I spent last Sunday afternoon making phone calls for Patty Murray; there’s nothing like one on one contact with other people to get that feeling like you make a difference, and I’ll be back plenty more times over the course of the next couple months. I’d encourage HA readers to volunteer for candidates. Here are the federal candidates’ volunteer pages (except Jim McDermott, who I couldn’t find a place to volunteer on his page, hope he can pull out the election despite that).
And the State Democratic Party can help you find more.
There’s Derek Kilmer and Larry Seaquist down in the fightin’ 26th as well.
Thanks, Carl. I’m doing the same – volunteering for Patty – and it is good to be in that one to one contact with voters again. It does seem that the least we can do in this year is to make certain that we send Patty back to the Senate.
I’d add that many of our Democratic legislative candidates could use our active help as well.
@ 1 and 2
I didn’t mean to snub the legislature (or the initiative campaigns), but I’m not sure what races are the most important. Obviously they are important too.
Daryl Romeyn in the 5th CD
Why would anyone want to campaign, give money or vote for socialist Democrats? Talk about a waste!
I was at a fundraiser for McDermott on Sunday, featuring his colleague and friend George Miller (D-CA07). Jim made it very clear that contributions to his campaign will be passed along to other candidates.
So he doesn’t particularly need volunteers to help him. Surely he’d suggest that you work for some of the other fine candidates mentioned in this posting.
sorry Carl….i refuse to be party to these that have let us down in the past. many of these people are the very same that voted us to occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan.
there are real progressives (or conservatives if that is your taste) to chose from.
suggesting people waste time volunteering for people like dicks is rather silly.
Most of those on the list are shoe ins. Or shoe outs.
Suggest that out of that list, Larsen is the one who needs our help and for whom victory hangs in the balance.
Would have said Murray except for the last two polls.
Carl, no sweat I saw it as an opportunity not a snub.
As I understand it, the Democratic legislators and candidates who were behind their Republican counterparts or combined counterparts (and wouldn’t be in another year) in the Primary were Randy Gordon in the 41st, Eric Oemig in the 45th, Luis Moscoso in the 1st, Chris Marr in the 6th (in the Spokane area), Dawn Morrell in the 25th, Claudia Kaufman in the 47th, and Steve Hopps in the 44th. Roger Goodman in the 45th is also in a close one. They can all use help. We are not going to like it if either House switches to the Republicans.