now….
@ 9 RR said: “has a dyslexia disability.” (SJ, I hope you don’t mind my observation.)
I think what causes other people confusion about SJ’s posts is that sometimes it seems to come and go (not sure how to word it). Some evenings there is the ability to type almost right on, then other evenings it seems way off kilter. Not poking fun, but I’ve noticed that.
Curious, because my Sister, one of her daughters and one of her grandkids has dyslexia. Think I will read up more on the subject. Tears my heart out that the kids can’t find pleasure in reading or writing. Although, my Sister in her middle age has become an avid reader, so maybe there’s hope.
Happy Holidays to everyone too!
Here’s the “Hallelujah Chorus Nuns”, with a rather awesome display of one of my favorite Christmas Caroles.
Pud’s right. I’m not really Irv Kupcinet. He died in 2003.
But, for many years, he hosted ‘Kup’s Show’ (dedicated to the fine art of conversation),a thing we should strive for in the upcoming year.
I’m on board, Piper, for clarity and civility. I’ll even forgive your ludicrous tone as you grandly address us all with what you call (self-mockingly, I hope), your ‘superior wit.’
It’s Mrs. Gregoire, and it was a stupid and wasteful expediture of an idea to begin with; as she so often proposes. And despite the holidays; I do not care what Roger Rodent spews in response. Like I said before, when and if he gets off the gov’t cheese, then and only then may I skim his delusional drivel. ‘Till then happy holidays!
re 15: If he gets off the govt. cheese, how will Kraft get their corporate welfare?
Compared to you imposter in #14 & 16 Piper is way superior!
Why did you all of a sudden confess. What changed 24/7?
And you claim civility, but you always devolve to the basest of human emotions. I’ll hold judgment.
Piper, I just watched a movie with bagpipes. Surround sound it great. Sound was superior.
Happy CHRISTmas to all and to all a Good Night.
Why Jan 9? Inauguration day isn’t until Jan 20. I don’t see any reason to celebrate until I’m sure that fucker isn’t going to do something stupid like suspend the Constitution and stay in office, ‘cos he’s a “war preznit.”
Why the hell would he prevent another republican to be sworn into office? Geeeesh You libs are so scenical. Merry Chrismas. heehhehe I mean Ho ho ho.
I was looking for some material for Effin Unsound when I came across that Lou Guzzo post. I hadn’t heard about the wall, but I’ve got to write something whenever I agree with Lou on something (a rare, but far from impossible occurrence).
Oh, and one more thing…Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you enjoy your holiday.
With regards to the Aurora Bridge 8-foot suicide-prevention fence, I had to agree with some of Lou Guzzo’s comments, as well as Lee and RR. The money might be better spent towards mental health services. Or WHAT THE HECK – why not even toss that money towards refurbishing some falling down bridges which have been already listed as unsafe?
Should the Big One (earthquake) hit, maybe a few thousands of people – who were NOT intending to die – then wouldn’t HAVE to die a FRIGHTENING DEATH as unsafe bridges collapse from under them. This move just smacks of more “Mommy-ism”. It’s great to play politics with the taxpayers’ money, but where are these fool notions coming from?
Note, my dear nephew (Age 25) and best friend growing up (Age 25 also) both committed suicide at different times, actually a decade apart. Both found under horrendous circumstances. I don’t take the suicide prevention lightly, but frequently there’s not much one can do to stop it. Sadly.
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.
to all ..
Roger ,,
I do not think I ever claimed the honor of being dyslexic. Having written about 300 papers, that would be remarkable.
OTOH, I do seem to be unable to teach myself to type.
I have tried Mavis but she gave up on me.
Merry Havimas to all and to all a good night.
A Merry Xmas gift to all …..
Xmas Decorations From the Wierd Side
@24 Hi SJ! Yes they were interesting photos, thanks for sharing. Tried to comment there but it took so long, I never made the connection.
The decorated tank REALLY gave me the shivers. Now, Clarence Thomas quitting the bench – THAT ABSOLUTELY would be the best Christmas present EVER! As long as he waited til the commander-in-chimp is out of office!
I like the tank too … but the videos from Iraq … horrihle.
Can the bridge hold the extra weight, what’s next do all the bridges and overpasses.
Looks like Gregoire looking for all the votes she can get for her election.
Well, some things a politician just can’t say. Like the fact that when people jump off the Aurora bridge, it can tie up traffic for hours. That turns a personal tragedy into an urban traffic control issue.
Yeah, putting up a fence isn’t going to prevent some people from killing themselves; it will simply change the venue. As a result, traffic on the Aurora bridge will be improved.
Supporting a measure that will improve traffic by sending jumpers elsewhere doesn’t have to mean that you are insensitive to people who want to kill themselves; but that’s a hard argument to make in public. It’s just easier to pretend that you’re doing it out of concern for the jumpers.
Why not open a suicide clinic like they do for baby killing (abortions). Oh yeah, a baby doesn’t pay taxes so they are expendable, an adult pays taxes, can’t let them off the hook.
I confess to NOT understanding liberals. Gregoire would, I’m sure, be appalled if we were to build a fence along the southern border to keep illegal aliens out, no doubt mouthing the liberal mantra that a fence won’t work, they’ll just go around/under/over it. And yet she wants to spend $1.4 million to build a fence to keep jumpers from using the aurora bridge….no doubt forcing them to go hang out under the viaduct and wait for the next earthquake….assuming they lack the wits or the wherewithal to leap from a few hundred thousand other potentially lethal spots in the King county region.
At least she’ll be paying top union dollar for the workers who build the fence. They, at least, will benefit from the squandering of our tax dollars.
“Why not open a suicide clinic like they do for baby killing (abortions).”
That’s a good idea. That’ll give the self righteous pro lifers a whole new pool of people to bother.
Speaking of depressing topics, it looks like the serious corrosion issues are NOT confined to the Steel-Electric boats. In addition to the ferries already permanently removed from service, the Coast Guard is now finding areas of corrosion that concern them in the Evergreen State, Rhododendron, Cathlamet, Walla Walla and Kittitas.
Like the viaduct, these appear to be disasters waiting to happen. Made worse by the fact that the Ferry system is operating under decades old waivers of the standard Coast Guard safety requirements of most passenger vessels in waters as cold as Puget Sound…safety requirements that would actually require life rafts to be available to the passengers if a ferry went down. Considering what bad shapes the Steel-Electrics were in before the corrosion was discovered, the Coast Guard MAY want to re-evaluate that waiver.
@10 ??? Hmmm … I saw somewhere on the internet that it was Jan. 9, and just regurgitated it … I was still half-asleep when I did that.
15, 16 – What government cheese do I get? Cites, please.
For the record, I live on a pension that was taken out of my paychecks, and pay taxes like everyone else. Of course, I’ve stated this before on this blog (many times), and as always, the trolls choose to ignore facts when making their noise, as they do in every other discussion under the sun.
I also pay the full cost of my health insurance. The sum total of taxpayer subsidy of my retirement benefits = $0.00. But don’t let facts spoil your fun, liars.
Make that “liar” because this pertains only to @15.
Rabbit @ 35 says “I also pay the full cost of my health insurance. The sum total of taxpayer subsidy of my retirement benefits = $0.00. But don’t let facts spoil your fun, liars.”
How many years have you been collecting your DSHS State Retirement?
How much did YOU contribute?
What was the investment income on YOUR contributions?
How much have you withdrawn thus far?
Taxpayers did contribute to your retirement…although I understand you withdraw your contributions first.
If you live long enough…taxpayers will be paying Roger Rabbit.
@37 First of all, I receive my retirement benefits from the PERS system. I’ve never heard of “DSHS State Retirement” and, so far as I know, such a thing does not exist. I wasn’t a DSHS employee, I was a state employee who worked for several agencies over the course of my career, in addition to serving as a judge. My contribution was the standard 6% deduction on top of the 7.65% FICA tax on top of the usual income taxes on top of the employee contribution to health insurance premiums (so I had only slightly over half of my nominal pay to live on, which in conjunction with the very low state pay scales, meant we were borderline working poor; certainly, we couldn’t have survived on my income alone, so Mrs. Rabbit had to work). And any and all investment income earned on MY contributions would be MY property, wouldn’t it? What I mean is, if I earn my pay (which I did — actually more than earned it, because in addition to low pay, the heavy workloads typical of state employment meant I typically worked 50 to 60 hours a week, but only got paid for the first 40 hours, the overtime was on me because attorneys are what they call “exempt” employees), then it’s my money isn’t it, and if I deposit it in an interest bearing bank account, the interest belongs to me and not the state or taxpayers who exchanged money for my work, and in the same vein the investment returns on my retirement contributions deducted from my pay and paid into PERS also belong to me. There is not, in fact, one fucking cent of General Fund (i.e., tax revenue) money that goes into the PERS system. But don’t let facts ruin a good speech …
@37 “Taxpayers did contribute to your retirement…although I understand you withdraw your contributions first.”
You understand nothing about state retirement. The only contribution taxpayres make is paying state employees for their work, which is no different than a private company paying its employees for their work. When an employee does the work and an employer issues payroll checks, the money becomes the employee’s private property, regardless of whether the employer is a public or private entity.
Perhaps this misunderstanding (and disinformation) arises from the fact that the state, like most private employers, has not kept up its end of the employment contract, in that it has not paid all of the promised employer contributions (which are part of the employees’ compensation) into the retirement fund — in effect, the state has “borrowed” this money (without the employees’ permission, I may add) during lean times without even a written IOU, simply vague verbal promises that the legislature will pay it back at some unspecified time in the future that never seems to come. And these shenanigans have gone on only in the PERS 2-3 system; the PERS 1 system, from which I derive my pension benefits, is fully funded and always has been, for the simply reason that the employees, not the employer, funded it.
@37 “If you live long enough…taxpayers will be paying Roger Rabbit. Agreed?”
No, because this statement is false.
It’s bad enough to have spent a whole career slaving away for ingrates without having to listen to them bleat falsehoods that they’re supporting me in my old age, when nothing could be further from the truth …
Actually, I don’t encourage anyone to apply for state employment, but if you’re as foolishly idealistic about “serving the public” as I was, and want to consider it anyway, keep these facts in mind:
The pay is low;
The hours are long;
The work is hard;
The bosses are incompetent;
Merit has nothing to do with promotions or raises;
The public you serve is ungrateful and hostile;
Contrary to popular belief, there is no job security;
Society will look down on you, and consider you inferior;
You will suffer much abuse;
And, not least, you’ll have to put up with people who never tire of reminding you of what a cushy deal you have.
Was it worth it? Probably not. Would I do it again? I don’t know, probably not, if I’m reincarnated and have to live another life in this world all over again, I’m awfully tempted to just be a selfish bastard like everyone else the next time. There certainly isn’t much reward or recognition in this world for being a public servant.
But this actually won’t be a problem for most people, because (a) most people don’t have what it takes to survive in public service, and (b) most people wouldn’t get hired for a state job.
Should you insist on applying for a state job, there are some things you should know:
a) The state will not reimburse you for your interview expenses.
b) At least 80% of the time, you have no chance, because they have pre-selected the person they want (in fact, the position may have been created for that individual), and they’re merely going through the motions of advertising the position and interviewing candidates to make it look like they’re complying with the personnel laws.
c) Half of the other 20% of the time, they end up not filling the position at all because of budget shortfalls, a hiring freeze, or whatnot.
d) In short, only about 10% of the advertised positions actually represent a competitive hiring situation, and you have no way of knowing which 10%.
e) State hiring is decentralized, which means hiring decisions are made by local managers, who happen to possess all the same attitudes and prejudices that private employers have; for example, a high percentage of state supervisors refuse to hire anyone older or more experienced than themselves.
f) Merit or qualifications has little to do with who gets hired. Not infrequently, the person making the hiring decision has something to hide, and mainly wants someone who knows how to keep his mouth shut. For example, the one manager who hired me (I later found out) was screwing the administrative assistant in his office (and apparently didn’t know he was sharing her with several of his subordinates).
g) If you’re hired, the state does not reimburse your moving expenses. Also, if you’re promoted, reassigned, transferred, or change jobs during the course of your state employment, the state still does not reimburse your moving expenses.
But if you still want to be a public servant, go right ahead …
#38 Roger Rabbit says:
Ah, that explains a lot about your incessant posting.
Upton@31: I wouldn’t mind y’all opening a donkoinfanticide clinic.
Culling the herd is great thing for us at election time.
I agree with a lot of what you write about being a public servant. It’s unfortunate that people so often have such a snotty attitude toward people working in the public sector.
My own least-favorite display of ignorance occurs when folks, typically unhappy with some information you’ve provided them, feel compelled to note that “I pay your salary.” Wonder how much they’d like it if I showed up at their work, say, on the Microsoft campus every time Vista mucked up, and demanded individual assistance, noting to whatever hapless receptionist I might encounter that “I PAY YOUR SALARY!” simply because I purchased that software?
When you look at what you get for your tax dollar – roads, public safety, parks and recreation, libraries, and on and on, it’s one of the best bargains going. And while the public sector has its share of cheats and incompetents, some of the finest people I’ve known have chosen to work for public agencies as their way of giving back.
@29 We liberals have noticed that fetuses Republicans hold dear become very, very expendable after they’re born.
Why dont they just charge the people jumping off the bridge
a toll like three dollars to jump that way people not jumping dont have to pay for the fence. Roger, how many jumpers will it take to pay for the fence at three dollars each? Quick.
Simple solution, Put signs up “Please jump from the middle of the bridge when clear. Thank You.”
I actually thought about that. They could establish a jumping area where they would land on a boat that could go directly to the funeral home by the Fremont Bridge.
(Note to everyone – don’t take me too seriously today)
Can’t quite understand the anti-Gregoire posts here. Her approval rating is currently near 65%, and she is doing a GREAT job! She will be reelected handily, especially if her opponent is right wing nut job rossi.
Regarding the cost of the barrier, bush spends $100,000 a nminute on his war in Iraq (yes, that is correct, $100,000 a minute!!!) At that rate, we could pay for this barrier in a few hours. While Dumba professes to be “pro-life,” why is he spending all our money to destroy life? What a hipocryte!
You go Gregoire, please ignore the small minority of big government conservatives who don’t have a freakin clue.
Dave, Dave,Dave
“Can’t quite understand”????????????
you’re right, I have some water front property in Arizona for sale.Are you ready to buy////// Are you a newbie to Washington State
No George, I’m not a newbie, I’ve been here for 30 years. Greegoire’s 65% approval rating tells you all you need to know. SHE IS DOING A GREAT JOB!!!
Your president may be interested in your Arizona waterfront property though. Incidentally, he is now very close to killing our four-thousandth soldier in Iraq. That man is pure evil and will burn in hell for what he’s done.
George, I have some great ENRON stock to sell you, interested?
Maybe “Greegoire’s 65% approval rating” But Gregoire doesn’t.
How did the president get in to the mix? I thought the posting where on Bridge jumpers.
“George, I have some great ENRON stock to sell you, interested?”
No live with your mistakes. You could wall paper your bathroom, then every morning you could look at them to remind you of your actions.