Vice President Joe Biden faces off with Congressman Paul Ryan this evening at 6:00 PM. I’m about a mile from the Montlake Ale House in stop and go traffic, blogging while stopped.
If you can, please join the debate party at the Ale House.
6:03: [Darryl] GAME ON!
6:04: [Darryl] Paul Ryan lies on his second sentence. He says it took 2 weeks to call it a terrorist attack. In fact, Obama called it a terrorist attack the day after.
6:07: [Darryl] Whoa…Paul Ryan goes off into La La land…
6:07 [Carl] Ryan is annoying as fuck. Whenever someone says “Apologize for America” I want to scream.
6:10: [Darryl] Biden stumbles at the end of a good build-up, but essentially he successfully defended Ryan’s “weakness” bullshit.
6:12: [Darryl] Did anyone bother to prep. Ryan on the news of the day: (1) The Benghazi consulate was a CIA outpost, and (2) Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) Republicans cut funding for state dept. security.
6:13: [Carl] Moderator: “There’s no bigger national security issue than Iran.” Loose nukes?
6:17: [Darryl] Paul Ryan channels the Ayatollahs! That’s probably easy for him—you know, another reactionary religious fanatic.
6:17 [Carl] Ryan: “They’re spinning their centrifuges faster.” Is that the issue? I don’t know nuclear issues.
6:20: [Darryl] Biden calls Ryan on THE BIG MYTH: Iran is building a weapon. They aren’t.
6:23: [Darryl] Joe gets the last word: “This President doesn’t bluff!”
6:26: [Darryl] Joe gets to do a passionate stump speech. Ryan comes back by suggesting unemployment is getting worse!?! Does he think he can get away with that?
6:28: [Darryl] Ryan inserted a canned anecdote but it isn’t clear what it has to do with anything!
6:29: [Darryl] Joe gives his own death anecdote (a much more personal one), but it is ALSO off topic. These Bozos need to read the fucking COMMENT POLICY!
6:30: [Darryl] Mmmmm…Green Pork!
6:33: [Darryl] I’m probably biased, but from what I see, Biden is cleaning up when he points out that Ryan wrote advocating for stimulus funds.
6:36: [Darryl] I just figured out that Carl Ballard was trying to co-blog with me (virtually). So I updated with his queued stuff. Sorry Carl!
6:38: [Darryl] “Folks, follow your instincts on this one” — Joe Biden on the Ryan Medicare Voucher program.
6:39: [Darryl] Ryan: “They were caught with their hands in the cookie jar to fund ObamaCare”. Ummm…that is a very creative way of spinning cost savings that you, yourself proposed.
6:41: [Carl] When Ryan says he worked with “an Oregon Senator” that Oregon Senator already called him a liar.
6:43: [Darryl] Joe will not let young Eddie Munster get away with anything!
6:45: [Darryl] Paul Ryan’s hair is sweating something fierce!
6:47: [Darryl]: Shorter Ryan: Tax cuts for the wealthy will grow the economy! Didn’t we try that for 8 miserable years that ended in an economic calamity???
6:46: [Carl] I’m listening to this on the radio, like when I thought Obama did fine, but I think Biden is winning.
6:49: [Darryl] Ryan repeats Mitt’s lie about the “six studies” that support their “math”. Note to Republicans: Editorials don’t count as “studies”.
6:52: [Darryl] Biden is more effective on criticizing the Romney/Ryan tax program because he feeds specifics right back at Ryan. I don’t think Ryan is used to people seeing through his bullshit so easily.
6:54: [Darryl] The moderator said something about “math”! The Wingnut “BIAS” shitstorm begins in 3, 2, 1…
6:52: [Carl] The deficits are the least to worry about when the economy is on the rocks.
6:57: [Darryl] Now that I know that Paul Ryan sat with a Native American in Afghanistan in 2002 I may have to rethink this whole “voting for Obama” thing!!!
6:57: [Carl] Finally an hour into the second debate, we can mention the war.
7:02: [Darryl] Ryan tries to equivocate between keeping the deadline but not “emboldening our enemies” by giving a deadline.
7:01: [Carl] Ryan fucked up his growing abroad / not at home zinger. Parallel construction isn’t that tough.
7:05: [Darryl] Fuck…I’m voting for JOE!
7:07: [Darryl] Paul Ryan gets into some bizarre head movements while talking about fighting seasons. That’ll make for some fun YouTube remixes!
7:09: [Darryl] Sheesh…I’m pretty fucking sick of Biden making gaffe after gaffe….
7:10: [Darryl] Oops. I meant “pummel”, not gaffe.
7:11: [Carl] This anti-UN stuff from Ryan is making me think he hasn’t read Romney’s book where he praises the UN.
7:13: [Darryl] There are only 13 people in the world who knows Romney praises the UN in his book…and OUR Carl Ballard is one of them!
7:14: [Darryl] Ryan is pro-life because of “science”. Ryan saw a heartbeat in a itty bitty bean. That makes him believe life begins at conception. (Note: It doesn’t…a sperm and an egg are as alive as a fertilized egg.) So, I’m not sure where the science come into it.
7:14 [Carl] Remember when all of our trolls said Obama was making a mistake keeping Biden?
7:16 [Carl] I’m glad they’re talking about abortion, but throwing Catholicism in there is dumb.
7:18: [Darryl] Biden also believes that life begins at conception. But HE DOESN’T CLAIM THAT IS SCIENCE.
7:19: [Darryl] Ryan disses one entire branch of our government with his “unelected judges” comment. Why does he hate the Constitution? I mean if Jesus wanted judges elected he would have put it in the Constitution!!!
7:24: [Darryl] The candidates are asked about the nasty tone of the campaign. When Ryan goes, he launches into a nasty tirade. BIG TIME FAIL!
7:26: [Darryl] I remember just the other day…I was walking down the street and some homeless, runaway debt crisis tackled me! FUCK those tackling debt crises.
7:21 [Carl] So, looks like one abortion question, and it looks like there won’t be anything about the Violence Against Women Act being held up and only talked a little around birth control. Hard to believe that women are 52% of the population and are allowed to vote in this country.
7:29: [Darryl] Closing time…every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.
7:30: [Darryl] Ryan accuses Obama of “higher taxes”. NOT TRUE. BIG LIE.
7:32: [Darryl] Ryan asks me for my vote. “Fuck no…I’m voting JOE!”
It’s over. I’d be a big supporter of Paul Ryan if I wanted to invade Syria and Nuke Iran. Woooooohoooo…Bush-style Cowboy diplomacy all over again!!!!!
Apparently, Paul Ryan has requested that he not be addressed as “Congressman” Ryan, but “Mr”. He’s been in Congress for 14 years, but wants the rubes to think that he is a newbie to Washington.
@1 Don, that can’t be true of the Republican Intellectual Leader! :-o
“Unraveling before our eyes”
Biden is speaking to Ryan like he’s an idiot. I love it.
These guys are so concerned with the debt they created. Ha!
Social Security isn’t going broke. This is a dumb question.
What the fuck is a cookie bank?
I know that we liberals know that Ryan is spewing bullshit and that ultimately, ours is the better candidate. But I’m really really worried about the aftermath of this debate. Biden is actually not doing well stylistically. And that’s pretty much all that matters in this game.
@7 Carl:
“Each dream you uploaded will have its own internal “Cookie Bank” that can store any number of cookies. The Cookie Bank of all dreams will empty every 2 days. Dreams uploaded by Silver Sponsors have Cookie Banks that last 4 days, and furres that have a dream package assigned to them will have Cookie Banks that last an amazing 8 days. The cookies a furre has in their possession will still expire every day.”
Link for my 6:41 update
Uncle Joe is KICKING ASS
Small businesses don’t pay federal income taxes on revenue or wages. The federal income tax on businesses is on profit only. Payroll tax is a different matter, but no GOP candidate is saying anything about payroll taxes (other than to end Medicare).
If a business wants to pay less in federal income tax, all they need to do is hire someone and pay them.
Ryan was a victim of introducing “The New Math” into the curriculum at St. Mary’s Catholic High School in Janesville.
@0 7:09: [Darryl] Sheesh…I’m pretty fucking sick of Biden making gaffe after gaffe….
Right, eh? Tho when Biden makes a “gaffe,” the Left-wing winces, the Right-wing jeers, and Independent voters in swing states say, “No shit! Finally a politician is saying what I’m thinking!”
Ryan: UN bad, bad, BAD
Ryan: We must go through the UN
I will never again be able to see Ryan and not think, “Bean”. Bean Ryan.
There are only 13 people in the world who knows Romney praises the UN in his book…and OUR Carl Ballard is one of them!
I wrote about it here. I should keep writing about that book, but that sort of petered out.
. Oops–edit [Nevermind]
Moderator: “If you were elected, what could you give to this country, as a man, as a human BEAN…”
Bean-O Ryan (What a gasser!)
Biden 2016!
Biden: “You talin’ ’bout my mother, little man!”
Beaner in closing: How does a guy memorize a closing and then look like he’s reading it from a teleprompter?
Bean-O Ryan: “Wouldn’t it be nice to have a job-creator in the White House?”
…I thought the government can’t create jobs?
A couple of comments:
1) A Vice President debate has never been significantly consequential in an election. It has been consequential at the margins. The margins are close and significant for the Congress (it’s arithmetic, so Republican supporters can’t understand), so this debate has significant consequences.
2) Vice President Biden’s performance (and his, like Ly’n Ryan’s was a performance) has surely stemmed Andrew Sullivan like panic amongst Obama supporters.
3) Uncle Joe kicked his ass.
4) The “selection” of a Vice President is the most important and ONLY significant presidential decision a candidate can make. Ryan’s failure tonight shines the light on ROMNEY’S INABILITY TO LEAD, just like Palin.
5) Uncle Joe kicked his ass.
Lies and more LIES from
Rmoney/Ly’nGekko/Galt:Today Slick Willard Rmoney said
My GOD! The death of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stephens is a terrible tragedy, but was he, as Presidential Candidate Gov. Mitt Rmoney said “assassinated“?
So, Rmoney is saying Ambassador John Christopher Stevens was specifically hunted down and murdered (Assassinated!) at the Benghazi consulate? Really?
Hey! HA douche bag, Cap’n Kornflake,
Who does America think won this debate?
Your lying SOB, House Republican Intellectual Leader, Paul Voucherize your Medicare Ryan?
Or gaffe machine Vice President Joe proud to come from middle class Scranton roots Biden?
Tell us your opinion Bob!
Who would be a better Vice President; DICK Cheney or Paul Ryan?
Who was the worst Vice President of all time?
Hint: DICK Torture is fine or I’ll shoot you in the face Cheney
Paul over at the slog has found the vid which perfectly describes tonight’s debate
Keen observation by Ezra Klein
Poll: Biden takes debate over Ryan, uncommitted voters say
Ryan has a weird, wizened, little widow-peaked noggin with what appears to be the last glob of Brylcreem left from the 1950’s rubbed in:
Female voter #1: Do you like him?
Female voter #2: Nah…. I dun like ‘im.
I just can’t wait to hear the opinions of the various undecided voters that the networks think are important for all of us to cogitate on.
Let’s get a panel of demented 96-year old nursing home residents to comment on the social relevance of Twitter feeds…’bout the same thing.
Isn’t it bliss?
Don’t you approve?
One who keeps tearing around,
One who can’t move…
Where are our Trolls?
Send in our Trolls.
Isn’t it rich?
Isn’t it queer?
Losing their timing this late in Slick’s career.
And where are our Trolls?
There’d needn’t be Trolls…
Well, maybe next year.
Uhh… Where’s Bob, the KLOWN, the asshat troll and PuddyIdiot tonight??
Biden must have killed it.. Our trolls are loading up on talking points as I type I’m sure.
Had to support my kid in one of his sports activities tonight but I’ll catch highlights and see what the pundits have to say.
@35 YLB, ‘but, but, but, but …
Seriously, this was a pretty even debate. And a helluva good performance from both candidates. Sorta like a full 12 round professional boxing match that is close enough for a split decision. Actually, more like a full old-fashioned 15 round match, before they cut it back down to 12 rounds.
Such a good performance by both candidates, that almost everyone is going to say that their preferred candidate was the winner. And that objective observers are pretty evenly split.
Would be nice to see strong performances by both candidates in the remaining two presidential debates.
The one point that will be walked back in a hurry is Ryan saying he and Romney agree on privatizing Social Security. Today’s GOP, nothing but old ideas.
Hey ylbuttspigot,
Different time zone diarrhea stain…
David Gregory NBC… Biden Condescending
Gloria Borger CNN… Biden Condescending
CNN Focus Group… Biden Arrogant
FOX Focus Group… Biden Arrogant
CNN Poll Ryan Wins by 4%…
CNBC Poll Ryan Wins by 20%…
Biden interrupted Ryan over 80 times in debate…
New twitter hashtag – #ThingsThatMakeBidenLaugh
Biden on Libya… “We didn’t know they wanted more security”… Fact check time… Flat out lie! State Department Cables proved otherwise. Congressional commentary by LtCol proved otherwise.
There you go buttspigot.
ylbitchslapped AGAIN!
Puddybud @ 39
What CNBC poll? Do you have a link?
There was no doubt in Puddy’s mind George Steponallofus would call it for Biden. Of course Chris Matthews had to make up for his rant of last week.
7:26: [Darryl] I remember just the other day…I was walking down the street and some homeless, runaway debt crisis tackled me! FUCK those tackling debt crises.
Yeh That’s what Greece, France, Italy and Spain though!
Notice the Crisis on the street in those countries, the millionaires and billionaires moving themselves and their businesses out of those countries.
Biden was the most disrespectful person I have ever seen in a debate. Instead of looking at Ryan, he was content to act like a spoiled child and snicker, make faces, laugh and continually interupting.
He was a disgrace to watch. Period!
@ 40, Richard, the CNBC “Web Poll” is here
Biden now leads by +8
zzzzZZZZzzz.. Same old right wing maroon..
Biden wiped the floor with that Randroid idiot.
LOL! A right winger so vile even Paul Ryan has to pull his endorsement:
This is the kind of knuckle dragger this party draws.. Whigs style extinction is long overdue for this crowd. It can’t come too soon.
You know what’s the difference between Sarah Palin and Paul Ryan?
via Charles P. Pierce
Followers of House Republican Intellectual Leader, Paul Ly’n Ryan, (a.k.a. trolls)
What did this statement of Ryan’s mean?
Is Gekko/Galt proposing privatizing Social Security?
That’s absolutely correct Sarah!
The old lady moderating the debate did nothing to help Paul Ly’n Ryan and prevent him from getting run over by his opponent.
Who will protect little Paul from the meanies?
Oh noes!
7:32: [Darryl] Ryan asks me for my vote.
No, he didn’t. And Biden wasn’t playing to me, either.
I doubt much changed after last night. Each man played to their base. I saw two instances in which Ryan was hurt; predictable instances. He’s still standing.
The takeaway for me is that Ryan won undecided women in CNN’s poll thingie. I watched on CNN and was struck that the undecided women voter response trend line was so often positive and above the men trend line when Ryan spoke. To me, that suggests that the war on women meme Dems have been pushing isn’t working.
Response line of the night, to me:
Tonight, Joe Biden is embodying everything that women hate about talking with men.
It’s about the economy. Always has been. Will be at the end.
Joe Biden Beat the Shit Out of the Brains of the Republican Party Tonight, and He Did It for You
Krgthulu twists the knife this morning with Voucher Denial
@50 Cap’n Kornflake,
Biden takes debate over Ryan, uncommitted voters say
Biden: 50%
Ryan: 31%
Tie: 19%
CBS News Poll… And fact checking BiteME by CBS News…
While at ABC News This is why others called the debate for Ryan… Puddy relayed the links from the State Department fiasco of Wednesday in Congress.
Why facts like these are bumming Obummer…
Went and looked at the CBS News poll…
Van Jones said… Ryan acquitted himself well. Oh Noes…
Meanwhile Paul Begala said… Biden restored DUMMOCRAPTIC morale… Wow powerful endorsement.
That’s all Republicans need. More flushing of the $$$150+ Million of Obummer ads down the toilet. Please waste more of your funds Mr Obummer!
W A S T E D!
@ 53
Yes, Biden won the CBS poll.
And Ryan won the CNN and CNBC polls.
I’m sorry, did you have a point? Do you want to run a Monte Carlo?
Spoke 11 minutes longer!
No wonder CBS libs claimed BiteME won. He acted just like your standard everyday progressive libtard… HA libtard too!
It’s a little early to tell, I suppose, but for those who insist that a winner of the VP debate be crowned, my suggestion is that the victory goes to the party who runs the most ads using debate footage.
Seen one so far from GOP. You can guess – it’s Biden laughing during moments that cutaways look to be inappropriate.
Any yet from the Dems?
@ 58
Spoke 11 minutes longer!
CNN’s clock had the difference at around 2 minutes. It only seemed like Biden spoke endlessly.
Curious data point from the VP debate:
Ryan mentioned Obama 25 times (10 times as “Obamacare”), while moderator Martha Raddatz used the word only four times, and Biden only once.
I remember Lieberman talking endlessly about Al Gore. Biden doesn’t shout out to the Big Cheese but once?
Recently some leftist libtard wrote Republican budget cuts was the cause of the Benghazi attack… It was Nancy Moron Pelosi who first proffered it and some leftist fool jumped up and down and placed it on HA.
Now hear this… Now hear this…
Oh noes… you can read the transcript yourselves!
Tom Brokaw took issue with Biden laughing during the nuclear questions.
Tom Brokaw… NBC News retired leftist.
Sez much!
Gotta love this… Thanks Stephanie!!!
Puddy always finds the good stuff…
I love the sound of Republicans whining….usually means their lies are being exposed or their schemes defeated…LOVE IT!!
@ 65
Get used to the sound of whining, Lib Despair. At 8 pm on November 6th it will be an involuntary utterance emanating from your pie hole.
Gotta love this…
The ship of fools is taking on water….
I’ll bet $748k goes a LONG way in Missouri…
(same link as @67)
OOOOOOOOOOO…you’re so intimidating…NOT.
That’s all you got?
Oh Noes… Now that the dust is settling and the fact checking has begun… it surely sucks for Joe BiteME!
So how the WaPo delivers the SMACK Joe led CBS libtards in believing…
1) There were no memos for additional security
2) Obummer’s sadministration didn’t read a calendar
3) Ignored AQIN (Al Qaeda in Northern Africa) transmissions
4) Weren’t going to train Libyans in security measures
Wow… now even CBS News admits Biden has much to do…
Well at least CBS News is being honest for a change… Must be their internal polling has shown as people reflect on the Libyan answer and other GAFFES from BiteME, they have to be ahead of this one!
Seems like Tommy Thompson is all worn out…
Neither does Wisconsin, it seems.
Nope just providing BiteME GAFFE fact checking… And BiteME is failing…
@ 67
So, Obama’s lost four points in a heavily blue state. Am I reading those numbers correctly?
Man the dunceman is really a dunceman… There are 3X more DUMMOCRAPTS than Republicans in MA.
Scott Brown is fine dunceman… There are more instances where Warren is hiding her law practice appearing all over the place. Of course the libtard press isn’t covering it. It’s slowly trickling out.
This is an EXCELLENT take-down of little Eddie Munster, er, Paul Ryan.
Read the whole thing – it’s fucking excellent!
@ 75
Well, to the extent that people formulate their opinions based on Esquire blogs, yes, it is a takedown of Ryan. And not a cross word of Biden spoken in the piece.
And yet, Lib Despair, two of the three major polls taken last night have Ryan as the ‘winner’.
Good luck with that impression you seem to have that Biden’s performance was masterful. The only thing Biden’s performance was successful in doing was to keep the Dem base interested in the outcome of the election for another week.
How about inept? From Charles Pierce dunceman? As lefty as they get dunceman. How about someone credible? Puddy put forth Tom Brokaw… admitted retired leftist news pinhead. Credibility… lacking in your commentary!
I take it as the best indication that the debate went well for Biden that Pudsucker felt compelled to jump in here with one of his typical attempts to stifle any intelligent discussion of the subject at hand.