“Disintermediation.” That’s what this is called. First the Internet enabled politicians to connect directly with voters, disintermediating the legacy press out of the equation. Now tech savvy politicians like Darcy Burner are attempting to use the Internet to connect directly with voters, disintermediating political advertising out of the equation… and the high-priced, professional media consultants who create it.
Sure, it’s a little rough and homemade looking, but that’s because it really is homemade — Darcy actually recorded and edited the clip by herself. No doubt, as the campaign moves into full swing, she’ll have to delegate these kind of tasks to others, but this personal touch is a great way for voters to meet Darcy the way I’ve had the privilege of meeting Darcy… getting to know her as the kind of funny, smart, passionate, hardworking person we need more of in Congress.
Oh, and as Darcy mentions in the video, she’s one of the top-three finalists in Democracy for America’s Grassroots All-Star competition; the winner will receive DFA’s first endorsement of the 2008 campaign cycle, and a huge boost to their election prospects. Second round voting ends Wednesday, so vote for Darcy today!
She’s so media savvy that her website last time was never updated and she never answered questions sent to her campaign via the site. She was all over the map on getting the US out of Iraq. She’s another empty suit.
Disintermediation – Also a term used to describe the advent of the money markets in the US, where investors could buy money market instruments rather than dealing directly with the S&Ls.
Off topic, and I hate to nag, but there have been quite a few developments in the tainted gluten scandal since you last blogged about it….I know, I know…get my own damned blog….
I like the video.
John Edwards has done the sort of “real life on the trail” type videos. They’re excellent. Why politicians insist on putting their own message through a disinterested, skeptical media is beyond me.
ugh… If Darcy Burner could have come up with an actual platform other than “I’m against everything the George Bush stands for” she would have won the election against Dave Reichert. It would have been easy. But all she ever said was what was wrong, she rarely, in my view, addressed what she would do to 1. Stop it, 2. Change it, 3. Make it better for our residents.
If she can get a clue, then I’ll support her, but what we don’t need is a ditto head who will just tow the party line because they don’t have any real ideas themselves, regardless of which party they are from.
Other than that, the video was fun to watch. Hopefully she can connect with her potential constituents more this time.
Tlazolteotl @3,
I’ve got two separate posts I’m working on. But this story requires actual research, and it takes time.
Spineless @5,
Anybody who spent any time with Darcy, and heard her speak in person knows that she was quite specific on the issues and about what she wanted to achieve in Congress. That didn’t come across well in her TV ads, and the news media focused on almost nothing but the horse race. That’s why she needs to find a better way to communicate with voters, other than 30-second spots, and lying Times editorials.
If Darcy Burner could have come up with an actual platform
Why does Darcy need disintermediation? There is no right-wing Seattle newspaper subverting her message. The Times is center-left at best, and the rest are further left yet.
Could it be that’s she’s an empty suit without enough qualifications to get elected to the school board, much less congress? She couldn’t take the 8th District in the best year the D’s have had in nearly forever, why is 2008 going to be any different? She’ll lose again.
The Times is center-left at best
Darcy like all Dems in 08 should have a cakewalk.
The war in Iraq will finish killing off what little chance the right wing traitors had of stealing another election. In addition to the dozens of scandals, felony convictions and other ills that have fallen on the Bush regime, all Publicans are doomed. Even today, the Tillman debacle is being displayed for all to see. We’ll finish what we started in 08 and Darcy, who by all rights shouldn’t have even had a chance last time but still nearly beat Rubber Stamp Reichert – well she will win easily this time.
What is the purpose of the estate tax?
I really hope that Darcy does not run in 2008. If she runs the 2008 campaign like she did in 2006 she will lose, again. And for the same reasons. Lack of experience, and not campaigning in the south half of the district. I live in South King County, I could not even get a sign for my yard from her campaign. Offers to help where replied with: “come to an event in Redmond.”
Lack of experience,
What is the purpose of the estate tax?
Her hair is the same shade of yellow as her teeth.
Why politicians insist on putting their own message through a disinterested, skeptical media is beyond me..
Oh, Will. As if their being disinterested and skeptical was really the problem with the media!
Her hair
The argument Goldy proposed as a basis for this thread is bogus anyway. The Internet is just another medium, like print, radio, television or the side of a bus. It’s rapidly being commercialized, and its content is becoming ever more sophisticated. All that’s going to happen is that “experts” are going to get paid bazillions of dollars to produce campaign stuff for the net as well as (not in place of) those other more traditional media. And in the long run, there’s no guarantee we’ll get better people in office.
Dave Reichert is NO friend of the military. He votes against our troops about 40% of the time garnering a rating of “D+” from the non-partisan military group IAVA.
Voting for Reichert is voting against our troops.
The only people I can see not supporting our troops are Anarchists, al Qeada, and Republicans.
I’m willing to put my money where my mouth is for anyone who wants to challenge me up to $5,000 that Republican politicians do not support our troops more often than Democrats with their vots.
Anyone willing to take my challenge?
Here it is: We use the IAVA site that has tabulated ALL legislation that effects veterans and their families since September 11, 2001 and ranked each member of congress depending on if they vote for or against the measure supporting our troops.
If overall Republcians vote to support our troops more times then Democrats I’ll pony up the $5,000. If however, my claim is true that Democrats support our troops more often than Republicans I get the $5,000.
Since MTRK is a known welcher, and Puddybud took more than a year to save up for a $12 lunch, all wagers will need to be in cash or certified cashiers check and held by a 3rd party before we settle the bet. It’s the only way to avoid dishonest betters like MTRK who avoid paying or delinquient payers like Puddybud.
I was honored to vote for Darcy Burner for you Goldy.
Although the vote wasn’t for you, it was for another man too.
A man who hunted down the Green River killer until a succesful arrest and prosecution.
A man who knows evil and stands UP TO – not away from – evil.
A gentleman who knows how to take care of a gentlelady, namely the Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.
A independent thinker who has irritated Hugh Hewitt, the Bush Administration, Sean Hannity and I as well.
His name: Dave Reichert.
dave reichert is a useless right-wing tool like you, “josef”
Fuck You and Sheriff Hairspray.
Oy. Mike The Mover could beat Sherriff Hairspray in 2008.
@1 She nearly kicked Blowdry Boy’s ass, and she’ll do better next time. You fuckers had your day; you’re done, toast, gone.
@2 Do we taxpayers have to bail out these investors after the so-called “subprime” (read: reckless and irresponsible lending to uncreditworthy suckers) market collapses and threatens to drag the whole economy down? How much will it cost us this time?
Another fucking market failure.
@5 “who will just tow the party line”
This poster is a wingnut for sure! Probably the same one who misspells “toe the line” in all his posts.
GOP Tired-Cliche/Lie #13: Democrats have no program, they just criticize Repubs.
If Democrats have no program, how come wingnuts are always finding fault with it?
In American culture, “Republican” has become synonymous with “liars” and “lying.”
An Army Ranger, in testimony to Congress today, said he was ordered to lie about Pat Tillman’s death and threatened with consequences if he didn’t play ball.
Tillman’s family accused the Pentagon of “intentional falsehoods” and “deliberate and careful misrepresentations” — and wants to know how far up the chain of command the lies originated. We know generals were involved. They believe it’s inconceivable that Rumsfeld wasn’t involved, and unlikely that Bush himself didn’t get into the act.
Jessica Lynch, testifying before Congress today, said the U.S. government concocted falsehoods about her rescue.
Betcha these damned Republicans are lying to us about how far the tainted gluten got into the human food supply, too.
@8 “The Times is center-left at best, and the rest are further left yet.”
Yeah right, Delbert. The Times is a champion of fair taxes and sticks up for the little guy when out-of-state rightwing corporate panhandlers make another run at our wallets. Lame.
GOP Tired-Cliche/Lie #9: The rightwing-controlled media are liberal stooges.
@11 The main purpose of keeping the estate tax on the books is to remind the working class they are mere dirt under the heels of the rich.
Here’s how it works: People who work, earn wages, support themselves, and carry the wealthy class’s freight get about $10,000 of deductions before they’re taxed.
People who don’t work, did absolutely nothing to deserve their money, and live off other people’s labor get $2.5 million of deductions before they’re taxed.
Yep, that’s what the estate tax is for — to serve as a constant reminder that the wealthy are FREELOADERS.
Plus, the government doesn’t want you to forget that only SAPS work for a living. Our society detests workers, and discriminates against them in every way possible, especially when it comes to taxes. The message is clear: If you work, you will be punished! Capital gains is the only way to go. Work is for suckers. No one should work.
@12 Is that you, Christmasghost?
@15 Looks like Kevin Carns got his dildo stuck up his ass again and can’t pull it out.
Probably. BIAW pays him by the word.
@22 Bwa-ha ha ha har har har! Keep playing that old fiddle, Josef! Your sweetie is in bed with another man. Even your right hand is cheating on you!
Here’s the deal, good buddy: It took Sheriff Blowdry 25 years to catch the killer, who was right under his nose all along, meanwhile 48 women died. But it doesn’t matter because most of them were hoes, right?
As for standing up against “evil,” Shurriff Davey, like most Republicans of his generation, supported the troops by not joining them. Probably just as well because I wouldn’t want HIM in my foxhole with VC prowling around!
Davey’s military record:
– Graduated from high school in ’68
– Went to junior college and got student deferment in ’70
– Joined Air Force Reserves in ’71 so (a) he could say he “served” and (b) because the Air Force isn’t the infantry and the Reserves aren’t active duty.
What a pathetic piece of shit.
Any Republicans want to make a quick $5,000?
See my post @ 21.
12–Redmond? I thought all her events were in Seattle….
Puddybud, MTRK, any conservative, want to make an easy 5 grand?
It’s put up or shut up time about who supports our troops. See my post at 21
PS: $3 magnets made in China that say “support our troops” slapped on the back of your SUV’s don’t count.
YO: I’d make the offer to you, but I’ll save you the embarassment to having to admit you don’t have an extra $5 bucks let alone $5,000.
04/24/2007 at 2:29 pm
No, you are “a pathetic piece of shit”.
1) One of my clients served as a Major in the US Air Force at the same time. Got in some dangerous places. Absolutely ethical guy.
You don’t know jack diddly shit about danger or evil and you just proved it.
2) Sheriff Reichert was a deputy once, too. This wasn’t some pencil-pushing and key-pounding woosh.
No, the Sheriff didn’t violate civil liberties. Suppose the Sheriff was wrong and got the wrong guy. You’d squeal and you know it.
3) Sometimes the person who starts the name-calling is the name they call people. It’s called in psychology projection.
37 Roger, be careful you aren’t making an implied statement that generally disparages reservists and Guardsmen.
For that matter, who knows what Dave’s motivation was at the time. It’s been an awful lot of years and people change. I don’t recall (correct me if I’m wrong) he had some rich, well connected daddy to prearrange for him to get it easy and safe.
Mind you, this doesn’t mean I think he’s anything but an empty suit in his current gig.
IAVA is an astroturf ‘non-profit’ established by the Democrats to provide cover to their cowardice.
Source: Powerline “…”Paul Rieckhoff, founder and executive director of the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America,”…
“Rieckhoff, however, delivered the Democratic Party’s official weekly radio address in May 2004. I understand that he was also a delegate to the 2004 Democratic National Convention and a New York State Chairman of Veterans for Kerry. The implication that he is a nonpartisan source is fraudulent.”
WORST…VIDEO…EVER! (Comic-book man style)
Yo Roger –
I’m an info junkie, I listen to NPR, read the Times, read blogs (both left and right) and even catch a little TV news once in a while. There are a few token conservative voices published in the Times and I’ll grant Blethen has a bug up his butt about the estate tax, but the Times is solid center-left in their editorial/political outlook. You just have no contrast in this town. In Tulsa, I’d be a democrat and y’all would have been tarred and feathered as commies.
Yeah “delbert”…
POWERLINE is an absolutely unimpeachable source…
…for the very latest insane right-wing talking points and arrant bullshit.
Stupid, gullible fucking Republican fuckwad, you are.
Iava site quote.
“To calculate the Ratings, IAVA reviewed all legislation voted on in the Congress since September 11, 2001. For each piece of legislation that affected troops, veterans or military families, IAVA took a position either in support of, or in opposition to its passage. The letter grades were derived, using the scales below, from the percentage of times that each legislator’s vote matched the official IAVA stance.”
Ok, GBS – Who derived the “official IAVA stance?
Committee of one, Paul Rieckoff? who knows?
We do know that the would be John Kerry is ambitious..Just like the real deal. All he needs now is a wealthy heiress to marry, and a presidential election to lose.
The american people can see who supports the troops and who doesn’t. Just ask the troops.
37 and 42
This is exactly the way lefties support the troops. By disparaging the service of reservists and guardsmen.
Thank you for your support.
tool chicken hawk.
IAVA positions do not reflect the mainstream.
You are a useful idiot for me, the modern day John Kerry!
GBS $12? The bill was almost $50!
Darcy? Darcy Burner? Who the hell is that? Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Wasn’t that that miserable, inexperienced, incompetent, whiney bitch that got her azz kicked by Davey? Justifiably so I may ad. Next dead horse please…..
looks like she’s in an SUV too! hah
josef @
Dave GoodHair doesn’t stand up to evil, he stands next to it.
Wonder if Darcy’s friend driving the car is married?
Mark1 @ 51
Yeah, he “kicked her ass” so bad that he beat her by a smaller percentage as an incumbent than he received when he BARELY won the seat against lame Democratic candidate Dave Ross. Now, without the advantages of the Republican leadership setting him up with soft votes he can run on, it looks a lot like the “dead horse” is the one Dave rode in on.
Paul @ 47
We asked them. 72% of them said that they “think the U.S. should exit the country within the next year, and more than one in four say the troops should leave immediately.” Why do the troops hate the troops?
Puddybud, my cut was not $50. You’re the one who invited PacMan, plus our bet was that you buy me lunch, not buy us lunch.
So the $50 claim is totally inflated. But, hey, whatdya expcect from a conservative — The truth?!?!?!?
Baaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa
Oh, shit, I almost peed my pants on that on! Whew, funny stuff; a conservative telling the truth.
No takers on the bet, huh?
Yeah that is EXACTLY what I expected from you GIGANTIC PUSSIES!!
Nice job of attacking our troops by the way. Of course, that’s no different then what you FUCKERS lied about John Kerry a fellow combat veteran.
Always willing to sacrafice everyone elses kid except your own. AND certainly you’re too much a pussy to actually enlist yourselves.
Paul Riekoff is no Liberal, read his book sometime, he just goes with the politicians who will support the troops.
Republicans consistently fail to support our troops.
That’s a fucking fack, and one you are ashamed of but won’t admit it.
Everyone knows, even you. And as for the troops, that support for the GOP is going to the Democrats and fast.
Remember what happened to you TROOP HATERS in 2006 because you’re going to get a lot of the same in 2008. Plus you’re going to get your teeny, tiny balls kicked up to your throat by Nancy Pelosi and the House Demorats.
darcy is such a terrible candidate. If you can’t win the year that EVERYONE WINS how the hell do you expect to win in what will lilely be a regular electoral year. She is a terrible candidate; naive, lame, pretentious and boring.
If Darcy had not so blatently lied about her job experience, or lack thereof, she might have had a chance.
I worked with Darcy; she’s way high-strung, tempermental, and a BS artist. She disappears for long periods of time. She doesn’t follow through. She yells at people who disagree with her. She’s condescending. She lies.
Despite agreeing with her politics in most cases, I could not vote for her for personal reasons. She’s a fake and a fraud.