While it appears that there will be no official flood of Hurricane Katrina evacuees to WA state, the disaster is still taxing local relief agencies, as victims find their way to our state on their own. Megan Hampson of the Seattle Red Cross just emailed me the following information in response to a previous query:
You probably already know that there are not going to be large number of evacuees sent to our state by FEMA. However I do want to let you know that we have had over 400 evacuees from the Gulf Coast walk in our front door and we are providing assistance and relief to more and more each day. I know that many Red Cross chapters in the state are also working with families who have lost everything. There is still a need for support for these families who were able to make it to Washington on their own.
Gifts to the Red Cross for Hurricane Katrina will go to all the victims of the Hurricane, regardless of what state they are in so please feel free to share that information. If you wish to target donations for evacuees in Washington State only, then you should make your check payable to the American Red Cross and write “DR081”, the name of the Red Cross disaster operation in Washington State, on the memo line of the check.
So if you want to support the Katrina victims seeking refuge in WA state, make out a a check payable to “American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund”, be sure to write “DR081” in the memo field, and mail it to:
The American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund
PO Box 24325
Seattle, WA 98124-0325
There are number of other ways you can help in the local relief efforts, so for more information, or to make a donation online or by phone, go to the Seattle Red Cross Hurricane Katrina Relief Effort page.
I would also like to remind all my readers that I will be co-hosting a Red Cross fundraiser Monday evening, September 19. The event was originally slated to benefit Ron Sims’ reelection campaign, but Ron decided to change the focus to a worthier cause. You are all invited to attend… but for those of you who need an engraved invitation, this is the best I can do:
This is a great opportunity to meet Ron Sims (and, um… me), and have a glass of wine and some good conversation while helping a worthy cause. I hope to see you there, checkbook in hand. Please R.S.V.P.
What happened to the “Adopt a Looter” program I suggested. Woulda been a great way to get some actual King County residents to vote for Sims.
Is this a stealth voter registration drive? Augment Sims/Logan with some faraway absentee ballots?
I can see the spin, “in efforts to enhance citizenship, protect poor Lousisana voter rights, Ron Sims airlifting ballots to New Orleans.”
Mark the RN–
I’ll bet absolutely ZERO of the LEFTIST PINHEADS would ever even consider bringing a destitute Black family of complete strangers into their own homes, would they. This is yet another “feel-good” political opportunity for Don Ron Sims King….trying to profit politically on the backs of poor destitute blacks pretending to feel their pain. It’s disgusting.
So what kind of wine are you serving for a $100/person?? Does the bottle even have a cork in it?? I’ll bet it’s not as good as the Dutch Bill Creek 2002 Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir I picked up yesterday. Unbelievable!
Go ahead and pretend this is about the “victims”. It’s about as transparently politically as anything I’ve ever seen.
Goldy, you could save money on hors d’oeuvres and wine by not having this “party party” and simply sending the food and wine funds to the victims too. That would, of course, not result in the obvious photo-op…would it.
My guess is all told about $5000 will get spent on food, drink, donations. What fraction of the cash outlay ends up as food/shelter, etc for the Katrina victems? Typical Dem solution, spend big, get little..
Cynical @ 3 – Geez, I see why you use the handle you do. Do you really think the LEFTIST PINHEADS are like that? I thought they were caring and compassionate. Why wouldn’t they walk the talk? You’re not suggesting that they’re hypocrites are you?
Typical wingnut blather.. Pathetic..
I am down in LA right now helping out. (watch out a right-winger with a heart?….no way)
I am finding out that the media (don’t care who’s side your on) is tilting the disaster to meet their needs not the needs of the people. Things would probably be better here if we could just shoot a few reporters. Fuck it, shoot them all.
I am treating fewer patients everyday here. We are being asked to move from LA to Mississippi this weekend. But, we hear that the need for a MASH unit there is even less than it is here.
Being here I don’t hear any blaming of the feds at all about the problems here. In fact I don’t hear anyone (outside of the previously mentioned reporters) blaming anyone.
I haven’t seen any looting here at all. Things seem to be getting better in that regard. If you believe that it was as bad as the press was making it out to be. btw we should clarify that I think there are two types of looters….the ones who take supplies to survive and the fuck-up stealing plasma tvs. They should not be viewed in the same light. In fact calling the ones who take the food to survive, looters is just plain crazy.
Message to goldy….I had asked about giving a donation to stop a certain big box retailer from coming to my neighborhood. your message helped convince me to give $2500 to the cause….now after watching walmart at work down here I think i should ask for my money back….they have been awesome. (I won’t ask for it back) Every time I turn around there is a truck from Wal-mart dropping off supplies (water, food, clothes) to us to help those in need.
so to those on the right and the left…shut the fuck up and send some money. this isn’t a game down here.
Now that I have all my conservative brothers in one area, I have a question. Seems like your boy king Bush, realizing what a Public F-cking Relations Disaster this Katrina mess was for his Administration, has decided to become an honorary Democrat. To quote Joe Conason:
To Republicans who believe that poor people are responsible for their own plight, his blunt admission of racism as poverty’s underlying cause was ideological heresy. To them, his demand for “bold action” to lift people up from destitution — as a public duty, no less — must have sounded like a disturbing echo of FDR, JFK or LBJ. To others, including me, it was refreshing to hear him describe the reality that conservatives like him have so studiously ignored or distorted for so long — and acknowledge forthrightly that government must act to alleviate suffering and encourage change. Perhaps one of his pusillanimous assistants dared to mention that poverty has increased every year since he took office. (Or maybe that little fact turned up in the soundtrack of his Katrina broadcast DVD.)
200 billion in social work programs to rebuild the Coast. FDR would be proud. Sure wish I can figure out were Dubya is going to find all this money for discretionary spending without raising taxes. Maybe he will pull it out of his Ass.
BTW eotB, my appreciation for your help in NOLA. Like so many others who have responsibilities here at home, all I can do is contribute to Red Cross and such. And while you are right on about the people of NOLA wanting help, not politics, HA is a political blog, and the people that visit it have strong opinions. While I am happy that your Big Box is helping out, it does not excuse them from their business practices; anymore then Bushes offer of disaster relief excuses him from his political decisions. I will continue to oppose both.
Are you going to ask Sims about this?
and live up to your title as Best Activist/Hell Raiser or are you now officially a Sims Yes man?
It’s interesting that you keep calling Sharkansky David Irons campaign manager yet you’re peddling as fast as you can to make Sims look good.
While I would be reluctant to support any thing Ron Sims and his cronies touched (and perhaps pocketed a percentage of?), I honestly wish you good luck with your fundraiser. Better yet… How about setting a goal that if you raise X number of dollars, Ron Sims WON’T show up?
Another serious note… Be very careful with the tax deduction language. If people receive goods or services in (partial) exchange for their donation, they must deduct the fair value of those things from the donation amount. This may or may not apply in situations where a third party is providing the event and the money is written directly to the charity. YMMV.
Enough Bullshit. Amen brother. These LEFTIST PINHEADS don’t do shit. All they do is glad hand each other on their bakcs and feel good. Not one of them would bring in a black family, yet they call PacMan Lionel, not a black man a racist. Lefties, YOU ARE THE RACIST SHITS! Thanks for bringing it home Enough_Bullshit. Only in the minds of progressive leftist nigger haters would they say this shit and have no apologies for it. We are looking to bring a black family up from NO. Wife has started the machinations. SO FUCK YOU LEFTIES!!! Who is the racist asshole now. So much for compassionate “progressivism”. And you still can’t comprehend why more people vote against your thoughts and perceived deeds. We overspent our September budget because it is the Christian thing to do. You give until it hurts. But what does Lucite say: We’s house niggas. FUCK YOU Lucite!
Commander Ogg, you quote from Salon, the LEFTIST of the LEFTIST PINHEAD web sites? Ha ha ha. It’s donk policies that keep po black peeples po. Just ask PacMan, as he escaped the continual poverty bind your “progressive” thought white guys put on blacks. But wait, PacMan, he left HA!!! Maybe he’s visiting SP, CaptainsBlog or other more forthright sites.
Hey, Goldy,
Where’s our sandbox? I feel the need to rant a bit about the latest verbal vomit from Crawford Cindy – “George Bush needs to… pull our troops out of occupied New Orleans”
“Filtered” for life!! Bye guys!! JCH, Big Island, Hawaii
Huh? Funny how thos “more forthright sites” ban people who disagree.
Huh? I guess that is Neo-con forthrightfullness for you.
Mr. Cynical has an excuse for being cynical… it’s in his name. But the rest of you… fuck you.
This is a Red Cross fundraiser, and Ron’s presence will help attract guests… period. The food and drink is being provided by the hosts, and the checks are being written directly to the Red Cross.
Are you really so filled with hate and anger that you can’t possibly see any good in people who disagree with you politically? If so, I pity you.
Goldy@14: Not until you stand up and denounce Lucite. It ain’t us who wrote those nasty words “house nigger” “YOU ARE A NIGGER. YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND THAT. YOU CAN BE OUT IN MASSA”S COTTONFIELDS (and you will) WHEN HE SEES FIT.” “Are you Lionel”. We get more CYNICAL of your and your leftist buddies intentions each and every hour of each and every passing day. We righties would rather send our money to non-political activites.
Report back to us on how it goes.
I may be Cynical but results are results baby.
Oh and don’t let any of those LEFTIST PINHEADS leave that house tipsy…my guess is Seattle’s finest will be keepin’ a close watch.
And be sure to have Ronnie take a bath before THIS event. The overwhelming stench of chicken noodle soup slightly drown out by cheap cologne will not help the pledges!!
You see Goldy, when blacks see the “YOU CAN BE OUT IN MASSA”S COTTONFIELDS (and you will) WHEN HE SEES FIT.” inference means that Lucite is looking for a Hilary win, and if she does to us it means she will put blacks back in their place. So blacks like Colin, Condi, Rod, Nigel, JC, etc. will become field “niggas” again? WTF? Can’t you open your eyes to racism? No, that was a rhetorical question.
GBS: I am so surprised at you! You just lost a friend and no public amends.
Er, What are the salaries of the Red Cross executives in attendance? [hehe]
Here’s a funny. Donks find out their policies hurt them. – “Press reports described how life-long gun control supporters were even running to gun stores to buy an item they never thought they would need – a gun. Tragically, they were surprised (and outraged!) to learn there was a 15-day waiting period upon firearms.”
Another funny. What’s up with FEMA in 1999? – “Hillary Clinton has been making the rounds on the morning talkshows attacking FEMA under Bush. She conveniently overlooks the state of FEMA during her husband’s term when Hurricane Floyd struck.”
I certainly hope your comment @ 14 weren’t directed at me @ 10. I said wished you GOOD FORTUNE on your fundraiser and, well, made a mild smartass comment about Sims, but…
And the tax advice was serious and for YOUR protection (because you are backing the “tax deductible” phrase). A quick call to the IRS office in Seattle should clear it up. They can be quite friendly and helpful if the mood strikes.
You need to relax a bit and not always assume that every criticism is malicious.
On the less serious side, you said, “Ron’s presence will help attract guests… period.” I bet if you had a pay-to-play Ron Sims Dunk Tank, you’d attract DONORS!
Goldy, just saw rerun of Leno, where Adam Sandler auctioned himself off to make out w/ an audience member..
Inspired by that, how about “Ron will answer honestly to elections questions” (put that up for bid, heck i’d toss a couple hundred (w/ proceeds going to katrina)
Or if Goldy would publicly say, “Blanko also was at fault” gee. another $200 to the victems..
Yes it’s a fundraiser, ostensibly for the red Cross and while that is honorable the real question to be asked is Cui bono? “Good for whom?”.
And, of course, the answer is thinly disguised but still, Ron Sims, aka, Asinus asinorum in saecula saeculorum.
You can give here OR here without having to be lectured on home training by the disasterous Mr Sims and you can be sure your generous contribution will benefit the VICTIMS and not the politicians.
Get off your fucking soap box.
I’ve answered your charges and PacMan’s too, on the other thread. Go read them, please.
I’ve countered with my own questions regarding racism that PacMan has never answered in regards to the RNC’s Republican Southern Strategy. Do that for me, will you please.
I’ll go shoulder to shoulder with you on the racism deal, but you have to do the same acknowledging certain ass holes on the right defaming Gold Star Mothers is as equally going over the top as saying “House Nigger” or any other form of the word.
If won’t go the same distance, and as often condemning those on the right defaming GSM, as those calling PacMan a nigger, then nope, not me, I won’t stand with you defending PacMan.
So, it seems the ball is in your court, Puddybud.
Peace out.
I’m sure you can email PacMan and let him know I’ve replied to his charges.
Thank-you for the insults, one and all. Now once again, how will Bush pay for the 200 billion dollar recovery project? He just said he will not raise taxes, or rollback the tax cuts to the 1/100th of 1% of the richest Americans.
I’ve got a news flash for you Gee,moreBS – just because the hapless sheep is sadly and regretfully a Gold Star Mother, that does not give her a free pass to be a big mouth jerk.
It may indeed have, at one time, entitled her to sympathy for the painful loss of a child far too early, but quite frankly she wore that one out about a month or so ago when she decided to jump up on her honorable son’s gravestone and yell “Look at me”.
She has no more or less PAIN/authority/valued insight than any other parent who has lost a child in war or any other way at far too early an age.
What she does have that 99% of the OTHER Gold Star Mothers don’t have is a big mouth, an ego the size of Texas, an insatiable thirst for the limelight, Michael Mooron, George Soros, Code Pink, True Majority and Fenton Communications pulling her malleable strings, and, of course, her sparkling new and very lucrative deal with Speaker’s Bureau, which means that now as well as being USED FOR her childs death, she is now PROFITING FROM her childs death.
Ogg @ 27 – Because it’s OUR FUCKING MONEY you greedy asshole.
Mr. Cynical: I’m sorry I called PacMan Lionel! From the way marks describes him, he’s more like Sluggo from the Mr. Bill cartoons. Guess I better watch my step!!!!
And I’m glad that you are going to help a poor black family. But don’t expect it to be easy. Black people can be stressful to be around 24/7. Believe me , I know.
I’m not even going to remind you about what Jesus said about Pharisees who go around braggin’ on themselves about their good deeds. Whoops! Guess I just did. But I know you’ll forgive me, ’cause that’s the Christian thing to do.
If you see PacMan tell him Headless said he doesn’t have to hide because I made fun of him. Hell , that’s what equality is all about!! He can be Shaft if he wants to.
More insults but no answers. Third time is a charm. How will Bush pay for the 200 Billion Dollar recovery effort? He just said he will not raise taxes. So I guess he will simply print more money. Deficits already in the trillions, but what the fuck.
Dubya can not run for reelection so it will be SEP(Somebody Elses Problem).
Let’s keep electing Republicans until it’s too late. Then we can have the satisfaction of saying: “See! I told ya so!”
And they’ll mumble something about GOD”S vengeance for gay sex or some such inane thing and we’ll finally realize that we will spend eternity alone because some people are beyond redemption.
lucy& GBS–
You cocksuckers are pathetic.
You tapdance around PacMan like he is some fragile man filled with millions of sensitive nerve endings. Someone so sensitive that a few unkind untoward comments by a couple of jackasses like you might hurt his psychy. Your follow-up to PacMan is actually more condescending and racist than your idiotic comments. Do you think PacMan cannot handle jabs from you LEFTIST PINHEADS??? God are you idiots pathetic.
Why doesn’t PacMan speak for himself? Why? Because if you keep trying to trot him out everyone will see that he doesn’t exist. Thanks Cynical though for your help with the Negro problem.