Can Rob McKenna actually talk or does he just warble?
The poor guy is the most uninspiring speaker I have ever heard. Also, what is he saying to the business group – it sounds like he is saying that as AG he won’t bother them with silly lawsuits to protect consumers….cause dem lawsuits – they are BAD.
Instead, business in Washington state can do whatever they want – write bad loans, deceive anyone, lie about their products ..anything because the legal remedies are bad. So businesses – go ahead and lie, steal and cheat – ’cause Rob McKenna has your back.
It is no wonder Rob McKenna is getting large contributions from payday lenders, car dealerships and insurance companies.
Isn’t he supposed to be a watchdog of these industries?
No need for them to worry about “regulation through litigation” from our AG.
Oh. I never knew. Well, in that case, I guess I’ll give up blogging. Thanks.
Rob has already won,
Rossi is Kickin ass
Better go for that Darcy dame, not half as attractive as Palin, but go for it….
The Blue wave is heading over Houston right now
The Red sunami is heading over Washington
As the saying goes fool me once me a fool, fool me twice you the fool..Rossi Wins Hands down and despite Kan’t County
Why I am voting Republican.
I’m voting Republican because being a drug addict is a moral failing and a crime, unless you’re a conservative radio host. Then it’s an illness and you need our prayers for your recovery.
I’m voting Republican because Government should relax regulation of Big Business and Big Money but crack down on individuals who use marijuana to relieve the pain of illness.
I’m voting Republican because “Standing Tall for America” means firing your workers and moving their jobs to India.
I’m voting Republican because a woman can’t be trusted with decisions about her own body, but multi-national corporations can make decisions
affecting all mankind without regulation.
I’m voting Republican because Jesus loves you, and shares your hatred of homosexuals and Hillary Clinton.
I’m voting Republican because the best way to improve military morale is to praise the troops in speeches while slashing veterans’ benefits and combat pay.
I’m voting Republican because group sex and drug use are degenerate sins unless you someday run for governor of California as a Republican.
I’m voting Republican because if condoms are kept out of schools, adolescents won’t have sex.
I’m voting Republican because a good way to fight terrorism is to belittle our long-time allies, then demand their cooperation and money.
I’m voting Republican because HMOs and insurance companies have the interest of the public at heart.
I’m voting Republican because providing health care to all Iraqis is sound policy. Providing health care to all Americans is socialism.
I’m voting Republican because global warming and tobacco’s link to cancer are junk science, but creationism should be taught in schools.
I’m voting Republican because Saddam was a good guy when Reagan armed him, a bad guy when Bush’s daddy made war on him, a good guy when Cheney did business with him and a bad guy when Bush needed a “we can’t find Bin Laden” diversion.
I’m voting Republican because a president lying about an extramarital affair is an impeachable offense. A president lying to enlist support for a war in which thousands die is solid defense policy.
I’m voting Republican because Government should limit itself to the powers named in the Constitution, which include banning gay marriages and censoring the Internet.
I’m voting Republican because the public has a right to know about Hillary’s cattle trades, but George Bush’s driving record is none of our business.
I’m voting Republican because what Bill Clinton did in the 1960s is of vital national interest, but what Bush did in the ’80s is irrelevant.
I’m voting Republican because trade with Cuba is wrong because the country is communist, but trade with China and Vietnam is vital to a spirit of international harmony.
Ah that feels better. Can’t wait till November to vote Republican.
Politically Incorrectspews:
You should get a real job. Retirement is only about 20 years away for you. How are you gooing to make it only on social security?
Politically Incorrectspews:
Wingnut @ 7,
Not everyone who hates Hillary is a Republican.
Goldy: Excellent, insightful. Forget radio, man, you need a TV show!
John McShameless and Dinosourpuss have both come up in the polls recently, and in both cases, it’s due to attack ads full of lies and smears.
Here in Washington, The Dino is running ads that insinuate Gov. Gregoire gave Indian tribes hundreds of millions of dollars of gambling revenue in exchange for a $650,000 bribe. That’s a sleazy lie.
What Gov. Gregoire actually did was reach an agreement with the tribes, supported by Republican legislators, that limits expansion of tribal gaming in our state.
Conversely, the rightwing Republican stance on gambling couldn’t be worse: Tim Eyman, for example, sponsored an initiative that would have turned Washington into a wide open gambling state like Montana, with casinos and slot machines on every street corner.
The $650,000? That’s the total of tribal campaign contributions to Gregoire in this election cycle. She didn’t engage in any quid pro quo to get them. The tribes support Democrats, it’s as simple as that. Why? Because Republicans hate Indians, and have bitterly fought against tribal interests literally for decades. Why the hell wouldn’t the tribes support their Indian-friendlier opponents under those circumstances? Oh, and by the way, Indians are American citizens and have as much right to contribute to political campaigns as, say, big business or the BIAW.
On the national front, McCain’s campaign aides admit they’re going negative because they were losing and smearing Obama is working.
This brutal gutter campaigning was, of course, concocted by McCain’s handlers and the candidate himself almost seems to be merely a puppet on a string. Either he doesn’t control his own campaign, or he wants to be president badly enough to sacrifice both principle and reputation to win at any cost.
“Straight talk express”? Forget it, the McCain campaign is gutter crawling, with tactics borrowed from Nixon, Bush, and Rove.
Gone, along with principle and honesty, are the informal chats with reporters on the campaign bus for which McCain used to be famous. He hasn’t held a press conference in over a month because he doesn’t want to answer questions about his campaign’s smears and lies.
Yesterday morning, though, he made a TV appearance that gave daytime talk show hosts Joy Behar and Barbara Walters an opportunity to call him out — and that’s what they did. Sitting between Behar and Walters, McCain got lectures from both about honesty — the kind of lecture teachers administer to misbehaving
grade schoolers.
“‘They’re lies,’ Behar said of two recent lines of attack from the McCain campaign. ‘By the way, you yourself said the same thing about putting lipstick on a pig,’ interjected Walters.” McCain had no response.
“The two daytime talk show hosts are hardly alone,” Jonathan Martin wrote in “McCain’s tactics are drawing the scorn of many in the media and organizations tasked with fact-checking the truthfulness of campaigns. In recent weeks, Team McCain has been described as dishonorable, disingenuous and downright cynical.”
McCain’s ads “have provoked a cascade of criticism of [his] tactics. The furor presents a breathtaking contrast to McCain’s image as a kind of anti-politician who plays fair,” Martin wrote.
McCain claims “he’s savaging Obama because the Illinois senator wouldn’t agree to … town hall meetings McCain proposed …. ‘If we had done what I asked Sen. Obama to do, … I don’t think you’d see the tenor of this campaign,’ [McCain] said. That’s the candidate’s public answer – and one that a former adviser suggested that McCain may have convinced himself to believe is true.”
But, Martin says, “Current campaign aides and other Republicans who’ve closely watched the race, however, have a very different response to the media elites and good-government scolds: we don’t care what you think. McCain seems to have made a choice … [that] he had always promised to avoid … to do whatever it takes to win, even it if soils his reputation.”
McCain campaign staffer Brian Rogers says, “We’re running a campaign to win. And we’re not too concerned about what the media … say[s] about it.”
Rogers argues that when they took the high road earlier in the campaign, the media and public ignored them. “Nobody cared about us,” he said. “They didn’t cover John McCain. So now you’ve got to be forward-leaning in everything.”
Translation: “Forward leaning” means lies, smears, and hitting below the belt. Rogers calls that “tactical adjustments.”
Expect more of the same. “With polls moving in their direction …, McCain aides aren’t about to drop … [an] approach that they believe has worked,” Martin wrote at “It adds up to a campaign that is now unapologetically aggressive and aimed almost entirely at keeping Obama off-message, even if it means hitting him below the belt in the process.
“‘We intend to stay on offense,’ said Rogers. ‘That’s what we need to do …. We feel comfortable about the ads we’re running and arguments we’re making.'”
“‘Every day not talking about the economy, the war and how to fix a broken system is a victory for McCain,’ said John Weaver, a former top strategist to the nominee who left the campaign last year. ‘They’re going to ride it as long as they can and as long as the mainstream media puts up every ridiculous charge.'”
But, Martin says, McCain eventually will have to talk about issues because of the upcoming debates. For the present, though, Martin says Team McCain will milk the afterglow of their convention and the “Palin effect” for as long as they can.
(Quoted material is from an article at picked up by AOL News, and is quoted under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Dirty campaigning works. That’s why unprincipled (i.e., Republican) candidates use it. But there’s a price to be paid for winning dirty: After they’re in office, it impairs their ability to govern. The opposition party will be less deferential and less willing to make deals — and fighting mad. A Rossi governorship won below the belt will hit a buzz saw in the Democratic-controlled legislature, and the same will happen to Dirty McCain in the Democratic-controlled Congress. The result: Gridlock at the national and state levels. It’s up to voters. They can avoid the potential mess by giving unified control of government at both levels to the only responsible party we have left in this country — and to the honest candidates, Obama and Gregoire, who not only govern responsibly but also campaign responsibly.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
Why I am voting Republican.
That is easy, because they are not democrats. Dems fail at every fricken thing they do. Democrats are a scurge to free people and should move to Europe.
Roger Rabbitspews:
If Dinosourpuss wants to play up where Gregoire’s campaign contributions come from, then she can play that game, too — and should because she looks much better than he does!
Gregoire should run attack ads that tell the truth about who supports Rossi with their cash. And she should run them right now.
Dino is owned lock, stock, and barrel by business, insurance, and developer interests who are out to screw consumers and individual taxpayers.
If voters knew who wants Rossi to be governor, they wouldn’t touch him with a 10-foot pole.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 “Dems fail at every fricken thing they do.”
That’s so laughable the only thing it’s good for is toilet paper! And the only thing you’re good for, dog, is fertilizer in the landfill they send dead dogs to.
Jane Balough's Dogspews:
A Rossi governorship won below the belt will hit a buzz saw in the Democratic-controlled legislature, and the same will happen to Dirty McCain in the Democratic-controlled Congress. The result: Gridlock at the national and state levels. It’s up to voters.
That is why when we win back the Senate and keep the presidency this November there will be no more catering to the MSM. The repubs have to use the real media from now on. Once the real truth comes out we should have no problem regaining control of the House back.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@18 Republicans have zero chance of winning back the Senate, and they even admit it. Why? For several reasons. First, they have twice as many Senators up for re-election as the Democrats do. Second, they have half a dozen Senators retiring this year, creating open seats, while the Democrats have none. Third, between 6 and 8 incumbent Republicans running for re-election are considered vulnerable, compared to only 1 Democrat. Everyone, including GOP strategists, expects the Democrats to pick up half a dozen or more seats in the Senate this year.
So, go on daydreaming, dog, and living in your alternate-reality universe. While you’re at it, why don’t you dream that you’ve sprouted wings and jump off a cliff to try them out.
Reformed republicanspews:
@18 Poor Dog – those drugs must really be messing with what is left of your small canine mind.
The republican high water mark has passed – the rest of the election cycle will be about how McCain/Palin have lied and are morally unfit for the office. Ditto for Dino the exagerator. The republican base may be energized but the independent voters are now shifting away from the serial liars and to the party that actually can change the last eight years of lies, corruption, unnecessary wars and ruined economy.
Over 6 dozen and counting. I though Mittens Romney was bad! This fool (McInsane) will say anything, soiling himself, to steal power.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 Sadly, McShameless is a mere shadow of the man that independents once respected. That now seems long ago. Power corrupts, and lust for power has corrupted McPander beyond any possibility of redemption.
Palin’s pettiness, vindictiveness and small mindedness exposed:
5. Goldy spews:
Mike @4,
Oh. I never knew. Well, in that case, I guess I’ll give up blogging. Thanks.
Screw mike. Keep blogging, just stay away from the lens side of the camera.
Marvin Stamnspews:
What, palin ordered officials to abandon the bridge to no where? Oh yeah, this is before she was the veep picj so the ny times could report honestly about her.
Say, didn’t both obama and biden vote YES on the bridge to no where? Was that good judgement?
Gov. Sarah Palin ordered state transportation officials to abandon the ”bridge to nowhere” project that became a nationwide symbol of federal pork-barrel spending. The $398 million bridge would have connected Ketchikan, on one island in southeastern Alaska, to its airport on another nearby island. ”Ketchikan desires a better way to reach the airport,” Ms. Palin, a Republican, said in a news release, ”but the $398 million bridge is not the answer.”
Well done! I enjoyed it!
John Ladenburg for AG!
Can Rob McKenna actually talk or does he just warble?
The poor guy is the most uninspiring speaker I have ever heard. Also, what is he saying to the business group – it sounds like he is saying that as AG he won’t bother them with silly lawsuits to protect consumers….cause dem lawsuits – they are BAD.
Instead, business in Washington state can do whatever they want – write bad loans, deceive anyone, lie about their products ..anything because the legal remedies are bad. So businesses – go ahead and lie, steal and cheat – ’cause Rob McKenna has your back.
It is no wonder Rob McKenna is getting large contributions from payday lenders, car dealerships and insurance companies.
Isn’t he supposed to be a watchdog of these industries?
No need for them to worry about “regulation through litigation” from our AG.
God damn you are one ugly fuck
Mike @4,
Oh. I never knew. Well, in that case, I guess I’ll give up blogging. Thanks.
Rob has already won,
Rossi is Kickin ass
Better go for that Darcy dame, not half as attractive as Palin, but go for it….
The Blue wave is heading over Houston right now
The Red sunami is heading over Washington
As the saying goes fool me once me a fool, fool me twice you the fool..Rossi Wins Hands down and despite Kan’t County
Why I am voting Republican.
I’m voting Republican because being a drug addict is a moral failing and a crime, unless you’re a conservative radio host. Then it’s an illness and you need our prayers for your recovery.
I’m voting Republican because Government should relax regulation of Big Business and Big Money but crack down on individuals who use marijuana to relieve the pain of illness.
I’m voting Republican because “Standing Tall for America” means firing your workers and moving their jobs to India.
I’m voting Republican because a woman can’t be trusted with decisions about her own body, but multi-national corporations can make decisions
affecting all mankind without regulation.
I’m voting Republican because Jesus loves you, and shares your hatred of homosexuals and Hillary Clinton.
I’m voting Republican because the best way to improve military morale is to praise the troops in speeches while slashing veterans’ benefits and combat pay.
I’m voting Republican because group sex and drug use are degenerate sins unless you someday run for governor of California as a Republican.
I’m voting Republican because if condoms are kept out of schools, adolescents won’t have sex.
I’m voting Republican because a good way to fight terrorism is to belittle our long-time allies, then demand their cooperation and money.
I’m voting Republican because HMOs and insurance companies have the interest of the public at heart.
I’m voting Republican because providing health care to all Iraqis is sound policy. Providing health care to all Americans is socialism.
I’m voting Republican because global warming and tobacco’s link to cancer are junk science, but creationism should be taught in schools.
I’m voting Republican because Saddam was a good guy when Reagan armed him, a bad guy when Bush’s daddy made war on him, a good guy when Cheney did business with him and a bad guy when Bush needed a “we can’t find Bin Laden” diversion.
I’m voting Republican because a president lying about an extramarital affair is an impeachable offense. A president lying to enlist support for a war in which thousands die is solid defense policy.
I’m voting Republican because Government should limit itself to the powers named in the Constitution, which include banning gay marriages and censoring the Internet.
I’m voting Republican because the public has a right to know about Hillary’s cattle trades, but George Bush’s driving record is none of our business.
I’m voting Republican because what Bill Clinton did in the 1960s is of vital national interest, but what Bush did in the ’80s is irrelevant.
I’m voting Republican because trade with Cuba is wrong because the country is communist, but trade with China and Vietnam is vital to a spirit of international harmony.
Ah that feels better. Can’t wait till November to vote Republican.
You should get a real job. Retirement is only about 20 years away for you. How are you gooing to make it only on social security?
Wingnut @ 7,
Not everyone who hates Hillary is a Republican.
Goldy: Excellent, insightful. Forget radio, man, you need a TV show!
Palin = Pathological
Sorry, off topic, but had to say it.
Isn’t government’s job helping corporations profit McKrackhead? Jeez!
Republicons are a disease.
Sarah Palin – The Bridge to No Where.
Scraping The Bottom Of The Barrel
John McShameless and Dinosourpuss have both come up in the polls recently, and in both cases, it’s due to attack ads full of lies and smears.
Here in Washington, The Dino is running ads that insinuate Gov. Gregoire gave Indian tribes hundreds of millions of dollars of gambling revenue in exchange for a $650,000 bribe. That’s a sleazy lie.
What Gov. Gregoire actually did was reach an agreement with the tribes, supported by Republican legislators, that limits expansion of tribal gaming in our state.
Conversely, the rightwing Republican stance on gambling couldn’t be worse: Tim Eyman, for example, sponsored an initiative that would have turned Washington into a wide open gambling state like Montana, with casinos and slot machines on every street corner.
The $650,000? That’s the total of tribal campaign contributions to Gregoire in this election cycle. She didn’t engage in any quid pro quo to get them. The tribes support Democrats, it’s as simple as that. Why? Because Republicans hate Indians, and have bitterly fought against tribal interests literally for decades. Why the hell wouldn’t the tribes support their Indian-friendlier opponents under those circumstances? Oh, and by the way, Indians are American citizens and have as much right to contribute to political campaigns as, say, big business or the BIAW.
On the national front, McCain’s campaign aides admit they’re going negative because they were losing and smearing Obama is working.
This brutal gutter campaigning was, of course, concocted by McCain’s handlers and the candidate himself almost seems to be merely a puppet on a string. Either he doesn’t control his own campaign, or he wants to be president badly enough to sacrifice both principle and reputation to win at any cost.
“Straight talk express”? Forget it, the McCain campaign is gutter crawling, with tactics borrowed from Nixon, Bush, and Rove.
Gone, along with principle and honesty, are the informal chats with reporters on the campaign bus for which McCain used to be famous. He hasn’t held a press conference in over a month because he doesn’t want to answer questions about his campaign’s smears and lies.
Yesterday morning, though, he made a TV appearance that gave daytime talk show hosts Joy Behar and Barbara Walters an opportunity to call him out — and that’s what they did. Sitting between Behar and Walters, McCain got lectures from both about honesty — the kind of lecture teachers administer to misbehaving
grade schoolers.
“‘They’re lies,’ Behar said of two recent lines of attack from the McCain campaign. ‘By the way, you yourself said the same thing about putting lipstick on a pig,’ interjected Walters.” McCain had no response.
“The two daytime talk show hosts are hardly alone,” Jonathan Martin wrote in “McCain’s tactics are drawing the scorn of many in the media and organizations tasked with fact-checking the truthfulness of campaigns. In recent weeks, Team McCain has been described as dishonorable, disingenuous and downright cynical.”
McCain’s ads “have provoked a cascade of criticism of [his] tactics. The furor presents a breathtaking contrast to McCain’s image as a kind of anti-politician who plays fair,” Martin wrote.
McCain claims “he’s savaging Obama because the Illinois senator wouldn’t agree to … town hall meetings McCain proposed …. ‘If we had done what I asked Sen. Obama to do, … I don’t think you’d see the tenor of this campaign,’ [McCain] said. That’s the candidate’s public answer – and one that a former adviser suggested that McCain may have convinced himself to believe is true.”
But, Martin says, “Current campaign aides and other Republicans who’ve closely watched the race, however, have a very different response to the media elites and good-government scolds: we don’t care what you think. McCain seems to have made a choice … [that] he had always promised to avoid … to do whatever it takes to win, even it if soils his reputation.”
McCain campaign staffer Brian Rogers says, “We’re running a campaign to win. And we’re not too concerned about what the media … say[s] about it.”
Rogers argues that when they took the high road earlier in the campaign, the media and public ignored them. “Nobody cared about us,” he said. “They didn’t cover John McCain. So now you’ve got to be forward-leaning in everything.”
Translation: “Forward leaning” means lies, smears, and hitting below the belt. Rogers calls that “tactical adjustments.”
Expect more of the same. “With polls moving in their direction …, McCain aides aren’t about to drop … [an] approach that they believe has worked,” Martin wrote at “It adds up to a campaign that is now unapologetically aggressive and aimed almost entirely at keeping Obama off-message, even if it means hitting him below the belt in the process.
“‘We intend to stay on offense,’ said Rogers. ‘That’s what we need to do …. We feel comfortable about the ads we’re running and arguments we’re making.'”
“‘Every day not talking about the economy, the war and how to fix a broken system is a victory for McCain,’ said John Weaver, a former top strategist to the nominee who left the campaign last year. ‘They’re going to ride it as long as they can and as long as the mainstream media puts up every ridiculous charge.'”
But, Martin says, McCain eventually will have to talk about issues because of the upcoming debates. For the present, though, Martin says Team McCain will milk the afterglow of their convention and the “Palin effect” for as long as they can.
(Quoted material is from an article at picked up by AOL News, and is quoted under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Dirty campaigning works. That’s why unprincipled (i.e., Republican) candidates use it. But there’s a price to be paid for winning dirty: After they’re in office, it impairs their ability to govern. The opposition party will be less deferential and less willing to make deals — and fighting mad. A Rossi governorship won below the belt will hit a buzz saw in the Democratic-controlled legislature, and the same will happen to Dirty McCain in the Democratic-controlled Congress. The result: Gridlock at the national and state levels. It’s up to voters. They can avoid the potential mess by giving unified control of government at both levels to the only responsible party we have left in this country — and to the honest candidates, Obama and Gregoire, who not only govern responsibly but also campaign responsibly.
Why I am voting Republican.
That is easy, because they are not democrats. Dems fail at every fricken thing they do. Democrats are a scurge to free people and should move to Europe.
If Dinosourpuss wants to play up where Gregoire’s campaign contributions come from, then she can play that game, too — and should because she looks much better than he does!
Gregoire should run attack ads that tell the truth about who supports Rossi with their cash. And she should run them right now.
Dino is owned lock, stock, and barrel by business, insurance, and developer interests who are out to screw consumers and individual taxpayers.
If voters knew who wants Rossi to be governor, they wouldn’t touch him with a 10-foot pole.
@15 “Dems fail at every fricken thing they do.”
That’s so laughable the only thing it’s good for is toilet paper! And the only thing you’re good for, dog, is fertilizer in the landfill they send dead dogs to.
A Rossi governorship won below the belt will hit a buzz saw in the Democratic-controlled legislature, and the same will happen to Dirty McCain in the Democratic-controlled Congress. The result: Gridlock at the national and state levels. It’s up to voters.
That is why when we win back the Senate and keep the presidency this November there will be no more catering to the MSM. The repubs have to use the real media from now on. Once the real truth comes out we should have no problem regaining control of the House back.
@18 Republicans have zero chance of winning back the Senate, and they even admit it. Why? For several reasons. First, they have twice as many Senators up for re-election as the Democrats do. Second, they have half a dozen Senators retiring this year, creating open seats, while the Democrats have none. Third, between 6 and 8 incumbent Republicans running for re-election are considered vulnerable, compared to only 1 Democrat. Everyone, including GOP strategists, expects the Democrats to pick up half a dozen or more seats in the Senate this year.
So, go on daydreaming, dog, and living in your alternate-reality universe. While you’re at it, why don’t you dream that you’ve sprouted wings and jump off a cliff to try them out.
@18 Poor Dog – those drugs must really be messing with what is left of your small canine mind.
The republican high water mark has passed – the rest of the election cycle will be about how McCain/Palin have lied and are morally unfit for the office. Ditto for Dino the exagerator. The republican base may be energized but the independent voters are now shifting away from the serial liars and to the party that actually can change the last eight years of lies, corruption, unnecessary wars and ruined economy.
“Jukebox John” McSame’s flip-flops:
Over 6 dozen and counting. I though Mittens Romney was bad! This fool (McInsane) will say anything, soiling himself, to steal power.
@21 Sadly, McShameless is a mere shadow of the man that independents once respected. That now seems long ago. Power corrupts, and lust for power has corrupted McPander beyond any possibility of redemption.
Palin’s pettiness, vindictiveness and small mindedness exposed:
Screw mike. Keep blogging, just stay away from the lens side of the camera.
What, palin ordered officials to abandon the bridge to no where? Oh yeah, this is before she was the veep picj so the ny times could report honestly about her.
Say, didn’t both obama and biden vote YES on the bridge to no where? Was that good judgement?
Are Rob McKenna and bill Gates identical twins separated at birth?
I think McKenna and Mr. Rogers are