I’m not much into the idea of publishing endorsements, because anybody who reads me regularly should already know where I stand on the races I cover, but I thought I’d make an exception to mention a race I haven’t written much about: the Seattle City Council contest between Robert Rosencrantz and Mike O’Brien.
Vote for O’Brien.
In the end, it really comes down to values. O’Brien is a progressive Democrat and Rosencrantz isn’t. And while I don’t object to having a couple Republicans on the council to mix things up, it’s not like the council is currently a haven for radical lefties… and it won’t get any more so with the imminent election of Sally Bagshaw.
I’m just sayin’…
I saw a Rosencrantz ad on TV that said “Mike O’Brien wants to make toll roads out of all the roads!!!!” and I thought to myself: that’s not such a bad idea.
Rosencrantz isn’t a Republican, just a less progressive Democrat than many of us are here in the Emerald City.
That said, his anti-O’Brien ads have horribly misrepresented and misstated what Mike says. Worse, he’s semi-acknowledged that that’s the case, but hasn’t pulled the lying ads. If he wins against a candidate who has consistently taken the high road throughout the campaign, it’ll be a real shame.
I urge my fellow Seattleites to vote for Mike O’Brien.
The fishwrapper endorsed Rosencrantz. ‘Nuf said.
The Seattle Times editorial board evinces a peculiar attraction to slimebucket politicians.
The right wing kooks at Sound Politics endorsed Mikes’ opponent, deeming him a conservative.
That’s all you gotta know.
@5 Kind of like our HA trolls salivating over the prospects of seeing Hutchison in the KCE office.
Yup, that’s all you gotta know.
O’Brien’s “I am B school grad” and I am aggona watch over the Tumnel were a bit too … welll … tea baggy for me to consider him a librul..
“Vote for O’Brien.”
fuck, no
he is too fucking stupid to articulate current tolling methods on 167 and how he would apply them everywhere in Seattle.
Eyman is a slimebucket. That’s obvious; we’ve had long experience with that fact.
Rosencrantz is not a slimebucket. He’s an honorable guy who made some bad campaign choices, and he’s less progressive/liberal than O’Brien on most issues. But he doesn’t deserve to be called names.