OLYMPIA — Walking into a meeting Monday morning with state Rep. Mary Dye, a group of Eastern Washington high-school students didn’t expect to be asked about their virginity.
But visiting as part of Planned Parenthood’s annual Teen Lobbying Day, the group of about a half-dozen got that question from Dye, a Republican lawmaker from Pomeroy, Garfield County. … Dye asked if the students were virgins and suggested one was not, according to the students and Rachel Todd, a Planned Parenthood worker accompanying the kids.
… “I’ve never been in any type of meeting, especially with teens,” Todd said, “where an adult, especially an adult legislator, was so incredibly disrespectful and inappropriate.”
Republicans have demonized Planned Parenthood in their own minds to the point where they feel anything goes toward anyone having anything to do with PP — doctors, nurses, patients, students, etc. This is just another way of attacking legal abortion and I’m sure she sees nothing wrong with it. She thinks she’s doing God’s work by talking this way to these kids.
Bluenoses are always getting caught up in their own perverse need to pry into people’s private lives. She needs to resign.
RR: Funny video and nice “stoner” reference.
Let she who is without sin ask the first intrusive and inappropriate question.
Her district includes Pullman. I hope the students there get out in force and vote her out.
A group of high school students who will soon be eligible to vote will for the rest of their lives remember the day some dip-shit Republican told them sex was evil, don’t ever do it.
Well played.
Distant Replayspews:
This is what I’m saying. Don’t believe for one fucking second any time one of these assholes mentions “right to life”. It is not now, nor has it ever been about “protecting life” etc.
Slut shaming. That is all this is about. The practice of Medicine is only implicated insofar as it provides these miserable sick fucks an avenue for punishment. Which is the antithesis of medicine.
Mark Adamsspews:
Perhaps the teenage girls should have stood up for their rights. Told the Senator we like sex. We are having it. It’s great and our lovers are terrific and we should be able to choose to have sex with who we please and not have to worry about mommy or daddy having a fit and trying to throw our lover in prison. We should be able to have a beer or a joint if we want. The Senator didn’t say anything all inappropriate as our society values the purity of the teenaged female or male. Or do we? Do we do our teenagers any favors by infantilizing them. Oh we send them to prison or execute them, but they can’t choose to have sex?
It was ok for David Bowie to commit statutory rape. Other powerful men have done it with the willing.
Dye apparently had more to say. After singling out the teen leading the meeting, she continued to talk about how sex before marriage leads to “losing your soul” and that every time you do it, part of your soul is chipped away.
Yep, modern Republicanism. We want the law to enforce our religion. There must be corporeal consequences for earthly sin and making more likely you get pregnant and making it really hard to get aid if you had a child is well, the Christian thing to do. For as it I written….
Distant Replayspews:
Pointless distractions do nothing to answer why intrusive conservatives insist on interfering with private medical decisions. Study after study shows that the vast majority of American voters use and support the use of modern birth control. But conservatives attack it under the guise of opposing abortion.
Distant Replayspews:
Ask yourselves this:
Had a Duggar daughter been found guilty of the same criminal acts, would she be a leader in conservative political circles?
This shit is all based on a pre-historic puritanical sexist moral code the purpose of which is to subjugate women. It has nothing to do with protection. It’s about the opposite of protection.
Distant Replayspews:
JEB! has a chapter one of his campaign books titled The Restoration of Shame.
You don’t need to read it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 This explains everything. Finally, I understand: It’s okay for Republicans to do it, because they have no souls to lose.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Almost as bad as Dye, Carly Fiorina hijacked a preschool field trip yesterday to use the kids as props for a Right-To-Life rally.
@10 First of all the woman may actually be stating her own true beliefs. Or maybe she’s a hypocrite but nothing here suggests that.
Still from many American’s point of view she is seizing the moral high ground. Making slut shaming or a disguised attack on abortion ok. The opposing side must be prepared to knock her off the moral high ground and remind her and others that our government is not about protecting her or anyone’s morality. It’s ok within these United States to be immoral and it’s not the governments business. Though if you allow the majority or the vocal minority you end up with poor laws and abortion being outlawed.
You have to able to say it’s ok for women to have sex. It’s ok for good girls to have sex and they are still good girls if they do. Or perhaps we are not such an enlightened nation. As there are a lot of parents who will push their unmarried pregnant daughter out of the house. Or insist she marry. It’s not ok that she be a pregnant un married mother with no man or any support from the sperm donor and the family will not be supportive of her. They will not celebrate the baby or the child and they will not make sure the mother excels in school, ect. Well things are different in Iceland, maybe because they have a long fishing tradition. Unwed mothers are common and supported by their family and by the government and they can use the pill or get an abortion. It is of course ok for them to have sex with who they choose and the government will not get involved.
@15, what on earth are you on about?
Re Dye, all you have to do is look at her crazy smile and you know she’s a fundamentalist. No need to read about what she said.
She should resign.
Republicans have demonized Planned Parenthood in their own minds to the point where they feel anything goes toward anyone having anything to do with PP — doctors, nurses, patients, students, etc. This is just another way of attacking legal abortion and I’m sure she sees nothing wrong with it. She thinks she’s doing God’s work by talking this way to these kids.
She’s probably a stoner, too, and I don’t mean weed smoker. See if you can spot her in this crowd: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNeq2Utm0nU
Bluenoses are always getting caught up in their own perverse need to pry into people’s private lives. She needs to resign.
RR: Funny video and nice “stoner” reference.
Let she who is without sin ask the first intrusive and inappropriate question.
Her district includes Pullman. I hope the students there get out in force and vote her out.
A group of high school students who will soon be eligible to vote will for the rest of their lives remember the day some dip-shit Republican told them sex was evil, don’t ever do it.
Well played.
This is what I’m saying. Don’t believe for one fucking second any time one of these assholes mentions “right to life”. It is not now, nor has it ever been about “protecting life” etc.
Slut shaming. That is all this is about. The practice of Medicine is only implicated insofar as it provides these miserable sick fucks an avenue for punishment. Which is the antithesis of medicine.
Perhaps the teenage girls should have stood up for their rights. Told the Senator we like sex. We are having it. It’s great and our lovers are terrific and we should be able to choose to have sex with who we please and not have to worry about mommy or daddy having a fit and trying to throw our lover in prison. We should be able to have a beer or a joint if we want. The Senator didn’t say anything all inappropriate as our society values the purity of the teenaged female or male. Or do we? Do we do our teenagers any favors by infantilizing them. Oh we send them to prison or execute them, but they can’t choose to have sex?
It was ok for David Bowie to commit statutory rape. Other powerful men have done it with the willing.
Interesting write up here (scroll to second story) This was purely slut shaming.
Pointless distractions do nothing to answer why intrusive conservatives insist on interfering with private medical decisions. Study after study shows that the vast majority of American voters use and support the use of modern birth control. But conservatives attack it under the guise of opposing abortion.
Ask yourselves this:
Had a Duggar daughter been found guilty of the same criminal acts, would she be a leader in conservative political circles?
This shit is all based on a pre-historic puritanical sexist moral code the purpose of which is to subjugate women. It has nothing to do with protection. It’s about the opposite of protection.
JEB! has a chapter one of his campaign books titled The Restoration of Shame.
You don’t need to read it.
@9 This explains everything. Finally, I understand: It’s okay for Republicans to do it, because they have no souls to lose.
Almost as bad as Dye, Carly Fiorina hijacked a preschool field trip yesterday to use the kids as props for a Right-To-Life rally.
@10 First of all the woman may actually be stating her own true beliefs. Or maybe she’s a hypocrite but nothing here suggests that.
Still from many American’s point of view she is seizing the moral high ground. Making slut shaming or a disguised attack on abortion ok. The opposing side must be prepared to knock her off the moral high ground and remind her and others that our government is not about protecting her or anyone’s morality. It’s ok within these United States to be immoral and it’s not the governments business. Though if you allow the majority or the vocal minority you end up with poor laws and abortion being outlawed.
You have to able to say it’s ok for women to have sex. It’s ok for good girls to have sex and they are still good girls if they do. Or perhaps we are not such an enlightened nation. As there are a lot of parents who will push their unmarried pregnant daughter out of the house. Or insist she marry. It’s not ok that she be a pregnant un married mother with no man or any support from the sperm donor and the family will not be supportive of her. They will not celebrate the baby or the child and they will not make sure the mother excels in school, ect. Well things are different in Iceland, maybe because they have a long fishing tradition. Unwed mothers are common and supported by their family and by the government and they can use the pill or get an abortion. It is of course ok for them to have sex with who they choose and the government will not get involved.
@15, what on earth are you on about?
Re Dye, all you have to do is look at her crazy smile and you know she’s a fundamentalist. No need to read about what she said.