The Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally meets tonight (and every Tuesday), 8PM at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E.
Of course, tonight is election night, so expect a greater flow of folks in and out of DL this evening. I’ll be arriving a little late, and leaving a little early, party hopping, depending on results, and how happy or depressed I am.
I’m really at a loss to predict how things will turn out. Money has played a huge role in a number races which would have easily been one-sided without the huge influx of cash on the other side (some of it illegal.) R-67 shouldn’t even be close, but $12 million bucks buys you an awful lot of votes, and of course Bill Sherman should have had a comfortable win in this 2-to-1 Democratic district if not for the $300,000 in unopposed TV selling Satterberg as the non-partisan he’s not. And then there’s Prop 1, where months of lying ads have convinced untold voters that the Roads and Transit package has a $157 billion price tag. We’ll see.
Either way, I don’t expect to live blog tonight unless something extraordinary happens (and I have access to a computer,) but I’ll post a full wrap-up in the morning.
Not in Seattle? Liberals will also be drinking tonight in the Tri-Cities. A full listing of Washington’s thirteen Drinking Liberally chapters is available here.
I will be there tonight and I’ll be waterboarding SeattleJew. :)
Damn! I wish I could be there to see that!
@1 – I don’t think it counts if you use beer and let him up to go pee…
It depends. If it’s a Coors product, it’s still torture.
“R-67 shouldn’t even be close, but $12 million bucks buys you an awful lot of votes,….”
Should read” “R-67 shouldn’t even be close, but $12 million bucks buys you an awful lot of advertisements to peddle insurance companies lies….”
It’s a repitition of “The Big Lie” philosophy of propoganda. Repeat a big enough lie often enough, loudly enough, and stick by it despite any evidence to the contrary, shouting down all opposition and depriving opponants of the media in which to counter the lie, and at least a core of believers who “want to believe” the lie will accept the lie. Such is the insurance companies’ insistance that a proposed law which merely levels the playing field will bring about “frivilous lawsuits”. Of course, in the eyese of insurance companies, all claims are frivilous or exaggerated to the point of fraud, even if they are “forced” to pay them.
The phrase “like sex in a canoe” comes immediately to mind.
Does Montlake Ale House even stock Coors?
@1 Lee …
Should I bring an attorney? I hope you are insured?
BTW .. please use water , not beer .. I am diabetic ya know?
Oh, and can I choose a retalitory form of torture/nontorture?
How do you feel about ritualistic sexual embarassment? I have a gay friend who I can hire to come on to straght guys. Now that is torture!
Should I bring an attorney? I hope you are insured?
Oh, I don’t leave my house without being insured against the possibility that I might torture someone.
BTW .. please use water , not beer .. I am diabetic ya know?
Let’s compromise. Bud Light?
Oh, and can I choose a retalitory form of torture/nontorture?
Do your worst.
How do you feel about ritualistic sexual embarassment? I have a gay friend who I can hire to come on to straght guys. Now that is torture!
I’m not sure how that would be torturous (I guess I can, actually), but I think I’ll refrain from encouraging you to come up with something worse than that.
That’s why the insurance industry is pleased as punch about R67 regardless of the election outcome. The campaign gave the insurers an excuse to flood the airways with their tortured nonsense by which future potential jury pools are poisoned. You repeat “frivolous lawsuit” and “greedy trial lawyer” enough times and pretty soon frivolous and lawsuit and greedy and trial lawyer become inseparable in the public mind. So, the insurers’ $12,000,000 has been well-invested no matter what happens tonight.
Hey, I can bring a gay guy I won’t even have to pay….top that!
Sorry, as a diabetic even Bud light is out of the question.
Diet Coke anyone? (I prefer Pepsi)
This does, however, raise intriguing ideas for a beer commericial …
Camera panning over an alpine scene, up and over a ski slope to a cave where bearded man are gathered around a bound, clean cut obviously American young man.
They chatter in a foreign language, laugh a lot, and put arms aroun d each other while pointing at the American. The one of them, looking oddly like Ann Coulter in a guy suit, holds uo a bottle of beer .. it is Coors!!!!!!!!!
She or he pours it over the Amercians face as he struggles to breath, finally burbling I will tell you!!! I WILL tell you!!!
The robed and bearded ones step back and the one with the gauint vissage of Ms. Coulter says , in English, yes ….
“Tell us! ”
The American, looking a lot like Hannity but with bear wet hair, rises form his bonds, big smile on his face and says …”
Coors .. for those times when WATERboarding is NOT the only choice!” (Emphasis on word water.) Coulter, now with beard off and Hannity put arm around each other, turn to screen with big smiles, holding up two bottles …. screen fades to sounds of a mountain brook.
They win either way because whom do you think is going to get nicked for the money they are spending on this?
I expect to see rate increases in about 6 months to cover the 12 million bux.
Sorry, as a diabetic even Bud light is out of the question.
Diet Coke anyone? (I prefer Pepsi)
This does, however, raise intriguing ideas for a beer commericial …
Camera panning over an alpine scene, up and over a ski slope to a cave where bearded man are gathered around a bound, clean cut obviously American young man.
They chatter in a foreign language, laugh a lot, and put arms aroun d each other while pointing at the American. The one of them, looking oddly like Ann Coulter in a guy suit, holds uo a bottle of beer .. it is Coors!!!!!!!!!
She or he pours it over the Amercians face as he struggles to breath, finally burbling I will tell you!!! I WILL tell you!!!
The robed and bearded ones step back and the one with the gauint vissage of Ms. Coulter says , in English, yes ….
“Tell us! ”
The American, looking a lot like Hannity but with bear wet hair, rises form his bonds, big smile on his face and says …”
Coors .. for those times when WATERboarding is NOT the only choice!” (Emphasis on word water.) Coulter, now with beard off and Hannity put arm around each other, turn to screen with big smiles, holding up two bottles …. screen fades to sounds of a mountain brook.
gurgle gurgle
Hmmm .. something ain’t working .. the following message will not post .. I get a message that it is a duplicate nut the message it self does not post!
Is someone fulling around with my civil rights?
Sorry, as a diabetic even Bud light is out of the question.
Diet Coke anyone? (I prefer Pepsi)
This does, however, raise intriguing ideas for a beer commericial …
Camera panning over an alpine scene, up and over a ski slope to a cave where bearded man are gathered around a bound, clean cut obviously American young man.
They chatter in a foreign language, laugh a lot, and put arms aroun d each other while pointing at the American. The one of them, looking oddly like Ann Coulter in a guy suit, holds uo a bottle of beer .. it is Coors!!!!!!!!!
She or he pours it over the Amercians face as he struggles to breath, finally burbling I will tell you!!! I WILL tell you!!!
The robed and bearded ones step back and the one with the gauint vissage of Ms. Coulter says , in English, yes ….
“Tell us! ”
The American, looking a lot like Hannity but with bear wet hair, rises form his bonds, big smile on his face and says …”
Coors .. for those times when WATERboarding is NOT the only choice!” (Emphasis on word water.) Coulter, now with beard off and Hannity put arm around each other, turn to screen with big smiles, holding up two bottles …. screen fades to sounds of a mountain brook.
gurgle gurgle
chadt says:
Hey, I can bring a gay guy I won’t even have to pay….top that!
11/06/2007 at 4:41 pm
Folks he is pimping his girl friend.
I’m sure you have some proof of the illegal contributions.
Someone is spreading a false rumor that Hooter’s in Seattle is closing down. NOT true.
In fact, I understand that Stefan is panning a righties version of DL to meet at Hooters!
SJ has been hired by SP to come up with a name that captures the scene. I will share my profits with whoever comes up with the best name between now and next week.
I’ll start.
“Boobs and breasts”
“Chickenhawks and chicken wings”
“Battered wingnuts”
“Stefan earns the nickname Mr. 10% at another establishment”
Wingnuts, No-nuts, and Too-nuts,
Military may relax standards for recruits. What a surprise. They may have to relax them all the way to Klake’s level if they want HUMAN recruits. Assuming Klake is….never mind.
When driving home from DL, keep an eye out for plummeting cattle. It can ruin your day if a cow falls on your car:
chadt says:
Military may relax standards for recruits. What a surprise. They may have to relax them all the way to Klake’s level if they want HUMAN recruits. Assuming Klake is….never mind.
chadt you may be able to enter the Army if you crimes we commited before you were 18 years old. There still no wavers for cowards no matter what age they may be today. Hate to disappoint you but I retired last June after serving thirty years in the military. After sixty years of age you can’t stay in any longer. They did not lower that standard nor do they believe in sending troops after 55 into the battle field. Now if you are interested I could make some arrangements to get you in the military. But you still have to take a drug test. Are you up to serving your country? Hell what about the Pease Core you can still take drugs and help people make something of themselves. They don’t mind if you are a trasnvestite as long as you work real hard. Sweet dreams chadt you mother still loves you.
See what I mean about plummeting cattle?
BTW, Klake, I’m 64 and I enlisted during ‘Nam. I kind of doubt that you could get me in. I did, however, survive it without severe brain damage.
Latest on the election front: GOP incumbent Ernie “pardon me” Fletcher goes down in flames to insurgent challenger Steve Beshear.
Congratulations, people of Kentucky.
That’s why the insurance industry is pleased as punch about R67 regardless of the election outcome. The campaign gave the insurers an excuse to flood the airways with their tortured nonsense by which future potential jury pools are poisoned. You repeat “frivolous lawsuit” and “greedy trial lawyer” enough times and pretty soon frivolous and lawsuit and greedy and trial lawyer become inseparable in the public mind. So, the insurers’ $12,000,000 has been well-invested no matter what happens tonight.
You should sue. hehehehee
Hey, this isn’t going like last years intern erection…. oh I mean.. midterm election.
I’m still waiting to hear from Jane Ballough’s Pussie.
Then again, JANE BALOUGH’S DOG is a Pussie.
Pussy Sotelo
@ 19,
My god, they had to euthanize the cow!
Actually, Coors is the only
beerbeverage that has ever made me understand why anyone drinks Bud.I once ran a Pepsi challenge, replacing Peepsi with Canada Dry and Coke with Coors. Canada Dry won every time even wit aficionados of the Rocky Mt. stuff who claimed it was great.
Of course Coors first became well know when Henry K used to have ot flown from Denver of Air Force One. This goes to prove that oyu should always trust Jewish judgment about world affairs because we have no taste when it come to beer.
In fact, as we approach the famous date, 8 November, those of at DL tonight should remember the role a Munich Beer Hall played in Hitler’s rise. If only the Jews in that Hall had not betrayed the Leader, history might have been very different.
Yeah, it ruined the day for the cow, too….
Or, in Henry’s case, presidents.
@ 31,
That’s obvious, but that’s not the point. If they had to euthanize the cow, that means the fall didn’t kill it. Now that’s impressive.
chadt says:
BTW, Klake, I’m 64 and I enlisted during ‘Nam. I kind of doubt that you could get me in. I did, however, survive it without severe brain damage.
Chadt was you the onr my uncle saw smoke dope from a M16 barrel? What year did you join and what branch? Man did you serve with John Kerry? WOW, and you claim you are not suffering from brain damage or agent orange? Let me guest you are a goverment worker and never got paid your just dues. Yep you are right I couldn’t get you in today. But it’s not because of just your age, but you couldn’t pass the physical. Now the drug test could be questionable, but the sex chage is a killer. But all the fun aside thanks for your service and may god bless you in old age.
You are an embarassment to whatever branch in which you served. I hope you suffered a brain injury while you were in the service (and are getting appropriate disability pay), because if you went in as dumb as you’ve come out, I don’t feel very confident about our armed forces. Son, I’ve offered in the past to direct you to the nearest English as a Second Language facility, given your inability to express yourself in our native tongue. My offer remains open.
woot! no new money for the lefties to abuse us with ..hahahaha!
Dino is gonna kick Queen Christine to the curb – people are sick of you moonbats.
Bu Bye!
PROP 1 – 157 Billion in new taxes HELL NO
Even Ron Sims knew
Hello and welcome – Republican Dan Satterburg
Hello and Welcome – Republican Jane Hague (Hic)
Bye Bye forever Democrap Venus (Hic)
I 960 – Hello Hello TIM EYMAN, Bye Bye Gregorie Tax Hikes
Hello Dino Rossi! Soon to replace the Tax happy Bitch!
A bad day in what you all seem to think is a Blue wave!
But for a few brilliant posters such as Roger Rabbit, he has become a rabbit from hell hero, for his stance and brilliance on Prop 1.
I will send a large batch of free Carrots to his continual offspring in his wabbit hole of choice
@7 “Oh, and can I choose a retalitory form of torture/nontorture?”
C’mon, SJ, you’re not really gonna sic Roger Rabbit on him, are you?
12 million bucks doesn’t buy as much as it used to.
The insurance industry has made some bad investments recently:
Roadkill McGavick: $28 million
No on R-67: $12 million
Rabbit laughter in background: Priceless
@36 What are you woopin’ about? Republicans don’t pay taxes to begin with. Never have, never will. A Republican is someone who complains about taxes other people pay.
@42 .. sorry bud. we pay in the top 1% of taxes in THIS state and we always have.
people who dont make much money dont pay much taxes – the rest of us making over 90K a year pay the lion’s share of it.
get thee to an economics class kiddo – you need some actual real world education there.
and yes, I will keep ‘wootin’ and not watch my $9k property taxes per year double! thats a good day for me!
# 19: That wasn’t a falling cow. That was the falling bull market.
@17: “Beers, Steers and Queers”
(With apologies to Revolting Cocks)
@44: brilliant! One of the best deifinitions of a Republican I have ever heard. Here are some more:
A republican is a person who is a gainst the budget deficit except when Republican presidents are in office or we have to beef up the military once again.
A Republican is a person who is against mass transit because they don’t want to subsidize someone else’s ride.
A republican is someone who thinks government should stay out of your life except for tapping your phone, reading your e-mail and deciding who you should be with or marry.
A republican is someone who is against lobbyist reforms because that is how they get paid the big bucks.
A republicann is for simple up or down votes until they are in the minority.
a republican is for decisive actions as long as a coaliton of one (called the willing) can be formed (along with some obscure bribable republics in Eastern europe).